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2001 | The article prescuts the results of experimental investigation of psychological peculiarities of semantic spaces of selfconsciousness at the senior school age level Keywords: communicative behavior, soverenization values, semantic space, levels of communicative skills, picture of the world | 1044 | |||||
2002 | The article is devoted to business education at high school. The aim of business education is to develop pupils' business culture through advertising projection. The facultative practical work «Bases of advertising activity», first, helps to pupils irrespective of the future speciality to develop business abilities. Secondly, to fix business values. Thirdly, to master the conceptual device on bases of advertising activity, to get basic knowledge, skills necessary for orientation and existence in the modern market world, to create bases for further study of economic disciplines in Universities. In a result to generate business culture. Keywords: business culture, advertising projection, advertising, facultative practical work, business, pupils of high school, pedagogics | 1044 | |||||
2003 | The article presents an analysis of the overt means used to mark the meaning of definiteness of the gothic abstact nouns. There are two types of definiteness: individualizing and anaphoric ones. Each of them has its own means of expression. It also presents the gothic stem-building suffix -ein- as an original marker of the individualizing type of definiteness. Keywords: gothic abstract nouns, definiteness, definite article, stem-building suffix | 1044 | |||||
2004 | In the given article there are considered the emerge of the first children’s and youth organizations in Russia in the 18th century which were further a precondition stage for the development of children’s and youth associations. Keywords: children’s and youth associations, precondition, education, club, children’s movement, development, public life, personality formation. | 1044 | |||||
2005 | This article is the result of theoretic study of reserves of management quality improvement of pedagogical research in regional educational politics. The system of estimated indicators of management quality is examined. Keywords: pedagogical research management; management quality; criteria and indicators of management quality of pedagogical research | 1044 | |||||
2006 | The following issues are considered: the background of the formation of the state educational system in Russia during the 18th century and the main content of the 1802–1804 reforms which resulted in the formation of the educational system. Keywords: history of education, state educational system, reforms in education | 1044 | |||||
2007 | The article deals with the process of formation and direction of the structure of continuous education around Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, as the centre of the Association “Continuous Vocational Education”, comprising 13 institutions of secondary vocational education and Yaroslavl region and the North of European Russia. Keywords: continuous education, higher education, vocational education, industrial training college, the association of educational institutions, system | 1044 | |||||
2008 | The paper presents the optimization of the molecular geometry of metallocenes by two different density functionals. The resulting structural and spectral data are compared with the experimental values. The conclusion is based on the calculation method of the natural valence orbitals of the value of the magnitude of the donor-acceptor and dative interactions in the formation of metallocenes. Following the procedure of decomposion of the energy, the values of the ionic and covalent character of bonds between the metal and carbon atoms were calculated. Keywords: density functional theory, metallocenes, ionic and covalent character of bonds | 1044 | |||||
2009 | The paper considers the phenomenon of teacher professional autonomy through defining relation between teacher autonomy and administrative control of university teacher activity within the context of the transformation of contemporary higher education in Russia. The article defines a complex of intrinsic and extrinsic conditions, which are able to ensure an optimal correlation between teacher autonomy and administrative control of teacher’s activity in Russian higher education. The revealed extrinsic conditions make the core of autonomy-oriented type of administrative control, which allows teacher’s being a self-regulating actor through taking control of his professional activity and developing positive type of perceived teacher autonomy. Keywords: higher education, university teacher, positive type of teacher autonomy, administrative control, autonomy-oriented type of control | 1044 | |||||
2010 | The morphological structure of the above-ground part of the cane areas of the plant 24 local populations Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb., grown in the Mountainous Altai and Khakassia, was studied. A complex adaptive morphological traits and the degree of influence of the factor of adaptation of plants to different heights above sea level (from 300 to 2200 m ) on their variability in plants of this species are revealed. According to variance and regression analyses, adjusting to the increasing height above sea level in H. gmelinii inhibition of the intercalary meristem growth is shown. When climbing structure shoots varies significantly, but the transformation in plants is minor. The changes in above-ground parts of shoots ensure the preservation of particular role in cenosis and reproductive capacity, together with other peculiarities of structure in plants H. gmelinii in mountain conditions. Keywords: Hedysarum gmelinii, local populations, the variability of morphological characteristics, mountains of South Siberia | 1044 | |||||
2011 | The article actualizes the problem of using new educational technologies in the process of higher education. Blended learning is shown as one of the mechanisms for the transition from the traditional model of providing training to the new model of “around the learner”, when the positions of the teacher and the student are changed. According to the author’s opinion, the model of blended learning in pedagogical higher school provides the necessary conditions for the student’s personal development as the subject of self-activity and prepares him for the implementation of this teaching model in the educational organization. The article presents the experience of using rotary technology of blended learning “Flipped classroom” in the teaching of pedagogical disciplines. Before coming to a flipped class students study theoretical material and prepare for seminars. Classroom work is devoted to the practical aspects of the theme – solving pedagogical tasks, analyzing educational practices, constructive elements of the educational complex and other kinds of work. After classroom work students independently summarize and systematize the teaching material by performing creative tasks of varying complexity. Interview of 120 respondents – students of five departments of Tomsk State Pedagogical University – allows to establish a holistic adoption of this model by students studying the organization of the course of pedagogy and the positive direction for the development of blended learning as an innovative teaching technology. Keywords: blended learning, “Flipped classroom”, students’ independent work | 1044 | |||||
2012 | The article is connected with one of the main problems of methodology of forming intercultural competence in teaching Russian language to foreign students-philologists – working out principles of selecting teaching texts. With the help of the analysis of common factors, that affect functioning of all pedagogical systems, we have worked out and systematized 8 particular principles of selecting teaching texts for forming intercultural competence. Basing on the general factor of “taking the teaching goals into account” we have put forward the principles of the communicative, intercultural, educational, informative and the developing value of the text. Basing on the general factor of “taking the teaching conditions into account” we have worked out principle of “the correspondence of the text with the profile of higher education for foreign students”. Basing on the factor of “taking into account the characteristics of students” we have put forward principle of the correspondence of the text with the students’ language level and principle of taking the native culture of foreign students into consideration. In the article we also described 12 criteria, which allow implementing these principles in the process of selection of educational texts. According to the principles and the criteria, it was confirmed that, Russian texts for children’s reading, which are regarded as an important means of popular pedagogy, can be used as teaching material. The system of the principles and criteria is presented in the form of a table. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, intercultural competence, principles of selecting texts, texts for children’s reading, national education | 1044 | |||||
2013 | We suggest the complex approach to the research of the changing natural fields. This approach consists of two stages: assigning components from the time rows in the each point of space and classification of the all components. It was shown that classification allows us to find the interior regularities of the natural fields. | 1043 | |||||
2014 | The article presents the analysis of economic reforms and the development of market relations in the Far East and Zabaykalye during the second half of the 90-s of the XX century. The general trends of the social and economic development of these regions are determined. | 1043 | |||||
2015 | The system of the considered phenomena - the world outlook - presumes the building of the integrated system by its diagnostics. The base for its development will be the structural components, which are distinguished by us in the process of theoretical and methodical research. The system of valuation of quality and degree of formation is set by the criteria system of the separate components of the world outlook formation and of the phenomena in the whole as well. The constructed system must satisfy: - changes in the school education in the context of transformation of cultural and educational demand on the part of the society; - regularities of the world outlook phenomena formation; It will ensure the consideration of the psychological, age and personal abilities of the people tested. | 1043 | |||||
2016 | The article considers the problem of sources of philo¬sophical and aesthetic idea of M.M. Bakhtin. From the point of view of the author, Bakhtin cannot be implanted in one of the philosophical paradigms developing in the beginning of the XXth century. For this reason the consid¬eration of the ideas of the Russian thinker in the context of the history of Russian literature is represented with much more perspective. Based on this postulate, the author tries to show that preconditions of Bakhtin's philo¬sophical aesthetics were developed in works of Russian writers of the XIXth - the beginning of the XXth6 centuries. | 1043 | |||||
2017 | In the article categories of speech and language com¬petence of an individual, types of speech culture of native speakers are compared and analyzed as well as different factors of the categories' formation. The idea of the expedi¬ency of educational linguistic paradigm change, connected with the aim at the leading type formation of the speech cul¬ture of a native speaker of the Russian literary language is suggested. The complex of social-economic and pedagogi¬cal methods of language state politics realization directed to the speech competence level increase of an individual in present-day Russia is analyzed. Keywords: - | 1043 | |||||
2018 | The article considers questions of interhemispheric asymmetry of brain with reference to the children with speech pathology. The author provides the data of his own research concerning character and extent of types of lateral organi¬zation of motor and sensorial functions among children with motor alalia. The article shows the frequency of prevalence of work with left-hand at this group of children, Keywords: - | 1043 | |||||
2019 | The results of airpollution monitoring in towns of Republik of Khakasia demonstrate that the average annual concentration of benzapilene increased by 14,6 % in Abakan, 51% in Sayanogorsk and 24 % in Chernogorsk in 2002. 47,7 % of emissions fall to mototransport’s lot. The analysis of snow and soil by the method of gas chromatography and chromatography – mass spectrometry in the zones of blowout dispersion by the heat and power plant of «Khakasenergo» proved that the content of benzapilene in the blanket of snow is 4·10-5 mg /dm3, in the soil is 0,0010 mg /kg. The usage of different methods of atmospheric emission purification and technology of complete combustion of fuel contribute to the solution of enviromental problems. Per 2003–2004 years the analysis of a snow cover and ground on pollution BP in various areas of city Abakan is carried out in view of sources of pollution | 1043 | |||||
2020 | The present paper is dedicated to the problem of psychological and educational preparation of Teacher Training Higher Schools students based on the analysis of various approaches to studying disadaptation of children and teen-agers. Disadaptation is understood as the whole complex of signs, giving evidence concerning the discrepancy between the mutual activities of man and the surrounding world. While dividing disadaptation into several types, it is taken into account that this phenomenon may appear in different degrees of intensivity, in different variants and can be caused by various things. The training of students depends on the purposeful choice of knowledge and skills, as well as the use of necessary information with the aim of correction of the personality of disadapted children and teen-agers. | 1043 | |||||
2021 | The paper defends the thesis that discovering of basis of interaction of social and natural science is limited by special version of philosophical approach to problems of scientific investigations. That version bases on the idea of scientific knowledge wholeness insolubly conflicting by its nature. The process of interaction is real expression of such wholeness of conflicts in toto. | 1043 | |||||
2022 | The article reflects problems of the scientific investigations defended in the Dissertation Council D 212.266.02 at Tomsk State Pedagogical University (opened since 2003) for PhD in the field 09.00.08 Philosophy of a science and technique. The Dissertation Council became the first regional scientific department which was authorized to hold scientific defeats for PhD in the following fields: 09.00.08 Philosophy of a science and technique (philosophical sciences) and 09.00.13 Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (philosophical sciences) Keywords: Dissertaion Board D 212.266.02, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, speciality 09.00.08 Philosophy of Science and Technics (philosophical sciences), speciality 09.00.13 Religious studies, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture (philosophical sc | 1043 | |||||
2023 | The article is concerned to the problem of future primary school teachers professional training for museum and pedagogical activity. The preparedness forming model of future school teachers for using museum pedagogic means in primary school is present. The model basic substantial components were revealed. Keywords: museum pedagogy, primary school teacher, professional training, preparedness forming model, preparedness components | 1043 | |||||
2024 | The article taking as a basis integration of philosophical psychological and pedagogical approaches reveals the essence of problem of education of valuable attitude of person to the world. The author analyses different researches and gives her own interpretation of conception «valuable attitude», reveals structural components of it, proves a necessity of integrated approach to their realization in educational process and also the author suggests an experimental approach to the education of valuable attitude to the world from the children of preschool age. | 1043 | |||||
2025 | Were measured spec1f1c methane fluxes that are representative for some peatland landscapes of Western S1beria forest-steppe. Spec1fic methane fluxes of forest-steppe eutroph1c m1res are very close to the same fluxes 1n subta1ga. Probability d1stribution of specific methane flux has following parameters: 1st quart1le/med1an/3rd quartile = 0.53/1.99/ 6.03 mgС GH4-m 2-h 1. Methane fluxes from bog lakes are close too, as in subta1ga they are estimated at tens and first hundreds of mgС GH4-m 2-h 1. Probability d1stribution of specific methane flux in riam: 0.00 / 0.09 / 0.21 mgС GH4-m 2-h 1. Annual methane em1ss1on from Western S1ber1a forest-steppe (estimated on the model Bc5) 1s 0.36 MtСH4/year that form 5 % reg1onal em1ss1on. Keywords: methane emission, peatlands, Western Siberia, forest-steppe | 1043 | |||||
2026 | In this article the linguistic analysis of the word-building unit “death” in Selkup dialects is performed. The author suggests that the word-building perfectly reflects cultural features of the concept “death.” Keywords: word-building, concept “death”, Selkup dialects | 1043 | |||||
2027 | . | 1043 | |||||
2028 | Productivity of Lactuca sativa, variety Moskovsky parnikovy growing in protected cultivation under fluorescent film luminescent with maximum of 615 nanometers is studied in dynamics. Change of conditions of plant cultivation by fluorescent film promotes accelerated growth, development and productivity improvement of Lactuca sativa relative to plants growing under unmodified film. Increase in productivity of Lactuca sativa in 1.5 times under fluorescent films is determined by increase in ratio IAA/ABA and decrease in content of АA in plants, and also conjugated with change of enzymatic activity of aboriginal soil microflora. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, protected cultivation, fluorescent films, productivity, hormones, ascorbic acid, soil microflora | 1043 | |||||
2029 | Behavioral features of malarial mosquitos’ larvae Anopheles atroparvus (Diptera, Culicidae) are studied and connected with additional ways of meal reception – a substratum scraping and cannibalism. Results of experiments demonstrate that larvae of young and advanced stages Anopheles have various trophic and spatial niches in biotopes. Fall of food concurrence among stages and pressure of cannibalism on larvae of younger stages are reached. At the same time, individuals of advanced stages A. аtroparvus actively dive on depth of ten centimeters in search of forage, being switched over to alternative type of a food – the scraping. Keywords: malarial mosquitoes, developmental stages, cannibalism, scraping, behavior, concurrence | 1043 | |||||
2030 | The article deals with the peculiarities of syntax and rhythm in the poems of the 19-th century English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins. Special attention is given to the analysis of Sprung Rhythm created by Hopkins and its constituents. Keywords: Hopkins, syntactic ambiguity, Sprung Rhythm, juxtaposed stresses, rhyme, alliteration | 1043 | |||||
2031 | The article reveals aspects of interaction in two directions: science of translation and cross-cultural communication. The direction of this article is theoretical and practical. On one side, such notions as the linguistic personality, cultural and linguistic personality are refined. Much attention is devoted to the place and function of three types of competences (linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistical as components of foreign communicative competence) in the process of the formation of the cultural and linguistic personality. On the other side, skills, which development leads to optimum translation and formation of the cultural and linguistic personality are observed. Keywords: cultural and linguistical personality, translation, foreign communicative competence, the linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistic information | 1043 | |||||
2032 | The author shows the model for the development of didactic pedagogical conditions necessary to identify the activation of cognitive self-employment, contributing to an effective mathematical preparation of students. The model includes a didactic system SES, objectives and learning outcomes, teaching materials, teacher, student, teacher conditions of three hierarchically subordinated levels: 1 – methodological, 2 – methodical, 3 – content-organizational and motivational and volitional. Keywords: model, the technology of instruction, didactic system | 1043 | |||||
2033 | In the article the problems of management with material stocks at the metallurgical enterprises are allocated; directions of increase of efficiency of functioning of the industrial enterprises; preconditions of development of the system of management are shown by material stocks; the author’s treatment of the concept «operational cycle» is offered. Keywords: management, inventories, metallurgical industry, operational cycle, financial cycle | 1043 | |||||
2034 | The article describes the experience of the informatization of foreign language education at the university. Five stages of this process resulted in the generated information and communication competence of teachers, development of e-learning courses based on different technologies and e-learning formats. The author shows that the computerization of education is a long-term, continuous and consistent process that requires systemic and stakeholder actions both on the part of the administration of the university and its faculty. In practice, it was verified that in a weak material and technical base the informatization of education can and should begin with professional development of teachers in ICT. In the course of this study it was also proved that hybrid or blended learning technology, combining traditional face-to-face classes with remote access to electronic educational resources, is preferable in teaching foreign languages. Keywords: informatization, E-learning, competences, lifelong learning, higher educational establishments | 1043 | |||||
2035 | One of the leading directions of research in contemporary Russian and foreign linguistics is the study of discourse. In this article we are talking about a scientific discourse that differs from other types of discourse and has its clear characteristics, requirements and design. Scientific discourse, according to most researchers, is objectified, but as a sphere of human activity, it can not escape the influence of the author’s personality. The primary stage in the creation of a scientific text is the choice of a theme that reflects the title of the text, i.e. already at this stage a pragmatic aspect may appear. Creating the scientific text, the author puts his subjective view, evaluation on the subject of research, also focuses on the reader who will perceive the text, and therefore the position and opinion of the author of the text, agreeing with it or not agreeing, but provoking a reaction and receiving a response to the text. To test this hypothesis, a content analysis of theses on the specialty “General History (of the corresponding period)” was conducted for the period from 1980 to 2010 and revealed the relationship between the choice of the topic of the dissertation and the socio-political situation. Keywords: pragmatics of scientific text, pragmatic aspect, historiographic source, thesis abstract, content analysis | 1043 | |||||
2036 | Introduction. The concept of a toponym as a marker of the geographical space and the role of toponymy in the scientific system are revealed. The role of the toponym included as a component of the phraseological unit and the cultural value of these idioms are determined. The relevance of the research, its purpose and novelty are substantiated. Material and methods. The research material is the phraseological units of the modern English language with a toponym as a component (213 units). The methods of the study are the statistical method and the method of the linguacultural analysis. Results and discussion. Toponymic phraseological units reflect and verbalize the various segments of the objective reality including the material and spiritual world of a personality. Toponymic phraseological units reveal a person’s attitude to the reality surrounding him/her, a person’s attitude to the people near him/her and the attitude to self. They also analyze the external and internal aspects of the personality, focusing the view on the appearance of a man or woman, on his/her voice, on gait, on mental state of mind, on the moral qualities and the character of a personality. The image of a personality creating by phraseological units can be positive or negative one. Conclusion. Any toponym (especially if it belongs to the “native” culture) has a national identity. It reflects (except the historical, territorial and geographical peculiarities of the nation), the national mentality, character, and specific features of the people’s life. The English phraseological units with a toponym as a component reflect the national identity as well. These idioms are divided into two large groups: 1) those which show the material comforts of the everyday life and 2) those which tell us about the inward habits of the people. Toponymic phraseological units of the second group include six subgroups. Subgroups including the idioms reflecting the people’s attitude to the social reality and to the other people prevail. Keywords: geographical space, phraseological unit, idiom, toponymy, toponym, toponymic phraseological unit, material comforts, inward habits | 1043 | |||||
2037 | At present Japan enters the quintuple of the first economically developed countries of the world, and the problems of terrorism and world conflicts have vital importance for this state. | 1042 | |||||
2038 | The author suggests studying English in primary school with the use of the textbook «English Intensive Course For Children and Their Parents by A.A. Vostrikov. E.N. Dudina, and I.A. Itsenko. The main ideas of this technology are: - exposing of the didactic difficulties; - organization of training exercises for development of special abilities (such as communicative abilities, imagination, different types of memory, etc. ); - organization of transitional exercises from development of special abilities to realization of studying activity in intensive conditions; - using of training exercises during the whole course; - using productive methods of teaching. Some tables presenting students' results of the tests taken are included n the article. They illustrate the improvement of the students' results. This technology can be used in teaching German as well as other school subjects. | 1042 | |||||
2039 | Trunk gaslines are key gas movers in Tomsk region. In many cases pipeline loss of integrity, in emergencies, would be associated with explosive processes caused by widening of fatigue fracturing, or entire damage could come from outflow and explosion of flammable transportation fluids escaping from the pipe. Reliable, fast-response stand-alone devices designed to cut-off such emergency sections have become most essential for system-wide operating security. Successfully certified bench and field tests have been performed with an innovative device, AZK-T, offering effective isolation of Tomsktransgaz’s large-diameter pipeline ruptured sections. This device features design simplicity and is easy to operate. Comparisons were made with foreign counterparts to reveal excellent AZK-T performance | 1042 | |||||
2040 | We review the Palatini formulation of the higher-derivative gravity of the L(R) form and its applications in cosmology. | 1042 | |||||
2041 | Protection of workers' personal data is a novelty of Russian Labor Law. There is no unanimous opinion about principles of that activity. This article analyzes possibility of fixing principles of protection workers' personal data in Labor Code and offers their definitions. | 1042 | |||||
2042 | In this paper the process of development of the class of modal verbs in German on the background of the reconstruction of all the mood system and its reorientation from the internal to the external objective modality is considered. The development of the semantics of modal verbs as means of expressing of internal modality is analysed the data of Old-, Middle- and Early-New-High German languages taken as an example. | 1042 | |||||
2043 | The paper outlines the typological significance of syncretism, which reflects, in the synchronic plain, the on-going change in the inter-level relations in the system of German, and manifests the shift of the language type. | 1042 | |||||
2044 | In the article I.I. Tyurina touches upon the existential world perception of A, Akhmatova in 1940s-1960s, which is revealed in her lyrical cycles «Northern Elegies* and «Midnight Poems». | 1042 | |||||
2045 | The article considers features of improvement of professional skill of teachers in the field of informationcommunication technologies on the basis of the free software. The authors focus attention on the methodical aspects raising efficiency of process of improvement of professional skill. | 1042 | |||||
2046 | The article covers peculiarities of citation which actualizes the author’s intention in Old Russian texts. Structural characteristics, functions and types of citations are considered. Different aspects of the author’s attitude towards a «strange» word and the specific character of its use in Words by Cyril of Turov. Keywords: citation, Old Russian text, author’s intention, Cyril of Turov | 1042 | |||||
2047 | In this article V. P.etsuha’s interest in Shukshin’s work can be explained by exceptional literariness of his work, perfection in epic form, close attention to lives of ordinary people. Appeal by the master of contemporary ironic prose to works of “the last Russian classicist” can be linked to the author’s preferred genres and everlasting interest in studying Russian national character. Keywords: contemporary Russian prose, postmodernism, ironic, genre, anecdote, absurd, paradox, Russian national character. | 1042 | |||||
2048 | Based of the first introduced into scientific use of archival materials of the criminal case the article considers the activity of the member of the security authorities, the head of the NKVD city department of Tomsk during the “Great Terror”, I. V. Ovchinnikov. Keywords: political repression, NKVD, Siberia, Tomsk | 1042 | |||||
2049 | The article explains the content and the basic directions of networking of rural educational institutions. Keywords: concept, networking, rural school | 1042 | |||||
2050 | The article considers changes in the personal characteristics of children's literature translated from English into Russian. The evaluation of these changes is based on the defi nite axiological linguistics parameters. Keywords: fi ction text, personality, deixis, translation | 1042 |