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2701 | This article provides a method for analyzing text clips, developed by the author on the basis of theoretical reflection on contemporary research in linguistics of text. As examples to demonstrate the practical application of the methodology used clips “итак” and “таким образом” with different text functions. Keywords: text, text clip, method of analysis, left context, right context, connection of components | 1023 | |||||
2702 | This article presents a model of social development of younger schoolboys by means of adaptive pedagogy. Adaptive pedagogy is actual and modern trend in training and education of children. We offer methodical means and receptions which have been realized in the course of physical training. However, they can be applied in other subjects or out-of-class activities. Keywords: social development of the person, primary school students, comprehensive school, adaptive pedagogy, adaptive school, model of adaptive educational process, model of social development, physical training | 1023 | |||||
2703 | It is possible to coverts the methods of physics labs workshop in the direction their implementation as mono-disciplinary mini-projects research, performed by small groups of students, and contributing to the development of metadisciplinary competence. As an example, the methodology of computer simulations is described to be performed in the laboratory workshop of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Keywords: physical experiment, physical workshop, computer simulation, virtual models, methods of teaching physics | 1023 | |||||
2704 | The article considers forms of adaptive behaviour that are fundamental for the sociogenesis, that is, for the evolutionary process, during which cognitive abilities have been formed. The decisive role in this process belongs to the artifi cial phylogenetic human activity, which gave the start sociogenesis and appearance of cultural forms of social behaviour. The synthesis of these forms of activity is the result of the development of symbolic and evolutionarily new human mental abilities. Keywords: adaptation, activity, behaviour, sociogenesis | 1023 | |||||
2705 | On the basis of the analysis of theoretical aspects of a studied problem, organizational conditions of formation of professional competence of the teacher of modern higher education institution, as an essential element of system of postgraduate preparation are offered. Keywords: organizational conditions, principles of training of teachers, administrative conditions, material conditions, personnel conditions | 1023 | |||||
2706 | The formation aspects of professional motivation within educational activity are observed. The rise and development features of students’ professional motivation in various study periods are analyzed on the basis of research data evaluation and generalization. Keywords: motivation, educational activity, professional activity | 1023 | |||||
2707 | The article observes the problem of genesis of the concept of «nationalism» in culture. The following prerequisites of the genesis of the concept of nationalism are dentified: the formation of the concept «their», the concept «foreign», the emergence of the concept of the nation. It is concluded that the concept of multidimensionality of the nation and it is derived from the concept of nationalism, which accounts for the complexity of the definition of the concept in scientific discourse at the level of everyday consciousness. Keywords: nationalism, concept, concept of nationalism, concept «ours», concept «foreigner», nation, ethnicity, nationality, genesis | 1023 | |||||
2708 | One of the major problems that currently acquires great importance is the aging of the population. The prevalence of mental disorders among persons aged 60 years, on average, is higher than in the general population. Universally accepted definition of mental aging is considered as a process of age-related changes of higher mental functions, characterizing the final period of human life. With age, there are significant structural and functional changes in the body naturally, having individual differences, in turn changing the mark on the functioning of the individual. Age factors impose a significant imprint on the occurrence, dynamics and correction of neurotic disorders. Non-psychotic mental disorders in elderly age have their specifics differ from those occurring in other age periods and therefore require a different approach to therapy. This article discusses the possibility of psychological assistance to elderly patients with non-psychotic mental disorders. Keywords: non-psychotic mental disorders, gerontology, a system of relations, neurotic conflict, psychological aid, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, adaptation | 1023 | |||||
2709 | The article dwells on certain aspects of the correlation between the mind units and language units. Addressing the issues of mind in order to investigate the connection between the language units semantics and mental images makes it possible to single out general, individual and culturally marked components of reality cognition. Different approaches to the term image are under consideration. The reconstruction of the mind images that appear to be the result of differently channeled cognition processes has been attempted at. It is suggested that the mind images create a certain basis as soon as they reflect the results of the reality cognition confined within a culture as well as individual interpretation of the perceptual information. This cognitive basis serves in turn as a foundation for the image of the world, and a motivating ground for the language units semantics. Imagery may be treated as one of the ways of reality conceptualization. Keywords: mind images, perceptual information, cognitive basis, imagery | 1023 | |||||
2710 | Interrelation between Tajik proverbial corpus and peculiarities of national mentality, not discussed earlier, is considered in the article. Key features of Tajik/Persian mentality have been distinguished and highlighted by scoping literary review on the problem. The strata of 950 Tajik and Persian proverbs was searched to find characteristic features of national psychology and analyze them to discover specific peculiarities of world outlook and national ideology. Features of national mentality, verbally fixed in folk phraseology, specify psychological portrait of Tajik ethnicity and discover possibilities of national language to add important details to understanding of national culture and historical development. Keywords: national mentality, culture, Tajik language, proverbs | 1023 | |||||
2711 | The article presents an analysis of the linguistic means of expression of semantics of mental and physical states and their functional load in the stories by L. S. Petrushevskaya. In the process of representation of the studied semantics the traditional two-component models (the predicate and the carrier of the state) are characteristic of the syntactic level, on the semantic level attention focuses on the degree of intensity and depression. The simplicity of language means of expression is one of the key characteristics of creative works by L. S. Petrushevskaya. Conversational vocabulary, abundant urban slang, simple sentences, short gloomy phrases of the characters create a special artistic world of the author. In characters’ feelings expression there are no middle, neutral, «etiquette» of emotions, there is always felt anguish and emotional intensity: loved, wept, hard, etc. Hate is expressed indirectly, through the prism of despair and powerlessness. An analysis of the semantics of language means of expression in L. S. Petrushevskaya’s stories states the evidence of their artistic significance in the process of describing characters’ images. Laconic and simple shapes clearly highlight the depth of the feelings and experiences of the characters, the description of the emotional, physical and mental state generates a representation of the inner world of the characters, their perception of reality. Keywords: semantics of the state, story, model, character | 1023 | |||||
2712 | The article deals with the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad. As the title implies the article describes general research context of the phenomenon and focuses on the research of the Russian-language emigrant newspapers. In general research the context of the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad, basic approaches and research aspects are analyzed. The analysis of approaches and aspects is based on research works published in Russia since 1990s. The author refers to sociolinguistic, lingvocultural and intergrated methods of the research to basic approaches. Research aspects of the phenomenon are presented as branches, waves and generations of the Russian emigration. The article provides in detail two branches of the Russian emigration which are differentiated to the geographical principle – the West and the East Russian emigration. It is also reported about the diachronic aspect of the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad – waves of the Russian emigration and the sociolinguistic and language description of their typical representatives are given. In addition to this the synchronic aspect is described – the Russian language of generations within the scope of waves. In the general context of the research phenomenon of the Russian language abroad the author gives much attention to the Russian language of ethnic Germans who emigrated from Russia to Germany in 1990s. The object of the research is modern Russian-language newspapers of Russian Germans who live in Germany. The author analyses the structure of the Russian-language printed emigrant newspaper market in Germany and points out modern tendencies in the Russian language of newspapers of Russian Germans in Germany. Keywords: sociolinguistics, the Russian language abroad, branches of Russian emigration, waves of Russian emigration, generations of emigration, Russian-language emigrant newspapers, Russian Germans, ethnic identity | 1023 | |||||
2713 | Kucherenko S. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 63-67 . | 1022 | |||||
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2715 | The obtained data of morphofunctional condition and blood hormone levels of rats thyroid glands under 5 days exposure of hypokinezia, cold and their combination are presented. It was established that cold exposure in combination with hypokinezia gave rise to compromising reaction of thyroid gland, when there were elements of reaction to both hypokinezia and cold. Some of follicles in central gland,s zone were in condition of great functional stress, but the rest of part (it was more than 2 volume) was in deep depression of synthesis and secretion. So considerable deficiency of thyroid hormones in organism appeared and it lead to heavy breach of metabolism, weakening of the mechanisms of thermoregulation and even to the death of some rats at the end of the experiment. | 1022 | |||||
2716 | The article gives the critical analysis of biomorphoiogical terminology that is used in modern botany. Different approaches to the plant life form as a key term in biomorphology that are taken in different Russian and Western European research schools are discussed. On the base of the icritical analysis, expediency of physiognomic approach to the definition of plant life form is shown. | 1022 | |||||
2717 | The article treats some peculiarities of the use of fairytale allusions which have become an integral part of English-speaking literature. | 1022 | |||||
2718 | The new book is characterized as the first investigation of genealogy and various family relations of the writer complementary the creative history of his works. | 1022 | |||||
2719 | The work relates to communicative stylistics of text and devoted to the problem of effectiveness of author and reader communication. In the article we research individual communicative “universalities” – “maxims” of B. Pasternak, which are regarded as individual (typical for the author) constructive principles of text building. The “maxims” analysis and their description are realized with the help of “testing standard” and common rules of verbal-fiction text building. | 1022 | |||||
2720 | The poem «A cool and mild breath is coming from the iake,,,» («C oзepa вeeт npoxлaда...» (1854)) by Ph.l. Tyutchev, a translation of an extract from F. Shilier's «William Tells, is compared with the original. The differences are viewed as an explication of two different pictures of the world, The author of the article formulates the regularities forming the system unity of Ph.l. Tyutchev's poetry. | 1022 | |||||
2721 | This paper focuses on the analysis of media technologies used by mass communication media for the beginning of information war. Ethnic and nation conflicts are considered in the perspective of construction theory of society as initiated in the frames of information space. | 1022 | |||||
2722 | In this paper, we first explore the process of history writing and teaching in Soviet autonomies using the concept of ethnic enclosure as a framework to examine the way the distant past is presented in history textbooks published locally in the Soviet Union. We then show the conflicting character of ethnic historical narratives in the textbooks of rival ethnic groups and, next, discuss the legacy of the Soviet policy of ethnic enclosure as reflected in school textbooks published after the demise of the Soviet Union. | 1022 | |||||
2723 | This article is devoted a new strategy of education – communicative didactics. It focuses on the subjective nature, axiological basis, dialogue, conflict management, etc. Foreign sources, analysing scientific approaches to this problem are investigated | 1022 | |||||
2724 | The article concerns with the questions of personal readiness for pedagogical occupation and communication. It is devoted to the results of the domestic scientists’ investigations revealing the nature of professional readiness for pedagogical communication. Special attention is paid to determination and interpretation of the components’ nature of students’ readiness in pedagogical colleges. The article applies to college teachers and psychologists | 1022 | |||||
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2726 | Valuation of the phytomass, mortmass and net primary production with tree in mire of ecosystems in middle taiga West Siberia Keywords: Mire, West Siberia, biological productivity, clean primary product | 1022 | |||||
2727 | In article the communicative nature of creativity is considered: its paradoxicality, ambivalence, interaction of oppositional phenomena. The communicative perspective allows to realize a holistic principle of research of variety of creativity in psychological practices and the vital world of the person, group, society, culture. Keywords: creativity, the communications, opposition, the person, sense, culture, education, practice | 1022 | |||||
2728 | Wiki, blogs, and social networks are considered in report as powerful tools to develop the communicative competence of teachers, and to use the computer technology in pedagogical practice. Keywords: Wiki, blogs, social networks, communicative competence, personal educative environments, Life Long Learning | 1022 | |||||
2729 | The article represents a variant of interpretation of the meaning of ornamental motifs of Kulajsky cultural and historical community that had been living in Ob’s region in the Early Iron Age. Keywords: ornament, motif, sacral texts, equivalence, semantics, hunting and fishing implements | 1022 | |||||
2730 | The phenomenon of transformation of folklore motives in the works of contemporary writer Denis Osokin, as well as their connection with the poetics of comic on the material of the book “Ladies of Poplar” is investigated. Keywords: comic, folklore, corporality, mythological motives | 1022 | |||||
2731 | The article in the framework of historical and pedagogical analysis of the phenomenon of school education identifies stages in the formation of this form of differentiated education, analyzes the reasons for poor rural schools profiling. Keywords: profile education, historiography, stages of formation of special education, rural school | 1022 | |||||
2732 | The article under consideration is the result of the research in the field of English numeral word-forming processes taking place in modern English grammar concerning their morphological status, whether the numerals should be referred to the nominative or functional parts of speech. The ground for this research is the fact that they are treated in quite contradictory ways by the native English-speaking linguists headed by Sir Randolph Quirk and Russian Anglicists. Keywords: word-building or word-forming processes, word-forming model, the English numeral morphological status, nominal and functional parts of speech, open-class and close-class words, determiner | 1022 | |||||
2733 | This article is the result of study of the problem of theoretical investigations of pedagogical conditions of scientific and humanistic knowledge integration of humanity students. Methodological aspects of scientific and humanistic knowledge integration are considered in this article. Also the theoretical aspects of formation of integrated worldview are described. Keywords: integration, humanization, methodology, scientific education, synergy, conceptions of natural science | 1022 | |||||
2734 | The article is devoted to the model of sports blow, taking account the influence of muscular efforts, concerning the values of dynamic characteristics of the blow. All the characteristics of the blow, regarded in the model, are defined by the suggested measuring and programmed complex. The results of approbation of the model under the conditions of the training process have been cited. Keywords: sports blow, muscular efforts, characteristics of collision, characteristics of percussive motion, perfection of percussive motion, calculated values and experimental data | 1022 | |||||
2735 | The article is the result of study of the system individual valuation sets in 112 teachers from educational institutions. The study brought out the structure of professional attitude towards children of the teachers from educational institutions. Keywords: system of individual evaluation sets, personal attitude towards children, attitude towards children of the teachers from educational institutions | 1022 | |||||
2736 | In the paper various interpretations and functioning of the pedagogical concepts competence and competency are considered. Our investigations of professional competence of the teacher have shown that in the modern educational paradigm there are four senses, put in the meaning of the given concept: pragmatic, educational, general pedagogical and personality senses. At the end we concluded that in most general view competence of the teacher in modern educational paradigm integrates cognitive (knowledge), operational (methods of activity and readiness for activity realization) and axiological (availability of certain values) aspects. Keywords: educational paradigm, competence, competency, teacher, cognitive, operational and axiological aspects of competence | 1022 | |||||
2737 | The competence of vocational training is considered as the main purposes in realisation of the federal state educational standards. In the construction of the competent model of vocational training of the graduate they are as the integrating beginning. The realisation competent models on the basis of communication and integration of subject matters into preparation of the music teacher analyses the question on the maintenance and features of the given processes. Keywords: competent model, communication of disciplines, integration of disciplines | 1022 | |||||
2738 | The article deals with the present problem of professional competence of future specialists. There was defined the conceptual apparatus of the problem, which characterizes the professional competence of the university graduates. It is shown that the competence-based approach requires an increase in the level of language training of future specialists. Special attention is paid to the fact that for the solution of this issue requires the formation of polylingual personality. Keywords: competence, competent specialist, polylingual setting, polylingual education, polylingual personality | 1022 | |||||
2739 | The article presents the results of Tomsk scientist and social counselor V. S. Pirussky’s research about medical and pedagogic approach to the problem of organizing the educational handicraft, aimed at rehabilitation and development of children and adolescents. After thorough studying of archival sources, the author inferred that the understanding of craft as a means of physical education of students allowed V. S. Pirussky to create the original education program, including age-classification of craft and characterization of the educational effects of craft. Keywords: Vladislav S. Pirussky, medical and pedagogic approach, craft, handicraft, physical education, health preservation, history of pedagogy | 1022 | |||||
2740 | The article discusses pragmalinguistic peculiarities of interrogatives. These characteristics are analyzed at comparing interrogatives to other speech acts. Interrogatives as speech acts have an illocutionary force and a perlocutionary effect similar to those of directive speech acts. The illocutionary force of interrogatives is connected with communicative manipulation when asking for or checking information by referring to another person. The perlocutionary effect of interrogatives is either this person agrees or does not agree to share information. Directive speech acts are also connected with communicative manipulation and the perlocutionary effect of directive speech acts is either the other person agrees or does not agree to fulfill the action. However, interrogatives differ from other speech acts (directive speech acts including) by their locutionary and propositional characteristics. Interrogatives are constructed in a special way and do not contain reference to the answer. At least these locutionary and propositional characteristics of interrogatives makes it possible to consider interrogatives as a separate group of speech acts. Analysis of interrogative speech acts in contemporary American films show that 70 % of interrogatives are used as direct speech acts, i.e. to ask for information or to check information. One fourth of interrogatives contains second illocutions, in most cases these are reproach, indignation and pleading. Interrogatives as indirect speech acts are used in 20 % of utterances mainly to express suggestions. Rhetorical (false) questions are used only in 10 % of interrogative utterances. Keywords: pragmalinguistics, speech acts, interrogatives, American English | 1022 | |||||
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2742 | Fedorova E. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 25-27 | 1021 | |||||
2743 | The calculations clearly show that the calculated by B3LYP/II and B3LYP/3-21G* 35CI frequencies correlate with the experimental values are the same. On the other hand the QCC values calculated with use of the pseudo potential for the central atoms provided much lower than the experimental ones. At the same time the QCC values of the central atoms calculated by B3LYP/3-21G* were well correlated with experimental values. The ZPE corrected complexation energies of the SbCI5L complexes do not upgrade the binding energies towards the experimental Gutmann's donor numbers. The donor-acceptor bonds for all complexes have a high degree of ionic character. The Wiberg bond order values determine of the detection of the metal-ligand bond orbitals with the exception of niobium complexes by NBO approach. The value of Wiberg bond order must be not lesser than 0.3. The donor-acceptor interactions of main-group elements such as Sb and Sn described in terms of the sp hybridization just as these interactions of transition metal elements mean sd hybridization. | 1021 | |||||
2744 | The author of the article is reviewing K.A. Barsht's monograph «The Poetics of Andrej Platonov's prose». The book is evaluated against the background of multi¬ple investigations dealing with different pieces and as¬pects of the creative work of the writer. The author of the article points out that K.A. Barsht has investigated the whole of Platonov's prose as a poetical system, he has discovered and described very convincingly the basic images - signs of Platonov's prose and their semantic chains recreating the original ontology and cosmology of the writer. | 1021 | |||||
2745 | The soil is traditionally considered as a main source of microelements in the plants, but it is established, that vegetative cover accumulates the considerable part of the fallen dust out of atmosphere, that is why along with the mechanical hoid-up of the aerosols by leaves of the plants it is possible out-rooted penetrance of the big ammountof the vitaly important microelements and heavy metals. The source of the atmospheric microelements can be both Earth's and space substance. | 1021 | |||||
2746 | The article is devoted to the studying of seasonal conditions that have their own instruments of control¬ling company profit and one of them is controlling the price of producing goods in accordance with changes of demand on it. Keywords: price, demand, seasonal variations, pro¬fit, goods store. | 1021 | |||||
2747 | In the work the author suggests and justifies the new classification of the component content of technology and entrepreneurship teacher training, which includes combination of subject-cycle and concrete-special approaches. In the article the author demonstrates that the proposed structure excludes terminology divergences of the realization and terminological mechanism | 1021 | |||||
2748 | The article deals with the different types of communicative conditionality of word-formation processes: the correlation of word-formation with the formal aspects of textual structure and the conceptual development of national discourse. | 1021 | |||||
2749 | The article discusses the problems that are connected with the revision of epistemological principals in the contemporary philosophy. Trends that form new concept of cognition: antysubstantionalism, antyfoundamentalism, pluralism are analysed. The article shows that non-classical approaches do not deny traditional epistemology but supplement it. The foundation of such interaction is communicative ontology. Communication is presented as united principle in modern conditions when reality becomes pluralistic and heterogeneous. | 1021 | |||||
2750 | The article considers the questions of formation and work of labor courts in Russia at the beginning of 20th Century. The problems connected with examining individual labor debate of the present are analyzed. The proposals of organizing labor courts in Russia are submitted. The article also gives analysis of jurisdiction | 1021 |