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2451 | The author of the article found out the ways of semantic assimilation of borrowings, which were locked in the Tomsk business writing of the XVIIth century: the semantic identity of a borrowing and its foreign prototype, the specialization of lexical meaning of a borrowing, the abstracting of semantics of the lexeme-prototype, allegorical analogical development of the lexical meaning of unnative nomination in language- recipient. | 1031 | |||||
2452 | The technology of image teaching is grounded on the principle of using the ideomotor image of developing motor move and applied working with judoists ranging in age from 12 to 15. The proposed technology allows: to single out and correct images of right and more qualitative motor moves; to influence positively imagination, physique and motor moves technique | 1031 | |||||
2453 | The article handles the notion of diversification in education, the essence of resource approach to the activity of modern higher institutions targeted at the formation of pedagogical human resource, and reviews the conditions contributing to the effectiveness of the activity. Keywords: diversification of education, resource approach, pedagogical human resource | 1031 | |||||
2454 | This article is devoted to analysis of existential consciousness as philosophical and fiction phenomenon, it genesis, features and forms of representation in F. M. Dostoevsky’s works. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, existential consciousness, «frontier situation», reflection, genesis, dialogue, creation method, synthesis, genre, ego-text | 1031 | |||||
2455 | The history of research is considered and information on current species composition of freshwater molluscs basins Pur and Taz is provides. Keywords: freshwater molluscs, habitat, distribution | 1031 | |||||
2456 | In this article with special reference to the verb subsystem of the German language the expediency of applying the differentiative method of describing morphological categories in linguistic prognostics has been justifi ed, since it provides the means of revealing productive categories and thus determining the prospects of the development of a morphological subsystem. Keywords: unifi cation and differentiation methods of description, morphological categories, syncretism, homonymy, hierarchy of categories, productivity | 1031 | |||||
2457 | The article deals with problems of teaching basics of computer geometry in teacher training of computer science and mathematics teachers. The peculiarity of this subject is the study of algorithm approach to geometry problems solving. The authors worked out sets of methodical manuals, comprising automatic training and controlling programmes in “Coordinate Transformation” and “Curves of the Second Row”. Keywords: computer geometry, pedagogic programme means, training and controlling programmes, “Coordinate Transformation” and “Curves of the Second Row”, algorithm thinking | 1031 | |||||
2458 | The article considers the role of the independent work within the course of technical translation for senior students. Psychological peculiarities of senior students stipulate the independent work for technical translation teaching. The independent work is an essential part of the course because the students are taught to take decisions in terms of translation, search for information necessary for translating. Keywords: translation of technical documentation, independent work, linguistic and professional competence, peculiarities of senior students’ teaching | 1031 | |||||
2459 | One of the basic tasks of modern universities is raising the level of personal culture. It is not only obtaining social and cultural knowledge but also performing activity that contributes into the transformation of such knowledge into moral and ethical beliefs, into creative skills, into students’ ability to find the way in cultural space and to apply the ethical standards as assessment criteria. This task is implemented within the framework of developing students’ general cultural competences. Keywords: foreign languages training, general cultural competences, communication, language environment, communication, pedagogical training, professional training, pedagogical capability | 1031 | |||||
2460 | The article shows features and problems of the housing sphere’s development in the social infrastructure of the region. It presented the analysis of the housing sphere’s accomplishment level and results of realization of the republican target program “Housing” in the Republic of Buryatiya. Keywords: housing sphere, social infrastructure, region | 1031 | |||||
2461 | In the article results of research of different kinds of patient's autonomy in regard of definite cultures are reflected. Research have been conducted under support of RFH (project № 12-03-00198 “Bioethics as a Phenomenon of Selfconsciousness of Modern Culture”). Keywords: bioethics, autonomy of the patient, Confucian ethics, paternalism | 1031 | |||||
2462 | In the study of polysemantic words in syntagmatic aspect it is necessary to speak specially about the specifics of its functioning in fiction. In the context of everyday speech the word tends to semantic identity, but in the literary text polysemantic word is not only able to maintain its ambiguity, but also seeks to realize this property. Such feature of functioning of polysemantic lexicon in the literary text is caused by two defining characteristics of the literary text – they are “the intention for maximum information saturation” (Yu. M. Lotman) and imaginative (figurative) speech concretization. The increased load of meaning and imagery are direct factors of aesthetic value of the text. The purpose of the work is to analyze the semantic and stylistic features of the functioning of the polysemantic word in the poetry of A. A. Voznesensky. High metaphoricalness, expressivity, unexpected semantic effects characterize his creative manner. Therefore, the main methods of research are semantic and stylistic analysis, contextual analysis and aesthetic interpretation. A large number of examples prove that semantic increment and visibility of the image in Voznesensky’s poems are achieved both by contrasting the meanings of a polysemous word and by combining them. The author skillfully uses the resource of the lexical polysemy to enhance lyricism or drama of the text, to express avant-garde aesthetics, philosophy of mutual assimilation and interrelation of all things. Among the methods of aesthetic refraction of polysemy of the word actualized by the author are semantic layers and shifts, accentuation of the literal meaning of the word, putting on the first plan of some semantic components of the word and the neutralization of others, the creation of the occasional meaning of the word as a result of the individual author’s associative transfer of meaning, «flicker» of meanings, the unexpected activation of the implicit meaning of the word. The examples illustrate the methods of erased metaphors and metonymy revival. There are traditions of Mayakovsky and Pasternak in some features of metaphorical transfer. The results of the study may be interesting to clarify the features of the individual style of A. A. Voznesensky, stylistic and rhetorical functions of polysemy, semantic potential of the word. Keywords: polysemantic word, semantics, stylistics of the text, language of the literary text, poetic speech, A. A. Voznesensky | 1031 | |||||
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2464 | Preconditions of opening a national turk-tatar pedagogical technical school in Tomsk in the 20-s and its activity during the first years of the existence are analyzed in the article. | 1030 | |||||
2465 | The article analyses the translation of the drama by A. P. Chekhov „Three sisters” into the German language that was done in 1960 by S. von Radecki. The translation added rational approach which was alien to this work and to the whole Russian culture. Keywords: drama, A. P. Chekhov, translation, interpretation, Germany | 1030 | |||||
2466 | The article considers issues of the cognitive potential of the foreign neologisms in the Russian language on the material of Siberian business documents of the 17th century. The author finds out the realization directions of the cognitive potential of Siberian borrowings demonstrating the features of the national and regional worldview. Keywords: historical lexicology, dialectology, borrowing, foreign vocabulary, Middle-Ob dialects, business written language of the 17th century, cognitive potential | 1030 | |||||
2467 | In the article there is an attempt to designate and solve the following problems: 1) the analysis of the conceptual bases of teaching methods of mathematics to students of humanitarian degree programmes, 2) understanding of current issues related to the introduction of the federal state educational standards of the third generation. Keywords: subject “Mathematics” for students of humanitarian degree programmes, the federal state educational standard of the third generation, mentality | 1030 | |||||
2468 | The article is devoted to features of political life of the modern Russian Cossacks and its such far ambiguous and inconsistent line as “independence”. The traditions of “independence” assuming state-political and ethnoterritorial self-determination of Cossacks or their cultural-national autonomy, got a display originality in political life of the modern Cossacks. Actualization of ideas of “independence” has been connected with features of social, cultural, political and economic space of the Russian state of end of the 20th century, the revival which predetermined specificity of the Cossacks. Keywords: Cossacks, political life, Cossacks revival, the modern Russian Cossacks, independence | 1030 | |||||
2469 | This article represents a sociological analysis of values in different status youth groups in Novosibirsk. It was held as a result of comparative sociological research between the students of higher and secondary education. The article examines similarity and difference in the system of values in these status groups, the role of family values on a total valuable scale is also revealed in it. Keywords: the youth of megalopolis, status group, values, family, marriage | 1030 | |||||
2470 | The article examines key moments in the history of adult education in the public libraries of the USA with the account of the socio-cultural, economic, political history of the country, development of theory and practice of adult education. Examples of realization of educational programs for adults, as well as directions and forms of the provision of public libraries of educational services and opportunities for the adult population at different historical periods. Keywords: adult education, andragogy, library of the USA, library service of adults, nonformal education | 1030 | |||||
2471 | This issue contains the analysis of condition of ecolo¬gist consciousness in humanitarian culture on the border of millennium. While analyzing was founded the role of ecologist consciousness in forming of ecocentric and bio-centric type of personality. This type of personality is ori¬entated to everybody's realization of his role in solution of global problems, including ecologists. | 1029 | |||||
2472 | The article describes the results of the didactic method «Increase of didactics units» (UDE). This method can be wide¬ly used in different areas of pedagogics and individual tech¬niques. The author has used the ideas of UDE in construct¬ing and teaching of the integrated course «Natural sciences» in 10 classes of a humanitarian profile. One of the primary goals of the given approach is the development of system type of intellection. According to the main states of the UDE theory the studied material should be given in large units, since integrated knowledge is more systematic and clear, than separate elements. Therefore all contents of the course of natural sciences for 10-th class were divided into three large units representing integrated groups of the related units of the subject contents. Except the enlargement of didactic meth¬ods of teaching, the extended exercises that accustom pupils to the active methods of learning are also used. These exer¬cises must take into account specific features of psyche and different types of mind. In studying process of the integrated course of natural sciences the schemes, characters, refer¬ence signals, visual means are used. Thus, whenever possi¬ble, all code systems of the person's psychology - verbal, visual, sign, acoustic can be used. The similar approach in¬creases systematic character of knowledge that gives an impulse to their further development and extention. Keywords: - | 1029 | |||||
2473 | Projective, technological, communicative properties are determinative in man's mental and practical acti¬vity. Science, art, pedagogics possess a communica¬tive feature. However, this problem has been consi¬dered not enough in traditional didactics. | 1029 | |||||
2474 | The possibility of convenient preparative methods of synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of foehn set by the way of arylating olefins with halogenarils in the presence of palladium salts and following photochemical dehydrocyclization of 1,2-dyarilethenes are explored. The conditions of receiving of 3, 4, 5-nuclear carbons with different position of substituents with good preparative outputs are found. The prospects of method for synthesis of hydrocarbons of foehn set is shown. | 1029 | |||||
2475 | The article presents he results of definition of teaching efficiency the integrated course of natural sciences in 10 classes. This course combines theoretical knowledge with complex laboratory works. The testing was carried out on the questions that have word-outlook orientation, which were studied in the section of natural sciences course «The Structure of the Universe on large scale». In the process of testing results analysis the graphic methods of results representation, statistical processing of the received data by Pirson criterion (criterion of 6-square) were used. These results indicate the formation of theoretical generalizations, and the formation of initial scientific and world-outlook ideas among the pupils of experimental classes, while among the schoolchildren of control classes these ideas practically have not been changed. On the basis of the received data the conclusion is made that the subject of natural sciences in the 10 classes due to its integrative character, organic combination of the theory and laboratory works contributes to the effective formation of modern world outlook of the pupils. | 1029 | |||||
2476 | The distinction character of the Whole and the Entity and the resemblance character of the Entity and the Unity of Yamvlih from Syrien are researched. There are two points of view about the Unity. The Unity is the beginning of the simple number row and, simultaneously, the beginning of the number, which this Unity embraces and forms. The second meaning concurs with Yamvlih from Syrien idea about the Unity who understands it as the all-absorbing (ubiquitous) reality, which embraces and maintains everything in itself indistinguishably. On the other hand it concurs with the meaning of the Entity as the all-embracing beginnig, which excepts every distinction and engenders everything from itself. | 1029 | |||||
2477 | This article presents two problems. The first is to show the importance of recognition of spiritual factor determining in the policy of cooperation between states; to formulate proposals for documents of the United Nations, UNESCO and other public organizations, realizing initiative of peaceful nonviolent existence of people. The second is to show real opportunities of educational system in preparing for nonviolent style of life. | 1029 | |||||
2478 | Musical ability to influence on people has been forming throughout centuries. Research in the field of ancient art and music origin proved the fact that musical language has formed as one of the informational connection means. Through the evolutionary process in the interaction artistic and exartistic intercourse, music is developing, first -as the means of understanding, second as unity, and finally as people’ communicative relations. Resemblance of the speech and music, proximity of speech function and musical intonation gives transmission possibility of speaking experience to perceive musical compositions. If language acquisition is provided in the form of intercourse we can come to the conclusion that musical compositions can be used as speaking teaching means. | 1029 | |||||
2479 | The article is the first part of the paper deals with the norm category. In the article are presented results of analysis of the norm as one of the kinds of rational estimation reflected in meaning of language units, described its structure and main functions. Keywords: norm, estimation, cognitive category, structure of the norm estimation, functions of the norm | 1029 | |||||
2480 | The general directions of ecology safe and efficient peat use in Russia agriculture have been considered. It has been proved of most expedient way of rational use of peat and conservation of resources in agricultures is the peat-log development for agrophytocenosises. The high efficiency of peat utilization as compost and peat substrate production has been showed Keywords: Peat, agriculture, fertility, fertilizer, compost. | 1029 | |||||
2481 | Modern society has entered the information phase of its development, which includes positive as well as negative effects (information diseases, stresses). A modern specialist should have a high information competence. Libraries actively carry out information and education activity and, therefore, they need specialists of a new type possessing both the library – bibliographic and education technologies. Keywords: library information disciplines, information society, information diseases, information competence, library – bibliographic technologies | 1029 | |||||
2482 | Reveal current staffing problems in rural ungraded schools, and suggests ways to address them in a scientific and institutional capacity of pedagogical universities as centers for training, retraining and educational staff. Offered as traditional forms of further education teachers, and innovation - training tutors of distance education professionals UGSH and resource centers of distance education. Keywords: education, ungraded school, state educational policy, teachers extended education, online education tutor | 1029 | |||||
2483 | The comparative analysis of seasonal shoot growth cycle between latitudinal and altitudinal Siberian stone pine ecotypes growing under the homogeneous environments of clone archive was conducted. Among latitudinal ecotypes differences in shoots and needles growth dates and duration were more significant than those among altitudinal ones. More significant differentiation among latitudinal ecotypes, probably, was related to their development not only contrast climatic conditions but in different photoperiodic regime in contrast to altitudinal ecotypes. Keywords: Siberian stone pine, ecological-geographical differentiation, climatic ecotypes, phenology | 1029 | |||||
2484 | The formation of sports culture through taking up one or a few kinds of sports, helps to discover and implement real and potential abilities, and is the promising means of students access to physical training and sports activities, healthy lifestyle. Keywords: sports culture, physical training, athletics, study-training process | 1029 | |||||
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2486 | This article covers the questions of the monitoring of students‘ knowledge results in teacher education in thecontext of reforming the system of Russian higher education. We give brief characteristics of modern examination system, show the problems related to the Russian practice of monitoring of students‘ knowledge and present some decisions of the allocated problems. Keywords: pedagogical education in higher school, quality of pedagogical education, monitoring of university students‘ knowledge of higher school | 1029 | |||||
2487 | The plot of the novel by V. V. Nabokov “Ada, or Ardor: a Family chronicle” represents a complex combination of motives both Russian, and the European literature. The special place in the plot structure is occupied with the motives borrowed by V. V. Nabokov from the literature of romanticism; among loan sources products R. Shatobrian (“Rene”) are allocated. In the article the problem of functioning of motives of the literature of romanticism in structure of the postmodernist novel by V. V. Nabokov is discussed. Keywords: plot, V. V. Nabokov, Russian literature of the 20th century | 1029 | |||||
2488 | The article is devoted to problems of the development of teachers’ qualification examination holding procedure instituted by 2011. Keywords: certification, qualification examination, holding procedure | 1029 | |||||
2489 | The article considers the role of knowledge in the competence approach. A method of knowledge assessment, which is productive in the present period, when the transition to competence, methods of teaching. It is considered an example of the use of teaching tasks in the formation of methodological knowledge undergraduate students of physics education. Keywords: formation and evaluation of knowledge, methods of teaching, methodical tasks | 1029 | |||||
2490 | The article deals with the category of inclusive/exclusive in Altaic languages: special sets of pronouns and nominal and verbal forms in Manchu-Tungusic and Mongolic, forms of augmented and minimal inclusive in Turkic imperative paradigms. A special attention is paid to the structural patterns of building inclusive. All-Turkic multi-plural personal pronouns having more than one affi x of plurality in their morphological structure as well as collective-dual pronouns in Yakut are characterized according to their ability to express inclusive/exclusive semantics. Keywords: exclusive, inclusive, minimal and augmented inclusive Altaic languages | 1029 | |||||
2491 | The article shows the linguistic representation of quantitative side of the strategy of the olfactory perception. Attention is concentrated on two aspects: firstly, intensity of smell, secondly, quantity of smells, which a person can identify. The analysis bases on quantity scales and stereotypes. Such an analysis allows to complete facts about the representations of olfactory information (its quantitative aspect) in human language. Keywords: cognitive strategy, the olfactory perception channel, perceptual mode, quantification, usual gradual scale, situational-modal scale, total-partitive scale, stereotype of quantification, intensity of smell, the number of odors | 1029 | |||||
2492 | In the article the one of varieties of norms that are in semantics of language units reflected is investigated in the aspect of modes of expression and conditions of manifestation in verb meanings. The reasons of non-reaching and exceeding the norm of action`s effectiveness are ascertained and also connection between parametrical and axiological norms on the one hand and logical varieties of antonyms on the other hand is revealed. Keywords: parametrical norm, axiological norm, scalaris-antonymous complex, non-reaching the norm, exceeding the norm | 1029 | |||||
2493 | Over the past years, the term “visualization” or “cognitive visualization” is widespread in pedagogy and methods of teaching some disciplines, especially mathematics, geometry and information technologies. The article describes the background and possible reasons for the sustainable interest of scientific and pedagogical public to methods of cognitive visualization. The author analyzes contemporary sources and concludes that despite the intensive study of cognitive visualization, prospects and opportunities of its application in the field of humanities are not developed enough. Particular attention is paid to the method of “mind maps”, as one of the most effective means of training both native and foreign language. Keywords: cognitive visualization, linguodidactics, mind map, visual means, graphic organizers | 1029 | |||||
2494 | Pankin V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 40-41 . | 1028 | |||||
2495 | Gravova O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 47-51 . | 1028 | |||||
2496 | The non-traditional forms of museum work with visitors are considered in the in the present paper, namely: interactive measures with elements of adaptation for the stage. These methods of work are of greater effect for visitors of pre-school and primary school age. Under the guidance of the Tomsk museum of regional studies there has been developed and used the cycle of measures of such a kind devoted to calendar ritual, e.g. «Cel-ebrations in old times», «Saint Russo, etc. Experience of the Tomsk museum of regional studies proves the efficiency of new non-traditional forms of work of a museum with its visitors. | 1028 | |||||
2497 | The author of this article explores the structure of the national economy from the systemic position. The national economy is introduced as a hierarchy of components: (person - the first elements of economy - firms and the state). The article contains a new view of the functions of the state, market, economic efficiency and optimum. The author be¬lieves that in social sciences it is necessary to return to nat¬ural science's definition of the economic order. | 1028 | |||||
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2500 | This paper is about new development in the field of the decision of calculating problems of physics. The decision of a problem is carried out in program development «System of visual modeling and the decision of problems». The basic stages and rules of work in system allowing to describe (to simulate) a problem and to solve one are described. Advantages of the system, in opinion of authors, are problems’ structure modeling as graphic notations and the numerical methods using a method of componental circuits built-in the program. The advantages allow to concentrate directly on modeling and the decision of problems, instead of its numerical performance. | 1028 |