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6351 | Introduction. The article summarizes the results of a scientific conference devoted to the study of the problems and poetics of regional children’s literature and reading issues for children and adolescents. The purpose is to give an idea of the content of the First Russian national scientific and practical conference «Siberian Ehildren’s Literature and Reading Practices in Siberia». Material and methods. Еxpert description and analysis. Results and discussion. The article provides an overview of the conference participants’ reports, identifies the vectors of dialogue between specialists from various cultural, educational, social, and commercial institutions (universities, libraries, schools, non-profit organizations, and bookstores) about children’s literature and reading. Analysis of the content of the conference participants’ reports made it possible to determine the actual tasks of studying children’s and adolescent literature (primarily regional), forms and methods of introducing children and teenagers to reading, and improving the culture of reading in modern socio-cultural conditions. In conclusion, the prospects of interdisciplinary study of Siberian literature for children and teenagers and reading practices are outlined. Keywords: children’s and adolescent literature, reading, literary study of local lore, Siberia | 880 | |||||
6352 | Introduction. The nomadic peoples of the North, belonging to the Arctic world, can be regarded as a unique result of the dynamics of earthly civilization. For many centuries, they managed to preserve a peculiar way of life and a nomadic life arrangement as the basis for the evolution of the Arctic culture. Today, specialists are concerned about the traditional cultural norms and values, ethnic characteristics of the peoples of the northern territories, which have been partially lost by the present time, which have been established for centuries. The purpose of the article is to characterize the upbringing process in the modern nomadic Arctic region. Research methods: analysis of pedagogical literature, study of normative documentation in the educational sphere, systematization of the experience of preschool and general education organizations in Yakutia; involved surveillance; questioning; expert assessment; implementation of the results obtained in pedagogical practice. Results and discussion. The process of creating an upbringing space for a preschool nomadic structure, a nomadic general educational organization, an Arctic region with nomadic settlements have been analyzed. It has been substantiated that the upbringing space of a nomadic preschool educational structure is considered as an environment, the mechanism of (self) organization of which is goal-oriented and value-oriented meetings between a teacher and a child, pedagogical events with the participation of children, parents and other adults that are significant for a child. Conclusion. The process of upbringing of schoolchildren-northerners can be represented by a logical sequence, expressed in the form of a chain scheme-of family, community, preschool and school upbringing. The scheme can be disseminated into different territorial entities. The nomadic way of life being revived today must have legal legitimacy, justified by the current state legislation, and be recognized as a free choice by each northerner of his life path. Keywords: upbringing, nomadism, arctic conditions, folk traditions, preschoolers, schoolchildren | 879 | |||||
6353 | The paper considers the problems associated with low levels of training of future specialists in the profile “management of organization”. Presents the analysis of existing educational standards and curriculum. It analyzes the current image of a manager from the perspective of the applicant, employee, manager and leading top managers. Based on the analysis offers a new concept for the training areas “Organization Management”. Unlike traditional approaches, the proposed concept is aimed at forming the necessary competencies and personal resources components: motivational component and psychological preparedness for effective professional activity. It reflected the basic forms necessary for the educational process and methods for the implementation of this concept in practice. Keywords: manager, level of training, management of organization, competence-based approach | 878 | |||||
6354 | The article defines the role and the place of the educational course “Fundamentals of the teacher’s professional self-development” for professional training of masters in the system of pedagogical and psycho-pedagogical education. The author estimates the value of the teacher’s self-development in the professional activity and present the possibilities of this educational course in the process of teacher’s professional self-development. The article characterizes the focus and purposes of studying the educational discipline “Fundamentals of the teacher’s professional self-development”, highlights the competences which are formed and acquired by master students in the framework of this discipline. We describe components (knowledge-, activity-, behavior-based) and proficiency indicators of acquired competences. The paper identifies and justifies main principles, approaches and substantial content features of teaching educational course aimed at professional self-development of masters in Pedagogy. Keywords: professional self-development, teacher, master training, pedagogical education, psycho-pedagogical education, educational course, educational discipline, professional competences | 877 | |||||
6355 | The article considers the re-evacuation of railroad personnel from West-Siberian Region caused by the necessity of reconstruction of the arterial railroads in the liberated areas of the country. The article aims to examine the historical experience of solving organization and production problems of the railroad transport personnel re-evacuation. The author seeks to identify the mechanisms of implementation of the main lines of the activity, its scope and results. The research was aligned with the basic principles of historical science. Implementing historism principles, the author regarded the re-evacuation processes in their development, interaction and changes. According to the objectivity principle and in order to perform a comprehensive research the author referred to diverse sources. Problem- and chronology-based method allowed to investigate the problem in its dynamics. The problem of re-evacuation in whole and in particular appears to be understudied. The article evinces that the questions of railroad transport personnel assignment to the west were the focus of the Siberian authorities’ attention. The article emphasizes the high tension of the challenges, their hardness, faults and outcomes. In conclusion the author highlights that the work was the most strenuous in 1943, at the time of the extensive national economy restoration, which included the arterial railroads of the country. Army mobilization and re-evacuation had resulted into the 70–75 % renewal of the railway personnel of Tomsk and Omsk railroads by the end of the war that indicated the significant employee turnover and made serious difficulties for the railway transport work in the region. Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, evacuation, the People’s Commissariat for Communication Lines, the War-Exploitation Department, liberated areas, re-evacuation, national economy restoration | 876 | |||||
6356 | The article considers the functioning of the active action verbal predicates in the descriptive text type. Verbal predicates used in the descriptive texts can verbalize space properties. General meaning connected all verbal predicates in descriptive texts is the meaning of existence. This meaning can variously be specified by meaning of a way of existence. Research results are associated with Russian semantic dictionary edited by N. Shvedova. There are some groups of verbs systematized in the dictionary: 1. general notation: creation, modification, connection, disconnection, improvement, deterioration, search, selection, use, acceleration, deceleration, localization, destruction; 2. thoughts, feelings, volition; 3. behavior, contact, information; 4. the public and civil relations and communication, social and political activities; 5. labor, employment, sports, recreation, amusements. Keywords: descriptive text, visual description, description-characterization, semantics, verbal predicate, active action predicate types | 875 | |||||
6357 | Thearticle ezamins the principles of compositional construction, plot construction and genre style nature of the first samples of regional hagiographical literature for children. As a rule, children hagiography is oriented towards «mature» canonical biographies. That is why in the analyses of the texts the interrelationship principles between modern hagiographical literature about the Siberian saint – righteous staretz Fedor and canonical biographical texts, put together by Father-Superior Siluan (Viurov) were compared, as well as artistic interpreting strategies of writers were examined. Special attention was given to the analysis of artistic principles used for depiction of the image of Siberia that is an important geographical characteristic feature of Siberian regional literature. Keywords: hagiography, life, plot, genre, style, composition, image, Siberia | 875 | |||||
6358 | Motherhood is seen as a social and personal phenomenon of society at the present stage of its development in the face of alienation of child-parent relationships, growth of phenomena of consumerism, hedonism, individualism. Conceptual image of motherhood in the context of a psychosocial phenomenon is formed by two positions: as providing conditions for the child’s development and as a part of the personality of women, including a certain level of development of its identity and the result of the active person as the subject of her choice. Discusses the concepts of motherhood; biological and social factors that influence maternal sphere; parental and personal elements of maternal maturity; meaningful experience of motherhood; psychological readiness to motherhood. Considered aspects of the phenomenon of mothers play an important role in understanding how current conditions not only to change the image of the mother, but also her ability to create psychological and educational support to the children as a resource for physical and spiritual reproduction of society. Keywords: motherhood, childhood, aspects of motherhood, standards of maternal relations, image of the mother | 874 | |||||
6359 | For creation of the modern knowledge connected with technologization of the process of training, is given the composition of system of interpretations of the basic concepts which doesn't contain contradictory and tautological definitions. This system has the following interrelated concepts: teaching methodology, theory and methodology of training, technology education, technology education at the university, educational technology, pedagogical technology. The presented option reflecting the genesis of development of methods of training and technologies of training in methodology of paradigm approach allows to justify the need for a special scientific field – methods of use of information and communication technologies in training. Keywords: training technique, technology of training, technique of use of information and communication technologies in training, training methods | 873 | |||||
6360 | The article deals with the structure and components of the model of the forming general-cultural competence of bachelors of pedagogical education in the process of teaching foreign languages to the students of nonlinguistic higher educational institutions. The experience of foreign language competence-based teaching is analyzed. One of the basic tasks faced by today school is raising the level of personal culture. It is performing activity that contributes towards the transformation of such knowledge into moral and ethical beliefs, into creative skills, into ability to find ones way in cultural space and to apply the ethical standards as assessment criteria. This task is implemented within the framework of developing student’s general cultural competences. Keywords: general cultural competences, educational support, social competence, competence-based approach, foreign language training, professional training | 873 | |||||
6361 | Introduction. The non-verbal component in interpretation as a unit of analysis is a scientific gap. This paper studies the three-way interaction between speaker, interpreter and listener for the interpretation of gestures, body position (and its parts), which are characterized as repetitive. It is focused on the multichannel system of the information processed by the interpreter during the work and the ways of processing it. A synchrony occurs between the interpreter and the speaker during the interpretation. It shows on what extent the participants of the communication are involved in this communication. Such involvement allows the speaker to verify the result of the interpretation. It gives an understanding of the transmitted meaning and its appropriateness, since the speaker can judge by the non-verbal communication and the response of the listener. The goal is to study the non-verbal interaction between the speaker and the interpreter in the context of consecutive interpretation using the example of the emerging mimicry phenomenon of synchrony. Materials and methods. The material of the research is video clips with the participation of Krasnoyarsk interpreters with a total duration of 1 hour 57 minutes 29 seconds. Each video is an interview with the participants of the World Junior Curling Championships that was held in Krasnoyarsk in January 2020. A specialized program ELAN was used for marking up videos, which allows annotating media files according to various parameters. The method of annotation according to A. Kibrik was used to process and graphically display the results. Results and discussion. The study shows that the synchrony occurs between the interpreter and the speaker. It means that the connection was established between the participants of the communication that leads to the adoption of certain interpreting decisions. However, we managed to see the opposite situation when there is no synchrony, but there are inaccuracies in the translation or incomplete translation. Conclusion. On the basis of the analysis, an understanding of the principles of three-way interaction in conditions of multichannel information acquisition was formed. The similarity of movements, gestures and body position of the participants in communication is the adaptation of the interlocutors to the behavior of each other, which indicates their involvement and coordination of the communicative behavior of the participants. The more the communication participants are immersed in communication, the greater the level of synchrony they demonstrate. The phenomenon of synchrony is clearly demonstrated. Situations in which the interaction of the translator and the speaker turned out to be ineffective and the goal of communication was not achieved or was not fully achieved are shown using examples of emblematic, illustrative and regulatory gestures. Keywords: translation theory, intercultural communication, non-verbal communication, multimodality, gestures | 873 | |||||
6362 | Introduction. Taking into account the conditions of digitalization of various spheres of the economy, future managers and economists of firms and organizations have to be prepared for professional activity using modern information technologies, including electronic office and web-technologies. Aim and objectives. This work deals with the experience of author’s educational materials, which were developed for ensuring of high level of future managers training in the field of information technology. Material and methods. The material of the study was developed by authors (teachers of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics electronic courses of the Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences (SPbGUP)), placed in the system of support of independent work of students of SPbGUP by address https://edu.gup. ru/. In order to organize the results obtained, the system used the possibilities provided by the system to check the level of learning of the studied material – using the elements «Task» and «Test». Results and discussion. In the course of professional activity, teachers of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics improve educational and methodological materials on taught disciplines, which are placed in the corresponding electronic courses in the system of support of independent work of students of SPbGUP (www.edu.gup. ru). In the paper the sequence of use of electronic resources in the educational process was considered, as well as the author ‘s experience of training managers, considers the applied electronic resources in the disciplines «Informatics» and «Information technologies in management» and highlights further directions of the conducted research related to improving the quality of teaching disciplines. Electronic resources include discipline workshops, tasks, task execution technologies, test materials. Conclusion. The work provides a brief description of the educational and methodological support of the subject disciplines, the sequence of work of students with developed electronic resources (electronic courses and workshops). In the future, the authors plan to improve the electronic complex of training tools in conjunction with the ongoing process of forming professional competencies and information culture of students. Keywords: Informatics, information technology, information systems, distance learning, digitalization, managers, training, electronic resources, electronic office | 872 | |||||
6363 | Introduction. The article examines images, motives, allusions tied to Italy in the prose of N. F. Pavlov. Pavlov’s Italian text corresponds to the one of the Lubomudry to whom he was close and to the Italian text of Russian romanticism as a whole. The issue of Pavlov’s Italian text is relevant: his creativity was not studied in this aspect, although his images and motives of Italy is a significant part of the cultural dialogue between Russia and Italy in Russian romanticism. The aim of the research is to reveal the imagological phenomenon of the Italian text in Pavlov’s stories and determine its specificity. Methods of research are comprehensive analysis and intertextual comparisons. Results and discussion. The research shows that Italian text plays an important role in Pavlov’s prose. As well as in the writings of Lubomudry, it is significant at the implicit level of motives and allusions. According to the tradition of German and Russian romanticism, Italy is tied to the art, beauty, and spiritual life. It is a part of the mythologeme of the beautiful South opposite to the North. The image of Ancient Rome as a symbol of strength and power is important. However, these connotations exist in the prosaic reality of high society; thus, Italy embodies lost values and ideals. Texts realize this viewpoint through Italian musical terms, proper names, allusions to Italian art combined satirically with the unspiritual reality. The use of “Italian” allusions through a foreign “author-mediator” is interesting. Some plot features point to a possible typological connection with the poetics of the Renaissance Italian novella. Thus, Pavlov’s Italian text is a particular semantic phenomenon close to the Italian text of the Lubomudry; it is tied to the philosophical issues, psychological collisions of characters, romantic myth of Italy and its art. However, it has some specific features. Pavlov’s Italian text is a significant part of the cultural dialogue between Russia and Italy. Practical significance. The research material may be used in such university philological courses as “History of the 19th century Russian Literature”, “Imagology”, “Comparative Studies”. Keywords: Italian text, Russian romanticism, cultural dialogue, allusion, imagology | 871 | |||||
6364 | The article deals with the phenomenon of the precedent world, the elements of which are means of implementing the semantic-axiological balance wheel law. Balance wheel can start moving in the event of activation of specific catalysts such as: power of conceptual voltage of the concept; branching of vectors tree of its associative-semantic deployment, the ability of generating and generalization of meanings, axiological polyvalence. Analyzing each catalyst, the researcher describes the peculiarities of their functioning on the example of the use in the new media of one of the elements of Vladimir Vysotsky’s precedent world. Due to various interpretations of this element the precedent world expands, varies, unfolds – “live” in the field of media, supporting different axiological and substantive trends in contemporary public communication. Keywords: precedential, precedent world, media discource, semantic-axiological balance wheel law, Vladimir Vysotsky | 869 | |||||
6365 | Introduction. Modern challenges that the system of secondary vocational education faces are associated, first of all, with the creation of a safe digital educational environment. New educational environment includes new forms and technologies of teaching, retraining, advanced training supported by modern information systems, services and databases (digital platforms). Therefore, the creation, operation and maintenance of the digital platform in the condition of the advanced vocational training center is relevant, and crucial in the modern socio-cultural situation. The aim of the work is the determination of the digital platform role in the implementation of program for specialist advanced vocational training. Material and methods. As the methodological basis serves the concept of advancing (keeping ahead), which was developed in various sciences, including Russian pedagogy and psychology and then spread all over the world. The study of the best world experience of the international movement Worldskills and regulatory, strategic documents referred to the development of vocational education, as well as the awareness of the employers’ needs, contributes to systematization and generalization of knowledge in the field of digitalization of secondary vocational education. Results and discussion. The implementation of theoretical objectives and conceptual provisions of the advanced vocational training system, including the authors’ contribution; the experience of the Siberian Polytechnic School reflected in its training, retraining and advanced training programs used for training students, graduates of secondary vocational education institutions, and the unemployed people who lost their jobs due to aggravated socio-economic situation. These are the main drives for designing a new digital platform able to ensure the transformation of the regional economy and social sphere. The article describes the approaches used by the staff of the advanced vocational training center of the Siberian Polytechnic College to solve the priority tasks concerning a digital platform modeling and application of the competence constructor that are employed as a prerequisite for providing the listener with an individual educational trajectory within their training and further professional development. Conclusion. Thus, the article presents the initial outcomes of the performance and activities of the advanced vocational training center aimed at creating a digital platform. The design and development of this platform is considered as practical significance for the heads and top managers of professional educational organizations who are interested in training highly qualified specialists being the most popular on the regional labor market. Keywords: secondary vocational education, advanced vocational training, competence, digital platform, competence constructor (designer) digital platforms, competence constructor | 869 | |||||
6366 | Introduction. Modern corpus-oriented linguistics allows us to study the phenomena of language, expanding the database on which research is based, attracting for analysis the wide possibilities of text and metatext markup of corpus. The aim of this work is to describe, based on the data of the Russian National Corpus, the functional peculiarity of Russian verb prefixes (based on the material of verbs with the prefix pred-), which are «responsible» for the use of the prefixal verb in texts of a certain sphere of functioning and subject matter. Material and methods. The object of this study is the prefix pred- with the prospective semantics «to do an action in advance» and verbs with it, formed according to the model introduced into the Russian language from the Old Slavic language. Based on the statement that the prefix, which has a relative independence in the structure of the verb in comparison with the suffix, is able not only to modify the meaning of the verb, but also to change the scope of its use, the article offers a comparative analysis of the functioning of the verb with the prefix pred- and the corresponding non-prepositional verb by analyzing the sphere of use and the subject of texts in which these units are realized. The article analyzes the occurrences of the verbs in the texts of 9 spheres of functioning (artistic, church-theological, educational-scientific, etc.) and 42 subjects (law, science and technology, politics and public life, etc.). Results and discussion. We suggest that verbs with the prefix pred-, due to its Old Slavic origin, are involved in the texts of the church-religious sphere in modern Russian, as well as in the texts of those spheres of use that correlate with the “predictive” function of prospective verbs. Based on this assumption, we consider pairs of units to predict/say, foresee/see, destine/assign, precede/march, prescribe/write; the percentage of their use in texts of a certain sphere of functioning and subject matter is calculated in relation to the number of texts in this sphere and subject matter; we identify the most significant areas of functioning (church-theological, educational-scientific, artistic, industrial-technical) and subjects of texts (philosophy, philology, astronomy, physics, etc.) in which the studied units are realized. Conclusion. The reference to the data of the Russian National Corpus revealed a change in the sphere of use of verbs with the prefix pred- (less often the subject of texts), which allows us to assert that the prefix is really able to influence the use of verbs with it. Keywords: Russian verb prefixes, prefix pred-, prospective semantics, Russian National Corpus, sphere of functioning, text subject | 869 | |||||
6367 | An anthropological approach in the language study caused the appearance and vigorous development of a new branch in linguistics called emotiology, that studies the relationships between emotions and the language. In the paper, language units of different levels for expressing emotions are observed as they are crucial for classification of different approaches to the analysis of the stated object. Practical significance of the present study is connected with the possibility to use the presented scheme of analysis on the material of different languages and types of discourse. Aim and objectives are to perform a theoretical review of scientific theories concerning the ways of representing emotions on different language levels. Moreover, an attempt of discovering hierarchy between emotive units of different levels similar to the one of language units is made. The hierarchy supposes that each succeeding level is based on a preceding one. The thematic justification is caused by the necessity to create the model of integral functioning of the emotive units. Material and methods include analysis and synthesis of the material on the linguistic representation of emotions on the base of the Russian language, generalization of the factual scientific theories. Emotive units are found at each level of the language system. At the phonetic level, emotive phonetic meaning is discovered. The connection between emotive units of different levels is observed. It allows to use neighboring levels for studying emotive units of a single level. In texts, emotionality is expressed in an integrated manner. That allows to perceive and create emotional texts prudently and efficiently, which is especially important in texts of political content, propaganda and advertising, etc. Due to the numerousness and complexity of emotions, their linguistic representations are also complex. The observed hierarchy of emotive units suggests total realization of the language emotive potential on the text level. Creation of generalized «theoretical framework» aimed at the concept of ways and means of expressing emotions on different language levels is crucial for further application of the corpus to empirical material analysis. Keywords: emotiology, emotivity, emotive, emotive phonetic meaning (EPS), expressive-evaluative morpheme, emotive lexicon | 869 | |||||
6368 | Introduction. The article shows the appeal of teachers and scientists to the scientific concept of “functional literacy” as a timely necessity in connection with the issues of transformation, sustainable development of society, global changes, the introduction of a new generation of FSES. The choice of the topic of the article is due to the accumulated experience, scientific research in the formation of functional literacy of future bachelors, masters in the field of ecologization of professional activity. The aim of the study is to conduct a discourse analysis of the formation of functional literacy in the field of ecologization of professional activity in the context of the transformation of modern education. Material and methods. Theoretical: analysis of pedagogical, philosophical, sociological, literature, normative legal documents; discourse analysis. Empirical: analysis of pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, observation, survey methods (questionnaire, conversation), statistical processing of results. Results and discussion. The discourse analysis proves that the formation of functional literacy in the field of ecologization determines the developing effect of pedagogical and technical education, which is associated with the emergence of new values (eco-awareness, eco-thinking, eco-humanity), which are in demand in the practice of the future bachelor, master, specialist (teacher, engineer). A new vision of the greening of professional activity as a necessary process, principle, method of stabilization and sustainable development in the “man – nature society” system in the conditions of transformation of society and education is shown. The features of the construction of the educational process are revealed, taking into account the developed directions and content modules included in the disciplines of pedagogical and technical directions, focused primarily on values, harmony with the surrounding world, personal responsibility for the ecology of the surrounding world, its safety, health preservation – as important indicators of the eco-literacy of a university graduate and a new quality of life of a person of the XXI century. The program “Ecological metadidactics” was implemented in the direction 44.04.01 (pedagogical education, master’s degree level), the main goal of which is related to the development of didactic systems, technologies of teaching and upbringing of an ecological personality by future masters. The program was implemented through a set of classes of different plans, where a greater emphasis was on practical development of skills, problem-solving skills, working out mechanisms within the framework of awareness, increasing knowledge in the field of didactics, education as special ecological systems. Conclusion. The implementation of the greening process is integrated into the content and activity components of professional education and assumes the active involvement of future bachelors in scientific, practical, project activities of an environmental orientation to obtain a high-quality result, which provides a new format of voluminous thinking, creativity, those qualitative indicators that allow a modern graduate of a higher school to think globally and act locally in conjunction with a system of eco-values, which ensures the sustainability of the development of the “man nature society” system. Keywords: bachelor’s degree, functional literacy, ecologization, eco-literacy, professional activity | 868 | |||||
6369 | Introduction. Nowadays linguists are increasingly interested in studying the terminology of professional sublanguages from the point of view of a cognitive approach. Cognitive frame modeling of terminology systems is becoming relevant being an effective way of representing the terminology of a special sublanguage. The aim of the work is to create and describe the cognitive frame model of the terminological system of the subject area “Building materials” in modern Russian. Material and methods. The material for the study is the terminological units of the subject area “Building materials”, selected from lexicographic sources on construction, regulatory documents, scientific papers, commercial catalogues of construction products, and professional internet websites about construction. The research methodology is based on general scientific and linguistic methods of descriptive and comparative research methods, including methods of linguistic modeling, framing, definitional, oppositional analysis as well as quantitative analysis. Results and discussion. The article identifies the main concepts of the frame approach to the study of terminology. The theoretical basis and interpretation of the concept of frame are presented, the frame structure used in this paper is developed. The work presents the frame model of the term system of the professional sphere “Building materials” in Russian. The paper defines the main subframes of this field: “Wood Materials”, “Ceramic Materials”, “Stone Materials”, “Glass Materials”, “Metal Materials”, “Cement”, “Concrete”, “Construction Mixes”, “Binders and Materials”, “Polymer Materials”, “Isolation Materials”, “Roofing Materials”, “Finishing Materials”. The analysis reveals the hierarchical frame structure, consisting of 13 subframes with their subsequent division into slots, micro-slots, and semantic groups. The study presents a detailed description of the subframe “Wood Materials” and the micro-slot “Composite Wood Materials” as well as semantic groups that are part of them. Various types of semantic relations between the terms representing the cognitive-frame model of the term system “Building materials” are revealed. Conclusion. The cognitive-frame model of the term system “Building materials” allows to present a hierarchically organized system of knowledge about a given subject area in a structured form and to identify system relations between the components of the term system. The presented fragment of the frame model illustrates the intra-system relations of the terms that verbalize it. The results obtained are of interest for terminology studies and can be used for educational and lexicographic purposes. Keywords: construction terminology, cognitive terminology, frame, frame modeling | 868 | |||||
6370 | Introduction. The revival of religious drama in the modern Russian children and youth literature, that began in the 2000–2010s, is being investigated. The specific genre features of the hagiological plays, which were peculiar to school drama in Russia of the17–18th centuries, are being examined. Material and methods. Hagiological plays for children and youth God is Wonderful in His Saints and White Angel of Moscow, written by R. V. Koshurnikova are used as material for the research. Comparative-historical and comparative-typological methods are used for the study of artwork. Results and discussion. In the 17th century, in the period of the emergence and functioning of such a variety of clerical genres as drama about the saints, the formation of its steady dramatic and epic structure took place. The specifics of hagiographic plots, their narrative, associated with historical and biographical content, including a wide range of chronologically developing events of the saint’s life from birth to death, which are often presented against the background of important historical events of the described epoch, led to the strong association of hagiographic plots with epic genres – hagiography. The hagiographic plot, taken from living narratives, retained its epic genre-forming potential and, when it was falling into a different genre system of drama it washed away the dramatic nature of the plays. In the modern dramas about the saints the genre memory of hagiographic drama formed in the 17th century is preserved. Conclusion. Hagiological plays of the modern children’s writer R. V. Koshurnikova reveal the same specific genre features as in the period of formation and functioning of religious drama in Russian literature of the 17th century. The increase in the volume and role of extra-textual elements (remarks), fragments of an extensive narrative text, designed as monologues of characters expands the epic layer in the dramatic text and leads to the diffusion of the genre nature in the plays of the Siberian writer. Keywords: hagiographic play, genre, chapter, lives of saints for children, R. V. Koshurnikova, school drama | 867 | |||||
6371 | Introduction. Enriching vocabulary is one of the cross-cutting tasks of teaching the Russian language and one of the key factors in mastering the native language. A rich vocabulary plays an important role in the ability to communicate freely and effectively, to accurately and adequately express thoughts, and achieve understanding as the goal of communication. The completeness of the vocabulary in one way or another is associated with the full refraction in the speech activity of the individual of all functions of the language (communicative, cognitive, thought-forming, emotionally expressive, self-expressing, aesthetic, etc.). Purpose of the study ‒ to investigate the problem of enriching the vocabulary of secondary school students within the framework of the linguo-methodological approach and to offer practical options for its solution based on the use of gaming technologies in teaching the Russian language. Material and methods. In this paper, the problem of enriching the vocabulary of students is considered on the example of teaching the Russian language in the middle grades of a comprehensive school. Taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of adolescents, game technologies are used as an illustrative material. The research methodological base includes scientific description, modeling, pedagogical observation, analytical commentary. Results and discussion. The importance of the task of enriching vocabulary in educational activities in secondary school is due to the role of the lexical level of the language in communication, the intellectual development of the child and knowledge of the world, as well as the need to form and improve the competence base of students (in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). To solve the problem of expanding the vocabulary, it is important to take into account such specific features of the adolescent period as an increase in cognitive initiative, the transition to the cognitive nature of speech, activation and development of thinking, expanding the spectrum of interests and hobbies, strengthening communicative activity. In this regard, game technologies are named as key pedagogical technologies. In the game, memorizing words is supported by positive emotions, as the educational process becomes more exciting and interesting; there is an opportunity to work with vocabulary through images, emotions; you can successfully form the conditions for joint activities; a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere of the educational process is created. Conclusion. It is important to introduce the task of expanding the vocabulary in school education, because it is at this time that the replenishment of the thesaurus is effective both for the development of the level of language training and for the general development of students in secondary schools, the formation of a set of competencies, the ability to implement the universal educational actions prescribed by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Keywords: active vocabulary, passive vocabulary, potential vocabulary, learning technology, game pedagogical technologies | 867 | |||||
6372 | The problem of educators’ evaluation of urban sites in order to select them and include in the educational process in accordance with current pedagogical objectives has become very important. For this purpose, teachers and educational authorities need to make organizational and teaching decisions, depending on the characteristics of urban objects under consideration. The focus of the study is to develop and describe a pedagogical assessment tool to evaluate urban facilities, which will help in making informed decisions. The aim of the study is to develop a convenient tool for educators to assess the urban environment in terms of opportunities and ways of using its various elements in the teaching process. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to identify evaluation criteria, describe them, define indicators for each criterion, and verify whether the proposed tool meets the needs of educators. To conduct the study, the methods of questioning, interviewing, analysis, modeling and verifying results of the study were used. As a result of the analysis of available scales of assessment of the educational environment, questioning and interviewing teachers, and modeling, the authors developed three criteria for pedagogical evaluation of urban facilities. These include safety, accessibility, and educational potential. Each criterion is characterized by several indicators. It is proposed to evaluate physical, psychological and informational safety, organizational, communicative, psychological and pedagogical, normative, physical, temporal, material accessibility, as well as educational value, adequacy of the object to pedagogical goals, uniqueness and effectiveness. The developed assessment tool was tested in the pedagogical community of Moscow in the form of practical works on the assessment of urban facilities and their subsequent discussion. The data was received the practical applicability of the pedagogical assessment tool of urban objects by teachers of primary and secondary schools for the selection of urban environment objects in order to include them in the educational process and to expand the range of urban resources used in the educational process. Keywords: educational urban studies, city, urban environment, urban educational resources, pedagogical assessment | 866 | |||||
6373 | With the increase in the number of Chinese students all over the world, the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language as an independent subject has formed its own subject system. Teaching Chinese as a foreign language is a specialized subject or a complex applied subject, which determines the need for research on teaching Chinese as a foreign language in accordance with these characteristics. The research objects of teaching Chinese as a foreign language are mainly to study the principles and methods of teaching Chinese as a second language, discover the laws of teaching Chinese as a second language, and use these principles and laws to guide specific teaching practice. The purpose of the study is to identify the main problems that students face when learning the Chinese language and to determine ways to solve them. The material of the study was scientific literature, web pages, official documents of the official websites of Chinese universities. The study uses experimental research work carried out on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, and students of the School of Foreign Languages “Language for Success” studying Chinese as a second foreign language with a total of 124 people. When working with the material, the following tasks were set: to conduct a comparative analysis of scientific literature on the problems of learning and teaching Chinese, to analyze the content of educational materials in the field of theoretical and practical aspects of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in universities and schools. Results and discussion. This article discusses the current problems of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the difficulties faced by teachers and students in the process of teaching and studying phonetics, grammar and bilingual translation. For people with Russian cultural background who are learning Chinese, it is important to know how to learn Chinese effectively. After long-term research and practice, the difficulties of teaching pronunciation in teaching Chinese as a foreign language have been identified. In the course of the study, the analysis was made of the difficulties of teaching on the part of the teacher, as well as the difficulties of learning Chinese on the part of students, recommendations were made to make it easier for students to master the Chinese language. Conclusion. As a teacher or researcher in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, a person must understand the disciplinary features and focus of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, understand the goals and objectives of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and improve their own theoretical knowledge. knowledge in relevant disciplines. Teaching Chinese as a foreign language is mainly aimed at developing the language skills of students, and the focus of teaching is on teaching skills. In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, a large share is always occupied by teaching students language skills. Teaching language knowledge is also a preparation for improving language abilities. The purpose of learning language knowledge is practice and application. Therefore, the focus of research on teaching Chinese as a foreign language is how to combine the theory of language knowledge with practice so that students can quickly master the ability to use Chinese for language communication. Keywords: problems of teaching Chinese, modern problems of teaching Chinese, difficulties with pronunciation, characters of the Chinese alphabet | 865 | |||||
6374 | The article contains the analysis of the content of the leaflets of the party organizations of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) and the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRP) acting in Omsk. These parties following the publication of the Manifesto of October 17, 1905 continued to struggle against the autocracy under the slogan of the Constituent Assembly and the declaration of a democratic republic. Activities of revolutionaries proceeded in a still continuing revolutionary movement. However, from the pre-existing political union of opposition and the revolutionary forces resigned the representatives of the bourgeois opposition represented by the Cadets, Octobrists. Narrowed the social base of the revolutionary parties, from their active support of the petty-bourgeois strata of the population moved away, the bulk of the students, intellectuals concessions satisfaction of the ruling dynasty. One of the sources characterizing the activity of the revolutionary party is the leaflet issued by their regional organizations. They give an opportunity to have an idea about the educational level of the members of underground organizations who are the authors of the leaflets, provide the insights into the attitudes of revolutionaries in the current political developments in the country and its individual regions. In addition to leaflets, as a source, provide an opportunity to complement the material contained in traditional sources by the alternative information about the events that took place during the study period. Keywords: Omsk Committee of the RSDLP, Omsk group of socialist-revolutionaries, leaflets as a source, soldiers, gendarme, public speaking techniques, Manifest of October 17 | 864 | |||||
6375 | Introduction. The structural features of electronic military information texts have been analyzed. The necessity to describe the electronic texts is caused by the transition of communication to the electronic mode, which has had a significant impact on the composition of military information texts. The aim is to describe the compositional features of electronic military information texts. Material and methods. The research methods include compositional analysis, descriptive-analytical and comparative method. The material of the research is military information texts extracted by the random sampling method from the websites military.com (30 texts) and nationalinterest.com (35 texts). Results and discussion. Distinctive features of the electronic military information texts include multimedia, hypertext, intersemioticity and interactivity. The classification of electronic military-information texts on the basis of the means of communication has been presented. Online and offline electronic texts are distinguished in accordance with this parameter. Several types of hypertext links are used in military information texts: intratextual links containing reference to the materials published on other sites; non-textual auto hypertext links with contact information of the author of the article; non-textual hypertext links which lead to the article on similar subjects. The main types of hypertext links are also defined in terms of their language representation. The dual nature of interactivity as one of the elements of the composition of the electronic military information text was established. On the one hand, it provides the direct interaction between the addresser and the addressee. On the other hand, interactivity is realized through intersemiotic elements (cross-posting), which allow spreading and sharing information on different Internet sites (social networks, forums, e-mail). Hypertext, intersemioticity, interactivity are considered as obligatory characteristics of the electronic military information texts. Multimedia is regarded as an optional characteristic of the electronic military information text, because video fragments as one of the communication blocks of the text are not present in all texts, although a creolized component in the form of a photo is an obligatory part of text composition. A comparative analysis of the communication blocks in electronic texts has been carried out. Electronic military information texts with strict and free composition have been singled out. Conclusion. It has been proved that the obligatory compositional features of the electronic military information text are intertextuality, interactivity and intersemioticity. The results of the peculiarities of compositional analysis show the promising nature of the investigation of pragmastylistic features of electronic military information texts. Keywords: electronic military information text, composition, hypertext, multimedia, interactivity, intersemioticity | 864 | |||||
6376 | Introduction. This article reconstructs the subjective semantics of the “guilt” lexeme based on the results of associative experiments with young Russian native speakers. Aim and objectives. The aim of this research is to find out what components of meanings are associated with a given lexeme in the language consciousness of a modern young person and which of these components are prevalent. Material and methods. In order to achieve this goal, free associative experiments were conducted among the student audience. The results of these experiments were compared with the data of the Russian Associative Dictionary, which made it possible to trace the changes in the language consciousness over the past few decades in dynamics. Results and discussion. In explanatory dictionaries, guilt is defined solely as a fact of misconduct, crime, or the cause of something unfavorable. However, the analysis of the associative fields obtained as a result of free associative experiments indicates a discrepancy between the lexicographic interpretation of guilt and the complex of meanings that is reflected in the language consciousness of a young Russian native speaker. Much more significant for the recipients is the psychological aspect of the studied semantic area: they define guilt, first of all, as an individual’s feeling, directly related to his conscience and causing a whole range of negative emotions. In addition, guilt is associated with the sphere of social and legal relations, that is the sphere that is regulated by law or other legal norms. Conclusion. Compared to 1980–1990 there have been significant changes in the language consciousness of young Russian native speakers. The number of legal responses to the “guilt” incentive has increased, which may indicate an increase in the level of legal literacy. However, the most significant for the recipients were the emotional and sensory characteristics of guilt, as well as the contexts in which this semantic area enters: both in relations between people and in the moral and moral self-assessment of the individual. Keywords: Language consciousness, associative experiment, associative field, social and legal relations, guilt | 864 | |||||
6377 | Introduction. The material of historical essays by E. P. Kovalevsky, devoted to the events of the Danube campaign, which was practically not studied before, is presented in the work. The aim of the work is to study the genre content of Kovalevsky’s essays and determine their role in the literary process of the 1850s. Material and methods. The research focuses on the work “Three chapters from the political and military history of 1853, 1854 and 1855”, written by a direct participant of the events and at the same time a representative of official circles. Published in “Otechestvennye Zapiski” in 1856, it is considered in comparison with the work “The War with Turkey and the severance with the Western powers in 1853 and 1854” which was published for political reasons only in 1866. The research uses comparative and cultural-historical methods. Results and discussion. The research shows that Kovalevsky’s essays are the first artistic interpretation of the Danube campaign events against the background of official circles’ silence on the political reasons for the beginning of the Crimean war. The originality of the author’s creative manner is shown in the synthesis of a documentary narrative with elements of essay and story. The problems of essays (the problem of the hero, patriotism) and their poetics (the description of nature, the role of the narrator) expand the horizons of the author’s creative search and give an impetus to understanding and presenting new material (form and content) to contemporaries. Conclusion. Typological features of the historical essay and its artistic features in the work of Kovalevsky are revealed. The study of the essay genre on the example of Kovalevsky’s “war stories” makes it possible to build a line of creative continuity in Russian literature (Tolstoy and Dostoevsky). This work will be useful for scientists of historical and philological profile: from the point of view of genesis, the synthetic nature of the essay genre and the literary and factual context of the events of the Crimean campaign. Keywords: E. P. Kovalevsky, Danube campaign, essay, historiosophical position, problem of hero, role of narrator | 863 | |||||
6378 | Introduction. The article focuses on the ways scientists express expert evaluation in German academic linguistic reviews. It contributes to the socio-communicative research on evaluation in academic communicative settings. Aim. The aim of the article is to reveal the most frequent strategies of implicit expert evaluation in German linguistic reviews. Material and methods. The materials of the study are 25 reviews published in 2016–2017 in field-specific academic journals: “Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik”, “Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft” and “Zeitschrift für Rezensionen”. Qualitative (contextual semantic, functional pragmatic) and quantitative analysis of the German linguistic reviews provides a set of strategies used to covertly evaluate the papers reviewed. Results and discussion. We consider the expert evaluation as a specific communicative / discursive sub-type of linguistic evaluation marked by modifications of the general logical structure in terms of “subject – object – predicate of evaluation”. Adding the recipient of evaluation we obtain following structure: the subject and the recipient of expert evaluation are scientific discourse actors, the object is represented by formal and content-related aspects of the books reviewed and the predicate of expert evaluation are criteria of scientificity, norms, values and standards of communication shared by all members of the current scientific community. Our data analysis results support our hypothesis and demonstrate that it is possible to make an implicit evaluation of different polarity following the various implication strategies. Beside of well-known strategies used to express evaluation covertly in academic book reviews the article describes also new strategies, not yet mentioned in similar and related works: implicit evaluation through disagreement with the author’s viewpoint, implicit evaluation through recommendation to the review’s recipient and implicit evaluation through (in)direct question. Quantitative measures illustrate different frequencies of negative and positive implicit evaluation and lead to conclusion the explicit evaluation prevail among all types of evaluation whereas the negative implicit evaluation prevail among all tokens of implicit evaluation in our data. Keywords: linguistic evaluation, implicit evaluation strategies, expert evaluation, academic linguistic review, academic communication | 863 | |||||
6379 | Introduction. The article is devoted to a comparative description of the Russian and Chinese wedding ceremonies as a form of manifestation of national traditional culture. The aspect of material consideration is a comparative linguoculturological aspect, involving the identification of common and different features in the fragments of the national picture of the world associated with the traditional mass idea of Russians and Chinese about weddings, wedding ritual actions, wedding etiquette. This approach is relevant for the modern linguistic paradigm, cognitive-discursive and anthropocentric in nature. The purpose of the article is to identify the invariant and variant features in the ideas about the wedding ceremony, which is typical of the traditional Russian and Chinese folk cultures. Methods and material. The material is linguistic markers of the conceptualization of these representations – verbal and super-word (idiomatic) linguistic units denoting the realities of the wedding ritual. Methodological analysis procedures define as a key method of linguoculturological commentary, which makes it possible to identify thesaurus gaps, fill them (which is extremely important for a bearer of an inauthentic culture and a foreign language) and, taking into account the cultural and historical context, interpret the semantics of linguistic representatives of the nuclear meaning “wedding ceremony”. Results and discussion. It was found that in the Russian and Chinese mass traditional ideas about the wedding ceremony, there are general (invariant, universal for any linguistic culture) and variant (actualized within the framework of a specific linguistic culture, having a discursive (historical, cultural, context-event and communicative-situational) conditionality) features... The universal semantic signs in the interpretation of the wedding ceremony among the Russian and Chinese ethnoses are universal human significant axiological meanings: a wedding is the result and proof of the love of a man and a woman, their desire to live together, trusting and helping each other. The connotative component of universal meanings is positive, approving. Variant meanings and their representation in a particular linguoculture are characterized by the specifics of their content. In particular, it has been proven that the etiquette component is significant for the interpretation of the wedding ceremony in the Russian and Chinese ethnic groups. The set of moral and ethical rules that have existed for a long time in society also determines the understanding of ritualized actions, which include the wedding ceremony. So, in relation to Russian culture, the desire to seal the bonds of marriage “in heaven”, having secured the blessing of the church, is noted as a feature of originality. In Chinese traditional culture, the presence of the motive of worship is emphasized as a thread connecting all the stages and structural components of the wedding ceremony. In both linguocultures, the family, clan, and elders are revered. In conclusion, it is noted that the use of linguoculturological analysis is promising for comparing cultural and linguistic facts from the life of ethnic groups that differ in worldview, way of life, moral and ethical principles Keywords: cultural linguistics, cultural linguistics commentary, Russian worldview, Chinese worldview, wedding etiquette, wedding ceremony, idiom | 863 | |||||
6380 | The article identifies current problems of the teacher-training musicians and the ways of their solution in today reorganization of higher education in the transition to a two-tier system - bachelor, master. Keywords: music education, lesson of music, the teacher-musician, the methodical module, integrated approach | 862 | |||||
6381 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of phraseological units with the component «horse» in German lanIntroduction. The article is devoted to the study of phraseological units with the component «horse» in the German language. The subject of the study is the structure of phraseological units, their semantic features acquired due to traditions, customs, and general cultural and national symbols of animal images. The aim of the research is the description of the structural-semantic features of phraseological units with component “horse”. Material and methods. The material for the study is phraseological dictionaries of the German language and electronic lexicographic sources. The aim of the research is to study the internal form of phraseological units, identified on the basis of interpretations of the meanings of the units in accordance with German monolingual dictionaries. The paper uses the method of component analysis, statistical method and descriptive method. Results and discussion. To determine the origin of the components under study, etymological dictionaries data were used. On the basis of the obtained data, thematic groups that reflect the connotative component of the meaning of phraseological units were formed. As a result of the description of the studied thematic groups’ composition, the productive structures and characteristic semantic features of the units were identified. The semantics of phraseological units was determined on the basis of data from monolingual phraseological dictionaries. The structural composition of phraseological units is considered: phraseological unities, phraseological expressions. Data from history, linguoculturology, semiotics, folklore, etc. were used in order to obtain reliable conclusions. The graphical results of the study are shown in the figures. Conclusion. The results of the research can be used in practical classes of the lexicology of the German language. Keywords: phraseological unit, zoonym, connotative component of meaning, internal form, sign of language, linguoculturology, structure, semantic features, plan of expression, plan of content | 862 | |||||
6382 | The article deals with a group of Gothic nouns of the same root belonging to different declensions. It presents an overview of how much this linguistic phenomenon is spread in the Gothic language. Two present theories interpreting this phenomenon are being considered in the article. It is argued that the paradigmatic opposition of Gothic nouns of the same root had a semantic basis which can be decoded. | 861 | |||||
6383 | The article considers the issues of education of schoolchildren through interagency cooperation and participation of public structures on the example of the Irkutsk region. Insufficient involvement of children was explained as a result of insufficient financing, shortage of qualified personnel, reluctance of pupils to participate in the work. It is shown that in the region, while maintaining traditional links between the various departments in matters of education appeared new forms of interaction between education authorities and public organizations. Thereby, on the base of existing positive experience of interaction with agencies and public, education authorities must interact more actively with social movements and business structures, encourage pedagogues and public figures whose activity is connected with involvement and work with children in public associations. Keywords: education, public structures, children’s and youth public associations, Federation of Children’s Organizations, democratization of education, the public, public participation, public institutions, Student Self- Government, additional education of children | 861 | |||||
6384 | Introduction. Though not being widely known abroad, Vietnamese literature managed to produce some texts enjoying vast popularity all around the world. One of such international masterpieces is “Dế mèn phiêu lưu ký” by To Hoai, which has been regarded as a classic children’s novel through seven decades. Up to now, “Dế mèn phiêu lưu ký” has been translated into more than 40 world languages including Russian and English. The book’s plot revolves around the adventures of a cricket in a world of animals and people, metaphorically introducing the ideas of good and evil, war and peace, ideals and life’s purpose in an insightful way. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the research is to analyze specific features of Russian and English versions of “Dế mèn phiêu lưu ký” by To Hoai. Material and methods. The research is based on 3 text sources: the Vietnamese original text of “Dế mèn phiêu lưu ký” by To Hoai, and its two versions: “Приключения кузнечика Мена” (transl. M. N. Tkachiov) and “Adventures of a Cricket” (transl. Dang Te Binh). The methods applied are general scientific (observation and description) and linguistic (text analysis, comparative analysis). Results and discussion. English and Russian versions of “Dế mèn phiêu lưu ký” may serve as an example of interdependence of the result of translation process and translator’s aims and objectives. Comparison of several aspects of the Russian and the English versions of the literary text (translation of proper names, description techniques, rendering of realia, transferring of folklore element) makes evident different translation techniques while translating the Vietnamese source text into the two languages. While the Russian interpreter emphasizes human features in animal characters and mainly amplifies description, having in mind younger audience, Dang Te Binh sticks to the Vietnamese original. One more distinctive feature widening the gap between the Russian and the English versions is visible intention of the Russian interpreter to emphasize Vietnamese flavor of the original text by deliberate foreignization of realia, preserving and even amplifying inserts of folk material. In this aspect, the English version, too, closely follows the Vietnamese text. Conclusion. Сomparative analysis of the two versions of To Hoai’s “Dế mèn phiêu lưu ký” shows two polar strategies of the Russian and the English interpreters. While Dang Te Binh’s version tends to stick to the source text and (in several utter cases) even simplifies it, the Russian interpreter chooses to amplify the Vietnamese text and underlines its ethnic affiliation. Keywords: literary translation, fairytale, To Hoai, realia, proper names, description | 861 | |||||
6385 | Considers the problem of development of value orientations of adoptive parents. Offers a look at the structure of value orientations of successful and unsuccessful adoptive parents. It is believed that the level of development of value orientations of the parents determines the logic of the reasons for the adoption. The increase in the level of development of value orientations of the adoptive parents is associated with the specifics of adaptation and socialization of childrenorphans. It is believed that the development of value orientations of adoptive parents not only ensures the efficiency of adaptation of children-orphans, but also contributes to their personal development. Keywords: value orientation, foster parents, adaptation, constructive aspects of motivation, destructive motivation | 860 | |||||
6386 | The article examines the role of communication problems of outstanding creative people with a difficult fate of the masters of art of words, outlines the key types of problems in dealing with the rhetorical point of view. The author speculates the possibility of incorporating rhetorical analysis of communication problems creator of a school lesson in literature to stimulate interest among students for personality and creativity of classical writers, enhancing the communicative culture of teenagers. Keywords: communicative problem, communicative competence, communicative failures, creative person, rhetorical analysis, social position. | 859 | |||||
6387 | Introduction. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the synthesis of arts in culture becomes one of the dominant ideas. This orientation fully contributes to the disclosure of the many talents of such a brilliant representative of the Silver Age as M. A.Voloshin. The purpose of this article is to analyze the linguistic and artistic features of the text material accompanying M. Voloshin’s watercolors. Material and methods. The article presents the data of the analysis of lyrical sketches of different years, serving as an accompaniment to M. Voloshin’s watercolors. Attention to this genre is due to its undoubted importance for determining the characteristics of the creative manner of the poet and artist, understanding his worldview. The article uses the methods of semantic-stylistic, contextological, motivational analysis, allowing to reveal the specifics of the author’s poetic picture of the world, reflected in the inscriptions on the watercolors of M. A. Voloshin. Results and discussion. Cimmeria occupies a special place in the work of M. Voloshin – a poet, artist, translator, art critic, thinker. The congeniality of M. Voloshin as a master of brush and word is reflected in his inscriptions for watercolors. These lyrical miniatures are a separate genre dating back to antiquity, which makes the poet’s work related to the art of the East. The figurative structure of M. Voloshin’s poetic miniatures, organizing their semantic space, includes earthly (stone, water) and heavenly (clouds, moon, sun) realities and reveals, when examined in detail, the syncretism of “earthly” and “heavenly”. The color picture of the world, represented by a variety of color images, in combination with sound design, conveys the synesthesia of the author’s perception of the world. The linguistic and figurative structure of M. Voloshin’s poetic sketches is rich and diverse: the author uses numerous comparisons, metaphors, epithets, oxymoric combinations, deviations from grammatical norms, which make it possible to convey the peculiarities of the creative manner of the master-creator. Conclusion. Consideration of the linguistic and artistic features of M. Voloshin’s lyrical miniatures made it possible to identify their main features: metaphoricity, syncretism and synestheticism in creating images, emotive and pragmatic potential of color symbolism – and to draw a conclusion about the originality of the author’s poetic picture of the world. Keywords: M. A. Voloshin, Cimmeria, inscriptions on watercolors, lyrical subject, syncretism of perception, picture of the world | 859 | |||||
6388 | Introduction. The article presents the study of the semantics of perception, which is observed in the process of describing unreality as an object of sensory experience in the works of V. Pelevin. Language units with perceptual semantics having a functional and aesthetic meaning play an important role in the implementation of formal and semantic aspects of the organization of a literary text. The purpose of the article is to study the linguistic features of the representation of the semantics of unreality in the work of V. Pelevin on the basis of the identified structural and semantic models of the statement and linguistic means of expressing the semantics of perception. Material and methods. The research is carried out using the method of linguistic modeling aimed at identifying the main components of the utterance structure and linguistic and stylistic analysis. The material chosen is a postmodern text that reflects the active processes taking place in the language sys-tem in particular V. Pelevin’s novels «Chapaev and the Void» and «Generation “P”» which relate to the mature period of the writer’s work (the 1990s). Results and discussion. In the course of the research, it was revealed that the semantics of perception is implemented at various levels of the organization of a literary text. In addition to the basic model of the situation of perception at the structural-semantic level of the utterance, there are models that make it possible to actualize unreal objects. In such circumstances, these objects become accessible to the sensory perception of characters. Abstract and concrete nouns and pronouns are more often used to replace the position of an object. Adjectives and participles that act as qualifiers describe various char-acteristics of the perceived. At the level of the formal text organization, the representation of the se-mantics of the unreal caused the complexity of the syntactic structure of the work (the use of various types of comparative sentences, complex sentences, adverbial clauses of place and adverbial clauses of time, etc.). At the stylistic level of the text, the semantics of unreality are implemented by stylistic devices and expressive means which include language units with perception meaning. Conclusion. The study allows us to conclude that the representation of unreality semantics in the work of V. Pelevin is closely related to the image of perceptual processes. A special role is assigned to perception objects with unusual qualitative characteristics which become the subject of language actualization at different levels of the literary text. Keywords: unreality, perceptual semantics, linguistic modeling, object of perception | 858 | |||||
6389 | Introduction. The description of the linguo-axiological nature of the paradox is a promising vector for its linguistic research. The very properties of the paradox determine this. The following properties characterize the paradoxical statement: the explication of a deeply personal world perception, meaning formation as an intention, the presence of background axiologically significant information for this linguistic cultural community, the reflection of the world’s contradictions and the paradoxical nature of human consciousness itself. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the fragments of values and attitudes of the Russian consciousness, which a paradoxical statement expresses. Material and methods. When analyzing the language material, the author uses the methods of axiological linguistics: linguo-axiological reflection, linguo-axiological description and linguo-axiological interpretation. Russian statements of a paradoxical nature are used as material: author’s, anonymous, and also the products of collective creativity. Results and discussion. The study of the axiological component of paradoxical statements allows to specify and illustrate vivid language examples the following properties of the Russian mentality: the rejection of dogmatism and irrational nature of the dominant mental models; the priority of the emotional-mental sphere of the individual over the intellectual-rational, which is manifested in distrust of formal logical postulates. The realization of the epistemological function of the paradox turns into an axiological plane with the newly discovered meaning of capital truths and basic values. The activation of understanding provoked by the paradox is in tune with the Russian person’s desire for knowledge and self-knowledge, inquisitive spiritual searches, and the desire to “appropriate” the truth, that is, to find a personal meaning. From the syntactic point of view, a paradoxical statement is often based on the principle of parallelism and contrast: in addition to the correlation of the recognizable and the new, values that are alien and inherent in the Russian conceptual sphere are clarified (for example, the concepts “conscience” and “fair”). Paradoxical statement is also interesting as a form of metalanguage reflection, which is especially relevant for the Russian mentality with its high attitude to the word as a logos. Conclusion. Axiologically colored features of the Russian language mentality find active expression in paradoxical language forms. The results of the research and the proposed selection of examples may have theoretical and practical significance for the linguistic axiological modeling and reconstruction of the axiosphere of the Russian language picture of the world. Keywords: linguistic axiology, paradox, paradoxical statement, the Russian linguistic consciousness, values, evaluation in the language | 857 | |||||
6390 | Introduction. It is suggested that V. Nabokov’s story “The Spy” (1930) largely grows out of his drama “Death” (1923), which remains on the periphery of the interest of the researchers of Nabokov’s fiction. The grounds for comparing the works are found, first of all, at the plot level: the hero’s attempt at suicide and the experience of imaginary death. The aim is to compare the plot situations of imaginary death in the drama “Death” and the story “The Spy” in order to reveal the change in the author’s attitude to the mystification of his own life by a person, moreover, to the possibility of metaphysical (post-death) reality. Material and methods. The article examines the early V. Nabokov’s drama “Death”, which is close to the symbolist drama, and the story “The Spy”, which reflects the creative maturation of the writer. The research is based on the comparative historical method, as well as on the provisions of E. Erickson (personal identity) and V. I. Tyupa (narrative identity). Results and discussion. The author reveals a different interpretation of a similar plot situation: the situation of imaginary death outlined in “Death”, in “The Spy” is plotted, the author’s attention is focused on how a modern person will behave in a situation of freedom from previous conditions of existence. In Death, the hero in an attempt at suicide turns out to be an object of manipulation by another, and in The Spy, the hero performs lynching and himself mystifies further events. For both heroes, imaginary death brings imaginary freedom: but for a person with a romantic outlook it is an opportunity to free themselves from the crisis and acquire an identity (“Death”), and for an intact person of modern civilization – liberation from ethical boundaries in the ability to change identities in observing himself as another narration, and in the stories-hoaxes of the character about himself (“The Spy”). But according to Nabokov, rewriting oneself, playing with fate are doomed to failure. The finale of both works is the heroes’ awareness of their imaginary death and their freedom, but for the hero of the drama this is spiritual death, and the hero of the story renounces self-identity and assumes the position of a “spy” – self-observation while refusing moral responsibility. Conclusion. The conclusion is made about Nabokov’s concept of human existence, which is associated, first of all, with visual perception, the ability to see. Nabokov denies a person the opportunity to comprehend the essence of posthumous existence, the modality of vision is negative: imagination-composition is destroyed by the vision of reality. Keywords: V. Nabokov, “Death”, “The Spy”, identity crisis, the situation of imaginary death | 857 | |||||
6391 | The article considers the problem of applying the method of “people’s diplomacy” as a means of political struggle in the process of recognition of new states in the former Soviet Union, in particular the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR). Presented in this article analysis of the application of this method by the social labour organization of Transnistria – Joint council of labor collectives shows that this organization was the initiator, organizer and main driving force of the struggle for legal recognition of the Pridnestrovian republic within the Republic of Moldova. The article gives an idea of the methods and results of applying the method of “people’s diplomacy” in the fight against the self-proclaimed republic in its political recognition during the collapse of the Soviet Union. These data can serve as an additional source of information about the period of the creation of new states in the former Soviet Union. Keywords: public diplomacy; Joint Council of labor collectives; democratic state; Union Treaty | 856 | |||||
6392 | Introduction. Special tools for assessing the quality of written translation – QA-tools (in English Quality Assessment) find common types of errors in the target text according to pre-programmed formal signs. The initial condition for these tools is the availability of the source and target texts. The program compares the corresponding sections of texts (paragraphs, sentences or segments) and marks all sections with suspected errors, forming a special report. The goal is to compare QA modules integrated into automated translation programs and independent QA tools. Material and methods. Methods used in the research on QA modules integrated into automated translation programs and independent QA tools include general scientific methods (logic methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization); specific scientific (linguistic) methods: descriptive, comparative. Results and discussion. The advantage of QA modules integrated into the automated translation programs such as SDL Trados, SmartCAT, Déjà Vu, MemoQ and Wordfast is the ability to monitor the quality of translation without using additional software and time resources. The translator is already familiar with the interface of the program in which he works, and can edit the text in it immediately after checking. QA modules integrated into automated translation programs can be used to assess written translations of different themes, however, the functions of the SDL Trados program are the most optimal for working with stylistically colored texts. The main advantage of independent QA tools for assessing the quality of translations such as Xbench, QA Distiller, Verifika, ErrorSpy and Linguistic Toolbox is the absence of the need to install complex and resource-consuming CAT programs for proofreaders, editors and managers of translation projects. Conclusion. QA tools have their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of modern QA-tools are: optimization of routine quality checks of the target text at different stages of its readiness; the ability to customize individual quality criteria for each project; reduction of the total duration of the translation project; ensuring uniformity of the target text, minimizing errors, etc. The disadvantages of QA tools are: the need to spend additional resources (additional time and hard disk space in case of installation on a user’s computer); the high cost of programs and a limited set of functions in case of using free or demo versions; the need to study the interface and configure the program for different projects; detection of a large number of potential errors, not all of which are real errors. Keywords: translation, quality assessment, specialized quality assessment tools | 856 | |||||
6393 | Features of the organization and realization of student teaching of students-musicians in the context of realization of competence models of vocational training are considered; substantive provisions of updating of its maintenance are designated in the article. The focus is brought to creation of the professional-educational environment in the higher school, making active competence qualities of the future teacher-musician. Keywords: professional music education, student teaching, motivation, experience of activity, competence of the expert | 854 | |||||
6394 | Introduction. The basis of the article is determination of the specific features of the plots of animal tales in AzeIntroduction. The basis of the article is determination of the specific features of the plots of animal tales in Azerbaijani folklore and their comparative research. Material and methods. The material of the research are the samples written by the research workers of the Folklore Chair of Baku State University and Institute of Folklore of National Academy of Sciences. Their variants in the Russian oral literature are also the basis of the research. The main purpose of the article is to determine the differences between the group of animal tales and other groups, to reveal the typological peculiarities on the basis of the comparison of the similar plots with their analogues in the other peoples’ tales. Results and discussion. The article states that one of the peculiarities that distinguishes animal tales from other groups of tales are animal characters that act as the object and subject of the plot. Animals’ conversation isn’t considered to be a sign of a miracle in such samples. In contrast, animals’ speech is considered to be common. This is considered to be ancient people’s primitive notions that didn’t separate themselves from nature. It is also emphasized in the article that characters’ activity is expressed in dialogues. A character isn’t a principle in such tales, activity is. The article enumerates fundamental distinctions traced between European and Azerbaijani animal tales. The relation of these tales to mythic thinking, totemism and ancient people’s occupation of hunting is revealed from the etymological standpoint. The article contains the comparison of the different peoples’ tales with the same plots; stereotyping of the characters’ behaviour in the same situation is considered to be a phenomenon that takes place regardless of the nationality and is caused by the persons’ physiological identity and psychological factors. Conclusion. The specific additions to the famous Azerbaijani people’s plots are determined on the basis of the comparative research of the concrete tales in the article; their connection with the world outlook, mentality, folklore traditions is proved. It is ascertained that the main peculiarity of the animal tales is the characters’ action expressed by dialogues not by narrative. It is revealed that nomination of the characters gains functionality in the text. Keywords: animal characters, plot, totem, tale, fable, natural character, social relations, animal epos | 853 | |||||
6395 | Introduction. The creative heritage of N. V. Gogol to this day encourages many literary critics to productive studies. In particular, researchers are interested in the intertext of V. A. Zhukovsky in the works of the writer. When considering the works dedicated to the personality and creativity of Gogol, it is really difficult not to find a mention of this Russian poet, since he was important for Gogol’s creative consciousness. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to determine the degree of Gogol’s acquaintance with Zhukovsky’s work during the writing of the “Petersburg Stories”. It is also important to identify and analyze the motives, plots, allusions and reminiscences of Zhukovsky’s works in Gogol’s stories. This will help to see the peculiarities of Gogol’s mastering of the poet’s works, to identify the transformations that Zhukovsky’s discoveries used by him have undergone in Gogol’s artistic system. Material and methods. Since most of the references to Zhukovsky’s work are present in Gogol’s stories “Nevsky Prospekt”, “The Portrait” and “The Overcoat”, the study will be organized on the basis of them. Biographical and comparative research methods are used in the work. Results and discussion. In the story “Nevsky Prospekt”, the narrator describes a refined, creative nature. A similar type often appears in Zhukovsky’s lyrics. In addition, the features of Zhukovsky’s idyll are revealed in the description of the image of the stranger Piskarev met: simplicity is glorified in it and the hero’s desire for harmony and purity is obvious. You can also pay attention to the fact that the artist deifies the young person he met. Probably, in her image, the author tried to reflect the highest manifestation of female beauty on earth, which for Gogol-Christian, of course, was the Madonna. In this case, the feelings of the young man are similar to those described by Zhukovsky in the aesthetic manifesto “Raphael’s Madonna”. However, the beauty leads Piskarev to a brothel. His idealistic consciousness cannot admit that beauty and vulgarity can be synonymous. This correlates with the principles of kalokagatiya, which were common in the Russian literature of the Romantic era and were reflected in the works of Zhukovsky. Having failed to resolve the conflict between reality and dream, Piskarev resorts to opium sleep, which, replacing life for him, becomes one of the factors that led to the tragic denouement, because, seeing his personal paradise in a dream, the artist increasingly moves away from reality and, ultimately, loses the ability to real life. In the features of the story’s plot, one can see the transformation of the idyllic motifs of Zhukovsky’s works. Faced with reality, Piskarev loses his mind. Such a finale is correlated with the plots of ballads which were translated by Zhukovsky. In them evil tempts and lures the unfortunate victim into a trap, and then takes his / her life (“Der Taucher”, “Erlkönig”). Thus, beauty for Gogol is no longer a sign of good. He comes closer to understanding the true beauty and the false beauty of Zhukovsky’s balladeer, shows the fragility of harmony in the world. The novel “Portrait” is considered by some researchers as an aesthetic manifesto of Gogol. This also suggests following the traditions of Zhukovsky. In addition, the two-part structure of the story may refer to the architectonics of Zhukovsky’s story “The Twelve Sleeping Maidens”. Her two ballads “Gromoboi” and “Vadim” are also opposite in their ethics and have ideological similarities with Gogol’s story. In the work, one can also find plot echoes with such works of the poet as the ballads “Lyudmila” (Lyudmila’s grumbling at fate is similar to Chartkov’s behavior) and “Varvik” (the character’s sin also provokes the appearance of otherworldly forces, which is a kind of warning and test). It can also be mentioned that Zhukovsky’s rebel heroes, dissatisfied with their lot, as a rule, suffer a painful defeat and their soul goes to hell. Something similar is happening with Chartkov. As for the second part of the story, it also has common features with Zhukovsky’s manifesto “Raphael’s Madonna”, because Gogol’s icon painter creates a picture that literally “breathes” divine grace. In the story “The Overcoat”, humanistic and Christian motives are revealed. The main character does not expect a better fate, but humbly fulfills his official duties. Children’s enthusiasm and sincerity, coupled with a truly zealous service, turn him into a real ascetic. Bashmachkin’s purity and love for people, as well as his self-sacrifice, allow us to say that his behavior is akin to chivalry, which was characteristic of the main character of “Don Quixote of La Mancha”, the translator of which was Zhukovsky. However, having received “God’s mercy” in the form of a greatcoat, which could well personify a “beautiful lady”, Bashmachkin is no longer so zealously performing his service. The tragic ending of the work can be connected with this. Similar ethical laws apply in the art world of Zhukovsky. Nevertheless, after death, the official returns to true service: by returning in the form of a ghost (which is the image characteristic of Zhukovsky’s works) to a significant person and other high-ranking officials to pick up overcoats, he restores a certain balance in the world. Thus, the universal justice inherent in the artistic world of Zhukovsky is being actualized again. Conclusion. The “Petersburg period” of Gogol’s work is closely connected with Zhukovsky’s creative activity. Gogol gets acquainted with the poet’s lyrics and publicism, actively reflects on what he found in it. It is important to emphasize that Gogol directly assimilates the aesthetics and poetics of Zhukovsky, after which he reproduces certain aspects of the poet’s creativity in his works, subjecting them to his own creative processing, which in general contributed to the formation of the writer’s unique genius. Keywords: N. V. Gogol, V. A. Zhukovsky, “Nevsky prospekt”, “The Portrait”, “The Overcoat”, story | 853 | |||||
6396 | The article analyses the preparation, the course and the focal points of the medical countermeasures of anti-alcohol campaign in Tomsk before and after 1985. Special attention is paid to educative activities, propagandistic and healthrelated measures of the All-union and local party authorities aimed at forming a negative attitude to alcoholism among the public. The paper considers both negative and positive outcomes of large-scale anti-alcohol measures, as well as the response of the part of the population to preventive and propagandistic measures. The archive materials of the Documentation Center for Contemporary History of Tomsk Region, as well as the information from the All-union, West Siberian and local periodicals provided the basis for the research. Keywords: anti-alcohol campaign of 1985–1986, periodicals, Tomsk and Tomsk region, medical institutions, therapeutic and preventive measures | 851 | |||||
6397 | Introduction. The current paper is dedicated to studying one of the 4 discursive strategies of legitimation identified by discourse analyst T. van Leeuwen, mythopoesis. The aim of the study is to reveal specific features of realization of legitimation discursive strategies and to interpret the results in the context of nature of education policy in Japan. Material and methods. The focus of our study is Japanese modern educational system and textbooks of the Course of Moral Education for elementary and secondary schools provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, MEXT. In order to uncover the legitimation strategies in the Course of Moral Education we used the method of discourse analysis and also the critical discourse analysis. Moreover, the method of content analysis and cultural linguistics method are also used. Results and discussion. All the sub-strategies of mythopoesis that was identified by T. van Leeuwen are found in textbooks. Moral tale demonstrates how protagonist achieves success relying on perseverance and diligence, which are in directly linked to the Japanese value gambari. Another story which refers to the inversion is also addresses to this value. Inversion is achieved by endowing the animals from the forest with the qualities of real social actors. The cautionary tale, in contrast, illustrates how the protagonist’s willfulness and unwillingness to obey social principles lead to his exclusion from the society. The symbolization story is an allusion of Japanese society itself with its laws and traditions. Conclusion. The analysis allows to identify the main areas of Japanese pedagogy, as well as to identify the values that are transmitted to the Japanese younger generation through pedagogical discourse. Although Japanese education is modelled after the Western countries’ system, it is still in close connection with moral standards which were the main construct of Japanese society from old centuries. Keywords: pedagogical discourse, legitimacy, discursive strategies, discourse analysis, mythopoesis, Japanese language, education in Japan | 851 | |||||
6398 | Introduction. The study of the lyrical plot of the work “For the Jubilee” [Yubileynoye] carried out for the first time helps to understand the work as a poem, finds in its basis the dynamics of overcoming of the hardest sincere condition of the hero in the course of an imaginary night dialogue with Pushkin in front of his monument on Tverskoy boulevard. The purposes of the study are defined by the necessity of finding the internal co-ordinates of self-identification of the hero – the main lines of the lyrical plot, motives defining them, changes of impulses-themes in the monologue, as well as the components and devices of the comical. The methodology of the study is defined by a complex of historical-genetic, historical-functional, and comparativehistorical methods, descriptive poetics, and poetics of non-classical art. Results and discussion. The basic results of the work are connected to the overcoming the tradition of Russian study of Mayakovsky’s works to place “For the Jubilee” among numerous poems-“conversations” of the poet, to distinguish it only in the connection with the certain event – the 125th anniversary of Pushkin’s birthday. New prospects of the research are opened taking into account that “For the Jubilee” was created in the direct time affinity to poems “About That” [Pro eto] and “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, with the important topic of metaphorical or real death, the problem of immortality and the lyrical hero overcoming boundaries of real space and time in his mental searches. As other bases of research, the transformations of components of the ancient plot of vision, the connotation of Pushkin’s works and signs of his destiny are examined, which are perceived by Mayakovsky-hero as remarks of the great poetpredecessor in the mental dialogue with him. Conclusion. The analysis of poetics of “For the Jubilee” shows the specific author’s use of a set of speech devices of the comical in self-characteristics. The comical accompanies the expression of the serious, the sharply dramatic in the destiny of the poem’s hero and acts as a function to overcome mental anguish, to return to life in its joyful creative modus. Keywords: Mayakovsky, “The Anniversary”, Pushkin, poem, lyrical plot, vision, poetics, motive, the comical in non-comical work | 850 | |||||
6399 | Introduction. The studying of the peculiarities of readers’ perception of poetic texts is one of the relevant problems of modern stylistic. The theory of regulativity as one of the text`s stylistic communicative directions, allows identifying of means and methods of text influence on the addressee. Based on analysis of regulatory tools and various types of structures, in O. E. Mandelstam`s lyrics the nature of vivid images that appear in reader`s mind in a poetic text can be explored as a form of communication. Material and methods. The hypothesis that the features of the regulatory capabilities can be judged by the reaction of informants who perceive the text and its parts, is tested on the basis on the receptive experiment based on the indications of the participants’ language consciousness. O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts of different years were the study materials: «In the dark sky, like a pattern» (1909); «Up out of an evil clinging pool» (1910); «How do I love the strain of living» (1930); «We are living, but can’t feel the land where we stay» (1933). The choice of these poetic texts is caused by its ideological significance and time of creation (the first and the second poem belongs to author`s early lyrics, the last two – his latest works). All these factors allow us to follow the nature of their perception by informants, taking into account the reflection of the evolution O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic picture of the world. Results and discussion. According to conventional five-point scale of impact, respondents gave the maximum score to poems related to the author’s civil lyrics. It is connected with the theme of these poetic texts (for most informants it seemed urgent and familiar), its ideological originality and its large number of regulatory methods that was used in text, srtuctures and its specific (in the poem «We are living, but can’t feel the land where we stay...» – vivid metaphors and epithets; in the poem «How I love the strain of living...» – a number of epithets). Conclusion. As a result of this research, data about factors that determine regulatory potential of the text and the nature of the interpretative activity of addressee were obtained. Among them, we can note thematic and ideological originality of O. E. Mandelstam`s poetic texts, the number and variety of lexical regulatory tools and structures used by author. Keywords: theory of regulativity, text regulativity, experiment, poetic text, O. E. Mandelstam | 850 | |||||
6400 | The article deals with artistic interpretation of Christian images and motives in lyrics of the poet of the Russian Far East abroad Arseny Nesmelov. Analyzes Bible reminiscences, images of the saints, temple, angels, motive of a prayer, Last Judgement, reveals their literary filling. Studies the problem of artistic perception of God and belief by A. Nesmelov, reveales the absence of godless motives, synthesis of various religious directions, perception of belief as symbol of pre-revolutionary Russia. The analysis of poetic works proves that the bible text was well familiar to Nesmelov, and the lyric poet addressed to it to comprehend the modern world through the Eternal book. The poet admires the God’s world, and the image of pre-revolutionary Russia is an example of its perfection. The main goal of creativity is to promote preservation of harmony and natural, natural life. Keywords: Russian abroad of the Far East, Arseny Nesmelov, poetry, reception, Christian images and motives, pre-revolutionary Russia, emigration | 849 |