# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2051 | The article describes the implementation of competence-based approach to industry solutions SAP HR. The material in this article is based on the analysis of inernational and national experience with different business models, taking into account industry-specific oil and gas companies such as Shell, ConocoPhillips, TNK-BP, ExxonMobil Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, OAO Tyumentransgas, OAO Surgutgazprom, TNK-BP Biznesservis. The ideas and materials of this article have found practical application in scientific research work in the direction of “intelligent information and communications monitoring and control systems” (2010). Keywords: SAP HR, expertise, business processes, ERP systems, functions, model, mechanism, management of personnel | 1042 | |||||
2052 | The article considers the development of the future educators training concept, based on the actual value and goal orientations in the development of the continuous pedagogical education. The article describes the value-attitude constituent and theoretical content of the concept. The practical content of the concept represents the processes of pedagogical support of the students’ activities within the integrated educational space of higher pedagogical, general and additional education systems. Such processes include pedagogical probation which comprises educational and work experience internships for the pedagogical higher education institution students. The internships are supervised by the mentors from among the leading educators who work at different levels of educational system. The theory and practice of situation and context based learning and subject-to-subject approach are taken as a basis for educational processes developed within the pedagogical concept. This provides the active involvement of future teachers in professional and quasi-professional situations and in solution of the problems arising within the situations. The creation of the integrated educational space is aimed at the support of a wide range of practice oriented forms and kinds of activities of future teachers in process of performing by them their professional tasks. The creation of such space in educational process of higher education institution is provided by the work of the Center for Additional Physical, Mathematical and Natural Science Education. Further perspectives of the research are connected with the construction of the practical content as a component of the discussed educational concept and the study of the concept’s verification results, which would allow to develop a full and substantiated understanding of the process and results of the pedagogical support in the training of pedagogical university students with the use of the potential of higher, general and additional education integration. Keywords: pedagogical concept, continuous pedagogical education, professional standards of pedagogical activity, practice based approach, pedagogical support, training of future teachers | 1042 | |||||
2053 | The theory of nomination still has many open questions to be thoroughly studied and gaps to be filled. Contextual synonymy is one of those fields that need closer look at the processes and mechanisms of creating new naming units or adding new meanings to the existing ones. This article represents the results of the research on the phenomenon of contextual synonymy in its semantic, stylistic and functional aspects. Contextual synonyms are viewed as examples of alternate nomination. The distinction is made between language synonyms and contextual ones. Their comparative occurrence within football subdiscourse is studied. As follows from the results of the analysis of more than 200 articles and running commentaries there is a variety of regularly used clichés which are based on specific recurrent semantic schemes. Typical patterns for creating contextual synonyms as examples of secondary nomination of football teams and players are derived from above mentioned semantic schemes. To prove their existence the author provides a considerable amount of examples. Alongside with the cliché variants there are many occasional cases of creating contextual synonyms that are unique in their nature. It is observed which part of speech is exposed to stronger contextual multiplication, particularly noun or verb groups. Further on the author analyses specific aspects of using contextual synonyms and determines their functions in the text. Keywords: contextual synonymy, language synonyms, contextual synonyms, contextual synonymic row, semantic schemes | 1042 | |||||
2054 | Perspective direction in common range of insufficiently explored problem of Russian history is the study of Russian soviet everyday life history. This statement fully applies to its regional component - the history of the Stavropol Territory. The article is devoted to daily routine leisure of the people of our country in the 1930ies. The author analyzes such types of leisure as reading, sport, movies, self-education, groups culture in the background of economic, political and demographic processes of the country and the region in the 1930ies. As noted in the article all these forms of spending free time were politicized and ideologized. Through the development of mass culture, sport, organization of recreational facilities and rural clubs, the government established total control over the private life of its citizens. Various methods were used for this purpose such as censorship in press and movies, control over the activity of libraries, unification of citizens in all kind of organizations and clubs, and the orientation of young people to “right” leisure with the the help of propaganda, press and cinema. As a result leisure and leisure time turned into not free, regulated by the government. Leisure time was replaced by alcohol consumption (drinking of alcohol) and drunken behavior which became a norm of life, especially in nomenclature 1930ies. Keywords: Russia, native history, Soviet everyday life, education, leisure, culture, literature, cinema, sports, country club, Stavropol region | 1042 | |||||
2055 | The article is devoted to the research of features of professional education of legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation. Discusses general issues of formation of legal consciousness as a form of social consciousness and the specific features of the education of the professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future officers, whose professional activity is closely linked with law and order, indicates that cadets of higher education institutions of national guard troops of the Russian Federation are carriers of specific professional legal consciousness, represented by a set of legal knowledge generated values and due to the specific military service personal and professional experience. The process of education of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future advocates and enforcers, is considered in indissoluble communication with their legal education and legal culture. Examines pedagogical and educational conditions for the formation of a high level of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation in the personality-oriented education model and principles of competence approach in education. Keywords: legal consciousness, professional legal consciousness, peculiarities of cadets’ professional legal consciousness, legal education, legal culture, personality-oriented model of education, competence approach | 1042 | |||||
2056 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the work of Re¬search Institute of Education in Siberia, Far East and North, Russian Academy of Education at the end of the XXth - the beginning of the XIXth century. There was marked a consid¬erable contribution of Russian Academy of Education (Acad¬emy of Pedagogical Sciences) in the organization of psy¬chological and pedagogical research in Western Siberia. There were distinguished the main stages of the formation and the development of the Institute, from its foundation in 1988 as a branch of the Research Institute of Labor Train¬ing and Vocational Guidance (USSR Academy of Pedagogi¬cal Sciences) up to 2003. There was characterized a conception of the work and the development of Research Institute of Education in Sibe¬ria, Far East and North in the new social and economic con¬ditions, worked out by the scientific body of this Institute, assisted by the leading scientists and participants of the region and approved by the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Education. There were revealed aims and goals of the activity of the Institute at the modern stage, described its structure, brought out the main results of the research and experi¬mental work of the scientific body for the last three years. Keywords: - | 1041 | |||||
2057 | The problem of correlation between professional development and maturity of a specialist is, first of all, the problem of the objectives and priorities of education to give knowledge or develop a personality (a system of values, mental and moral characteristics) who acquires knowledge. In the first case the process easily regulated and controlled, in the second case improvisation, creativity and unpredictability of results is prevailed. Professionalism doesn’t contradict with the intellectual development of a specialist but it doesn’t equal to it as well. Professionalism and spirituality lie in the context of a human integrity. Today, along with the dominating practical orientation of education towards specialist training and increasing of profitability of resources invested in their training, the acmeological (eco-psychological) approach to education in the ‘and-and’ context rather than ‘or-or’ when professional training is regarded as the process of personal education who develops the ability to act in the chosen direction and who acquires knowledge that a man considers necessary for him. While acquiring ontological sense, education becomes the existence category. And ‘knowledge-skills’ learning from the goal of education is only a means of developing abilities. Such understanding of the problem allows re-comprehend. | 1041 | |||||
2058 | The article reviews method and technique of research used by Yu.I. Ozheredov who applies integrated approach to study genesis of indigenous peoples of Western Siberia. Linguistic analysis of the river name Kionga has many flaws and defects that materially disprove the conclusions. Such a linguistic analysis is to be based upon presence or absence of sound alternations between the indigenous languages and not upon single cases of resemblance between assimilated forms in Russian. | 1041 | |||||
2059 | A specific writer's revision of sacral and mythological, as well as historical variants of "father and son" model is shown in the article by the example of figures of Apollon Apollonovich and Nikolai Apollonovich Ableukhovs. | 1041 | |||||
2060 | This article deals with the genesis and the historical development of the unique higher educational structure – the Faculty of Additional (Optional) Professions. The faculty has been functioning since 1960s and is one of not many faculties in Russia in the Tomsk State Pedagogical University being a powerful resourse of the University | 1041 | |||||
2061 | The present article is devoted to the research of social and cultural reasons of delinquent behavior of the underage which defines the breaking-up of the norms, as the standard of behavior in general. It signifies the change of the treatment of the society towards the mechanisms of the purposeful socialization, the youth is influenced by. | 1041 | |||||
2062 | . Keywords: Peat, peatmaster, Leonid Apollonovich Sytin, the biography | 1041 | |||||
2063 | In given article concept «zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols»is considered, the research of zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols, directed on construction of their typology. The received results of research show that the given typology can identify shown and discover latent intentions of zhiznetvorchestvo. Keywords: symbol, zhiznetvorchestvo, zhiznetvorchestvo’s symbols, strategy of zhiznetvorchestvo, intention of zhiznetvorchestvo, archaetyp, typology | 1041 | |||||
2064 | . Keywords: . | 1041 | |||||
2065 | The motives of activity are generated by the available requirements, thus new requirements arise under the influence of the developed structure of motives, having generated, these new requirements induce new informative motivation. Keywords: a motivational direction, memory, thinking, motivation, informative motives, social motives, positive motivation, an estimation | 1041 | |||||
2066 | The interrelation of results of dispersal of a specialized mean is considered in the research - training apparatus and sports apparatus, the size and character of this communication is established, this communication scientifically proves efficiency of use of a training apparatus as training means in system of preparation high-class brakemen and also at selection of sportsmen for participation in competitions. Keywords: brakeman, correlation, starting dispersal | 1041 | |||||
2067 | The article enlightens ways of intensification the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language to the groups of students from China and Vietnam. The grounds for intensification are the inter-language correlation, discovering common cultural patterns and peculiarities of the teaching process in these countries. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, inter-language correlation, cultural identity, educational peculiarities of the countries, teaching process. | 1041 | |||||
2068 | The article presents characteristic of projecting of competent-oriented andragogy program, the principles of them realization. Didactic mechanisms, which are providing supply formation the position of employer as the subject of additional professional education, are discussed. The author shows specific character educational interaction in andragogy process using. Keywords: additional professional education, competence-oriented andragogycal program, educational interaction, polysubjekt, employer. | 1041 | |||||
2069 | Possibilities of the psychological help to the patients with neurotic disorders, associated with disturbed system of relations, are considered in the article. The program of psychological help to patients with neurotic disorders consists of psychodiagnostic, information, motivational, psychocorrective blocks. Basic principles of psychological help to patients with neurotic disorders are as follows: complexity of influence on various areas of integral personality; individuation of every case; differential approach to dependence on diagnosis of neurotic disorder and accompanying pathogenic and exogenous-organic factors. Keywords: neurotic disorders, system of relations, neurotic conflict, psychological help, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy | 1041 | |||||
2070 | The article analyzes the German historical literature devoted to various aspects of social policy realized by Otto von Bismarck. The first Chancellor of Germany created the world's first welfare state in the 1880s. He worked closely with large industry and aimed to stimulate German economic growth by giving workers greater social security. Following that works of German researchers are mostly devoted to problems of internal policy realized by O. Bismarck, such as “an exclusive law against socialists”, “Kulturkampf”, social legislation of 1880-ies, the author makes a conclusion about the necessity to study in complex the historiography of a social policy implemented in the second half of XIX century by O. Bismarck. Keywords: social policy, social insurance, welfare state, social maneuvering, O. Bismarck, historiography, reform, neo liberalism, working class | 1041 | |||||
2071 | The article reveals one of the key requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general and secondary general education - the formation of communicative competence of students. As mandatory skills that ensure the communicative nature of the individual, the FSES emphasizes the ability to consciously use speech tools in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs, to plan and regulate their activities; ability to use oral and written speech, monologic contextual speech. The content of communicative competence is the ability to set and solve a certain type of communicative tasks that is the use of the acquired knowledge, skills, and skills of speech activity in practice. The importance of development of communicative skills and abilities for successful socialization, adaptation and self-realization in the society is noted. The notions “communicative actions”, “communicative abilities and skills”, “communicative competence” are specified. The necessity of teaching the genre composition in view of the FSES requirements to the formation of the communicative competence of the students is substantiated. The results of experimental work on the formation of genre-communicative skills of students on the example of teaching essays as a genre of writing are presented. Teaching essays is chosen as a key to provide a modern man with necessary skills in his speech practice. The presented method of teaching essay is built on the activation of the personal experience of students. In the learning process, spe cial methods for the development of associative thinking, traditional and non-standard methods of developing communicative abilities and skills are used. The developed and tested technique allowed to get a high level of communication abilities and skills of high school students. Keywords: communicative actions, communicative abilities and skills, communicative competence, genre composition, essay | 1041 | |||||
2072 | The article is dedicated to the analysis of the regulative potential of the precedent name in media discourse. This problem is relevant in modern linguistics and is studied in the framework of different directions. The article points to communicative stylistics of the text in the aspect of the regulative theory. Methods of actualizing the regulative function of the precedent name are described on the textual material of the corpus of modern newspapers of the Russian National Corpus. Mythonyms which are prominent regulatory means of attracting the attention of the addressee were analysed in the article. Thus, contexts analysis of a newspaper corpus mythonyms Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Prometheus showed that in case of realization of mythonyms only the nominative function its regulative potential might be due to the invariant perception of a precedent text that is stored in the cognitive basis of the addressee and which is determined by its presuppositions. The factors influencing the degree of precedent onym’s regulativity in newspaper journalism, for instance, the use of situation-based illustrative context, the appeal to the source, the use of figurative means and transformed statements have been defined. Situational contexts that direct the recipient to the mythological stories serve as the actualizing mean of the relevant background information, its presuppositions. Mythonym in such a context is a strong regulatory tool, as not only appeals to the cultural memory of the audience, but fills in gaps in the information thesaurus. It is established that the regulative potential of precedent onyms is due to the implementation of cultural, educational and operating functions of the newspaper. Keywords: precedent name, mythonym, text communicative stylistics, regulative potential, regulative function | 1041 | |||||
2073 | Introduction. The achromatic color terms and methods of their word-formation in different linguistic cultures - Kazakh, Altai, Russian are compared and analyzed. Adjectives that naming color are an important feature of describing differences in the objects of the surrounding world which effects a person’s perception and emotional state. The system of word-formation of color names, characteristic for the languages under consideration, is a set of nominative units that are diverse in terms of structure. The subject of research is achromatic color vocabulary in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. The aim of the work is to consider the methods of word formation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages and to determine the general and specific features of word formation. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the derivation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages was carried out. Among the methods of research is a comparative one. Results and discussion. The lexico-semantic field of color has a high degree of organization. Although color terms belong to different parts of speech, adjectives belong to the most significant group. The main emphasis is on the grammatical features of adjectives in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian. Color adjectives of the analyzed languages belong to the group of qualitative adjectives perceived by the senses, from which a comparative degree is formed. Morphological way of word formation is the basic one in the formation of color designation and color names in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. This formed a whole series of parametric values of the sufficiency or insufficiency of color, the degree of intensity and color saturation (high or low), the gradation of signs. The morphological way of word-formation of color descriptions involves the formation of color terms with the help of derivational affixes. This way of forming adjectives is most productive in the languages. It is the most prospective and dominant way of word-production of color adjectives. Other methods of word formation are considered; they are composing, partial or complete reduplication, the use of qualifiers, pair words, and comparative constructions with color components. Color designation comparisons were revealed similarity and difference in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages. Conclusion. The word-formative analysis of color adjectives make it possible to conclude that the Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages have a fairly extensive word-formation potential in terms of the possibility of expanding and enriching the lexico-semantic group of color-values. Keywords: color semantics, color designation, achromatic color, word formation, affixation, degree of comparison, comparative analysis | 1041 | |||||
2074 | . | 1040 | |||||
2075 | The main functions of foreign languages in the history of cultural development in Russia, such as political, international, professional, cultural-educational and ideological ones are analyzed by the authors in the article. It is proved that it's impossible to from a cultural, international and educational society with a man in its center without knowing foreign lan¬guages. | 1040 | |||||
2076 | Diagnostics and forecasting of the optimum personality of a manager are problems that has not been solved by management psychology until now. The article presents results of the investigations of social and psychological characteristics and models of behaviour of managers, currently performing their duties, and the comparative analysis of the obtained data and the resuits of foreign research. The conducted analysis has shown that the social and psychological potential of managers in Russia does not always conform to the modern situation with its needs. The problem of personnel planning with the accent on creating a reserve of managers, developing and applying improved methods of assessment of their activity, appears most urgent today. | 1040 | |||||
2077 | The author of the article makes an attempt to prove that the true characters of Zabolotsky's poem are nei¬ther elements of nature, nor Gods of the antique Panthe¬on, but two great poets of the XIX and XX centuries Fjodor Tjutchev and Velimir Khlebnikov and co-opposing paradigms of their poetical languages. | 1040 | |||||
2078 | The paper touches upon the new problems in theory and practice of teaching the foreign languages in conformity with modern vital conditions. In such a context it is a matter of introducing a psychological component to the educational process to be aimed at optimization of foreign training at any stage of continuous education system as well as the improvement of communication teaching level. Application of up-to-date psychotechnologies in the process of foreign training seems to be within the capacity of the foreign lan¬guage teacher, as it does not require special psychothera-peutic knowledge. The present paper appears to be an ef¬fort to observe the opportunities of using neurolinguistics programming (NLP) strategics in practice of teaching the foreign languages at a non-linguistic higher educational in¬stitution which allow the teacher to reveal the students' style and apply the methods to be the most suitable for the present student or the given group. In this interpretation the NLP approach should be consid¬ered as one of the innovatory forms of educational and out-of-lecture teacher's activities within the bounds of possible spending of time, as a stimulus to the creative potential devel¬opment of students and, first of all, not as a principal method of teaching the foreign languages but as an additional technology to improve the foreign language educational process and make it more effective, easy and pleasurable for mastering. Keywords: - | 1040 | |||||
2079 | In presented work by authors happen to mechanisms verbalisation thought process and word, as ontology factors spiritual in the light-that modern achievements of natural sciences and information biophysicists. Study of mechanisms of energy relationships in regulation processes lifes, announcing a person, gains in principal new aspect, as far as word itself and thought carry material base, confirmed by phychefisiologist studies. | 1040 | |||||
2080 | There are various different descriptions of Randall-Sundrum (RS) braneworlds. Here we present a unified view of the braneworld based on the gradient expansion approach. In the case of the single-brane model, we reveal the relation between the geometrical and the AdS/CFT approach. It turns out that the high energy and the Weyl term corrections found in the geometrical approach merge into the CFT matter correction found in the AdS/CFT approach. We also clarify the role of the radionin the two-brane system. It is shown that the radion transforms the Einstein theory with Weyl correction into the conformalty coupled scalar-tensor theory where the radion plays the role of the scalar field. | 1040 | |||||
2081 | The article deals with the problem of understanding a lingual sign as a symbol and the semantic analysis of words representing symbols of iconic type, i.e. objects of particular admiration that are readily recognized by most people, the English iconic word ‘tea’ taken as an example. | 1040 | |||||
2082 | This article contents the analyses of the substantial parts of the investment momentum, influence on the investment system. | 1040 | |||||
2083 | In the article the author treats modern tendencies of the development tourism in the Russian Federation. The author shows projected ways by realization potential opportunities of Russia in widen of the tourism industry. The program approach was suggested for the solution of problems of engineering infrastructure of tourist centres. | 1040 | |||||
2084 | In article the biographies of two European governors of the beginning of the XVIth century – French king Francis I (1515–1547s) and duke Ulrich of Wurttemberg (1498–1550s) are analyzed. On the basis of comparison a attempt to reveal connection of gender behavior with the common identity, and also with specificity of modernization processes in various regions of Europe is done. | 1040 | |||||
2085 | The article considers municipal interests as theoretical and practical phenomenon, which demands deep research. The author underlines analytical aspects which allow to concretize the factor of municipal interests in the system of local self-government; to dwell on its role for the development of the main fields of the existence of municipalities, as well as the subjects of the municipal practice on the modern level of the municipal reform in Russia | 1040 | |||||
2086 | - | 1040 | |||||
2087 | The First World War brought many changes to economic, social and political life of the country. The problem became vitally important either for the central part of Russia or the periphery of empire. Here we should pay a special attention to the Altai of Tomsk province where the authorities organized charitable funds and trusteeships, where the families of the called up soldiers were provided with agricultural help. Besides their studies, pupils accepted extraduties, voluntarily assisting soldiers families. The formation of labour teams from pupils was very important either from educational points of view. Keywords: . | 1040 | |||||
2088 | On the basis of the analysis of the literature the author of the article draws a conclusion about the basic tasks of economic education of the students of technical high schools, about meaning of the creative approach in studying economy. The special attention in the article is given to the organization of independent job of the students, in particular, to problem methods of training, modeling of concrete situations, drawing up of the tasks of different levels of complexity, and also with use of the structural-logic circuits promoting to the effective development of professional and economic abilities, intelligence as a whole, necessary for the appropriate professional activity. Keywords: economic education, economic thinking, independent job, concrete situation, problem method | 1040 | |||||
2089 | The article is devoted to the civic education in Australia, its establishment and development, it describes different stages of the transformation of its idea on the basis of ethnical diversity of Australian society and difference in attitudes to the system of education and its role in different historical periods and in different parts of Australia. It is devoted to the analysis of the social demands and their influence on the school policy in general, and on the policy of civic education. Keywords: bilingual society, civic education, democratic society, moral education, multicultural society, interrelated education | 1040 | |||||
2090 | The article reviews the results of research. It is exposed that shift of interest to narrative in bioethics and creation of narrative ethics are natural consequences of realizing the necessity of “turning” to a patient, necessity of protection of his individuality. The role and objects of narrative in medical practice are defined and it is exposed that one of physician’s criterion of professionalism is taking into account patient’s narrative. Keywords: narrative medicine, narrative ethics, individuality, physician-patient relationship, narrative competence | 1040 | |||||
2091 | The article covers the analysis of criminal case materials about “solving” the so-called counterrevolutionary organization the “White Guard plot” in 1933. This one of the major criminal cases in the USSR was discovered by authorized representation of OGPU (Joint State Political Directorate) body in Western Siberian Region. The documents analysis report makes possible to conclude the total falsifi cation of this case from the beginning till the end. Keywords: political repression, “White Guard plot”, Western Siberia | 1040 | |||||
2092 | The article deals with the possibility of networking in various social education institutions and socialization of young people in contemporary Russian society. Networking is fulfi lled through the implementation of programs of education and socialization of students, which is the main component of the overall federal education standards of the school. A social networking project, integrating educational resources of the social environment serve as the mechanism. Keywords: program of education and socialization, social project, social partners in education, social and personal competence of students, educational resources of the environment | 1040 | |||||
2093 | The following article is devoted to the problem of interaction of pedagogical higher education institution, which is actual in the context of new educational standards. Practical realization of this interaction through elective courses for optional classes, seminar programs and extension courses for teachers, is shown in this article. Keywords: integration in education, interaction of pedagogical institutions of higher education and other educational establishments, improving teachers’ qualification | 1040 | |||||
2094 | In the novel by V. Pelevin there ironically reinterpreted the genre clichй dystopian novels of the 20th century, played upon their images, plot lines and motifs. For example, the motives of the “old house”, manuscript, struggle based on the confrontation of individual and collective, spatial isolation, etc. are shown. All this evidences the viability of dystopian rootedness and tradition in modern literature. Keywords: dystopia, utopia, novel, a genre template, the motive of the manuscript, parody, V. Pelevin | 1040 | |||||
2095 | The article is the result of theoretical evaluation of the problems of ethno-cultural education. The questions of the maintenance of ethno-cultural formation and its influence on the new generation are mentioned. Keywords: ethno-cultural education, national pedagogies, traditional Russian culture, national policy of the state | 1040 | |||||
2096 | Prozumentov L. M. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 3-6 | 1039 | |||||
2097 | The development of agricultural industry cannot be successful without solution of issues for providing this branch with qualified personnel. A rural school undoubtedly can and should become one of the potential resource for renewal of the labor-power for this branch of industry. Such a school should introduce a new organizational system of education for pupils and adults in agricultural profiles. This system should inherit all good conceptions of routine education, and the main focus should be made on the principle of integration. The meaning of the notion “integration” is defined more precisely in the the article, and theoretical foundations of integration of general and professional education, as well as forms and ways of its realization in rural areas are being revealed. | 1039 | |||||
2098 | This article deals with the summary of neoclassical and institutional approaches to the nature of integrated business groups. The theory of synergetic mergers is supplemented by contractual approach to firm and groups of companies. | 1039 | |||||
2099 | The article is the first publication of plans of the ballad by V.A. Zhukovsky and comments on them. The history of the ballad creation and coordination of prose and poetry in works by V.A. Zhukovsky and his movement to the genre of romantic poem is clarified through the research of his archives. | 1039 | |||||
2100 | The article shows the need of state support for developing programs of educational crediting in Russia both at federal and regional levels. Interaction of the state, large banks, insurance companies, corporations can create an effective mechanism of crediting of paying educational services. Educational crediting contributes to the maintenance of demand for paying educational services and to the provision of accessibility of education. | 1039 |