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1701 | The article presents the experience of case-method using in the process of academic discipline study “The history of pedagogy and education” and “Teaching technology” for the purpose of forming pedagogical competence of future social teachers. Keywords: professional competence, pedagogical competence of the social teacher, case-method resource, casestudy, algorithm for solving the case-situation | 1056 | |||||
1702 | The article deals with the problem of religious tolerance in Tomsk media; addresses the subjects of articulation and attribution of religious tolerance and intolerance. As a result of the number of references is the dominant denominations, which have a negative or a positive attitude to foreign religions. The analysis allows us identifing the media as teams representing the Tomsk tolerant attitude to confessions. Keywords: religious tolerance, religious intolerance, religion, media of Tomsk | 1056 | |||||
1703 | The article points to expressive syntax constructions of up-to-date Russian in fiction on the definite material – Y. Polyakov’s works of literature. Functional and pragmatic essence of phenomenon such as insert and reduced constructions, nominative of presentation, addition and peculiarities of its usage in a text are examined. Keywords: expressive construction, insert construction, reduced construction, nominative of presentation, additional construction, functions of expressive constructions in a text | 1056 | |||||
1704 | Following our recent results [P. Yu. Moshin, A. A. Reshetnyak, Nucl. Phys. B 888 (2014) 92], we discuss the notion of finite BRST-antiBRST transformations, with a doublet λa, a = 1, 2, of anticommuting (both global and field-dependent) Grassmann parameters. We find an explicit Jacobian corresponding to this change of variables in the theories with gauge group. Special field-dependent BRST-antiBRST transformations for the Yang-Mills path integral with sa-potential (functionally-dependent) parameters λa = saΛ generated by a finite even-valued functional Λ and the anticommuting generators sa of BRST-antiBRST transformations, amount to a precise change of the gauge-fixing functional. This proves the independence of the vacuum functional under such BRST-antiBRST transformations and leads to presence of modified Ward identities. The form of transformation parameters that induces a change of the gauge in the path integral is found and is exactly evaluated for connecting two arbitrary Rξ-like gauges. The finite field-dependent BRST-antiBRST transformations are used to generalize the Gribov horizon functional h0, in the Landau gauge in BRST-antiBRST setting, in the Gribov– Zwanziger model and to find hξ corresponding to general Rξ-like gauges in the form compatible with gauge-independent S-matrix. Keywords: gauge theories, BRST-antiBRST Lagrangian quantization, Yang-Mills theory, Gribov–Zwanziger model, field-dependent BRST-antiBRST transformations | 1056 | |||||
1705 | The article is devoted to the description of temporal lexis units with short duration meaning such as: moment and instant. It contains comparative analysis of their semantic distinctive features, variants of using and nuanced, contextual interpretation. The work touches upon the question of their semantization and metaphorization in the text. The paper deals with the description of the fixed collocations with phraseological meanings, which function in modern languages. The author characterizes fixed collocations as phraseological units, discusses the issue of their place in the system of modern phraseology and also presents a brief analysis of phraseological units based on temporal lexis of short duration. Structural and semantic transformations in lexical and phraseological units to a greater extent are determined by the national-cultural component that can be described as complex phenomenon that deals with a number of aspects. The material is presented from the point of view of anthropocentric paradigm and national-specific picture of the world. It provides a brief overview of the issue on the material of English, French and Russian. Comparison of semantic space of different languages gives us the possibility to identify universal human values in reflexion of the world around, and at the same time it permits us to find out something particular and ethnical. Keywords: short duration periods of time, non-metricity, temporal indicators, moment, instant, cultural linguistics, national-culture specific | 1056 | |||||
1706 | The article is devoted to the aspects of professio¬nal education among students of spGrts higher educa¬tional institutes. It grounds the contradiction of metho¬dic-theoretical approaches in application the means of reconstruction in training process of young sportsmen and teaching process of students. It also proves that theoretic-practical theses of the conception of recon¬struction of special capacity for work immediately in the process of sports and teaching practice elabora¬ted experimentally by the author are the modem edu¬cational component of professional training for spe¬cialists of physical culture and sports. | 1055 | |||||
1707 | The article offers to review archeological, language, ethnographical and archival sources and materials from the area of Tym river – the right tributary of the Ob. The material is presented as stages in the area studies. Description of language and ethnographical sources is given in details, whereas archeological and anthropological material is characterized shortly. This is due to difference in the amount of sources and information. | 1055 | |||||
1708 | A method is described for the determination of suifide-ions by cathodic stripping voltammetry at mercury film electrode in 1 M NaOH. The peak height observed at –0,76 ± 0,96 V (saturated silver – chloride electrode) was proportional to the concentration of suifide-ions between 2·10-6 and 1·10-4 M. Tiosulfate - ions do not prevent the determination of sulfide – ions | 1055 | |||||
1709 | The article is devoted to the cultural and linguistic aspect of teaching the Russian in the regional educational component for senior schoolchildren, students and teachers. The process of borrowing is considered on the material of the Tomsk business papers of the XVII-th Century in historical and cultural context of the inhabitants of the Tomsk settlement from its foundation. It has been found out that the theme belonging and the history of borrowings allows to reveal the zones of Russian and Polish cultures intersection. The latter mentions conducted to some extent of the western European culture to Siberia in the XVII-th Century. | 1055 | |||||
1710 | In the work we present the model of reflection holo¬graphic grating formation in photopolymers at two wave mixing and small contrast, optional non linearity of pho-topolymerization and optional ratio of polymerization and diffusion mechanisms of record. It have been shown essential space-time transformation of amplitude -phase profile of first harmonic and diffraction properties of reflection holographic grating. | 1055 | |||||
1711 | This technology is developed on the basis of analysis of the activity theory and works of Russian and foreign authors on the problems of pedagogical technology. It implies integration of ideas which do not conflict with each other from the viewpoint of continuity of modern education. The reflexive approach to the organization of students’ activities takes the central part in the technology. It represents a process of involving students into educational and cognitive activities; revealing students’ individual difficulties, fixation of this difficulty; implementation of the activities analysis aimed at revealing the causes of the difficulties and correction of the way of activity. | 1055 | |||||
1712 | The article deals with examination of regulative principles of fiction and advertising texts. Using the comparative approach the author shows the peculiarities of regulative-strategic construction of fiction and advertising texts as the systems of different codes, the latter manage the interpretative reader’s activity and are focused into the prepotent synthesized codes. They are the following: aesthetic code, which functions in fiction communication, and manipulative-pragmatic code, which dominates in advertising communication. | 1055 | |||||
1713 | This article presents the fundamental historic stages in the scientific and research development of the faculty of foreign languages of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The authors point out the most significant scientific achievements in the sphere of linguistics and methods of foreign language teaching. | 1055 | |||||
1714 | The article deals with the analysis of means of expressing the category of deviation in the English language. The consideration of this category is connected with significant research interest in classifing different kinds of deviation distinguished by many sciences including linguistics. Lexical means of expressing the deviation category are allocated and their semantics in various contexts is considered. Keywords: Deviation, category, norm, lexeme, semantics | 1055 | |||||
1715 | This work presents some elements of training of specialists in the system of integrated education “school – institution of higher education – enterprise”, as one of the ways of achievement competitive ability and being in demand graduators in modern production conditions in Russia. Special feature of the integrated system of education in Yurga technological institute (branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University is a maximum integration of studies, production activity and scientific work starting from senior stage of secondary schools. Keywords: engineering and production practice, integrated system of training, model, extended education, social partnership, integration | 1055 | |||||
1716 | The models of historical and pedagogical formation of teachers’ professional competence in rural ungraded schools in the Russian Federation are analyzed in this article. These models can be realized in two lines: training for rural ungraded schools and organizing of professional teachers’ development for this type of educational institution. Keywords: professional teachers’ education, formation of professional teachers’ competence in rural ungraded schools in Russia. | 1055 | |||||
1717 | The article is dedicated to analysis of Masonic symbolic as the element of Gnostic philosophy tradition in “Master and Margarita” novel by M. A. Bulgakov. The Mystic literature, which was known to the writer, provides the source of model of the universe in artistic work. Motif of saving knowledge, being joint for Masonry and Gnosticism, is revealed in text, determining novel’s ideological and artistic originality and defining heros’ roles: master – pneumatic, destined for esoteric knowledge discovering, Margarita – mystery wife and guide to transcendental world, Woland – harbinger, organizing initiation ritual. Master’s inner conflict is defined by confrontation between herald of truth endowment and material world’s captive weakness. Keywords: literary study, Russian literature of the twentieth century, Gnosticism, Masonry, philosophy | 1055 | |||||
1718 | Introduction. The article discusses the relevance of development of role-playing games in preschool age. Material and methods. The research material was the content of research materials of L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, A. N. Leontyev, and others on the organization of the game activity of preschool children. The leading research method is a pedagogical experiment conducted in 16 preschool educational organizations in Saint Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, Kazan and Yakutsk. Results and discussion. The results of the studies on the reflection of children’s knowledge of the world and the actions of adults in the process of playing activity are presented; the problems of the formation of game activity in modern preschool practice are considered; the possibility of using project-oriented activities as a way to support and develop story-playing situations in children has been updated; options for project activities in the development of story games are described, based on the stages of problematization, a joint search for options for game activity, joint planning and research search; the availability and effectiveness of project-oriented methods in the formation of plot-role-playing games are generalized. Conclusion. Using the technology of project activities is an affordable and effective way that can contribute, firstly, to the restoration of the status and leading role role of the plot and role-playing game in preschool practice, and, secondly, to the formation of social objective actions of children and the display of social relations in a children’s game in the logic of real relationships between people. Keywords: role-playing game, creative role-playing games, game actions, levels of game development, characteristics of role-playing game development, professional plots in the game, project-oriented activity, project technology, research search, role-playing game a | 1055 | |||||
1719 | . | 1054 | |||||
1720 | In this paper the author considers two approaches to understanding the game role in the study process. There are the games that could be the means of study activity activization as well as the means of teaching. Special atten¬tion is paid to the role of the game for preschool children during study process. The author aims to emphasize the importance and ne¬cessity of using mental games for preschool children in class which favour creative abilities of children. The names of mental games are listed in this paper. The author gives a detailed description of some games. The conditions of the game conducted are presented. Keywords: - | 1054 | |||||
1721 | In the article is decided the problem of the psychological burning-out and its intercoupling with motivation structure of personality. The study was realized on three levels of the personality operation: individual-psychological, presented of the achievement motivation, social-psychological, connected with social needs of personality and organizing level. The empirical study of “subject-subject” professional types has revealled specifics of the influence burning-out on motivation sphere of personality, expressed in breach of the balance of motivation structure and harmonious relations between its component. These particularities were shown in reinforcement of desintegration in motivation structure, in fallout of the few elements from the general system of motivation, in change the dominant motivation to account of the exception humanistic components from its contents. | 1054 | |||||
1722 | The article of L.S. Kisteva presents one of the trends in the development of the new Russian drama - verbatim-drama - with the play «Submergence» by E. Narshi taken as an example. | 1054 | |||||
1723 | The Early Indo-European language, being a language with the active structure, at the dawn of its history had the two-case paradigm. During the typological shift the former active case developed into the genitive, while the inactive case became the accusative. The nominative case developed from the genitive later, and the Indo-European and particularly Old German words with the meaning “tooth” have preserved some archaic features of the time when the nominative case did not perform the function of the subject. | 1054 | |||||
1724 | The present article is devoted to the interpretation of the contemporary pedagogical phenomenon – instructional design. In the article the points of view of Russian and foreign researchers are expressed. It was revealed the place of instructional design in the process of teachers` of foreign language pedagogical education. | 1054 | |||||
1725 | The article is dedicated to the problem of the name of word-formation part in the Modern Russian language. The author examines the borders of this science, that have not a definite description. The author tries to connect the question of such name with the level organization of a language. | 1054 | |||||
1726 | In the article changes of the Russian governors gender roles in result of Peter the Great transformations with accent on an image of the tsar-reformer are analyzed. The author also aspires to reveal sources of the long female board period of the XVIIIth century in Russia. | 1054 | |||||
1727 | The cognitive potential of neologisms results from the fact that they record new knowledge of labor activity treated as an aspect of social life in Germany. Their cultural potential is one of the means of cultural presentation since they reflect all the actual trends in the sphere of labor. These trends are caused by a number of factors, such as globalization, demographic problems, and the increasing unemployment. New words concern such aspects of the present-day Germany labor activity as the future of labor and its new forms, part-time employment, job redundancy. | 1054 | |||||
1728 | Researches of the chromosomal organisation and polymorphism of inversion of Far East malarial mosquito A. sinensis Wiedemann a complex «hyrcanus» were carried out in Primorye Territory. During work the chromosomal map of a kind is made, marker disks are noted. Wide intraspecific chromosomal polymorphism on all parts of autosome is revealed. The analysis of polymorphism of inversion in different points of catching of larvae in the south of Primorye Territory has revealed various level of a variety of the chromosomal variants, correlating with degree of remoteness biotopes from sea coast. The greatest polymorphism is established in population in a distance from the sea (settlement Sibirtsevo); the least is in vicinities of Vladivostok; variability has intermediate character in population of mosquitoes of state Artem. Keywords: malarial mosquitoes, karyotype, polymorphism of inversion, homozygote, heterozygote, autosome, population, genetic structure | 1054 | |||||
1729 | The article shows the importance of adult education in Germany at present. The main legislative acts regulating this sphere are enumerated. It also gives the chief principles of the state which support the adult education. The author makes up the conclusion about the prospects of the further development of adult education in Germany. Keywords: adult education, main types of adult education, legislative acts on adult education, key qualifi cation | 1054 | |||||
1730 | In the article Russian cities experience in creating conditions for attracting investment has been studied. It helped to show municipalities’ role in forming of the investment climate in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the law regulation of municipal investment politics. The most efficient mechanisms for attracting investment are described. Keywords: investment climate, municipal government, efficiency, mechanisms for attracting investment, publicprivate partnership | 1054 | |||||
1731 | The method of forming creative groups to teach students the physics of the design scheme. The pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of the pendulum Ochs, consisting of bars on a horizontal surface, connected to a spring. The oscillations of the pendulum are characterized by a constant period, a linear decrease in amplitude, when for each half period of the amplitude is reduced by the same amount. The requirements of the problem is an example of educational organizations-term promotional activity for future engineers at the project level, as in practical classes, and in the interrelated tasks of physical design workshop. Keywords: formation of work groups, pendulum Okhs, stable and unstable oscillations, design jobs | 1054 | |||||
1732 | Developing the methodology adapted for studying museum audience is quite a vital issue for the progress of museology in modern Russia. The article covers adaptation and testing of sociological and psychological research methods of studying the museum audience (upon example of the Kizhi Reserve Museum). The students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University received the results of interrogation in August of 2012 on the Kizhi Island in the Republic of Karelia. The examples of questionnaire can be found in the article appendix materials. Keywords: museum culture, psychological methods, museum audience, visitor to the museum model, museum questionnaire | 1054 | |||||
1733 | This article deals with the features of bilingualism and bilingual education at advanced learning foreign language schools. The importance of the native tongue in learning a foreign language is underlined. Keywords: bilingual learning, native tongue, foreign language, interpretation, education | 1054 | |||||
1734 | All world news agencies in October 2013 reported that the invention of the head of the physics Department of the Tomsk technological Institute (1911) will be implemented in life in the state of California (USA). We are talking about the railway magnetic levitation. The layout of this installation was placed in room № 103 of TTI building № 3. Now there is educational laboratory of electromagnetism of TPU. The article briefly summarizes information about the scientific life of B. P. Weinberg. Keywords: invention, teaching to physics, magnetic pad, electric road of the future | 1054 | |||||
1735 | The article presents the problem of children’s education in the academic discipline “Environment” in modern elementary school. Currently, there is a new federal state educational standard of primary education in the Russian Federation. It gives teachers new opportunities for the use of the course “Environment” for the development of children. The article provides an analysis of the resources of this discipline to achieve the learning outcomes in elementary school. New educational standard has three groups of educational outcomes: substantive results, metasubject results, personal results. All three groups of results were the basis for the analysis of the resources of the discipline “Environment.” The article describes the features to achieve these results by means of the course. In particular, it describes the nature of the content of the discipline at this stage, taking into account the changes of substantial lines at different stages of development of the discipline in the past. Shows the features of the use of problem methods and techniques at the lesson “Environment”, describes its problematic structure. Great importance is attached to the possibility of organizing research and project activity of students in the study of the discipline “Environment”. These activities correspond to the content of the course and can successfully form children’s universal educational actions. Keywords: educational discipline “Environment”, standard of primary education, problem-based learning, research and project activity of students, educational outcomes | 1054 | |||||
1736 | The article considers the didactic essence of mobile teaching aids in foreign language education. Despite a number of impressive studies on the use of mobile technologies for foreign language teaching, there are few questions and problems that require detailed study for more effective implementation of these tools in the practice of language education. The term «mobile technologies» should be understood as portable devices with mobile applications and the ability to access the Internet. The didactic essence of these teaching aids application is the creation of multi-sensory learning systems complexes that are aimed at the interactive nature of learning, taking into account the personal characteristics of the students. Mobile learning is very closely related to the electronic and distance education, which is connected with any portable device, so that training does not have a rigid binding to the location of the trainee. In other words, mobile learning technologies reduce the restrictions of education. Using specialized capabilities of Pads and mobile phones will allow not only to increase the students’ interest in learning languages, but also significantly expand the technical possibilities of disciplines teaching in the field of information technology. So mobile devices contain a huge didactic potential for their application in teaching a foreign language in the university educational process, which undoubtedly requires further study, including the development of software and methodological support. Keywords: foreign language, mobile learning tools, professionally oriented foreign language, Web Quest technology | 1054 | |||||
1737 | The article is based on the fact that lexicographic materials reflect the features of concept both in diachrony and in synchrony. The dictionaries with the initial capacity of lexicographic materials provide people with the opportunities to see the semantic and derivational efficiency of the concept and its segments in full, because the lexical meanings fixed in the dictionary for a long period are what people have in mind when they use the word to communicate in a wide variety of circumstances. Happiness is one of the most important categories of consciousness, through which a national conceptual picture of the world is built, recognized and widely spread. In this article, we use the comparative analysis method to disclose different concepts of happiness from the root in the Chinese language and the Russian language. It is concluded that such values as, for example, predestination and inevitability, out of control and volatility, success, high degree of happiness, pleasure, and satisfaction are characteristic of both languages, while the definitions of „a part of life”, „get out of trouble”, „be saved from trouble (calamity)”, „pray for happiness”, and „perfect expectations” are peculiar only to the Chinese language, and the „fate”, „prosperity” „earthly bliss”, „share” and „good fortune” – exclusively to the Russian language. Keywords: semantic and derivational productivity, lexical meaning recorded in the dictionary, destiny, national conceptual picture of the world, comparative analysis method | 1054 | |||||
1738 | The progressive intellectuals faced the search of the ways of educational optimum under conditions of global social eco¬nomic transformations. School goes into the question on the formation of a personality with progressive activity in all spheres of life. In this article the problem of cognitive educa¬tion based on psychological mechanisms of cognitive sphere of pupils is discussed. General components of cognitive sphere are revealed. The influence of individual style of self-regulation on the success of education is considered. | 1053 | |||||
1739 | The author created a concept of increasing the teaching guality, the training guality of specialists on the base of that were worked out psychological and pedagogical teaching technologies. The application of these technologies guar¬antees the development of intellectual, professional and creative abilities of schoolchildren and students. | 1053 | |||||
1740 | The author of the paper analyzes Zhukovsky's latest publicism. The article states the problems of the first Rus¬sian romanticist in moral - aesthetical and religious -philosophical seeking. The prose works are considered in connection with the peculiarities of aesthetics and po¬etics of his prose. Its leading idea of synthesis organical¬ly stems from romantic philosophy of universalism. Zhu¬kovsky's articles are edited to both his general creative system and the formation process of the Russian prose. | 1053 | |||||
1741 | The article shows that cognitive sociology of science be¬ing a historical successor of sociology of knowledge that has based the determinism models of relations between mind processes and social forms has refused from naturalism and sociomorfism, subject-object model of knowledge and ob-jectivistic concept of knowledge. Having stated the principle of constructionism of reality in quality of epistemology ba¬sis, it is aimed at revealing of the connection of knowledge subject activity with natural processes, at «humaneness» of the object of research that is understood as the attitude constituting in consciousness. Keywords: - | 1053 | |||||
1742 | In the article is put problem of correlation and perceptions of categories «ease» and «labour» in the context of modernizations of russian culture XVIII – a beginning XX centuries. Consideration given categories in the context of perception by the russian society of different sides of west-european cultural experience, finds cognate processes in modern russia reality, when occurs increasing role of prestigious consumption and amusements. Scope of the leisure and festive activity, having begun scale to increase a space of its existance from shaping an industry society, currently becomes the most most important, even main, particularity of modern mass culture. | 1053 | |||||
1743 | Problem of the man’s perception of time is discussed in article. The different approaches to explanation of mechanism this no quite comprehensible process are analysed. The hypothesis about possible relationship between subjective time and unconscious color preferences are promoted. There are analysed results of the study, carried out with use the author’s technique “Reproduction of time to presenting color standards”. | 1053 | |||||
1744 | The paper reviews the phenomenon of syncretism and homonymy, suppletivism and heteronymy; explains their varying import in the system of the German language synchronically and diachronically. | 1053 | |||||
1745 | The paper reviews contemporary issues of modern education in the context of historical experience, which represents salient information for both understanding the historical problems and generating their innovative solutions. | 1053 | |||||
1746 | The article deals with some linguistic means of communication which are always constructing the positive image of “Other” (by the example of talk-show Bez Complexov). The term “positive image” means compliments, praises that make “Other” feel pleased. | 1053 | |||||
1747 | New ideas on wave neuronal processes and only two neuronal constants, H. Berger’s and M.N. Livanov’s ones, which were included into a dozen of simple algebraic equations, permit us to explain interrelationship of many known quantitative regularities in psychology. New equations, which were derived deductively from neurophysiological data, permit to explain quantitatively a lot of psychological phenomena in a broad range of conditions, particularly, the speed of gain of information and the dependence of short-term memory span on the alphabet span of stimuli. Besides it was shown in experiments with hundreds of subjects that individual parameters of electroencephalogram permit to compute individual peculiarities of human behavior, in partial to compute MMPI psychological profiles as well as to esteem intellectual abilities of human being. The predictors were electroencephalographic parameters like amplitudes and frequencies of EEG waves as well as coefficients of correlation between activities at different brain areas in resting state of subject | 1053 | |||||
1748 | The article presents topical problems of the quality of university education. The author considers the issues of the information-educational needs formation of the university students. The author’s idea of the pedagogic conditions of the students’ information-educational needs formation is presented. The model of the information-educational needs formation in the educational process of the higher educational establishment has been developed by the author. The trends of the system of work with students providing the process of the information-educational needs formation have been determined. The basic principles of the information-educational needs formation have been formulated in the article. Keywords: formation, information-educational needs, modeling, pedagogical conditions, educational activity of the university | 1053 | |||||
1749 | The article is devoted to the questions of etymology of some ancient Mongol tribal names. By the complex investigation of the semantic complements of the mongol and buryat ethnonyms the conceptual picture of the nomadic world is revealed. In fact the conceptuality is transferred by the lexical items of samoyedish languages (for instance, selkup language), which is in conformity with samoyedish substrate in the system of geographical proper names of Transbaikalye. Keywords: etymology; some ancient Mongol tribal names; the complex investigation; the conceptual picture of the nomadic world; samoyedish substrate | 1053 | |||||
1750 | In this article the peculiarities of verbalization of the concept “Earth” in the Selkup and Russian languages are observed, key lexemes objectifying the studied concept are analyzed, common and characteristic conceptual features are distinguished. Keywords: the concept “Earth”, conceptual feature, verbalization, the Selkup language, the Russian language | 1053 |