# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2951 | The article reveals the essence of the concept, the criteria and the results of sex-role socialization of children of primary school age. It proves the positive effect of educational influences on the formation of social roles and cultural relations between boys and girls in the experience of parallel separate education and training. Keywords: socialization, social roles, gender role socialization, gender mainstreaming, parallel separate education and training | 1015 | |||||
2952 | The article deals with the present situation, problems and way-outs of educational system of special children in Tomsk region in the variety of its components: special, integrative and inclusive types of education are explored. Special attention is paid to distance learning as an important form of education being realized in different types of educational institutes. Keywords: children with special needs, handicapped children, special education, integrative education, inclusive education, distance learning, Tomsk region | 1015 | |||||
2953 | Modern approaches to formation of a professional orientation of future specialist of an education system are considered. On the basis of the analysis of features and synthesis of the data contained in pedagogical researches of the latest years, the author revealed and developed new approaches to formation of a professional orientation of the mathematics teacher. Features of vocational training are analyzed, perspective methodological approaches to training of future teacher are offered. Keywords: education, system, formation, teacher, professional orientation, development, interactive technologies | 1015 | |||||
2954 | The article presents the analysis of the concept essence “tolerance” in different sciences. Offers different classifications of tolerance. Of greatest interest to the study is the concept of “pedagogical tolerance”. It is proved, that the сoncept “pedagogical tolerance” can be represented as integrative characteristics of specialist of professional sphere “Man-Man”. The concept “pedagogical tolerance” can be regarded also as a kind of professional tolerance. Pedagogical tolerance is manifested in the implementation of pedagogical functions: organizational, educational, informational, controlling et al. They are necessary for the specialists of this professional sphere, for the successful implementation of their professional tasks. This allows to discover the essence of concept “pedagogical tolerance” as an interdisciplinary phenomenon. Keywords: tolerance, pedagogical tolerance, interdisciplinary phenomenon | 1015 | |||||
2955 | The paper presents the results of research on the study of the course of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations in the context of the competency approach to training future math teachers. As is known, models of real processes can be described in the language of mathematics, including by means of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. Ability to create such mathematical models and work with them is an integral part of the human culture. Thereby it is necessary to search for new approaches to the training of maths teachers, aimed at the formation of ideas about the role of models and modeling. In this connection the course of differential equations is essential means in attracting students to research work and for the formation of professional competence of the future teacher of mathematics. The course of differential equations plays a fundamental role in the professional training of mathematics teacher in terms of understanding the gist of the application and the practical orientation of teaching mathematics, mastery of the method of mathematical modeling. The course of differential equations and its methods give another tool for knowledge of the world, which allows to create a scientific understanding of the real physical space. The results presented in the paper allow us to conclude, that the involvement of students in research work in the framework of the course of differential equations not only promotes the overall development and professional training of the future teacher of mathematics, but also getting completely new results are important in the modern theory of differential equations and theoretical physics. Keywords: professional training of future maths teacher, professional competence, differential equations | 1015 | |||||
2956 | Churikov V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 56-57 . | 1014 | |||||
2957 | Baydak Alexandra V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 52-56 . | 1014 | |||||
2958 | Tyurina I. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 22-26 . | 1014 | |||||
2959 | This article represents by itself the historical survey of the Russian liberal phenomenon. The main author's thought is contained in that during all the times of the lib¬eral ideas existence in Russia, they penetrated in a kind of philosophic and religion discourse of intellectuals only. Thus the liberal traditions appeared in the narrow layer of Russian society. | 1014 | |||||
2960 | The article shows socioculturai conception of modern upbringing in contrast to before existed upbringing practices, independent and applied arts culture realize aesthetic upbringing. Besides modifications of art culture and upbringing models at the postmodern conception are shown. | 1014 | |||||
2961 | - | 1014 | |||||
2962 | Article is devoted to the description of preliminary results of International space crew communication ‘ psychological analysis. Certain evidence confirming existence of “information filtration” was found, as in space simulations, crews preferred not to share certain problems of their life with MC. They also demonstrated preferences in contacts, being more prone to talk with their confidents in MC. At the same time, certain psychological problems in adaptation caused well-known transfer of negative feelings to MC. Astronauts preferred to contact their national MC. MCs, in their turn, mostly addressed with information and requests to their own national astronauts. | 1014 | |||||
2963 | The paper deals with some types of school texts which help to develop students’ ability of math simulation. There are such texts which motivate students to introduce a parameter and solution of problems with parameters. That will give the possibility to investigate the completeness of presenting a problem and to teach students to estimate influence of changes of the conditions of the problem on mathematic model and the process of simulation on the whole. These texts were made use of teaching students to solve word problems. | 1014 | |||||
2964 | The author considers the methodical approaches used at the lessons of zoology, including the organization of problem situations, as the way of improvement the quality of education | 1014 | |||||
2965 | The article deals with the peculiarities of informative speech genres in discourse of ordinary personality. The main arts of messages are defined, which convert the gist of these genres. The generalization of signs of use of informative genres in the text body of German language personality is given. Keywords: German folk-spoken discourse, ordinary language personality, informative speech genres. | 1014 | |||||
2966 | In the article we make the detailed analysis of processes of transforming the innovatory information and forming the production line of innovations in macroeconomic systems. We worked out mathematical expressions, describing these processes. Analyzing those, we can define the structure of cumulative costs and also classify the sources of their occurrence. It gives us the opportunity to optimize the costs in order to minimize them. Keywords: economic systems, logistics, logistic analysis, flow of useful resources, production line of innovations, logistic operations, cumulative costs | 1014 | |||||
2967 | We review the background eld method for three-dimensional Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons models in N = 2 superspace. The background eld method and heat kernel techniques are applied for evaluating the low-energy effective actions in N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons models as well as in N = 4 and N = 8 SYM theories. Keywords: superspace, effective action, super Yang-Mills, super Chern-Simons models | 1014 | |||||
2968 | The problems of goals setting in a variety of studies devoted to the teachers training in the system of on-going pedagogic education, as well as the phased goal system planning of ethno regional training, are examined in the article. The succession and continuity in setting goals of pre-specialized, specialized, professional and postgraduate stages of training are shown. The justification of the necessity to focus on one target training results for schoolchildren, students and teachers in accordance with their individual needs, abilities, considering ethno regional peculiarities, is carried out. Keywords: ethno regional training, goal, system of continuous pedagogical training, the purpose of training teachers in ethno regional system of continuous teacher education | 1014 | |||||
2969 | The authors consider the nature and components of health-technologies, including in terms of improving physical training techniques. The article emphasizes the importance of polysubject approach in improving the organization of work with younger students. Keywords: Preservation and strengthening of health, health-saving technologies, fitness component polysubject approach | 1014 | |||||
2970 | In the work scientific and methodical bases of the elective course “Experience of Creative Activity in Geography Teachingо are presented. The value of this course in formation of professional motivation of future teacher of geography is shown. Features of teaching of a course for students of a correspondence department are reflected. The pedagogical conditions promoting effective teaching of this course are allocated. Keywords: professional motivation, experience of creative activity, elective course, future teacher, pedagogical conditions, professional self-development | 1014 | |||||
2971 | The tendency of considering education as a subject to subject process inherent in the educational theory in the last decade and its gradual spread in a number of pedagogical practices make timely formulation of the principle of dialogicality as the most important for pedagogy. It is reflected in the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, which specifies that the state policy in the sphere of education is based on mutual respect and nurturing humanistic nature of education. The result of the use of the principle of dialogic identity is dialogic personality developing in a dialogic educational environment. Keywords: dialogical, pedagogical principle, dialogical learning environment, foreign language dialogic discourse | 1014 | |||||
2972 | This paper presents an investigation of the discourse markers, the analysis of which is based on the data of the magazines in Russian and English, such as FUEL, Oil and Gas, Drilling and Oil, Oil and Gas Business. The work gains currency because of the increased interest in the field of the functioning of the discourse markers – the lingual units, which play a major role in the formation of a coherent discourse. The study shows the differences in the distribution of the discourse markers in Russian and English papers on Geology, Oil and Gas Industry. It also helps to identify some of the possible reasons behind these differences, which can be both of linguistic and extralinguistic nature. Keywords: discourse, discourse markers, scientific style, written communication | 1014 | |||||
2973 | The relevance of the implementation of various programmes for social and psychological support in cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students is considered in this article. The author has developed a programm of social and psychological support, described its goals and objectives, logical structure, conceptual foundation, methodological principles, conditions of implementation, methods and forms of work. The portrait of a Russian high school student is offered, its social and psychological peculiarities are presented as structural components. Three main directions of psychological support for international students are chosen and described: the development of social and household skills of foreign students; the development of social and psychological characteristics of foreign students and overcoming negative phenomena; the formation and development of intercultural competence of foreign students. Keywords: adaptation, cross-cultural adaptation, foreign students, social- psychological support, social and psychological characteristics | 1014 | |||||
2974 | This article deals with the analysis of the discourse in the light of philosophy, sociology, sociolinguistics, culturology, semiotics, text linguistics. The discourse analysis has been depicted from the point of text and context aspects. The levels of analysis of language material for discourse characterization have been distinguished. Frames (concept systems) have been considered as the mental units; their contents are being seen as the discourse. The brief review of linguistic processors MathLab, Gate and WordNet data-base has been done; they are defined as the most effective and automated means of discourse analysis of natural languages. The environment Gate includes the elements of corpus and concept analyses and machine learning. These programmes help to define the slot position of markers in their cognitive model. MathLab automates the algorithm in the analysis of the core concepts. Keywords: discourse, discourse analysis, linguistic processor, frame, discourse marker, GATE | 1014 | |||||
2975 | The author of the paper collected information about 60 whetstones originating from monuments of Early Iron Age cultures in the Southern Urals, Western Siberia, Altai, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Southern Siberia. For the first time, based on the collected materials, a classification scheme of whetstones was developed on the basis of such attributes as shapes of face and back sides, section (only for Group 4), top and bottom designs of whetstones. Four groups with subgroups and variants were singled out. Whetstones from the Tomsk Ob Region and the Khakas-Minusinsk Basin stored in two museums (Museum of Siberian Archaeology and Ethnography, Tomsk State University, and the Seversk Museum) were introduced in this scheme. The occurrence of specific shapes of whetstones in archaeological cultures of the Southern Urals, Western Siberia, Altai, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Southern Siberia was analyzed. It was revealed that whetstones of Group 1 were most common. Trapezoidal and oval whetstones occur frequently as well. Rod-shaped whetstones are the least frequent. The latter ones, along with whetstones of the second subgroup of Group 1, have better shapes and are carefully polished. Some whetstones were examined using an electron microscope in order to ascertain whether they had been used as household articles and touchstones. The results of the examination were negative. In terms of purpose, whetstones originating from graves were most likely to be used as objects of worship / prestige value. Keywords: whetstone, grindstones, burial ground, burial, classification, ritual, objects of worship | 1014 | |||||
2976 | In this article the problem of the professional selfdetermination of the personality of a practical psychologist in the process of education is raised, its solution, in the authors' opinion, is a basis for the formation of acertain model of a specialist. The description of modern approaches to the investigation of a personality s professional self-determination problem is presented here. The authors come to the conclusion that transferring this traditional problem into the sphere of professional education of a practical psychologist reveals the new determinations in the well-known scheme «person - profession*. It exceed the bounds of the philosophical problem of personal choice. The process of professional education for a practical psychologist becomes the process of his professional formation and his personality formation in general. As a result, changes in a personality entail changes in the whole structure of the professional activity of a practical psychologist. | 1013 | |||||
2977 | The researcher focuses on the cnaracteristic of the entrepreneurship evolution as the most significant phenomenon in the economic and social life. The article draws the reader's attention on the historiography as well as determines perspectives in the study of entrepreneurship with the accent on peculiarities in Russia and Siberia | 1013 | |||||
2978 | The article considers features of organism's res¬ponse of the women with vegetative instability at aero¬bics classes on physical activity. The results of research of cardiovascular system reactions among women with the increased sensitivity of vegetative systems on phy¬sical activity at aerobics classes are presented. | 1013 | |||||
2979 | The article is devoted to the first in the literature and publicism of the beginning of the XIX century Siberia research edition – «The Siberian bulletin» by G.I. Spassky. Special attention is paid to the principles of selection of the material, ways of its submission which as it is represented, are caused by specificity of recognition of Siberia in culture of the beginning of the century. East Russia is comprehended in «The Siberian bulletin «as exotic territory; receptions of its description go back to utopian performances about «the far grounds». Spassky’s magazine played a determining role during formation of the ambivalent image of Siberia – on the one hand, the parts of Russia adjoining with it territorially and «other» ground regularly studied, on the other hand, the remote, novel, occupied the people conducting essentially other lifestyle, than to what the intellectual of «the Education Age» got used to. | 1013 | |||||
2980 | In article is discussed very actual at present problem of the reproductive behaviour among the modern russian women. They are considered its different forms, which splitting into two categories conditionally: with set on conservation of pregnancy and on its aborting. It is discussed role chosen by empirical study social-demographic and emotional factors, influencing on shaping various reproductive sets of pregnants. The data of the study are interpreted by comparing with control group of non-pregnants. | 1013 | |||||
2981 | The article deals with the peculiarities of space perception fay the Russian culture at the end of the 18th century. The research is focused on the analysis of the Palace of Versailles description in (letters of a Russian traveler* by N.M. Karamzin in terms of the ruins theme. | 1013 | |||||
2982 | In this article we describe the issues of students’ activity in computer-assisted self studying of English as a foreign language (CASSOEFL) on the basis of computer technologies. We define the major skills that lead to the students’ activity during the CASSOEFL. We describe the main features of computer technology as a key to activity of a student. In this article we present the main criteria of a computer based educational software assessment. | 1013 | |||||
2983 | In article bases аctivity the approach to information culture of the teacher of mathematics are considered: the basic concepts are determined, a line of principles, among which principle of subjectivity, a principle of the account of special pedagogical abilities, a principle of high motivation of activity, a principle of reflexivity, a principle of the organization of cooperation between teachers is developed. It is shown, that development of information culture of the teacher of mathematics it is directed on formation of the person, able to be guided and make the proved decisions in conditions of the modern information environment owning receptions of creative activity and capable not only to train in mathematical knowledge on the basis of available techniques, but also to create new | 1013 | |||||
2984 | The work is devoted to fhe problem of disadaptation of pupils at school. Psjchologieal aud pedagogical investigafions at the moden stage of the developwent of knowledge show the disadaptation of pupils at school. In the work, there are analjsed the purposes of school disadaptation, the content of the meanings “school adaptation” and “school disadaptation ”. The author of the investigation suggests the methodical complete set, with the help of which teacher can ouereowe school disadaptation of pupils | 1013 | |||||
2985 | The article covers the problems of organization of educational process, different ways of organization and development of cognitive activity of pupils on the basis of ethno pedagogy. The article also includes a brief analysis of the level of children’s abstract thinking development. Ethno pedagogical aspects of physical processes are revealed on the examples of studying certain themes of physics course. Authors pay attention to the factors of ethno pedagogy such as nature, oratory, national games, traditions, ideals, ethnic art. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1013 | |||||
2986 | The article consists of two parts. The first part examines the process of Russian scouting development in period before Revolution. Key stages of scouting in Russia are described from the moment of its foundation in 1909 to the time when official activity of scouts’ organizations stopped in 1923. In the second part activity of the scouts’ organization in Tomsk (The Association of scouts in Tomsk region) is taken as an example to characterize tutoring potential of today’s scouting system. Keywords: scouts, upbringing, child’s movement, morals, spiritual, intellectual and physical development | 1013 | |||||
2987 | The results of the experimental work on the formation of readiness of military specialists on the use of radio communication facilities for professional activities are presented in the article. Theoretical model of readiness and the process of the diagnostic monitoring of the dynamics of the formation of components of readiness are described in it. Keywords: the use of radio communication facilities, a military specialist, military professional subjects, readiness for professional activities, pedagogic monitoring, an expert opinion | 1013 | |||||
2988 | Theoretic analysis of the categories «culture of health» and «continuity» is carried out, characteristic of modeling as method of knowledge and method of research is given. The presented model of continuity of education of culture of health of future teachers in the system «pedagogic college - pedagogic higher education institution» is created by means of multicomponent mechanism of modeling. Several components are outlined: need-motivational, cognitive, activity, evaluative-reflexive. Keywords: secondary and higher professional education, continuity, education of culture of health, modeling, model | 1013 | |||||
2989 | The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of strategies of emotional regulation in infants with structural disorders of the brain at 3 and 6 months, describes the features of behavioral repertoire of mothers. It is shown that maternal behavior during mother-infant interaction is correlated with the strategies of emotional regulation in infants. Keywords: emotional regulation, infant, social interaction, behavior, structural disorders of the brain | 1013 | |||||
2990 | The article is devoted to the analysis of macrothematic, stylistic and rhetorical strategies of Russian nationalist discourse. On the basis of the author’s concept of the symbolical market of identities the author makes an attempt of description of semantics, narration and rhetoric of images of Russia presented in Russian television advertising space. Keywords: designing of national identity, nationalism, modernization, traditionalism, mass-media, brands of Russia | 1013 | |||||
2991 | The essence of frame technology is revealed in the given article, also its efficiency and productivity are considered. This system allows students to develop cognitive activity, independent way of thinking and creative abilities. In addition, the technology changes base of the educational pedagogical ambience itself by filling it with the spirit of cooperation and development of the individual. Keywords: frame technology, frame scheme, model of knowledge, slots | 1013 | |||||
2992 | The article is the result of an experimental study of the structure of the teacher-philologist competence Keywords: teacher’s culture of speech, psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher, professional competence, teaching communication, nonverbal ability, professional competence, professional culture of the teacher | 1013 | |||||
2993 | The article considers the question of information-communication technologies elective courses introduction to students of an agricultural profile as the important component influencing their professional competence. It is offered the elective course “ICT in professional work”, which will acquaint students where and how effectively to use information- communication technologies in professional work. Keywords: information-communication technologies, agricultural branch, elective course, competence approach, professional work | 1013 | |||||
2994 | The article contains the analysis of concepts of scientific and technical creativity in order to find out its connection with magic. The author comes to the conclusion that magical and scientific-technical creativity processes have cultural-historical, linguistic and semantic-containing connections. Keywords: scientific-technical creativity, magic, theurgy | 1013 | |||||
2995 | The article deals with the characteristics of syntactic words. It describes peculiarities of conjunctions as a means of expressing causality. As an example, English conjunction “because” and the French one “parce que” are examined. The using of these conjunctions in sentences with causality is compared. The specifi c of the given conjunctions is expressed. Keywords: causation, composite sentence, syntactic word, conjunction, effect | 1013 | |||||
2996 | The article covers conceptual-terminological aspect on the problem of reflexive position of college managers. The author discloses concepts and gives interpretations of such definitions as “position”, “professional position”, “reflexive position of college managers”. The author insists to continue the research on the investigated problem. Keywords: position, professional position, reflexive position, college managers, institution of vocational training | 1013 | |||||
2997 | The article describes distance learning as one of the forms of teaching handicapped children. The article deals with components of distance learning as a system; the requirements that informational technologies should meet. Keywords: distance learning, handicapped children, people with special needs, informational technology | 1013 | |||||
2998 | The article deals with the dynamics of the image of the profession substantial characteristics at different stages of professional education involving certain types of crises. Based on the data of the image of the profession in the context of a crisis of professional formation, the existence of obligatory and facultative features in its structure is assumed. The authors suggest the existence of “ideal” image of the profession among students and the unemployed. The structure and nature of the interaction between the obligatory and facultative descriptors of image of profession in each group is analyzed in the article. The assumption about the existence of a unmatched structure of the image profession among students, graduates working in the specialty, and the unemployed is proposed. Keywords: crises of professional education, image of profession, ideal representations about profession, obligatory and facultative descriptors of profession | 1013 | |||||
2999 | Discusses the one of the important directions of development of Russian education – transition to second generation of Federal State Education Standard. The priorities of the new standard are not only aimed at subject results, but also at meta-subject and personal results. The demands of the modern society set the following task: to make high school graduates to be ready to cope with challenges of the modern world, and to face a variety of cognitive, communicative and organizational problems. The modern teacher in perfection must possess innovative pedagogical technologies and approaches in the educational process. Implementation of the interdisciplinary approach at every educational subject, as well as in the organization of extracurricular activities reveals to the teacher and learners new horizons of dialogue, cooperation, development of creative and intellectual thinking, the organization of cognitive activity and so on. Keywords: the transition to second generation of Federal State Education Standard, substantive result, metasubject result, transdisciplinary approach, integration, curricular activities, extracurricular activities, teacher | 1013 | |||||
3000 | The activity of peptidyl-dipeptidazy A in the brain of rats following single fold action piracetam, рhenotropil, noopept after 0.5 hours, 4 hours, 24 hours, 72 ca-meat after injection. In terms of short-term mode of administration used nootropics general trends identified changes in the activity peptidyl-dipeptidazy A: the highest activity was observed in the pituitary gland at 72 hours after injection рhenotropil and the striatum 4 hours after injection of piracetam and noopept. Marker-tion measurable activity of the enzyme studied in rats after a single dose pre-nootropic preparations in the dynamics of observation can serve as one of the key biochemical characterized-tics possible neurochemical mechanism of action. Keywords: activity peptidildipeptidazy A, nervous tissue of rats, piracetam, fenotropil, noopept, single action | 1013 |