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3201 | . | 1005 | |||||
3202 | . | 1005 | |||||
3203 | In the sectional report the processes of an interna¬tionalization of reproduction processes are considered. The writer investigates development of the Russian economics, forecasts its perspectives in conditions of a world economic system. | 1005 | |||||
3204 | In the article the possibilities of social design in the value self-determination of schoolboys are investigated. The experience of creation and realization of the social projects of humanistic directivity in the means of the life of schoolboys achieving self-determination themselves in the system of values is illuminated. | 1005 | |||||
3205 | The author considers the problem training as the most important in the system of school ecological training and emphasizes its essential components: problem situations, cognitive objectives, game situations, plays. The problems, which appear and prompt to cognitive action, are not only the methods to stir up thinking, but often define the development of person’s inclinations and abilities. Ecological objectives and plays provoke huge interests, make auspicious emotional conditions, and promote stirring up of schoolchildren thinking, develop logic and cognitive self-dependence. | 1005 | |||||
3206 | Semiotic and cultural functions of the sword are examined in the article. An attempt for an opportunity of representation of functioning of the sword’s symbolic in the model of system dynamics of culture is made. A project of sociological research of the modern forms of perception of symbolic of the sword is discussed | 1005 | |||||
3207 | The paper defends the thesis that formation of the modern theory of emotions reveals an especial variant of selfconsciousness in which scientific search corresponds to the clearing of a question whether the human is a reasonable animal or it’s an active being independent of the natural beginnings. Keywords: theory of emotions, formation, human | 1005 | |||||
3208 | The article presents the analysis of emotional colouring of urbanonyms (emporonyms) for what associative experiment and the phonosemantic analysis of names was conducted. As the result, words with the positive and negative connotation influencing perception of names by recipients-consumers have been revealed. Keywords: psycholinguistics, phonosemantics, emporonyms, associative experiment, connotative meaning | 1005 | |||||
3209 | The author of this article is examining the issue of researching feminine autobiographical literature. Several models of self-description are traced in the women’s autobiographical literature of the 18–19th centuries in the gender aspect. The form of mediate self-interpretation is illustrated with the material of “The Memoirs” by N. Dolgorukova and “The Memoirs” by S. V. Capnist-Skalon. Keywords: Gender research, feminism, patriarchal mentality, philosophy of gender, dialog of culture, selfrepresentation, memories prose, gender aspect | 1005 | |||||
3210 | The paper concerns general criteria of education quality and specifi c criteria for postgraduate pedagogical education. The real system of postgraduate pedagogical education in St. Petersburg is analyzed according to the chosen criteria. Perspective directions of increase of the postgraduate pedagogical education quality are proposed. Keywords: quality of education, postgraduate pedagogical education, andragogic principles, teacher's methodological culture. | 1005 | |||||
3211 | In this paper the authors investigate the extent of peroxide haemolysis, contents of malonic dialdehyde and morphology of human erythrocytes under the infl uence of sodium hypochlorite after incubation with liposomes of different composition. There is an effect of “empty” liposomes and liposomes containing in the structure ±-tocopherol, and dihydroquercetin emoksipin. It is shown that all types of liposomes reduce the degree of hemolysis, the accumulation of malonic dialdehyde and inhibit transformation of erythrocytes. All investigated characteristics of the studied liposomes exhibit a pronounced membrane-stabilizing effect on the peroxide hemolysis of erythrocytes. Keywords: liposomes, hemolysis, ±-tocopherol, dihydroquercetin, emoksipin | 1005 | |||||
3212 | The article presents the data of the unrestricted association survey experiment held in 2010 and aiming at revealing the suggestive potential of advertising food commodities texts. The article also gives the results of gender stereotypes investigation. Keywords: gender-sensitive factor, unrestricted association experiment, suggestive potential, advertising copy | 1005 | |||||
3213 | The author considers the organization of prevention for drugs abuse in educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education as one of the social functions. The article concerns such concept as “a social function”, “a value”. The article talks about problematic of prevention for drug abuse, its foundations, characteristics, structure of organization in educational institutions of elementary and secondary professional education. Keywords: social function, values, contingent, prevention for drug abuse, institutions of primary and secondary professional education, environment, educational system, testing, educational-instructive work | 1005 | |||||
3214 | In the article the need of formation of professional competence of the teacher for development of universal educational actions of school students is considered. Communication between these categories, possibility of their formation in the course of performance of laboratory works on physics is shown. Keywords: professional competence of the teacher, universal educational actions of school students, competencebased tasks | 1005 | |||||
3215 | The focus of the article is on the analysis of the credibility of the technology with a number of phenomena of joint activities, in particular psychological atmosphere in the workplace of several industrial enterprises. This article proves that with a low level of confidence in the technology the psychological stress increases, which affects the psychological climate. Keywords: social-psychological attitude to work, the phenomenon of trust, confidence in the technology, the psychological climate, individual and group activities, the subject of labour, safety equipment | 1005 | |||||
3216 | The complex model of management is presented in the article by national innovative system, the analysis of development of network forms of innovative activity and sources of their emergence is carried out, the role of a threefold spiral in achievement of synergetic effect of continuous updatings and accumulation of the knowledge base in economy of knowledge is studied. Keywords: innovative system, model of a threefold spiral, network forms, complementarity effect | 1005 | |||||
3217 | The review summarizes literary data on a problem of alcohol dependence among various ethnic groups of Russia and the world. The results of studies show the significant influence of ethnicity on the development of alcoholdependent behavior. Special attention is paid to studies of the characteristics of alcohol consumption by indigenous people of the Far North of Russia. The paper analyses the preconditions to the formation of alcohol dependence among ethnic groups in Northern populations. Acculturation and acculturative stress are designated as conditions conducive to the development of alcohol dependence among representatives of native populations. Ethno-culturally competence is identified as the main characteristics of the strategy for the treatment and prevention of substance use disorders among different ethnic groups. Keywords: ethnicity, ethnic groups, alcohol dependence, acculturative stress | 1005 | |||||
3218 | The relevance of the proposed project follows both from the importance and the role of the railways, which largely have decided the fate of the confrontation between the reds and the whites during the Civil War, and from extremely weak, often unilateral coverage in historical literature of the role of commissars in this confrontation. The paper deals with the formation and structure of system of railways management through commissars, with the role and importance of commissars activities in ensuring stable operation of the railways. The article discloses the activity of commissars to inform the centre on state of affairs on railways, to organize agitation-and-propaganda and cultural work on the railroads, to improve the living conditions of railwaymen and to strengthen their labour discipline. Considers the difficulties of commissars’ work, which are a result of both their insufficient educational and vocational level, and a fuzzy definition of their goals and functional duties by the Center. It is alleged that as a result of formation of commissar structure and its activity, the Soviet state was able to achieve stable operation of the railways in the difficult years of the Civil War, which was one of the main factors contributing to the victory of the reds. Keywords: civil war, railway transportation, National commissariat of railway transportation, bolshevists, commissars, railwaymen, sociocultural aspect, labour discipline, rallies, meetings | 1005 | |||||
3219 | The article is devoted to the problem of socialization of children with complex structure violations. Changing in legislation and the increase in the number of this category of children determines the need for the development and testing of new adapted methods and techniques of working with them. Many researchers indicate that in the cases of impaired development, above all, suffers communication process, determined by the ability of children with complex structure of socialization. Children with a complex structure of defect, have serious violations and require the search for alternative methods of correction. Alternative communication as one of the adaptive means determines the further development of the child with a complex structure violations. The authors propose to use adapted tools of Russian sign language as an alternative communication. The article presents the advantages and the algorithm of this direction of alternative communication for children with complex structure violations. Presents the system of correctional work on the selection and adaptation of alternative communication in children with complex structure violations on the basis of complex inspection of means of communication. The algorithm of formation of alternative means of communication, possible special actions of specialists at the preparatory and main stage of work with children with a complex structure of the violation are analyzed. Keywords: alternative communication, children with autism spectrum disorders, children with Down syndrome, additional and supporting communication, gestures, complex structure of the disorder, means of the Russian sign language | 1005 | |||||
3220 | Rachkovskiy V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 22-23 . | 1004 | |||||
3221 | Obukhova E. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 40-41 . | 1004 | |||||
3222 | The article is devoted to the problems of the development of arts and crafts of the region. Here have been described different kinds of artistic handicraft in their temporary development and the correlation of artistic-subject world with aesthetic education. In the article there are conclusions that teaching of the arts and crafts basis at school and higher educational establishments will allow to unite broken links of cultural experience of generations, to create the world picture of the world in the world outlook of the rising generation, thus giving possibility to their spiritual development, the ability to make, to create according to the laws of beauty. | 1004 | |||||
3223 | The modern requirements to the professional from the side of society and new technologies are considered in the article. The necessity of simple and accessible technologies which based on the methodology of creation is settled in the article. The criteria of creation and reproduction in the pedagogical process are suggested and its organization in the creative educational technology is based. | 1004 | |||||
3224 | The article shows that to conceptual modeling in social philosophy, philosophy of culture immanently peculiar to proceed from «the human nature» as the system of basic principles and to consider all the fulfillment of the person as actualizations, embodiment of the human nature. The article points out basic stages of understanding of the concept «human nature». | 1004 | |||||
3225 | The article is devoted to the analysis of pre-service train¬ing of the future teacher of physical culture with the main ac¬cent on the causes of the orientation of pedagogical education on individual-creative development of the personality. On the basis of the analysis of introduction of humanistic educational models oriented to an individualized approach, the author iden¬tifies comprehensive trends of this process, and puts the prob¬lem of correspondence of didactical skills of university graduates to the labor market requirements in the forefront. Based on the analysis of the research pedagogical sources and own experience the author gives arguments for distinguishing be¬tween basic and production means of professional training giv¬ing the priorities to moral and physical health. Keywords: - | 1004 | |||||
3226 | The article considers the problems of training load classification while doing physical exercises and its kinds on the basis of studied literature. It also presents recommendations for optimal load regimes depending on the physical condition. | 1004 | |||||
3227 | The evolution of anthropological sights of I. Annensky is traced in the article on the material of his dramatic art and criticism («the Book of reflections»). In critical works of the poet the specificity of an embodiment such as «the person of decadence» comes to light, the ways of its overcoming planned by Annensky are analyzed. Annensky’s dramatic art is considered as a variant of overcoming of cultural crisis of «transitive epoch» as a result of actualization of valuable system of antique tragedy of the pre-Euripi’s period. | 1004 | |||||
3228 | Forming post-industrial society is characterized by emerging and wide spreading of high technologies (hitech) that leads to changing of the whole structure of the management, which is based on high socio-humanitarian technologies (hi-hume). This raises demands to training of competitive specialists in the sphere of education, science and industry. | 1004 | |||||
3229 | The question about significance of correspondence between Elagina and Zhukovsky for understanding of development patterns of moral, philosophical and aesthetic thought of the first half of 19th century and peculiarities of Zhukovsky's romanticism is put on a new archival material. The problem of a spatial conception in letters by Elagina is viewed in philosophical and aesthetic aspects. | 1004 | |||||
3230 | The article is about country stewards – a middle class of the local administration of Kolyvano-Voskresenskiy (Altai) mountain district. Their participation in organization of factory work of pripisnoi (bonded) peasants is investigated.. It is shown how country stewards watched by volostnoi government in time of composing preliminary appointment for peasants with factory duties and how they provided peasants’ dispatch for working according to this appointment. It is established that during peasants’ dispatch stewards took into account time and climatic factors as well as they took charge of the progress of peasants’ factory work. The cases of country stewards’ personal participation in mobilization of pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class for factory work as well as a degree of their responsibility in this business are considered. | 1004 | |||||
3231 | The article considers problems of preparation of the competent mathematics teacher. We contemplate the problem of revealing of pedagogical conditions and means which help to introduce modern models of training in the program of preparation of the future mathematics teachers. Also we focus on the role of special courses «Modern models of training» and «Intellectual education of pupils». We give examples of educational tasks which stir up informative activity of students and create conditions for formation of their professional competence. Keywords: competence, modern models of training, «enriching model» training, intellectual education | 1004 | |||||
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3233 | The article describes approaches to the connection of mental and physical issues in philosophy, psychology, linguistics and literature. Some examples explain the possibility of physical and spiritual synthesis in Russian literature. Keywords: mental state of human, the physical state of human, physical and spiritual synthesis, Russian literature | 1004 | |||||
3234 | The issues of modeling theory as applied to the field of didactics and teaching foreign language problem-oriented professional in the course of speaking a foreign language in high school non-linguistic. As an information framework for foreign-language job-speaking and listening using a series of didactic models of dialogue. Keywords: professional foreign language speaking, training interaction, didactic model of interaction | 1004 | |||||
3235 | The article considers the specificity of the comic issues in the late works by Vsevolod Solovyov (1843–1903). In early works he revealed his mostly dramatic and tragic aspects of Russian history, and in the 1890-s the writer turned to the comic theme. On the one hand, it was caused by his desire to consider the novel “The Tsar’s Embassy” aspects of the dialogue of cultures, on the other hand, satirically depicted followers of spiritualism in the novel “Wicked vortices”. Keywords: comic, historical fiction, 19th century, the dialogue of cultures, Russia, Italy, social prose, criticism of spiritualism | 1004 | |||||
3236 | The article is the result of theoretical study of project financing mechanism in power projects. We consider the project financing mechanism, its participants and indications, outlined differences from other source of investments, given risk distribution between project finance’s participants. Keywords: project financing, power industry reform, risks distribution | 1004 | |||||
3237 | The paper defends the thesis that analysis of truth problem in the context of interpretations of quantum logic allows to come to more general problem of the coherence between the scope of quantum mechanical and quantum logical studies on the basis of principle of the indiscernibility of identicals entered by G. Leibnitz and developed by S. Kripke. At the same time it’s revealed the prospect of elicitation of specifics of the relations between quantum mechanics and quantum logic in a context of modal expansions of quantum logic. Keywords: principle of the indiscernibility of identical, quantum logic, model, interpretation | 1004 | |||||
3238 | In this work we have done the analysis of the concept of personality, which was formed in the Christian intellectual tradition, based on the substantial ontology and the apophatic method. In the research personality is presented as a transcendental condition of existence of the anthropological reality, which can not be immediately objectified. This makes it possible to talk about the mystery of personality in the context of general cognitive process and governs the apophatic method. Essential difference between the Eastern and Western apophatic traditions is presented. Keywords: personality, apophaticism, mistery, substance, anthropology | 1004 | |||||
3239 | The article examines the principles of construction of methodical system in geometry using problem solving approach, which acts simultaneously as a technology of solving geometric problems and as a way of design the system of challenging problems, focused on students mastering the mathematical activity. We consider and resolve two contradictions: between modern approaches to teaching mathematics as a process of learning mathematical activity and their lack of implementation of the methods of teaching geometry at profile level; between the objective necessity of designing educational process to teach geometry creatively and the lack of appropriate methodological training system. We discuss some features of problems, create in the student environment for positive motivation and ensure the formation of students’ independent thinking. We also consider the examples of challenging problems with solutions. Keywords: methodical system of training, problem solving approach, mathematical thinking, mathematical activity, specialized education, challenging problems | 1004 | |||||
3240 | The article is devoted to one of the modern aspects of the Russian-Chinese linguistic interaction – Chinese advertising signs in the Russian language, a common border with Russia in northeastern China, in Heihe. The article presents a linguistic analysis of Chinese advertising signs in the Russian language, developed by native Chinese speakers, for their conformity to lexical-semantic norms. The purpose of this article is the interpretation of lexical interference as a cause of a violation of the lexical norms of the Russian language in the texts of Chinese signage in Russian. Thus, on all levels of the language system of the Russian and Chinese languages in their interaction in the texts of advertising signs of the border city of Heihe there were observed interlingual, and in some cases intralingual interference, reflecting a typological distinction of the interacting languages. The interference leads to a linguistic mixture of different elements (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) in the texts of advertising signs in the Russian language, which illustrates the «Chinese Russian language». Considering interlanguage and intralanguage interference in the texts of Chinese signage in the Russian language, we are attracted to study both forms of the contact languages explaining interference phenomena introduction as Chinese and Russian. Thus, the phenomenon of lexical interference in texts of advertising signs on the territory of the Chinese border city of Heihe, is largely the result of the interaction of contacting languages (Russian and Chinese), resulting in disturbances of lexical norms of the Russian language in them. Keywords: linguistic interaction, Chinese advertising signs in the Russian language, lexical and semantic errors, interlingual interference, lexical interference | 1004 | |||||
3241 | The study of the transformation of the mythologeme of the Hero seems to be actual, since, having arisen in the space of a myth, it continues to exist in culture throughout the history of mankind, including modernity. At the same time, the image of the Hero undergoes changes due to the peculiarities of a particular historical epoch in other forms of culture different from myth. Such a transformation occurs with the Hero mythologeme in the ancient Greek tragedy of the classical era. In the transition from myth to tragedy, the Hero mythologeme undergoes significant changes: the hero of tragedy perceives fate as an external force that affects his life. He does not reconcile himself to Fate, and tries to change his destiny with all his might, and even realizing that this is impossible, he makes independent decisions demonstrating that he does not bow before circumstances and is capable of performing heroic deeds. Also, the hero of the tragedy refuses to take for granted the will of the gods and tries to force them to be guided in their actions by categories of morality. The problem of transformation of the Hero mythologeme in the ancient Greek tragedy, considered in this study, will allow us to better understand the changes taking place in the ancient Greek culture of the classical epoch. The conclusions obtained by the author can be used in preparing courses on the history and culture of ancient Greece. Keywords: Ancient Greece, Greek tragedy, mythologeme, Hero | 1004 | |||||
3242 | Introduction. Modern requirements for professional pedagogical activity are updated, the leading functions of the educational system are described, and normative regulations for the use of the concepts of competence and competence are analyzed. Material and methods. The research material was theoretical and empirical observations on the problem of formation of future teachers. The analysis of current scientific sources allowed us to identify the leading ideas and analyze them taking into account the modern practice of professional pedagogical education. Results and discussion. Professional pedagogical education, focused on the formation of professional competencies, is in a state of development while maintaining the traditions of domestic education as a social practice and social institution. The set of analyzed approaches to defining the concept of professional pedagogical competence of a number of scientists (T. G. Brazhe, A.V. Khutorskaya, S. N. Chistyakova, etc.) allowed updating modern requirements for a teacher. In this context, several analytical and foresight studies were analyzed in order to identify the leading trends in the development of the system of professional training of future teachers. The principles of interdisciplinarity and phenomenological vision of the concept of pedagogical multidimensionality are described from the position of prolonged requirements for professional pedagogical activity, which can contribute to the quality training of the future teacher. Conclusion. A set of requirements to a modern teacher will claim wide knowledge of the subject area of professional activity, sufficient knowledge in related fields of knowledge and possession of competencies that will allow them to remain prolonged in demand in professional terms, possible with a rational combination of both crosscutting principles of the organization of the educational process and principles of formation of personality as a multidimensional professional. Keywords: professional pedagogical education, professional competences, competences, interdisciplinarity, multidimensionality | 1004 | |||||
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3245 | The article reveals the actual problems of high qualification specialists (doctors of sciences) training. The author of the ar¬ticle sees the main reason of complication of the analyzed prob¬lem in reducing the amount of state expenses on science de¬velopment with the result of «brain drain» out of Russia. At the same time the article notes such tendencies of high qualification specialists training as an increasing number of doctors and professors in the filed of physical-mathemat¬ical, psychological-pedagogical and humanitarian sciences; rejuvenation and feminization of new doctors of sciences. The article emphasizes the necessity of further improve¬ment of financial and social positions of scientists. Keywords: - | 1003 | |||||
3246 | The article is devoted to the aspects of professio¬nal education among students of sports higher educa¬tional institutes. It grounds the contradiction of metho¬dic-theoretical approaches in application the means of reconstruction in training process of young sports¬men and teaching process of students. It also proves that theoretic-practical theses of the conception of re¬construction of special capacity for work immediately in the process of sports and teaching practice elabo¬rated experimentally by the author are the modern edu¬cational component of professional training for spe¬cialists of physical culture and sports. | 1003 | |||||
3247 | According to the requirements for the selection of the contents of abolitional professional education, the technology of educational programmes projecting for improving of qualification of the directors of educational institutions has been composed. In the article you can find the description of three main stages of educational programmes projecting: preparing the order for projecting, making the programmes and their evaluation. | 1003 | |||||
3248 | This article is devoted to Buryat and English composites, which became very productive due to their compressive forms and wide semantics with the development of the society, its social-technical, scientific and economical progress in recent years. Especially they are widely used in terminology in both languages. Also composites in these languages have their own national peculiarities which can be found out by comparing the systems of composition of both languages. | 1003 | |||||
3249 | Multi-purpose computer class in specialized school for deaf and deaf-mute children is an independent sub-program. Its purpose is to build pedagogical and educational process on the basis of new information technologies using domestic and international experience. This task includes development of conceptual framework of modern computers and information technologies use, as well as organization of pedagogical and educational process | 1003 | |||||
3250 | . Keywords: . | 1003 |