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2601 | The education of grown-up in Russia - is a new and perspective educational direction. The urgency of devel¬opment of this direction in Russia is conditioned by the specific character of its social-economical development in present time. For successful development of the educational sphere for adults it is necessary to determine the most important aspects of scientific researches in this region. On the basis of analyses of literature and information of social research in this article the basic problem of edu¬cational sphere among adults in Russia are denoted, the decision of which is prioritity. | 1026 | |||||
2602 | The article underlines the necessity of peculiarities in organizing the pedagogical-educational process among the children of preschool age in minor ethnic groups of the North of Tomsk region. The authors define general trends of real¬izing ethnological approach; disclose specifics of the con¬crete objectives, achievement which will assist formation of ethnic self-consciousness, revival of traditional culture. Keywords: - | 1026 | |||||
2603 | We review the several models of the dark energy, which may generate the accelerated expansion of the present universe. We also discuss the the Big Rip singularity, which may occur when the equation of the state parameter w is less than -1. We show that the quantum correction would be very important near the singularity. | 1026 | |||||
2604 | The article is devoted to the problem of pupils’ educational achievements assessment according to a contemporary educational paradigm of a personality development within the educational process. Development of the test tasks that allows to monitor and collects the information on educational achievements in different subject domains during training is offered. | 1026 | |||||
2605 | Russia in the context of the extended forecast of the development of the world economy: desired state and conditions for its achievement. | 1026 | |||||
2606 | The article of J.O. Tehernyavskaya presents an attempt to define the genre of A. Marinina's detective prose in terms of typological systems of the Industrial novel, women's (rosy) novel and classical detective novel, which testifies for the renovation of the traditional forms of the classical detective prose. | 1026 | |||||
2607 | The concepts of Home and Homelessness, which are traditional for Russian literature and culture, are explored in the context of «Seminary Sketches» by N.G. Pomyalovsky. The “Seminary Sketches” central characters of Home and Anti-Home, the embodiment of which is the Seminary (Bursa), were the subject of reflection. Special emphasis was placed on an analysis of contraposition of Home as secure private space and Anti-Home as alien and dangerous one. Keywords: N.G. Pomyalovsky, “Seminary Sketches”, home, anti-home, homelessness | 1026 | |||||
2608 | The modern frequency of changing technologies demands correction of methods in concepts of training. More often Russian employer-companies realize that they are responsible for getting necessary specific knowledge and skills of their employees. Experience of companies in the field of power industry as one of the most striking examples in building corporative system of staff training are considered in this article, methods of its monitoring and estimation of efficiency are also analyzed. | 1026 | |||||
2609 | The article considers the urgency, value, purposes, problems, directions, forms and methods of patriotic education of Russian schoolboys. It proves the pedagogical program of patriotic education of modern schoolboys. The contents and results of realization of the program of patriotic education are presented. Keywords: education, patriotism, patriotic education of schoolboys | 1026 | |||||
2610 | In article is given the concept of an information-technological resource and its role of professional training for a specialist of public relations. Long-term experience of the author and the developer of an information-technological resource or image constructing of the future specialist is presented. The structure and the resource substance is considered. Keywords: information-technological resource, image of the public relations specialist | 1026 | |||||
2611 | The article considers pedagogical interpretation of the meaning of providence points of education in the pedagogy of V. V. Zenkovsky. Particular attention in pedagogy V. V. Zenkovsky is drawn to the interpretation of education and setting aims and objectives of education in the light of divine predestination, as well as the influence of the idea of divine predestination in the development of the pupil’s personality. Keywords: providential idea of education, the principle of personal and orientation educational process, moral education, hierarchical structure of personality | 1026 | |||||
2612 | The competence-oriented professional training assumes an orientation to forming of special knowledge, skills and universal abilities of students. Now, they are claimed on a modern labor-market. Key competences are forming in practical and prequalifying trainings. They are revealed at drawing up in a portfolio-process. Sociological opinion poll among students and practice-masters and potential employer for qualitative estimation on projected competences of graduates was carried out. The rating of competences on the basis of the received results is constructed. Keywords: competence-oriented professional training, key competences, practical training, prequalifying training, portfolio-process, universal competences, professional competences, rating of competences | 1026 | |||||
2613 | The paper is devoted to intersubjective texts as the basis of text centered approach while teaching a foreign language to form lexical skills of professional speaking, the significance of texts as the main teaching element, the necessity of authentic texts as well as their meaning from relative sciences’ point of view dealing with teaching a foreign language. Keywords: intersubjective texts, authentic texts, methodically authentic texts, professional vocabulary, lexical skills, professional speaking. | 1026 | |||||
2614 | The article focuses on the problem of creativity, university students, the methods of its development, the results of the experiment to test the effectiveness of educational conditions for the development of creativity of students of the university. Keywords: creativity, future designers, educators, development, problem learning, subject-subject relations, life experiences | 1026 | |||||
2615 | The article is devoted to monitoring consideration as one of factors of quality maintenance of expert’s professional skill improvement. Monitoring is described from the view point of educational process components. Keywords: improvement of experts professional skill, quality, monitoring of educational process | 1026 | |||||
2616 | The paper presents the conceptual model of transformations of philosophical images of science. The informationsynergetic modification of phenomenological approach is the base of generalizing the variations of the understanding the reasons of such transformations. It is revealed the functions, forms and general sense of this process. Keywords: philosophical image of science, transformation, reasons, phenomenology, the information-synergetic approach | 1026 | |||||
2617 | The article is devoted to analysis of spouses’ relationship in famous English poet G. Chaucer’s creations. The author puts a question of its peculiarities to be connected with social and economic development of England in XIV century. Conclusion to be done shows spouses evaluating marriage as a transaction and this feature links to growing commodity-money relationships within the region this period. Peculiarities of development of new social and economic structure are discussed. Keywords: Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, gender discourse, medieval England, marriage in medieval England, commodity-money relations | 1026 | |||||
2618 | This paper presents a study of the toponyms of the Crimea as an object of non-material heritage forming the historical and linguistic space of the peninsula, complements the existing information on the classification of toponyms with new data. Modern toponymics is characterized by the intensive growth of those subject areas and research directions that have an interdisciplinary character. Toponymic research integrating linguistics, geography, history, sociology, cartography, etc. should be referred to such interdisciplinary directions of the onymic science. The aim of the research is finding peculiarities of morphological and non-morphological ways of word formation in the toponymy of the Russian Federation on the example of the Republic of Crimea. In this regard, there has been presented a classification of the toponymic lexis according to the structural level allowing for a detailed analysis of the collected toponymic factual material. Derivational analysis of the Crimean toponymic units is performed. Structural types of toponyms are examined, statistic data on the ways of formation and the frequency of use of different word-formation patterns is provided. As illustrative material, the author offers existing geographical names of the Crimea. In the result of the structural analysis the identified toponymic objects of the Crimean region have been systemized according to the specified criteria, monobasic, compound, and complex toponyms being singled out, the quantitative composition of the groups of geographical nominations has been provided, as well as the explanation of the obtained results. Keywords: toponym, toponymic unit, word formation, derivational pattern, method of word formation, structural type | 1026 | |||||
2619 | In this article there described one of the ways of form¬ing esthetical individuality by means of musical culture. The forming of esthetical individuality is an active process, which is happening in the society by means of unity of individuum and art's works. The highest aim of music-esthetical upbringing is beautiful individuality, which has a complicated social-psychological structure. Its upbringing is being realized by social-psychological mechanism of esthetical catharsis. The process of catharsistic musical perception is being analyzed in student's concert audito¬rium. | 1025 | |||||
2620 | In this article the duality of mentality of a man of traditional cultures of Siberia and the North is characterized by a combination of empirical and pre-ioglcal elements of mentality. Empirical element of mentality of a man of traditional culture embodies individual practical experience of formal-logical order. But being indifferent to the objective cause and effect relationships of the phenomena, he reveals particular attentiveness to manifested and hidden mystical links between phenomena, the basis of which is the law of mystical contiguity of cause and effect. As a result of domination of such law a man of traditional society makes his behavior in the culture. This explains the duality of mentality of a man of traditional culture of Siberia and the North, whose empirical intuition is subjected to the «supreme collective notions*. | 1025 | |||||
2621 | The article considers Apollon Grigorjev's creative work where the complex of moral and esthetic and artistic ide¬as connected with the influence of George Sand was re¬flected. Ap.Grigorjev accepted a new philosophy of love and marriage directed at the revision of traditional no¬tions of «sin», «moral degradation» and «adultery». It is pointed out that the formation of Ap. Grigorjev's princi¬ples of «the organic critics», including the feeling of co¬ordinating sincerity, moral and high artistic value was in¬fluenced by George Sand's novelistics. | 1025 | |||||
2622 | Increased, but low activity of destructive and synthetic processes in a residual (1 1) layer of peat under long-term grasses after 1-7 years of the turbary development has been established | 1025 | |||||
2623 | In the article regional problems of economic devel¬opment on the example of Novgorod Oblast are con¬sidered. It investigates mechanisms of forming a com¬petitive regional economy, and ways of activating the regional investment process. | 1025 | |||||
2624 | The detailed analysis of signs of classification of new goods is given: objective and subjective reasons complicating the promotion of innovations. The content of basic innovation strategies in the system of marketing was well revealed. The basic sta¬ges of elaboration of new products and organization forms of management by the process of creating inno¬vations were elucidated. | 1025 | |||||
2625 | The basic directions of development and the concept of relativistic mechanics are considered. The material of paper can be used at studying theoretical physics at pedagogical universities. | 1025 | |||||
2626 | In the work some theoretical positions of skilled-experimental researches on revealing a resource of improvement of pedagogical preparation quality of the teacher to be are submitted. The model of pedagogical preparation and algorithm of realization of reflective control-estimated activity are described. | 1025 | |||||
2627 | This article deals with the components of the time cycle in the Khanty world perception, that is micro- and macro-cycles (day-and-night/ annual cycle); their interaction and interdependence of the solar and lunar calendar systems are investigated. | 1025 | |||||
2628 | The paper investigates a rare phenomenon of foreword in drama and its forms and functions at different stages of Russian Literature development (from XVIII to XX century). | 1025 | |||||
2629 | Three conceptual models of the computer scholastic programs are considered. The first is founded on use the information approach and is oriented on building of the CBI programs. Rests are founded on idea of the artificial intelligence. It Is Described main variants and generalized structures of the models. It is shown that forerunner in realization more simply; however, realiza¬tion of the knowledge-based computer scholastic pro¬grams provides the more qualitative process of the edu¬cation. | 1025 | |||||
2630 | In this рареr, by the example of stage-by-stage development of foster care we tried to reveal the efficiency of this form of placement of children in family since it realizes the legislative demands of everything being done in the best interests of children and the right of children, who are in a difficult life situation or left without parental charge, to be placed in a family. | 1025 | |||||
2631 | The article is devoted to the activity of civil engineers, representatives of St. Petersburg Civil Engineers Institute, one of the most important architectural schools in Russia in the last quarter of the XIXth century and at the beginning of the XIXth century. The article analyzes pedagogical activity of Civil Engineers on the example of the graduate student of the Institute B. K. Postnikov. The article, based on the archival materials investigates the techniques and methods, used by B. K. Postnikov in teaching architectural-engineering subjects. These methods can be applied to modern architectural education. | 1025 | |||||
2632 | This paper presents some results of personal traits of Physical Training teachers. Different personality characteristics connected with profession are studied on basis of typological approach of professional preferences by J. Holland | 1025 | |||||
2633 | The article deals with the issues of students` information culture formation in distance learning, which are regarded to be not only as technical but also as humanitarian ones. The authors define pedagogical principles which may be used as background in modern courses of distance learning in higher institutions | 1025 | |||||
2634 | The article considers the essence of pedagogical researches from the position of political and system-technical models of scientific knowledge development. Also the problem of management possibility in pedagogical research in the context of regional educational policy is examined. Keywords: pedagogical research, management of pedagogical research, regional educational policy | 1025 | |||||
2635 | On the basic of the scientific literature analysis in the sphere of psychology of management the article describes the generalized model of principles of personnel management. This model may be an instrument in understanding administrative activity and in formation of leader’s professional administrative outlook. Keywords: management, administrative activity, principles of personnel management | 1025 | |||||
2636 | The provincial space in prose Zhukova is investigated. Reflecting on the uniqueness of female provincial character, it reveals the origins of its formation in the world of the steppe universe. Keywords: the provinces, steppe, home, garden, church, spirituality, search, road, Saint-Petersburg | 1025 | |||||
2637 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the Siberian Constructional Democrats’ program positions evolution on the agrarian issue during the revolution and Civil War and the attempts of their practical achievements. Compromise content of the agrarian policy of the Constructional Democrats in the reviewed period, its motives, influence on the policy of A. V. Kolchak government and the reasons for the final failure was revealed on the materials of the Constructional Democrats party congresses and conferences, the Constructional Democrats periodical press and the archival documents. Keywords: Liberalism, Siberia, Revolution, Civil War | 1025 | |||||
2638 | The article covers the problem of formation of legal basis of the activity of private educational institutions in prerevolutionary Russia and presents the analysis of the basic laws in the sphere of non-governmental education. Keywords: non-governmental education, private educational institution, private school, public school, prerevolutionary history of Russia | 1025 | |||||
2639 | Figurative two-word nominations are examined in the lexicographical aspect in the article. The examples of dictionary entries of planning “Dictionary of figurative units of Siberian dialect” where two-word nomination as a figurative language unit represents the title zone are offered. Keywords: two-word nomination, the language status, figurative unit of language, entry | 1025 | |||||
2640 | In two regions of Siberia (Buryat Republic and Tomsk Region) 268 schoolchildren in special schools – children with disabilities have been examined. Mental disorders (disturbance of psychological development, speech disturbance, mental deficiency and others) were detected in 90.7 % of children in special schools. The authors show characteristics of parental attitudes to a child with disabilities (denial of defect, guilt feeling, hyper- or hypo-care, and rented installations). Reference directions of programs of psycho educational and medical-social support are presented. Keywords: children with disabilities, mental health, medical and psycho educational support, parental interaction with a child with disabilities | 1025 | |||||
2641 | The article deals with content, specific management competence of the teacher at rural school Keywords: content, management competence of teacher at rural school | 1025 | |||||
2642 | The article deals with the correlation between competitiveness of a specialist and his professional mobility, reveals approaches and principles, concretizes the object and tasks of teaching practice, defines more exactly organizational and content aspects and conditions providing active, informative, varieties activity of students undergoing practical training in the context of solving the problem of professional mobility formation of a future teacher. Keywords: professional mobility, competitiveness of a specialist, quality of education, content of education, teaching practice, professional training | 1025 | |||||
2643 | The paper presents the results of the analysis of the morphosyntactic components expressing the Path semantic component in the translational motion event which are referred to as directional verbal satellites following L. Talmy’s typology. The attempt has been made to characterize the Ket language using Talmy’s typologies of lexicalization patterns, as well as D. Slobin’s typology of the expression of motion events. The conclusion has been drawn that Ket belongs to satellite-framed languages (in L. Talmy’s typology), and to high-path-salient but low-manner-salient languages (in D. Slobin’s typology); the verb root characteristically does not confl ate the semantic components, but expresses only the Motion component. Keywords: Ket language, locative situation of translational motion, directional verb satellites, L. Talmy’s typologies of lexicalization patterns, satellite-framed languages, D. Slobin’s typology of motion events | 1025 | |||||
2644 | The paper analyses the toponymic data of the fi eldnotes by G.-V. Miller collected among Narym and Ket Ostyaks in 1740. The focus of attention is on hydronymic terms. Available data allow to map the area of settlement of Selkup-speaking population in the middle part of the Trans-Ob region in the mid 18th century and make observations on this population’s localization in the watersheds of the main local rivers of Tym, Ket’, Parabel’, Chaja, and Chulym. Keywords: Selkups, Ostyaks, toponymy, hydronyms, habitat | 1025 | |||||
2645 | This article describes the possibilities of using modern information technologies in education as one of the most important and sustainable mechanisms to enhance the learning process at school. Keywords: interactive learning technologies, distant education, resource provision | 1025 | |||||
2646 | The method of neutron activation analysis found 14 elements content in the plants that are recommended for use in traditional medicine in pulmonary tuberculosis. It was proved that all of the proposed sites contain macro and micronutrients in comparable amounts. Especially rich in Ca is Medicago satнva L. Especially rich in potassium is Trifolium pratense L. and shoots of Rubus idaeus L. The results show the possibility of using all the proposed medicinal plants in the herbal medicine of pulmonary tuberculosis. Keywords: Herbal medicine, pulmonary tuberculosis, the chemical elements | 1025 | |||||
2647 | Efficiency of the lymphatic drainage massage of the lower limbs in comparison with a classical massage is studied in the article. A greater reduction effect of a lymphatic drainage massage in a pre-contest period of skiers is revealed. Keywords: rehabilitation means, lymphatic drainage massage, skiing | 1025 | |||||
2648 | The article proves modern museum of science and technology to be a multistructural and multifunctional institute, which is developing and using the wide range of traditional and up-to-date forms of museum and pedagogical activities serving for educational and leisure purposes. Keywords: museum of science and technology, museum and pedagogical activities, forms of museum and pedagogical activities | 1025 | |||||
2649 | Introduction. This article deals with the theoretic issues of the Kazakh linguistics. In spite of short history of studying the Kazakh language (it began to be studied since only the second part of the 19th century), this time was enough to the Kazakh linguistic tradition to form and to develop. However, the work characterizing the main features of the formation of this tradition has not been carried out until today. The aim of the article is to describe peculiarities of formation of the Kazakh linguistic tradition. Material and methods. The work being carried out is based on the results of a theoretical analysis of the characteristics of other linguistic traditions. Since the object of study is not the language itself, but the methods of its research, structural contrastive analysis is given to the main place among other methods. Results and discussion. Conducted analysis has demonstrated that the Arabic writing system which was used for the Kazakh texts at the 19th century made some linguists to analyze some spheres of the Kazakh language (for example, its system of consonants) in terms of the Arabic linguistic tradition. However, the main part of the theory of the Kazakh linguistics is formed under the influence of the European linguistic tradition because its researchers were educated according to the last one. The principles and approaches of the European linguistic tradition were transferred to the Kazakh language, thanks to which the Kazakh linguistic tradition was able to quickly and qualitatively develop in a relatively short period of time. However, applying of the European linguistics approaches to analyzing some of the language elements has led to forming erratic concepts conflicting with the language nature. Some of the modern linguists claim that some of the existing concepts need to be reviewed according to the peculiarities of an exploring language. Conclusion. This article contains a unique analysis of the main peculiarities of the Kazakh linguistic tradition including the level of its independence, reasons of its formation, its language basis, inherent approach to exploring language, ways of understanding the standard, the way of language description, the scope of the language system exploration, the type of description and ways of phonetics, morphology and syntax descriptions. In this article, the results of research in various spheres of Kazakh linguistics are united in a single tradition. The results of the study are useful for lectures on comparative typology and Turkology. Keywords: linguistic tradition, historical aspects, the Kazakh language, European linguistics, Arabic linguistics, missionary work | 1025 | |||||
2650 | The article characterizes the condition of West Siberian Teachers’ Institutes during the First World War. It shows the influence of The war on the inner life and order of these institutions and describes the process of crisis phenomenon intensification in the field of pedagogical education against the background of social and economic problems in wartime. Keywords: West Siberian Teachers Institutes, the First World War, pedagogical education | 1024 |