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6201 | Introduction. The given analysis is about 475 modern phraseological units that contribute to the formation of the phraseological picture of the world. The study examines the relationship of semantics and the form of phraseological units, due to the situation of communication. The phraseology of a language as part of the linguistic picture of the world is included in the framework of the study of cognitive linguistics. Aim. This study is aimed at identifying and describing modern phraseological units, as an example of allegorical expression in the communication process to achieve certain cognitive goals. Material and methods. The presented empirical material in the article is an actual selection from a modern literary text (Under My Skin, The Door That Led To Where, End Game, Liccle Bit, The Art of Being Normal – 2015 publication). Examples were obtained by reading fiction of modern British authors (J. Dawson, S. Gardner, A. Gibbons, A. Wheatle, L. Williamson), by the method of continuous sampling. Results and discussion. The analysis allowed us to consider the cognitive aspect of phraseological units. It is established that a broad approach to the study of phraseology expands the boundaries of phraseological doctrine and allows you to consider more structural and semantic forms of phraseological units. The following modern phraseological units are considered and analyzed in the article: phraseological units, phraseological units derivatives and author formations. The semantic features of derivatives of phraseological units and copyright formations are analyzed in the framework of modern phraseology of the English language. It is shown that the structural complexity of phraseology is based on the cognitive aspect of its semantic structure. Conclusion. The analysis made it possible to identify the structural range of phraseological units and consider their transformative processes according to semantics and situational use. The study shows that the modification of phraseological structures and the introduction of new idiomatic phrases (derivatives of phraseological units and author’s idiomatic expressions) are due to linguistic and cultural needs in the expression of society. All analyzed modern phraseological units of the English language are considered as operational units of thinking of the present time and are a means of reflecting the linguistic picture as a whole. The linguistic picture of the world is a reflection of the external and internal world of a person, his thinking and speech. The modern phraseology of the English language reflects changes in human comprehension, understanding and interpretation of the outside world. The phraseological unit has a complex structure and belongs to a special linguistic category, which leads to an increase in the interest of cognitive research. Thus, the study of phraseology at this stage should be focused on the phraseological unit, its meaning and its usage. Keywords: cognitive phraseology, modern phraseological units, derivation of phraseological units, semantics and structure, modern vocabulary of the English language | 909 | |||||
6202 | The article focuses on semantic peculiarities of thematic group “Merchants” in Middle English, which is the part of lexical-semantic field “occupations”. The words related to commercial sphere were selected and analyzed commercial sphere. The results of the research show dividing of traders into different fields according to their specializations of business. To the main branches of commerce belonged material, product and clothes trading. Merchant guilds had an influence on craftsmen and it resulted into expanding of their rights. There were some representatives of female traders too. The article provides additional information about trade, business and history in Medieval Britain of the XI–XV centuries. Keywords: lexis with the meaning “merchant”, Middle English, thematic group, classification | 908 | |||||
6203 | The article gives the view of profile education in senior classes, analyzes the aims of profile education and the way of their implementation according to the state educational standard of general secondary education. We study models of school profile education and their connection with e-learning form of education and its models. As a result, elearning form helps the successful implementation of ideas and postulates of learner-centered approach and profile education in general. The most acceptable model of full-time and e-learning integration completes traditional system of education in school, allows senior pupils organize, deepen their knowledge of the desired discipline according to the chosen profile of education. Keywords: profile education, process of profilisation, aims of profile education, e-learning form of education, models of e-learning, senior classes | 908 | |||||
6204 | The article deals with the organization of self-education of preschool teachers at the present stage. Increased the interest of researchers to the building of the teacher’s individual educational route, rethinking of the forms and methods used in the methodological work under the conditions of implementation of the Federal State Standard of Preschool education. The study examined the needs of teachers in education and improvement of pedagogical skills, the reasons for success and failure, and identified the positive elements that contribute to the further growth of professionalism. The study identified and put into practice preschool educational institution organizational and pedagogical conditions of teachers’ self-education (normative-regulatory, perspective-orienting, activity–stimulating, informative-communication), the algorithm of teachers’ work on self-education. As a result of marked and other areas of research of the problem, such as the development of programs for the transition to the “Teacher Professional Standards”. Keywords: self-education, professional self-education of a teacher, preschool educational institution, organizational and pedagogical conditions of self-education, methodical work | 908 | |||||
6205 | In today’s Russian society relations between the state and the church have a significant influence on interethnic and interconfessional relations. Their study is of great importance as it is caused by the appearance of new sources, the possibility of appeal to the classified archival documents, allowing to restore historical justice. The prominent church figure of the twentieth century Archbishop Iuvenaly (Maslovskiy Evgeniy Aleksandrovich) finished his earthly course in Tomsk (was shot on October 24, 1937). The article considers the relations between the believers and the Soviet government in the period of his ministry (1917-1937). Attention is paid to the problems of relations between the state and the church during the period under review as well as the internal state of the church on the example of the Tula and Ryazan dioceses. Keywords: Archbishop, state, diocese, Orthodoxy, Soviet power, the Church split | 908 | |||||
6206 | In this work we considered the problem of optimization of teaching English and German languages to students of the correspondence form of training that means selecting the best, the most favorable way of teaching from the many possible ones. One way is remote education. The article reflects its positive sides. As a means we presented the electronic textbook with a description of some of its sections for English and German languages. The results of the conducted experiment on the application of the electronic textbook by the students of the correspondence form of training are reflected in this article. The results of the students’ tests of the reference and experimental groups studying English and German languages are also presented. Keywords: optimization, methods of teaching foreign languages, remote education, electronic textbook, correspondence form of training | 907 | |||||
6207 | The article presents the analysis of intellectual development, personal peculiarities of rural and urban Buryat adolescents. It is revealed that rural adolescents aged 11–15 years do not demonstrate the dynamics of intellectual development, show low level of verbal logical thinking and such underdeveloped universal educational actions as analysis, synthesis, generalization, etc. The article substantiates the necessity of taking into account the personal peculiarities in the process of adolescent’s intellectual development. Emphasizes basic criteria and indicators of interdisciplinary and personal results as well as the methods of their evaluation, used in the research. Represents for discussion the stages of intellectual development of rural adolescents in the context of modern Federal State Education Standard. Keywords: interdisciplinary results of education, intellectual development, personal peculiarities, ethnic peculiarities, verbal logical thinking, urban and rural adolescents | 907 | |||||
6208 | Visual thought of a student is, in the most effective way, developed by portraiture studying. It is formed by the impressions about the model and the author’s imagination. Visual memory helps to master the impressions and is involved in converting them into the artistic image. It is essential that a student has a clear notion not only about the image, that is being created, but also about the way of the portraiture process itself. The main idea of a life class in art consists in student’s applying his acquired skills in the work with his original piece. The phenomenon that underlies in the painting from memory is a sensible and meaningful perception of the life itself. As in any image, composition is the main thing in portrait painting. Tackling an imaginative concept on the whole boils down to the completion of a portrait. Keywords: image, model, painting, nature, perception, memory, representation, portrait | 907 | |||||
6209 | Child language acquisition is directly connected with the development of thinking and cognitive development, what is reflected in a child’s play as a form of communication. As the most russian psychologists and phsycolinguists claim, play activity is the top priority at the preschool age. Acquiring the prosodic characteristics of the speech also plays an important part in language acquisition. This paper provides the analysis of prosodic features of child speech at different rates of emotional intensity (with the use of child’s play as an example) and makes the connection between the prosodic organization of the speech and the speaker’s intention. According to the results of our research, the personal prosodic characteristics of the self-identity speech vary from the ones of the role-identity speech/the personal prosodic characteristics differ depending on whether the speech act is made in self- or role-identity. Keywords: children’s communication, prosodic organization of speech, emotional speech, rhythmic group | 906 | |||||
6210 | The article is devoted to one of the components of moral upbringing of the personality in the Abkhazian national pedagogy. In the ethnopedagogical researches the author claims that the moral party of upbringing is the most urgent and significant in the conditions of the studied region which analysis is allowed to determine inherence of morals, ethics, cultural wealth of the people from his beliefs. Scientific novelty and the theoretical importance of the undertaken research is that it designates for the first time the importance of forms of implementation of national pedagogy by means of religious views of Abkhazians, determines their regulatory function. As a conclusion the author emphasizes efficiency of upbringing impact of religious regulations and beliefs on younger generation, offers creatively, but with a careful eye to modern reality to use them in the education system of the republic. Keywords: religion, religious views, Abkhazians, national pedagogy of Abkhazians, ethnopedagogics, Republic of Abkhazia, national upbringing, moral upbringing | 906 | |||||
6211 | We briefly review the Coset Space Dimensional Reduction (CSDR) programme and the best model constructed so far and then we present some details of the corresponding programme in the case that the extra dimensions are considered to be fuzzy. In particular, we present a four-dimensional N = 4 Super Yang Mills theory, orbifolded by Z3, which mimics the behaviour of a dimensionally reduced N = 1, 10-dimensional gauge theory over a set of fuzzy spheres at intermediate high scales and leads to the trinification GUT SU(3)3 at somehow lower, which in turn can be spontaneously broken to the MSSM in low scales. Keywords: coset space dimensional reduction, unification, fuzzy spheres, orbifold projection | 905 | |||||
6212 | The article deals with the peculiarities of using an allusion as one of the means of expressing concepts. An allusion is defined as the mention of the name of a real person, literary character, or historical event which conjures up some extra meaning in new contexts. In accordance with the properties of the person, character, or event, one allusion can represent several concepts in their peripheral fields. The article describes the research data in this area with special emphasis on binary allusions which can be analyzed in discrete and syncretic aspects. Every member of the binary allusion, as a rule, is specifically related to one or another of the concepts, while the two members taken together demonstrate additional conceptual relations characteristic only of their binary usage. Keywords: concept, binary allusion, background knowledge, discreteness, syncretism | 905 | |||||
6213 | The recent changes in the society and the development of informational technologies impose the new requirements for the training of students on different educational stages. Children’s computer addiction occurring in primary school is a danger to the mental and physical health of students. The establishment of educational computer game systems involving a curriculum and classroom teaching can contribute to redirect the interactive activity of pupils to the direction of getting new knowledge and improve their educational progress. We consider the organization and the efficiency of such a system on such school subject as English for primary school students on the educational electronic portal learningapps.org. Keywords: optional work, online course, learningapps.org, online training | 905 | |||||
6214 | Introduction. This study is an attempt to investigate and analyze the main subjects and patterns of E. Chizhov’s novel Translation from a Metafraze. E. Chizhov created the exotic eastern country of Koshtyrbastan, a fascinating story imperceptibly absorbing the reader, attracting with an interesting narration, succinct descriptions of events and characters. The image of the poet – the prophet, the theme of translation and the image of the translator create the plot outline of the novel. The literary-centric meanings of the Translation from a Metafraze, however, are not limited to questions about the role of the poet and poetry, the relationship between poetry and power. The aim of the paper. The article analyzes one of the tendencies in modern literary process – metafiction on the side. Self-conscious prose, focusing on literary work, the figure of the author and hero, raises questions of literature and art. The metafiction phenomenon (the ratio of the author and the text, the author and the reader, the reader and the text) and its various manifestations, through metadescription, expand the text and focus on the role of the book, reading, and writer in society, becoming a mirror reflecting the current literary process. Material and methods. In the course of the work, we draw the conclusions on the complexity of the aesthetic concept of the novel and its connection with other texts of Russian literature. The analysis of plot-forming motifs reveals their commonality with T. Tolstoy’s novel Kys. Results and discussion. The article finds that the nature of the connection between these two works consists not only in the motive-thematic interchange, but also is expressed in a rather obvious connection at the constructive-figurative level, within the framework of the problematics of logocentrism and literature-centrism as well. T. Tolstaya and E. Chizhov in their novels in different years and in different ways raise the question of the role of books and reading in a person’s life and society. Conclusion. Finally, the paper unveils the complex metafictional construction of the novel, which includes references to real literary events, the interchange with other novels, and poems – ciphers, supplementing the text in prose. Keywords: modern literature, E. Chizhov, poet, poetry, translation, metafiction, authorship, mystification | 905 | |||||
6215 | We consider the development of professional and general cultural competence of future teachers in the system of vocational training in the conditions of pedagogical higher school. It describes the different approaches to the concept of «competence» and «competency», the stages of research of the competency as a scientific category. Attention is paid to the problem of formation of the person of the future teachers in the vocational training system. Presents the techniques of diagnostic examination of the future teachers. The results of the study, indicating that the level of formation of common cultural and professional competence of future teachers are rather low. We analyze the level of improving the quality of training of future teachers in the conditions of pedagogical university. Justifies the necessity of designing methods of educational activities to raise the level of formation of common cultural and pedagogical competence of future teachers, as well as psychological-pedagogical, educational-methodical maintenance of process of the teacher work with students. Keywords: competency, competence, professional competence, general cultural competence of students – future teachers and teaching activities | 904 | |||||
6216 | The problem of the usage of project methods in the educational process of bachelors’ professional training in the pedagogical university is reviewed in the article. Particular attention is drawn to the interrelation between classroom and extracurricular work for the formation of professional competencies through project methods, since the right combination of extracurricular work with classroom provides greater flexibility and mobility of the entire system of educational activities in the pedagogical university. Effectiveness of this technique in future teachers’ professional training is empirically proven. The usage of this methodology is a demonstration of a highly qualified university teacher, his professionalism. Keywords: federal state educational standard, higher professional education, project methods, competence, foreign language, pedagogical university | 904 | |||||
6217 | Poems by Dmitriy Sirotin often have the plot and character. The author is trying to convey identity of child’s consciousness. This poetry opens a familiar but always mysterious world. Sirotin invites the reader to look at the role-play situation from different points of view. If an adult person understands life, the child feels reality intuitively, and he is able to transfigure it mythologically. This poet resorts to method of analogy in different levels of text. Search of words that coincide in sound and form stimulates wordplay. Analogy gives an opportunity to compare the two things of reality. In addition, the author finds existential similarity in these things, it helps to overcome the difference between the Me and the Other. Keywords: Dmitriy Sirotin, contemporary poetry for children, Siberian poetry, analogy, character of child, wordplay | 904 | |||||
6218 | The discourse research remains the focus of modern linguistic science. The discourse is considered concretization of speech “in different modes of human existence”. The French architectural institutional discourse refers to the object, thematic discourses born at the intersection of the architectural (project-constructive) discourse proper and others discourses, such as scientific, academic, legal (legislative-administrative), newspaper-publicistic. This discourse is an example of polydiscursiveness, communicative intersection of discourses, so the legal discourse (legislative and administrative) is an integral part of the architectural discourse. The legal discourse is one of the most actual discourses of our time. it is oriented at all levels of the society, regulates the legal relationship between the individual and the society, whose interests are enshrined in laws and other regulatory documents of state power. The legal discourse reflects the political, economic, ethno-linguistic, moral and ethical factors of the organization of the state and society. The French legal discourse fully meets these destinations. The article deals with the French legal discourse in the field of architecture and urbanism and its subtypes: legislative and administrative, relating to the written type of discourse, because the issue and publication of laws, regulations and legal documents are carried out exclusively in the written form. In its turn, the legislative and administrative discourse is divided into two sub-discourses: law-making and lawapplying. The language of the legal discourse is one of the most peculiar codes, it is the first element and the building material of law. Keywords: discourse, legal discourse, subspecies of discourse, legislative, administrative discourse, communicative intersection of discourses, architecture, urbanism, «passportization» of discourse, speech genre | 904 | |||||
6219 | We argue that de Sitter universes with a small cosmological constant are entropically favored to have three spatial dimensions. The conclusion relies on the causal-patch description of de Sitter space, where fiducial observers experience local thermal equilibrium up to a stretched horizon, on the holographic principle, and on some assumptions about the nature of gravity and the constituents of Hawking/Unruh radiation. Keywords: de Sitter space, entropy, spacetime dimensions | 903 | |||||
6220 | Introduction. The article deals with the problem of modern English punctuation in a written communication of American mass media (The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle). The paper is focused on the rules of putting comma as a sign, the functions of which are very contradictory and diverse, since in the same syntactic contexts it can be either allowed or avoided. The analysis of the comma functioning rules is explained by the fact that this sign often replaces all other punctuation marks in modern written communication. The aim of the work is to identify and explain the principles of comma functioning in modern communication (based on the material of American English) in order to facilitate the understanding of the laws of punctuation in the English language. Material and methods. The main research methods are the method of linguistic description, syntactic analysis, interpretative method, the method of stylistic description. Results and discussion. In the undertaken analysis, we claim that in American written communication, comma performs the following set of functions: dividing or separating syntactic units within a syntactic structure, highlighting the meaning, enhancing an expressiveness and semantic significance of a syntactic element, using the sign as an individualised stylistic means of expressiveness in the text. The scientific novelty of this work is systematization and scientific classification of functions typical of a comma from the point of view of the English grammar laws and their stylistic variation, which practically were not covered in other studies on the grammar of English. Conclusion. The proposed list of functions performed by comma in a modern American discourse allows us to offer students studying English a relatively complete overview of the possible meanings characteristic of this sign, and thus, remove some difficulties in understanding and mastering the syntactic theory of English. Keywords: punctuation, written communication, comma, syntactic relations, expressive function, emphasising function | 903 | |||||
6221 | The article describes how to conduct psychological and pedagogical training. The methodology was developed during the study of readiness for military training. It was held within the framework of the activities of professional psychological selection. We relied on the techniques used in the identification of existing professionally important qualities of the applicant at the time of enrollment in the military educational institution of higher professional education. The proposed development is universal because it can be used both in group and individual work. The training can easily be adapted to the survey of the applicants of the higher educational institutions of other professional directions, mainly for the professions connected with special working conditions, where you need not only the ability to come to a decision promptly, but also the ability to choose from a variety of options the most appropriate one. Keywords: trainer, the category of professional fitness, readiness for the professional activity | 902 | |||||
6222 | The article deals with the plant names motivated by their habitat. The study relies on regional and common names that belong to Russian and German traditional nomenclatures of plants and derive from animal names by a metonymic transfer. The author reveals common and particular bases of such transfer. First of all, the transfer may take place in both Russian and German if habitat of a plant concurs with habitat of an animal. Such correlation implies seven coincident habitats. Five of them are common in Russian and German. They are 1) woods, 2) fields and meadows, 3) waters, 4) marshes and 5) shadow places. The one habitat specific in Russian is steppe; the one specific in German is rocks and mountains. The other common bases of metonymic transfer are ‘habitat of a plant concurs with shelter of an animal, and concurs with a place animal usually prefers to stay or visit. To the specific German bases belong the following two: habitat of a plant concurs with pasture of an animal; and habitat of a plant concurs with a place for animal to breed. Another aim of the article is to show how important the ethnocultural background is for plants’ nomination. Common symbolism in Russian and German ethnocultures have such animals and birds like wolf, bear, deer, hare, snake, frog, toad, duck, swan and crane. That is the reason plants with similar habitat have similar names in both languages. Different ethnocultural meaning have elk, woodpecker, raven, crow and magpie (in Russian); as well as chamois, fox, cuckoo, stork, swine, cow, sheep and goat (in German). Keywords: nomination, habitat, metonymic transfer, plant name, animal name, ethnoculture, the traditional nomenclature of plants | 902 | |||||
6223 | Introduction. The choice of approach to the analysis of literary translation in this article is explained by the fact that interpretation in translation involves co-creation of the translator and the author of the original work, so that a new understanding of it can arise. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to identify the differences between the author’s interpretation of the comedy “The Government Inspector” and its translation interpretation by K. Garnett. It will allow us to see the semantic transformations of the work as it penetrates into the English-speaking culture. Material and methods. The material of the research is the comedy “The Government Inspector” by N. V. Gogol and its translation into English, made by the British translator K. Garnett in 1926. The methodology of this research is based on a comparative method, as well as a method for studying translation through the concept of “translation interpretation”. Results and discussion. The translator does not put the name “Silent scene” in a separate title and writes it in small italics merged with the previous text. This reduces its significance for English readers. In addition, K. Garnett in the translation of the play removes the division into scenes, which supports the classical symmetry and correctness of architectonics, while demonstrating the subordination of being to the divine plan. This suggests that in the understanding of the translator there were no initially harmonious laws of human existence. As for anthroponomy, all the names and surnames of the characters are conveyed by K. Garnett using transliteration. This means that for the English-speaking reader, their “speaking” meaning is lost. At the same time, this method of translation may also have a deeper meaning. In the original work, the characters are united by their involvement in vice, the symbolic embodiment of which they are. They are also connected by a common expectation of punishment for their actions and, undoubtedly, by belonging to the same people, since this issue was important for Gogol. It embodies the influence of the romanticism traditions on him. In comedy, the unity of the people demonstrates, in particular, the common national character of the dramatic personae. The presence and nature of the vice in each individual case is expressed, among other things, by the name of the character. But since this semantics is lost due to transliteration in translation, the connecting thread becomes less obvious to English-speaking reader. The loss of the original semantics of belonging of heroes to a common nation is facilitated by the translation of phraseological phrases, proverbs and sayings found in the original text. In the translation by K. Garnett, the idiomatic speech of the characters, indicating their folk character, was largely reduced. A similar feature is the frequent replacement of colloquial expressions of heroes with lexemes of the literary language. Therefore, the characters’ speech becomes more neutral and loses its expressiveness. Due to the prevailing number of such transformations, the characters of the dramatic personae in the translation of the comedy can hardly be called folk. Regarding the translation of Russian realities, it should be noted that K. Garnett replaced many of them with English ones. And although we cannot say that this applies to all realities, but they are the absolute majority, which cannot but affect readers reception. Among other things, K. Garnett adds a Gendarme to the list of actors, which does not correspond to Gogol’s conception. The Gendarme in the comedy acts as a “herald of the Last judgment” and his figure shows “transpersonal power”, which is why he is not on the stage of the theater. However, the appearance of the Gendarme in the list of actors in the translation text completely deprives him of the opportunity to embody the hand of God. Together with the “Silent scene” leveling this deprives comedy its significance and true meaning, which Gogol sought to express. Conclusion. The emergence of such a version of the comedy translation can be attributed to the fact that K. Garnett worked at the beginning of the modernist era, “the root characteristic of the literature of which is, in particular, the belief in the isolation, alienation and ultimate absurdity of each individual existence and the entire macrocosm of reality”. This largely contributes to the formalistic approach to poetics, which in this case is chosen by the translator. This is expressed in the fact that K. Garnett reproduces the text without taking into account the influence of the author’s biography and views. It cannot also be said that the cultural and historical context of the original and Gogol’s reception of literary traditions were sufficiently taken into account. Transformations in translation have led to the fact that characters are perceived as part of a faceless crowd, each member of which is not connected by anything, and not as people drawing inspiration from their unity. The characters are still together waiting for the Government Inspector, but the meaning of his appearance loses its sacred meaning of God’s punishment. In this interpretation, the existence of comedy characters appears absurd and even tragic to some extent, since there is no positive or negative dynamics. Thus, although the original author’s meaning was not recreated by K. Garnett in the translation of “The Government Inspector” into English, it can be stated that a new one that conveys a sense of hopelessness at the turn of the XIX−XX centuries has emerged. Keywords: N. V. Gogol, C. Garnett, reception, translation, interpretation | 902 | |||||
6224 | The problems of definition of competitiveness of the firm and its goods on the market, the conditions of raising competitiveness of the enterprise are discussed in the article along with the methods of estimate competitiveness of the firm on the market. | 901 | |||||
6225 | The article deals with the linguodidactic potential of jargon, realized in the classes on teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese audience. The main attention is paid to different uses of jargon for the implementation of the linguistic goal of teaching a foreigner to the colloquial Russian language, through which interpersonal communication is carried out in the conditions of everyday interaction. The relevance of the article is due to the growing importance of multicultural communication and the strengthening of Russian-Chinese contacts, including linguistic ones. The scientific novelty of the issue under consideration is the possibility of examining the extraliterary linguistic facts (in this study – jargon) from the point of view of linguodidactic and linguistic cultural units used in classes in Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese audience. As an empirical material for our research, texts written in various Internet genres were used: blogs, correspondence in chats and forums, posts in social networks. As a material for the study, we considered the texts of the decoding of the audio recordings of the speech of the characters in the television series and the heroes of the TV show. All these varieties of oral and written texts can serve as a linguistic guideline for mastering the Russian language as a foreign language. In them, in huge numbers, there are extra-literary units, including jargon. Note that the stated texts are oriented, in majority, to the youth part of the viewers and Internet users. Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, linguodidactics, jargon, Russian as a foreign language, foreign students, Chinese audience | 901 | |||||
6226 | The article is based on the concept of myth as the ‘space act’. The author doesn’t consider myth to be a literary piece. A myth is proposed to be viewed as a cultural model of behavior and the action that caused them, as a sacred text. The article deals with the problem of interpretation of ballet. No realistic ballets with well-developed plot and psychologically credible characters (so-called dramality) are revealed, but the fabulous works of ballet classics. Using the methods of hermeneutics, the author naturally extends the concept of ‘text’ to the action consisting of dance, mime and gesture and shows that in the space of myth everything is important. Three choreographic versions of the ballet ‘Sleeping Beauty’ are analyzed. Each of them can be properly understood within the framework of mythopoethic reality. Keywords: ritual, dance, myth, hermeneutics, tale | 900 | |||||
6227 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of optimization of the sports result of young athletes in conditions of additional education. The purpose of the work is to reveal the features of the normalization of physical activity of young athletes using the system approach through the management of structural formations of the training process. In the work the features of the organization of the educational process in the children and youth sports school are revealed with the use of the system approach in achieving the sporting result. The management of structural formations of the training process in the system of additional education becomes a system-forming factor in the training of qualified athletes, since it solves many problems of improving absolutely all the components of physical fitness of a beginner athlete. Methodical approaches to the organization of training sessions for young athletes in water sports have been developed, based on the management of structural formations of the training process. The results of the pedagogical experiment make it possible to specify certain effective approaches, forms, methods and tools used in the classroom. During the work, the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis of scientific, sports, methodological literature; analysis of best practices, modeling methods, pedagogical experiment. Research materials can be used in the practice of trainers. Keywords: system approach, normalization of physical loads, structural formations of the training process and exercises, modeling of the sport result | 900 | |||||
6228 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is to describe the model of the concept “Russian character”, presented in the mind of Chinese youth who speak Russian, by analyzing its lexical representatives identified by dint of a psycholinguistic experiment. Material and methods. The material of the study was the language reactions received during free associative experiment, which was held with 60 Chinese students. The analysis of the signs that form the structure of the concept “Russian character”, which exists in the consciousness of representatives of Chinese linguoculture, through its verbal objectivization, allows us to see the specifics of perception of representatives of Russian culture by representatives of Chinese, to evaluate the general direction of assessment of Russian by members of another ethnic group. Results and discussion. During the associative experiment representatives of Chinese culture were asked to answer the questions: “What kind of associations do you have when you hear the phrase “Russian character?”, “What kind is a Russian character?”. The analysis of the data obtained through this experiment allowed to pick out 22 character traits attributed by Chinese to Russian people. According to respondents, the key features of the Russian character are openness, cheerfulness, boldness, sincerity, etc. A smaller percentage of respondents (46.7 and 20, respectively) indicated that hardiness and responsibility are typical traits of a Russian person. 1.6 % of respondents think that straightforwardness, dexterity, enthusiasm are characteristics of Russians. Respondents also noted negative character traits of the Russian person. 26.6% of respondents call Russians selfish, 20 % – rude, 13.4 % – irresponsible, 6.7 % – lazy, greedy, etc. Thus, the model of the concept “Russian character”, existing in the consciousness of Chinese students who speak Russian, is a field structure (with nuclear and peripheral zones). The nuclear zone of the concept “Russian character” is formed by only positive qualities and character traits of Russian people, such as openness, patience, independence, etc., and the zones of the near and far periphery are presented as positive (friendliness, responsibility, activity), as well as negative qualities and character traits (selfishness, rudeness, pessimism). Conclusion. In general, the highlighted signs and their redistribution in the structure of the concept “Russian character” allow to conclude that the image of Russian people and their character in the consciousness of students from China are formed in a positive way. Keywords: concept, national character, stereotype, associative experiment | 900 | |||||
6229 | Duality symmetries are used to organise symmetry orbits of supergravity black-hole solutions and to display their relation to extremal (i.e. BPS) solutions at the limits of such orbits. An important technique for this analysis uses a timelike dimensional reduction and exchanges the stationary black-hole problem for a nonlinear sigma-model problem. Families of BPS solutions are characterized by nilpotent orbits under the duality symmetries, based upon a tri-graded or penta-graded decomposition of the corresponding duality group algebra. Keywords: supergravity, black-holes, duality symmetries, sigma-model | 899 | |||||
6230 | In the article the author describes the mechanism of using professional probations as a specially organized action, which is an effective method of training of social teachers in higher school at the undergraduate and graduate levels to meet the challenges of self-determination in the choice of specialization in the context of acme-directed professionalization. The results of directed, systematic, phased-organized inclusion of future social teachers in professional probations are forming students’ professional competencies, the development of motivation to achieve high results in educational and professional activities, self-determination in specialization, planning professional selfdevelopment. The author shows how to use professional probations during continuous professionalization of social teachers at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Keywords: professional probation, professional training of social teachers, professionalization | 899 | |||||
6231 | Introduction. The right and rational choice of the future profession is the determining factor in the life of any person. Most applicants at the time of admission to a university often have no idea of the type of activity, cannot analyze all the positive and negative aspects of the work, which therefore prevents them from choosing a suitable specialty due to lack of interests and propensity for this type of occupation. The solution to the problem here can be career guidance work. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the article is to justify the expediency of conducting vocational guidance work by universities to assist applicants in choosing future professional activities on the example of Saint Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia. Result and discussion. A number of experiments were carried out to assess the importance of vocational guidance at the Saint Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia. The subject of the study was a contingent of bachelors, masters and the teaching staff of the faculty. The purpose of the experiments is to determine the appearance of a highly qualified graduate by means of a questionnaire. The statistics obtained were calculated using a special computer program. The article analyses vocational guidance work in the university: its relevance, importance, necessity for students. The analysis of studies carried out in three groups: bachelor, master and faculty to determine the appearance of the future specialist is given. An approach to its implementation in the final grades of schools, during the «Open Day» in classrooms, in the training center is shown. Vocational guidance work will allow to attract to Saint Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia much more applicants in the specialty «Fire safety» and the direction of preparation «Technospheric safety», thus to raise the rating of the university, and applicants to make the right choice in determining the future profession. Conclusion. Authors consider that career guidance has to be one of the main tools allowing entrants to understand, comprehend, estimate the desires, opportunities, to compare them with requirements imposed to this specialty in higher education institution. Keywords: vocational guidance, profession, specialty, applicant, student, graduate, faculty and pedagogical structure, experiment, questionnaire | 899 | |||||
6232 | The article deals with the aesthetic views of A. V. Makedonov – a famous literary critic and historian of the Soviet literature and post-Soviet periods. He was a supporter of the scientific concept of perceiving art as a constantly evolving knowledge of objective reality in the form of a second subjective-objective reality. The basic aesthetic views of Makedonov are connected with German classical aesthetics, particularly the philosophy of G.W.F. Gegel, the works of V. G. Belinsky and N. G. Chernyshevsky. In his works of the 1960–1980s, he was engaged in a polemic with Russian and foreign supporters of the theory of semiotics, in particular with Yu. M. Lotman. The researcher tried to prove that, despite a number of accurate statements, his opponents failed to determine the specificity of art as they tried to reduce all the originality of artistic creativity to the characteristics of different sign systems and as well as to reject the study of artistic image as a way to acquire knowledge about objective reality. Keywords: art, aesthetic sign, image, model, A. V. Makedonov, Yu. M. Lotman | 898 | |||||
6233 | The article considers one of the possible approaches of training of the future teachers of mathematics, aimed at teaching of students in the modern conditions of the change in the content of school mathematics education. It is proved that knowledge of psycho-pedagogical bases of formation of mathematical concepts will help students to be successful in the development of students’ universal educational actions of different units (personal, regulatory, informative, and communicative). Describes the technology of the organization of the classes in the course “Methods of mathematics teaching”, built on the basis of integrative teaching assignments with the use of the project method. Under integrative teaching assignments we mean the tasks that integrate mathematical, methodological, psychological and pedagogical knowledge. Keywords: universal educational actions, conceptual thinking, integrative teaching assignments, project method | 897 | |||||
6234 | Introduction. TThe application of the competence-based approach in the system of higher professional education requires competent and correct selection of training content, aimed at formation of necessary competencies. Materials and methods. The material of the study was the content of educational programs of cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their use made it possible to identify and describe the content of education of cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the aim of forming and developing their general cultural competence. Results and discussion. The common cultural competence of the cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian universitiеs is defined as the fundamental competence of their future professional activity. The selection of the content of training cadets, aimed at formation of common cultural competencies, should be made on the basis of certain principles and criteria. The informative block of common cultural competence of cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia universities is represented by three structural components: philosophical-pedagogical, socio-psychological, motivation and self-actualization of cadets in mastering common cultural competencies. The development of these structural components is facilitated by the disciplines, stipulated by the plan, as well as the special course, developed by the authors «Common cultural competence of cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs universities of Russia as a pedagogical task». The course includes consideration important from the point of view of formation of common cultural competences of the twelve questions: modern conceptual approaches in the educational process of Russia and principles of their implementation; motive, motivation and the process of self-actualization of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; value attitude of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to cultural competence as the basis of modern professional activity of the bodies of internal Affairs of Russia; professional consciousness and awareness, the process of its formation within the professional training of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; thinking, its types and methods of development of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; the typology and issues of communication in the activity of employees of Internal Affairs bodies; the patriotism and civil position of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the peculiarities of their formation within the framework of professional training; professional ethics and business etiquette, morality and principles of justice in professional activity of employees of Internal Affairs bodies; worldview and study of the ideas of sustainable development of the Russian state and society. Conclusion. Thus, a correctly selected substantive unit for the formation of the general cultural competence of cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the light of the implementation of the competency-based approach will be able to ensure the formation of twelve general cultural competencies enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialties we are considering. At the same time, the competent procedural deployment of the content of training in the educational process of the cadets of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of adequate teaching methods and technologies is of particular importance. Keywords: common cultural competence, cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs universities of Russia, lawenforcement officers, competence-based approach, learning content, philosophical and pedagogical foundations, sociopsychological foundations, motivation, self | 897 | |||||
6235 | Introduction. Professional identity formation of the future specialist is one of the most relevant topics of the whole range of humanitarian studies. However, to date, there is a limited number of works that directly provide theoretically sound practical recommendations on the features of shaping professional identity. We believe that this process should be accompanied by serious linguistic studies, especially when it comes to the formation of a foreign-language professional identity of a teacher of foreign languages and cultures. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the work is to build the axiological conceptual sphere of the modern pedagogical discursive space and, subsequently, to identify the correlation dependence of linguistic-axiological manipulation and the process of forming the foreign-language professional identity of the future teacher. The main tasks of the study are forming the texts corpus; carrying out of pragmatic and content analysis of selected texts; identifying discursive and axiological components of fragments of pedagogical discourse to adequately construct the axiological sphere of discourse; determining the level of manipulative impact on the addressee by updating the identified elements of the axiological sphere of the studied discursive space; synthesizing the obtained data and determining the features of selfidentification of the teacher’s personality when they perceive value-loaded texts through the corresponding suggestive effect. Material and methods. The study was based on 15 written texts of pedagogical discourse compiled by professionals for English teachers and belonging to a specific structural part of the book – “Introduction”. A comprehensive method of data analysis is used, combining the method of discourse analysis, the method of conceptual analysis, the method of pragmalinguistic analysis, as well as the method of quantitative processing of the obtained data. Results and discussion. In connection with the multidimensional nature of the study, a detailed literary review is given, including the analysis of the topics of the teacher’s professional identity, the linguistic-axiological factor of the identity formation and the linguistic content of productive speech manipulation. A comprehensive pragma-axiological study revealed 5 basic axiological concepts that form the axiological conceptual sphere of the educational discourse under study: DEVELOPMENT, ENJOYMENT, NOVELTY, EFFECTIVENESS, READINESS, verbalization of each of which is a way of productive manipulation of the potential addressee’s consciousness. Manipulation is carried out at the expense of a certain functional range of lexical units-verbalizers of these concepts. The obtained results make it possible to build the axiological conceptual sphere of the considered pedagogical discursive space, as well as to identify the correlation dependence of the functional range of pragma-axiologically charged lexical units-verbalizers with manipulative effect on a potential addressee. Conclusion. Also, for further study of the presented topics, the hypothesis of cultural manipulation is put forward, according to which the axiological pedagogical guidelines available in the Anglo-Saxon tradition determine the model of behavior of teachers belonging to other cultural and ethnic substrates, but studying according to their methodology. Keywords: professional identity, discourse, axiology, axiological sphere, concept, manipulation, foreign language teaching | 897 | |||||
6236 | The article focuses on the cognitive nature of terminology which is directly linked with peculiarities of knowledge structure represented by various terms. The contemporary complex analysis of terminological and professional lexicon is carried out within the cognitive approach to language the essence of which lies in the fact that behind any language units there are mental structures of different types. The article also poses the problem of correlation and interdependence between notion and concept. It is underlined in the article that English juridical professional vocabulary possesses considerable ethnocultural potential. A lot of English legal linguistic units have a wide spectrum of cultural connotations. Keywords: cognitive approach to language, concept, terminology, juridical professional lexicon, ethnocultural connotations | 896 | |||||
6237 | Introduction. The article focuses on the ways human beings conceptualize, structure and make sense of their physical and mental experience. Mental states of perception, imagination, belief, knowledge interact tightly with one another and this ontological nature is represented in the lexical semantics of the verbs see, imagine, believe, think, know. Thus, the main concern of the study is to highlight cognitive-semantic grounds of the semantic shifts of the imagine class verbs and to reveal syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties of the utterances arranged by these verbs. Material and methods. The research is based on the empirical data from available sources and corpora data. The research is conducted within the cognitive linguistics framework where a common view is that meaning has a cognitive nature. Results and discussion. The paper explores how lexical meanings get extended in a particular cognitive context. The findings of the study suggest that the verbs under consideration function as IMAGINERY VISION verbs and as epistemic verbs in the cognitive context BELIEF. The results obtained suggest that meanings of the imagine class verbs (supposition/evaluative judgment/wrong opinion) imply that related word “senses” may be part of a continuum of meanings rather than discrete entity. The research highlights polyphony as an important double-voiced dimension of the utterances with the imagine class verbs in the cognitive context BELIEF. Conclusion. The findings of the study prove that the meanings of the imagine class verbs occupy overlapping areas of semantic space. The results obtained may contribute to further studies of the word meaning theory. Keywords: mental state, proposition, propositional attitude, imagination, semantic derivation, evaluative judgment, supposition | 896 | |||||
6238 | Introduction. Study of texts’ headlines of different styles and genres in respect to their pragmatics is of interest in view of special role in organization of readers’ cognitive activity and influence on mass addressee. Up-to-date communicative and cognitive paradigm of linguistic knowledge aims to detecting of means and ways of effective organization of communication in different spheres including mass media. The aim of the article is detection of regulative facilities of different types of headlines in newspaper articles with relation to influence on mass addressee. The material and methods. The research was carried out on the material of «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» No. 8393, 2021 [https://rg.ru/gazeta/rg/2021/03/01.html]. 63 headlines of the articles from the site of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” had been studied, taking into account the content of these media texts; 1300 responses from 20 informants – participants of the survey– had been summarized. The research is carried out in line with regulative theory, developed in communicative stylistics of text. Results and discussion. The title of individual articles is included as an element in the headline complex of media texts of the «Rossiyskaya Gazeta». The text of newspaper publications on the site is accompanied by column, headline, notice, it includes the first paragraph of material, indication to the author, it contains hyperlinks to the other media texts, a photo that is placed before the article or beside it to realize illustrative or qualifying function. It is determined that influence function dominates in most titles, and in the others – the informative one. Regulative potential of media texts headlines is connected mostly with a motive for readers to read the articles. This is due to lack of understanding, semantic versatility of headlines and intrigue that is set up on its basis, and attracting attention of addressee on the basis of method of disappointed affectation which is used in a title due to oxymoron, tropes, precedential texts, language game, rhetorical questions, that requires participation. Therefore, range of regulative means and structures in the articles’ headlines permits stimulating readers’ attention to introduction with next by the title media texts. Based on the results of a survey of informants, their assumptions about the possible media text’s content in line to perception of a title did not match as a rule with real information in the article. It is obvious, that the lack of understanding in the titles performs primarily a pragmatic function and requires clarification and addition in the form of other accompanying media text materials, including the notice and photographs, which partly fill in the information missing in the titles. It was detected that stimulating role of a title is determined by direction to primary audience, in other words the connection of a headline that stimulates the following introduction with media text with primary audience, and addressee factor including the age of potential readers and their interests is proved. Conclusion. The introduced approach to study pragmatics of headlines as the element of media text on basis of regulative theory allows to judge some regularities in organization of cognitive activity of mass addressee and efficiency of titles’ types, which are connected with reflection of actual themes, criterion of addressee profit, medium language originality, creation of intrigue due to usage of special regulative means and methods. The surveys are of interest for media linguistics and communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: media text, headline, article, regulative theory, regulative potential of a title | 896 | |||||
6239 | 895 | ||||||
6240 | This article is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of the combination of the conjunction да with a specifier вот in a variety of syntactic structures. The relevance of the study is determined by the active interest of modern linguistics to function words and, more generally, to means of communication, functioning in different semantic structures. Да вот forms different constructions depending on the main semantics of the conjunction да. This conjunction actualizes negative and connecting relations in our material. Particle вот also performs different functions, for example, the amplifying, anaphoric and cataphoric functions. Sometimes this particle plays an important role in the semantic distinction and addition. Да вот has a characteristic compatibility with such national words and function words as interrogative pronouns and adverbs, noun беда, particles бы, только, хоть, хотя бы, еще, pronominal adverb как-то, etc. This article presents the specific types of syntactic structures built on the basis of the combination да вот. Such structures include question-answer statements and constructions with a rhetorical question. This article also analyzes the application of да вот in idiomatic structures. Material source is National Corpus of the Russian language. Practical significance of the research is that the results benefit can be used to compile a dictionary of function words of the Russian language. Keywords: syntax, conjunction, conjunctional construction, specifier, semantics | 895 | |||||
6241 | Introduction. The main point of the paper is innovative changes in education. The authors suppose that the initiator and the mechanism of these changes may become the master training at the pedagogical university. In this case, this training needs a structural and content transformation, the essential elements of which are presented in the thematic blocks of this article. Results and discussion. Selection of the field of communications as a metasubject activity becomes a challenge for professional training, encourages a rethinking of the educational work, which is consistent with the second stage of higher education. These include the creation in the master’s program of innovatively oriented training programs in which new forms of knowledge and educational interaction will be tested. Such a form is in line with the development and implementation of the visual epistemology in the educational process, as well as with the use of metadisciplinary semiotic structures in the design of the educational process. It is proved that it is impossible to acquire new metasubject competence in the context of the implementation of traditional didactic schemes. Conclusion. The contents offered by the authors are not ready-made solutions, but are sets of heuristics aimed at actualizing the discussion about the meaning and purpose of the master’s level of teacher training. The proposed modification assumes the creation of design-development directions (programs and training courses) at the institute of magistracy, in which innovative orientation acts both as a goal and as a content of education. The learning content includes two substructural elements: deconstructive and constructive. A form of their implementation is the joint activity of participants in the educational process. Keywords: innovative education, master training, visual epistemology, metasubject practical competency, fictional semiotic designs, case study | 895 | |||||
6242 | Article is devoted to research of “the offered generation” as historically caused phenomenon of the Russian culture through a prism of an author's literary viktimologiya of F. M. Dostoyevsky. The analysis of a victimological discourse of “A Writer`s Diary” allows to reveal the most important axiological aspects of a concept “victim” and system of its realization in various issues of this monomagazine. Developing a victimological perspective in fiction and publicistic texts, the writer at the level of idea shows the reasons of emergence of various types of criminals and victims, comes to a conclusion about their self-reproducibility on a global scale of the state. “The offered generation” becomes result of action of similar destructive processes of valuable deformation of the personality, the contradictory relations of the legal legislation with the principles of humanity and the Divine law. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, A Writer’s Dairy, victim, literary victimology, author, discourse, publicism, genre, axiology, spiritual imperatives | 894 | |||||
6243 | The article considers the specific character of religious metaphors and their role in conceptualization of the soul in art discourse of the XVIII–ХХ centuries. The characteristic feature of the studied metaphorical model is the close synthesis of pagan and Christian concepts, the appeal to fundamental oppositions “good – evil” and “own – alien”, estimation approach to cognizable fragments of reality. By means of a metaphorical projection from the area of “religion” into the area of “man’s inner world” in an art discourse the spiritual qualities of the person, emotional life, personal relations between the man and the woman are represented. The peak of the use of religious metaphors in an art discourse is XVIII–XIX centuries. Since XX century, after 1917, the religion has ceased to occupy the central position in the life of a society, as a result the given area began to be used significantly less often as a source of metaphorical expansion. Keywords: conceptual metaphor, concept, art discourse religion, soul | 894 | |||||
6244 | The article is devoted to one of the modern aspects of Russian-Chinese language interaction in Chinese area adjacent to Russia. This interaction became possible in the late 20th – early 21st centuries as a consequence of active Russian-Chinese trade-and-service contacts. The article reveals spheres of outdoor advertisement made in Russian by Chinese native speakers. Advertising text materials have been collected by authors of the article in Heihe (China) and in relevant websites. Authors made linguistic analysis of Chinese boards and advertisements in Russian and found out that they were full of different errors. The purpose of the article is analysis of inadequacy of Russian words and their graphic forms and failure to comply with orthographical norms of the Russian Language in outdoor advertisement performed in Russian, as well as an attempt to make their linguistic interpretation. Authors considered the classification of typical mistakes, which have been made in Chinese advertisement in Russian Language. Keywords: Russian Language abroad, Chinese boards in Russian, standards of the Russian Language, graphic standard, orthographic norm, failure to comply with standards | 894 | |||||
6245 | The author studies the issue of complex word generation based on an integrative speech-thinking model of word production. The model reveals processes of words production on onomasiological, cognitive and word-forming level. The paper presents the results of studying complex words on the material of Novosibirsk city ergonyms with attributive semantics. Ergonyms, being the most actively enriched category of onyms for the recent decades, reflect general trends occurring in the language: use of different structure components in the composition of a complex word; various possibilities of language game: lexical, stylistic and graphic features of neologisms formation. The most significant trend of modern word derivation is agglutinative or analytical nature of compounding process. Special analytical components of a compound word are clipped stems, root affixes, nouns, adjectives, numerals, graphical signs or abbreviations; which can be grouped in different sequences in the compound word. The position of the component expressing the attributive semantics can be initial or final, with the predominance of the initial, that expresses the semantic model “defining component-determined component”. The integrative speech-thinking model of word-production as the basic research method of word production assumes the description of representation structures of different types of knowledge at several levels (onomasiological, cognitive, nominative and derivation) and the choice of corresponding speech forms. When generating a new word the choice of the most essential information occurs at the stage of signifying the predicative form and is realized in the equivalent conventional or non-conventional models of word-production. Keywords: compound word, word-production model, integrative speech-thinking model of word-production, ergonym, onomasiology, proposition, compounding model | 894 | |||||
6246 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is proving the expediency of necessity of a qualitative change in the management system of educational organizations, in particular, the possibility of applying the matrix approach, in order to organize effective interaction in the teaching staff. Material and methods. The research materials were the results of the psychological and pedagogical findings of national and foreign scientists (A. V. Afonina, A. A. Bodalev, Ya. L. Kolominsky, V. A. Malikova, A. Kh. Maslow, A. B. Orlova), and the experimental work, which was carried out by employees and students of Master’s program of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University from 2017 to 2019. These data allowed studying the peculiarities and dynamics of the secondary school teachers’ interaction, due to qualitative changes in the management system. Results and discussion. The main goal of the state educational policy is to improve the quality of education, and the organization of effective interaction in the teaching staff is a progressive means for achieving it. However, the phenomenon of synergetic interaction, possessing the potential for qualitative growth of teams, has not been fully studied in the field of education. Moreover, practice shows that modern teachers prefer the creation of personal educational spaces. There is an extremely low level of teachers’ group and teamwork at school, and the problem of building effective interaction between pedagogues is one of the key. Responsibility for the functioning and development of productive labor relations lies with the administrative stuff, and there is a lot of regulatory methods for organizing effective interaction. Professional educational activity is based on the main principles of harmonious management in any industry. There are four the most important management functions. They are planning, organization, motivation and control. The criteria for effective interaction, according to the research of A. V. Afonina, are mutual cognition, mutual understanding, relationships, mutually defined actions and mutual influence. Using the data of these equal organizational units in the managerial structure on a parity basis (a matrix approach) is an effective way for organizing of teachers’ effective interaction. This idea was proved by the results of the experiment, which had been conducted in one of the Arkhangelsk secondary schools. Conclusion. Matrix-structured management has a positive potential for building and implementing of teachers’ effective interaction. Moreover, in conformity with the educational environment, it is an innovatively oriented organizational management system. Keywords: interaction, effective interaction, professional pedagogical interaction, effective interaction criteria, educational management, matrix management | 894 | |||||
6247 | Introduction. Nominations of the sides of the world are important elements of the category of space in the national language picture of the world. Linguists have long studied locative lexical units, examining their etymology, semantics, pragmatics and idiomatics, metaphorical transformations and linguocultural specificity in diachronic and synchronic aspects. However, the nominations of the sides of the world are rarely in the focus of attention. The aim of this article is to study and describe linguocultural specificity of the lexemes east, west, north, south in Chinese and Russian. Material and methods. The research was carried out due to its linguocultural character. It is based on the methods of observation, lexicographical, contextual and comparative analysis of the material, including Russian and Chinese lexicographical and literary resources. Results and discussion. Semantics, pragmatics, idiomatics and peculiarities of direction nominations metaphorization were studied in the linguocultural aspect. It was found out that in Russian and Chinese languages direction nominations have both universal archetypical and variable ethno-cultural features. A comparative analysis of the etymology and combinability of these units showed that they form a five-component semantic structure, including in addition to nominations of the east, west, south, north the nomination of the center as a point of reference for the speaker. Nominations of the sides of the world in both languages are represented in the paradigm of other meaningful and evaluatively opposed oppositions (for example, light - darkness) and occupy an important place in toponymy. It was found that complex words indicating intermediate directions in Chinese begin with the nominations east and west (for example, 东北 east-north), in Russian - with the nominations south and north (for example, north-west). These lexemes in direct and figurative meanings are part of the Chinese idioms and are often metaphorized in the national literature. In Russian idiomatics, they are present sporadically, and in literature they are not often metaphorized. Conclusion. Compared to the Russian language consciousness, the symbolism of the sides of the world is much more topical for the Chinese language consciousness. In Chinese mythology, literature and culture as a whole, the concept of the sides of the world is central. In the Chinese language they are connected with ideas about the gender and social structure of society, influence the forms of etiquette, the content of ceremonies, the national toponymy, the phraseological fund, etc. In Russian they have less evaluative and connotative potential, they are rarely metaphorized in folklore and idiomatics, in literature and in spoken language they are used as geographical landmarks in the system of spatial coordinates or directional markers. Keywords: Russian and Chinese linguocultures, nominations of the sides of the world | 894 | |||||
6248 | The article considers with the questions of organization of estimation of school students in educational process in the subject “Physical culture”, pedagogical quality control of sports education of school students, fundamental principles of pedagogical control as the most essential situation reflecting the main regularities of the studied phenomenon. Pedagogical control, being the most important component of pedagogical system, has to be used as for an assessment of knowledge, and abilities of the trainee, and for estimation of the organization of educational process, the internal and external factors providing improvement of quality of sports education of school students in the subject “Physical culture”. The process of pedagogical control includes: object of control; means and control methods; performers of control and the corresponding documentation regulating assessment of control results, its regulatory support. In scientific and methodical literature there is a large number of researches devoted to discussion of the importance of pedagogical control of education quality, but, nevertheless, in modern student teaching there is the lack of harmonous methodological system regulating activity of control in the field of quality of sports education of school students. Keywords: pedagogical control, principles of pedagogical control, quality of sports education | 893 | |||||
6249 | The article observes the problems of valuable attitude towards foreign-language culture in the context of a foreign language training. The analysis of the integrative nature of valuable attitude is directed to identification of the components of its structure and peculiarities of their interconnected functioning for harmonization of personal development of students as subjects of cross-cultural dialogue. This work reveals psychology and pedagogical mechanisms of its formation in the context of foreign-language education and regularity of the organization of educational process in a foreign language focused on their development. The field of sense-formation includes all the spheres of the human personality – not only cognitive, but affective, motivational and activity as well. Taking into consideration the patterns of functioning of valuable attitude and organizing their work properly, teachers could make the process of training in a foreign language a real way of mutual cross-cultural enrichment and personal development of their students. Keywords: valuable attitude, foreign-language culture, sense formation, educational creative activity | 893 | |||||
6250 | Introduction. The article presents a communicative and pragmatic analysis of the doctor’s media communication in the social network. Aim and objective. The aim of the article is to identify and describe the ways to implement communication strategies in a media text created on the basis of the news story COVID-19. Material and methods. The material was the doctor’s posts about the coronavirus on Instagram. The analysis is carried out taking into account the compositional and semantic integrity of the levels of strategic verbal communication and polycode components in the media text. The methodology for analyzing strategic planning consists in identifying communicative strategies, determining their hierarchical ordering, describing the nomenclature and methods of linguistic representation of the tactics that implement them. Results and discussion. The media text about COVID-19 allows the doctor to solve several strategic tasks: creating a professional image, educating the mass address, forming the target audience of the blog. The main strategy is selfpresentation, implemented in communicative tactics of appeal to the profession (through the images of «I am a doctor», «I am an expert in the field of medicine», «We are the medical community»), actualization of dedication to the profession, demonstration of overcoming professional difficulties, the transmission of subjective information (through the images «I am a patient» and «I am a person»), as well as non-verbal methods (posting photos of doctors in the fight against COVID-19). The information and educational strategy in the texts about the coronavirus becomes auxiliary and contributes to the implementation of the strategy of self-presentation through the appeal to the tactics of definition, brief information, instructions, appeals to authoritative sources, recommendations, discrediting medical myths. It is found that the communicative success of these tactics is achieved when they are combined with selfpresenting ones, as well as with a certain sequence of their use in one media communication. An auxiliary strategy for engaging and retaining the addressee, performing dialogue and rhetorical functions, is implemented in parallel with self-presentation and informational and educational strategies at the level of media text composition by placing a topic and image referring to COVID-19 in the title; implementation of tactics for announcing a topical topic and appealing to the benefits of reading the text in the introduction of the text; using in the main part of the tactics of communicative rapprochement, linguistic originality and orientation towards linguistic fashion; as well as appeals in the conclusion to etiquette tactics and tactics of invitation to dialogue. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the implementation of the dominant strategies of medical media communication is carried out in parallel at different levels of the media text about the coronavirus, through the use of verbal and non-verbal tactics of persuasive and suggestive influence on the audience. The effectiveness of referring to the information occasion of COVID-19 as a strategic planning tool to achieve the main goal of the doctor’s media communication in the social network – creating a professional brand. Keywords: communication strategy, medical communication, information occasion, COVID-19, media communication, media text | 893 |