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2351 | The aim of this article is to analyze the meaning of the metaphorical epithet «fresh» in various utterances. | 1035 | |||||
2352 | The article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of values, content, and methods of one of four traditional spiritual Russian practices - Buddhism. Philosophical ideas of liberation are considered here as well as original understanding of life and nature, laying in the basis of Buddhism pedagogical tradition. In the article pedagogical interpretation of Buddhism methods (concentration in inner life, special diet, limitation, meditation etc. are regarded. The article Is of interest for scientists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers and students of higher pedagogical educational establishments. | 1035 | |||||
2353 | The approaches in forming of the value "human resources" were investigated in the article. The fundamental factors were exposed, defining the value of the "human resources". | 1035 | |||||
2354 | The present article is of scientific significance, because there are no special researches on this theme up to now. The research of the given problem is of current importance. Firstly, G.N.Potanin’s views concerning educational reforms in Russia are of particular interest and not only for specialists. Secondly, ecological culture of some people is an educational problem. Keywords: culturology, homeland studying, education, primary school, patriotism | 1035 | |||||
2355 | The article considers the main resources of technologies of mathematical training of students’ abilities for selfdevelopment; pedagogical conditions of development of the abilities for self-development in the process of mathematical prerequisite are presented. Keywords: self-development, self-management, personality need, problem-solving situation, liberty of choice, competencies | 1035 | |||||
2356 | The development of spatial representations of junior teenagers in the conditions of transition to an information society assumes the use of dynamic visualisation of geometrical concepts by teaching geometry. Keywords: spatial thinking; dynamic interpretation; multimedia support; types of operating of images | 1035 | |||||
2357 | The article considers the motivations and attitudes of students to physical exercises of physical culture, the methodological basis for optimizing of physical education and the possibilities of person-centered training of students on the subject of physical culture. Keywords: motivation, optimization of physical education, student-centered learning | 1035 | |||||
2358 | The author investigates the problem of the social information context of the junior schoolchildren, the reason of problems of information culture and the role of school information circles influencing development of the child. Keywords: information context, information environment, information culture, educational value of a cultural context of circles and organizations of the information profile. | 1035 | |||||
2359 | The science-methodical competence of a foreign language teacher is characterized. The basics of formation of the competence during the period of professional development are described. Keywords: a foreign language teacher, science-methodical competence, methodical competence. | 1035 | |||||
2360 | The article denotes the problem how to provide health protection of the preparatory process for high school students to a single state exam. The solution of the problem by implementing one of the pedagogical conditions health protecting of school students in preparation for the unified state exam. It describes the methodology, content and software psychological and pedagogical training sessions with high school students to create preparation for the unified state exam. Keywords: unified state examination, health protection of high school students, willingness to school protection, psychological and pedagogical training sessions, stress, reflection, and psychosomatic condition | 1035 | |||||
2361 | This article is devote to analyze results of science project “Paradigms of artistic consciousness in the narrative culture” (the state contract № 14.740.11.1394 from October 20, 2011). Keywords: artistic consciousness, narrative culture, critical reception, drama, poetic, prose, pathographo text, translation, strategies of adaptation, translator’s myth, romanticism, legal consciousness, authors consciousness, historicism, historical fiction, reli | 1035 | |||||
2362 | It should be noted that in practice of the Russian university' adult education and professional-oriented communication in English, there is some kind of underestimation of the capabilities of information technology training, including multimedia. A rare and ineffective use of multimedia in the Universities is also due to non-linguistic reality of modern higher education in Russia: the creation of computer databases in the universities is not accompanied by suffi ciently studying the problems of application of new teaching materials for educational purposes. In theory, teaching practice and university systems of the teacher training multimedia application is given insuffi cient attention. At the same time, the results of foreign and domestic studies are contradictory and don't always favor the use of computer technology in the learning process. Keywords: informational technology, multimedia, adult learners, English language training, professional-oriented, communication | 1035 | |||||
2363 | The article deals with the formation of universal educational activities of students who, according to the federal state education standards of general education, are one of the main objectives of school education. Experimental results on the formation of universal educational activities at physics lessons by joint solution of tasks and competency of laboratory work are dealt with in the article. Keywords: universal educational actions, ability to study, situational problems | 1035 | |||||
2364 | This paper is the result of a theoretical study of the content of the concept of “psychological and criminological characteristics of the individual offender”. It examines the psychological and forensic approach to the investigation of criminal conduct and the offender, based on the refl ection of individual personality characteristics of the offender in the process of committing a crime. Keywords: psychological and crime detection feature to personalities of the criminal, crime, personality of a criminal, the criminal behaviour, the way of committing a crime | 1035 | |||||
2365 | In this article we make an attempt to give assessment to the processes of the state-territorial development of two West-European countries, France and Germany, in the first decades of the 16th century on the basis of the generalization of the materials of the Russian and foreign historiography. The degree of formation of the absolutist structures, territorial consolidation of the countries, parity of authority of the Supreme and regional governors are compared. The theoretical importance of the analysis consists in the specification of the regional specificity of the initial stage of the modern European civilizations formation. Keywords: France, German empire, beginning of the 16th century, state and territorial development | 1035 | |||||
2366 | The skills necessary for participation in a scientific dialogue grow out of a specially designed training activity. Formation of the dialogue culture as a means of cross-cultural communication in the science domain in the process of language learning is characterized by simultaneous solution of communicative and cognitive tasks. These exercises are both problem-centred and semantically oriented. Keywords: scientific dialogue, culture-oriented language learning, communicative and cognitive tasks as a type of exercise | 1035 | |||||
2367 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of adult educator and adult learner activities intended for acquisition of the English language, principles of education for adult learners have been revealed, goals of adult education have been determined. Keywords: learning process, planning, implementation, adult educator, adult learner, principles of adult education | 1035 | |||||
2368 | The article deals with the advisability of using Russian slang units in the speech of native speakers with the aim of realizing successful interpersonal and social communication with native language persons. A full understanding and mastering of the lingo stratum of the language is necessary for entry into the Russian youth communicative space and for the implementation of the strategy of linguistic self-identification and adaptation in foreign-language space with active interaction with native speakers of language and culture, especially young ones. Jargonisms are defined as nonliterary lexical units with significant functional potential realized in the course of independent attempts to interpret their semantics by secondary linguistic personalities in the context of their existing background linguocultural information, as well as in situations related to the use of jargon in their own speech in the process of interaction with Russians carriers. The creation of background information is facilitated by the regular demonstration of videos from various Russian youth shows and television series on Chinese websites. Acquaintance with these video materials determines the penetration of Chinese carriers of Russian jargon, especially those used by young people. The factors that determine the cases of inadequate interpretation by foreigners of the semantics of Russian jargon and the features of their functioning in everyday communication are analyzed. Among them are the following: differences in the culture and mentality of the Russian and Chinese peoples, the inadequacy of the lexicographic base, and a small number of actual educational materials that meet the modern educational requirements, and the lack of systematic knowledge of the specifics of the slang stratum among most inophones and its place in the structure of the national language. Emphasizes the idea of the need for the formation of foreigners’ notions about the criteria for the admissibility of the use of jargon in a speech, taking into account the moral and ethical norms existing in the society, which are actualized within the framework of intercultural communication. Keywords: jargon, youth jargon, jargonism, Russian slang vocabulary, the Chinese language, inophone, secondary linguistic personality, language competence | 1035 | |||||
2369 | . | 1034 | |||||
2370 | Our task in this paper is to point out some stages in the development of narrativist turn in philosophy of history. We argue that the narrativist theme now moved away from what were formerly dominant perspectives focused primarily on literary texts and moved towards analysis of narratives as our primary way of organizing our experience of time and life. In philosophy of history that turn was formulated in agonistic relationship to Hempelian covering-law models. W.H. Dray has written that one of the best means of explaining a change is to trace the course of events by which it came about. The new step was realized by L. Mink. Mink criticized concept of following a story elaborated by W. B. Gallie and asserted configurational character of narrative activity. He says that the author derives the structure from telling the story itself, not from the events it relates. And developing this idea H. White concluded that historians draw on the «plot-structure» identified by N. Frye as Romance, Comedy, Tragedy and Satire. D. Carr says that it is an «escape» from reality. He stresses continuity between narrative and everyday life and recon-figurational character of historical and fictional narrative. We account for productivity of this displacement of theme in philosophy of history. | 1034 | |||||
2371 | As it is stated in the article the common logic base is absent in the modern theory of knowledge. The author analyzes the reasons of such situation in the theory of knowledge. As a logic beginning of the development of the theory of knowledge is suggested to use a category «authority» by the author. | 1034 | |||||
2372 | Coaching in any kind of sport can be successful if training systems are built according to natural evolu¬tion of organism of young athletes. It is known, that many physical abilities have to be developed already at first stages of long-term training, otherwise the most productive age periods of physical condition improve¬ment can be lost. This article concerns the problem of searching effective methods and training exercises in coaching of 10-11 years old finswimmers. | 1034 | |||||
2373 | In order to ensure coordinated and proportional development of the social and economic system of the region, its management structures should have a clear idea of all the financial resources of the territory. This task could be accomplished by a summary financial balance that characterizes the general financial poten¬tial of the region in the context of aggregated money funds. | 1034 | |||||
2374 | The present article focuses on cultural context of institutional economy and its' changes in terms of eco¬nomic theory. | 1034 | |||||
2375 | The article is devoted to Gender history of Nazism. It focuses on the change in the legal status, the financial position, a psychological condition of the Jewish woman in epoch of Nazism. The article represents struggle of the Jewish women for a survival in conditions of the aggressive anti-Semitic environment. The Jewish women showed a high degree of self-sacrifice and solidarity with the fellow tribesmen. At the same time the policy of the Nazi regime in reference to the Jewish women showed a deep crisis of the German society experiencing rigid variant of «conservative modernization». | 1034 | |||||
2376 | The paper investigates the problem of integration in education, modern integration trends in the development of Russian and foreign educational systems are specified. The main advantages of the integrated educational systems are discussed, which the author specifies as follows: – integrated systems provide for entrants and students wider varietes of educational routes, directions and levels of higher education, including stages of vocational training; – the integrated educational systems are cha-racterized as flexible in the processes of organizational and content restructuring in the sphere of vocational training, considering fluctuations in the work force market; – within the framework of integrated systems, the academician and professorial stuff together with matherial resources of universities are used to the most effect; – the integrated educational systems are more economical in overall costs and total volumes of educational services. | 1034 | |||||
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2378 | The author’s approach to definition of the notion «a model» is considered, in which we refuse from the requirement of analogy between a prototype and its image. Only structure of a model as a pair «interface component – prototyping object» is fixed. The level of likeness between a prototype and its image is estimated by a special notion «adequacy of a model». The notion «adequacy» is discussed in this paper. | 1034 | |||||
2379 | The author analyses complicity institute in the Russian Criminal law and the question does this institute appreciate danger of crimes which were committed by participation of several persons. | 1034 | |||||
2380 | The article is devoted to very important problem of ethical knowledge – methodical explanation of phenomenon of ethics as a universal regulator of relationships in social, natural and spirit world. | 1034 | |||||
2381 | The article examines some propositions of the conception of the Revolution of I.A. Ilyin (1882–1954). It shows the complexity and significance of Ilyin’s conception connected mainly with his enmity towards the Soviet Russia | 1034 | |||||
2382 | This article is devoted to the analysis of the work of social charitable organizations in Western Siberia before the revolution. It gives the characteristics of social organizations and reveals the meaning for development of education in Siberia | 1034 | |||||
2383 | It is designed original methods of the study of surfaces bogs. The dynamics of surfaces is connected with spottiness of upper layer of mires. The fluctuation to surfaces depends on amount of water, growing мха and his motion. This fluctuation can be not simultaneous, with the other value of the amplitude in the other area of the mire Keywords: Oligotriphic marsh, aerobic layer, mechanical displacement, stereofotogrammetic method, moisture | 1034 | |||||
2384 | The effect of exogenous treatment of kartolinom concentration of 30 mg / l on two varieties of spring wheat Omsk 23 and Dewdrop is studied. The study revealed varietal differences in the processing of growth regulator. Keywords: Triticum aestivum, kartolin, chlorophyll, growth, productivity | 1034 | |||||
2385 | The article presents the scientific analysis of the published translations of the Chinese treatises: “Dao-de-Jing” [Tao Te Ching], “Han Fej-tzy”, “Shen-tzy”, “Art of war”. It reveals the principles of theory of management described in them which could serve as components in the development of professional administrative thinking of heads. Keywords: management, principles of personnel management, Chinese treatises: “Dao-de-Jing” [Tao Te Ching], “Han Fej-tzy”, “Art of war” | 1034 | |||||
2386 | The article deals with the use of proverbial and phraseological units. Although proverbs and phraseological units are lingual stereotypes originated in the course of long historical development, through their initial general semantics they can be easily adapted by means of transformations for designation of new objects and situations. Keywords: semantics, proverb, phraseological unit, stereotype, transformation, word-play | 1034 | |||||
2387 | The article presents comparative analysis of semantics of the verbs of movement on the materials of two Germanic languages: English and German in comparison with the Russian and Polish languages. The author also attempts to compose semantic chart for this field. Keywords: lexical typology, verbs of , verbs of, semantic parameter, semantic chart | 1034 | |||||
2388 | The paper characterizes natural landscape - the habitat of the Tomsk Tatars’. The author explores local geographical terms coding forestlands and their elements. Keywords: landscape, landscape lexicon, geographical terms, taiga forests | 1034 | |||||
2389 | The article presents analysis of the title motif «gnezdo» in the novel «Home of the Gentry» by I. Turgenev. On the assumption of the opposite image «gnezdyshko» here are given some observations and conclusions concerning its own meanings, connected with Turgenev's philosophical and world-view conception. Keywords: I. Turgenev, the novel «Home of the Gentry», Parisian topos, Russian national life's conception, Turgenev's existential conception | 1034 | |||||
2390 | The accounting form as one of the insufficiently known parts of the ancient pre-literate culture is the subject of this article. The classification of some typical accounting forms principles is presented; the conclusion about the fundamental accounting forms’ features is drawn by the author. Keywords: pre-literate societies, accounting form | 1034 | |||||
2391 | The article describes the proven divergent models for teachers’ training for small schools at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. These are “Methods of Teaching of Educational Areas and Systems”, “Teaching in Ungraded Schools”, “Specialized Education in Ungraded Schools”, “Management of Ungraded Schools”. Keywords: models for teachers’ training for ungraded schools, technologies of vocational education. | 1034 | |||||
2392 | This article is devoted to the description of some problems of training specialists in social work in Russia. The author made an attempt to compare some features of training specialists in social work in Russia and abroad. Also the ways of increasing the quality of training specialists in definite sphere of professional activity are pointed out in the article. Keywords: social work, practice, training, social worker, tutor, supervisor | 1034 | |||||
2393 | The article is about a peculiarity of education technologies used for citizenship education. Special attention is paid to acceptability of education technologies first of all dealing with a powerful value oriented part of citizenship education. It is proved that citizenship educational technologies must be based on principles of personal oriented education, that teachers of citizenship education might reach a success using active and interactive methods of education only. The main principles of personal oriented education and the most widespread active and interactive methods of education are described in the article. Keywords: citizenship education, education technologies, democratic civic consciousness, active and interactive methods of education | 1034 | |||||
2394 | The article deals with the “Mode” concept as a model of linguistic structured knowledge projection of German ethnicity and as a component of its linguistic view of the world. With the help of language-based methods the structure of this conceptual model is described and the originality of its content that reflects cultural and historical stereotypes of German ethnicity is demonstrated. Keywords: concept, fashion, linguistic view of the world, cognitive view of the world, kernel, interpretation field, key lexeme | 1034 | |||||
2395 | The paper presents a simulation of the relaxation of a metal nanoparticle with Morse interatomic interaction potential, allowing to obtain a realistic (observed in the experiment) equilibrium shape of supported and free nanoparticles. Simulation is performed on a simple cubic lattice. To describe the interatomic interaction the was used the paired Morse potential. Keywords: equilibrium shape of the nanoparticle, the lattice model, Monte Carlo calculation, the Morse potential | 1034 | |||||
2396 | The paper defends the thesis that the philosophy of film allows to realize the analysis of the basic mechanism of transfer of ideological intentions in modern society. It is revealed that images which were presented at movies of a genre “horror” (in particular images of zombie) propose metaphorical ways of introduction an encryption and ideology interpretation (in particular ideologies of pleasure and consumption). It is maintained that philosophical reflection of films allow to transform ideology from means of manipulation with behavior of the person to the tool of awakening of his consciousness. As a result in Russia the ideology which allows the person to act freely can be developed, relying not on the blind desires, but on the conscious purposes and ideals. Keywords: ideology, philosophy of film, mechanisms of transfer of ideological intentions | 1034 | |||||
2397 | The article raises the issues of contemporary anthropology in the view of perspectives of Christian idea about a man as an image of God. These are the problems of correlation of natural unconsciousness and conscious comprehension in a human creature. And as a part, this is a question of the base of the mutual influence, the problems of a plurality and contradictions of modalities of consciousness. We put forward the question about possibilities of Christian discourse on a human nature and his capacities in the aspect of the perspectives in contemporary anthropology. In the issue the versions and the arguments of understanding the nature of a man as an image of God are analyses in a key of Christian doctrines. We propose as a methodological approach the idea about some modus, some planes of unified structure and nature of human consciousness. In these planes it performs as an Image and a reflection of the World (in the form of reason), an Image and comprehension of God (in the modus of existential self-renewal and mystic transgression), and an Image and a reception of a event and process of world-creation (in the modus of aesthetic perception and poetic creation) synchronically. Theoretical perspectives and implications of this approach are estimated both for philosophical anthropology, and for theological exegesis on conflict of primordial man, fallen man and salvaged man. Keywords: anthropology, theology, root cause, consciousness, sense-creation, self-assertiveness, self-renewal, self- replenishment | 1034 | |||||
2398 | The article deals with the questions how to develop students’ motivation to learn foreign languages. Its main purpose is to find the most appropriate and effective ways out. The paper presents the analytical review of research on the problems concerning building and development of educational motivation, describes its types and highlights varieties that are specific to foreign language learning. Particular attention is paid to the close relationship between “feedback” and the level of students’ subject motivation development. The article presents the results of the survey conducted among students and graduates from Novosibirsk universities. The survey participants were asked to point out the most encouraging and disappointing moments they experienced while getting feedback related to results of their work, and describe their emotions. Respondents’ replies were based on their own experience of communication with the teaching staff of the educational institution, and proved the idea, that the feedback given in the foreign language classroom environment greatly affected students’ level of motivation. Moreover, the article defines the functions of “feedback”, characterizes its subtypes, that are commonly used in foreign language teaching and include implicit feedback, explicit and metalinguistic correction. The paper offers examples how to use them effectively while teaching foreign languages. Finally, it determines the level of feedback influence produced on the subject motivation development. Keywords: feedback, educational motivation, foreign language learning, learner, teacher of foreign languages | 1034 | |||||
2399 | It was found that characteristics of physical development of TPSU students practically don't depend of age (16-23) and chosen specialization (all 9 faculties). Students of the faculty of physical culture are exception, which showed considerably improvement of main physiometrical, and dynamometricai indications, which connects with regular going in for sports. It was found that there is a tendentious to improvement of antropo-metrical indications of faculty of foreign languages students in comparison to another faculties and indication in TSPU for 7 years of researches. | 1033 | |||||
2400 | The article deals with the development of French university - the most democratic and dynamic structure of the country's educational system, which occupies the leading positions in the world education. It manages lo Keep centuries-old academic and cultural traditions as well. | 1033 |