# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2151 | Dementyeva S. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 70-72 . | 1184 | |||||
2152 | On the basis of archival materials, memoirs of the contemporaries the history of the foundation and existence of Russian and turk-tatar pedagogical technical school 20-s-50-s is considered. | 1184 | |||||
2153 | In this work by the author happen to influence data weather and natural conditions on shaping a phyche of people, their consciousness, thinkings, glances, cultures and lifestyle. The Author for the explanation of relationships between psychic processes uses information-energy phyche model, presented in psychological terms, leaning on fundamental laws natura with attraction of system approach and principles of harmony. | 1184 | |||||
2154 | Basic kinds of students' competence in the period of pedagogical practice are considered to this article. Criteria of effectiveness of students' professional -pedagogical practice are defined here. The results of «Edinbut's questionarre», that show changes in students' motivation to pedagogical activity before and after pedagogical practice, are given in the article. | 1184 | |||||
2155 | Dynamical origin of duality between gauge theory and gravity is studied using the dual transformation and the formation of graviton as a collective excitation of dual gauge bosons, in this manner, electric-magnetic duality In gauge theory is reduced to the duality between gauge theory and gravity. | 1184 | |||||
2156 | Protection of workers' personal data is a novelty of Russian Labor Law. There is no unanimous opinion about principles of that activity. This article analyzes possibility of fixing principles of protection workers' personal data in Labor Code and offers their definitions. | 1184 | |||||
2157 | The paper outlines the relativization strategies employed by Eastern Khanty, an endangered underdescribed Finno-Ugric language spoken in Western Siberia. The notion of subordination employed here is confined mainly to morphosyntactic criteria such as clausal embedding and the use of non-finite verb-forms. The approach involves a synchronic analysis of structural patterns and functional-semantic features of relative clauses in the general functional theoretical framework. These syntactic constructions are also considered diachronically revealing the paratactic character of the Khanty complex sentences. The analysis is based on the Khanty narrative corpus, reference-grammars and dictionaries. The paper includes the analysis of morphosyntactic structures coding relative relations and other cases having different morphosyntactic manifestations, but the same underlying cognitive structure. | 1184 | |||||
2158 | The article deals with the analysis of pragmatics of different types occasionalisms in M.I. Cvetaeva correspondence on the basis of recipient statements. The realized analysis discovered high degree of Tsvetaeva’s epistolary occasionalisms pragmatics, which is caused by specificity of epistolary sphere of communication as well as the peculiarities of conceptual world picture and individual style of the author. | 1184 | |||||
2159 | Introduction of market relations in Russia, innovative development of production of goods and increase of its competitiveness in the world markets totally change approaches to education of all levels and specialties. Special attention is given to innovative business training organized for students whose curriculum contains this training as the specific form of professional activity. The curriculum should contain disciplines of student specialization in the specific areas of industry, and also bring up in his (her) business activity and economic efficiency. Training of a student should be conducted basing on the specific innovative project in which competitive advantages of the person give synergy impact on competitive advantages of a team | 1184 | |||||
2160 | In work content, directions and methods of research of mental health of students are presented. The research model of translation of theoretical conceptual model of primary preventive maintenance of mental health of students in a direction of the prevention of pathogenic development of existential crises in empirical which is designed as a medical-psychological problem is presented. Principles and methods of the psychological help to the students experiencing crisis are defined | 1184 | |||||
2161 | The article gives different ideas of making special programs for teachers to improve the process of education presented by different scientists. New programs and new requirements are needed to solve modern global tasks of gifted and talented children education. Thematic interdisciplinary integration can solve these problems. The examples of High School “Constellation”, Moscow and Akademitchesky Lyceum, Tomsk are presented in the article. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1184 | |||||
2162 | On the basis of the analysis of the literature the author of the article draws a conclusion about the basic tasks of economic education of the students of technical high schools, about meaning of the creative approach in studying economy. The special attention in the article is given to the organization of independent job of the students, in particular, to problem methods of training, modeling of concrete situations, drawing up of the tasks of different levels of complexity, and also with use of the structural-logic circuits promoting to the effective development of professional and economic abilities, intelligence as a whole, necessary for the appropriate professional activity. Keywords: economic education, economic thinking, independent job, concrete situation, problem method | 1184 | |||||
2163 | The article substantiates the legality of use in teaching vocational education the concept «personal thesaurus», determines the place of this phenomenon in a system of related mental structures and defines a professional personal thesaurus. Keywords: thesaurus, a professional personal thesaurus, internal lexicon, information thesaurus | 1184 | |||||
2164 | The model of formation of student’s educational activity motivation is described at methodological, psychologicaldidactic and methodical levels of generality. The connection of educational motives with current and academic progress of students of the first year is investigated. The basic stages of verification of model during didactic experiment are described. The levels and criteria of completeness of educational motivation are defined. Keywords: model, motivation of educational activity, levels and criteria of completeness of educational motivation, current and academic progress | 1184 | |||||
2165 | The content of the concept “didactic preparation” is analysed in the article; principles, functions and the structure of didactic preparation as a factor of the developing of teachers’ didactic culture are also considered. Keywords: didactic preparation, didactic culture, professional and pedagogical education. | 1184 | |||||
2166 | The lack of theoretical knowledge of the concept “specialist’s competitiveness” in pedagogical studies is stated. General description of competitive specialist on the basis of essential characteristics presented in recent pedagogical studies is given. An acme approach to analyze peculiarities of competitive specialist is considered. Keywords: theoretical knowledge, investigation, competitive specialist, competitive activity, acme level, approach, pedagogical studies | 1184 | |||||
2167 | In the article offers guidelines explication of a sanatorium-and-spa complex, on the basis of which shows its basic parts, their essence and meaning. It defines the components that are important in the process of formation and development of a sanatorium-and-spa complex. Keywords: sanatorium-and-spa complex, the structure, principles of explication, links complex, information management | 1184 | |||||
2168 | In article deals with the place of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in the system of pedagogical education of Russia, it compares its performance with that of other leading universities in the country. Keywords: ranking of universities, the system of teacher education, scientific schools, innovation in education | 1184 | |||||
2169 | The role of folk ethnographic expedition in professional training of students of folk-choral specialization in higher schools of arts and culture is revealed in this article. Besides, in this article functions, forms and directions of folk ethnographic expeditions are revealed in detail. Keywords: folk ethnographic expedition, functions of folk ethnographic expedition, forms and directions of folk ethnographic expeditions | 1184 | |||||
2170 | Over the past years, the term “visualization” or “cognitive visualization” is widespread in pedagogy and methods of teaching some disciplines, especially mathematics, geometry and information technologies. The article describes the background and possible reasons for the sustainable interest of scientific and pedagogical public to methods of cognitive visualization. The author analyzes contemporary sources and concludes that despite the intensive study of cognitive visualization, prospects and opportunities of its application in the field of humanities are not developed enough. Particular attention is paid to the method of “mind maps”, as one of the most effective means of training both native and foreign language. Keywords: cognitive visualization, linguodidactics, mind map, visual means, graphic organizers | 1184 | |||||
2171 | A comparative analysis of the following plays: Vampilov’s Last summer in Chulimsk and Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliette is conducted. The relevance of the paper is defined by revealing of contextual connections of works of the domestic playwright with the world literature. This direction is intensively developing in modern literary criticism; on the one hand, it defines continuity of the creative search, on the other hand, it defines the individual creative manner of the writer and his or her creative tasks. The analysis of the transformation of a Shakespearean plot shows the possibilities of polysemantic interpretation of the play of the modern playwright. The author of the article considers mechanisms of change of the subject scheme about a young couple in love, functions of the characters, typology of images of the characters. Unlike the writers underlining the presence of “another’s plot”, Vampilov creates extremely realistic works. Nevertheless, the system of subject motives (confession of love, compelled parting, an intercepted note, undesirable matchmaking, duel of contenders etc.) allows us to reconstruct an initial Shakespearean plot in Vampilov’s play, to reveal literary implied sense. An art strategy of the writer is the refusal of the direct following to the logic of the known plot, the use of recognised plot situations, details, remarks as initial for inversion development of the action and opposite motivation of heroes’ behaviour. It allows us to prove the internal creative reasons of occurrence of the second (final) edition of the play – the play with the new name and change of the tragic ending. Keywords: domestic drama of 1970-ies, the literary context, Shakespeare, transformation of the plot | 1184 | |||||
2172 | . | 1183 | |||||
2173 | The article presents the analysis of economic reforms and the development of market relations in the Far East and Zabaykalye during the second half of the 90-s of the XX century. The general trends of the social and economic development of these regions are determined. | 1183 | |||||
2174 | Increased, but low activity of destructive and synthetic processes in a residual (1 1) layer of peat under long-term grasses after 1-7 years of the turbary development has been established | 1183 | |||||
2175 | The article reviews method and technique of research used by Yu.I. Ozheredov who applies integrated approach to study genesis of indigenous peoples of Western Siberia. Linguistic analysis of the river name Kionga has many flaws and defects that materially disprove the conclusions. Such a linguistic analysis is to be based upon presence or absence of sound alternations between the indigenous languages and not upon single cases of resemblance between assimilated forms in Russian. | 1183 | |||||
2176 | The paper deals with the problem of overcoming the existing lacks of home historical and pedagogical education. It is proposed to increase its axiological function at the expense of inserting traditional Russian religious values. It ensures the possibility of value-sense self-determination of a future teacher. | 1183 | |||||
2177 | The article is devoted to the problem of training highly qualified teachers. The author proves that as any other subject foreign language can be valuable in training teachers of new generation with high level of culture. | 1183 | |||||
2178 | The content of the article points to a fragment of contemporary language personality vocabulary, which reflects the basic knowledge of literature study. The specificity of terms of literature study is connected with their interdisciplinary character. The place of “naive study of literature” in vocabulary is researched on the basis of “The Russian Associative Dictionary” data and associative experiments. The connection between “naive literature study” and a language speaker cultural literacy and their communicative competence is examined. | 1183 | |||||
2179 | This article is devoted to the questions of professional self-identification of students, in state and private institutes. Such questions as personal activity, motivation in professional orientation when choosing a career are described in the article. The dynamics comprehensive whole of students’ professional formation is characterized on the base of empirical data integrated results. Main features of the future specialists’ professional development are also considered in this article. Keywords: professionalism, professional self-identification, activity, life attitude | 1183 | |||||
2180 | This article provides a method for analyzing text clips, developed by the author on the basis of theoretical reflection on contemporary research in linguistics of text. As examples to demonstrate the practical application of the methodology used clips “итак” and “таким образом” with different text functions. Keywords: text, text clip, method of analysis, left context, right context, connection of components | 1183 | |||||
2181 | This article considers the students’ creative potential of future teachers of primary school in the process of projects activity of decorative and applied arts (in terms art ceramics). As art students, as for students at the primary school clay makes a creative material and developing creative potential. One of the main conditions successful task solutions of the students’ creative potential development is active participation in projects activity that helps future teachers to gain self-actualization. Keywords: developing creative potential, art ceramics, future teachers of primary school, decorative and applied arts, projects | 1183 | |||||
2182 | A comparative analysis of the effect brassinolide (BL) on the morphogenesis of the etiolated seedlings of nontransgenic (SR1) and three transgenic monoinsertion lines (IL18 № 7-1, IL18 № 7-11, and IL18 № 28-3) of Nicotiana tabacum L. on the early stages of ontogenesis was carry out. BL (10–6 M) significantly inhibited the growth of root and hypocotyl as at the non-transgenic, so and the genetically modified plants. The inhibitory effect of BL for all studied plant object decreased by lower concentration. The difference in the growth responses of etiolated seedlings for three transgenic and non-transgenic lines caused by exogenous BL was detected. Keywords: transgenic monoinsertion tobacco plants, brassinolide, skotomorphogenesis | 1183 | |||||
2183 | The typological signs of an image of the fool in V. Voinovich’s prose in comparison with the image of fairy tale Ivan-fool and as special type of Russian national character in the article are considered. Keywords: V. Voinovich, fairy tale Ivan-fool, typology of a fool’s image, Ivan Chonkin, absurd, conflict, satirical novel | 1183 | |||||
2184 | Different means and methods of subtext representation in M. Tsvetaeva poetry cycle “Provoda” are studied in the article. Marking out of certain regulative means and implicit structures is proposed to be the major method of revealing the whole semantics of poetry pieces. Keywords: subtext, subtext representation, implicit meaning, regulation, regulative means and implicit structures | 1183 | |||||
2185 | The article points to expressive syntax constructions of up-to-date Russian in fiction on the definite material – Y. Polyakov’s works of literature. Functional and pragmatic essence of phenomenon such as insert and reduced constructions, nominative of presentation, addition and peculiarities of its usage in a text are examined. Keywords: expressive construction, insert construction, reduced construction, nominative of presentation, additional construction, functions of expressive constructions in a text | 1183 | |||||
2186 | In the article there are considered questions of typization, which allows taking into account the particularities of the regional educational systems in modeling, development and introduction of federal and regional programs of the development. Keywords: educational system, typization of educational systems, approaches to typization, modeling of the educational systems | 1183 | |||||
2187 | Study of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) and the average mass molecules (MSM) as markers of the severity of endotoxemia, sensitive to changes in the degree of oxidative stress in the complex, one sample of the biological environment, methodologically justified, since it will increase the information content of each of these parameters and reduce the flow of material used, which is particularly important in clinical biochemistry. OMP evaluation method in combination with MSM implemented by us in accordance with the author’s method (patent for the invention of the Russian Federation no. 2012153044, priority of 12.07.2012, the decision to grant a patent on 14.04.2014, in collaboration) and tested on a model biological system conditions spontaneous and Fe2+-induced OMP. Keywords: oxidative modification of proteins, average mass molecules, methodology, method, model biological system | 1183 | |||||
2188 | The article presents the study of the species diversity of trees growing in the teacher’s square of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. It contains biomorphological, taxonomic and chorological tree analysis, as well as an assessment of their relationship to anthropogenic impact. Angiosperms trees are presented by 5 families, 5 genera and 6 species, gymnosperms – 1 family, 5 genera and 6 species, of which 6 species are apophytes, 5 species are adventes. The dominant species in the square are Betula pendula Roth., Pinus sibirica Du Tour, Acer tataricum L., Populus balsamifera L. The most common species of woody plants are those of Eurasian geographical group. The rhythm of the foliage development deciduous trees prevail. Keywords: woody plants, taxonomic composition, chorological composition, life form advety, apophytes | 1183 | |||||
2189 | The review summarizes literary data on a problem of alcohol dependence among various ethnic groups of Russia and the world. The results of studies show the significant influence of ethnicity on the development of alcoholdependent behavior. Special attention is paid to studies of the characteristics of alcohol consumption by indigenous people of the Far North of Russia. The paper analyses the preconditions to the formation of alcohol dependence among ethnic groups in Northern populations. Acculturation and acculturative stress are designated as conditions conducive to the development of alcohol dependence among representatives of native populations. Ethno-culturally competence is identified as the main characteristics of the strategy for the treatment and prevention of substance use disorders among different ethnic groups. Keywords: ethnicity, ethnic groups, alcohol dependence, acculturative stress | 1183 | |||||
2190 | In today’s social interaction it is widely represented the sphere of conflict communication, which is a reflection of the existence in the society of a stable tendency to understanding the aggression as the permissible norms of hostile demonstrations, potentially punishable act inappropriately interpreted the notions of freedom and personal responsibility. Careful attention of scientists focused on the study of network communication in various forms of embodiment of its genre, in particular, - the correspondence of many social network users. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics of communicative behavior of linguistic identity focused on the implementation of hostile manipulative strategies in relation to others in the network correspondence. Such linguistic identity is defined as the conflict on the basis of a number of parameters, of which the key factor is in favor of communicative intention. In particular, it comes to speech and means to achieve them in a communicative activity of a troll as a carrier of the type of conflict. The essence of trolling - communicative actions of a troll - consists in placing provocative messages on the network in order to create conflict situations. Trolling can have different manifestations, from a «harmless» for the participants in the communication of a verbal clash about certain events and / or individuals, to «hard» forms associated with causing moral harm to the interaction of participants. A motivating base of actions in the network can be the troll’s desire for emotional satisfaction from spilling out negative emotions against other communicators, aggressive and hostile manipulations, shocks. Troll promotes creation of provocation incitement in the communicative field by moving from discussion of social issues to personality of interaction participants. Such course of action, of course, entails a response. Troll can be seen in groups, discussing a variety of topics and issues and contemporary life. However, this discussion speaks only about the reason for a troll to «catch» and then, from the replica to the replica to deploy negative-emotional «onslaught» on the interlocutors. A natural result of becoming a failure in communication or its complete cessation. The specificity of the troll’s network behavior allows us to talk about its potential responsibility in the field of ethical and legal relations. This is facilitated by the factors: firstly, the deployment of manipulative trolling actions for specific network participants’ correspondence; secondly, active use in speech of stylistically reduced and obscene words, performing the function of invective. Given the above, it can be argued that the 6l. Keywords: linguistic personality of conflict type, electronic genre, electronic epistolary text, network correspondence, troll, trolling, verbal aggression | 1183 | |||||
2191 | In the study of polysemantic words in syntagmatic aspect it is necessary to speak specially about the specifics of its functioning in fiction. In the context of everyday speech the word tends to semantic identity, but in the literary text polysemantic word is not only able to maintain its ambiguity, but also seeks to realize this property. Such feature of functioning of polysemantic lexicon in the literary text is caused by two defining characteristics of the literary text – they are “the intention for maximum information saturation” (Yu. M. Lotman) and imaginative (figurative) speech concretization. The increased load of meaning and imagery are direct factors of aesthetic value of the text. The purpose of the work is to analyze the semantic and stylistic features of the functioning of the polysemantic word in the poetry of A. A. Voznesensky. High metaphoricalness, expressivity, unexpected semantic effects characterize his creative manner. Therefore, the main methods of research are semantic and stylistic analysis, contextual analysis and aesthetic interpretation. A large number of examples prove that semantic increment and visibility of the image in Voznesensky’s poems are achieved both by contrasting the meanings of a polysemous word and by combining them. The author skillfully uses the resource of the lexical polysemy to enhance lyricism or drama of the text, to express avant-garde aesthetics, philosophy of mutual assimilation and interrelation of all things. Among the methods of aesthetic refraction of polysemy of the word actualized by the author are semantic layers and shifts, accentuation of the literal meaning of the word, putting on the first plan of some semantic components of the word and the neutralization of others, the creation of the occasional meaning of the word as a result of the individual author’s associative transfer of meaning, «flicker» of meanings, the unexpected activation of the implicit meaning of the word. The examples illustrate the methods of erased metaphors and metonymy revival. There are traditions of Mayakovsky and Pasternak in some features of metaphorical transfer. The results of the study may be interesting to clarify the features of the individual style of A. A. Voznesensky, stylistic and rhetorical functions of polysemy, semantic potential of the word. Keywords: polysemantic word, semantics, stylistics of the text, language of the literary text, poetic speech, A. A. Voznesensky | 1183 | |||||
2192 | Educational-pedagogical prognosis is the sphere of scientific knowledge In which principles, phenomena and methods of prognosis concerning specific objects which are studied by sciences of education, are considered. In this case, the object of research is pedagogical practice. The particularities of educational activity's objects, periods of scientific research, methods of prognosed-strategic research are examined in this article. | 1182 | |||||
2193 | The article analyses the early lyrics of the poet taking into account his mature creative work. Sounds-images are looked upon as the echo of the legend «On the mis¬sion of a singer» so they are considered as very mean¬ingful for the poet's work as a whole. Moral and aesthetic problems are cleared out, and special attention is paid to the problem of the hero's choice: either to heed the sound of the demonic inspiration or to follow the voice of the Almighty. | 1182 | |||||
2194 | In the article the author treats modern tendencies of the development tourism in the Russian Federation. The author shows projected ways by realization potential opportunities of Russia in widen of the tourism industry. The program approach was suggested for the solution of problems of engineering infrastructure of tourist centres. | 1182 | |||||
2195 | One of the most important factors defining reliability of radio engineering devices, the temperature is, thus, is the most frequent for calculations of thermal modes mathematical models with the concentrated parameters, possessing low accuracy are used. Now multivariate mathematical models, with a greater degree of ade¬quacy describing processes теплопереноса in radio engineering devices are known. The purpose of the given work is the analysis of reliability of elements of radio engineering devices with application of the modern device of the theory of reliability and methods of multi¬variate mathematical modelling of temperature fields. In the given work comparison of parameters of reliability of the typical electroradioproducts received on the basis of spatial temperature fields and averages on volume of temperatures of electroradioproducts is made. | 1182 | |||||
2196 | The article considers the questions of forming management competence of directors of educational institutions in the sphere of culture. This problem is investigated in the correlation with the modernization of continuous education system in the sphere of culture of Krasnoyarsk Territory. | 1182 | |||||
2197 | The article deals with the analysis of means of expressing the category of deviation in the English language. The consideration of this category is connected with significant research interest in classifing different kinds of deviation distinguished by many sciences including linguistics. Lexical means of expressing the deviation category are allocated and their semantics in various contexts is considered. Keywords: Deviation, category, norm, lexeme, semantics | 1182 | |||||
2198 | Transformation of sense in professional consciousness of the future teacher arises, as has shown research, from the second rate and it is especially intensively shown before the ending of training in high school. Transformation of senses in consciousness of the future teacher can not be carried out without the reference to own ideas, feelings, associations, experiences concerning forthcoming professional work. The submitted variant of application of qualitative methods of diagnostic research transformation of sense in professional consciousness of the person, can become powerful stimulus by way of reflective self-disclosing the future teachers - professionals. Keywords: consciousness, transformation of sense, vocational training of the teacher, personal sense, the metaphorical text | 1182 | |||||
2199 | In given article concept «zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols»is considered, the research of zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols, directed on construction of their typology. The received results of research show that the given typology can identify shown and discover latent intentions of zhiznetvorchestvo. Keywords: symbol, zhiznetvorchestvo, zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols, strategy of zhiznetvorchestvo, intention of zhiznetvorchestvo, archaetyp, typology | 1182 | |||||
2200 | The article presents the data about efficiency of the individual form of organization of educational process, taking into account speech difficulties of a child 5–6 years old with the use of the electronic program, that by turn, allows to optimize logopedist’s work and to reduce time for the choice of materials for studies, to diversify training methods. Keywords: logopaedics, individual form of teaching, electronic program | 1182 |