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501 | This article considers the conceptual world-view of M. I.Tsvetayeva, verbalized in poet’s epistolary materials based on letters to B. L. Pasternak and R. M.Rilke. It explores the conceptual sphere of M. I. Tsvetayeva based on previous research of separate concepts in the poet’s creative works. The research is carried out withing the communicative text stylistics. Keywords: cognitive level of language personality, conceptual sphere, concept, epistolary | 1250 | |||||
502 | Introduction. From the functional-stylistic positions, the semantic structure of the scientific text is considered in the aspect of the expression of new knowledge in it. Results and discussion. Taking into account the extralinguistic conditionality of the diverse content of cognitive activity, a scientific text is defined as a system of subtexts. A subtext is a structural and semantic unit of a text that represents a certain aspect of an epistemic situation – ontological, methodological, axiological, communicative and pragmatic. The following types of subtexts are recorded in monographs and articles on various sciences: the new knowledge subtext, the old knowledge subtext, the methodological subtext, the evaluation subtext, the authorization subtext, the addressing subtext, and the peripheral subtext. The interaction of subtexts determines a special quality of the semantic structure of a scientific text – polytextuality. Polytextuality implies hierarchical relationships between subtexts. Two subtexts have the greatest communicative significance – the new knowledge subtext and the methodological subtext. It is these subtexts that represent the ontological content of the new knowledge, enclosed in the form of concepts, hypotheses, theorems, proofs, etc. Other subtexts form the epistemic context of the new knowledge. The subtext of new knowledge is the core of the semantic structure of a scientific text. The deployment of this subtext explicates the dynamics of scientific and cognitive activity of the author, represented by a sequence of stages of obtaining new knowledge. The cognitive stages include: problem situation, problem, idea or hypothesis, argument, conclusion. Due to the subtext of the new knowledge, the content of each of these stages receives a speech representation. In scientific communication has formed new knowledge stylistic standard, comprising the following composition units: problem or problem statement, characteristics of the studied object, a representation of the ideas or hypotheses, definition of concepts, reasoning or prove the hypothesis, explication of the results and conclusions. Variants of the deployment of the new knowledge subtext in academic texts on linguistics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and philosophy are considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the compositional structure of the new knowledge subtext in the dissertation abstracts. The representation of new knowledge in this genre “mirrors” all stages of the author’s cognitive activity. Conclusion. Interpretation of the semantic structure of a scientific text as a polytextual structure with the dominant role of the subtext of new knowledge allows us to generalize the typical stylistic and speech organization of a scientific text. Keywords: scientific text, semantic structure of a scientific text, epistemic situation, subtexts of a scientific text, new knowledge subtext | 1249 | |||||
503 | Motor activity is the natural requirement for the balanced development of a human organism. If a person in his childhood has limited possibilities for motor activity, his mental and physical dispositions are not properly developed. The harmonization of motor activity and professional establishment of a young person studying at the University assumes great importance. Working out modern forms and pedagogical technologies of stimulation of the motor activity of students at the University is the topical concern of teachers and physical education specialists. Keywords: Motor activity, integrative technology, students, model, process of physical education, pedagogical blocks. | 1248 | |||||
504 | The article continues the examination of the norm as a functional-estimation category began in the paper ”The Structure of Norma`s Estimation”. In the article according to language facts five main functions of the norm are described one after another: reflection, measurement, systematization, prognostication and regulation. Keywords: norm, estimation, cognitive category, structure of the norm, functions of the norm | 1248 | |||||
505 | The paper describes classification of the types of uncertainty. The proposed situation of uncertainty is constructed on the basis of specifics of teachers’ professional development and their professional pedagogical activity. Keywords: situation of uncertainty, the uncertainty types of situations of uncertainty in professional pedagogical activity | 1248 | |||||
506 | In the present article the key notions and categories of the communicative stylistics of the text are defined and systematized. On the basis of shem the peculiarities of the linguistic trend under studu are found out against the background of other stylistic studies (structural - typologi¬cal, functional - typological and functional - stylistic). | 1247 | |||||
507 | The paper presents experimental data on the methane fluxes from West Siberian tundra mires in summer and winter periods. The possibility of the methane adsorption by the snow cover is discussed. The regional flux from the whole region is estimated with the «standard model» Bc7 as 0.16 MtСH4/year that accounts for around 5 % of the total West Siberian mires methane emission. Keywords: methane emission, snow cover adsorption, regional flux, tundra, West Siberia | 1247 | |||||
508 | The article discusses the problem of integrating separate competencies of a modern engineer into a coherent system, which is regarded as professional competence. A literature review shows that there exist different definitions of this notion and different competences are included in its structure. The role of the foreign language professional communicative competence in this system has been determined. The author suggests that the foreign language professional communicative competence of an engineer should be regarded as a complicated integrative concept including professional and communicative skills. Professional competence is described as an integral part of the foreign language communicative competence of an engineer because professional communication is hardly possible without professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, it should be formed together with linguistic, sociocultural, strategic and discourse competences. The idea of the present article is that professional competence of an engineer manifests itself in the process of communication through these competences. The distribution of professional skills over traditional constituents of foreign language communicative competence is presented. This proves that the discipline “Foreign Language” has a potential for developing professional skills of engineering students. Taking integrative nature of the target competence into account in the process of teaching and learning is a condition of successful implementation of competency-based approach in higher education. Keywords: engineer, competence, foreign language, higher education, professional communication | 1247 | |||||
509 | The article is devoted to one of the most difficult problems of modern Russian educational system – to the problem of the quality of professional education. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, the Professional Education Center (FIDE) works up National Framework of Qualifications RF, which would be the instrument of the consolidation of educational and labor spheres. The National Framework of Qualifications RF is based on the principles of all European framework’s structures and at the same time takes into account the particular qualities of Russian education. In the nearest future the National Framework of Qualifications RF will become the base of the development and modernization of Russian educational system and it’s quality. | 1246 | |||||
510 | The authors of the article analyze Akhmatova's demonic philosophical and poetic conception of love, which is mostly based on the philosophic and the aesthetic context of the centuries’ border, as well as Pushkin's and Lermontov's demonic motives | 1246 | |||||
511 | Pedagogy of continuous formation is a direction in pedagogy about essence of development and formation of the person in the course of formation during all life and working out on this basis of the theory and a technique of continuous formation. The pedagogy of continuous formation develops in close interrelation with various sciences. Representatives of various pedagogical schools and directions stated and express various opinions on continuous formation. Keywords: pedagogics of continuous formation, a direction in pedagogics, development and formation of the person, theory and a technique of continuous formation | 1246 | |||||
512 | In this article there is given an explanation of urgency in studying gender competence development of children at preschool and junior school according to the concept of social development of L. V. Kolomiychenko; there is presented a plan and description of the stages of the research in studying gender competence development of the junior school and senior school children, the components of gender competence of children at preschool and junior school are specified; gender competence is considered as the result of successive gender education of the preschool and junior school children. Keywords: gender education, gender competence, components and criteria of gender competence | 1246 | |||||
513 | The development of the world technological progress, the population increase, irrational use of the Earth’s natural resources have led to the emergence of serious problems in the sphere of ecology, therefore in particular, the preservation of natural environment of the society has became one of the most important issues for mankind. The emergence of the ecological discourse is referred to the number of symbolic culture phenomena and it is closely related to the formation of ecological consciousness. The communicative space of the ecological discourse is the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse, scientific, political, advertising ecological discourse, academic (teaching) ecological discourse, ecological media discourse. The ecological discourse is characterized by the polyphonic characteristic inclusions of social, pharmaceutical, chemical, technical, agricultural (agrarian), medical, veterinary, religious discourses. This discourse belongs to a mixed type of discourse, that have the features of institutional and personal discourses. The ecological discourse is a complex discursive, multi-dimensional, diverse construction, that can be attributed to the hybrid, polycode discourses. The French national ecological discourse is a part of the global environmental discourse. The characteristic features of the ecological discourse are professionality, termhood, scientificity, accuracy, clarity, cliché character, communication skills, creativity, sense of duty, argumentativeness, alertness, an emotional component, associativity, polyappealability. The complex discursive nature of the ecological discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: ecology, discourse, environmental protection, environmental problems, speech genre | 1246 | |||||
514 | This article is an abstract of development of historical urbanity of Siberia (from its inception in the 17th century, to the modern stage). Based on theoretical analysis of historical literature there has been analyzed and systematized issue of historiographical framework in the article, proposed a new model of it’s periodization. Also there are identified some promising areas within the framework of this topic whose development has a great relevance for historical scholarship. Keywords: urbanity, development’s stages of the historical urbanity of Siberia, social life of townsfolk, municipal self-government | 1245 | |||||
515 | The article deals with the place of non-profit organizations in the formation and development of civil society in Russia, its role in solving social problems. Special attention is paid to the emergence of the Institute of socially oriented non-profit organizations, the problems associated with their development. It shows the content of the social responsibility of Russian citizens, the growth of which is a necessary component of the civil society. Keywords: social sphere, civil society, non-profit organizations, socially oriented non-profit organizations, social responsibility | 1245 | |||||
516 | The main values of life, which were formed throughout human existence, are undergoing significant changes in modern social society. The moral crisis that emerged as a new anti-social phenomenon in the late 20th century, is changing the outlook of the youth, placing material values on priority positions. Spirituality and morality go to a secondary plan. And as a result there is a deformation of the family, birth relations, marriage bonds, child-parent relations are collapsing. Family traditions intended for formation and preservation of the family integrity, are lost. The word “tradition” itself (translated from Latin tratitio as “transfer”) means historically established and passed down from generation to generation customs, norms, laws, orders, rules of conduct. Creating a family, the birth of children are no longer the main foundations of life of modern man. The traditional patriarchal system is replaced by the new formations: single parent family, cohabitation of men and women. Members of such a family will not be able to form a correct representation of the younger generation not only about universal values, including what is dear to everyone: man, homeland, peace, friendship, work, education, culture. They can’t also formulate the concept of “family values”. Family values are something that matters to everyone. Most families identified for themselves the same moral principles of love, loyalty, trust, succession of generations. The family institute loses its significance, and the problem of its preservation must be solved at the state level – to teach the young people to responsibly and consciously treat the fact of creating and preserving the family, reviving and maintaining its value. Keywords: family, family values, human values, parent-child relationships, morality, spirituality, social society, family tradition, moral crisis, institution of the family | 1243 | |||||
517 | The article is devoted to the problem of tolerance, its philosophical, sociological and psychological analysis; the evolution of this notion is traced. The widely known disproportion between the means of understanding and defining of tolerance and constantly growing number of empirical evidence which explain the mechanisms of origin of such phenomenon as tolerance | 1242 | |||||
518 | In this article the author analyses the concept of the picture of the world and its meaning in the person’s life. Spirituality is looked at in two aspects: spirituality as the unit of soul and spirit and as the subjective inner world of the person. The author also analyses the concept of spirituality in the works of Russian philosophers and in home and foreign psychology. Special attention is drawn to interconnection and integration of soul and spirituality. And their specific character and interconnection allows the author to speak about archetypical basis of Russian soul. Of special interest is the author’s approach to spirituality as the manifestation of love. The analysis of the inner picture of the world as the spiritual world which forms the outside world is produced. | 1242 | |||||
519 | The article is devoted to the problem of the origin of Russian symbolism in the aspect of interaction between a new literary trend and the previous art tradition illustrated with works by an early symbolist Alexander Dobrolyubov. The influence of I.S. Turgenev on his poetry made by the texts which are usually characterized as "strange" is investigated | 1242 | |||||
520 | The article investigates the communicative function of the image. The author makes distinction between the concepts of «image», «exterior» and «picture», analyzes the main characteristics of the image as a cultural mediator. Keywords: visual anthropology, communication, culture, image, fragment, the subject | 1242 | |||||
521 | In this article the early lyrics of the poet of the Russian emigrant Nikolay Otsup is analyzed. On the material of the debut collection “Hail” the motive of the poet and poetry and the concept of creativity of N. Otsup are considered. Keywords: literature of the Russian Abroad, lyric poet N. Otsup, motive of the poet and poetry, poetic concept | 1242 | |||||
522 | The article deals with the problem of education of humane relations among children of the senior preschool age in the conditions of inclusive education. In psychological and educational literature, the concept of “humane relations” is viewed from different angles, as a form of interpersonal relations based on the principles of humanity; as a set of harmonious relations of the subject with the world, other people and themselves. Humane relations manifest themselves in attitudes, beliefs, tastes, emotional experiences, motivations and aspirations to act and the actions themselves. Humane relations include the following symptoms: kindness, compassion, care, caring justice. The article deals with the content of humane relations, the specifics of their development in preschool age in the conditions of inclusive education. Inclusive education is one of the most humane educational solutions for children with disabilities and normally developing children. In the pre-school educational institution children learn to interact with each other, to build equal relations. One of the most organic tools for the development of humane relations among preschoolers is a game activity. The use of specially selected methods and techniques in the course of the game contributes to the effective development of humane relations among the children of preschool age. In the formation of the children ideas about the humane treatment of children with disabilities it is important to use a variety of fiction (fairy tales, legends, stories, poems), problem situations, special talks, pedagogical situations, game activity, as they allow the child to express his subjectivity, stimulate the expression of humanity. It is believed that the development of humane feelings in children of preschool age ensures equal interaction with children with disabilities. Keywords: humane relations, humanistic orientation of behavior, children of preschool age, moral behavior, inclusive education, game activity | 1242 | |||||
523 | The article is devoted to the professional career and outstanding achievements in the field of pedagogics of a graduate of the Tomsk Pedagogical University, Faculty of Literature. Nickolay Capishnikov being a teachier of literature at an ordinary school in the town of Mundybash in Kuzbass organized a Russian folk music school band which became widely known in this country and abroad and deserved a high estimation and recognition of leading musicians. The author is treating this experience as an outstanding sample of a teacher's gift. | 1241 | |||||
524 | An adverse ecological hygienic situation in Tomsk region is reflected in the dynamics of the incidence and disability indicators within 1991-2003 years. The common disease incidence is increased by 31,8 %. The number of people with a chronic pathology is increased by 54,2 %. The medical examination in 2002 revealed that 60,3 % of children at the age of 0 – 18 years have deviations in the state of health. An increase in the number of consumptive children by 30 % causes a particular alarm. In early 2004, 53 371 invalids were registered in the region. Among them, 62,3 % of townsmen and 37,7 % of villagers. An increase in the number of invalids of 1 and 2 groups is indicative of the worsening of the population health. The main reason of the disability is the group “systemic disease”. The cardiovascular diseases take first place, cancer diseases take second place, trauma and poisoning consequences take third place, diseases of bones and muscles take fourth place, and tuberculosis takes fifth place. The level of the children disability is increased by 24,6 %. The congenital anomalies take first place in the city, whereas the children mental disorders are in the lead in the village. | 1241 | |||||
525 | The social analysis of the role of family and culture in the hierarchy of modern youth’ values, based on the survey of 247 university students, living in Saratov region, is presented in the article. In addition to that, the students’ attitude to people of different nationalities, marriages among them, level of knowledge of their own national culture in the globalization epoch and expanding of social interaction between the representatives of different cultures is analyzed. Keywords: culture, family, marriages between people of different nationalities, toleration, youth, values, nationality. | 1241 | |||||
526 | The Article is dedicated to the problem of motive organization of the epic drama. On a material of the Gorin's play «Til» Illustrate as multiple motives thematicly and functionly are unite in a motive complexes. Keywords: drama, native epic drama, cultural model, motive, motive complex, author, literature of XX cent | 1241 | |||||
527 | In the article the method of the stimulation of the independent cognitive activity of the students of the lower courses of technical university by means of the application of a complete set of original text editions in mathematics is revealed. Keywords: text edition, activation, cognitive activity, self-dependence. | 1241 | |||||
528 | In the article the estimation of economic efficiency of transfer of business process of activity of the organization on outsourcing is considered. As a base model of estimation of economic efficiency the author offers indistinctinterval methods. In the article the example of estimation of economic efficiency of transfer of accounting of small enterprise on the outsourcing, the mathematical apparatus of the theory of indistinct sets based on use is resulted. Keywords: economic system, economic efficiency, the process approach, criterion, indistinct numbers, outsourcing, business process, an estimation | 1241 | |||||
529 | The article reveals lexical means of representation of concepts in fiction from the position of communicative stylistics. These lexical means include words, «overwords» units, lexical microstructure of utterances, series of utterances, textual paradigms of different types, associative-notional fields, lexical macrostructure of texts. There was established a connection between the type of concept and means of its lexical representation | 1240 | |||||
530 | The article explores the global and local factors influencing on the educational setting of the region. The author comes to the conclusion that pedagogical education in this period became authoritative and recognized by society not only due to the results of professional activity of pedagogues but also because of the quantitative and qualitative increase of the Siberian teaching staff that appeared to be one the most socially active professional groups. Keywords: Western Siberia, education, pedagogical education, socio-cultural factors, educational setting | 1240 | |||||
531 | The article deals with the historical analysis of the development of orphanhood in Russia. The main types of the of the orphanhood were singled out, the psychological peculiarities of the orphan children and children, who are without the parental custody, were examined. The reasons and the consequences of the social orphanhood, the forms of the adoption of the children in the family, the ways of the solving the problems of orphanhood in Russia were examined. Keywords: social orphanhood, orphans, children, who are without the parental custody, deprivation, performing duties of the original family | 1240 | |||||
532 | In the article the contents of state soveregnty are examined through main attributes of state, its main characteristics are enumerated. The consideration is given to examination of the definition and essence of «federalism». On the basis of it there is the detection of the specifics of sovereignty in the federal state, its attributes and status, in particular, the nature of its (sovereignty) formation by division of sovereignties of early independent state formations, or another legal nature of origin. The conceptions of «sovereignty» and «federalism» are brought into correlation. The matter of impossibility of state sovereignty division is solved. There is a reasoning of possibility of coexistence, interconnection and interdependence of two split-level sovereignties. Moreover, in the article different theories of state sovereignty receive an assessment, the arguments for and against are given, the viability of these theories is proved. Keywords: federalism, state, sovereignty, subject of the federation | 1240 | |||||
533 | The questions of formation of life values and orientations during education are considered in the article of Z.A. Skripko. The author addresses to historical development of axiology, and gives special attention to the analysis of formation of moral orientations for the youth during training of natural sciences. | 1239 | |||||
534 | To perform evaluation in logistical systems the complex of techniques and parameters is required. Methods of valuation of logistics costs are a substantial part of this complex. Existing approaches to the account of expenses do not allow to allocate and control many essential kinds of logistics costs completely. It results in understating totals of expenses and wrongful management decisions | 1239 | |||||
535 | The present article reviews the issues of improvement of quality of the pedagogical and psychological research in conception of praxeology and riskology; 2 levels of teacher's research activity are distinguished. In the opinion of the author, the main mechanism of improvement of the quality of the pedagog's research work is creation of risk mitigation program of the pedagog's research activity. Keywords: research activity, praxeology, riskology, risks ofpedagog's research work, risk mitigation program | 1239 | |||||
536 | The article analyzes the main characteristics of foreign professional-oriented reading of civil engineers, specifies terms “method” and “reading strategy” and considers the problem of teaching strategies in the professional-oriented context. Keywords: teaching of reading, professional-oriented reading, reading strategy | 1239 | |||||
537 | The article describes methods of speeding the cognitive activity of students during the lectures by means of discussion. Discussion developing is stimulated by the problems which arise during provisional introduction of students to the studied material. Keywords: speeding, cognitive activity, summary, discussion. | 1239 | |||||
538 | The article is the result of analysis of the problem of historical narration in the works by Pushkin and Okudzava Keywords: A. S. Pushkin, B. S. Okudzava, historical fiction, narrative strategies, “Interview with Bonaparte”, A “journey of amateurs” | 1239 | |||||
539 | The problem of the reflection of the natural and spontaneous culture code in Russian and Chinese linguocultures is considered with the example of phraseological units with the element fire from the point of view of the linguistic and cultural approach that allowed analyzing linguistic material in the context of analysis of language and culture in a synchronous aspect. The characteristics of the aggregate of Russian and Chinese phraseological phrases are given, based on the study of linguistic parameters proper (the linguistic picture of the world, linguistic consciousness, the features of the lingual complex), which made it possible to distinguish and compare the semantic meanings of phraseological units with the element fire as a natural spontaneous code of culture, as a sign of the “language of culture” in cultural connotative meanings, highlight the similarities and differences in their historical and sociocultural content in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The specifics of the natural-elemental culture code, which includes the natural-landscape code of culture, associated with the main elements (in Russian - fire, water, air, earth, in Chinese - metal, water, wood, fire, earth) is described. These examples allowed us to state that in both linguocultures the natural-spontaneous code of culture preserved the oldest notions, which is fixed in the semantic sense of the phraseological turns with the element fire. Keywords: linguoculturology, culture code, phraseological units, the element fire, language, linguistic consciousness, culture | 1239 | |||||
540 | Introduction. Additional education in Russia involves ensuring openness and a high level of accessibility, which is reflected in national project «Education». However, the development of strategies and programs to ensure a high level of accessibility of additional education is impossible without studying the opinions of beneficiaries of educational services living in different regions. The investigation purpose is to identify the differences in assessing the additional education accessibility by beneficiaries depending on their residence region. At the same time, the state system of additional education is oriented towards two key target audiences: parents and children. Since the parents have the final decision about what kind of educational program the child will go to, an important task is to establish correlations between parents and children preferences in the additional education. Material and methods. The study was conducted using an online poll. Respondent answers analysis was carried out according to 5 criteria, that are related to evaluation of accessibility, motivation determination of receiving additional education, substantive-thematic definition and organizational preferences of children and parents, as well as regional ranking by accessibility indicators. Results and discussion. 371068 completed questionnaires were received from 85 subjects of the Russian Federation, completed by parents and 59018 completed by children aged 11 to 17 years. The statistical error of the data does not exceed 0.3%. The answers demonstrate that satisfaction with various options for the provision of additional education depends on the respondents’ residence region. Furthermore, differences in the preferences of parents and children are observed regarding the content, format and duration of complemented education programs. Regions which may be as a source of positive experience especially distinguish in matters of building an affordable supplementary education system for children. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate necessity to take into account the regional context and dependence of beneficiaries assessment while building available complementary education programs. This article was prepared as part of the research work of the state assignment of the Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the Russian Federation. Keywords: additional education of children, educational services access, educational policy, interests and preferences of parents and children | 1239 | |||||
541 | The article analyses the sources which reveal the aid of Siberian people who helped to rebuild and reconstruct the economy of those regions which suffered from German occupation during World War II. The author presents her classification of those sources. | 1238 | |||||
542 | Modern state of scientific studies of the theme “Higher School in Siberia in the Late of 1950s – early 1990s” is reflected in the article. In this respect the historiography of the problem is analyzed, which is represented by generalizing and special papers: group work, monographies, some articles, speeches and conference reports. The analysis of publications gives us a chance to come to the conclusion that scientific studies, specially devoted to the development of higher school in Siberia in the abovementioned territorial and chronological framework are practically not investigated. | 1238 | |||||
543 | In the paper the author reveals the treatment of the term «the understanding mastering of the subject» He chooses such aspects of the category «meaning», which are used to teach pupils the mathematical notions. The stages of eliciting semantic contexts of the notion in the process of its forming are described; the conditions, assisting the understanding mastering of the subject are defined and grounded. | 1238 | |||||
544 | The article was prepared on the basis of the materials received in ten expeditions (1990–1993) in the places of residing of one of ancient peoples of Siberia – Khants. More than a hundred traditional games, competitions and original physical exercises which were classified in view of age features, the trade activity, and traditional way of life were revealed by the author as the result of those field researches. Keywords: national physical education, traditional games and competitions, original physical exercises, Khants, Siberia | 1238 | |||||
545 | This article deals with a 5-th year students' questionnaire upon the problem of creating Elementary school teacher professional competence. The types of independent activities in learning process are proposed. They permit to focus your attention on creating key, basic and special competences composing foundation of professional competence for Elementary school teacher. Keywords: professional competence, teacher's professional competence, key competences, basic competences, special competences, independent activities | 1238 | |||||
546 | The article tells about some certain rituals aimed at the preservation of the vital force of the individual and the beliefs connected in this concern. The basis of the article is the Khanty Mythology, unpublished archive materials and interviews of the author with the representatives of the Khanty who lived in Tomsk region. Keywords: aboriginal religion, Khanty culture, sacredness, ritual, myth | 1238 | |||||
547 | The article discusses the need for substitution of traditional educational paradigm for modern one, more democratic, diverse and productive from the standpoint of society interests, which essence largely determines solidity, integrity and focus on satisfying individual interests; the aim of vocational education is to implement person-centered approach to learning, optimize educational process, prepare competitive specialist. Keywords: new educational paradigm, student-cantered approach, innovation, higher vocational education, axiology, humane education | 1238 | |||||
548 | The article presents the analysis of meaning of research activity of schoolchildren in the learning process, the experience of physical teachers of Tomsk for organization research activities of schoolchildren and perspectives. Keywords: researching activity, functions and results, organization at main and profile school | 1238 | |||||
549 | This article is devoted to the analysis of two main scientific approaches to the steady verbal-nominal combinations of modern Russian: semantic and functional. Classifications of the verbal analytical units developed with use of these two approaches are offered. The question of a ratio of the steady units with a rod verbal component and the free phrases is considered. Keywords: the free phrases, the steady verbal-nominal combinations, the synlexes the phraseological units, the turns of speech, the belletrizm, the terms, nominative structure of language | 1238 | |||||
550 | An experience of the development and introduction into practice of new techniques of medical exercise therapy for children with infantile cerebral palsy is shown in the article. A complex of exercises is performed in a special costume “Aerokombinezon”. For the first time, a technique of exercises in a neuroorthopedical costume “Ippo” is developed for hippotherapy. The data of empirical study reflecting the results of correction of the movement disorders of children with spastic form of infantile cerebral palsy are presented. Keywords: infantile cerebral palsy, medical exercise therapy, hippotherapy, neuroorthopedical costume “Aerokombinezon”, neuroorthopedical pnevmokostume “Ippo” | 1238 |