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3401 | Chumakova L. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 6-9 . | 1035 | |||||
3402 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of the creative potential of students with the help of such methods as completing a questionnaire, doing tests, estimation of teachers as experts. Various indices such as availability of free time of for students of state and non-state establishments are compared, the author comes to the conclusion that creative potential induces are lowered in the senior courses of a state higher educational establishment. | 1035 | |||||
3403 | In the article the realized research on the revealing of pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in professionalization and stabilization of mental health of teacher-graduates, existential dialogue as the psychological criterion of readiness for selfdevelopment and innovative activity in the morden conditions of education is discussed. Selfmonitoring in the context of the realized research is considered as the begining of reflection over existential sense of pedagogical profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of educational identity can be organized in the conditions of engineering of educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements of balintovskiy sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management of educational process, quality of education, selfmonitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 1035 | |||||
3404 | The article contains descriptive analysis of the monitoring and expert estimation and assessment of the innovation activity in high school. It is necessary for Russian high education to set up adequate control on the innovation process to perfect it. Keywords: innovation activity of institute of high education, pedagogical monitoring, innovations | 1035 | |||||
3405 | The author gives the analysis of international experiment in the system of education in the period of XX–XXI Centuries; examines universal globalism from the point of view of philosophy of education and shows the same tendencies in development of education in Russia, Europe and the USA. Keywords: international standards, technological innovations, international globalism, national system of education, language education | 1035 | |||||
3406 | In the article the topical problem of formation of gender culture at pupils of children’s home is considered. The collective of authors studying a gender problematic is presented, and also the concept of gender culture its psychological and pedagogical components are determined. On each component techniques, criteria and levels are certain, the analysis of the done work is presented. Keywords: gender, gender culture, education, formation of bases of gender culture, components, social determination, pupils of children’s home | 1035 | |||||
3407 | One of the most interesting phenomena in the Russian literature in the beginning of the new millennium – the “padonki” (riff-raff) literature and aesthetics – is analyzed in the article, particularly in the aspect of the transformation of the classical models of the comical issues. Considering several texts that are most characteristic for this literature project the author shows the way the notion of the comical has changed for the “padonki” generation, reasons and originality of the “padonki” literature hooliganism, its genesis and perspectives. Keywords: the comical, humour, irony, axiology, the “padonki-style”, life creation. | 1035 | |||||
3408 | The use of IT and multimedia in education can fundamentally change the present system of the foreign language learning. Unique possibilities of the IT can let us faster and more intensely develop skills of much more proficient foreign l-ge level of communication, which includes the ability to reflection, comparison, synthesis and analyses, find connections between phenomenon and any possible ways of solving complex problems, including planning and intergroup interaction. The role of a tutor is gradually changing: this person is no more the only source of knowledge; he or she becomes an advisor or helper in the process of education. There appear to be a real possibility for the learners to get any necessary knowledge by themselves in self-study, in our rapidly changing world, the need of more individualized educational strategies which could let them be the active member of the educational process. Keywords: IT, multimedia, self-study, learners, foreign l-ge, education, data, WebCT | 1035 | |||||
3409 | The article is devoted to the study of identifi cation strategies of German phraseological units by determining the phraseological dominant. Analysis of the data obtained during the free association experiment allowed identifying the criteria for determining phraseological dominant in the group of phraseological units in the individual voca bulary. Keywords: phraseological dominant, identifi cation, phraseological synonym, free associative experiment, individual vocabulary | 1035 | |||||
3410 | In terms of transformation of Russian economy the scientific view of investment sphere process has been changing. The requirements for fixed assets renovation has been changing too. There is a direct connection between investments and qualitative changes of means of productions, between the growth of Russian firms competitiveness, overcoming the crisis processes and the beginning of a new stage in its development. That’s why the leading place in the research of fixed assets renovation should be taken by figuring out of its peculiarities, describing the content and its subject and object as well. Keywords: economy, subjects, relations, renovation, fixed assets | 1035 | |||||
3411 | The article deals with the results of phenomenological analysis of a dialogue organization precedent, the author describes the educational effects of dialogue, emphasizes its educational potential. Applying dialogue techniques in educational process on a regular basis leads to forming learnersґ professional competences and acquiring the competencies stated in the third-generation federal educational standard. Keywords: dialogue, dialogue techniques, competencies, competence, subjects of educational process | 1035 | |||||
3412 | The article deals with items of munition of horse early Scythian time from Tomsk territory near the Ob. As a result of their analysis the author concluded that the horse munition in Tomsk territory near the Ob was similarly spread in the Asian part of the Scythian world. Keywords: bronze details of horse munition, vorvorki, jewelry of draft, bronze parts of thong | 1035 | |||||
3413 | The article examines the principles of construction of methodical system in geometry using problem solving approach, which acts simultaneously as a technology of solving geometric problems and as a way of design the system of challenging problems, focused on students mastering the mathematical activity. We consider and resolve two contradictions: between modern approaches to teaching mathematics as a process of learning mathematical activity and their lack of implementation of the methods of teaching geometry at profile level; between the objective necessity of designing educational process to teach geometry creatively and the lack of appropriate methodological training system. We discuss some features of problems, create in the student environment for positive motivation and ensure the formation of students’ independent thinking. We also consider the examples of challenging problems with solutions. Keywords: methodical system of training, problem solving approach, mathematical thinking, mathematical activity, specialized education, challenging problems | 1035 | |||||
3414 | The article deals with the features of teaching of meteorology and hydrology to the students of geography at Tomsk state pedagogical university. It demonstrates the results of the study of major difficulties for the students during the study of meteorology and hydrology. The article presents the examples of realization of remote technologies MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Digital Learning Environment) for training of the subject “Modern problems of hydrometeorology” for masters. The article shows that the best development of spatial thinking of students occurs during the analysis of the climatic maps. If the student chooses a theme, then the project activity is more effective. Describes the test results of students-geographers in the assessment of current and residual knowledge in meteorology and hydrology. Educational field practice, including tours to the meteorological station, is considered as a necessary activity for the successful mastering of meteorology and hydrology. For effective studying of meteorology and hydrology students need to carry out measurements using various meteorological instruments. For investigation of water quality in small rivers of Tomsk region the field laboratories are used. The results of students’ research during the training practices are widely used for writing articles and bachelor’s final work. The article presents didactic recommendations for teachers starting to teach meteorology and hydrology at the pedagogical universities. Keywords: meteorology, climatology, hydrology, interdisciplinary communication, spatial thinking, professional competence, higher education | 1035 | |||||
3415 | This article considers the cognitive approach to the study of metaphors in poetic discourse, which plays a dominant role in contemporary linguistics. The task of this study is to reveal the influence of the context on the choice of metaphors in poetic texts, to describe the types of contexts and to prove the necessity of contextual analysis in the study of poetic discourse. The article describes the method of getting from linguistic metaphorical expressions to the conceptual metaphor in five steps proposed by Gerard Steen. This method suggests using contextual as well as cotextual information to fill in the gaps in comparative structures of source and target domains. The results of the research show that poetic metaphors are created by means of elaboration, extension and questioning of universal conventional models stored in long-term memory or with the help of combinations of those conventional conceptual metaphors. The interpretational potential of conceptual metaphors depends on the external context, as well as on elements within author’s discursive space. We came to a conclusion that cognitive operations involved into the production of metaphors depend on physical, social and cultural situations. The findings of this research also confirm the hypothesis by Z. Kövecses that the system of conceptual metaphors forms a specific type of context, that is a conceptual-cognitive one. Keywords: conceptual metaphor, cognitive poetics, discourse, contextuality, Sylvia Plath | 1035 | |||||
3416 | The system of activities, represented in this article, is aimed at training students to proofread writing. The ability to identify errors is of high priority for a future teacher of foreign languages. This will help students acquire and master necessary professional skills and will introduce the idea of language norm, as well as develop the ability to analyze and generalize information. Evaluating the quality of a written text can be done in an effective way by the knowledge of proofreading exercises. These exercises can really help students only if they are conducted in an organized manner and the students practice them consistently. The system of activities introduced in this article is designed for teaching students proofreading and includes four units. The Introduction acquaints students with the symbols, used for marking errors and provides first training. The Practice includes different in-class activities, such as peer evaluation, proofreading students’ own texts and games. In the Assessment part the author suggests the criteria for evaluating students’ proofreading skills. Some ideas for Creative Work are offered. The content of each unit is revealed in the article. Getting students to recognize problems in their writing is an important challenge which is best dealt with in class exercises. However, the author considers the possibility of students’ individual work, providing they are acquainted with proofreading techniques. Keywords: professional competence of a teacher, proofreading, written speech, grammar, students’ individual work | 1035 | |||||
3417 | Lysenko G. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 29-35 . | 1034 | |||||
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3419 | Zholobova I. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 46-48 . | 1034 | |||||
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3421 | In F. Sologub’s texts and publicistic articles there is a subject of pedagogics, school knowledge, types of «pupil» and «teacher» are steady. Between parts of pair «the pupil – the teacher» Sologub traces relations in the context of a steady antisocial script. Absurd, anecdotic sequences of school subjects in many respects have an autobiographical basis. The school lyrics participates in creation of a portrait of the typical character of Sologub’s lyrics: passive, dependent on the social patterns, limited to frameworks of algolagnic complex. | 1034 | |||||
3422 | In the given paper we present the basic ideas of the concept of the active-semantic approach in the context of developing teaching of mathematic analysis to senior school children. The given approach is regarded as the author's variant of the model of personally oriented teaching mathematics. In the paper we bring out some concrete tasks, which assist to reveal semantic aspects of abstract mathematic notions, included in the curriculum of algebra and essentials of analysis. In this paper we also describe some means of realizing the active-semantic approach: dialogue, integration of different ways of knowledge presentation, pointing out the perspectives of studying a new concept. | 1034 | |||||
3423 | In this work are given the results of calculations of characteristics of Auger-spectrum, arising from the decaying via Coulomb autoionisation of quartet terms 1s2pnl in Li atom and Be+ ion to the adjacent 1s2sеl quartet continuum | 1034 | |||||
3424 | This article is dedicated to the comparison of the interpretations of the phenomenon of world by Husserl and Heidegger | 1034 | |||||
3425 | The article, based on published data, consider the interaction of local mechanisms of regulation of cardiac activity during the transition processes in the cardiovascular system. We describe the factors that ensure the stability of the hemodynamic processes in the transition process. Keywords: cardiovascular system, transients, haemodynamics, factors of stability | 1034 | |||||
3426 | The article analyzes the stages of development of public schools in pre-revolutionary Russia, which were represented at that time by various models of different types, reflecting its national traits, experience and traditions of national education. Keywords: rural education setting, variety of models of rural education, rural community. | 1034 | |||||
3427 | The article presents the analysis of emotional colouring of urbanonyms (emporonyms) for what associative experiment and the phonosemantic analysis of names was conducted. As the result, words with the positive and negative connotation influencing perception of names by recipients-consumers have been revealed. Keywords: psycholinguistics, phonosemantics, emporonyms, associative experiment, connotative meaning | 1034 | |||||
3428 | Microbial communities in virgin and reclaimed fens of Tomsk region were examined in the comparative study. Differences between these peat lands could be found only for a dry season. A number of fungi, evaluated with the plating method, and a share of hydrolytic bacteria were considerably higher in the reclaimed fen. It indicates to the intensification of destruction due to the implemented agricultural afforestation. The differences between fens smooth after long-term rains: fungal and actinomycetal mycelium is fragmentary found in soil layers, number and specific diversity of micromycetes decrease, hydrobionts dominate among bacteria. Thus, though examined fens are hydromorphic soils, weather conditions should be taken into account for soil sampling, because all the microbiologic indicators, which allow characterizing microbial communities of peat soils, sharply vary under the change of dry and moist periods. Keywords: fens, agroforestry, microbial biomass, bacteria, fungi, abundance, taxonomic structure | 1034 | |||||
3429 | The problem of measurement in the human studies is discussed in the article. It’s established that the mechanisms of self-organization of social and cultural systems are information processes. On the basis of the information and synergistic approach the interdependence of characteristics of information is defined. Application of characteristics of information for the measurements in the human studies is discussed. The conclusion is verified on the basis of the established correspondence of stages of information processes and anthropological impacts of collective dreams. Keywords: problem of measurement, the information and synergistic approach, characteristics of information, purpose, goal, dream | 1034 | |||||
3430 | The article discusses the state of human capital in Russia at the present stage, revealed the basic concepts and definitions, we investigate the influence of human factors on the Russian economy, and comparative analysis with other developed countries. Keywords: human capital, intellectual potential, investment, economic growth | 1034 | |||||
3431 | In the article the foundations of notional terminological apparatus of investigation of the phenomenon “college reflexive management in condition of a small town” are revealed. The author tells about logical structure of notions in accordance with their semantics and attributes, discloses their reverse connection and hierarchy. In a correspondence with his opinion all these factors allow to create the system of basic notions, which are necessary for purposes of investigation. Keywords: a college of a small town, reflexive management, self-governing, interaction, reverse connection | 1034 | |||||
3432 | The paper presents the analysis of correlation between such pedagogical categories as “competence” and “knowledge and skills”. The author shows the necessity of decomposing competences into knowledge and skills in a competence model of a specialist. It is defined that this decomposition reveals a clear logical link between the competences and the subjects of the curriculum. Keywords: the State Higher Educational Standards, competence, competence model of a specialist, decomposition of competences | 1034 | |||||
3433 | The means of expressing the sacral component of religious-art constituent of perception category in the English language are described. The contextual analysis shows the peculiarities of the structure of the given category and the specific features of its components. Keywords: category, concept, perception, sacral component, religious-art constituent, semantics, sin, sacral space, icon | 1034 | |||||
3434 | The article deals with innovative educational models of school education in the kingdom of Sweden, gives the short analyses of reasons of their effectiveness in the development of the Swedish system of compulsory education, proves the reasons of possible usage of the experience of the countries, most successful in the sphere of compulsory education, in the reformation and development of the school education in Russia; concludes the idea of potential application of the Swedish experience in the innovative educational models’ implementation in the process of the development (modernization) of the systems of school education in the Russian Federation. Keywords: innovative educational model, reformation (modernization) of the system of education, critical creative moment, pedagogical technologies, interactive educational process, content and language integrated learning | 1034 | |||||
3435 | The article presents the results of empirical verification of professionally important personal qualities of teachers of technical subjects of military higher educational institutions. Analytical review of scientific publications on the problem of research allowed to come to the preliminary conclusion that effective pedagogical interaction of a technical disciplines’ teacher with the students of military university in the first place contribute to such professionally significant individual psychological qualities and characteristics, as empathy, reflection, communicativeness, social perceptiveness, abstract thinking and spatial imagination. A survey of experts (teachers and students of military higher institution) showed that a teacher of technical disciplines needs to have a certain combination of professionally significant qualities and properties, and, first of all, such as empathy, reflexivity, communicativeness, social perceptiveness, abstract thinking, spatial imagination. The results of the experiment verified the assumption that professionally significant qualities of the teacher of military university can be purposefully developed through the implementation of the specially designed training programs. Keywords: professionally significant qualities of personality development, efficiency of the pedagogical interaction, the participants of the educational process, the teacher of the technical disciplines, military university, military student | 1034 | |||||
3436 | The consistent tendencies towards the standardization of education result in the implementation of language standards in different countries and regions of the world. The conditions of their emergence and functioning define the language conventions specified in the standards as the basis of foreign language learners’ linguistic competence. The language of coursebooks of English is considered to be the source for their linguistic experts’ evaluation. The language standards being used to evaluate the coursebooks lead on to developing a set of criteria for such an evaluation including the area of cross-cultural communication and communication strategies in general as well as the acquisition of concrete lexical, grammatical and functional units of language. Keywords: language standards, competence, competency, competency-based approach, the language of coursebooks of English, linguistic analysis of coursebooks, expert evaluation of coursebooks | 1034 | |||||
3437 | The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of euphemisms and dysphemisms belonging to the functionalsemantic field of death. Euphemisms became important bricks in the walls people have built to keep the dead from making them uncomfortable. The most fertile ground for euphemizing is one where open discussion of a topic is taboo. So it was with sex in the Victorian era, and so it became with death after World War II. Postwar advice books counseled parents to avoid talking about this subject with their children. Having done their best to avoid anything connected with the dying and dead, English-speaking communities replaced associated expressions considered too direct with soothing alternatives. The words ‘passed away’, or simply ‘passed’, and ‘gone’ are the most prevalent synonyms for ‘died’. Much has been written on the psychology of denying imminent death. Euphemisms clearly have an important role to play in this denial process. Growing interest in death and dying during recent decades, supported by several publications on the subject, suggests a certain willingness to face the topic squarely in print. This willingness, however, is not reflected in everyday discourse which can be proved by mass literature contexts. In addition to euphemisms there exist various dysphemisms and slang words. Like euphemisms, dysphemisms are motivated by fear and distaste, but also by hatred and contempt. Slang expressions and dysphemistic terms of insult or disrespect should be avoided in speech and teaching a language. Keywords: functional-semantic field, semantic vagueness, conceptual category, death, euphemism, dysphemism | 1034 | |||||
3438 | Introduction. The group of stories in which the scene is the center of the artistic model of the world, and the distinctive features – the transformation and interpenetration of real and virtual spaces. Aim and objectives. The article deals with the strategy of playing with the reader in “theater” stories of E. Zamyatin. Materials and research methods. Material of a research are stories by E. Zamyatin E. Zamyatin “The Ten Minute Drama”, “Meeting”, “Lion”. The reader is in a situation of uncertainty, which is due to the fact that he can not distinguish the real space from the virtual (“Meeting”), is forced to respond to the effect of changing masks. Thus, in the story “The Ten Minute Drama,” he finds himself in the role of a spectator, an odd man out in an imaginary play. The author also changes the mask, turning into a director, screenwriter, character of the “drama”, played out in the tram. The change of masks creates the illusion of a theatrical play. Results and discussion. The article proves the position that a special type of relations between the author and the reader and, consequently, the strategies of the game with the reader are set by the modernist paradigm. The second important factor in determining the specifics of the game strategies, is the special nature of synthetism of E. Zamyatin, which has predetermined properties such properties of his prose as the stage charisma and the cinematography. The staginess is associated with the visualization of the text, the brightness of spatial images, the effect of staging, the significance of the details, the cinematography of the text is determined by the implementation of the principle of montage. Conclusion. The analysis of “theatrical” stories allows you to detect game practices which are peculiar to the post-modern paradigm, for example, focus on game interaction with the reader, performativity, autocommentary, the creation of the text by analogy with the dramatic piece or a movie script, the fixation of the unreliability of the narrative. Units of divisions of such a text are the episodes, the appropriate personnel and scenes. Thus, the transformation of the reader into an aesthetic subject involved in the creation of a work or observing this process is carried out. The models of the world created in the stories do not draw reality as a space of simulacra, it would be impossible within the framework of the system, which E. Zamyatin defined as neo-realism. Keywords: play with the reader, modernism, stage, theatricality, synthetism, neorealism, literary cinematography | 1034 | |||||
3439 | Miroshnikov S. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 61-62 . | 1033 | |||||
3440 | In the article labour relations are viewed as content of the basic category of the theory of world economy which determines the logic of constructing of a whole system of geoplanetary economic relations. | 1033 | |||||
3441 | The article is devoted to the analysis of pre-service train¬ing of the future teacher of physical culture with the main ac¬cent on the causes of the orientation of pedagogical education on individual-creative development of the personality. On the basis of the analysis of introduction of humanistic educational models oriented to an individualized approach, the author iden¬tifies comprehensive trends of this process, and puts the prob¬lem of correspondence of didactical skills of university graduates to the labor market requirements in the forefront. Based on the analysis of the research pedagogical sources and own experience the author gives arguments for distinguishing be¬tween basic and production means of professional training giv¬ing the priorities to moral and physical health. Keywords: - | 1033 | |||||
3442 | In the work the results of studying of individually-typological peculiarities of teachers of Tomsk region are presented. In the research the teachers participated, learnt according to the program of increase of qualification of Federation of internet education in Tomsk regional center. Acquired results make a question about the necessity of studying, elaboration and inculcation of complex of measures for recovery and maintenance of psychological health of a teacher, and also of essential conditions for the increase of professionalism | 1033 | |||||
3443 | An approach is introduced to forming operational and economic requirements for science intensive products. The approach is based on utilization of theories of the economic balance and of the competitiveness of products. Graphic interpretation is provided for the "Cost of production-operational indices" econometric model. | 1033 | |||||
3444 | The article is dedicated to the problem of personnel motivation. An example of motivation system develop¬ment through the composition method is described. As initial parameters for system development the assess¬ment center results have been taken. | 1033 | |||||
3445 | In this article the intention of giving short characteristics of origin, establishment and development of Internal Troops of Russia’s Interior is undertaken; the author gave an assessment of carrying out of service and combat tasks by the Internal Troops in modern conditions of fighting with International terrorism. | 1033 | |||||
3446 | Recently at the highest state level discussion of a question on modernization of the Russian formation(education) became more active. It is supposed, that reform of formation(education) should mention all levels of an education system, starting(beginning) from preschool and finishing(stopping) послевузовским. Thus the special attention is given availability, efficiency and quality of formation(education). Public practice testifies, that any transformations including in pedagogical sphere, do not give due result if they are carried out(spent) by a trial and error method, without scientifically proved approaches. Development of such pedagogical technologies which would allow to raise(increase) quality of school physical formation(education) considerably is of interest | 1033 | |||||
3447 | In article it is shown that dynamics of solar activity makes more essential impact on psychophysiological functions of girls, than boys. Keywords: environment, solar activity, organism reaction, intellectual working capacity | 1033 | |||||
3448 | In work on example Telecky lake is analysed relationship hydrogeochemical features surface area of water with solar cycles. For the first time dependency of the number physico-chemical factors of water lake and its influx is shown from main parameter of the solar activity. Keywords: Telecky lake, hydrogeochemikal factors, solar activity | 1033 | |||||
3449 | In the annual model experiment was made the monitoring of quantity and taxonomical structure of the bacterial and fungal complexes in the monoliths of the bog peatland under temperature of20-24 oC and 4-6 oC, using the fluorescent- microscopic and plate methods. It was established, that low temperatures didn't exert serious influence on the morphological, taxonomical structure and abundance levels of the fungal complexes. The temperatures stimulated the development of Basidiomycetes and dark-coloured mycelium. Among the bacterial hydrolytic complex, Bacillus were the most adapted to the low-temperature conditions. In the bog peatland, fungi were shaped as mycelium, and spore-forming bacteria were shaped as vegetative cells, that's why they occurred to be in an active state. Also the fungi and spore-forming bacteria were adapted to low-temperature conditions and that helped them to decompose vegetative polymers. Keywords: bog peatland, model experiment, low temperature, monitoring, bacteria, fungi, abundance, taxonomical structure | 1033 | |||||
3450 | The article is dedicated to the problems of education. It is based on research of materials of Fund of education support project. The author considers the features of developing programs of cadet’s education, describes their goals and expecting results. The article shows the ways of describing modern cadet’s portrait, social and personal successes of graduating students, shows technologies of evaluating students in military schools. Keywords: cadet’s education, practice of pedagogical planning, graduate student’s portrait, ways of social examination of education results | 1033 |