# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4951 | Urazaeva T. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 73-76 . | 1055 | |||||
4952 | In article physiological reaction of an organism to action of the stressful factor reveals. Authors offer to consider influence of stressful situations on formation of adaptation of an organism to factors of environment. Keywords: stress, polistim, dostim, noradrenalin, serotonin, gistamin, timys, a spleen, lymph nodes, white not purebred rats | 1055 | |||||
4953 | The article rums some aspects of analysis of the methodology of clusters formation and development in modern market economy. The anther examines the main directions of clusters influence on market competition. Keywords: clusters, structure, competition, innovational economy, completion connections, coordination, computability. | 1055 | |||||
4954 | Work over a pre-text stage of reading for detailed comprehension of a foreign scientific and technical text in teaching of an academic informative abstract writing is observed in the article. The attention is given to the exercises in finding key-elements, text prognosis in sense and linguistic levels. Keywords: pre-text stage, text stage, reading for detailed comprehension, external and internal text arrangement, comprehension, text prognosis. | 1055 | |||||
4955 | The article substantiates organizational approaches to the selection and structuring of the content of language instruction when the instruction is taking place in an informational teaching environment. Keywords: language instruction, information technologies, informational teaching environment, didactic model. | 1055 | |||||
4956 | The possibility of application of the common didactic principles which are put contemporary by classical and modern pedagogy; in process studying of thematic block “Consciousness” is considered in this article. A number of the methodical receptions realizing principles of scientifi c character, availability, presentation, code conversion, unity concrete and abstract is offered. The author considers that the prospects of the decision of the problems of scientifi c character of the statement of the given theme are in demonstration of possibilities of philosophy are mentioned to work with experimental results of the natural sciences. A number of psychophysiological experiments is consider, and modes of work with them in a student's audience are described. Keywords: socialization, foregoing social environment, student’s idea of personal happiness | 1055 | |||||
4957 | The article deals with theoretical and organizational problems of introducing European credit transfer system (ECTS) into Russian non-state higher institutions. The author has come to the conclusion that the introduction of ECTS causes a lot of questions on the part of professors and students of higher educational institutions. It is noted in the article that when working out the conception of the credit system for Russian higher school it is important to discuss principles of credit assessment of educational curriculum content on the basis of planning the results of its realization. The suggested idea is to give higher institutions an opportunity to work out experimental educational standards within the limits of cycle (and perhaps, course) structure of federal state educational standards. Keywords: quality of education, non-state sector of higher education, problems of introducing ECTS | 1055 | |||||
4958 | Tragedies “Medea. Material” H. Mьller and L. Razumovskaya's “Medea” are written at the same time, in the early eighties of the XX century, and raise similar problems. The problem if the power at Mьller is interfaced to a problem of fault and historical memory. Future loss for heroes of the tragedy – a consequence of their crimes in front of Colchis, requital for shed blood. Understanding of the power by Razumovskaya's heroes are realized through opposition of social functions of the hero and the tsar in which the first is unconditionally disinterested, resolute, selfsacrificing while the second can be the strategist acting in interests of the city, or the liar. Medea's love, conducting it to crimes, also is treated differently. In questions of a ratio corporal and spiritual in love authors act as successors of various cultural traditions: German modernism and Russian of “ascetic materialism”. Also in article features of a genre of texts of Mьller and Razumovskaya under whose feather the tragedy receives modern sounding are considered. Keywords: postdrama theatre, modern drama, tragedy, genre, mythological plot | 1055 | |||||
4959 | This article analyses the russian emigre poet Nicolay Otsup’s poems. In his emigre works death becomes the main motif. The 1930th Otsup’s works reflect the spiritual crisis of emigration, the hard search for God and His essence. Otsup borrows a lot from G. Ivanov and G. Adamovich, and at the same time his poems are deeply individual. Poet’s existential sufferings have religious connotations and thus lack the last feeling of despair. The 1930th works contain incipiency to religious notion, that is characteristic of his 1940th–50th years’ works. The poets’s route from “the philosophy of tragedy” to “philosophy of hope” explains his postwar fate and Otsup’s creative works, poet explains the sufferings, on the verge of the disaster he finds love of life. Keywords: Russian emigre Literature, lyrics of N. Otsup, motif of death and existentialism | 1055 | |||||
4960 | Elementary number theory as a school mathematics section is an essential part of professional preparation of a mathematics teacher. It’s explained by the fact that elementary number theory is a part of general secondary education programme both at basic and profile levels; problems in elementary number theory have considerable educational and teaching potential, and for their solution various methods of school mathematics are used. The paper is devoted to the role of elementary number theory as a component of professional preparation of a modern mathematics teacher in the context of competence approach. The author proves the necessity of including in the content of a mathematics teacher’s professional subject competence readiness to solve theory number problems using elementary mathematics methods (school mathematics methods). Clarifies the requirements for the ability to solve problems in elementary number theory. Keywords: professional subject competence of mathematics teacher; elementary number theory; methods of mathematical problems solving | 1055 | |||||
4961 | In the historiography the process of formation and development of Russian national organizations, as well as their participation in the restructuring and the dismantling of the Soviet system is poorly studied. Studies show that during this period they participated in the struggle against the CPSU and leftist movements, providing support for the “right” for liberals and democrats, advocating in their programs the need to abandon the planned economy and the multinational state. The analysis of works of nationwide historiography allows us to conclude that the use of Western Siberia materials and involving them in the context of Russian national research organizations is not enough. The authors studying the problem at the national level used primarily governing body documents and materials on the activities of Russian nationalists in the European part of Russia. Researchers from Western Siberia in relation to 1980's examine the activities of “Memorial” and “Memory” to 1990's, in fragments studied activity of the Russian National Union (ROS), the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), the Russian Public Movement (ROD), the Congress of Russian Communities (KRO) and Russian National Unity (RNE). Western Siberia, one of the few regions in which conducted the analysis of the organizations that declared themselves as Russian national that makes it possible to study the activity of these organizations in order to their political doctrine. Keywords: Russian nationalists, etatists, national discourse, historiography, political life of Western Siberia, monarchists, the Russian Orthodox Church abroad | 1055 | |||||
4962 | The article studies the problems that face higher school lecturers in the course of professional pedagogical communication, it reflects the complexity of the relationship between lecturers and their colleagues, administration, students, and suggests possible options for settling conflicts that arise. Particular attention is paid to the pedagogical communication difficulties specific to foreign language teachers. In addition to the analytical review of research on pedagogical communication, the author describes the results of the experiment conducted among students and graduates of universities in Novosibirsk, during which the participants tried to create a model of the ideal teacher of foreign languages, based on their own experience of communication with the teaching staff of the educational institution. Keywords: pedagogical communication, professional development, teacher of foreign languages, students, teaching staff, higher educational institution | 1055 | |||||
4963 | The article deals with the peculiarities of formation of linguistic competence (degree of native language) of students with disabilities. Children with disabilities have special educational opportunities and needs identified by psycho-pedagogical characteristics of this group of students. The characteristics of inclusive teaching space, including the risks potentially associated with formation of linguistic competence of students with disabilities. The process of formation of the linguistic competence of students of all categories, including the disabilities is based on the formation of their complex knowledge of the language as a system consisting of certain levels and corresponding to these unit-level representation of how language system develops and functions, what are the factors conditional on the national specifics of the language. Specificity of finding children with disabilities linguistic competence and its further improvement is determined by a complex of factors. First, of course, are affected by some of the internal contradictions inherent in the phenomenon of inclusion having a medico-social ontological essence. Secondly, the situation with the education of children with disabilities may present certain psychological risks. Thirdly, the inclusive approach in education can be restricted by inadequate resourcing: personnel, logistics, software methodical and finally financial. The urgency of the issues raised in the study is caused by a sharp decline in cognitive and motivational interest of students in general to the problems of language culture, as well as the problems associated with the organization and implementation of the educational process in an integrated (inclusive) basis. In the function of linguodidactic material is presented modified fragment of the adapted program of the Russian language for disabled students of the 6th grade (see “Noun”). Keywords: competence, linguistic competence, students with disabilities, inclusive education | 1055 | |||||
4964 | The article deals with the analysis of means of expressing the semantic field of the category of deficiency in the novel “The Minds of Billy Milligan” by Daniel Keyes in English. The category of deficiency includes two main components: physiological and mental. The notional category of deficiency is represented by the structure in the semantic field with the core and peripheral parts. The core of the semantic field of the mental deficiency includes three components: 1) medical terms of mental disorders; 2) lexis meaning underdevelopment of mental abilities; 3) lexical means expressing psychic disorders. The peripheral part of this mental unit has not been represented for special consideration in this work. Means of multiple personality disorder component within mental constituent of the category of deficiency in English have been presented. The interconnections between mental component of the category of deficiency and legal-regulatory, moral-ethic aberrations in English have been observed. Keywords: semantic category, semantic base, deficiency, mental component, lexeme, set phrase | 1055 | |||||
4965 | Rapid growth of neologisms in the American English causes the relevance of this research. Current linguistic researches (A. R. Nagiyeva, S. N. Shidlovskaya, I. Yu. Chernysh, Yu. E. Shadrina, E. S. Razheva, O. A. Guryanova, A. M. Khayrullina, E. A. Hudinshai other) don’t cover all functional features of neologisms in the modern American English. It is supposed that exactly American mass media sphere is one of the main producing zones of neologisms. But nowadays there isn`t complex research of the American mass media sphere in terms of existing and functioning neologisms there. This fact causes necessity to investigate the main reasons for creation of neologisms in the American mass media sphere and to define their functional status there. Theoretical results of this research contribute to systematization of the existing knowledge of the nature of neologisms. Practical significance of the research is that it can be used as a base for lexicographic fascination of the neologisms which have appeared in XXI century. It is shown that mass media is one of the main spheres where neologism appear and function. Most of them are a result of appearance of new forms of Internet resources, equipment and solutions. There are in the research examples of neologism with the explanation of their meaning and peculiarities of realization in the American mass media sphere. It is stressed that most of neologisms are connotative words, which are used to achieve some effect (pragmatical, ironical, actional, etc.). Keywords: neologisms, mass media text, neology, American English | 1055 | |||||
4966 | The article contains the analysis of the images of toys in the works of Siberian writers of the beginning of the XXI: the story-tale “Princess Agashka in the Land of Unknown Animals” by S. K. Danilov, “Pegasus” by V. V. Shkalikov, “The Year of the Princess Bukashka” by Yu. S. Burkin. A toy, which has the oldest origin and combined ritual sacral, playful, psychological functions, is one of the classic images of children’s literature. All these properties are reflected in different ways in the works of the Siberian authors. In the story-tale by S. K. Danilov the old toys serve as assistants, guides, custodians of knowledge, as a mirror image of the inner world of Agashka, and also personify the state of abandonment and desolation, thereby contributing to the formation of important personal qualities of the main character. Old dolls, personifying true values (kindness, friendship, charity) are contrasted with Cindy dolls, symbolizing the values of the era of consumption. Overcoming the temptations associated with the problem of choosing life ideals, Agashka leaves the Playground of the Land of Unknown Beasts and goes to the real world with a personality. In the “Pegasus” by V. V. Shkalikov in the image of a wooden saltcellar are found the oldest solar images-symbols (winged horse, bird), which have important cultural and historical significance. The act of creating a toy made of natural material leads to the awakening and, in a literal sense, the revitalization of inanimate material, becomes the impetus for inducing heroes to search for the meaning of existence. In the cycle of stories by Yu. S. Burkin “The Year of the Princess Bukashka” the toys perform an important function of the amulet. In addition, references to classical children’s literature-works by L. Carroll, S. K. Lewis, A. N. Tolstoy, Sasha Tcherny, A. Barto, etc. are found in the works of Siberian authors. Keywords: S. K. Danilov, V. V. Shkalikov, Yu. S. Burkin, “Princess Agashka in the Land of Unknown Animals”, “Pegasus”, “The Year of the Princess Bukashka”, children’s literature, images of toys | 1055 | |||||
4967 | Introduction. The multiethnic environment of the school can act, on the one hand, as the basis for the manifestation of tolerance, interethnic interaction, and on the other hand, a high degree of ethnic identity of students can cause interethnic conflicts and hostility to representatives of a different nationality. The formation of the personality of a younger student takes place in the context of socialization, which is characterized by a desire for success and social recognition, social activity, which are indicators of social success. Various kinds of contradictions arise between ethnicity and the achievement of the social success of elementary schoolchildren in multinational classes. The aim of the study was to study the features of social success of younger students of polyethnic classes. The objectives of the study were to determine the formation of components of social success of primary school students, to establish differences between the components of social success of the ethnic majority and minority, to identify the ratio of socially successful and socially unsuccessful students of polyethnic classes. The sample was made by primary school children of 2 and 3 classes with a multi-ethnic composition (n=182), which is represented by the main ethnic group – Russians and an ethnic minority consisting of students of different nationalities. Diagnosis of social success was carried out using the methodology of sociometry (J. Moreno), questionnaire of interpersonal relations “My class” (Yu. Z. Gil’bukh) testing motivators socio-psychological activity of a person (N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov, G. M. Manuylov). The parametric student t-test was used to compare the social success of students of different ethnic groups. Results and discussion. Experimental research has established the levels of formation of the components of social success of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes: the prevalence of favorable sociometric status (stars, the preferred), achievement of success, tendency for affiliation, the school life satisfaction, low conflict and lack of solidarity, mainly among representatives of the ethnic majority. The features of the social success of primary school students of multiethnic classes are the differences in conflict, solidarity, and the tendency to the affiliation of the ethnic majority and minorities. In the total sample of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes, by the positive indicators of socially successful students, twice as many were identified as socially unsuccessful. Conclusion. It is emphasized that the social success of primary school students of multi-national classes is not due to national affiliation, but other social and personal characteristics. The study enriches and complements the pedagogy of primary school, the theory and methodology of education of younger students with new data on the socialization of the child’s personality in the system of interethnic interaction, the features of social success of students at the stage of primary education. The study of these aspects is necessary for primary school teachers working with a multi-ethnic composition of students to develop intercultural interaction and communication among younger students, the formation of a tolerant attitude to representatives of other ethnic groups, understanding ways and means of achieving social success. Keywords: primary school children; multi-national classes; success; social success; ethnic majority, ethnic minority | 1055 | |||||
4968 | Shatova T. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 52-53 . | 1054 | |||||
4969 | . | 1054 | |||||
4970 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 25-28 . | 1054 | |||||
4971 | Panova E. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 28-32 | 1054 | |||||
4972 | The authors of the article consider main problems of enterprises in Russia and also the reasons of their appearance. One of the main reasons is the lack of planning. The decision of this problem could be, in authors' opinion, building of imitating models of an en¬terprise for a definite period. | 1054 | |||||
4973 | This article is devoted to creation of system calculation and analysis of central heating tariffs, defined basic objects, main regulations and functional filling of creating of such type of systems. Such system implantation permits to retrench routine operations of input and data processing, efficient conducting data archive. | 1054 | |||||
4974 | The rational use of cemented carbide cutting tools is impossible without knowledge of physical phenomena which occur in cutting. Among all physical processes, contact processes which take place on contact surfaces between tool and chip, and also between tool and work material are most important. In this chapter different contact conditions are analyzed. Experimental results obtained relate to contact parameters and their dependencies on cutting conditions. Experimental equipment and method of contact load measurements are described | 1054 | |||||
4975 | The results of investigation of the fullerene C60 ground state electron structure obtained with the use of model spherical-symmetric potentials of electron-nuclear interaction are presented. The following models: the rectangular potential well, the potential of the uniformly charged sphere, and the potential “in a chosen direction” are used in the calculations. The new potential “in a chosen direction” has been used for the first time, so that the corresponding results are of the most interest. We suppose this potential takes into account, to a certain extend, the real geometry of the molecule C60 and the screening of the nuclei Coulomb field by the inner-shell electrons. The single-electron energies are calculated in both Hartree and Hartree-Fock approximations for the averaged term configuration of 60 outermost valence electrons. The inner-shell electrons are included effectively into the molecular ionic core. The parameters of the potential are chosen to provide the best correspondence of single-electron energies and the experimental ionization thresholds IP1=7.58 eV , IP2=11.50 eV. The calculation showed a good agreement between the calculated results and experimental data. All that will allow utilization of well-developed methods of the theoretical atomic physics to investigation of spectroscopic properties of highly-symmetrical molecular clusters | 1054 | |||||
4976 | Using the method of auxiliary sources, we give the numerical algorithm for solving of electromagnetic scattering problems by structures comprising several uncrossing thin wires. The capabilities of the developed software package is briefly described. We present some results of numerical calculations aimed of analyzing the influence of neighbouring wires on the current distribution along wires and bistatic cross-section | 1054 | |||||
4977 | The system of additional education of children creates conditions for a free choice each child of educational area, a structure of the additional program and time of it’s development. The rational organization of activity of establishments of system of additional education essentially reduces probability асоциального behavior of children and teenagers | 1054 | |||||
4978 | Methods for development of skill of self-supervising in study activity at lessons in Physics are suggested. A variety of methods are considered which allow the students to verify the obtained results. The methods are classified into number of groups dependent on approach. A number of problems as examples, along with a particular method of self-control are invented | 1054 | |||||
4979 | The dialogic charactor and specific of addresses are considered in the article as a regulative structures of intertextual type in O. E. Mandelshtam’s lyrics. The research is made with basis on the theory of regularity worked out in communicative stylistics of the text. Keywords: regularity, regulative means of intertextual charactor, regulative structures of intertextual charactor, adress of intertextual type | 1054 | |||||
4980 | The article deals with research of features of social-cultural integration of immigrants at comprehensive school, the conditions defi ning its effi ciency are proved. Keywords: student-immigrant, student-aboriginal, social-cultural integration, criterion social-cultural integration | 1054 | |||||
4981 | We propose a closed higher-spin algebra and its representation that reproduces conformal invariant Lagrangian presented by Fradkin and Tseytlin. We use this algebra for constructing gauge invariant Lagrangian by BRST method. Lagrangian constructed by BRST method does not have any off-shell constraints or higher derivative terms as in the non-conformal case. As an example for spin 2 case in four space-time dimension, our Lagrangian agrees with that of conformal gravity by using gauge xing and equations of motions of auxiliary fields. Keywords: higher-spin, BRST, conformal | 1054 | |||||
4982 | This article is devoted to one of the most important problems – the activity of the service of methodic help to the pedagogues of preschool educational establishments in aesthetic upbringing of children of the senior preschool age. It’s necessary to innovate the contents of aesthetic relation to the world of children of the senior preschool age in preschool educational establishments, to join the children to ecclesiastical valuables formed by mankind. Keywords: children of senior preschool age, aesthetic upbringing, aesthetic relation to world, a preschool educational establishment (kindergarten) | 1054 | |||||
4983 | This article deals with the problem of information technology effective usage (in particular multimedia) at adult learners professionally oriented communication teaching as multimedia and information technologies universal distribution makes it necessary to search for any new and modern approaches of the teaching process organization in technical university, including creation of language environment via information technology, so a teacher has to apply effectively information and multimedia technologies while teaching professionally oriented language at high school. Information and multimedia technologies implementation in the high school educational process will allow correctly to supplement and combine traditional approaches to teaching to foreign professionally oriented communication with the most innovative ones, will apply an individual approach to each of the adult learners, objectively assessing the acquired knowledge and skills of an individual. Keywords: information technology, multimedia, adult learners, English language training, professional oriented communication | 1054 | |||||
4984 | The first step of the problem solving process is problem identification and problem statement. Existing problem analysis models are overspecialized. The article substantiates the approach to building a universal analysis model of a wide range of problem situations, regardless of context and subject fields. The main approaches to the problem analyzing process are mapped; key factors related to the efficiency of the problem to task transformation are identified. It is shown that the model developed on the basis of cognitive approach meets the requirements for the design of a universal problem analysis model. The hypothesis of the research is that the use of this model will allow to develop a complete orientational basis of action of problem to task transformation, regardless of context of the original problem. Keywords: problem solving, problem situation, task, orientational basis of action, psychology of thinking | 1054 | |||||
4985 | The abstract captures the essence of moral education of school-age children with mental retardation in a special (correctional) educational institution type VIII. In fact it starts with the arrival of the child in school and includes education of patriotism, love for the country, to its area, to mother nature; promote respect for labor of adults and children active participation in this work; education of sensitive, caring attitude towards people, as well as the necessary skills of behavior in society. Indicates specific features of formation of moral views of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation. We studied and described the features of moral ideas and musical perception of primary schoolchildren with mental retardation. We analyzed the potentialities of music as a means allowing to implement effectively the process of formation of moral representations of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation. Keywords: moral concepts, younger schoolchildren, mental retardation, music | 1054 | |||||
4986 | Introduction. Additional education has a high potential to influence the musical and creative development of children. One of the integrative forms of educational activity is the school theater, in which the versatile creative abilities of students are updated: musical (vocal, instrumental), dance, plastic, acting, verbal and dramatic, etc. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical and methodological grounds for the development of musical and creative abilities of children of primary school age in the process of theatrical activities carried out in the conditions of additional education. Material and methods. To identify the status of the problem of musical-creative development of children in terms of further education and its solution used the method of analysis of psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature and empirical methods, allowing to develop and test creative task for the participants of the musical-theatre group. Results and discussion. The study clarifies the content and structural components of the concept of “musical and creative abilities”, including General musical, special musical (cognitive, performing, creative) and individual creative abilities of children (empathy, artistry, emotionality, imaginative nature of thinking, etc.). Methodical recommendations for teachers describe the phased organization of classes in the school theater (motivational, content and procedural components), the most effective methods of musical and creative development of students, based on the age and individual characteristics of younger students, as well as consistent with the synthetic nature of the musical theater genre and the collective form of co-creation of the teacher and students. Conclusion. The development of musical and creative abilities of primary school students by means of school theater depends on the organization of the educational process, based on the complex application of creative tasks aimed at the formation of each structural component of these abilities separately, as well as their synthesis. An effective form of instruction in school theater from the point of view of additional education of children is rehearsal of musical and theatrical performances, in which not only the musical, creative and cultural development of the personality of students takes place, the formation of a group of like-minded people. Keywords: school theater, musical and creative abilities, musical and theatrical performances, additional education | 1054 | |||||
4987 | Sysoyeva L. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 44-45 . | 1053 | |||||
4988 | Vidyakina V. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 80-81 . | 1053 | |||||
4989 | The modern requirements to the professional from the side of society and new technologies are considered in the article. The necessity of simple and accessible technologies which based on the methodology of creation is settled in the article. The criteria of creation and reproduction in the pedagogical process are suggested and its organization in the creative educational technology is based | 1053 | |||||
4990 | The article dwells upon the problems of the morphemic articulation of the verbal word in Selkup. There are two structural elements in the verbal word: stems and affixes. Byword-building and form-building verbal stems suffer appreciable changes. Among them are: abbreviation of vowels' length in stem, reduplication or weakening of consonant on bound of the first and second syllables, elision of the final vowel and consonant, augment of verbal stem, interchanges of the final vowels of verbal stems. | 1053 | |||||
4991 | In the article features of formation of technological competence of the future teacher of technology for realization of profile training in a comprehensive school are considered. The author offers didactic model of realization of such preparation in which the basis of the organization of design activity of students is put during designing a collection of models of clothes. Keywords: technological competence, profile training, design activity, figurative-associative thinking, design development. | 1053 | |||||
4992 | We consider the models of massive second and third ranks antisymmetric tensor fields (massive 2- and 3-forms) in arbitrary four-dimensional curved space-time. We perform quantization of these models in p-forms formalism, and evaluation of the effective actions. The gauge invariance of massive theory is restored with help of the multi-step Stuckelberg procedure. The result is noted in terms of d`Alembertians acting on p-forms. Keywords: quantum fields in curved space-time, antisymmetric tensor fields, gauge field theories, effective action. | 1053 | |||||
4993 | In this paper there were presented the results of study effect of irradiation on antioxidant activity of humic acids from Vasugan bog’s hight-moor peat by chemiluminescence method. It was showed the antiradical activity of humic acids. The antiradical activity increased after UV-irradiation. The sun irradiation was feebly influenced on antiradical activity of humic acids. Keywords: humic acids, antiradical activity, antioxidant activity, chemiluminescence, sun irradiation, UVirradiatioin | 1053 | |||||
4994 | Relationship marketing is designated as a modern paradigm of marketing. At a theoretical level, the importance of building relationships with customers is proved. Customer retention is indicated as a priority compared to their involvement. We propose a number of terms in the relationship. Reviewed and analyzed three models of the stages of relationships. We also identify the classification of the relationships and conditions for the existence of relationships between customers and employees and / or the company itself. Keywords: relationship marketing, marketing customer relationships, interpersonal relationships, non-personal “matey” relationship, the type of relationship, personal touch | 1053 | |||||
4995 | Comparative evaluation of modifi cations in the biological and social criteria for long-term partner selection in representations of female junior university students and specialized school students was conducted. Both groups studied revealed discrepancies between biological and social components of selection. Female considered more attractive masculine men in the context of long-term partnership. At the same time, they expected at masculine male behavioural pattern that was not distinctive for masculine males. Keywords: long-term relationship, masculinity, femininity, biological, social-determinant, behavioural pattern | 1053 | |||||
4996 | The process of personal and professional formation of students includes teaching and educational component. There is a significant difference in the formation of professional identity of students of full-time and part-time offices. The use of a personalized approach to the organization of the educational process extramural students contributes to the quality of the training of future teachers, professionals. Keywords: self-monitoring, personalized education, crisis professional self-identity education, teaching and learning process | 1053 | |||||
4997 | The mechanisms of formation of the semantic structure of the individual composites in the German language in order to describe the process and characteristics of German seme-building are considered. The compound words with the first component- “selbst” serve as an example. Keywords: composites, seme-connection, lexico-semantic variants, the tops of nests | 1053 | |||||
4998 | The axiological aspects of professional pedagogical education in the Republic of Korea, including the value-goals, value-tools, value-knowledge, value-attitudes and value-quality are considered in the article. The picture of South Korean society ethnos values is presented. Based on the analysis of various documents and materials on education of the Republic of Korea, the author shows the relationship between traditional and new values in pedagogical education. Keywords: professional pedagogical training of teachers, the Republic of Korea, ethnos values, traditional values, new values | 1053 | |||||
4999 | In modern conditions of spiritual and moral crisis of society even students, always being the model among the youth, are also disoriented. The article presents the results of the survey and essays among students of the 2nd year of university confirming this. The author offers the following directions of educational work with students: self-education of the teacher, aware of his own “active participation” in moral formation of students, reinforcement of spiritual and moral orientation of a number of disciplines, acceptance of spiritual values as the basis of the educational system, development of spiritual and moral problems in student scientific work, study of the experience of the opening chapels in the complex of buildings of the university and consideration of the possibilities of opening them on the university premises. Realization of these directions of work will contribute to strengthening of spiritual values of students. Keywords: spiritual-moral education, modern student youth, moral landmark | 1053 | |||||
5000 | The article consideres the possibilities of computer tests developed in the system “Iren” and training environment MOODLE. Describes the types of training tests: practice tests, theory tests and home task tests. Provides the basic types of test tasks in both systems: multiple choice (with one or several answers), completion, matching, ordering and classification tasks. It is shown that both systems are a powerful tool in preparation of the tests and in testing. Considers in detail such differences in the preparation of the tests in the system “Iren” and MOODLE, which are important in creation of educational tests in mathematical disciplines, such as: the introduction of variability in tasks by setting a random numeric values using mathematical formulas, the ability to create tasks connected by the same numerical parameters. The problem of both systems consists in the lack of accessibility for students. Keywords: training test, test program, the program complex “Iren”, training environment MOODLE | 1053 |