# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3101 | The article reveals the necessity of studying the regularities of extended reproduction of the territorial special-purpose complex (TSC) to improve regulation of the city housing and communal services in the system of local self-government in the market conditions. | 1009 | |||||
3102 | Meleshko T. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 35-39 . | 1009 | |||||
3103 | Coordination of Activities (Teaching-Learning, Menegering and Scientific Support Activity) is the main point of the article. It presents the 5 interdependent levels of Teacher's and Teaches' Trainers professional skills. The Activity Analysis is also aspecial point of concern. The idea of Children-Adult Academies gives the example of a new model of co-organization of Students'. Teachers', Teachers Trainers' Activites. Problem solving and Project Forms of Activity are the most preferable ways of working with large grous of people in Education. | 1009 | |||||
3104 | Three articles devoted to the role of universities in the development of modern society, their relationship to industry, are reviewed by the authors. They state that commercialization of higher school leads to loss of its specific features, its transformation into a very expensive business of industry of getting knowledge. It is supposed that cooperation of universities and industry will lead to synthesis of fundamental- and applied knowledge, and to more active use of the fundamental knowledge itself. For this purpose the term "technological transfer" is offered. | 1009 | |||||
3105 | One of the main contemporary teaching methodologies is popularization of scientific knowledge. The popularization of has own difficulties for social scientists. On the other hand, natural scientists refer to works of social scientists not very often. The authors of the work have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create a general global methamethod to come over these shortcomings. | 1009 | |||||
3106 | The article is dedicated to the development of experimental methods of finding out text units, expressing the author's strategy of communication. The status and borders of informemes are defined as those of the elements of the informative semantic level of a poetic text. The research has been carried out on the basis of M.I. Tsvetaeva s poems. | 1009 | |||||
3107 | In the article the algorithm for professional success prognosis is described. On the basis of the system analysis the research of the personality potential is car¬ried out. The way of getting a synergy effect in the activ¬ity is investigated. | 1009 | |||||
3108 | The article points to analysis of connection of deep semantic level units of the text. These units reflect the originality of Nabokov’s systemic organization of concepts. The relations that are evolved from the members of concepts pair “happiness – death” are in the center of this research. One of the characteristics of the author idiostyle is nature of such relations and the way of representing the analyzed concepts in the text system. | 1009 | |||||
3109 | The content of the principle of connection of education and life in view of up-to-date education changes is revealed in the article. Some ways of training of teachers for carrying out this principal are suggested | 1009 | |||||
3110 | The article covers the constituents of the patriarchic perception still thriving in the modem Russian culture, and traces the influence of the works of George Sand on its downfall in the 19th century. The Russian literature of that epoch, both at its grand and inferior level, was affected by the transformations in the morale of the society, alongside with the penetration of the new literary plots, collisions, motives and characters. | 1009 | |||||
3111 | The article is devoted to the estimation of USSR’ economics by the American press in the final period of the World War II. The reasons of American mass media increased interest in Soviet economics are under consideration, estimations of losses level and rates of industry reconstruction proposed by the columnists of different ideological and political directions are revealed. Besides, the positions of several issues about prospects of American-Soviet two-way relationships are considered. | 1009 | |||||
3112 | The article “Taxation of subsurface-using businesses” addressees the core taxes imposed on oil and gas companies. These taxes include mineral resources extraction tax, subsurface use payments, profit tax and export duties. This article also focuses on the peculiarities, advantages and disadvantages of the current taxation system in subsurface use sphere. The article emphasizes the necessity of improvement subsurface use legislation and traces the ways of such improvement | 1009 | |||||
3113 | In the article the importance and the sense of using the notion «productivity» in modern psychological and pedagogical discourse is elaborated. The most semantic importance of the most wide-spread variant of these notions are discovered, their uncontradiction, stability, spreading is analyzed; the most undeveloped areas of expertise about production is installed with the help of the content-analysis of the encyclopedic text | 1009 | |||||
3114 | The harmonic all-round development of a human organism is the common purpose of teaching and education. With the purpose of harmonic development of growing generation education should be organized according to new approaches and technologies in teaching and educational process. Many researchers established that cerebral circulation is improved, psychological processes become intense, CNS functions better, human mental abilities increases as a result of movement activities. The game activity contributes a lot to maintaining optimum movement regime of young learners. The basic constituent of game activity is collective games. Physical and psychological components in games are closely connected. Thus, children realize movement needs, expend their energy, improve the main physical skills. Moreover, from the one hand, they learn to be initiative, independent, persistent, from the other, to control themselves, consider peers opinion, submit their actions with other participants of the game. Keywords: all-round development, movement activity, mental abilities, game, game activity | 1009 | |||||
3115 | Theoretical analysis on the problem of the structure of professional knowledge and skills of a manager as well as new approaches on the development of abilities of a student-manager to learning and work are presented in this article. Keywords: manager, managing, management, knowledge, skills, learning | 1009 | |||||
3116 | Current conditions for the development of service industry and tourism suggest the need to create an innovative system of training based on practice-oriented and competence approach. Innovative educational programs schools aim at improving communication with the future of workplace competence of graduates and provide multiple paths for business (professional) qualifications. Keywords: innovative education, innovative educational programs, social partnership model, practice-oriented approach, competence approach. | 1009 | |||||
3117 | This article is devoted to the devices for creating humour in Chekhov’s prose. The examined devices have been chosen regarding to the problem of quotations and of a “borrowed” word in Chekhov’s works. The quotations for this analysis have been chosen from the works by Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov and Gogol. Keywords: Chekhov, “borrowed” word, quotation, Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov, Gogol, humorous | 1009 | |||||
3118 | Results of researches have shown that the presowing treatment of seeds with selenium ions (selenite and selenate ions) has a stimulating effect on elongation of the shoot structural elements of the plants Lactuca sativa L. as well as on the content of the chlorophylls sum. Specificity of the influence of different selenium ions consists in regulating the synthesis of biologically active substances and a dry biomass. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, selenium, morphogenesis, chlorophylls, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, anthocyans. | 1009 | |||||
3119 | The article examines the process of formation and execution of local budget in case of municipality of Tomsk, identifies the challenges faced by local authorities in the formation and execution of the municipal budget, presents proposals for increasing a revenue potential of municipalities. Keywords: municipal budget, local budget revenues, local budget expenditures, the budget of Tomsk, the revenues of the budget of Tomsk, the expenditures of the budget of Tomsk | 1009 | |||||
3120 | In the article such problems as network connectivity formation between educational institutions and the role of pedagogical universities in the process of network educational programs realization are being analyzed. Keywords: network connectivity, pedagogical universities, educational centres | 1009 | |||||
3121 | The article shows materials of research of the problem of self-realization and self-actualization of the future architects as bases of their preparation for active social activity. Keywords: social projects, social designing, motivation of social activity, individual architectural designing, individual social designing, self-realization, self-actualization | 1009 | |||||
3122 | The paper is devoted to solving actual problem of higher technical education namely the process of its humanization and humanitarization through the introduction of case-study method into the learning process. The results obtained confi rm new possibilities of case-study method as a means of forming transcommunicative competence of the participants of educational activity which includes sense-building and means new quality of communicative process. The article is of interest to specialists in the fi eld of psychology, pedagogics, methods of teaching professional foreign language. Keywords: the process of humanization and humanitarization, educational activity, case-study method, transcommunicative competence, sense-building | 1009 | |||||
3123 | The article analyzes results of the network project of the Moscow Department of Education and UNESCO “Moscow Education: from infancy to school”. The aim is related to the modernization of preschool education, development and testing of new forms and methods of work, including new versions of the effective interaction of preschool, replicating innovation of preschool education in Russia and abroad. Keywords: network design, modernization of preschool education | 1009 | |||||
3124 | The article is the result of studying the issue of social partnership in labor relationships in the Siberian periodical press in the 1800’s – early 1900’s. We have considered the standpoints of the left-wing and liberal press on this problem. Pre-revolutionary Russian liberal press gives an idea of the compromise (which would consider the interests of the bourgeoisie as well as the workers) in solving the labor issue. Unfortunately, the social development of Siberia in Imperial times could not possibly yield such changes. Keywords: labor relations in Siberia, social partnership, pre-revolutionary periodical press | 1009 | |||||
3125 | Different means and methods of subtext representation in M. Tsvetaeva poetry cycle “Provoda” are studied in the article. Marking out of certain regulative means and implicit structures is proposed to be the major method of revealing the whole semantics of poetry pieces. Keywords: subtext, subtext representation, implicit meaning, regulation, regulative means and implicit structures | 1009 | |||||
3126 | The structure of readiness for training at higher school is shown. There is an example of complex research during enrolment to military higher school. Keywords: readiness, readiness for the activity, professional psychological selection, educational standards, the two-bin system of instruction | 1009 | |||||
3127 | The article is devoted to the development of communicative responsibility of personality as one of major descriptions of professionalism in modern informative-communicative society. Keywords: informative-communicative society, communication, communicative responsibility | 1009 | |||||
3128 | 270 teachers of city schools, 54 teachers of rural schools, 105 teachers correctional schools and special correctional boarding schools were examined. The data on the prevalence of violation of adaptation in this group were obtained. The level of anxiety, the severity of burnout syndrome and quality of life were studied. The programs of prevention of burnout syndrome were offered. Keywords: educators, violation of adaptation, quality of life, burnout syndrome, anxiety, correction and inclusive education | 1009 | |||||
3129 | The article presents the study of the species diversity of trees growing in the teacher’s square of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. It contains biomorphological, taxonomic and chorological tree analysis, as well as an assessment of their relationship to anthropogenic impact. Angiosperms trees are presented by 5 families, 5 genera and 6 species, gymnosperms – 1 family, 5 genera and 6 species, of which 6 species are apophytes, 5 species are adventes. The dominant species in the square are Betula pendula Roth., Pinus sibirica Du Tour, Acer tataricum L., Populus balsamifera L. The most common species of woody plants are those of Eurasian geographical group. The rhythm of the foliage development deciduous trees prevail. Keywords: woody plants, taxonomic composition, chorological composition, life form advety, apophytes | 1009 | |||||
3130 | The main strategic objective of advertising is to increase sales of a particular company. There is no doubt that the consumer knows about this problem and about the various methods of advertising impact. Some of these methods seem to be quite complex, and some clear and simple. The relevance of the study due to the fact that the effectiveness of traditional promotional tools, such as direct advertising and public relations, goes down each year. Marketers develop alternative ways of influencing consumer. This article discusses the non-standard forms of advertising and promotion: ambient marketing, product placement, creating intrigue in the advertising message, flashmobs and other. Keywords: marketing tools to promote products and services, the efficiency of instruments of promotion, nonstandard forms of advertising promotion | 1009 | |||||
3131 | The article examines the views of populist A. Prugavin on the sectarianism as a part of the society in the Russian Empire in the last third of the XIX century. The research works of the author on these problems are analyzed. Classification of religious organizations in the Russian Empire is represented in these research works. The author considers that A. Prugavin came to a conclusion that the adherents of different sects could not be considered the alien elements in the Russian society. He believed that religious movements did not represent danger to the state in the Russian Empire. Keywords: A. Prugavin, populism, sectarianism, religious communities, the Orthodox Church | 1009 | |||||
3132 | The article aims to clarify the concept of “political discourse”, its definition, structure and its place among other discourse types. Political discourse in this article is considered as a complex of all speech acts used in the political debates, and it can also be interpreted as a complex of rules of social relations which have their own traditions, and have been tested by many years of experience. The article describes politician’s verbal impact on the public from a gender perspective, and characterizes typical traits of a female politician. Verbal impact can include different methods and tactics used by the orators to influence and persuade the audience. However, these influence tactics differ from individual to individual in their effectiveness, as well as across gender. The article presents different types of the communication tactics (contact-establishing tactics, self-presentation tactics, communication tactics, accusation tactics and «play in figures» tactics) by the example of Hilary Clinton’s campaign speech – the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the Unites States of America in the 2016 election. With the help of these tactics Hilary Clinton has a possibility not only to establish contact with the audience, but also she can influence people’s emotions, feelings, and can induce public to act. Keywords: political communication, election speech, political discourse, communicative tactics, politician’s speech portrait | 1009 | |||||
3133 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is the analysis of verbalization of maidenhood concepts in traditional culture. The materials of the study are dialect dictionaries, as well as the materials of dialectological expeditions conducted by Tomsk State University linguists from 1947 to nowadays in the dialects distribution territory of the Middle Ob Region. The use of this material allows us to explore the concept of maidenhood, taking into account the changes taking place in the dialect culture and caused by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Results. Concepts of maidenhood are objectified in the lexical and phraseological dialect units, nominating maidens and characterizing their behavior. In peasant culture, marriage was considered as the fulfillment of the main female life purpose. Therefore, society demonstrated the importance attached to the preservation of maiden honor. It was reflected in a number of stable combinations that denominate a virgin. Noncompliance with this form was a great disgrace for a girl and her parents. The loss of virginity and the birth of a child before marriage are characterized by units containing seme `shame‘. Zoomorphic metaphors are also used in dialect speech, indicating the comparison of extramarital relations with the animal world, in which the rules of human society do not operate. Marriage for a girl in traditional culture is perceived as a necessity, this fact is evidenced by the analysis of ritual lyrics. In dialectal folklore ditties are recorded with the intention of warning or recommendations not to marry. The use of a large number of verbs, the grammatical form of which reflects the lack of participation of the girl in the decision to marry is also characteristic. The analysis of the units nominating wedding ceremonies confirms the idea that marriage was economically beneficial and did not depend on emotional attachment. The wedding is treated as a ritual transition, initiating a girl to the status of a woman. At the same time, the transformation of the concept of maidenhood is shown due to social, historical and economic factors. Dialect speakers note a change of social norms. They condemn the behavior of modern girls, in relationships with the opposite sex before marriage, and the lack of a sense of shame for that matter. Dialect speakers also mention the disappearance or simplification of the wedding rite and the absence of legal relations between the spouses. Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture | 1009 | |||||
3134 | Milevskiy O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 70-74 . | 1008 | |||||
3135 | . | 1008 | |||||
3136 | Golubenko T. Ya. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 17-21 . | 1008 | |||||
3137 | The article reviews the main conceptual items of national education development doctrine. It supposed to supply consolidation of advanced forces around education - circles of politicians, governers, teachers and scientists. Education in this case will be means of regional social system development. The doctrine includes economical, political, ethnoidentificational, social and governmental aspects and mechanisms of educational system development. | 1008 | |||||
3138 | The article is dedicated to the methods of teaching of non-linguistic students oral and written communication. | 1008 | |||||
3139 | The article is devoted to the actual problem – training of professionally competent specialists for the penal system. The author discloses the specifics of activities of the leaders of the penal system, considers the issues of professional competency of the educators who train personnel for the penal system. | 1008 | |||||
3140 | In the article are examined questions of molding of long-term strategy of the intra-firm training of personnel of the enterprises with the nuclear-dangerous production, at basis of which lie some peculiarity associated wities the specific character of atomic energy industry. Is in detail examined also the system of preparation and increase in the qualification, which was established, at the Siberian chemical combine. | 1008 | |||||
3141 | The article gives a description of the pedagogical model of future fire protection officers’ preparation for leadership. The model peculiarity is that the authors base on personality-oriented approach. In the model structure the following components are singled out: purposeful, pithy, procedural, assessment-resulting. The given model allows to solve successfully the tasks of purposeful interaction between a teacher and cadets in a military higher educational establishment. | 1008 | |||||
3142 | The article relates to one of the basic but less studied functions of an inside form of a word, which is connected with the expression of typological features of the world’s languages. On the basis of the results of motivological-comparative analysis of the thematic groups of the Russian, Ukraine, Poland, French, English and German the characteristics of realization of studied function are examined. | 1008 | |||||
3143 | It is essential nowadays to search new and more effective means and methods of physical education which help to influence the state of children with tuberculous intoxication and their ability to work physically. The article represents the results of the experiment which prove the efficiency of usage of the optimum dosed physical activity by tuberculous children of 14. The optimization of the physical activity during negative climatic-meteorological period helps to make the teaching process more effective and to attain recovery under improvement of functional state of the internal system of a child’s organism | 1008 | |||||
3144 | This paper is devoted to educational aspects of practical application of rational land use`s conception (following the example of recreational land use) in sustainable development interests. The programme of higher school`s discipline “The principles of recreational land use” is presented in this article | 1008 | |||||
3145 | At this article the authors analyses the problems installation of modern technologies to physical fundamental education and they suggests the way of combination the traditions and innovations technologies at the process organization elective courses | 1008 | |||||
3146 | In this article the problem of the role of myth in culture of non-archaic type is considered. A myth is not a defining form of culture here, but it preserves main position. On the example of Greek civilization of the classic period we observe this special role of myth | 1008 | |||||
3147 | A concept of professional competence, summarized the experience of the Institute for Advanced Studies on preparation of trainers to organize professional development of teachers MKSH standards-based general education of the second generation. Keywords: teacher'sprofessional competence, competence-oriented standards of education | 1008 | |||||
3148 | This article is devoted to the analysis of pedagogical reasons of the modern cultural and civilization crisis, which reveals a loss of immanent values of life. It is proved that modern pedagogy tends to entire perception of person and includes confessional systems, including orthodox. Orthodox system tends to self-perfection, self-organization, selfdetermination of personality. As an example in the article the experience of the centre working with drug addicts and their families is shown. Keywords: spiritual, cultural and historical situation, orthodox pedagogy, humanism, rehabilitation of drug addicts, program of spiritual and moral upbringing | 1008 | |||||
3149 | Pedagogical activity of the researcher working in the field of musical art reflects specific features of is art-aesthetic sphere, therefore formation of research culture of the student in conditions of training in higher school is carried out in two directions: scientific research and art-research. The complete model of formation of research culture of the future teacher-musician is realized in viewpoint of unity of methodological approaches to research and art-research activity of the student. Keywords: research culture, the teacher-musician, model of formation of research culture, vocational training in high school. | 1008 | |||||
3150 | In the present paper the new algorithm of non-stationary burning rate estimation within the framework phenomenological theory is offered. Comparison of the received results with known calculation results have shown their satisfactory qualitative coincidence. Advantage of the offered approach consists in reduction of the experimental information involved for problem statement. Keywords: nonsteady burning rate, solid propellant, deep regulation, phenomenological theory, temperature of a burning surface, transient processes | 1008 |