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2751 | The article is devoted to study of correspondence of K. P. Pobedonostsev, famous statesman of the second half of the 19th century, with journalists. Correspondence is published and it is a great source on educational history, as K. P. Pobedonostsev was an attorney-general of Holy Synod and he was in charge of education in Russia since 1880 Keywords: education, educational history in Russia, history of the 19th century, K. P. Pobedonostsev | 1021 | |||||
2752 | In this article «A Writer's Dairy» is analyzed as the unique example of representation of F. M. Dostoevsky's existential experience. The events of author's private life, comprehension of vast layers of human being experience and its social, psychological features acquire universal character and become the part of an extra personal whole. The content of «A Writer's Dairy» by Dostoevsky is focused on the basic concept «victim», which enables the victimological discourse of the text. The legitimacy of victimological discourse distinguishing is confirmed by the analysis of genre features (synthesis of dairy, confessionary and publicistic principles, «genre of public confession», «publicistic cycle»), macrostructure of the text (dividing on chapters, use of insert texts), aspect consideration each chapter unity (thematic, referential, eventual, timely). Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, discourse, reflection, existential consciousness, «frontier situation», genre, «A Writer's Dairy» | 1021 | |||||
2753 | The article describes the activity of an outstanding scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the founder of Tomsk academic science – V. E. Zuev. Author accents the questions, connected with preparatory work of foundation of the first academic institute and formation of the structure of Tomsk scientific center of Siberian department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He also shows the significant role of the scientist in establishment of the network of research institutions in Tomsk city, gives the main data of life history of V. E. Zuev. Keywords: academician, V. E. Zuev, institute, science, research, scientific center, Tomsk State University, scientist, laboratory | 1021 | |||||
2754 | The article deals with preparation of future teachers of informatics, mathematics, and specialists in the field of information systems at Pedagogical University in the sphere of computational geometry. The subject is fundamental component of informatics domain and its amplification by “Elements of computational geometry” teaching. The components of methods of computational geometry elements teaching in terms of pedagogical institute are stated. Keywords: fundamental/fundamental nature, computer science, methods of teaching, computational geometry | 1021 | |||||
2755 | This paper examines the point system of evaluation, which is the most obvious integrating factor of the global education space, the main diagnostic tool in learning and implementing the feedback, as well as most clearly embodies the principles that underlie the educational process. This article describes the results obtained using this system of evaluation. Keywords: point system of evaluation, rating, module, algorithm, ranking | 1021 | |||||
2756 | Various approaches to family studying in the humanities through a prism of the phenomenological approach are considered. Changes in the institute of the family and, as a consequence, in seed relations demand reconsideration of methodology of its studying. The modern family is studied on a joint of sciences, in the given article an attempt of analysis and generalisation of key methodological approaches to family studying is undertaken. Keywords: a family, science methodology, research principles, family relations, family pedagogics | 1021 | |||||
2757 | In the article the originality of aesthetic actualisation of the concept the city of Tomsk in regional poetry comes to light. The author allocates four directions of associative-semantic expansion of the concept: topological, anthropological, cultural-historical and mythological. It is possible to consider that the basic tendency of realisation of the concept in the regional poetic discourse is a mythologization of the image of the city by means of use of laudatory rhetoricians. Keywords: aesthetic actualisation of concept, a regional poetic discourse, directions of associative-semantic expansion | 1021 | |||||
2758 | In the article the stem-building suffix -k(V) characterize different thematic groups, which can help to determine the diapason of the meanings and to find out functional specialties of this element. Keywords: stem-building suffix, thematic groups, meanings, functional specialties. | 1021 | |||||
2759 | This research is devoted to features of a newspaper style (category of social evaluation). Valery Nemirov’s works (newspaper “Kuznetsky rabochy”, Novokuznetsk) are materials for analysis. Methods and means representing social evaluation are described in the article. Keywords: a newspaper style, artistic social and political essays, an author, social evaluation | 1021 | |||||
2760 | This article presents results of the authors in research about elaboration and realization the program by forming joint activities of students during practical training in physics and the formation of physical ideas at the project level of students in schools and technical university in the organization process of children and the teacher. Keywords: joint activity of children, students, competence to solve problems, forming physical ideas | 1021 | |||||
2761 | The article considers the aspects of interaction between translation science and linguistics. Primarily, such notions as the original foreign text, the denotative contents and the essence of interpreter’s work in terms of linguistics are specified. Further, difficulties in transmission of denotative contents of original foreign texts, which are dependent on the correlation types among the elements of the original and the translating language in the context of comparative vocabulary analysis, are reviewed. Keywords: original foreign texts, denotative contents, translation, linguistic sign, frame | 1021 | |||||
2762 | The article describes the structure and semantics of the female images in the early stories by B. K. Zaitsev. During the analysis we singled out typological features, stylistic means of expression, evolution of the writer from 1906 to 1911. Keywords: russian literature in the beginning of the 20th century, B. K. Zaitsev’s prose, female images, philosophy by V. S. Solowiev | 1021 | |||||
2763 | The article deals with the problem of designing the content of mathematical education, which realizes requirements of the federal state educational standard of the general education and promotes control of results of the training directed on formation of universal educational actions. The approach to creation of the special educational tasks promoting formation of universal educational actions of pupils in the 5–6 grades is offered. This system of tasks is used for self-checking, intermediate and total control of formation of universal educational actions. Keywords: universal educational actions, subject and metasubject results of training, levels of formation of universal educational actions | 1021 | |||||
2764 | The article presents the analysis of one of aspects of formation of existential consciousness of F. M. Dostoyevsky – the influences of axiological systems of sentimentalism and romanticism on formation of an art method of the writer. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, existential consciousness, sentimentalism, romanticism, art method, “fantastic realism”, axiology, reflection, V. A. Zhukovsky, “Crime and punishment” | 1021 | |||||
2765 | The paper is devoted to one of unique artifacts of the Bronze Age – the mirror. These artifacts have been found in Tomsky and Elovsky II grave fields in the Tomsk Ob Region. The Elovsky II grave field contains 370 graves of the Andronovo and Elovo cultures, but mirrors have been found only in 12 graves. They belong to two groups: diskshaped and square mirrors. The paper analyzes the positions of mirrors in graves and persons to whom they were placed. As concluded, they were rarely placed to men, more often to women and children. In addition, the analysis of grave goods shows that children graves are especially rich in artifacts. This is typical of some burial grounds of the Bronze Age discovered in different areas. Mirrors had several functions: it was used as a fashion accessory, as an amulet, and as a symbol of belonging to elite and authority. Over a long period of time (the Bronze and Iron ages), mirrors had different functions in different areas and archaeological cultures. Keywords: archaeology, archaeological culture, metal mirrors, ritual, magic, cult, human settlements, grave field | 1021 | |||||
2766 | The article is devoted to the research of the system of Dostoyevsky’s pedagogical ideas realized in the text of “A Writer`s Diary”. As a statement of the problem, the writer’s pedagogical ideas are analyzed in the context of artistic, aesthetic, moral, philosophical and social problems which are comprehended in the monomagazine and have distinct focus to activization of a value position of the reader. The complex of the pedagogical ideas of Dostoyevsky in the context of insufficient study of “The diary of the writer” acquire the status of a current scientific and methodological problem, to the study of which the science of Dostoyevsky in a format of integral monologic research did not apply. In the system of pedagogical dominants of Dostoyevsky, the following are distinguished: family, public education (environment, school, teacher’s image) and spirituality. Considering a person as a spiritual-corporal creature, the writer shows the importance of creation of conditions of the personal value choice which should be provided by the concerned involvement of adults, creation of the “soil” in the form of family space, spiritual imperatives of the Russian culture and traditions of the Russian people. Education in Dostoyevsky’s concept represents dialogical process of spiritual communication of the persons-subjects, capable of understanding and acceptance, mutual moral perfection. The analysis of the pedagogical ideas of Dostoyevsky is also significant for the national educational policy not only in the field of teaching Russian and literature, but also for the practical solution of questions of spiritual and moral upbringing and education. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, “A Writer`s Diary”, author, values, Orthodoxy, Russian culture, spiritual and moral education, moral, consciousness, childhood, “casual family”, dialogue, people, parents, teacher, subject, Strategy of development of education in the Ru | 1021 | |||||
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2768 | In the article we consider idea that culture can renders a great positive influence to the education in the present time, if we prefer the traditional fundamental values of society. This situation is compared with reform of education in the rast. West traditional values and Russian traditional values and its influence to the education are analysed in the article. | 1020 | |||||
2769 | In E.M. Afanasjeva’s article the poetic background of the basic Christian pray is investigated on the example of the analysis of transpositions by V.A. Zhukovsky, V.K. Kjuhel’bekera, A.A. Fet, N.A. Dobroljubov nd others. On the background of Christian traditions of interpretation the evangelic texts and philosophical religious disputes the laws of art dialogue of the XIX century poets with religious tradition are established. The nature of author’s transpositions of the evangelical primary source is comprehended from the viewpoint of religious – aesthetic self-determination of Russian writers. | 1020 | |||||
2770 | The article deals with the problem of text formation peculiarity in the sphere of scientific activity, and mainly with the question of the dynamics of new and former knowledge representation in scientific discourse. Scientific knowledge is treated as a unit of sense structure analysis of text. Former and new knowledge are regarded as components of scientific knowledge, their dialectical unity makes a certain mechanism of scientific text building. It is also given an extralinguistical motivation of the fact, of knowledge components alternation. | 1020 | |||||
2771 | -The article presents a mathematical model of High Educational Establishment (HEE) activity. A program system training simulator of HEE management is created on the basic of this model. The training simulator is oriented for the process of training and retraining of administrative staff. The specifity of the model is that it meets russian real-life conditions and it reflects various aspects of Higher Educational Establishment activity: monitoring of educational process, students and staff, admission committee, infrastructure and etc. Keywords: Education Establishment activity model | 1020 | |||||
2772 | Results of theoretical calculations of optimum swampiness of small reservoirs here are presented. For parameters of the optimality is accepted the efficiency of the decreasing in maximum levels of water in rivers during the freshet period, due to a time stretching of the slope inflow duration of water to the channels of the rivers. Keywords: оптимальная заболоченность, малый водосбор, максимальный уровень воды, склоновый приток | 1020 | |||||
2773 | The article considers the relations of parents (father and mother ) to children with support of a teenager’s (boy and girl) privacy. The authors reveal types of parents’ influence on the parameters of a teenager’s privacy. Keywords: privacy, sovereignty, teenager, parents’ relation, privacy support | 1020 | |||||
2774 | In the article the regularity of semantic derivations and origin of such category of words as adjectives, negative particles, pronouns, and postpositions in Selkup are given. The research is based on the names of mythic ancestors worshiped by the members of the Selkup nation. Morphemic division of the lexemes let define their possible initial meaning. The fact that the names of mythic ancestors are tabooed led to the process of euphemisation. Keywords: the Selkup language, genonymum, euphemism, taboo, semantics, symbolism | 1020 | |||||
2775 | The article considers issues of designing the course of technical translation for MSc from the angle of its motivational constituent. Pedagogical and psychological aspects of senior year students (Masters) have been viewed. Types of exercises developed for the course in technical translation have been analyzed with motivational exercises to be stated as basic ones Keywords: technical documentation translation, specialists of non-linguistic higher institution, motivation, motivating exercises, pedagogical and psychological aspects of senior year students, linguistic and professional competence | 1020 | |||||
2776 | The words denoting meteorological phenomena are analysed in the paper. Some words are marked by consonantal stem-building suffixes which indicated active/animate nouns in Proto-Indoeuropean. A lot of these words belong to a vowel declension in Gothic that is connected with the change of the attitude to the world and the loss of an animate meaning. Despite this, etymological, morphological and lexico-semantic analysis proves that the words of this lexicosemantic group related to the active class in the past and meteorological/ atmospheric phenomena were accepted as animate by ancient Indo-Europeans. Keywords: Meteorological phenomena, stem-building suffixes, lexico-semantic combinatory, activity/animateness, ancient Germans | 1020 | |||||
2777 | The paper deals with a model of tolerant interaction which is considered as a vital point in the work of adult educators. The author studies a concept of tolerance as one of the key elements in subject-to-subject (adult to adult) relationship, opposite to subject-to-object (adult to child), specifies structural characteristics of an object quality, and analyzes professional and personal traits of adult educators which are of paramount importance for a successful educational process. Keywords: model, quality, subject-to-subject relationship, tolerance, professional and personal traits of an adult educator. | 1020 | |||||
2778 | Oxygen and carbon isotope content of Lake Siritkul sediments, accumulated during 11000–5000 14С yr. B.P. was studied. There was revealed coincidence of pollen-zones and climatic stages determined on the basis of isotopic analyses. The assumption of connection between atmospheric precipitation, evaporation and isotopic content of carbon and oxygen was confirmed with the help of pollen analysis. Keywords: Holocene, lake sediments, stable isotopes of carbon, oxygen isotopes ratio, pollen analysis | 1020 | |||||
2779 | This article presents a list of special competencies Master Teacher Education, the profile “Computer scienc ” in the field of information systems and the content of teaching computer science master’s sections relating to the design and development of information systems. Keywords: information system, life cycle of information system, special competencies, learning content | 1020 | |||||
2780 | Humanistic approaches to learning based on relationship of the teacher and the student. The problem for the development of such approaches may be difficult to establish the atmosphere of a dialogue. his article analyses the ten-year study conducted in the Linguistic University, which reflects some of the features of interpersonal relations among teachers and students. According to the author, the results indicate changes in relation to the main subjects of training due to the increasing role of humanistic trend in the outlook of teachers. Keywords: humanistic outlook, interpersonal relationships of teachers and students, the dynamics of evaluation relations, pedagogical conflicts | 1020 | |||||
2781 | In this article the problem of interrelations among the representatives of different generations within the same family is considered as the problem reflected in the specific character of spatial drama images, the central image of them is the image of home. The peculiarity of the plot elaboration of the spatial image reveals the specific character of the author2s solving the “fathers and children” problem by Naidyonov and Gorky. Keywords: a drama author, a hero, spatial stage and out-of-stage images, a drama plot | 1020 | |||||
2782 | The author considered the intensification of educational process, described contemporary interactive, multimedia and intensive technologies, suggested methodological recommendations for usage of different methods and technologies depending on aim, content and grade level in professional communication. Keywords: communicative competence, elements of education, intensification of education, interactive, role play and multimedia methods and technologies of education, methodological recommendations, aims, content of training | 1020 | |||||
2783 | Children and parents survey results are observed and analyzed to evaluate services provided by children health and leisure agencies in Tomsk region in 2013. The pressing problems and its handling are distinguished on the basis of research data evaluation and generalization. Keywords: summer children leisure, children health and leisure agencies, service quality | 1020 | |||||
2784 | This article analyzes the process of formation of the Russian scientific and pedagogical school at Professorial Institute of Dorpat. The author deals with the concept “scientific and pedagogical school” in the historical context of the first half of the 19th century as a special system of professors’ training for Russian universities. A special attention is paid to research activities of students of Professorial Institute, development of their skills of independent work and organization forms of practical training with students. The content of this training included both mastering the basics of research activities under the guidance of experienced mentor-professors, diving into it, and mastering effective forms of teaching their science, methods of initiation of students to it and developing their interest to scientific and pedagogical activities, desire to be engaged in it. Significant place in the article is devoted to the analysis of successive links in the chain of mentors-professors – Professorial Institute’ graduates – their students. Keywords: Professorial Institute of Dorpat, scientific school, scientific and pedagogical school, succession, research activities, professors of Russian universities in 19th century | 1020 | |||||
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2787 | From Ed. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 3-3 . | 1019 | |||||
2788 | In given paper are considered elements of computer systems of practical educating of weakly formalised discipline, prototyping ambience elements of waking specialist activity in the mode quasi reality. Noted that main difficulty in the similar system development is connected with that that mathematical models, showing main instrument of cognition and forming main volume of knowledge's in the majority of naturally scientific discipline, in biological and medical application domain of behoving development did not get. Besides, in given areas a majority of developing methodical approaches aside from different value possess an essential defect - an absence of dynamically interaction illustrative practical occupation material. In reporting presented examples of dynamic educating system development, answering practical directivity of education. The first example is presented methodical allowance on the dynamic evaluation of areas of contamination Tomsk city surges, including and emergency, which source are city services and enterprises. The second allowance presents itself an emulator of cardio - surgeon ambience on the base of full-scale writing information of real operations of patients of different diseases. The presented methodical material created on the base modern scientific mathematical and information technologies, called to raise efficiency of practical formation elements in weakly formalised branches of knowledge's. | 1019 | |||||
2789 | The problem of interrelation between the memory as a philosophical and sociological phenomenon. Basic conceptions of social memory: cognitive, associative, semi-ological are analyzed in the article. The model of research of social memory from the view of modal approach is proposed. 3 main degrees of reality, withing the framework of which social memory exists, are revealed. | 1019 | |||||
2790 | Now it is not enough to limit by biomechanical ana¬lysis already known forms of movements, and it is neces¬sary to develop technique of exercises with beforehand properties. And practically unique tool of researches in this direction is the simulation modeling of movements of the person on a personal computer. The article considers the technique of a construc¬tion of mathematical models of synthesis of a sports¬man's movements and shows the result of their crea¬tion. The adequacy of the developed mathematical models of a sportsman's movements to actual motive operations is considered and the error of their opera¬tion is evaluated. | 1019 | |||||
2791 | The experiment on rats shows that daily inhalation of UDP piezoceramics in dose 150 mg/m3 bring not only to the increase of separate element contents that are part of blood and liver whey of experimental animals, but also to histopathology change of liver parenchyma. Noted in 4 months from the beginning of experiment reduction of lead and chromium in liver concentration among the rats, getting inhalation of UDP, on the background of remaining high corresponding indicators of the blood whey, can be connected with the development of the habitation phase in reaction of adaptation. | 1019 | |||||
2792 | The paper considers the structure and function of "Pushkin's text", its role, creation of the 60-s, XIXth century epoch image in biographical memoirs-essay "Literary evenings at Pletnevs" by I.S. Turgenev. | 1019 | |||||
2793 | "Notes about N.I. Turgenev" by V.A. Zhukovsky is considered as a representation of the decembrist's type of personality. The decembrist's type of personality described by Zhukovsky-romanticist turns out to be rather fruitful for the development of a particular model of both Russian "political prose" and Russian literature on the whole. | 1019 | |||||
2794 | The article touches upon the development of the foreword as a traditional form of literary thinking represented in its two basic types; the author's foreword proper («an explaining one») and the «playing» foreword, which styles «a stanger's» mind and «a stranger's* speech. The latter is Interpreted as a literary form providing ground for thought over evolution in literature. | 1019 | |||||
2795 | The correlation of the adaptive physical culture as an integrative discipline with theory of physical culture as a basic discipline is considered, including its newest trends of development, philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, general and special pedagogy, humanistic psychology, valeology, as well as disciplines of medical and biological cycle: anatomy, general and particular pathology, genetics and other disciplines. It’s proved that adaptive physical culture and the disciplines enumerated above have general object, goal of pedagogical activity, common methodological approaches and principles, solve integrative common tasks from various angles and so should enrich and compliment each other. | 1019 | |||||
2796 | The article describes place and role of farmers of the US Midwest and pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class of Kolyvano-Voskresenskiy (Altai) region in the first half of the XIXth century. The politics of the government and Cabinet towards farmers and peasants households is analyzed. The author points out behavior stereotypes of the agrarians of the both countries and relates the given case to a comparative study of American farmers and Altai peasantry class tactics and adaptive behaviors for households in comparable surroundings founded on fundamental characteristics of agricultural households – justice, labor and worthy life. | 1019 | |||||
2797 | The article describes the history of the museum complex of TSPU which includes the museum of history of TSPU, the children museum named by A.M. Volkov, the picture gallery of TSPU. Special attention is paid to the innovation projects in the field of the museum pedagogy. | 1019 | |||||
2798 | The paper examines different aspects of globalization and its influence on the world educational environment. Informative technologies being the heart of the globalized world complicate processes of consciousness while increasing the role of universal knowledge. As education is the main source of knowledge new approaches and methodologies are being developed nowadays which are supposed to meet the requirements of a knowledge-based society. The paper considers the reasons inspiring a new educational paradigm as well as its components | 1019 | |||||
2799 | Article is dedicated to questions of the organization of patriotic training in the contemporary general education school on the basis of environmental approach. By the author is presented the experimental complex model of the medium of patriotic training, purpose of which is shaping in students and their nearest environment (teachers, parents) of high patriotic consciousness, feeling of faithfulness to its fatherland | 1019 | |||||
2800 | This article has points of actual questions of professional skills. Some pedagogical conditions of formation text competence are revealed as a part of being ready future economists for making its activities. The author’s opinion is about forms of organization educational process in university | 1019 |