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2251 | Are given new experimental data on biological productivity and decomposition of plant matter in communities of oligotrophic bogs of the middle taiga. Are adduced quantitative assessments of phytomass, mortmass, production and decay rate of main peat plant species. The plants are divided on five groups by decay rate. It is found the dependence of the decay rate of plant matter and net primary production. It is shown that in the ecosystems of oligotrophic bog with increasing of the production, increases the rate of decomposition. Keywords: bog, phytomass, biological production, decomposition plant | 1036 | |||||
2252 | The lack of theoretical knowledge of the concept “specialist’s competitiveness” in pedagogical studies is stated. General description of competitive specialist on the basis of essential characteristics presented in recent pedagogical studies is given. An acme approach to analyze peculiarities of competitive specialist is considered. Keywords: theoretical knowledge, investigation, competitive specialist, competitive activity, acme level, approach, pedagogical studies | 1036 | |||||
2253 | Based on modifications of the cluster model and the information process model semiotic components of modern management are established. A comparison of specific technologies of modern management with the stages of the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems is carried out. Philosophical-anthropological perspective of the analysis actualized the concepts of “symbolic economics” by A. Toffler, “revolution in the symbolism” by A. N. Whitehead, the theory of semiosis by C. S. Peirce and the theory of conflict by R. Dahrendorf. Potentials of manipulating people’s dream and memory used in modern management, which requires adequate humanitarian expertise, are established. Keywords: cluster model, a model of information processing, nonlinear dynamics, goal, purpose, attractors, modern management, the direction of semiotic processes | 1036 | |||||
2254 | Тhe law in the artistic consciousness of F. M. Dostoevsky is considered in the article the as phenomenon. The author distinguished four aspects of it: 1) construction-functional; 2) content or informative; 3) active-psychological; 4) programmative. Keywords: artistic consciousness, the legal consciousness, the law concept sphere, the paralleliam of criminal episodes, main oppositions, failure to report about crime | 1036 | |||||
2255 | This article analyses the main indicators of formation of networking of educational institutions (data: regional educational systems of the Siberian Federal District). Keywords: networking, network criteria, indicators, online community | 1036 | |||||
2256 | This article describes the evolution of the knowledge and attitude of the society and the state for children with various deviations in development, and shows the importance of this knowledge for the training of specialists defectologists in Russia. The correlation and impact of the accumulated in the knowledge society of the handicapped children to the importance, necessity and specific training defectologic personnel at different times. Keywords: defective children, education of specialists, specialists on mental defects and physical handicaps, a speech therapist, a specialist on teaching children with mental defects, a specialist on teaching the blind, a specialist on teaching children with the p | 1036 | |||||
2257 | This article examines the criteria identify “pathologically” altered states of consciousness (“mental and behavioural disorders”) from a variety of altered states of consciousness. It demonstrates the deficiency and the haziness of epistemic characteristics of pathologically altered states of consciousness, the social nature of the criteria characterizing the altered states of consciousness as a “mental disorder”, the role of value systems in the choice of the methodology of the pathologically altered states of consciousness. Keywords: consciousness, altered states of consciousness, pathologically altered states of consciousness, mental disorders, cognitive system | 1036 | |||||
2258 | Information-synergetic approach (I. V. Melik-Gaykazyan) is based on the concepts of postnonclassical methodology. The information model of cultural development was the basis for the study of nonlinear dynamics of science. A link between dynamics of modern science with the effects of high technology has been established. Keywords: information-synergetic approach, nonlinear dynamics, science, high technology, Hi-Tech, scientist, model | 1036 | |||||
2259 | We have determined the place of discursive foreign language competence in the structure of communicative foreign language competence. As well, we have listed the approaches which are the basis to develop communicative foreign language competence and discursive foreign language competence, in particular, along with the English language instruction. We defined the term “communicative foreign language competence”, described the components of discursive foreign language competence structure and gave definition to the term “discursive foreign language competence”. Keywords: competence approach, communicative competence, discursive foreign language competence: component, structure, definition | 1036 | |||||
2260 | The article reflects the problem of science education, which manifest themselves in school and in higher school. In particular, these problems are common to the schools and universities of Tomsk. The problems are manifested by the facts: poor results at final exams in school (average point at the final examination in physics is not high, for Tomsk it is slightly higher than in Russia in whole); weak natural-science preparation of pupils identified in the serious study; lowering of the pass mark for the students of technical faculties of leading universities of Tomsk. In addition, in the above studies was found low practical and technical preparation of students, which affects the training of engineers. The authors analyzed the proposals to solve the manifested problems. Part of the proposals concerns the introduction of a propaedeutic course of natural-science for pupils of 5–6 classes. The authors believe that such training is more effective in the study of the course, built on the basis of the most important natural subject – physics, rather than on the basis of integrated natural sciences course. Propaedeutic study of the subject, built in a certain way, contributed to the appearance of the motivation to study it. The process of such training is presented as an elective course (shows the program and, in part, the ways of working with students), where students are introduced to the great discoveries and the engineering, and consumer applications of these discoveries. The course is built on the basis of a joint discussion of the problems, updating of knowledge of students about the scientists and the benefits of their discoveries, the organization of observations and execution of simple model experiments. As a result, students gain some practical, technological and information skills. The article shows the positive results of the students, the appearance of their motivation to study physics. Keywords: problems of science education, strengthening of practical training of students, development of interest in physics, elective course for students of grades 5–6 | 1036 | |||||
2261 | The category of certainty-uncertainty is a significant communicative category. This category is universal and in different languages it is expressed by various means. In the Russian language there are no special indicators of certainty-uncertainty – articles, however, these values are expressed by a variety of means, belonging to different language levels. In this regard, the word order is an important and interesting object for linguistic research. As a grammatical means, word order can convey not only information, but also the speaker’s attitude to the information or the situation of communication, and also specify the content of the spoken messages from the point of view of certainty-uncertainty. Based on the analysis of a large number of examples, the authors demonstrate the important role of word order in the Russian language, while in Persian there are more «tangible» grammatical means, such as the Persian indefinite article ی – ye. At the same time, the order of words in the Persian language in the value expression of certainty-uncertainty is of no importance. The ability of word order in the Russian language to perform a variety of functions, including expression of the categorial meaning of certainty- uncertainty, leads to a number of problems arising in the process of studying the Russian language by the Iranian students. The word order is actively used as a means of expressing certainty- uncertainty, and therefore when teaching the Russian language, it is necessary to explain, firstly, its significance as a means of expressing this category in the Russian language, and secondly, how it is transmitted in the translation into Persian. Keywords: category of certainty-uncertainty, order of words, article, the Russian language, the Persian language | 1036 | |||||
2262 | The article deals with the question of individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren in the context of solving the problem of achieving the intended outcomes of primary education in accordance with the requirements of Federal state educational standard of primary general education. In the article the authors draw attention to the shortcomings of the existing model of an individual trajectory of development of junior schoolchildren, and propose a new model where students take the subject position in relation to its educational results. The advantage of the new model is shown and the main stages of work are indicated. The results of approbation of new models of individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren are presented. The key principles of the article underlying the productive models are the conditions of work of elementary school teachers with individual trajectories of development of junior schoolchildren: 1. to make each of the younger school student the protagonist of the construction of the trajectory of his personal development in the educational process of primary school; 2. to give the student an opportunity to evaluate the degree of mastering the subject and metasubject results of development of basic educational programs of primary general education; 3. to integrate the work of younger students with individual trajectories of development in the current curricular and extracurricular activities of the school of the first stage; 4. to organize systematic work of students with individual trajectories of development in academic cooperation; 5. to give younger students a choice of path, means and space for the development and formation of missing skills and ways of action. Productive model of case management was reflected in actual educational practice and can be recommended to solve urgent pedagogical problems of modern elementary school. Keywords: individual trajectory of development, junior schoolchildren, a model of organization of work, achieving the expected results, the organizational aspect | 1036 | |||||
2263 | Introduction. This article reviews the personality of Lermontov and his works by criticism of Russian religious philosophers, especially by V.S. Solovyov. History and criticism of literature have а lot of researches, which analyze works of different writers by literary criticism of philosophers. Most often, they simply state one or another thought of philosophers without any assumption that it can be used as an instrument to analyze a piece of art. Materials and research methods. There is an attempt to use literary criticism of Russian religious philosophers as a methodology within analyzing religious-philosophy subject of the artistic literature, in this case by learning life and art of Lermontov in the article. Results and discussion. There is an analysis of literary-critical and some philosophical works of Solovyov in the article, as well as identification of his approaches to creativity and the fate of Lermontov. Special attention is given to the reception of the poem «Demon» and to the demonic theme in the works of the poet in general, confirms the assumptions about deeply personal attitude of the philosopher to the poet’s fate, and interprets the certain similarity between them. Attention is drawn to Solovyov’s selectivity of Lermontov’s texts, designed not only to understand the work of the poet, but rather to illustrate his ideas, which owned the philosopher at the end of his life. The analysis of numerous texts of Lermontov with angelic and demonic themes, which not perceived by the religious philosopher is given. Conclusion. The use of literary critics of the philosophers as methodology allowed us to conclude that the distortion of Lermontov’s demon theme made by Solovyev was explained by completely opposite historiosophical views, different «conceptions of knowledge»: Lermontov tried to explore the beginning of evil and wrote about the first-born of creation, Demon, “the spirit of knowledge”, turning the poem into the gnosiological poem, while Solovyev tried to understand the ultimate fate of human history and wrote the «Short story about the Antichrist» by formulating his eschatological views. Keywords: Demonic theme, philosophical ideas of Solovyov, «Demon» – the gnosiological poem, angels and demons at the beginning of the creation, eschatology, a search of salvation, mysticism and metaphysics | 1036 | |||||
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2265 | The main tendencies of forming the professor corps of the Tomsk State University in 1917-1945 are considered in the given paper. They are proletarianization of the teaching staff, ide¬ological conciliation with the Soviet power, awarding ranks and academic degrees without defending theses; promotion, planning in training scientific staff. The work was performed due to financial support of RGNF (project Na 00-03-00239). | 1035 | |||||
2266 | The article considers the role of philosophy with re¬spect to psychological-pedagogical knowledge, its methodological function in solving pedagogical prob¬lems. It gives characteristics of philosophical educa¬tion as a special research direction, analyses different approaches to the definition of its scientific status. The article discusses heuristic possibilities of philosophy in scientific research. | 1035 | |||||
2267 | The various types of water basins, i. e. river, accessory, marsh and continental ones, are considered as biotopes for fresh-water mollusks of North-Siberia. For each of the above basin types the qualitative and qualitative composition of mollusks is reported and the most widely spread species are indicated. Regarding the biotopes and environmental factors involved, rheo-, stagno- and eurybionts are found to predominate among the fresh-water mollusks of Northern Siberia. The adaptation of mollusks to certain environmental factors of the water basins and their distribution in the biotopes because of these factors are considered. | 1035 | |||||
2268 | The specific psychological abilities and qualities In the structure of personality of Chuvash ethnic group on the basis of comparing them with similar character features of other ethnic group (Russian, mixed families ethnic marginalia) have been studied experimentally The obtained data are interpreted from the point of view of their conditionally by natural-geographical, historical-cultural, ethnic living conditions of the ethnic group. | 1035 | |||||
2269 | Dynamical origin of duality between gauge theory and gravity is studied using the dual transformation and the formation of graviton as a collective excitation of dual gauge bosons, in this manner, electric-magnetic duality In gauge theory is reduced to the duality between gauge theory and gravity. | 1035 | |||||
2270 | The article shows one of the communicative stylistics trends of text study – the theory of regulatives. We examined some peculiarities of reflection of universe principles of lexical text structure organization in the book of B. Pasternak «My Sister is Life» by the example of devices usage. | 1035 | |||||
2271 | The content of the article points to peculiarities of motivational comparative analysis and relates it to comparative motivology. In order to analyse lexical units of Russian and English in the aspect of comparative motivology it’s of great importance to know the principles of material’s choice and the methods of motivational comparative analysis. These principles of motivational comparative analysis consist of the following: the method of lexical identification, psychological linguistic experiment, component analysis, statistical treatment. | 1035 | |||||
2272 | The article is devoted to the presentation of the category of space with the help of verbs of motion. It was peculiar for Old-Germanic culture to define the elements of surrounding world through object goals. The elements of landscape made not only the localization but the direction of motion. | 1035 | |||||
2273 | The paper outlines the relativization strategies employed by Eastern Khanty, an endangered underdescribed Finno-Ugric language spoken in Western Siberia. The notion of subordination employed here is confined mainly to morphosyntactic criteria such as clausal embedding and the use of non-finite verb-forms. The approach involves a synchronic analysis of structural patterns and functional-semantic features of relative clauses in the general functional theoretical framework. These syntactic constructions are also considered diachronically revealing the paratactic character of the Khanty complex sentences. The analysis is based on the Khanty narrative corpus, reference-grammars and dictionaries. The paper includes the analysis of morphosyntactic structures coding relative relations and other cases having different morphosyntactic manifestations, but the same underlying cognitive structure. | 1035 | |||||
2274 | We trace the dynamics of the change of functions of music, concerning the language on early stages of the western culture development. We show how the localization of the concept-expressing function of music into the sphere of every-day speech and art take place as the language change and the graphic means of fixating language expressions appear. | 1035 | |||||
2275 | The article presents the comparative analysis of two human creature’s ideals. These ideals are pagan one (hero) and Christian one (martyr). An attitude toward the supernatural eternity is identified as a main feature of both these ideals. Pagan confession negates supernatural essence and Christian one realizes this essence as an absolute foundation of itself. By virtue of this feature hero is a quantitative rising of humanity, multiplication and completeness of human strengths without qualitative originality. Hero is an object for separated aesthetic contemplation that is why this ideal negates an intercourse. Martyr is described by his belonging to supernatural Person. Eternity transforms transitory and transitory begins to express its belonging to eternity. Thereby martyr is a justified individuality that is a qualitative originality and a supernatural absolute intercourse. Martyr saves himself and others by means of his martyrdom. | 1035 | |||||
2276 | Stem-building markers became the formal factors of the declensions only in the course of time. Originally, they were not indifferent to the semantics of the nouns and joined to certain names only. The comparative analysis of nouns with consonantal elements -j-, -w-, -n- in Gothic convinces us of the ancient origin of the markers -j-, -w- as the morphological structure of the word allows to reveal earlier elements. Every stem-building marker with a consonantal element possesses its specific feature and expresses more concrete lexical meaning. The original meaning of the consonantal markers -j-, -w- was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness but they lost this meaning. Only the marker -n- has kept the meaning of animateness, and vowel markers show the grammatical gender. | 1035 | |||||
2277 | The article devoted to the model of future teachers patriotic upbringing, based on principles of succession, tolerance and altruism. To control the work of the system the authors suggest monitoring based on qualitative and quantitative criteria to determine the results at every level and opportunities of patriotic upbringing further correction and prognostication. | 1035 | |||||
2278 | The article is devoted to reasoning investigations’ urgency of social and cultural aspects of technical creation. Substantiation logic is based on the technical activity evolution analysis and some specific features of Russia historical development. The article presents not only substantiation of necessity and timeliness of social and cultural aspects of technical creation study but also plans methodological guiding lines which open the possibilities of such investigations. | 1035 | |||||
2279 | The establishment and development of international cooperation of the higher school of the USSR in the field of preparation of national specialists for foreign countries of the end of the 50s – the beginning of the 90s of the XXth Century is reflected in the present paper. The problems of expanding external relations of Soviet higher schools with the countries of Hear and Further Abrond by way of selection and direction of specialists for scientific and language probation, teaching and interpreting work aimed at exchanging experience and taking part in the international symposiums, conferences and congresses are regarded here | 1035 | |||||
2280 | The article presents a model of pedagogical support of professional self-determination of senior students based on the competence approach. The model is based on the interaction of three equivalent structural elements: educational environment, teachers, students. Effectiveness of the model is tested experimentally on the basis of school № 13 in Tomsk. Practical importance are developed in the framework of the research program “Principles of socialization”, “Fundamentals of design”, manual “Active forms of vocational guidance in preprofile and school education”, “Introduction to the design”. Keywords: Educational support, vocational self-competence approach, professional self-competence | 1035 | |||||
2281 | We investigate a specic model for a dark energy which lead to the Quasi-Rip cosmology. In the Quasi-Rip model the equation of state parameter w is less than -1 in the rst stage, but then in the second stage is larger than -1. The conditions for the appearance the Quasi-Rip in the terms of the parameters equation of state are received. Keywords: dark energy, cosmological constant, equation of state, bound structures | 1035 | |||||
2282 | The article considers morphemically related words used in syntactically parallel structures observed in English works of fiction. The interrelation of morphemic repetition and syntactical parallelism manifests itself in different ways predetermined by the variety of morphemes and the diversity of parallel structures. The most important issue is the aesthetic aspect of the interrelation of the phenomena. It is realized in the interplay of the two mutually opposed basic principles, those of Apollonic order and Dionysian disorder, accordance and discordance, regulation and its violation. Keywords: morphemic repetition, syntactical parallelism, interrelation of morphemic and syntactical repetition, aesthetic aspect, Apollonic principle, Dionysian principle | 1035 | |||||
2283 | The work is devoted to one of the central notions of anthropological linguistics – group-wide language personality. The article considers one of the particular features of contemporary loanwords – vocabulary borrowed from foreign languages which entered the Russian language in XX–XXI centuries, in the speech of a group-wide language personality of higher education institution student of Tomsk. Central attention is focused on the realization of a group of nominative functions by foreign novations in student discourse. The youth newspapers, Internet websites of social communities, colloquial speech of students was chosen as the material for investigation. Multifunctionality of contemporary loanwords in student newspaper and Internet discourse is revealed – the nominative function is basic and is realized in specific linguistic functions. For foreign novations the most typical functions are information and determinative, synonymically differential, terminological and compressive. The role of loanwords in the formation of a language personality of a student: contemporary loanwords expand the terminological thesaurus of a future specialist, it is a cognition means in information technologies and household appliances, in the sphere of various interests of students. Keywords: borrowings, functioning, higher school student’s group linguistic identity, Internet-discourse | 1035 | |||||
2284 | The most developed country at present outlives postindustriai stage of developments, in this society a vocational training becomes one of the main factors, defining social status of person. Main functions of social institute of vocational training in this society are economic (preparing a personnel of different level, profile and qualifications in required for ecomomics proportions) and stratificational (shaping and reproduction of social structure of society). | 1034 | |||||
2285 | The article is dedicated to the problem of perception and interpretation of the text of belle-iettres. An attempt has been made to analyze some peculiarities of the lexical usage of the word image «garden» in B. Pasternak's poetic text from a new point of view (in the functional pragmatic aspect). The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the collection of poems «isn't it Time for Birds to Sing» from the third book of poems «Life is My Sister» (1922). | 1034 | |||||
2286 | The paper deals with the analysis of Russian education by the result of international investigations, much attention is given to the necessity of considering the methodological grounds of the pedagogical educational process in the whole and at elementary school in particular. It is specially noted that the problem of education quality is always connected with pupils' progress in the training process. The study of this problem genesis is necessary to comprehend and improve pedagogic theory and practice. In the process of pedagogical education methodological training of students has great importance. The author points out the necessity of mastering the common logic and scientific cognitive meth¬ods for students' professional activities. Keywords: - | 1034 | |||||
2287 | Calendars of peoples of the world as important elements of their cultures are represented in the paper. The typical features of calendar systems of ancient peoples are described; main principles of forming of calendars of preliterate peoples are studied in the paper. | 1034 | |||||
2288 | The technique of definition of influencing of features of photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development in conditions of closed soil of a summer horse radish of a kind “Ladushka” – biological testing of correction light films is designed. The technique is encompass bayed definition of a number of a number morphometry, biochemical parameters, economic productivity of plants at their cultivation in the summer period in conditions of a closed soil under correction light films. Considerable, up to double and more, the changes of economic productivity of culture under correction light films as contrasted to not by modified polyethylene films of the same technological parameters, indicate high response of plants to changes of a spectral components of electromagnetic radiation created by correction light films. The technique allows getting the information about features of influencing of different photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development of plants in the summer period and it is addition to design earlier to technique of biological testing of correction light films in the spring period at cultivation of sprout of a cabbage | 1034 | |||||
2289 | The persons of keen intellect are public and cultural property of society. The development and conservation of intelligence are chief task of university educationIs raised the question about specificity of intellectual efficiency at various levels of intellectual development. The psychological ambiguity of high and superhigh values IQ with selection of the factors promoting and handicapping intellectual efficiency of the persons with a high level of development of psychometric intellect is shown. | 1034 | |||||
2290 | Questions on the degree of intervention of government in economy, about its role and place in economy frequently become a subject of discussions in economic science, especially in market conditions. They are expressing opposite, sometimes mutually exclusive judgments on the given problem. In the article is proved necessity of state regulating of economy at transition to market conditions, located its basic directions, forms and principles of realization of regulating of economy as in conditions of transition to the market relations, and in the generated market economy | 1034 | |||||
2291 | The comparative analysis of the imperative in three Ugric languages (Vogul, Ostyak and Hungarian) allows to conclude: the Hungarian imperative marker –j is archaic as nowadays all three languages tend to use a zero-morpheme to label the imperative. | 1034 | |||||
2292 | In language two tendencies with different directions constantly take place: a tendency to destruction of homonym pairs and tendency to appearance of pairs. The process of appearance of homonyms seems to be accidental but the process of elimination of homonyms – regular. | 1034 | |||||
2293 | This paper deals with the results of scientific conference devoted to the well known philosophy and pedagogy S.I.Gessen’s memory. Some modern forms of the postgraduates research training in Tomsk government pedagogical university are presented. Keywords: scientific conference, education philosophy, pedagogy, school of young scientist, modern education | 1034 | |||||
2294 | The authors of the article offer ways to improve quality of education and make specialized education in ungraded schools readily available by means of providing of online forms of education and implementation of innovative educational programs Keywords: education, ungraded school, state educational policy, teachers extended training, online education tutor, specialized education, innovative educational programs | 1034 | |||||
2295 | The article contains the first investigation of the work of the Ministry public enlightenment of the Temporary Government and of the Russian national government of Siberia in Omsk and Tomsk in the most severe time of the Civil War; the light is thrown upon the personnel of the Ministry; the measures of preparation of the school reform; renovation of pedagogical educational institutions and of improvement of the material standing of teachers; the article also shows the prominent actions of the Ministry of the science development and higher education in Siberia. Keywords: The Civil War, the Temporary Siberian government, the Ministry of Public Enlightenment, the minister and the professor V. V. Sapozhnikov, an educational reform | 1034 | |||||
2296 | The science-methodical competence of a foreign language teacher is characterized. The basics of formation of the competence during the period of professional development are described. Keywords: a foreign language teacher, science-methodical competence, methodical competence. | 1034 | |||||
2297 | In the article the sound (inclusive musical) content of the A. P. Chekhov’s drama “The Three Sisters” is considered. The sound and musical constituent of the drama is researched in the aspect of its ontological problems range: as representing the own world image of the play. The work is studied in the cultural context of the time of its creation that allows exposing the originality of Chekhov’s art ontology. Keywords: Chekhov, world image, sound, music, rhythm | 1034 | |||||
2298 | The article is devoted to consideration of functional features and means of expression of a graphic image epistolary of the text how by the integral component it art features in view of a complex extralinguistic of the factors and specificity of realization of a communicative-pragmatical axis “the author – the addressee”. As a material the letters of the artist М. V. Nesterov, opera singer F. I. Chaliapin, academician V. I. Vernadsky, poet M. I. Tsvetaeva. Keywords: graphic image of text, epistolary text, epistolary communication universals, graphic identity, graphic symbols, paragrafemnye facilities, cognitive function of graphical tools, the regulatory function of graphic tools | 1034 | |||||
2299 | During the last decades relationships between a doctor and a patient changed considerably due to a number of reasons including technicalization of medicine. In the article philosophical and methodological aspects of those changes are examined. Critical analysis of autonomy concepts implemented in modern medical practice is given and in the ways of its management. The problem of setting patient’s autonomy borders is raised. The paper presents some results of the project RFBR № 10-06-00313 “Attractive Management: Methodological Principles of Managing Complex Systems’ Dynamics” and grounded in the draft statement of the problem RFH № 12-03-00198 “Bioethics as a form of Self-consciousness of Modern Culture”. Keywords: bioethics, patient autonomy, technical model, information model, paternalism | 1034 | |||||
2300 | The author of the article presents her own vision of the biography of Ioannikiy (Pavlutsk) in the context of the Russian Orthodox Church in Siberia in the 18th century. The historiography and new sources are provided. Keywords: Ioannikiy (Pavlutski), history of the Russian Orthodox Church, history of Siberia in the 18th century, Tobol Eparch, Kiev-Mogilа Academy, historiography, source studies | 1034 |