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2401 | It was found that characteristics of physical development of TPSU students practically don't depend of age (16-23) and chosen specialization (all 9 faculties). Students of the faculty of physical culture are exception, which showed considerably improvement of main physiometrical, and dynamometricai indications, which connects with regular going in for sports. It was found that there is a tendentious to improvement of antropo-metrical indications of faculty of foreign languages students in comparison to another faculties and indication in TSPU for 7 years of researches. | 1033 | |||||
2402 | The article deals with the development of French university - the most democratic and dynamic structure of the country's educational system, which occupies the leading positions in the world education. It manages lo Keep centuries-old academic and cultural traditions as well. | 1033 | |||||
2403 | In the article the author presents the results of the experiments in which we observe a new type of fundamental interaction – spin-spin action at a distance. The latter presents a non-electromagnetic action at a distance between the spins which is in the pseudo- scalar field. On the base of the experiments the author provides assessment to the magnitude of interaction constant | 1033 | |||||
2404 | Nonequilibrium dissociated air flow problem at stagnation region for the aerodynamic reentry trajectory. The hypersonic viscous shock layer theory (TVSL) including nonequilibrium chemical reactions, multicomponent diffusion is used as initial mathematical model. On the body surface the nonstationary conjugate heat transfer is taken into the account. High order numerical approach is suggested. Some numerical results are presented | 1033 | |||||
2405 | The early stage of considering the idea of general positive and negative evaluation in the Germanic languages is connected with different kinds of evaluation: – pragmatically rational evaluation (‘useful, beneficial’ – *bat-, batiza); – normatively rational evaluation (‘over’ – *wers-, wairsiza; *ubil-); – intellectually psychological evaluation (‘match, connect, join’ – *gMd-, юiuю); – emotionally psychological evaluation (‘desirable’ – *wal-). | 1033 | |||||
2406 | The model of information-synergetic approach distinguishes stages of sign dynamics of myth. Revealing information character of sign dynamics permits to find out the specifics of “Pirth’s line” and of “Saussure’s line” in semiotic researches. Distinguished limits of interpretation give opportunities to determine (for instance, in collective myths) peculiarities of modern communicative situation. All the researches are supported by grant RFBR №04-06-80192 “Methodology modeling the nonlinear dynamics of education system”. | 1033 | |||||
2407 | Introduction of market relations in Russia, innovative development of production of goods and increase of its competitiveness in the world markets totally change approaches to education of all levels and specialties. Special attention is given to innovative business training organized for students whose curriculum contains this training as the specific form of professional activity. The curriculum should contain disciplines of student specialization in the specific areas of industry, and also bring up in his (her) business activity and economic efficiency. Training of a student should be conducted basing on the specific innovative project in which competitive advantages of the person give synergy impact on competitive advantages of a team | 1033 | |||||
2408 | The article devotes to phenomenon of Fool in Christ. Author investigates it from philosophical point of view and defines Fool in Christ as a Person of reverse perspective, using icon-painting language of Florensky’s work «Return perspective». Also author analyses metaphors another investigators of phenomenon for defining Fool in Christ like «antibehaviour» (B. Uspenskiy) «antiworld» (D. Lihachev and A. Panchenko) | 1033 | |||||
2409 | This article is devoted to the main stages of research activity of the outstanding scholar, philosopher and teacher, Honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Valery Alexandrovich Dmitrienko, who celebrates his 70-th Anniversary on March 2nd, 2008. His contribution into the development of philosophy and science study is in working methodological, sociological and technological subjects of science and also in partial implementation into practice the results of these workings | 1033 | |||||
2410 | Review points to detailed plot analysis, range of problems, composition and the language of the novel are analyzed too, stylistic skill of the author is showed. | 1033 | |||||
2411 | In this article a new approach to folklore classification, based on action is applied towards four texts collected by Steinitz in 1936 and published in Russian translation by N.V. Lukina in 1990. Keywords: khanty, classification, folklore, plot, action, text | 1033 | |||||
2412 | The present article represents an overview of the data obtained by the authors as a result of a long-term microbiological research of different sorts of peat soils in Russian regions. There are the numerous microbiological indexes confirming the purposefulness of the inclusion of all peat layers in the definition “peat soil” irrespective of its depth Keywords: Peatland, marsh ground, Microbiologicai estimation, monitoring, microbial biomass, track record | 1033 | |||||
2413 | Scientific and pedagogic activity, providing development of resources of scientific potential, actively influences on the process of reforming of the education system. Results of generalization of research are submitted in the field of the education, executed in scientific schools of the Russian Federation for the period of 2001-2007. Results of generalization can form the basis of specification of actual directions of research and coordination of scientific and pedagogical activity. Keywords: education system, reforming, scientific and pedagogic activity, scientific - information and personnel resources, scientific potential, branches of sciences, specialties of pedagogies, dynamics (changes) and structure of research, tendencies, dissertation | 1033 | |||||
2414 | The article considers various approaches to the definition of the concepts «image of the world», «professional image of the world» are considered. The author takes up the problem of formation of a professional world’s image by the students learning on defectological profile in pedagogical higher schools. Keywords: «image of the world», «professional image of the world», components of a professional image of the world, formation of a professional image of the world | 1033 | |||||
2415 | The article discusses various aspects of teaching engineering drawing for a focused formation of professional qualities of a future specialist and his/her willingness to self-learning activities. The author proposes alternative experimental model for teaching engineering graphics, which ensures continuity of studying this subject in technical colleges. Keywords: engineering drawing, experimental model, the result of training, learning tools, professional qualities. | 1033 | |||||
2416 | The article treats the role of componential analysis in solving lexical, lexical and grammatical, and stylistic challenges of translation. The paper maintains that componential analysis enables the translator to understand what causes translation challenges, to suggest effective and efficient strategies of overcoming the challenges, to select adequate translation equivalents and to proofread the translation. Keywords: componential analysis, pre-translation analysis, translation challenge, adequacy of translation | 1033 | |||||
2417 | In the article necessary change of the paradigm in methodology of teaching foreign language from traditional approaches to development of foreign language communication skills on professional topics, conducting oral scientific discussions and making up in writing professional kinds of text, such as abstracts, reviews, scientific papers is considered. Keywords: social services commissioning, communicative principle, suggestive and demonstrative principles, communicative models. | 1033 | |||||
2418 | The article analyzes the capabilities advanced study of the Russian language in primary school through the introduction of elements of historical commentary main linguistic phenomena and processes. Keywords: historical commentary, the Russian language, language competence, primary education, phonetic analysis, lexical analysis, word-formative analysis, morphological analysis | 1033 | |||||
2419 | The article reveals functions of social institutions to establish innovative and responsible behaviour among young people. Keywords: young people, innovative behaviour, work system with young people | 1033 | |||||
2420 | The article is devoted to the methods of teaching students the basic often applied algorithms of solving computer problems. The main feature of this methodology is the consistent study of the basic algorithms (sorting and search, information theory and cryptography, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms) implying the use of any programming language and further implementation of the studied algorithms in practice. This course includes laboratory practical tasks. These tasks have the increasing difficulty. At the beginning of the course a simple task demands from the student filling of admissions. More difficult tasks assume independent development and debugging of computer programs. Keywords: methods of teaching, algorithmic thinking, algorithms and data structures, sort and search, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms | 1033 | |||||
2421 | The paper describes a theoretical study on the introduction of electronic educational resources in the learning process. The article deals with long-term tendencies in the development of world education. A key focus of development prospects is the implementation of new technologies emerging in global educational community. Productive use of interactive technologies is defined by the research model “Cone of learning” on the effectiveness of obtaining knowledge methods by Edgar Dale. The studied aspects of teaching get reflected in the real activity on the basis of the electron-didactic support, in particular, students being in the role of a teacher through the creation of thematic tasks. By way of illustration an open educational resource is demonstrated in order to define the significance of the content created for peer-correction. The teacher acts as the administrator of online groups and provides information support for working with the site. As a result, a step by step guide to the open educational resource application in the educational process is developed. Detailed steps of teachers and students activities on the creation of electron content within the selected Internet resource are given. The results of the study imply the need to expand blended learning knowledge paradigm in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions. Keywords: blended learning, Internet resources, foreign language learning, interactive technologies | 1033 | |||||
2422 | The article analyses the state of the Russian language in American education in the XXI century. As Russian is critically important for the USA, its teaching is closely connected with the issues of national defense and national security. The article shows that the present cooling of the relationship between Russia and the USA should not be regarded as the key factor in teaching Russian in American system of education and does not predetermine to a great extent the interest of Americans in learning it. The author focuses on the factors that may stimulate the interest in the Russian language in the USA, such as the activity of Russian communities, appearance of working places for Russian language specialists, spread of student and academic exchange programs, and the existence of the policy of the government which will aim at promoting foreign language teaching in the country in general. The article gives examples of the present day interest in Russian in the USA such as Russian dual programs, Russian-American exchange programs, student Olympiads, academic cooperation. The article looks at statistical data of the spread of the Russian language in American educational system nowadays and discusses the future perspective of the Russian language learning and teaching in the country. Keywords: critical language, less commonly taught language, Russian dual programs, tactic-strategic model | 1033 | |||||
2423 | The necessity of creation of concrete-sensitive system of notions describing a man is based. As a system-formed a notion «a track of information» is offered. A man is considered as an information structure, which is formed by outer invironment. Development of a man is understood as a process of materialization in biological structures of outer informational influences & selforganized process of building answer programmes of reaction. By his activities a man makes changes in surrounding informational invironment, this way taking part in the movement of information | 1032 | |||||
2424 | The modern stage of historical development is very intensive now. In the first place of human activity there appeares a creative process of comprehending the world of culture. New terms and conceptions are appearing for analysing culture, «Reminicence» is one term among them. | 1032 | |||||
2425 | Problems of humanising of education are of a great importance nowadays. This work examines a knowledge in the process of humanising of education. A roie of philosophical culture in the development of a spiritual world of personality is also noted, and the fact that the philosophical education is included in a socioculturai context | 1032 | |||||
2426 | On the example of cultivation of sprout cabbage of a kind «Nadezhda» in the summer period influencing of meteorological conditions 1999-2003 years to productivity of correction light films for protection closed soil is investigated. With usage of techniques of biological testing of films is rotined, that challenging influencing to growth and development of plants («polysvetany» effect) correction light films render only at enough favorable temperature and light meteorological conditions, giving considerable effects of increase of biomass of spout and economic productivity of horse radish. At a decrease of mean temperatures on 5-7 °C or increase of temperatures on 8-10 °C from optimum for cultivation of plants and long-term period of dense cloud cover during realization of experiment in conditions of closed soil without an auxiliary illumination and heating «polysvetany» effect is not watched. Reproduction of effect in region of risky agriculture (Tomsk) in the indicated term is reached 40% in most unfavorable for an agriculture spring period and 75 % in the summer period | 1032 | |||||
2427 | The article suggests the results of comparative analysis of modern means of programming (programming languages, SCDB, CASE means). The expert estimation of these means opportunities and speed of their development is given. The characteristic features of adaptive training in the field of programming are enumerated. The principles of creation of corresponding methodical provision are formulated: system types, classification on specialization of software and levels of their studying, self-sufficiency (a case provision), development, modality. | 1032 | |||||
2428 | The possibility of coevolutionary-innovationary methodology use for investigation of society evolution. Recent social systems are characterized by increasing complexity and dynamics of their interactions. Under such conditions coevolutionary-innovationary methodology is an approach providing the most adequate evaluation of possible society transformations directions. | 1032 | |||||
2429 | To the basis of the contemporary system of mastering physical raining values it is necessary to lay the theoretical conceptions that have been formed in the theory of physical training for the last decade. For that it is necessary to distinguish several innovation approaches defining substantial and pedagogical essence of preparation of physical training specialists. Managing of individual development process should be realized, and its content should spread within the frame of one and the same matrix of forming of abilities and virtues of subject-object of upbringing and training - the individual. Thus, taking into account and further development of innovation approaches and directions in physical training. in our opinions, is considered as very effective and perspective in the view of physical perfection of an individual, and, if viewed a bit narrower, - in the process of preparation of highly-qualified physical training specialists. | 1032 | |||||
2430 | It is considered in the psychological anthropology that a person passes consecutively through a number of degrees of the development of the subjectivity, each of them expresses the corresponding mode of the subjective reality: the individual, the subject, the personality, the universum. The analysis of the inner structure and the contextual side of the games, consecutively changing each other during the period of preschool age – elementary producing, mode-roling, plot-roling, a game with rules and producing game in details – allows to suppose that every kind of game, being the leading at the definite stage of the age development, initially supposes the satiation of the leading form of existing of a child. The other forms of existing are not leveled, but harmonically co-exist with the generalized modus, and they are in a special subordinational relations, fulfilling the accompanying function. | 1032 | |||||
2431 | The article considers euristic possibilities of synerqetics in the analysis of the problem of objective premises of freedom. Nowadays the ideas and principles of synerqetics form the scientific and world outlook picture, where a subject is a basic element. The principle of freedom and the idea of the subject’s presence in this picture are used as methodological premises in the analysis of freedom problem in the context of universal self-organization mechanisms. | 1032 | |||||
2432 | The article is devoted to the analysis of two concepts - coffee and tea. The concept tea is chosen by the British as an icon of British culture. The concept coffee is not included into the classification of cultural symbols. We analyze the probable reasons why the concept coffee cannot be considered an icon, a cultural symbol. | 1032 | |||||
2433 | The task of quality support marketing service is to identify requirements for organizational forms of physical exercises and sports as well as to determine how the quality of the sports work corresponds to the qualifying standards, the task is also to inform direction and those people who can take measures on changing the situation | 1032 | |||||
2434 | The paper addresses the problem of occupational mobility of future professionals, as well as the issue of forming a professional interest as the first stage of formation of occupational mobility. Keywords: occupational mobility, a mobile specialist, professional interests | 1032 | |||||
2435 | This paper presents the results of theoretical understanding of the problem of studying the symbol and the basic theory of characters that exist in the modern humanities. It also demonstrates the difference in terms: symbol, mark, image, an allegory. Keywords: symbol, visual image, sign, perception of symbol | 1032 | |||||
2436 | The paper, based on data of three languages of the same language family, but with different sociolinguistic status, demonstrates that the development of the language is determined mainly by sociolinguistic factors. Most of these factors are unique for each of the Chukchi-Koryak languages (and that is why the results are different) and one important factor is similar: bilingualism of native speakers and the impact of the Russian language. In the fi eld of grammar the infl uence of the Russian language is hidden from direct observation, and is expressed in development of forms and constructions with corresponences in Russian, and in removal of non-congruent ones. Keywords: language change, language contact, sociolinguistics, analytic, synthetic, localization, purpose constructions | 1032 | |||||
2437 | On the basis of information-synergetic approach (I. V. Melik-Gaykazyan) on the generation of information as the process of choosing option «out of chaos» justified the efficiency criterion of philosophical solutions to the problems caused by the pace of scientific and technological development. These problems are characteristic: they are deprived of the genesis of the evidence, their condition has a strong instability, their decision is unprecedented and requires quick action. From the standpoint of understanding the creative chaos of informational efficiency criterion set by the ratio of brevity and originality justify the choice of options, overcoming the state of instability. On the example of Ecology and Bioethics discussed the effectiveness of philosophical decisions. The paper presents some results of the project RFBR № 11-06-00160 “Criteria for self-organizing information systems” and grounded in the draft statement of the problem RFH № 12-03-00198 “Bioethics as a form of self-consciousness of modern culture”. Keywords: criterion, efficiency, information, creativity, chaos, effectiveness of philosophical decisions, scientific and technical problem, ecology problem, the problem of bioethics | 1032 | |||||
2438 | Achievement of the new quality of Russian education and implementation of high mission entrusted to the school in creation of the competitive society of the 21st century is possible only by joint efforts of the teachers of secondary and higher education. In Tomsk region there has been accumulated some experience of this interaction and the task of unification and coordination of higher education institutions to interact with general education institutions. Keywords: modernization of education, collaboration with institutions of higher education institutions of general education, development of teaching capacity, quality of education, professional development of teachers | 1032 | |||||
2439 | The article reflects the results of the research work concerning the influence of level of schoolchildren knowledge in the field of physical education, on the formation motivation necessity in cognitive and motion activities, in physical training and sport activity. Keywords: physical training lesson, physical education knowledge, cognitive activity, motivation, necessity, motivation activity. | 1032 | |||||
2440 | The problem of correlation between aesthetic ideas in texts by Hegel and Ivanov is investigated. The main point is the question about the symbol. The definitions of this notion in books of both thinkers are analyzed. For Hegel symbol is only a scientific sign, for Ivanov it’s a religious sing. They understand the main aim of art equally: as sensitive representation of Absolute. But there means are different: Hegel suggests overcoming symbolism by classicism, Ivanov says about raising art up to religious creativity. Keywords: aesthetics, H. Hegel, V. I. Ivanov, symbolism, symbol, the highest aim of art, classicism, romanticism, religious creativity | 1032 | |||||
2441 | A comparison of psychodiagnostic indicators of tests, which characterize the psychological status of the individual adolescents exposed (group 1) and not exposed (group 2) domestic violence. It is shown that the violations that occur as a result of suffering a violent affect the emotional and volitional, and protective coping behaviour, which causes pronounced psycho-emotional disorders, inadequate coping strategies, behavioural and psychological mechanisms for coping. Keywords: cruel treatment in a family, teenagers, fear, coping | 1032 | |||||
2442 | This article is devoted to the efficient realization of the set: “Art therapy in teaching” in the program “Teacher’s health in Krasnoyarsk region”. There is a description of the used methods and results, which were reached during the research. Keywords: health, public health, health program, art-therapy, art-therapy classes | 1032 | |||||
2443 | The article presents a pedagogical model of professional mobility formation of technical university students. The content and organizational structure of the model elements, criteria and indicators of student mobility formation are defined. Keywords: pedagogical model, professional mobility, acme, competence, self-development, humanitarization, paradigm | 1032 | |||||
2444 | Toroshchina A. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 37-40 . | 1031 | |||||
2445 | . | 1031 | |||||
2446 | The author of the paper enters into polemics with the opinion which has become basic in studying Piatonov's creative work that A. Platonov in his novel «Chevengur» as well as in other works is critisizing socialism and collective farming. As a result of scrupulous analysis of the writer's texts, the author comes to the conclusion, that his artistic thought of the mature period is correlated with the idea of the noosphere according to academician Vernnadsky. | 1031 | |||||
2447 | The research material, connected with the evaluation of the formation of the attitude of the students of the Faculty of Physical Culture concerning the measures of rehabilitation and preventive measures in the structure of the duties of the experts of different profiles and specialties is represented in the present article. | 1031 | |||||
2448 | This article is devoted to comprehension of the place, the matter, problems and the role of religious pedagogic in Tomsk education. The religious pedagogics in Tomsk has been concentrated on the system of church education and had beneficial effect on the process of teaching the students of a church and state schools of Tomsk. Today in the system of the state education the necessity of a religious & educational element of pedagogics is underestimated that is why this theme is of great importance at present. | 1031 | |||||
2449 | The paper deals with the problem of the variant as a component of the phraseological model in the three genetically related Germanic languages. The analysis of the phraseological units leads to singling out a number of isomorphic and allomorphic variants within the frames of English, German and Swedish phraseology. | 1031 | |||||
2450 | The article relates to the problem of showing up non original locally limited vocabulary stated in the XVII-th Century only in Siberian written language. The author suggests a system of methods of revelation and typology of regional non original vocabulary. Unpublished archival materials are put into scientific use. | 1031 |