# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1851 | The paper considers the names of bear in the Nganasan and Selkup languages. It outlines mythological data that shows the role of bear in the culture of Nganasans and Selkups. The article gives linguistic analysis, which helps develop nomination characteristics of the considered zoonyms. Keywords: the Nganasan language, the Selkup language, names of bear, mythology, nomination, nomination characteristic | 1119 | |||||
1852 | The article points to expressive syntax constructions of up-to-date Russian in fiction on the definite material – Y. Polyakov’s works of literature. Functional and pragmatic essence of phenomenon such as insert and reduced constructions, nominative of presentation, addition and peculiarities of its usage in a text are examined. Keywords: expressive construction, insert construction, reduced construction, nominative of presentation, additional construction, functions of expressive constructions in a text | 1119 | |||||
1853 | The article analyses the links of personal autonomy with life perspectives in the young age, studies the influence of personal autonomy of professional plans connected with self-organizing of one’s income and employment. It is shown that planning of successful professional future for the age period before 30ies is connected with a high level of internal freedom, existential life view, high level of needs, self-determination and responsibility. Planning for more late perspective is connected with a developed autonomy, authenticity of needs and introspection. Keywords: life perspective, personal autonomy, professional future, internal freedom, introspection, authenticity of needs | 1119 | |||||
1854 | The Siberian indigenous languages of the Ob-Yenissey basin (including Ket, Khanty, Selkup, and Chulym Turkic) are highly endangered. They have no written standard, and some have never been taught at school. The phonetic system, inflectional morphology (including verb forms), lexical structure, and methods of nominal word formation of these languages have been the target of some linguistic studies. Nevertheless, numerous other aspects of these languages, like Chulym Turkic verb derivation, have not been the subject of a separate research. According to various linguistic classifications, Chulym Turkic dialects are close to those of Shor and Khakass, thus joining them in the group of South Siberian Turkic. Consequently, it is logical to assume the existence of various similarities in the verb derivation systems of these dialects. The given article views peculiarities of the Chulym Turkic +LA- suffix verb formation in the context of the South Siberian Turkic languages the following conclusion on the semantic components of this suffix is drawn: it signifies human actions (with tools, in an emotional state, with a certain purpose, or at a certain time), and ordinary processes in nature and animals. Keywords: derivation; verb; Chulym Turkic, Tuvan, Shor, Khakass | 1119 | |||||
1855 | The article is devoted to a current problem of formation of readiness of future teachers for professional activity. The definition of “professional readiness of future teachers” is given. The authors analytically compare the position with the opinions of other scientists. According to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors identify active, cognitive and motivational components of the future teacher’s readiness for professional work. The authors trace formation of pedagogical subjectivity of students. The characteristics of educational motivation of students of pedagogical higher education institution are compared. Students come to higher education institution with external motivation. The role of innovative teaching methods, stimulating the development of their internal motivation, is emph asized. Justification of the fact that classroom and out-of-class independent work helps to create professional readiness for pedagogical activity is provided. By the time of entering into active practice, students have a lot of methodical materials and ideas, skills of creating educational games, elements of a fund of evaluation tools, useful experience of communication with the audience and desire to test themselves as a teacher in a real educational process in one of the educational organizations. Authors trace formation of students – future professionals in the conditions of real educational process in one of the educational organizations. The research is not only of theoretical, but also of empirical character, a large selection of students demonstrates the reliability of the results. Keywords: professional activity, teacher, preparation for professional activity, motivation of professional activity | 1119 | |||||
1856 | The article is focused on the separated syntactic constructions as a productive syntactic model which is used in the headlines of online quality press. The headlines from online archives of The Telegraph and The Independent dated back to 2015 and 2017 are used as the material for the study. The article is aimed at explaining the reasons for the use of the separated syntactic constructions in the headlines and singling out the main types of the separated syntactic constructions which are used in the headlines of online quality press. They are segmented constructions (binary separated constructions in which the segment (the first part) represents the main notion and the base (the second part) represents an utterance about the notion); joining constructions (syntactic complex containing two semantically connected utterances which are joining part and joined carrying some additional information); parcelled syntactic constructions (constructions containing the main part and parcelled part(s) which is (are) the rema of the headline separated by a punctuation mark); constructions with parenthesis (when structures of different syntactic levels (words, word combinations, predicate constructions or sentences) are included in the text of the headline to give a particular detail or to emphasize something); and separated syntactic constructions of mixed type (constructions of special type containing all above mentioned separated syntactic constructions as means of syntactic convergence). The article concludes that the separated syntactic constructions help to increase information content of the headline taking into consideration the peculiarities of online media and making the headline more expressive and attractive to the reader. Keywords: headline, separated syntactic constructions, segmented syntactic constructions, joining syntactic constructions, parcelled syntactic constructions, syntactic constructions with parenthesis, separated syntactic constructions of mixed type | 1119 | |||||
1857 | Dementyeva S. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 70-72 . | 1118 | |||||
1858 | In this article the author describes the development of theories of entrepreneur hazard in the Russia and other countries. The concept and classification of hazards, the innovative project hazard, the entrepreneur hazard, its def¬inition and classification are presented. | 1118 | |||||
1859 | The author created a concept of increasing the teaching guality, the training guality of specialists on the base of that were worked out psychological and pedagogical teaching technologies. The application of these technologies guar¬antees the development of intellectual, professional and creative abilities of schoolchildren and students. | 1118 | |||||
1860 | The article presents the concept of the load dosing at the special-preparatory stage of weightlifting sport and the influence of the load dosing on the competi¬tion results. The method of the moderate intensity loading during the period of preparation for the contest was proposed in accordance with some medical parameters and final competition results. The studies have shown that the training cycle of the moderate intensity is more adequate to the adaptation ability of the organism of weightlifting sportsmen and gives higher training effect in compari¬son with the training of the high intensity. | 1118 | |||||
1861 | In this article we study the realization of class principle of army recruitment on a regional scale. The latest statistic data are also reported. It is shown that for reforming and recruiting of modern army forces of Russia we should be critical and also take the previous experience of the army development into consideration. | 1118 | |||||
1862 | The article reveals the basis for the methods of physical training with applying the elements of programming for the students that have some deviation in the state of health. It considers programming of the content of physical training lessons with the target group of students. | 1118 | |||||
1863 | The content of the article points to peculiarities of motivational comparative analysis and relates it to comparative motivology. In order to analyse lexical units of Russian and English in the aspect of comparative motivology it’s of great importance to know the principles of material’s choice and the methods of motivational comparative analysis. These principles of motivational comparative analysis consist of the following: the method of lexical identification, psychological linguistic experiment, component analysis, statistical treatment. | 1118 | |||||
1864 | In this paper the author tries by ethymological methods to prove the existence in protoyeniseic language of a few participial affixes in nouns of the ancient sub-stantivated participial origin. The author uses the data of the external comparison from sumerian and itelmenic languages genetically related to Yeniseic languages. | 1118 | |||||
1865 | The article of L.S. Kisteva presents one of the trends in the development of the new Russian drama - verbatim-drama - with the play «Submergence» by E. Narshi taken as an example. | 1118 | |||||
1866 | Pedagogical analysis of the development of students’ spiritual and moral potential is presented in the article. Main attention is paid to modern spiritual situation in Russia, negative influence of mass media on consciousness of growing generations. Pedagogical possibilities of the development of students’ spiritual culture are also shown. It is possible to realize this work by means of mass media, with the help of family, forming of communication skills, situations with moral collisions. Keywords: moral education, negative influence of media, forming of communication skills, microsocial environment, situation with moral collisions | 1118 | |||||
1867 | Innovational direction in teaching foreign communication supposes denying the reproductive stage in development of ability and priority of productive speech what demands from the students individual programs, independent communicative steps; all this results in original, creative, free speech connected with personally important information. Keywords: technologies of teaching foreign communication, the productive and original non-prepared speech | 1118 | |||||
1868 | The inventory for expression of spatial and temporal relations in the Ket language, their frequensy of use are covered by this article. Also, there is a comparative analysys performed on the basis of data from the texts written down in the mid 20 and first decade of the 21st century. Keywords: the Ket language, spatial and temporal relations, locative and temporal adverbs, spatial cases, locative postpositions, subordinate clauses of time and place | 1118 | |||||
1869 | The article presents the experience of case-method using in the process of academic discipline study “The history of pedagogy and education” and “Teaching technology” for the purpose of forming pedagogical competence of future social teachers. Keywords: professional competence, pedagogical competence of the social teacher, case-method resource, casestudy, algorithm for solving the case-situation | 1118 | |||||
1870 | A method is presented which allows for the renormalization of the self-potential of a scalar point charge at rest in static curved spacetime. The method is based on the local expansion of the self-potential for a scalar point charge at rest in general static spacetimes. Keywords: self-force, renormalization | 1118 | |||||
1871 | The tiered approach to normative and legal security’s formation in management of research activity of the teacher and its realization on the example of the municipal autonomous comprehensive establishment «N.D. Listman Gymnasium» of Tobolsk city is presented in the article. Keywords: research activity, innovative activity, experimental activity, activity standard legal support, normative legal acts, tiered approach | 1118 | |||||
1872 | The article deals with the French tourist discourse that is one of the kinds of the institutional discourse. Its complex discursive nature generates a variety of speech genre forms. The speech genre is considered to be an analysis unit. Keywords: tourism, discourse, speech genre, functional style, analysis unit | 1118 | |||||
1873 | The article discusses the problems arising when the law on additional measures of state support for families with children. It specifies the gaps, when adopting law no. 256-FZ and ways to improve them. Keywords: parental capital, additional measures of state support for families with children, family capital, directions of realization of means of the parental capital | 1118 | |||||
1874 | The article describes the experience of the informatization of foreign language education at the university. Five stages of this process resulted in the generated information and communication competence of teachers, development of e-learning courses based on different technologies and e-learning formats. The author shows that the computerization of education is a long-term, continuous and consistent process that requires systemic and stakeholder actions both on the part of the administration of the university and its faculty. In practice, it was verified that in a weak material and technical base the informatization of education can and should begin with professional development of teachers in ICT. In the course of this study it was also proved that hybrid or blended learning technology, combining traditional face-to-face classes with remote access to electronic educational resources, is preferable in teaching foreign languages. Keywords: informatization, E-learning, competences, lifelong learning, higher educational establishments | 1118 | |||||
1875 | The theory of nomination still has many open questions to be thoroughly studied and gaps to be filled. Contextual synonymy is one of those fields that need closer look at the processes and mechanisms of creating new naming units or adding new meanings to the existing ones. This article represents the results of the research on the phenomenon of contextual synonymy in its semantic, stylistic and functional aspects. Contextual synonyms are viewed as examples of alternate nomination. The distinction is made between language synonyms and contextual ones. Their comparative occurrence within football subdiscourse is studied. As follows from the results of the analysis of more than 200 articles and running commentaries there is a variety of regularly used clichés which are based on specific recurrent semantic schemes. Typical patterns for creating contextual synonyms as examples of secondary nomination of football teams and players are derived from above mentioned semantic schemes. To prove their existence the author provides a considerable amount of examples. Alongside with the cliché variants there are many occasional cases of creating contextual synonyms that are unique in their nature. It is observed which part of speech is exposed to stronger contextual multiplication, particularly noun or verb groups. Further on the author analyses specific aspects of using contextual synonyms and determines their functions in the text. Keywords: contextual synonymy, language synonyms, contextual synonyms, contextual synonymic row, semantic schemes | 1118 | |||||
1876 | . | 1117 | |||||
1877 | Galaychuk T. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 44-45 . | 1117 | |||||
1878 | . | 1117 | |||||
1879 | The author examines the cultural situation of the pre¬sent in the article «The contemporary cultural situation as a transition from modem to postmodern culture». There are two general points of view on that subject: some re¬searchers suppose that this transition has been done and some are sure that it has been created artificially and the epoch of Modem hasn't been made jet. Having analyzed some home and foreign sources of literature the main characteristics of modem and postmodern cultures have been revealed. It proves that the human culture is in the transitional period. | 1117 | |||||
1880 | The article is devoted to description of art concepts in the poetry of Fyodor Sologub. The cognitive-communicative research allowed to differentiate universal and individual senses in art concept. | 1117 | |||||
1881 | The review contains an appreciation of the monograph, which is devoted to multifold analysis of discourse of elitist speech culture speakers, rhetorical categories and universalities. | 1117 | |||||
1882 | The article presents the picture of razing efficiency of biological education by means of development of problem –oriented methods of education. This messed help to realize modern staid standard requirements. Keywords: problematical education, personal significance, cognitive interest | 1117 | |||||
1883 | The article is concerned with the study of lexical means that actualize associative level for some sides of chaos concept in poems of O. E. Mandelstam. The study was conducted within the boundaries of communicative stylistics of text and concentrated on two generalized associative arrays: chaos — basis of being; chaos — eternity — mystery — cosmic space (sky — planets). Some specific characteristics of poet’s worldview and style are revealed. Keywords: concept, textual associations, associative array, poetic worldview, individual style | 1117 | |||||
1884 | The author suggests introduction of the methods of the biopedagogical control into figure skating s training The effectiveness is proved by experiments, which the author has made during his long-term pedagogical activity in the national team of the Republic of Belarus and Krasnoyarsk region on figure skating. Keywords: pedagogical control, biopedagogical control, effectiveness of the training | 1117 | |||||
1885 | The article presents lexicographic experience of phenomenon of a word motivation conception in comparative aspect with the use of the thematic word groups of birds and plants (on the base of the Russian and English languages). The models of dictionary entry of a motivational-comparative dictionary of the Russian and English languages are considered from the position of their information and source value. Keywords: comparative motivology, lexicographic aspect, an inside form of a word, motivational meaning, psycholinguistical experiment | 1117 | |||||
1886 | The article is devoted to consideration of epistolary the discurs light of the theory of speech culture and its types. Some of the letters, actively used in domestic communicative practice, represents the sphere of realization of features of verbal behaviour of the elite language person. The given type of the carrier of language is characterized by the special thinking, is successful in the communications, corresponds to national traditions of dialogue, has bright individual style. Keywords: speech culture, elite type of speech culture, epistolary discurs, epistolary text, epistolary genre, language person, science about the linguistic person | 1117 | |||||
1887 | In this article the peculiarities of verbalization of the concept “Earth” in the Selkup and Russian languages are observed, key lexemes objectifying the studied concept are analyzed, common and characteristic conceptual features are distinguished. Keywords: the concept “Earth”, conceptual feature, verbalization, the Selkup language, the Russian language | 1117 | |||||
1888 | The article reveals aspects of interaction in two directions: science of translation and cross-cultural communication. The direction of this article is theoretical and practical. On one side, such notions as the linguistic personality, cultural and linguistic personality are refined. Much attention is devoted to the place and function of three types of competences (linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistical as components of foreign communicative competence) in the process of the formation of the cultural and linguistic personality. On the other side, skills, which development leads to optimum translation and formation of the cultural and linguistic personality are observed. Keywords: cultural and linguistical personality, translation, foreign communicative competence, the linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistic information | 1117 | |||||
1889 | In the article Russian cities experience in creating conditions for attracting investment has been studied. It helped to show municipalities’ role in forming of the investment climate in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the law regulation of municipal investment politics. The most efficient mechanisms for attracting investment are described. Keywords: investment climate, municipal government, efficiency, mechanisms for attracting investment, publicprivate partnership | 1117 | |||||
1890 | The article analyzes the German historical literature devoted to various aspects of social policy realized by Otto von Bismarck. The first Chancellor of Germany created the world's first welfare state in the 1880s. He worked closely with large industry and aimed to stimulate German economic growth by giving workers greater social security. Following that works of German researchers are mostly devoted to problems of internal policy realized by O. Bismarck, such as “an exclusive law against socialists”, “Kulturkampf”, social legislation of 1880-ies, the author makes a conclusion about the necessity to study in complex the historiography of a social policy implemented in the second half of XIX century by O. Bismarck. Keywords: social policy, social insurance, welfare state, social maneuvering, O. Bismarck, historiography, reform, neo liberalism, working class | 1117 | |||||
1891 | . | 1116 | |||||
1892 | In the article is decided the problem of the psychological burning-out and its intercoupling with motivation structure of personality. The study was realized on three levels of the personality operation: individual-psychological, presented of the achievement motivation, social-psychological, connected with social needs of personality and organizing level. The empirical study of “subject-subject” professional types has revealled specifics of the influence burning-out on motivation sphere of personality, expressed in breach of the balance of motivation structure and harmonious relations between its component. These particularities were shown in reinforcement of desintegration in motivation structure, in fallout of the few elements from the general system of motivation, in change the dominant motivation to account of the exception humanistic components from its contents. | 1116 | |||||
1893 | Problem of the man’s perception of time is discussed in article. The different approaches to explanation of mechanism this no quite comprehensible process are analysed. The hypothesis about possible relationship between subjective time and unconscious color preferences are promoted. There are analysed results of the study, carried out with use the author’s technique “Reproduction of time to presenting color standards”. | 1116 | |||||
1894 | The Early Indo-European language, being a language with the active structure, at the dawn of its history had the two-case paradigm. During the typological shift the former active case developed into the genitive, while the inactive case became the accusative. The nominative case developed from the genitive later, and the Indo-European and particularly Old German words with the meaning “tooth” have preserved some archaic features of the time when the nominative case did not perform the function of the subject. | 1116 | |||||
1895 | The article treats the problem of the lingual representation of the category of comparison in English. The attention is focused on the nature of the comparison category and words belonging to different parts of speech which can be used for its representation within the framework of the corresponding functional-semantic field. | 1116 | |||||
1896 | The content of the article discovers the peculiarities of development of lexemes meaning during the process of semantic derivation by the most productive patterns of notional shift. | 1116 | |||||
1897 | The article considers the urgent problem of interaction of families and disabled children as well as expectations of parents that are essential components in blocking the correction for social adaptation and integration of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Keywords: infantile and adolescent disability, parents expectations, the way to bring up children, the problem of adaptation and training | 1116 | |||||
1898 | The article presents topical problems of the quality of university education. The author considers the issues of the information-educational needs formation of the university students. The author’s idea of the pedagogic conditions of the students’ information-educational needs formation is presented. The model of the information-educational needs formation in the educational process of the higher educational establishment has been developed by the author. The trends of the system of work with students providing the process of the information-educational needs formation have been determined. The basic principles of the information-educational needs formation have been formulated in the article. Keywords: formation, information-educational needs, modeling, pedagogical conditions, educational activity of the university | 1116 | |||||
1899 | The article presents the issues related to the vocational self-determination of school senior pupils. It considers the problems of vocational self-determination as consistent with the subject’s personal qualities. The case study of senior pupils vocational orientation is presented in terms of «self-conception», which is considered the determining factor of personal self-actualization including the vocational one. Keywords: construction of «self-conception», senior pupils vocational self-determination, temperament | 1116 | |||||
1900 | It was studied the features of development of Amaranthus tricolor L. sorts of Valentin in the conditions of root hypoxia and possible ways of biochemical adaptation of assimilatory vehicle. As far as the increase of term of submergence there was braking of processes of height and development, maintenance of proteins diminished in leaves and, simultaneously, the amount of low-molecular antioxidants of amaranthin and ascorbic acid changed. Found out activating of enzymes of cycle of tricarboxylic acids (malate dehydrogenase), glycolysis and fermentation (alcohol dehydrogenase) and oxidizing pentose phosphate cycle (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) in leaves both after short-term and the protracted anaerobiosis. It was demonstrated, that adaptation to the root anaerobiosis connect with changes of activity of enzymes of different respiratory tracts and work of the antioxidant systems in photosynthetic leaves. Keywords: Amaranthus tricolor, hypoxia, adaptation, respiratory metabolism, enzyme activity, antioxidants, amaranthin, ascorbic acid | 1116 |