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2451 | In the work the author suggests and justifies the new classification of the component content of technology and entrepreneurship teacher training, which includes combination of subject-cycle and concrete-special approaches. In the article the author demonstrates that the proposed structure excludes terminology divergences of the realization and terminological mechanism | 1168 | |||||
2452 | We trace the dynamics of the change of functions of music, concerning the language on early stages of the western culture development. We show how the localization of the concept-expressing function of music into the sphere of every-day speech and art take place as the language change and the graphic means of fixating language expressions appear. | 1168 | |||||
2453 | In the article I.I. Tyurina touches upon the existential world perception of A, Akhmatova in 1940s-1960s, which is revealed in her lyrical cycles «Northern Elegies* and «Midnight Poems». | 1168 | |||||
2454 | The present article is devoted to the research of social and cultural reasons of delinquent behavior of the underage which defines the breaking-up of the norms, as the standard of behavior in general. It signifies the change of the treatment of the society towards the mechanisms of the purposeful socialization, the youth is influenced by. | 1168 | |||||
2455 | The author analyses principle of responsibility inevitability in Russian Criminal law. | 1168 | |||||
2456 | The given approach to the problem acts as a way of self-reflection upon social sciences. This promotes successful institutionalisation and emancipation of social research from the pressure of methodology of natural sciences. It allows posing the question of basis and nature of social phenomena in a new manner, and also defining problems of the central categories of social humanitarian cognition, which are connected with traditional oppositions: society – personality, rational – sensual, real - visible. There is a methodological model, which can facilitate interdisciplinary communication of social humanitarian sciences; and there are heuristic possibilities and conditions of creating a relevant methodological project, proposed in the work. | 1168 | |||||
2457 | The article is devoted to very important problem of ethical knowledge – methodical explanation of phenomenon of ethics as a universal regulator of relationships in social, natural and spirit world. | 1168 | |||||
2458 | The article is devoted to the problem of self-education of the teacher in theory and practice. Not aspiring the task of formulating a new definition, the authors define their attitude to an existing theoretical situation in this area of pedagogy, considering technological aspect of self-education of the teacher | 1168 | |||||
2459 | The article tells about power as control and governing oneself and other people in the process of self-realization through cooperation in social relationships. Political philosophy is aimed at the understanding of the tragic and limited character of human existence in spite of our strive to strength our power. On the other hand, it is man’s power that determines his role in the society and possibility to leave all the problems in this world. Power is directed not to structural transformations, but to other people’s feelings, who deal with the necessity of providing for our preferences. Keywords: . | 1168 | |||||
2460 | The present article represents an overview of the data obtained by the authors as a result of a long-term microbiological research of different sorts of peat soils in Russian regions. There are the numerous microbiological indexes confirming the purposefulness of the inclusion of all peat layers in the definition “peat soil” irrespective of its depth Keywords: Peatland, marsh ground, Microbiologicai estimation, monitoring, microbial biomass, track record | 1168 | |||||
2461 | The effect of exogenous treatment of kartolinom concentration of 30 mg / l on two varieties of spring wheat Omsk 23 and Dewdrop is studied. The study revealed varietal differences in the processing of growth regulator. Keywords: Triticum aestivum, kartolin, chlorophyll, growth, productivity | 1168 | |||||
2462 | The dynamics of abundance of the Alauda arvensis on the agricultural landscapes of Lipetsk region is considered. The comparative analysis of bio topical qualities of the most widespread agricultural crops and fallow lands of different stages of succession, based on changes of density of the Alauda arvensis’s rested population is brought. The conclusion about dependence of nested appeal of agricultural landscapes on their internal characteristics and on their external bio topical surroundings is proved. Keywords: Skylarks, Alauda arvensis (Aves), density of population, nested population, abundance, fallow lands, succession, agricultural landscapes | 1168 | |||||
2463 | The article contains the analysis of Mariinsk teachers’ questionnaire about organization of students’ project activities. The author revealed their understanding of the term “project activity”, its opportunities and field of realization. Also the author pays special attention to some difficulties faced by teachers when they work with projects and their causes. Keywords: student project activities, opportunities for project activities, field of project activities’ realization, difficulties in organization of project activities | 1168 | |||||
2464 | This paper presents the results of theoretical understanding of the problem of studying the symbol and the basic theory of characters that exist in the modern humanities. It also demonstrates the difference in terms: symbol, mark, image, an allegory. Keywords: symbol, visual image, sign, perception of symbol | 1168 | |||||
2465 | The article presents the research of the A. Panaeva’s prose from the point of view of the artistic space and its content. The research of the think-world semantics and the artistic space modeling methods allow specify the author’s world picture and her creative method. Keywords: Women’s prose, gender, artistic space, mean, Panaeva, poetics, artistic concepts | 1168 | |||||
2466 | The article presents activities of the Tatars in the development of the education of the people of Turkestan. First of all it was expressed in creation of schools for Tatars, including the Jadid’s madrassas, attended by representatives of other peoples. Training was on the books of the Tatar authors – S. Maksudi, R. Fakhrutdinov, H.Zabirov. National schools for the local people were organized under the leadership of the Tatar enlighteners. They participated in preparation of textbooks in the languages of the local people and teaching staff for national schools. The Tatars spreaded Muslim customs and traditions, brought Muslim culture in the steppe. Jadid’s schools opened by tatars have sustained the competition from Russian-native schools because local population trust them more which was connected by a religion community, similarity of language and traditions of Tatars and people of Turkestan. These schools financially were also supported by Tatars. Methodical providing, especially in the first decades of their existence, was carried out by the Kazan teachers. Most capable shakirds (students) of Jadid’s madrassas prepared to enter major madrasas of the Volga-Ural region. Tatar women played a big role in training of women of Turkestan. Under their influence and leadership by the representatives of the local population were opened schools. However, despite the support for the first time, the government feared the influence of the Turkic peoples on each other. Since 1910, rules have been adopted that prohibit the teaching of Tatars in Turkestan. Closing of Tatar schools did not become an obstacle to the spread of jadidism. Keywords: Tatar teachers, Turkestan, education, training, madrasa, Russian-native school, Jadidism, textbooks | 1168 | |||||
2467 | - | 1167 | |||||
2468 | Coaching in any kind of sport can be successful if training systems are built according to natural evolu¬tion of organism of young athletes. It is known, that many physical abilities have to be developed already at first stages of long-term training, otherwise the most productive age periods of physical condition improve¬ment can be lost. This article concerns the problem of searching effective methods and training exercises in coaching of 10-11 years old finswimmers. | 1167 | |||||
2469 | The paper is aimed at grounding associative relations as an integrative communicative property of the word, through which the other properties of the word are defined. | 1167 | |||||
2470 | The article is devoted to Gender history of Nazism. It focuses on the change in the legal status, the financial position, a psychological condition of the Jewish woman in epoch of Nazism. The article represents struggle of the Jewish women for a survival in conditions of the aggressive anti-Semitic environment. The Jewish women showed a high degree of self-sacrifice and solidarity with the fellow tribesmen. At the same time the policy of the Nazi regime in reference to the Jewish women showed a deep crisis of the German society experiencing rigid variant of «conservative modernization». | 1167 | |||||
2471 | In the work some theoretical positions of skilled-experimental researches on revealing a resource of improvement of pedagogical preparation quality of the teacher to be are submitted. The model of pedagogical preparation and algorithm of realization of reflective control-estimated activity are described. | 1167 | |||||
2472 | The article deals with the analysis of the role of a tax unit at enterprise, its tasks, aims and general questions. The notions and general principles are realized in the article, also and the author showed the importance of the taxation planning for the enterprises. | 1167 | |||||
2473 | Planar multilayer waveguides structures are considered. The dispersion equation for calculating of the effective refractive indexes and lateral distribution of electric field of the light is obtained in the case of waveguide layer with parabolic distribution of refractive index. This equa¬tion can be used for optimization of the optical parame¬ters of the integrated electron devices. | 1167 | |||||
2474 | This article deals with the genesis and the historical development of the unique higher educational structure – the Faculty of Additional (Optional) Professions. The faculty has been functioning since 1960s and is one of not many faculties in Russia in the Tomsk State Pedagogical University being a powerful resourse of the University | 1167 | |||||
2475 | The article considers the urgent problems of raising the elementary vocational raining in the conditions of its modernization. Theoretical and practical premises of creation a system of ruling the EVT quality have been analysed in connection with the social requirements to train competitive workers. The integral conception of ruling the EVT guality on the basis of integrative – active approach has been worked out and the effective conditions off approdftion the pedagogical system of Khakassiya have been shown. | 1167 | |||||
2476 | The investigations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were performed for three different peat-moorsh soils - Czarna Wies, Otoczne and Kwatera 17 located in the Biebrza River Valley in Poland. Each considered soils were utilized as meadow. Soil samples were taken from two depths: 5-10 cm and 50-80 cm. IAA, total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in peat moorsh soils from these samples were analysed. The significant differences in the concentrations of IAA, TOC, and DOC between two investigated depths of among peat moorsh samples were observed. The measured concentrations of total organic carbon in the considered soils ranged from 37.2 to 45.6 %. Generally, the decrease of IAA, total organic carbon, however, increase of DOC concentration with depth of profiles was observed. The contents of dissolved organic carbon in the soils ranged from 5.3 to 19.4%. The quantities of IAA decreased simultaneously with TOC values and with the increasing depth of the soil profiles. The highest contents of IAA was determined in high layers of moorshes and ranged from 110,1 to 128,7 µg kg-1 dry mass. However the concentrations of IAA in deeper layers were lower and ranged from 69,3 to 87,1 µg kg-1 dry mass. Keywords: Peat, chemical characteristics, organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, indole-acetic acid. | 1167 | |||||
2477 | A quantitative estimation of components of biological cycle is given. Identified reserves of phytomasse mortmass and net primary production of mountain fen Gorno-Altai in the Eshtykеl. Revealed the strong influence of permafrost on biological processes mountain fen. Stock vegetable substances either fen Altai close to stocks Tundra bogs. Reserve live phytomass is 4143 g/m2, and net primary production - 1285±142 g/m2 per year. Keywords: mountain fen, net primary production, stocks ofphytomass, mortmass, carbon cycle | 1167 | |||||
2478 | The article reveals the image of Paris in V. L. Pushkin's creative consciousness, exposes some peculiarities of his France culture and Paris perception. The poet and Alexander Pushkin's uncle, he represents a new type of the Russian nobleman consciousness, who doesn't worship thoughtless everything foreign but comprehends European culture achievements independently. Keywords: cross-cultural communication, Francomania, Paris's image, yhe Enlightenment ideas, «one's own - foreign» opposition | 1167 | |||||
2479 | The article states the caste-class structure of the Khakass-Minusinsk region under the conditions of its reclamation by Russia and Christianization policy of the native ethnic group. The main source of the research was documents of the church population demographic list. The subject is examined on the example of parochial communities. Keywords: Christianity, estates, Khakasses, proselyte, the Russian Orthodox Church, the church and parochial communities | 1167 | |||||
2480 | This paper examines the point system of evaluation, which is the most obvious integrating factor of the global education space, the main diagnostic tool in learning and implementing the feedback, as well as most clearly embodies the principles that underlie the educational process. This article describes the results obtained using this system of evaluation. Keywords: point system of evaluation, rating, module, algorithm, ranking | 1167 | |||||
2481 | The article deals with the category of inclusive/exclusive in Altaic languages: special sets of pronouns and nominal and verbal forms in Manchu-Tungusic and Mongolic, forms of augmented and minimal inclusive in Turkic imperative paradigms. A special attention is paid to the structural patterns of building inclusive. All-Turkic multi-plural personal pronouns having more than one affi x of plurality in their morphological structure as well as collective-dual pronouns in Yakut are characterized according to their ability to express inclusive/exclusive semantics. Keywords: exclusive, inclusive, minimal and augmented inclusive Altaic languages | 1167 | |||||
2482 | The specific nomination tendencies peculiar to professional-slangy component of medicine language are considered in this article on the base of the conceptual sphere “sick man/patient”. Linguistic facts connected with the enrichment of nomination fund and with the occasional character of nomination processes in the non-codified modification of medicine language are revealed. Keywords: medicine language, non-codified modification of medicine language, professional-slangy vocabulary and phraseology, nomination processes | 1167 | |||||
2483 | This research is devoted to features of a newspaper style (category of social evaluation). Valery Nemirov’s works (newspaper “Kuznetsky rabochy”, Novokuznetsk) are materials for analysis. Methods and means representing social evaluation are described in the article. Keywords: a newspaper style, artistic social and political essays, an author, social evaluation | 1167 | |||||
2484 | The article is devoted to the graduate of Kiev-Mogilyansk Academy – Amvrosi (Kelembet) (1745–1822), who served in Siberia. The author of the article analyzes the sources about the pontiff and the historiography related to him, mostly of his Siberian period (1806–1822), picturing details of the image of the famous graduate of the Academy. Keywords: Amvrosi Klembet, Kiev-Mogilyansk Academy, the history of Siberia, Russian Orthodox Church, historiography, the source study | 1167 | |||||
2485 | The article covers the analysis of criminal case materials about “solving” the so-called counterrevolutionary organization the “White Guard plot” in 1933. This one of the major criminal cases in the USSR was discovered by authorized representation of OGPU (Joint State Political Directorate) body in Western Siberian Region. The documents analysis report makes possible to conclude the total falsifi cation of this case from the beginning till the end. Keywords: political repression, “White Guard plot”, Western Siberia | 1167 | |||||
2486 | The article deals with the problem of independent actualization of foreign language skills as a means of professional communication by graduate students of the Department of International Relations of the National research Tomsk state university when working abroad. Opinion poll data on how lifelong learning is organized by graduates are examined. On the basis of the survey the author of the article makes conclusions about the quality of language teaching at the department and methods of language skills actualization by graduates of the History Faculty working abroad. Keywords: lifelong learning, professional communication, professional occupation, studying a foreign language, knowledge, skills, habits, language material, exercises | 1167 | |||||
2487 | This article is devoted to the description of the suffix -j, which continues to exist in the Selkup dialects as the stem-building element. Keywords: thematic groups, phonetic variability, semantic field, stem-building suffixes | 1167 | |||||
2488 | The article considers the grounds for the development of the ethno-cultural component of regional education. It emphasizes the need for a modern interpretation of ethno-pedagogical experience in various aspects of education as a factor of the development of a polycultural human. The article gives the description of the stages of the development and implementation of the idea of ethno-cultural education in Siberia and defines its most significant results. Keywords: education, modernization, openness, the paradigm of educational systems, and value grounds, ethnocultural component, regional education | 1167 | |||||
2489 | The article considers the psychological readiness of psychology students for professional work in the framework of inclusive education. As a basic framework was adopted model of psychological readiness of F. M. Rekesheva, including cognitive, emotional and motivational-value components. The criterion for determining the level of preparedness for professional work psychology students was the degree of formation of its components. The study revealed that the majority of psychology students of the second year are not psychologically prepared for professional work in an inclusive environment, as the level of development of the studied components corresponds to low and middle values. The obtained results of the study indicate the need to strengthen the practice-oriented component in the preparation of students planning profession in terms of inclusive education. Keywords: psychological readiness of students, professional activity, inclusive education | 1167 | |||||
2490 | The article considers the key to communication studies and a number of other sciences, the concept of “code of cooperation” as a means of implementing the communication, communication, knowledge translation, expression evaluation. It is about the visual and natural language communication as two codes that differ based on the absence / presence of the properties of linearity and consistency deployment in space and time and analyzed in relation aspects of their functional and pragmatic properties, as well as the specificity of interaction in various spheres of social and interpersonal communication. Particularly emphasized affecting the function of visual language, high performance implementation of which is achieved due to the availability of a huge perception and interpretive capabilities. To justify the need to study the visual language is important to recognize formulated within the framework of psychological science position on the importance of the visual code of perception, which found ample evidence in practice (eg, in the course of implementation, the techniques of art therapy, receiving visualization work with people belonging to visual personal psycho). Visual (lateral) kind of thinking, secreted by some scientists as a distinct type of appeal to the possibility understanding of information through the creation of non-linear visual images, in some cases, more ductile and moving than words – a linear unit of verbal series. The emergence of visual language as an interdisciplinary concepts and the growing interest in it among scientists from different fields of scientific knowledge is determined by the powerful influence of the modern information environment exerted on the minds of the media / user as a result of the introduction of the everyday life of the latest information and cognitive technologies. As an example of the close interaction of visual and verbal codes is actually seen the phenomenon of creolized speech product that combines elements of a visual and verbal code. For empirical research base are taken the commercial advertising texts. Keywords: communication, communication code, visual language, the nonlinear visual image, natural language, creolized text, advertising text as creolized variety of text | 1167 | |||||
2491 | The given article is devoted to the issues of teaching the scientific style of oral speech at a technical university. Based on many years of experience of working with student, graduate students, postgraduate students of Tomsk Polytechnic University, the authors propose the universal (independent of the scientific direction of students) content and form of teaching the scientific style of oral speech at the university. It is recommended to include the following topics to the course content of oral scientific speech: “The report as a genre of oral scientific speech”, “Elocution”, “The structure of the presentation of a scientific report”, “Presentation of a scientific report”, “Rules for scientific debate”. An “advanced lecture”, training and game are offered as the forms of classroom work, which allow to form the necessary knowledge basis of the principles of scientific oral communication; to develop skills; to stimulate students’ activity; to give students the opportunity to gain experience. This article contains examples of the use of the given forms of classroom work with the selected content. Keywords: native language, competence-based approach, scientific oral speech, studying at a technical university, the content and form of teaching, advanced lecture, training, game | 1167 | |||||
2492 | The paper is devoted to one of unique artifacts of the Bronze Age – the mirror. These artifacts have been found in Tomsky and Elovsky II grave fields in the Tomsk Ob Region. The Elovsky II grave field contains 370 graves of the Andronovo and Elovo cultures, but mirrors have been found only in 12 graves. They belong to two groups: diskshaped and square mirrors. The paper analyzes the positions of mirrors in graves and persons to whom they were placed. As concluded, they were rarely placed to men, more often to women and children. In addition, the analysis of grave goods shows that children graves are especially rich in artifacts. This is typical of some burial grounds of the Bronze Age discovered in different areas. Mirrors had several functions: it was used as a fashion accessory, as an amulet, and as a symbol of belonging to elite and authority. Over a long period of time (the Bronze and Iron ages), mirrors had different functions in different areas and archaeological cultures. Keywords: archaeology, archaeological culture, metal mirrors, ritual, magic, cult, human settlements, grave field | 1167 | |||||
2493 | . | 1167 | |||||
2494 | The article deals with the features of teaching of meteorology and hydrology to the students of geography at Tomsk state pedagogical university. It demonstrates the results of the study of major difficulties for the students during the study of meteorology and hydrology. The article presents the examples of realization of remote technologies MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Digital Learning Environment) for training of the subject “Modern problems of hydrometeorology” for masters. The article shows that the best development of spatial thinking of students occurs during the analysis of the climatic maps. If the student chooses a theme, then the project activity is more effective. Describes the test results of students-geographers in the assessment of current and residual knowledge in meteorology and hydrology. Educational field practice, including tours to the meteorological station, is considered as a necessary activity for the successful mastering of meteorology and hydrology. For effective studying of meteorology and hydrology students need to carry out measurements using various meteorological instruments. For investigation of water quality in small rivers of Tomsk region the field laboratories are used. The results of students’ research during the training practices are widely used for writing articles and bachelor’s final work. The article presents didactic recommendations for teachers starting to teach meteorology and hydrology at the pedagogical universities. Keywords: meteorology, climatology, hydrology, interdisciplinary communication, spatial thinking, professional competence, higher education | 1167 | |||||
2495 | The work traces the interrelation of the toponyms, which are mainly folks’ names of agricultural lands, with the specifics of agricultural exploitation of the Russian population of the territories of Gorny Altai. The author’s field materials, collected at Ust-Koksa, Shebalino, Ust-Kan Districts of the Altai Republic at different periods, as well as the archival data have comprised the basis for the research. The author’s particular attention is the specific features of land management in mountainous areas with such properties viewed as an angle of slopes, exposition of slopes and a degree of density of population. Particularly important in the farming activities are even territories with low angles of slopes, and even more they are meaningful in the valleys with higher elevations. It is stated that the natural conditions of this region influence frequent division of lands for serving various purposes. The author reveals this idea in the local names of places. The research shows how toponyms of small ravines, springs and mounts may explicit the role of the man, and even of his family in the natural resources management of the territory. Moreover, the names of natural pastures depend on the land’s properties, including such as the order of their location and size. The introduction of a new administrative order of the management of agricultural use of lands during the periods of the work of collective farms destroyed the system of the traditional natural resources management, which had became useful for the Russian peasantry as a result of their ethnic adaptation to the conditions of Gorny Altai. The characteristics of this system are the inclusion into the natural landscape, having a chief of the land and rationality of the natural resources management in accordance with their natural geographic properties, which is understood as a result of segmentation of farm lands that serve various purposes. The folk’s geographical names have become a concentrate of all these specific features of natural resources management. Therefore, a toponym is a so-called symbol-word that has a number of associations and notions about the particular properties of a definite place and about the way how people use their natural environmental space. Keywords: toponymy, environmental management, economic development, farmland, log, polya, Uymon valley, Altai mountains | 1167 | |||||
2496 | The rapidly changing social reality which researchers characterize as a situation of social uncertainty, determines the challenges, problems and opportunities of the youth’s living space. The lack of clear guidelines for the future, the reassessment of the values of the older generation, serious functional changes in the family institution, the increasing influence of the mass information media and the Internet space, actualize the need for targeted educational interaction of social institutions with young people. In the work on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis, the concept of “modern youth” is specified, and a description of the content of this concept in changing social reality is proposed. The article describes the situation of uncertainty as an opportunity for the development and actualization of the social potential of young people, the manifestation of an active and responsible position of a young person in various interrelated living spatial circumstances. Three groups of problems that define the living space of younger generation and are formed in the situation of uncertainty are presented: the organization of the educational space of educational organizations that promotes the realization of the potential of the young man as a subject of his own life; use of the opportunities of society and its transformation into an educational space; effective interaction of social institutions in the education of youth. The complex of organizational (development of the socio-cultural infrastructure of the region, the use of a set of psychological and pedagogical methods aimed at creating an experience of positive behavior and adequate self-esteem, teaching young people to techniques and procedures for self-realization and social security of the individual, the use of a set of psychological and pedagogical techniques aimed at forming the experience of positive behavior and adequate self-estimation among youth), pedagogical (pedagogical support for social facilitation of the activities of the teacher, the orientation toward success and achievement, providing each young man the with the opportunity of his role, position, form of participation in activities, etc.), psychological (correspondence of content and methods of work to the characteristics of different age categories of youth, stage of life, strengthening of the positive attitude to themselves and their future for youth, stage of life and professional plans of youth), socio-cultural conditions for young talents and the development of creative potential of youth; creation of conditions for access of city residents to information resources; development and support of youth initiatives; creation of conditions for employment by amateur art creativity, maintenance of amateur creative initiative and social and cultural activity of youth), ensuring the effectiveness of the process of socialization of young people at the present stage. Keywords: youth, young people’s living space, social uncertainty, social institutions, responsibility | 1167 | |||||
2497 | . | 1166 | |||||
2498 | The main functions of foreign languages in the history of cultural development in Russia, such as political, international, professional, cultural-educational and ideological ones are analyzed by the authors in the article. It is proved that it's impossible to from a cultural, international and educational society with a man in its center without knowing foreign lan¬guages. | 1166 | |||||
2499 | In research the analysis of psychology-pedagogical features of development by the teacher innovation technologies will be carried spent. The author’s system of the account of difficulties is offered during improvement of professional skill of the teachers and courses of specialization. In the process of training on courses (course period) diagnostics of difficulties of the teachers is recommended to be carried out immediately during by. Thus the difficulties act by indicators for conducting of courses and teachers showing critical points of passage of a technique innovation of training. The author offers a system of organizing developing studies based on methodical devices and recommendations how to use them while overcoming didactic difficulties (DD) which was worked out by the author. This technology is based on the methodical receptions, developed by the author, and references of their application at overcoming (DD). | 1166 | |||||
2500 | We might conclude that consonantal markers are characteristic of nouns of all three genders, therefore they didn’t relate to the grammatical category of gender, which was formed later. As the markers are rather old, the original meaning of them was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness. Generation of the grammatical gender was connected with vowel markers. | 1166 |