# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2501 | We might conclude that consonantal markers are characteristic of nouns of all three genders, therefore they didn’t relate to the grammatical category of gender, which was formed later. As the markers are rather old, the original meaning of them was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness. Generation of the grammatical gender was connected with vowel markers. | 1166 | |||||
2502 | The comparative analysis of the imperative in three Ugric languages (Vogul, Ostyak and Hungarian) allows to conclude: the Hungarian imperative marker –j is archaic as nowadays all three languages tend to use a zero-morpheme to label the imperative. | 1166 | |||||
2503 | The article deals with the peculiarities of space perception fay the Russian culture at the end of the 18th century. The research is focused on the analysis of the Palace of Versailles description in (letters of a Russian traveler* by N.M. Karamzin in terms of the ruins theme. | 1166 | |||||
2504 | The article analyses the engineering university as educational phenomenon and its status in the educational tradition of the twentieth century. The author also displays the role of the engineering university in development of traditions of high engineering schools. | 1166 | |||||
2505 | The article reveals at philosophical level the concept of "modeling" and "model", and also considers pedagogical methods of theoretical research in a sports science as the most actual now | 1166 | |||||
2506 | Bases of process of interaction of a mill of a milling cutter with a peat deposit are stated. Data on the software realizing this algorithm are given. Results of computer experiments with use of this software are presented. Keywords: mill, a knife of a mill, accommodation of knifes on a mill | 1166 | |||||
2507 | The article analyzes the capabilities advanced study of the Russian language in primary school through the introduction of elements of historical commentary main linguistic phenomena and processes. Keywords: historical commentary, the Russian language, language competence, primary education, phonetic analysis, lexical analysis, word-formative analysis, morphological analysis | 1166 | |||||
2508 | The article deals with content, specific management competence of the teacher at rural school Keywords: content, management competence of teacher at rural school | 1166 | |||||
2509 | The article is devoted to problems of the development of teachers’ qualification examination holding procedure instituted by 2011. Keywords: certification, qualification examination, holding procedure | 1166 | |||||
2510 | The paper, based on data of three languages of the same language family, but with different sociolinguistic status, demonstrates that the development of the language is determined mainly by sociolinguistic factors. Most of these factors are unique for each of the Chukchi-Koryak languages (and that is why the results are different) and one important factor is similar: bilingualism of native speakers and the impact of the Russian language. In the fi eld of grammar the infl uence of the Russian language is hidden from direct observation, and is expressed in development of forms and constructions with corresponences in Russian, and in removal of non-congruent ones. Keywords: language change, language contact, sociolinguistics, analytic, synthetic, localization, purpose constructions | 1166 | |||||
2511 | The article explores the mechanisms of creating and functioning of I. I. Kozlov’s individual translator’s myth concerning the creative works and personality of D. G. Byron. I. I. Kozlov is known as one of the early Russian byronists. Appearing of this myth is viewed as a result of using various strategies of translation and adaptation of English poetry into Russian. Keywords: Romanticism translation, strategies of adaptation, translator’s myth. I. I. Kozlov | 1166 | |||||
2512 | The article represents an attempt at academic understanding of interconnection between the teacher’s personality potential and spiritual values within the framework of the present-day system of education. Keywords: spiritual values, teacher’s personality potential | 1166 | |||||
2513 | The article traces the process of formation of professional music education in the vast Zauralskaya territory of the Russian Empire in late XIX – early XX centuries and defines the activities of Tomsk Branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society (IRMO) in this regard as the most consistent and successful. Keywords: music education, Siberia and Far East, Tomsk Branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society (IRMS), the end of XIX – early XX centuries | 1166 | |||||
2514 | The article contains the analysis of English sport snowboard terms the selection of which is made from English terminological dictionaries and thematic Internet resources in the English language. The results of the research show that more than half of the English sport snowboard lexicon consists structurally of two-component, three-component and four-component phrases. Semantically two thirds of the English sport snowboard terms denote different types of the board for snowboard, body armour for snowboard, binding and its parts. One third of the English snowboard terminology comprises terms that express parts of the board for snowboard, clothes and boots for snowboard as well as their parts. Keywords: sport terminology, snowboard terms, morphological models, semantics of terms, the English language | 1166 | |||||
2515 | This article is devoted to investigating the images of grain and bread, which happen to be universally shared among agricultural-based cultures, as they are metaphorized by means of verbalized forms in Russian, English and Italian languages. We will present the common cross-cultural substantial context that lies at the basis of figurative reelaboration of source concepts and describe lexico-phraseological units embodying the images of grain and bread as part of motivational-figurative paradigms. An analysis of metaphoric models reflecting projections of these images in various conceptual spheres pertaining the material and non-material world is provided. The linguistic representation of cognitive metaphoric models is realized by means of figurative words and expressions. They include: metaphors (grain ‘very small and round shaped particle’), metaphoric derivatives (breadwinner ‘a person supporting a family with his or her earnings’), phraseological combinations (take the bread out of the mouths ‘deprive someone of his or her livelihood’), proverbs, sayings, and catchphrases (bread and circuses!). Our analysis will show a shared process of metaphorization in the languages under examination. On the one hand, the image of grain serves as a mean of metaphoric representation for 1) small and round shaped objects, 2) small parts of a whole (a structure or a surface), 3) a little or insignificant amount of something; 4) the source or the central part of something. On the other hand, the image of bread is used metaphorically to indicate 1) means of subsistence, 2) work or its results, 3) prosperity, 4) misery, 5) food in general, 6) positive moral characteristics of an individual. We can observe that in Russian, English, and Italian the figurative and symbolic semantics of grain and bread correspond. Such consistency is due, firstly, to similarities in food preferences among agricultural-based cultures, and, secondly, to the influence of pre-Christian and Christian traditions. Keywords: figurative lexis, phraseology, cognitive metaphor, metaphoric model, Cultural Linguistics | 1166 | |||||
2516 | A new approach to the system of professional skill im¬provement is worked out and applied in practice, which provides an education of the motivation to self-progression of a teacher. Main principles of the PSI operation are de¬scribed, and an example of sociological and psychology-pedagogical examination of a school collective is given. | 1165 | |||||
2517 | The article of Seiiwanoff F.A. with the title «Atasphere» examines two opposite characteristics of the culture. The first of them is the quality of intellect and perfection of the human activity in the culture; the second one is the stupidity, evil and imperfection. The author shows that the second quality of the human nature builds the Atasphere and plays the same role as noosphere but it has the opposite meaning and significance. | 1165 | |||||
2518 | The article gives characteristics of natural resour¬ces' peculiarities as elements of ecological systems, their similarities and distinctions from industrial means of production. It also underlines unique characteristics of nature and benefits to which production technolo¬gies should be adjusted. | 1165 | |||||
2519 | The article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of values, content, and methods of one of four traditional spiritual Russian practices - Buddhism. Philosophical ideas of liberation are considered here as well as original understanding of life and nature, laying in the basis of Buddhism pedagogical tradition. In the article pedagogical interpretation of Buddhism methods (concentration in inner life, special diet, limitation, meditation etc. are regarded. The article Is of interest for scientists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers and students of higher pedagogical educational establishments. | 1165 | |||||
2520 | The technique of definition of influencing of features of photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development in conditions of closed soil of a summer horse radish of a kind “Ladushka” – biological testing of correction light films is designed. The technique is encompass bayed definition of a number of a number morphometry, biochemical parameters, economic productivity of plants at their cultivation in the summer period in conditions of a closed soil under correction light films. Considerable, up to double and more, the changes of economic productivity of culture under correction light films as contrasted to not by modified polyethylene films of the same technological parameters, indicate high response of plants to changes of a spectral components of electromagnetic radiation created by correction light films. The technique allows getting the information about features of influencing of different photophysical characteristics of correction light films on growth and development of plants in the summer period and it is addition to design earlier to technique of biological testing of correction light films in the spring period at cultivation of sprout of a cabbage | 1165 | |||||
2521 | Two different approaches are currently available for the analysis of the behaviour of the solid particles in flows. These are termed the Eulerian and Langrangian. In the Lagrangian method on the trajectories of the individual size fractions are evaluated by solving time dependent ordinary differential equations. In the Eulerian approach on the other hand, partial differential equations for the conservation of mass and momentum are written for each of the particle’s fractions, which are solved together with the equation of the liquid flow. Even in the simplest hydrocyclone model, there are two phases present, namely liquid, and monosized particles. Since particles of different diameters move with different velocity, each additional particle size represents an additional phase. An algebraic slip approach was used, with three momentum equations solved for the mixture, and relative moment of each fractions take into account in the conservations equations, in an iterative manner. The relative velocities between the particles and liquid in the hydrocyclone are evaluated by consideration of the dynamic force balance on the particle itself. The consequence of the mass conservation for the all fractions in a turbulent flow is the equation of turbulent diffusion of particles for each particle fraction mass concentration (Euler description form). The method of the determination of the diffusion coefficient of the solid phases is considered. Results allow to draw a conclusion that given formula well describes turbulent transport of solid phase flow and can be used for numerical modelling multiphase flows | 1165 | |||||
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2523 | In language two tendencies with different directions constantly take place: a tendency to destruction of homonym pairs and tendency to appearance of pairs. The process of appearance of homonyms seems to be accidental but the process of elimination of homonyms – regular. | 1165 | |||||
2524 | The technology of image teaching is grounded on the principle of using the ideomotor image of developing motor move and applied working with judoists ranging in age from 12 to 15. The proposed technology allows: to single out and correct images of right and more qualitative motor moves; to influence positively imagination, physique and motor moves technique | 1165 | |||||
2525 | Stunting is one of the contemporary problems. Carrying out the comprehensive rehabilitation actions with children with stunted growth is essential for recreating their personal and social status. Physical training is one of the most powerful stimulants for the secretion of the growth hormone. Using of the graduated exercises for stunted - growth children during the 1,5 - 2 hours excites the presence of the growth hormone in blood thrice as much | 1165 | |||||
2526 | The motives of activity are generated by the available requirements, thus new requirements arise under the influence of the developed structure of motives, having generated, these new requirements induce new informative motivation. Keywords: a motivational direction, memory, thinking, motivation, informative motives, social motives, positive motivation, an estimation | 1165 | |||||
2527 | In clause the stylistic nature epistolary of the discurs as specific form of speech dialogue is investigated. As base the rule about an accessory «classical» epistolary of the text to written colloquial discurs is put forward. The thesis about ability of the letters as special genre is proved to function in discurs of different types, saving thus the invariant attributes. Keywords: functional stylistics, sphere of the communications, functional style, epistolary the discurs, epistolary the text, epistolary the style, epistolary the genre | 1165 | |||||
2528 | This article represents a sociological analysis of values in different status youth groups in Novosibirsk. It was held as a result of comparative sociological research between the students of higher and secondary education. The article examines similarity and difference in the system of values in these status groups, the role of family values on a total valuable scale is also revealed in it. Keywords: the youth of megalopolis, status group, values, family, marriage | 1165 | |||||
2529 | The article presents the analysis of the concept essence “tolerance” in different sciences. Offers different classifications of tolerance. Of greatest interest to the study is the concept of “pedagogical tolerance”. It is proved, that the сoncept “pedagogical tolerance” can be represented as integrative characteristics of specialist of professional sphere “Man-Man”. The concept “pedagogical tolerance” can be regarded also as a kind of professional tolerance. Pedagogical tolerance is manifested in the implementation of pedagogical functions: organizational, educational, informational, controlling et al. They are necessary for the specialists of this professional sphere, for the successful implementation of their professional tasks. This allows to discover the essence of concept “pedagogical tolerance” as an interdisciplinary phenomenon. Keywords: tolerance, pedagogical tolerance, interdisciplinary phenomenon | 1165 | |||||
2530 | At present linguistics is connected very closely to cultural studies. A language is explored in connection with the history and culture of the people who speak the language. To study a language means not only just study a language but also to understand another people, nation and humankind as a whole. The article concerns the concept of “stone” in the Chinese linguaculture. The research is made with the data of linguistic experiment conducted in the city of Shenyang, PRC among native Chinese speakers. The respondents were found among teachers and students of Shenyang Polytechnic University, aged from 18 to 60 years old. The questions studied by the experiment concern with Chinese linguaculture, the image of stone and some set expressions of Chinese language which contain “stone”. The results of the experiment are depicted in the article. Keywords: linguaculture, Chinese linguaculture, stone’s image, set expression | 1165 | |||||
2531 | The paper reviews the projects on studies of the Ob-Yenissei language area in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The problem of the research project “Typology of Simple Sentence in the Languages of the Ob-Yenisei area: Information and Argument Structure” sponsored by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) has been described in detail: a review of literature on structural and communicative syntax has been made, also the degree of the project topic study in the languages under investigation has been analyzed. The languages of the project do not give a detailed description of the subject-matter. The Praat linguistic program, which allows to divide the sound stream, will be used to the results of the study. The result is to form an understanding of the typological picture of the Ob-Yenisei language area with respect to the word order and communicative structure of the sentence. The article is finished with a brief review of prospective directions of the researches which are to be fulfilled on the materials of underdescribed and highly endangered languages. The indigenous population of Siberia has faced difficulties in describing the language picture of the world on the material and spiritual culture of ethnic minorities. The Ob-Yenisei language area has not been described on individual grammatical categories in the functional and typological perspective, and the problem with the lexical typology, and syntax, does not contain an investigation in the areal aspect. Thus, it is necessary to elaborate studies on small languages Keywords: Ket, Selkup, Teleut, Khanty, Chulym Turkic, areal linguistics, typology, basic word order, information structure of simple the sentence | 1165 | |||||
2532 | . | 1164 | |||||
2533 | The main tendencies of forming the professor corps of the Tomsk State University in 1917-1945 are considered in the given paper. They are proletarianization of the teaching staff, ide¬ological conciliation with the Soviet power, awarding ranks and academic degrees without defending theses; promotion, planning in training scientific staff. The work was performed due to financial support of RGNF (project Na 00-03-00239). | 1164 | |||||
2534 | The author of the article makes an attempt to prove that the true characters of Zabolotsky's poem are nei¬ther elements of nature, nor Gods of the antique Panthe¬on, but two great poets of the XIX and XX centuries Fjodor Tjutchev and Velimir Khlebnikov and co-opposing paradigms of their poetical languages. | 1164 | |||||
2535 | The various types of water basins, i. e. river, accessory, marsh and continental ones, are considered as biotopes for fresh-water mollusks of North-Siberia. For each of the above basin types the qualitative and qualitative composition of mollusks is reported and the most widely spread species are indicated. Regarding the biotopes and environmental factors involved, rheo-, stagno- and eurybionts are found to predominate among the fresh-water mollusks of Northern Siberia. The adaptation of mollusks to certain environmental factors of the water basins and their distribution in the biotopes because of these factors are considered. | 1164 | |||||
2536 | The author deals with the problem of homelessness and criminality. In the given article the specifity of using of the criminological methods in studying the problems of interrelationship between homelessness and criminality is being described. | 1164 | |||||
2537 | The development of the commercial sports and health-supporting clubs of different kinds, forms, remedies and modes, which are offered in the sport service market, is one of the displays of the increased social importance of physical culture. The article considers the factors and conditions, which affect the functional profitability of the commercial enterprises in the sphere of the sport and health-supporting services, and suggests the principles for the rehabilitation and preventive functioning of the beauty and health centres | 1164 | |||||
2538 | The article deals with the problem of formation of the system of secondary pedagogical education. The peculiarities of work of teacher’s seminaries of West Siberia in the training of pedagogical personnel for people’s professional schools are mentioned. The analysis of educational process in the seminaries at the close of 19th up to the beginning of 20th Century is submitted for consideration. | 1164 | |||||
2539 | This article is devoted to a topical issue of civic education of students. The author reveals nature and content of «civic consciousness)) concept and describes opportunities that economic education provides to form civic consciousness organization of civic consciousness formation procedure in students in the process of studying economic disciplines has been considered with the example of Tomsk forestry engineering training college. Keywords: civic consciousness, civic education, intermediate vocational education, economic disciplines, criterions of civic consciousness education | 1164 | |||||
2540 | This article is devoted to the analysis of possibility of implementation of optimization approach to organization of research activities of a pedagogue. The author presents own position in respect of identification of criteria of optimization, specified with riscological factors taken to account. Keywords: optimization, optimization criteria, research activities, riskology factors | 1164 | |||||
2541 | The article is devoted to the civic education in Australia, its establishment and development, it describes different stages of the transformation of its idea on the basis of ethnical diversity of Australian society and difference in attitudes to the system of education and its role in different historical periods and in different parts of Australia. It is devoted to the analysis of the social demands and their influence on the school policy in general, and on the policy of civic education. Keywords: bilingual society, civic education, democratic society, moral education, multicultural society, interrelated education | 1164 | |||||
2542 | The article considers the linguistic ways of «Creator» concept objectification in Prigov’s poetic texts. The methods of conceptual analysis are here applied. The given research is a fragment of concept analysis; as a result of it certain cognitive indications have been formulated, dominant senses of some poetic fragments and the whole texts have been revealed. Keywords: conceptual analysis, «Creator» concept, cognitive indication, cognitive classification indication, key lexeme, representative, idio-style | 1164 | |||||
2543 | In the present article the constructional, predicative functions and the factor of open predication are revealed. The author offers to use the formula of open predication for research of predication compression in the texts of different functional styles. The given research covers the problem of the probabilistic frequency of predicative and semipredicative constructions in different texts. Keywords: predication, constructional and predicative functions, semicomposite sentences, factor of open predication, one level and interlevel expansion, predicative unit compression, paradigmatization, propositional meaning, average probability | 1164 | |||||
2544 | The article is devoted to organization of specialized education by means of online education in rural ungraded schools. Online education means flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of students with the help of different sources of information, online and regular interaction with the leading teacher of the course and group work. Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, online education. | 1164 | |||||
2545 | The following issues are considered: the background of the formation of the state educational system in Russia during the 18th century and the main content of the 1802–1804 reforms which resulted in the formation of the educational system. Keywords: history of education, state educational system, reforms in education | 1164 | |||||
2546 | In anglophone historiography the modernization in prepetrine Muscovy is considered as the result of the military reforms and the external influences. The sources of such effects were located in the West as well as in the East. The “military revolution” has been recognized as an important aspect of the historical transformation of the state and society. It has identified the development of the fiscal-military state. Whereas the process of the new military technologies translation went out from Europe, the Ottoman Empire and the Golden Horde passed out the autocratic political model “of the Service State” and the concept of the fiscal policy. In the estimates of foreign authors pre-Petrine military reforms were effective enough, but they have increased social and cultural gap between Europe and Russia. Keywords: modernization theory, military revolution theory, pre-petrine Muscovy, modern historiography | 1164 | |||||
2547 | Culture definition is the indispensable condition for a new level of the reality cognition. Sociological, philosophical and anthropological approaches for the culture definition, its structure and functions are analysed in the article. The ways of culture formation in growing generation education are singled out in the paper. Keywords: upbringing, culture space, nature and culture, human being, ecological culture, philosophical, anthropological, activity approaches of culture definition | 1164 | |||||
2548 | The article deals with the present problem of professional competence of future specialists. There was defined the conceptual apparatus of the problem, which characterizes the professional competence of the university graduates. It is shown that the competence-based approach requires an increase in the level of language training of future specialists. Special attention is paid to the fact that for the solution of this issue requires the formation of polylingual personality. Keywords: competence, competent specialist, polylingual setting, polylingual education, polylingual personality | 1164 | |||||
2549 | The paper defends the thesis that the philosophy of film allows to realize the analysis of the basic mechanism of transfer of ideological intentions in modern society. It is revealed that images which were presented at movies of a genre “horror” (in particular images of zombie) propose metaphorical ways of introduction an encryption and ideology interpretation (in particular ideologies of pleasure and consumption). It is maintained that philosophical reflection of films allow to transform ideology from means of manipulation with behavior of the person to the tool of awakening of his consciousness. As a result in Russia the ideology which allows the person to act freely can be developed, relying not on the blind desires, but on the conscious purposes and ideals. Keywords: ideology, philosophy of film, mechanisms of transfer of ideological intentions | 1164 | |||||
2550 | The article considers the problem of interrelation of parent-child relationship and personal maturity of the adoptive parents. Shows the dependence of successful development of the child in a foster family on the level of personal maturity of the adoptive parents and the type of parent-child relationship. Presents the results of diagnostics of childparent relationship and personal maturity of the adoptive parents. It is revealed that empathy, reflexivity and creativity of personal maturity of the parents determines the line and the type of their relationship with children. It is established that the disadvantages of the reflexivity of parents impede the development needs of self-actualization, and emotional responsiveness to the experiences of children, manifestations of creativity. At the same time, the ability of personally mature adoptive parents to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of personal development ensures their need for selfactualization, the choice of effective ways of interacting with children, humane treatment. It is believed that the level of development of personal maturity of parents ensures harmonious interpersonal relationship in foster family, creation of a favorable psychological climate. The authors come to the conclusion that the development of personal maturity of the adoptive parents is one of the factors for improving parent-child relationship in foster care, to avoid secondary orphanhood. Keywords: parent-child relationship, types of parent-child relationship, personal maturity, secondary orphanhood, foster parents | 1164 |