# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4951 | In the given research a phenomenon "tolerance" is considered in a context of the style approach in interrelation with intellectual styles on typology A. Harrison and R. Bremson and characteristics of psychological types under theory C.G. Jung in quality styles determining individual picture of the world. We find out significant interrelations of tolerance with style features of thinking in students of high school, and also the significant results testifying to distinctive features когнитивной and tsennostno-motivational sphere of tolerant students in each of investigated typological groups are received. Keywords: tolerance, intellectual styles of thinking and the styles determining individual picture of the world, value, self-actualization. | 971 | |||||
4952 | Comparative evaluation of modifi cations in the biological and social criteria for long-term partner selection in representations of female junior university students and specialized school students was conducted. Both groups studied revealed discrepancies between biological and social components of selection. Female considered more attractive masculine men in the context of long-term partnership. At the same time, they expected at masculine male behavioural pattern that was not distinctive for masculine males. Keywords: long-term relationship, masculinity, femininity, biological, social-determinant, behavioural pattern | 971 | |||||
4953 | The basic mechanism of bankruptcy procedures: surveillance, financial recovery, external management, settlement and bankruptcy proceedings in the case of Tomsk region. Keywords: bankruptcy, the financial recovery | 971 | |||||
4954 | The work is accomplished in the framework of anthropological paradigm of modern linguistics, at the intersection of current trends of language science: functional linguistics, linguistic personology, contactology, neology, etc. The article is devoted to the functioning of contemporary loanwords in student speech, namely to the analysis of pragmatic functions of foreign novations in student discourse. Contemporary loanwords is the vocabulary borrowed from foreign languages, both assimilated and non-assimilated, which entered the Russian language beginning with 1990s. The youth newspapers, Internet websites of social communities, colloquial speech of students was chosen as the material for investigation. The foreign novations not included into the regular Russian language dictionaries are analysed. The particular features for foreign neologisms to realize the specific linguistic pragmatic functions are revealed. The functions are expressive (emotive and attractive), characterological, contact-setting, euphemistic, etc. Multifunctionality of contemporary loanwords as a particular feature of a speech portrait of higher education institution student is proved. Summing up the observations over the functional potential of contemporary loanwords in student discourse of the XXI century, the functional syncretism can be traced. Keywords: foreign lexis, newest borrowings, neologism, functionality, pragmatic functions, speech portrait | 971 | |||||
4955 | The article presents major aspects of the importance of developing information competence in students. Based on the analysis of educational research in the field of formation of intellectual reflection procedures, as well as on the teaching experience the author suggests a complex of methods to form processes of generalization and systematization of information in the study of objects as the basis for the development of students’ information competence. The didactic complex of methods and means suggested in the article is, according to the author, the most efficient way to form students’ skills to generalize and systematize information and can be applied to the information domain of any academic subject. Keywords: informational competence, didactic complex, generalization, systematization of knowledge, information, concept | 971 | |||||
4956 | The article examines the role of universal educational actions in the development of information culture of the individual student as a component of human culture as a whole, objectively characterize the level of ongoing information relations. Specifies various approaches to the phenomenon of information culture: information and logic, cultural and philosophical. From the standpoint of these approaches defined the understanding of the phenomenon of “information culture”. The author claims that the personal information culture has four major components: cognitive, emotional and evaluative, effective and practical, communicative. Details of each component are disclosed. Described universal educational actions as a set of actions of the student providing social competence, ability of independent mastering of new knowledge and skills, including organization of this process, cultural identity and tolerance, affecting the development of information culture of the student’s personality. Keywords: information culture, components of information culture, development of information culture, universal educational activities | 971 | |||||
4957 | . | 970 | |||||
4958 | In the article the problems of improvement of economic education in the framework of the Center for Pre-University Training are considered. | 970 | |||||
4959 | Several type of hedging financial risks (in particu-lary percentage risk) is considered. A spline model is proposed for identifying the trend of time series of percentage rate. That model is realized in a recurrent form. | 970 | |||||
4960 | We consider the models of massive second and third ranks antisymmetric tensor fields (massive 2- and 3-forms) in arbitrary four-dimensional curved space-time. We perform quantization of these models in p-forms formalism, and evaluation of the effective actions. The gauge invariance of massive theory is restored with help of the multi-step Stuckelberg procedure. The result is noted in terms of d`Alembertians acting on p-forms. Keywords: quantum fields in curved space-time, antisymmetric tensor fields, gauge field theories, effective action. | 970 | |||||
4961 | Social and biological constituents in role representations on long-term partnership by female junior university students were studied The study revealed strong discrepancies between biological and social constituents. Subjects postpone marriage and bearing children for an indefinite period while having a concurrent sizable value of family. Female junior students considered more attractive males with masculine face in the context of long-term partnership. Despite, they expected role behavioral pattern that was not distinctive for masculine males. Keywords: long-term partnership, biological evolution, social evolution, masculinity, femininity. | 970 | |||||
4962 | In QCD a non-perturbative effect is essential in low energy phenomena. A usual perturbative procedure loses its validity. A four-fermion interaction model is used to evaluate the low energy phenomena for quarks and gluons. Since the four-fermion interaction is nonrenormalizable, the results depend on the regularization parameter in four spacetime dimensions. Here we show the possibility to eliminate the regularization parameter dependence for some of physical observables. Keywords: four-fermion interaction, dimensional regularization | 970 | |||||
4963 | The article presents the study of physical, chemical and morphological properties of pyrogenic peat soils for example three cuts in the eutrophic fen Tagan. It is located on the second terrace above the floodplain of the river Tom, ancient stream of flow/hollow of flow. It was revealed that pyrogenic gorizons have changes in the morphological structure. After pyrogenic effect we observed changes of physical and chemical properties: the increase in ash, phosphorus and potassium in the surface horizons. Keywords: peat fen, fires, pyrogenic layer, physico-chemical properties, morphological profile, protection reserves | 970 | |||||
4964 | The article describes the analysis of the survey that was conducted among foreign language teachers at the leading Tomsk universities. It shows the teachers’ opinion to the interactive teaching of the English language. Keywords: interactive learning, interactive methods, interactive learning understanding | 970 | |||||
4965 | The article for the first time deals with communicative structure of the Ket sentence, with the application of acoustic analysis, done with the help of Praat software. Keywords: the Ket language, communicative sentence structure, acoustic peak, lowering tone, rising tone, basic word order, SO inversion, V inversion | 970 | |||||
4966 | This talk provides a brief account of the construction of the 2n-extended supersphere S^( 3|4n), with n = 1, 2, . . . , as a homogeneous space of the three-dimensional Euclidean superconformal group OSp(2n|2, 2) such that its bosonic body is the three-sphere S^3. Keywords: superconformal group, N -extended super three-sphere | 970 | |||||
4967 | Problems of dialogue, regulation of cognitive activity of the reader by means of the text are key to the theory of regulativity developed in Tomsk state pedagogical university, and the theory of intertextuality. The study is performed under the scientific directions. The indicated problem is connected with the highly complex philosophical and linguistic aspects of Mandelstam’s poetry and creativity as its outstanding representative. The creativity of Mandelstam is highly intertextual. The author previously identified five types of lexical regulative models of the intertextual type in it, therefore in this study was conducted an experiment, aimed at identifying their regulatory power. According to indications of language consciousness of the informants, the regulatory power of these structures are influenced by the following linguistic factors: the type of intertexts - respondents noted the key role of pretextual information, of precedent names; the location of intertexts in strong positions (the elements of the pretext of the first poetic stanza); the saturation of the intertextual elements of the poems – the more saturated intertextuality elements of the texts are, the higher their regulatory power. Within the whole text, the models with the minimal amount or the lack of pretextual information have the greatest regulative force, if the saturation coefficient of intertexts is high in the texts themselves. Extra-linguistic factors that affect the regulatory power of the texts include: the level of knowledge of informants; respondents‘ beliefs about their competence in assessing the understanding of the poems; emotional state during the experiment. Keywords: regularity, intertextuality, intertext, regulative models of the intertextual type | 970 | |||||
4968 | The article is devoted to the development of the concept of lexical regulative universal (LRU), which is in line with the communicative stylistics of the text, namely the theory of regulativity, taking into account the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics – actively developing scientific direction. Under «universals» are understood not only universal laws and principles of structuring the text, but also «universal thinking». Lexical regulatory universal is considered in comparison with other notions of communicative stylistics: communicative universals, media communicative universals, cognitive style. Under the lexical regulatory universal is understood a verbal embodiment of the way of the author’s thinking and the way of his interactions with the addressee, in characteristic for the author means and methods of lexical regulativity. One of the key features of LRU is the choice of the author of the means and methods of regulativity from the point of view of manifestation of cognitive mechanisms that are universal for a specific poetic language personality, «standing» behind the text. Regulatory lexical universals reflect ways of knowing and interaction of the author with the surrounding world. Regulatory lexical universals can partly be changed / maintained over the entire work of the author, that allows to speak not only about the dynamics of his conceptual and poetic pictures of the world, but also about the development of his thinking. Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, regularity, universals, communicative universals, lexical regulatory universals (LRU), cognitive style, type of nomination | 970 | |||||
4969 | Patlakhov N. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 13-15 . | 969 | |||||
4970 | Obukhova E. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 14-15 . | 969 | |||||
4971 | . | 969 | |||||
4972 | Volodinskaya S. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 14-18 . | 969 | |||||
4973 | Lemeshko E. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 58-59 . | 969 | |||||
4974 | . | 969 | |||||
4975 | In this paper, the process of food thermal sterilization is examined using the technique of finite differentiation applied to volumes of control. The author develops the simulation model in cylindrical coordinates, which is illustrated by a practical example. Based on the results of the simulation, it is argued that the developed algorithm is independent of the selected nodal network. This allows the author to quantify the curves of heat penetration in the critical point of the food, the lethality and the sterilization value of the process | 969 | |||||
4976 | For the last few years at the highest state level discussion of a question on modernization of public relations became more active in the field of education. It is supposed, that reform of education should mention all drop education systems, beginning from preschool and finishing. Thus the special attention is given availability, efficiency and quality education. Development of such pedagogical technologies which would allow increasing quality of school physical education considerably is of interest | 969 | |||||
4977 | In the present paper the possibility of measuring general relativistic effects on the orbits of the inner Jupiter’s satellites are discussed. We consider for Amalthea J5 the question if the PN components of orbital precession can be isolated from the far larger Newtonian precession. The results of several numerical simulations have shown that all larger contributions of Newtonian perturbations can be modeled and subtracted out. Keywords: celestial mechanics, perturbation theory, satellites dynamics, relativistic effects, Jupiter’s satellites | 969 | |||||
4978 | The article deals with the phenomenon of formation of reflective paradigm in the conditions of modernization of secondary professional training, the comparative analysis of the cognitive and reflective paradigms of education is carried out, the author represents practical pedagogical experience on reflective management of Shadrinsk polytechnic college development. Keywords: modernization, formation, reflective paradigm, secondary professional training, comparative analysis, practical pedagogical experience | 969 | |||||
4979 | In this paper it is shown that the possibility of multicultural society building is limited by the consciousness of every culture of its own mental originality, understanding the status of mental centre as the limit of intercultural mutual influence, realizing of equality of all cultures. Keywords: culture, civilization, multicultural society, mental centre of culture | 969 | |||||
4980 | The article considers a mature student as the object of supplementary education at different establishments which offer language training. Based on Psychology and Linguodidactics researches, it analyses the characteristics of adult that are significant when studying a foreign language during a short-term study course. In order to acquire the knowledge of a foreign language one’s skills have to be trained and practiced regularly. Therefore, the article reminds the general principles of requiring a foreign language. Knowing the revealed peculiarities lets us form a clear understanding of who a mature student is, considering her both as a subject of study process in a whole and a subject of a foreign language learner in particular. Keywords: mature student, intensive learning, short-term course, supplementary education of adults, further self-development | 969 | |||||
4981 | The article analyzes the organization of educational process in teachers’ seminaries of Eastern Siberia in the early twentieth century. It is shown that the new ideas, approaches, that filled, transformed the educational process, contributed to strengthening of military-patriotic and civic education of pupils, which was especially vividly demonstrated during the First World War. Markedly increased the attention to the work with the pupils on labour, physical and aesthetic education as a result of expanding the range of compulsory and optional subjects, increase in seminarians participating in extracurricular activities. It was determined that in the educational work there were some drawbacks, sometimes manifested in the form of formalism, arrogance, lack of qualified specialists and understaffing of the necessary equipment of appropriate rooms. It was stressed that the expansion and deepening of the content of the educational process bore the signs of the development of the humanistic tendencies, associated with an increase in accounting features of personality. Keywords: educational process, teachers’ seminary, Eastern Siberia, religious education, patriotic education, labor education, physical education, aesthetic education, moral education, teaching staff | 969 | |||||
4982 | The paper discusses the conceptual framework and the nature of the educational environment, reveals four areas of motivating educational environment for mathematically gifted students – intellectual, communicative, cooperative and personal, determins the conditions of its formation and competence of a teacher working with gifted children. The authors have determined that the construction of the motivating educational environment for the development of school students gifted in mathematics is impossible without making the multilevel partnership, which implies the development of the network interaction. The network interaction is necessary for the development of the determined teachers’ competencies in work with gifted children. For the teachers to acquire the mentioned competences the conditions for their professional development are to be provided. As a part of the network interaction they could be created in the organizations of either higher education or supplementary professional one, where the work on the professional development of teachers can be performed. The analysis of the existing regional educational structures allowed to distinguish different types of the organizational structures for the work with children gifted in mathematics. Among the structures functioning as organizational cores of the work with such children are physical and mathematical schools, centers on the work with gifted children and other institutions. Keywords: mathematically gifted students, motivating learning environment, networking | 969 | |||||
4983 | In the context of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, attention is being paid to the Cadet system of education, which has a special potential in the development of patriotism among children, respect for the history and culture of the native country, spirituality and morality, honor and dignity, duty and readiness for service to the Fatherland. The article focuses on the development of social experience in students, which is regarded as one of the goals and results of the educational process. The specificity of the Cadet schools is conditioned by the fact that the rules of life and the daily routine of the pupils are based on the All- Military Charters, are strictly regulated and are constantly monitored by the teachers and the administration of the institution. At the same time, the need to create conditions for the development of pupils as free personalities capable of self-development, to make decisions, to realize their own abilities, plans and projects is emphasized. The developed model of the education of students in the cadet school is oriented towards the formation of such social experience among the cadets. The model will ensure the formation of cadets’ experience of self-determination in choice situations, development of leadership qualities, an active creative position, readiness for self-realization in social practice. Examples of the educational activities of the Cadet School, the structural subdivision of the State Security Service of the School No. 1770 («Moscow Cadet Music Corps (Girls)» and «Moscow Cadet Music Corps (boys)»), indicate ways for the Cadets to prepare for self-actualization in creative activity; components of the educational process in the cadet school, the traditions of the general educational institution with musical cadet classes, the important role of the family in the organization of the educational process in the cadet school. Keywords: cadet school, education, modeling, self-realization space, school and family interaction | 969 | |||||
4984 | The article considers the question of the use of information and communication technologies in algebra classes in the context of visualization of the learning process. The author of the article pays special attention to the interaction as a didactic opportunity of information and communication technologies. According to this aspect, the article determines the types of visual interactive learning materials: interactive visual models of the learning information representation (information schemes, classifying schemes, interactive posters, mental maps, clusters, etc), that can be used both for explanation and checking learning tasks; and the visualized interactive tasks, that can help learners develop their acquired skills and ways of learning. The author reveals the relevance of the use of information and communication technologies in visualization of learning process. New Federal State Educational Standards support visualized means of learning due to their wide didactic opportunities such as interactivity; computer visualization of information; the use of huge amounts of information, using Internet; automatization of information search and informationmethodological processes; the computer can play the role of a mediator between the student and the teacher in a dialogue form, which is a distinctive feature of all interactive ways of learning. The article presents the means of information and communication technologies for creating visual interactive learning materials according to developing criteria. The author describes the opportunities of allocated program means. Keywords: information and communication technologies, visualization, algebra learning, interactive learning means, interactive exercises | 969 | |||||
4985 | The article gives an idea of the place of V. P. Astafyev’s small prose in modern school programs on literature and reveals the peculiarities of the problems and poetics of the story “Vasyutka’s Lake”. It is noted that the specific feature of the plot (the survival of a teenager in the taiga) allows us to consider the story in the context of several literary traditions (a magic fairy tale, a Robinsonade, an art autobiography about the childhood, a realistic artisticpsychological prose, a vacation prose). Taking into account the specific nature of the literary material, the authors of the article propose a variant of the methodical organization of educational and research activities in the direction of the interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of literature. Group work with the distribution of roles in the classroom for literary critics, linguists, psychologists, naturalists-geographers and rescuers is offered. The article formulates recommendations for educational research work (tasks for each group and algorithms for their implementation are described). Activity of all groups can be organised within the framework of an after-school course on development of skills of semantic reading. The approach described in the article will ensure the comprehensive development of all types of universal learning activities (subjective, cognitive, communicative, regulatory, personal) and will allow to deepen the idea of methods in which to analyse artistic texts. Keywords: literature for teenagers, literary traditions, V. Astafyev, Siberian prose, methods of teaching literature | 969 | |||||
4986 | Introduction. Text interpretation problem is one of the most topical in up-to-date philology generally and in stylistics of text in particular. In this way the research of readers’ interpretative activity on the basis of experiments is of special interest, because it allows to judge steps of notional text explication in the addressee’s consciousness. The purpose of the article is to identify some patterns that are important for the interpretation activity of the collective addressee (reader) based on the methods of communicative stylistics of the text and its notional explication theory, developed in the context of this trend. Material and methods. Under the methodological base of communicative stylistics of text context and semanticstylistic analysis, a method of associative field of a key word’s modelling and experimental methodology are used in the article. It includes spare associative experiment as well as receptive experiment and modified methods of scaling by Ch. Osgud for detecting power of influence on collective addressee. Results and discussion. The research is done on the basis of experimental data on the reader’s perception of a verse “Light rain is tender, thin and delicate…” by O. E. Mandel’shtam with the use of the semantic explication theory, which is developed in the communicative stylistics of text, that realizes communicative and activity approach to the text. The theory of semantic explication of a text includes its lexical structure research, detecting of text notional paradigms of different types, their correlation, regulative means and structures analysis, textual associative field of a key word analysis versus associative field of this word, which is revealed during a spare associative experiment. Dependence of semantic explication of poetic text on its lexical structure of deductive type and author’s regulative means and structures, atributives as regulative text dominants and contrast as the main regulative method is determined in the article. Connection of interpretative readers activity (informants) with linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of pragmatic text level and its sublevels (figurative, emotional, ideal) is revealed on the basis of experimental methods. Experimental data verified the connection of the pragmatic level of the text with its informative and notional level. The factors that influence the relevant reading activities are identified. These factors are the following: author’s support to standard associations, which are stimulated by a key word, the role of lexical regulation in controlling of cognitive addressee’s of poetic text activity for revealing its deep sense. Conclusion. The introduced approach of researching interpretative readers’ of poetic text activity on the basis of its notional explication showed that the use of experimental methods with informants’ questioning makes it possible to judge about some regularities and steps of text’s and its elements’ influence on forming of common estimation and idea about text content, that readers have: the role of their informational thesaurus, ability to perceive not only deep, but also superficial sense. Dependence of a process of poetic text perception on its peculiarities – common regulative author’s strategy (explicit and implicit) and regulative means and structures and way of regulation – is detected. Keywords: communicative stylistics, theory of notional text explication, poetic text, interpretation, lexical regulativity, experiment | 969 | |||||
4987 | . | 968 | |||||
4988 | Kozlov Yu. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 43-46 . | 968 | |||||
4989 | Ugdyzhekova O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 9-11 . | 968 | |||||
4990 | Conceptual foundations for the formation of a regional The paper describes theoretical preconditions and practical experience in creation of a regional university complex of a pedagogical status «the Altay university school-pedagogical educational district», uniting educational establishments that implement education programs of various levels, and noncommercial organizations. The paper focuses on the existent types of university complexes, and the approaches to the concept of a university complex and the ways to analyze its basic components, including: – the description of a university complex through its opposition to a university as a social institution; – modeling a regional university complex on the basis of differentiation between the concepts “education system” and “system of training”; – approaching a university complex as asso-ciation of universities, institutes of higher education, technical schools, colleges, gymnasias, lyceums, and high schools in a united educational system, which is based on continuity; – marking the primary goals of a university complex. | 968 | |||||
4991 | The article considers the mechanism of organizational designing ICS (integrated corporate structure). The purposes, principles and stages of creation ICS, including timber industry enterprises are selected. The distinctions of the approaches to orgprojecting and creation ICS are disclosed. The generalized circuit of stages of creation ICS is offered | 968 | |||||
4992 | The profilisation of the educational environment is way of modernization of activity of educational institutes on a basis of the person-focused approach by change of structure and the maintenance of education, updating of bases of its organization, forms and methods of interaction of participants of educational process. In article the question of formation of readiness of the participants of pedagogical process to activity in conditions of the profilisation of the educational environment is considered. Levels preschool, the general and vocational training are analyzed. Keywords: the profilisation, the educational environment, formation of readiness, participants of pedagogical process, activity | 968 | |||||
4993 | In this paper we construct the explicit form of the nilpotent BRST-charge for specific quadratic nonlinear superalgebras where a commutator (in terms of Poisson superbrackets) of the generators is a quadratic polynomial of the generators. Keywords: BRST-symmetry, supersymmetry, superalgebras | 968 | |||||
4994 | In this article there is analysis containing texts of tasks in physics textbooks for 7th form. There revealed features of tasks, and the way they meet the requirements for learning outcomes. Keywords: analysis containing, texts of tasks, physics textbooks, results of learning | 968 | |||||
4995 | The article is devoted to the contemporary social and educational networking technologies: technologies of volunteerism, which creates conditions for an open society with all categories of people and development of social activity of young people. Keywords: volunteering, voluntary movement, direction of volunteer activities | 968 | |||||
4996 | We study a one-dimensional large-N U(N) gauge theory on a circle as a toy model of higher dimensional Yang-Mills theories. We nd a new class of saddle point solutions in this theory. These solutions are characterized by the expectation values of the Polyakov loop operators, which wind the circle different times. We nd two evidences that these solutions appear as intermediate states in certain dynamical processes. One is from a numerical calculation and another is from the dual gravity. The similar solutions exist in a wide class of SU(N) and U(N) gauge theories on S1 including QCD and pure Yang-Mills theories in various dimensions if N >= 3. Keywords: gauge theories, Yang-Mills theory, gravity | 968 | |||||
4997 | The development of creative relations between V. Ivanov and A. Blok is investigated. It is shown, that in the beginning of friendship the two poets were delighted with each other, but at the end of history of symbolic school there was no harmony in their relations. The main point of the polemics was the essence of symbolism. Ivanov wrote that symbolism had to be religious art; Blok thought that art might be free of any political or religious idea. Keywords: creativity, art, V. Ivanov, A. Blok, russian symbolism, russian aesthetics of the beginning of 20th century | 968 | |||||
4998 | The article demonstrates the experience of work for the student training for the unified state exam on mathematics at the institutions of post-secondary education as one of the directions of realization of the continuous mathematical education in the system «school – pre-university education – university – postgraduate education, self-education». The basic recommendations for the student training for the unified state exam on mathematics in view of the features of the exam in the test form are proposed. Keywords: continuous mathematical education, training for the unified state exam, quality improvement of school education | 968 | |||||
4999 | Block and modular approach to consecutive studying of the course “Higher mathematics” by students of the direction 210100 “Electronics and a nanoelectronics”, developed by chair of Industrial electronics of Tomsk university of control systems and radio electronics on the basis of the federal state educational standard of higher education is considered. Keywords: teaching technique, motivation of the trainee, professional orientation, higher mathematics, competence-based approach | 968 | |||||
5000 | The article considers the question of the organization of work for the implementation of the project method in the educational process on the basis of age characteristics of preschoolers.The actuality of implementation of this method in the educational process of the preschool institution is caused by the fact that it can significantly improve the independent activity of children, develop their creative thinking, the ability to find information about the object or phenomenon of interest and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality, making the educational system of preschool educational establishment open for the active participation of parents. The developed algorithm of the project method allows to implement it in the preschool institution practice, comprehensively solving the problems of upbringing and education of children subject to the relevant conditions. It is noted that the success of the method is due to the needs of preschoollers in the transformation of the world, the cognitive interest, their curiousity towards the surrounding environment, attempts at joint participation in addressing common peer problems, arising from the very nature of public life. Keywords: project management method, project types, stages of pre-school children | 968 |