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1751 | In the article we distinguish a great number of universal symbols in humoristic and satirical folklore and literature: certain types of characters, space and temporal models, plot motifs, etc. In Saltykov-Schedrin’s satirical prose the universal comicity manifests social and historian evil – powers which are opposite to rationalistic (enlightenment) progress. The article is devoted to interpreting universal comic symbols in the works by Saltykov-Schedrin. Keywords: operacional2no-as an active focus of educational process, the unified model, of technological culture. | 1059 | |||||
1752 | In this article the peculiarities of verbalization of the concept “Earth” in the Selkup and Russian languages are observed, key lexemes objectifying the studied concept are analyzed, common and characteristic conceptual features are distinguished. Keywords: the concept “Earth”, conceptual feature, verbalization, the Selkup language, the Russian language | 1059 | |||||
1753 | The aim of the article is to find out how diaries and letters by Tolstoy, recollections of family members and friends about the last years of his life are used in the play and become structure of historical and biographical drama. Druta based his dramatic work views and judgments of Tolstoy himself described in his diaries and letters. The author also relied on the memoirs of those whom he believed to be Lev Nikolaevich’ like-minded people. Keywords: document, historical and biographical drama, plot, composition, laws of drama, historical authenticity | 1059 | |||||
1754 | This article deals with the features of bilingualism and bilingual education at advanced learning foreign language schools. The importance of the native tongue in learning a foreign language is underlined. Keywords: bilingual learning, native tongue, foreign language, interpretation, education | 1059 | |||||
1755 | The article analyses etymology of the lexical unit “Paralympics” in the English language over a period of 1950–2017 years. The analyzed lexical unit initially meant sports competitions for athletes affected by paralysis but since 1950-s its meaning has undergone substantial changes due to the extended program of the Paralympic Games. Currently “Paralympics” does not only mean an athletic event for sportspeople with various disabilities, this lexical item is also used to designate the movement uniting able-bodied and disabled athletes, politicians, journalists, etc. It is directed at creating comfortable and friendly environment for people with impairments, helping them realize their potential, involving them in various not necessarily sports activities. The authors have identified new potential for using the productive prefix para- , which was originally a Greek preposition, to designate Paralympic events and disabled athletes, redefined the meaning of the prefix throughout the evolution of the designator (from the idea of an impairment to revealing impressive abilities of para-athletes sometimes exceeding those of able-bodied sportspeople), provided the data on distribution regulations of using the prefix in modern English language and forecast probable expansion of its intensional meaning conformable to expanding content level of the lexical unit “Paralympics” designator. Keywords: lexical unit «Paralympics» in the English language, etymology, de-etymologisation, blending, prefixation, renaming, expansion of intensional meaning | 1059 | |||||
1756 | . | 1058 | |||||
1757 | The author created a concept of increasing the teaching guality, the training guality of specialists on the base of that were worked out psychological and pedagogical teaching technologies. The application of these technologies guar¬antees the development of intellectual, professional and creative abilities of schoolchildren and students. | 1058 | |||||
1758 | Management is a complex multilevel system the structure of which is not evident. The cyclic character of management complicates the problem of revealing its structure. In the brief analysis provided in this article the constitution of managerial actions according to the management system levels is given, the conclusion about fractal structure of management as an integral system is made, the attributes of integrity of management as a succession of states of information reforming are considered. | 1058 | |||||
1759 | The authors of the article offer a system of cooperation organization at literature lessons. As a result pupils demonstrate deep understanding of epic nature of the novel. | 1058 | |||||
1760 | The article deals with the analysis of the linguistic means of expressing the religious constituent of the national identity on the basis of the phraseological unit High Church. The context of this unit reveals its new meanings, which are not given in dictionaries. | 1058 | |||||
1761 | In the Russian historiography a legal position of cooperation in Soviet period was being investigated rather fragmentarily. In this article we make an attempt of integral reporting the main phases of Russian cooperative legislation’s development from 1917 till 1931 years. The process of forming cooperative legislation and the content of legislative acts are subjected to short analysis. The main peculiarity of realization of cooperative legislation politics by State power is considered | 1058 | |||||
1762 | In accordance to sociological investigation more than 82 % of young Russian people have a positive deliverance about patriotic education, including different sports sections, sports and rest winter and summer camps. The same forms of tours of civil-patriotic set in summer camps in Tomsk region we have organized up to 2004 years. In this article we talk over about preparation and instrumentation summer patriotic camp, program and pedagogical principles, and demonstrate an examples of the documents | 1058 | |||||
1763 | The article is focused on significance of E.G. Yudin’s methodological researches for technical aesthetics development in our country. It is a context of dramatic life history of this outstanding philosopher Keywords: recollections about E.G Yudin, methodology of activity, All-union scientific-research institute of technical aesthetics, methodological research of design, methodological research of ergonomics | 1058 | |||||
1764 | The article presents the use of pedagogical designing as instruments of creation and installation of technology of realization of system of professional restorative-prophylactic training of physical training teachers. The article gives the structure and the contents of parts of the technology: conceptual part; perspective; organizational; methodical and diagnostic parts. Special attention is given to the construction of technological chart of methodical part of the technology. Keywords: Pedagogical technology, structure of technology, contents of technology, system; restorative-prophylactic training, pedagogical designing, physical training teacher. | 1058 | |||||
1765 | The article is devoted to the questions of etymology of some ancient Mongol tribal names. By the complex investigation of the semantic complements of the mongol and buryat ethnonyms the conceptual picture of the nomadic world is revealed. In fact the conceptuality is transferred by the lexical items of samoyedish languages (for instance, selkup language), which is in conformity with samoyedish substrate in the system of geographical proper names of Transbaikalye. Keywords: etymology; some ancient Mongol tribal names; the complex investigation; the conceptual picture of the nomadic world; samoyedish substrate | 1058 | |||||
1766 | In the article Russian cities experience in creating conditions for attracting investment has been studied. It helped to show municipalities’ role in forming of the investment climate in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the law regulation of municipal investment politics. The most efficient mechanisms for attracting investment are described. Keywords: investment climate, municipal government, efficiency, mechanisms for attracting investment, publicprivate partnership | 1058 | |||||
1767 | The method of forming creative groups to teach students the physics of the design scheme. The pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of the pendulum Ochs, consisting of bars on a horizontal surface, connected to a spring. The oscillations of the pendulum are characterized by a constant period, a linear decrease in amplitude, when for each half period of the amplitude is reduced by the same amount. The requirements of the problem is an example of educational organizations-term promotional activity for future engineers at the project level, as in practical classes, and in the interrelated tasks of physical design workshop. Keywords: formation of work groups, pendulum Okhs, stable and unstable oscillations, design jobs | 1058 | |||||
1768 | In Russia now the social policy concerning disabled people considerably improves. The special relevance is gained by the programs of development of disabled people’s complex medico-social rehabilitation. Complex rehabilitation increases the level of the host functionality, promotes recovery of the social communications lost because of chronic diseases. The social and pedagogical component of complex rehabilitation motivates chronic patients with violations of the motive sphere to daily occupations with adaptive physical culture. Work therapy as a means of adaptive physical culture can positively influence a social rehabilitations of persons with Parkinson disease. Parkinson’s disease is one of the reasons for invalidization and disability of mature agepersons. The main symptoms of a disease are motive violations and cognitive frustrations. The application of rational work therapy in a complex with pharmacotherapy, a dietotherapy, physiotreatment improves a psycho-functional state, household adaptation and socialization of patients with parkinsonism at late stages of disease. Keywords: work therapy, complex rehabilitation, Parkinson illness, adaptive physical culture, social adaptation | 1058 | |||||
1769 | The article is dedicated to the concept of the myth about the poet in the work of Marina Tsvetaeva from the point of view of the organization of space in the verse text, primarily the sky space, because it plays an essential role in creating the myth about the poet, therefore, most important aspects are the image of the poet in verse cycles, its existence in space and the influence of the organization of space on the semantics of the myth about the poet. In the course of the research, the author applies not only to the declared cycles, but also to other poems, letters and essays by Marina Tsvetaeva, important for recreating the necessary context. The study leads to the conclusion that the semantics of the myth about the poet is inextricably linked with the space of the sky or the space near the sky. The basic principle of its creation is designated as metonymic, when the projection of a certain image on the poet sets the coordinates of a certain space. All the images participating in its creation can be divided into several groups: ornithological (images of birds), astronomical (images of the moon, sun, stars, cosmos and planets), mythological (images associated with specific mythologies) and religious (images associated with Christianity). Accordingly, we can talk about the different skies in which the poet is: the space of flight, the astronomical sky, the mythological sky and the religious sky. The semantics of the myth about the poet and the space in which Tsvetaeva puts him are in continuous interaction, moreover, the space of one or another cycle largely reflects the features of the poet’s work to which it is dedicated, and Tsvetaeva’s attitude to the poet. Keywords: myth, mythologization, semantics of myth, verse cycle, space, sky, metaphor, symbol, image | 1058 | |||||
1770 | The paper deals with the key aspects of electronic literary text semiotics and the specific realization of its categories such as cohesion and coherence. The research materials include several electronic texts (based on different platforms and technologies such as Adobe Flash, Scalar, HTML 5) that demonstrate the use of conceptually valid poly-code elements in their semantic structure. The main methods of the research are general scientific methods such as monitoring and description in conjunction with the method of comparative analysis and complex linguistic and stylistic analysis of literary text. The basis of text formation logical and semantic connections is the repetition of information in the various parts of the text. The cohesion of electronic literary text structural elements is provided by micro and macro thematic correlation of nonverbal components that relate to repeated verbal elements of electronic literary text. Being semantic valid, nonverbal components (audio, video, graphics, animation) can correlate with the differ character and length verbal components (letter; word/ word combination/ phrase; a part of text: the whole text) of electronic literary text. The spatial arrangement of verbal and nonverbal elements of electronic literary text is a means of expressing thematic and conceptual structure of the electronic work. Electronic literary text coherence comes along in the recipient’s consciousness during the cognitive process which helps to build holistic meaning transferring with the help of verbal and nonverbal elements of electronic work. Electronic literary text is semiotic complex object of modern informational and communicational discourse where verbal code is still meaningful but not predominant element. This fact transfers the text materiality into the sphere of cross disciplinary research in the humanities. Keywords: Electronic literary text, verbal, nonverbal, coherence, cohesion, polycode | 1058 | |||||
1771 | Galaychuk T. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 44-45 . | 1057 | |||||
1772 | Dementyeva S. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 70-72 . | 1057 | |||||
1773 | . | 1057 | |||||
1774 | This article is a new addition to the hlstcry of Russian ancestral surnames in verbal legends of linguistic clans of Great Rus" tribes and is dedicated to the problems of evolution of professional names of Russian clans and totems, it explains the cause of origin of Koza (she-goat) and Kozei (he-goat) totems of linguistic Skaz clan in Rus' tribe as well; why it was required to keep ancestral memory and why jii days of old Russians said: «Who wii! recall bygons lose an eye and who will forget it will lose the both». | 1057 | |||||
1775 | A geometrical covariant definition of the variation of conserved quantities is introduced for Lagrangian field theories, suitable for both metric and affine gravitational theories. When this formalism is applied to the Hilbert Lagrangian we obtain a covariant definition of the Hamiltonian (and consequently a definition of the Energy) for a gravitational system The definition of the variation of Energy depends on boundary conditions one imposes. Different boundary conditions are introduced to define different energies: the gravitational heat (corresponding to Neumann boundary conditions) and the Brown-York quasilocal energy (corresponding to Dirichlet boundary conditions) for a gravitational system. An analogy between the behavior of a gravitational system and a macroscopical thermodynamics system naturally arises and relates control modes for the thermodynamical system with boundary conditions for the gravitational system. This geometrical and covariant framework enables one to define entropy of gravitational systems, wnich results to be a geometric quantity with well-defined cohomological properties arising from the obstruction to foliate spacetimes into spacelike hypersurfaces. This definition of gravitational entropy turns out to be very general: it can be generalized to causal horizons and multiple-horizon spacetimes and applied to define entropy for more exotic singular solutions of Einstein field equations. The same definition results also to be well-suited in higher dimensions and in the case of alternative gravitational theories. | 1057 | |||||
1776 | The article is dedicated to the questions of HR-process modelling in the organization. On the multitude of ob¬ject's states the algebraic system is being built. On the basis of algebraic laws the character of objects' interac¬tion is researched. | 1057 | |||||
1777 | The article points to further elaboration of regulativity theory in the context of communicative stylistics of text. Discovering the connection of regulative and conceptual poetic text structure the author analyses the way of forming the conceptual text structure in the process of interpretative reader’s activity. Regulative lexical text structure is regarded as the mean and the way of reader’s accustoming to conceptsphere of poetic text. | 1057 | |||||
1778 | The article considers the necessity of philosophical basing of modern pedagogical conceptions, which are adequate to the postindustrial, informational level of culture and civilization development. Under the conditions of multiculture of modern information-communicational society the role of philosophical – world outlook component of pedagogical culture of the teacher of the XXI century increases, which let him clarify himself, orientate himself in the complicated sphere of modern education, which is based on the different methodological, philosophic-theoretical and pedagogical basis. The article shows the role of philosophical chair of TSPU in solving the problem of forming philosophical - world outlook culture of future teachers. | 1057 | |||||
1779 | The paper reviews contemporary issues of modern education in the context of historical experience, which represents salient information for both understanding the historical problems and generating their innovative solutions. | 1057 | |||||
1780 | This article is devoted to the investigation of the specific character of image economical discourse. In the article image materials are classified according to the purpose of their creation and methods of image creation are also investigated. | 1057 | |||||
1781 | New ideas on wave neuronal processes and only two neuronal constants, H. Berger’s and M.N. Livanov’s ones, which were included into a dozen of simple algebraic equations, permit us to explain interrelationship of many known quantitative regularities in psychology. New equations, which were derived deductively from neurophysiological data, permit to explain quantitatively a lot of psychological phenomena in a broad range of conditions, particularly, the speed of gain of information and the dependence of short-term memory span on the alphabet span of stimuli. Besides it was shown in experiments with hundreds of subjects that individual parameters of electroencephalogram permit to compute individual peculiarities of human behavior, in partial to compute MMPI psychological profiles as well as to esteem intellectual abilities of human being. The predictors were electroencephalographic parameters like amplitudes and frequencies of EEG waves as well as coefficients of correlation between activities at different brain areas in resting state of subject | 1057 | |||||
1782 | The article is concerned with the study of lexical means that actualize associative level for some sides of chaos concept in poems of O. E. Mandelstam. The study was conducted within the boundaries of communicative stylistics of text and concentrated on two generalized associative arrays: chaos — basis of being; chaos — eternity — mystery — cosmic space (sky — planets). Some specific characteristics of poet’s worldview and style are revealed. Keywords: concept, textual associations, associative array, poetic worldview, individual style | 1057 | |||||
1783 | Researches of the chromosomal organisation and polymorphism of inversion of Far East malarial mosquito A. sinensis Wiedemann a complex «hyrcanus» were carried out in Primorye Territory. During work the chromosomal map of a kind is made, marker disks are noted. Wide intraspecific chromosomal polymorphism on all parts of autosome is revealed. The analysis of polymorphism of inversion in different points of catching of larvae in the south of Primorye Territory has revealed various level of a variety of the chromosomal variants, correlating with degree of remoteness biotopes from sea coast. The greatest polymorphism is established in population in a distance from the sea (settlement Sibirtsevo); the least is in vicinities of Vladivostok; variability has intermediate character in population of mosquitoes of state Artem. Keywords: malarial mosquitoes, karyotype, polymorphism of inversion, homozygote, heterozygote, autosome, population, genetic structure | 1057 | |||||
1784 | The article presents the issues related to the vocational self-determination of school senior pupils. It considers the problems of vocational self-determination as consistent with the subject’s personal qualities. The case study of senior pupils vocational orientation is presented in terms of «self-conception», which is considered the determining factor of personal self-actualization including the vocational one. Keywords: construction of «self-conception», senior pupils vocational self-determination, temperament | 1057 | |||||
1785 | The article presents the analysis of poetics of miracle on the material of the last novel by L. Leonov “Pyramid” in religious significance of the motif dating back to the texts of the Bible. The study focuses on intratextual links of the motif with other Bible’s motifs in “Pyramid.” Keywords: motif of miracle, tradition of research, the novel “Pyramid”, context, typology of miracles, the levels of the plot | 1057 | |||||
1786 | In this article the author analyzes the topical problem of language polycultural education of advertising specialists in the linguistic university. The author offers the technology of teaching a foreign language to students of the advertising faculty, thus proving that study of advertising cannot be separated from study of national-cultural specificity and linguistic realities. Keywords: language polycultural education, an individual’s cultural identity, national-cultural specificity, advertising communication, advertising localization | 1057 | |||||
1787 | “Hunter’s Notes” by I. S. Turgenev and “Schwarzwald village stories” by B. Auerbach are compared in this article. On the basis of peculiarities of world outlook and poetic method of these writers, the state Russian and German literature in the 40-s of the 19th century conclusions of similarity and difference between these works are made. Keywords: sketch, village story, «poetic realism», characterisation of poor people, characterisation of the narrat, social problems, humanism, psychologism | 1057 | |||||
1788 | The article deals with the mechanism of generating allusions as one of the means of human thought; the basis of this process is the use of the cultural potential of certain linguistic community. Keywords: precedent text, allusion, stereotype, linguistic community, associative relation | 1057 | |||||
1789 | The article presents the results of research of recognition of emotions in children with impaired hearing. Peculiarities of recognition of emotions in adults and children on the basis of pictures with mimic images. In addition there was investigated the ability of the correlation of emotions and situations, as well as the ability to verbalization of emotions in children with impaired hearing. Keywords: emotions, understanding of emotional states, children with hearing impairments, verbalization of emotions | 1057 | |||||
1790 | The article is the result of the analysis of historical and educational literature and archive materials. It describes for the first time the peculiarities of labor education at institutions of public charity in the Yenisei province in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The authors determine the specific features of the charity in the Yenisei province and the characteristics of their labor education. Keywords: labor education, orphans, the system of charity, Yenisei province, late XIX – early XX centuries | 1057 | |||||
1791 | The article is devoted to the communicative-methodological competence of the future holders of the bachelor’s degree concerning the foreign language faculties of the pedagogical universities. The article gives the definition of the communication-methodological competence, studies its structure and the basic foundation of the development during the period of the education in accordance with the State Standard. Keywords: bachelor, Federal State Standard of Professional Education, competence approach, professional competence, communicative-methodological competence | 1057 | |||||
1792 | The research presents some important results of the diagnosis of functional-semantic content of joint activities and teaching positions in a foreign language classroom. Based on the test’s modification of G.N. Prozumentovа «Diagnostics of functional-semantic content of the joint activity and the position of the teacher as a participant and organizer», the authors developed a questionnaire adapted for the technical university. The purpose of this research is to identify the actual and preferred professional activities and teaching positions of joint activity organization. The test is a series of statements describing possible actions of the teacher that reflects its position in the different models of joint activity (manager, leader, and partner). Test results allow to identify actual and preferred professional actions and models in organization of joint activity of teachers and students. In addition, we presented the results, received from teachers of two different departments of the same university, which will be very helpful to understand the educational presses which teachers are applying in order to be successful in teaching foreign as a second language. We built the results the way you can easily distinguish both groups’ experiences and put them into the tables. The final table shows us the compared results of two groups and displayed them for more understanding. Keywords: joint activities, foreign language, interactive learning, interactive methods, interactive teaching, authoritarian model, leadership model, affiliate model | 1057 | |||||
1793 | . | 1056 | |||||
1794 | In the article is put problem of correlation and perceptions of categories «ease» and «labour» in the context of modernizations of russian culture XVIII – a beginning XX centuries. Consideration given categories in the context of perception by the russian society of different sides of west-european cultural experience, finds cognate processes in modern russia reality, when occurs increasing role of prestigious consumption and amusements. Scope of the leisure and festive activity, having begun scale to increase a space of its existance from shaping an industry society, currently becomes the most most important, even main, particularity of modern mass culture. | 1056 | |||||
1795 | In this article we outline the stages of studying a unique Siberian broad – leaved lime forest in the context of the 20th century specific research. The important role of scientists proving the relict nature of this forest has been shown. The negative influence of number of biotical and abiotical factors on the present relict populations has also been described. There is an urgent necessity to preserve this unique forest for future generations | 1056 | |||||
1796 | The article defines theoretical basis of the problem of developing communicative competence in continuous education (from pre-school up to postgraduate stage); gives brief analysis of research and experimental work, which has been carried out for a number of years at all stages of educational system (pre-school, comprehensive school, specialized secondary school, higher school) and among professionals; provides a brief description of the model for stage-by-stage development of communicative competence in the system of continuous education. | 1056 | |||||
1797 | The article is dedicated to some peculiarities of M.I. Tsvetaeva’s poetic world. These peculiarities have been actualized by textual associations, which demonstrate different ways of the concept “chaos”. The analysis of means and ways of its representation on the level of associative words’ connections in the author’s works has been revealed. | 1056 | |||||
1798 | The article is devoted to the components of teaching pre-translation text analysis, to characteristics of this analysis and its components. The elements of pre-translation text analysis lay the basis for distinguishing elements of teaching this activity. These elements are: linguistic categories, text analysis skills and the teaching model. | 1056 | |||||
1799 | In managing the organization of the independent work on foreign language to students’ of technical specialities it is necessary to involve the students themselves in the process of the reverse connection, attracting them to the fulfillment of some portion of the correctional work. It means that it is necessary to teach students to self-control and self-correction. This process facilitates of the students’ abilities to accomplish the self-control in the native language, that’s why the teacher’s task is to direct the action of this mechanism to acquirement of the knowledge, skills and habits in foreign language | 1056 | |||||
1800 | The article presents the methods of students’ interaction with the educational text. The use of the complex of methods is regarded as the main condition of forming the educational text activity of students. The characteristic feature of the methods is as follows: they are aimed at the education of students’ cultural creative abilities while working with the text. The presented complex of methods is characterized by integrity and universality. A new interpretation is offered in the description of some known methods. The list of methods is supplemented with the authors methods published for the first time. Keywords: the educational text, forming the educational text activity of students, the complex of methods, the methods of students’ interaction with the educational text, cultural creative abilities, reading strategy, reading tactics, arts of reading, standard of w | 1056 |