# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2651 | The article considers the problems of the formation of future teachers’ professional competences in the process of foreign language teaching which are particularly actual at preset due to the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education. Interactive teaching, authentic materials and use of new information technologies give great possibilities for developing students’ abilities, skills and knowledge, which will grow into the required teachers’ professional competences. Keywords: formation, future teacher, professional competences, foreign language teaching | 1024 | |||||
2652 | In the article the author presents the analysis of the educational crisis in 1980–1990 years and the conception of modernization of it in the XXIst century. The role of the state is great in educational policy. Special attention is paid to distance and Internet education as well as to teachers training. Keywords: potential, crisis, reform, distance education, internet, ecological education | 1024 | |||||
2653 | The article brings up the issues of the process of socializing in relation to children deprived of parental care in the context of rural orphanages; it describes the technique of developing social competence in different-age collective groups of children. Keywords: different-age collective group, social competence, rural orphanages. | 1024 | |||||
2654 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of folk-festive culture on A. S. Suvorin’s narration “Gosudarinia-Maslianitsa” poetics. Different components of folk-festive culture have influenced on the style, plot, themes and composition of the work. Keywords: A. S. Suvorin, folk-festive culture, Pancake week, show booth, puppet show, gallery, tradition. | 1024 | |||||
2655 | In the article questions of the development of the language person while teaching the foreign language are analyzed on the basis of self-educational activity of pupils. The basic forms, levels, kinds of self-educational activity and the self-oriented technologies leading to its activization while studying the foreign language are indicated. The features of pedagogical management and the basic directions of the development of readiness for regular selfeducational activity are analyzed. Keywords: self-educational activity, levels, forms, the language person, self-oriented technologies, the readiness, management | 1024 | |||||
2656 | In the article the most rational ways of integration of the enterprises of a timber industry complex are proved and analyzed. As the most a topical, the formation of vertically integrated structures of holding type is offered. Keywords: the timber industry complex, vertically integrated structure, integration, holding | 1024 | |||||
2657 | The article provides a critical analysis of G. I. Pelikh’s hypothesis about the presence of marriage classes, as well as circular marital pattern based on them, in the southern Selkup kinship system. It is then demonstrated, that it is not possible to construct such a class using only available published lists of the Selkup kinship terms. The fi nal suggestion is to revise the hypothesis completely. Keywords: southern Selkup, kinship systems, kinship terminology, marriage classes | 1024 | |||||
2658 | This article deals with the problem of working out the model of specialist in education. The aim of creation of professional training model is person’s development and high professionalism. The model permits to reveal the structure of individual qualities, teaching abilities, traits, special features of intellect, scope of knowledge, practical skills which are necessary in original work. Keywords: model, pedagogical university graduate, professional training, basic training teaching practice, additional education, professional adaptation, specialist’s description | 1024 | |||||
2659 | The article deals with the development of the word family of the Indo-European root *mr- from Germanic to Modern German. We analyse the morphological and syntactical structure of the derivatives and set expressions, which belong to the word family. Much attention is given in the article to semantic development. The material is studied both synchronically and diachronically. Keywords: word family, derivative, semantics, semantic proportion, seme, Old High German, Middle High German | 1024 | |||||
2660 | The article is relevant for planning the Museum of science and technology in Tomsk. It is being created by Tomsk scientific community – higher education institutions, academic institutes, research-and-production enterprises and the museum staff. The existing in Russia network of museums of the space profile is characterized by the insufficiency of authentic samples of space technology, low visitors' activity, lack of an interactive space. This article proposes a new classification of museums of the space profile in Russia, based on the criteria of historicism, objectivity and memoriality: 1) astronautics Museum; 2 museums of the special space objects, such as space launch sites and courts of space communications; 3) museums of space industry enterprises; 4) museums of higher education institutions conducting space scientific research and training of future cosmonauts; 5) memorial museums. To improve the efficiency of the work of the Russian museums of space profile if requires architectural improvements and modernization, as well as interactive acquisition for authentic examples of space technology. Keywords: classification, museum space profile, historicism, objectivity, memorial, interactivity | 1024 | |||||
2661 | The category of leisure refers to one of the most ancient categories. Leisure has always been an important component of human life, taking a central place in the system of social relations. The interest of the American society in such a kind of leisure activities as tattoo led to the fact that currently it is embedded in everyday life and has become an integral part of the American culture. This fashionable form of art reflects one of the leisure activities of a person – manipulating his body, “decorating” it with punctures in the skin or application of paints on human skin. The article discusses the content of this phenomenon in the American society at the present stage of its development. Our research is carried out in the field of cultural linguistics which studies language in close connection with a person, his spiritual and practical activities, culture of the ethnic group. Based on the study of various sources and also conducted a lexicographic analysis of the basic lexeme tattoo and its derivatives, synonyms, slang expressions objectifying the component “tattoo” in the English language, the author comes to conclusion that tattoo is currently recognized as a significant for researchers and rapidly growing block of modern culture, one of the most important forms of artistic expression and as a way of communication. Keywords: category, leisure, art, subculture, tattoo, body, body painting, body art | 1024 | |||||
2662 | The article clarifies the concepts of communicative strategy, communicative tactics, communicative and speech course and discusses the speech moves that are used by the speaker to implement communicative tactics of response evasion. Evasion is an insincere speech reaction of the respondent, who deliberately hides the fact that he cannot or does not want to answer the question. Communicative tactics of evading response is a complex of speech actions, which are directed on implicit expression of unwillingness of the addressee of a question to provide the requested information. Evasion of the answer can be carried out in different ways, with different speech moves. When clarifying the question, the addressee answers the question with a question. When providing a demonstrative uninformative response, representative speech act (for example, a message) serves as a speech course for implementing the tactics of evading response. The answer can be forwarded to the inquirer by means of a counter-question or by means of a direct or indirect speech act of council. For switching the interrogator’s attention to another subject, the addressee of the question can use a message, a question, a sentence, etc. When demonstratively pointing to the impossibility of answering the question, the addressee may use expressive, representative, directive speech act (a statement reflecting the addressee’s dissatisfaction with the question, objection, message, proposal, etc.). Keywords: communicative strategy, communicative tactics, communicative course, speech course, evasion of the answer | 1024 | |||||
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2664 | In the article is considered specifics of ecological com¬ponent of high pedagogical formation, so in particular, is motivated position on that that knowledges, tinned in the general school, are a central to further improvements of ecological component on main discipline in high scholastic institution. Thereby, is emphasized unceasing process an ecology high pedagogical formation. Future specialist must rationally combine knowledges, skills and skills on the new technician and technology of production with warning and analysis of negative influence on the nature, connected with its professional. | 1023 | |||||
2665 | The problem of search of paradigm of professional orientation of a PR-specialist is disclosed in the article, as well as the most critical objectives of PR - activity. This article acquaints the reader with the American conception of 4 PR-patterns by J. Grunig and the «classical» European conception of PR-activity. The article expresses the author's opinion on this problem and is of interest from the point of view of PR-self- identification in Russia both in theoretical and practical ways. | 1023 | |||||
2666 | In the chronic experiment on rats was showed a toxic effect of ultradispersive powder (UDP) for piezoceramics on pulmonary tissue. The complex of structural changes of pulmonary tissue that include appearances of productive inflammation with outlet to sclerosis and collection of compensatory-adaptive reactions has been found. On the whole it is confirm a presence protracted toxic exogenerative nature effect. The toxic effect is consequent of significant increase levels of Pb, Cr and in a less degree Ti (in 19, 3,7 and 3,3 once appropriately) in pulmonary tissue of rats after 4 month experiment | 1023 | |||||
2667 | We might conclude that consonantal markers are characteristic of nouns of all three genders, therefore they didn’t relate to the grammatical category of gender, which was formed later. As the markers are rather old, the original meaning of them was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness. Generation of the grammatical gender was connected with vowel markers. | 1023 | |||||
2668 | The article covers the theoretical basis of the models of the artistic space and analysis of the meaning and principles of the space construction in women's prose of the 19th century (based on A. Panayeva's literary works). | 1023 | |||||
2669 | The article devoted to the organization design activities of the pupils by secondary school and first-second year students, that are studying on the physics and mathematics department of the TSPU. Also in this article introduced the questions about the vocational training of students | 1023 | |||||
2670 | This article introduces the typization of the intermound depressions of frost mound bogs, based on the long-term expeditionary studies. Also it gives the description of the different types of intermound depressions with their main hydrological characteristics. Keywords: frost mound bog, fen, hydrographic network, swamp microtopes, permafrost zone, intermound depressions | 1023 | |||||
2671 | In the article the author shows that awareness of uniqueness of each of culture is a condition for acknowledgment of equivalence of all cultures. This statement points to tolerant relations between cultures. Keywords: cultural-historic type, Russian culture, mentality of culture | 1023 | |||||
2672 | Introduction competence approach in a modern Russian education in the conditions of a highly technological society dictates necessity of formation at studying youth of self-educational abilities, skills and the cores naturalscience competences. Keywords: the competence approach, competency and competence, self-educational skills, the basic naturalscience competence. | 1023 | |||||
2673 | The process of fixed assets renovation plays an important theoretical and practical role in economic development and growth of the national wealth. The problems of fixed assets renovation are connected with low labor productivity and high costs, with low competitiveness of Russian economy on the world market and its not innovative development. That’s why methodology, as a scientific base of theory and practice, takes the first place in the research of activation of fixed assets renovation. Keywords: economy, methodology, renovation, fixed assets, activation | 1023 | |||||
2674 | The article analyzes the conditions for the provision of affordable education for children with special educational needs in the rural municipality of the educational system. Based on these data the authors suggested formation of inclusive education program in the municipal educational system that should create conditions for ensuring the availability and quality of education for children with special educational needs. Keywords: available education, inclusive education, children with special educational needs, municipal educational system | 1023 | |||||
2675 | The paper considers the problem of breaking the value succession in Eastern Siberia in the middle of the 19th – early 20th century, as well as the issue of changing people’s value orientations. Special attention is paid to the factors that had great impact on the value system of people, as well as the problem of its diagnostics. Keywords: values, changing values, diagnostics, breaking the succession, Eastern Siberia of the 19th–20th centuries | 1023 | |||||
2676 | One of the major problems that currently acquires great importance is the aging of the population. The prevalence of mental disorders among persons aged 60 years, on average, is higher than in the general population. Universally accepted definition of mental aging is considered as a process of age-related changes of higher mental functions, characterizing the final period of human life. With age, there are significant structural and functional changes in the body naturally, having individual differences, in turn changing the mark on the functioning of the individual. Age factors impose a significant imprint on the occurrence, dynamics and correction of neurotic disorders. Non-psychotic mental disorders in elderly age have their specifics differ from those occurring in other age periods and therefore require a different approach to therapy. This article discusses the possibility of psychological assistance to elderly patients with non-psychotic mental disorders. Keywords: non-psychotic mental disorders, gerontology, a system of relations, neurotic conflict, psychological aid, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, adaptation | 1023 | |||||
2677 | The article deals with the Russian customers’ types with the specific features, peculiar to each type. General peculiarities, which represent modern Russian mentality and can be used to distinguish Russian customers from those of Europe and the USA, are considered too. These are, first of all, the large income-contrast between wealthy minority and poor majority of Russian population (there is a distinct stratification of Russian society), priority of material wellbeing and the lack of trust to advertising. These peculiarities are considered in the context of the marketing communication barriers, which occur in process of marketing message recognition by customers. There are five consequentially occurring barriers: attention; understanding; trusting; remembering and first actions. We analyze them in three aspects: 1) the influence of four factors, which characterize the marketing message, showing its quality and efficiency (these are form, contents, technical facilities and organization of the massage); 2) the influence of Russian customers’ peculiarities, which determine the smooth or hard coming of marketing message over this or that barrier of marketing communications; 3) making the set of marketing communication instruments, which could be most effective to overcome each barrier. As the result, we conclude that the stratification of Russian society into wealthy minority and poor majority is now the most actual peculiarity, which influence passing the four (of five) existing barriers and determines the set of marketing communication instruments for overcoming each of them. Keywords: marketing communication complex, customer peculiarities, marketing communication barriers, attention, understanding, trusting, remembering, first actions | 1023 | |||||
2678 | Introduction. Currently, within the world market of higher education, the number of foreign students admitted each year is one of the main indicators of a successful university. Therefore, it is important to study cultural adaptation of foreign students during the course of their education at Russian universities. There is a growing need for new methods of training that stimulate individual adaptation. Project activities as part of teaching Russian as a foreign language proved to be the most effective method of socio-cultural adaptation. The study examined specific problems and peculiarities related to the process of adaptation of foreign students during the course of their education. The language barrier was identified as the main difficulty. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the feasibility of project activities implemented in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The goal of these activities was to improve social and cultural adaptation of foreign students and to demonstrate how positive results were obtained during the experiment. Materials and methods. The study was based on personality-oriented, systematic and dialogue-and-activity approaches. Common scientific methods used were: questioning, comparative analysis, synthesis and generalization. The main methodology was project-based learning. Results and discussion. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the application of the method of project training in the course of Russian as a foreign language in the framework of a long-term practice-oriented project for the formation of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students at the II certification level. The specificity of project training in the conditions of formation of social and cultural adaptation of foreign students is defined. The scientific idea of project training in the field of Russian as a foreign language is concretized. The study reviewed a group of factors affecting the process of adaptation. Adaptation, as applied to the educational environment of a university, is defined as a diverse process resulting from many factors such as: admissions, development and personality growth of foreign students within the educational space. The study investigated the basic concepts of project-based learning and proved the efficiency of project activities during the course of studying Russian as a foreign language. The practice oriented project “We are in Russia” was presented as an examples of the tools used in the process of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students. The study showed that the program of the project is successful in encouraging foreign students to further study in Russian at a Russian university. Moreover, the program proved useful in helping foreign students who already spoke Russian at certificate levels 1 and 2 adapt better. The necessity of including project activities in the educational process of this category of students was substantiated. The study expands our scientific understanding of the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. It also offers teachers of Russian language an opportunity to choose the correct tools in order to facilitate adaptation within a changing educational environment, and also serves as the basis for further research in the field of professional training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Publication materials provide teachers of Russian as a foreign language an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the potential and diversity of project-based training practices while adapting to the conditions of a specific educational institution. Conclusion. The proposed method is aimed at eliminating the negative effects of the external environment while allowing the individual to adapt to the changing social environment. It also plays an important social and adaptive role in the life of foreign students. Thus, the project methodology was conceived as an interactive activity, which allowed us to obtain personality-significant expertise, and was defined as the most effective way of learning Russian as a foreign language. Keywords: adaptation process, sociocultural environment, language barrier, communicative activity approach, project activity, project training method, educational project, project group, practice-oriented project on Russian as a foreign language | 1023 | |||||
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2680 | Using AdS/CFT correspondence we found the conformal anomaly from d3 and dS gauged supergravity with single scalar (dilaton) and the arbitrary scalar potential on AdS-like scalar-gravitational background. Such dilatonic gravity action describes the special RG flows in extended gauged SG when scalers lie in one-dimensional submanifold of complete scalars space. This dilaton-dependent conformal anomaly corresponds to dual non-conformal (gauge) QFT with account of radiative corrections and (or) masses. The attempt to define c-function away of conformity is presented. | 1022 | |||||
2681 | The article is devoted to the problems of state sup¬port to small business under the modern conditions of its activation and the acceptance of a series of laws that activate the regulation of small business. | 1022 | |||||
2682 | The article treats some peculiarities of the use of fairytale allusions which have become an integral part of English-speaking literature. | 1022 | |||||
2683 | Prevalence of depressive specter psychological symptoms in sanatorium-resort institution analyzed in the article. Rate of depressive specter disorders total 18.7%, number of distressed persons who has marked depressive symptoms aggregated 64.7% among vacationers who visited to the psychological service of the sanatorium. Practically all vacationers with depressive disorders or symptoms had somatic disease in a combination with stressful life events. At the majority of clients of sanatorium depressive disorders began without acute external reasons, but quality of chronic stressful life events determined the content of depressive experiences. | 1022 | |||||
2684 | Managers’ professional skills providing effectiveness and success of their work are described in the article. Peculiarities of the adaptive method, modular and problem teaching methods which provide effective development of professional skills of the students are described. | 1022 | |||||
2685 | The poem «A cool and mild breath is coming from the iake,,,» («C oзepa вeeт npoxлaда...» (1854)) by Ph.l. Tyutchev, a translation of an extract from F. Shilier's «William Tells, is compared with the original. The differences are viewed as an explication of two different pictures of the world, The author of the article formulates the regularities forming the system unity of Ph.l. Tyutchev's poetry. | 1022 | |||||
2686 | In work the conceptual device of the complex program of preservation of health of participants of the pedagogical process, consisting of three parts is defined: 1) a substantiation of a choice of priority directions in the field of the prevention of a mental pathology, definition of the purposes and problems; 2) a complex of the actions directed on forecasting of psychiatric and narcological situations, protection and strengthening of mental health of the certain contingents of the population, revealing of factors at separate (нозологических) forms of a pathology; 3) a scientific substantiation of ways of formation, maintenance and strengthening of mental health | 1022 | |||||
2687 | This article is a prolongation of a complex research of the notional category of abstractedness/concreteness on the materials of the Selkup language. The article deals with the questions of the semantic structure of nouns in connection with typology of derivative meanings. Keywords: word of wide meaning, word of combined meaning, participation, digitization | 1022 | |||||
2688 | The article is the result of the theoretical research about patriotic education of the youth in the 21st century. A new approach to patriotic education in terms of a person’s patriotic culture in education has been introduced. Keywords: patriotism, students’ patriotic education, national-patriotic education, students, model of patriotic culture | 1022 | |||||
2689 | The article is devoted to study of international and advanced national experience of participation of students in the system of internal and external quality assurance of higher education. Advantages and problems of involving of students in the processes of quality of education are considered. Keywords: the Bologna declaration, quality of education, higher education quality assurance, participation of students in maintenance of quality of education, the student’s organizations | 1022 | |||||
2690 | This article presents a model of social development of younger schoolboys by means of adaptive pedagogy. Adaptive pedagogy is actual and modern trend in training and education of children. We offer methodical means and receptions which have been realized in the course of physical training. However, they can be applied in other subjects or out-of-class activities. Keywords: social development of the person, primary school students, comprehensive school, adaptive pedagogy, adaptive school, model of adaptive educational process, model of social development, physical training | 1022 | |||||
2691 | The article is devoted to the development of Evangelic and Lutheran church in the electoral district of Saxony after signing of the Peace of Augsburg. The basic measures of Elector Augustus І of Saxony on creation of territorial church organization are analysed. The conclusion about strengthening of territorial authorities’ influence on churches and schools as a result of the policy of confessionalization is done. Keywords: Reformation, confessionalization, Elector Augustus І of Saxony, visitation, orthodoxy, church ordinance of Saxony | 1022 | |||||
2692 | The article deals with the present problem of professional competence of future specialists. There was defined the conceptual apparatus of the problem, which characterizes the professional competence of the university graduates. It is shown that the competence-based approach requires an increase in the level of language training of future specialists. Special attention is paid to the fact that for the solution of this issue requires the formation of polylingual personality. Keywords: competence, competent specialist, polylingual setting, polylingual education, polylingual personality | 1022 | |||||
2693 | Interrelation between Tajik proverbial corpus and peculiarities of national mentality, not discussed earlier, is considered in the article. Key features of Tajik/Persian mentality have been distinguished and highlighted by scoping literary review on the problem. The strata of 950 Tajik and Persian proverbs was searched to find characteristic features of national psychology and analyze them to discover specific peculiarities of world outlook and national ideology. Features of national mentality, verbally fixed in folk phraseology, specify psychological portrait of Tajik ethnicity and discover possibilities of national language to add important details to understanding of national culture and historical development. Keywords: national mentality, culture, Tajik language, proverbs | 1022 | |||||
2694 | This paper is about the necessity of forming multilingual competence of student during the internalization of Universities. To possess multilingual competence means to be familiar with two or more foreign languages, know national and cultural differences, peculiarities of countries and their industrial features. Because of different forms of internalization a lot of students from different countries have the opportunity to come for studying to Universities. In this case not only the knowledge of foreign languages facilitates the most comfortable adaptation of foreign students in new environment, but also the activity of regional ethnic organizations, contributing to the development of tolerance and empathy towards representatives of foreign states. In Republic of Tatarstan Assembly of Foreign Students works successfully, directing activities of studentsʹ groups, organizing different kinds of events of interest, positively influencing multicultural and multilingual interaction and communication. Good knowledge of foreign languages, understanding of the linguistic features of a foreign culture, and also psychological readiness for intercultural dialogue, these are key components of multilingual and multicultural competence of students, which directly affects the level formation of common cultural competencies of students. Multilingual simplifies the process of Universities internalization because of the activities of its internal resource when the staff and students can take part in different international scientific and practical conferences, apply to various grants and become participants of numerous academic mobility programs. It is very good not only for the University status in educational top list, but also for person, developing sociological, cognitive and psychological knowledge and skills. Keywords: Internationalisation, multilingualism, multiculturalism, mobility programmes, foreign language competency | 1022 | |||||
2695 | The article deals with the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad. As the title implies the article describes general research context of the phenomenon and focuses on the research of the Russian-language emigrant newspapers. In general research the context of the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad, basic approaches and research aspects are analyzed. The analysis of approaches and aspects is based on research works published in Russia since 1990s. The author refers to sociolinguistic, lingvocultural and intergrated methods of the research to basic approaches. Research aspects of the phenomenon are presented as branches, waves and generations of the Russian emigration. The article provides in detail two branches of the Russian emigration which are differentiated to the geographical principle – the West and the East Russian emigration. It is also reported about the diachronic aspect of the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad – waves of the Russian emigration and the sociolinguistic and language description of their typical representatives are given. In addition to this the synchronic aspect is described – the Russian language of generations within the scope of waves. In the general context of the research phenomenon of the Russian language abroad the author gives much attention to the Russian language of ethnic Germans who emigrated from Russia to Germany in 1990s. The object of the research is modern Russian-language newspapers of Russian Germans who live in Germany. The author analyses the structure of the Russian-language printed emigrant newspaper market in Germany and points out modern tendencies in the Russian language of newspapers of Russian Germans in Germany. Keywords: sociolinguistics, the Russian language abroad, branches of Russian emigration, waves of Russian emigration, generations of emigration, Russian-language emigrant newspapers, Russian Germans, ethnic identity | 1022 | |||||
2696 | The article discusses pragmalinguistic peculiarities of interrogatives. These characteristics are analyzed at comparing interrogatives to other speech acts. Interrogatives as speech acts have an illocutionary force and a perlocutionary effect similar to those of directive speech acts. The illocutionary force of interrogatives is connected with communicative manipulation when asking for or checking information by referring to another person. The perlocutionary effect of interrogatives is either this person agrees or does not agree to share information. Directive speech acts are also connected with communicative manipulation and the perlocutionary effect of directive speech acts is either the other person agrees or does not agree to fulfill the action. However, interrogatives differ from other speech acts (directive speech acts including) by their locutionary and propositional characteristics. Interrogatives are constructed in a special way and do not contain reference to the answer. At least these locutionary and propositional characteristics of interrogatives makes it possible to consider interrogatives as a separate group of speech acts. Analysis of interrogative speech acts in contemporary American films show that 70 % of interrogatives are used as direct speech acts, i.e. to ask for information or to check information. One fourth of interrogatives contains second illocutions, in most cases these are reproach, indignation and pleading. Interrogatives as indirect speech acts are used in 20 % of utterances mainly to express suggestions. Rhetorical (false) questions are used only in 10 % of interrogative utterances. Keywords: pragmalinguistics, speech acts, interrogatives, American English | 1022 | |||||
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2699 | Fedorova E. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 25-27 | 1021 | |||||
2700 | The article presents some results of the research, particularly when and why the training of history teachers was stopped in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, when and why the historical education was restored in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute. The author focuses on the process of student competitive seiecticn for a newiy opened history department, the description of the chairs teaching staff, the organization of the teaching process and scientific work. The narrative stops on the date when the History department was reorganized to the History Faculty. | 1021 |