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6051 | The article presents the analysis of the functional development of the Russian language anglicisms present in the texts of out-of-home advertising. For this purpose the meaning of the concept out-of-home advertising is revealed, the reasons of anglicisms loans and their theme groups in advertising are determined. Acording to the method of loan of anglicisms in out-of-home advertising there are: foreign-language blobs (ekzotizms), composites, abbreviations and hybrids. The active and universal use of anglicisms in outdoor advertising is explained by the functional properties of advertising texts (nominative, pragmatical and incentive functions). Keywords: anglicisms, out-of-home advertising, foreign-language blobs, composites, abbreviations, hybrids, theme groups of anglicisms | 970 | |||||
6052 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is the analysis of training translators and interpreters, as well as entrance tests of the master’s interpreting programs in China. As the result of the comprehensive cooperation between China and the whole world, within the Belt and Road Initiative, the demand for multilingual communication specialists, who can provide translation between Chinese and other languages of the world has become obvious. In this regard, the urgency of training translators as well as interpreters has increased with a new force. Aim and objectives. The article is giving description as well as comparative analysis of entrance tests, training programs and the main language combinations, finding the ways of optimizing the training of translators, interpreters, at the same time improving the relevant educational programs in China. Material and methods. The research material was the scientific works of Russian and Chinese researchers on translation studies and simultaneous interpreting, as well as electronic resources, official documents of the official websites of Chinese universities. The study uses the method of comparative analysis to clearly show the situation of the development of training translators and interpreters in China at the present stage. Results and discussion. In recent years, specialized programs have been developed at master’s level for training translators and interpreters – MTI. Here we are going to talk about the interpreting training programs in Chinese schools, which play an important role in the process of rigorous selection of candidates on the basis of competition. This selection has led to the need for more detailed study of master’s interpreting programs in Chinese universities. This article provides a cross-section of the current situation about training interpreters, overviewing training interpreters in some Chinese leading universities and institutes, giving the description and comparative analysis of entrance tests, training programs and the main language combinations, in which training is implemented. In other words, training translators and interpreters in China at the present stage is characterized by rapid development, not so rich teaching experience, official support and centralized planning of the nation. In this case, the entrance tests of the MTI (Master of Translation and Interpreting) program in Chinese universities are generally divided into two stages: a written exam (ideological and political theory and specialized disciplines), and an oral exam. In this case, Chinese universities check the competencies as well as skills of applicants and decide their specific directions in the specialty after admission to the master’s degree. Conclusion. MTI and BTI programs are rapidly developing at the national level in China. Currently, many universities are training interpreters. In the leading educational institutions of the country, such as Beijing University of Foreign Languages, Shanghai International Studies University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, etc., perfect training programs have already been formed: undergraduate and graduate students receive professional education in the theory and practice of interpreting. Based on extensive data on the frequency of combinations in master’s programs in interpreting and translation, it can be confirmed that English is a universal language, and the status of the Russian language still needs to be improved. Keywords: interpreting, education in China, schools of translation and interpreting, master of interpreting, entrance tests, educational programs of interpreting | 970 | |||||
6053 | The article considers some features of syntax of Internet communication on the example of open letters to the President from the point of view of regulatory function. The choice of methodology (studying of the regulatory function) which is actively developed by school of sciences at Tomsk state pedagogical university is reasonable. Regulatory dominants are distinguished from syntactic structures: epistolary questions, mononuclear sentences, a word order, short offers phrases, incomplete sentences, default reception. The syntactic regulatory means revealed during research imitate oral informal conversation. In general it is noticed that the way of communication (Internet) is reflected in contents and a form of the open letter: usually authors don’t think of esthetic influence, statement of punctuation marks, creation of the text of the letter, also the author doesn’t edit carefully stylistics of the epistolary text. Keywords: Internet communication, Internet discourse, epistolary texts, open letters, regulatory means of syntax | 969 | |||||
6054 | Introduction. This work explores the recreational function of Media also recognized as the recreational function, hedonistic function, function of mental regulation, function of emotional release, etc. by various sources. We suppose that modern media mostly pursue hedonistic aspects of broadcasting as the changed structure and new conditions of functioning increased consumer’s component of address activity. Aim and objectives. The aim of this article is to describe the specifics of the entertainment function of the media in the discursive space of convergent radio. The object of research is the discursive practice of convergent radio. Material and methods. The article considers new forms of media communication that are significant in the aspect of those technological and socio-cultural changes that led to the emergence of convergent radio. Based on the material of web pages and social network versions of radio channels, the discursive mechanisms for the implementation of the entertainment function are analyzed. On the basis of the theoretical provisions of discourse analysis and social semiotics, an assumption is made about the hedonistic nature of the entertainment function of convergent radio. Results and discussion. The work investigates the specialty of the hedonistic function of modern radio discourse. Texts from radio websites and social network versions of entertaining radio channels served as material. From the position of modern semiotics and discourse analysis, the main communicative models between the subjects of discourse, which are formed on the borders of hedonistic strategy of radio, are allotted. A big role was played by advertising discourse and PR both integrated into communication practice by strategies of radio which pursue consumer’s ideology of modern media. Conclusion. Thus the interaction of radio discourse, advertising discourse, and PR provides hedonistic effects of (targeted attention) and participation: based on action and semiotic codes the addressee forms a convenient psychoemotional area of their identity – the consumer of high-quality media products, the user of various services that replace social institutions such as libraries, cinemas, hobby clubs, etc.. In this case the interactive user shows the necessary activeness (for discourse practice) in choosing recreational products and engagement in consumption of such. Keywords: discourse of convergent radio, discursive interactions, communication and action hedonism of radio discourse, consumer’s ideology | 969 | |||||
6055 | We propose a new ghost-free model describing massive spin two field1 . This model consists of a kinetic term and interaction terms without derivative. We report on the properties of this model, especially we consider what could happen when this model couples with gravity. Although the model does not generate any ghost on the Minkowski space-time, it is not so clear whether or not this property is preserved even on curved space-time. In fact, Buchbinder et al. have found that the ghost appears even in the Fierz-Pauli theory on curved space-time if we do not include non-minimal coupling terms. We report on the model with interactions on curved space-time and show that we can construct a model without ghost by including non-minimal coupling terms. Keywords: massive spin two field, massive gravity | 968 | |||||
6056 | In modern literary studies in the context of globalization processes “mass culture” is less criticized as something “low” in relation to “elite”. Mass literature claims equal rights with any other literature in connection with the latest discourse of relativism and pluralism, when there is no consistent hierarchy of literary values. Moreover, popular literature increasingly becoming better and more inventive. However, these processes also lead to the erasure of cultural identity, in particular national and religious, as shown in the article on the example of the Christian novel by William Paul Young “The Shack”. The novel significantly deviates from the norms of the biblical Canon in matters of the value of the Church, Scripture, the image of God, the concept of hierarchy, and this deviation is associated with such global processes as multiculturalism, democracy, individualism, liberalism, etc. For example, instead of addressing the Church and the Bible, the main character receives a note from God for a personal audience, during which God appears before him in the image of a large black woman. The mass popularity of the novel around the world testifies to the crisis of modern religious identity, as it is positioned as a Christian, and in fact is heretical. Keywords: globalization, multiculturalism, religious identity, Christian novel, William Paul Young | 968 | |||||
6057 | This report examines some of the types and directions of charity and development: donating, volunteering, direct aid, based on what is assumed about the level of volunteer’s motivation. Describes the ideological, axiological, social, material, emotional and psychological levels of volunteer’s motivation with providing of examples, that illustrate different kinds of motivation. Discusses the phenomenon of «creative class» in modern culture as a precondition for the volunteer's typology of orientation. Also talks about volunteers in medicine and medical researches with the phenomenon of degustation – as an opportunity implement various social algorithms through volunteering. The study was supported by a RFBR grant № 14–06–00440 and grant RHF № 15–03–00598 Keywords: volunteers, volunteerism, motivation | 967 | |||||
6058 | The article substantiates the necessity of state public administration in the process of formation of preschool children spiritual and moral competencies. The views of researchers on the role of preschool educational institutions as a coordinating link in the effective interaction between educators and parents in the context of the FSES of PE (Federal state educational standard of Preschool Education) are analyzed. The authors highlight the components of spiritual and moral competencies of preschool children, modern forms and methods of interaction with parents. The article presents the experience of implementing of state public administration in the Republic of Tuva. Keywords: state and public administration, Federal state educational standard of Preschool Education, spiritual and moral competencies, spiritual and moral qualities, preschool children | 967 | |||||
6059 | Introduction. The idea of Superman was more relevant than ever at the turn of the last Millennium. Echoes of thoughts about the existence of a “special” omnipotent person of the new era are found in the philosophical concept of transhumanism, aimed at improving the quality and prolonging the life span, as well as at preventing aging and death. The concept of transhumanism is considered not only as a philosophical concept, but also as a world organization. The ideas of transhumanism are embodied in texts dedicated to prolonging the life and preserving the youth of a person, including in Internet texts. With the wide spread of media in all spheres of life, the development of linguistics has reached a new stage – a new branch called media linguistics has been born. The object of the analysis of the new direction is one of the key concepts of media linguistics – an Internet blog, which is an Internet genre, which is a network space of a certain topic and contains relevant information content (texts, images, multimedia). The chosen model of blog analysis as an Internet genre highlights media, pragmatic, structural-semantic, and stylistic-language parameters. As part of the analysis of this work, the stylistic and linguistic features of the English-language blog “SkinTour” are: specific names of articles in the form of rhetorical questions, characteristic lexical units (medical procedures), the vocabulary used for nominating cosmetics themselves; acronyms, antonyms, the degree of comparison of adjectives. Material and methods. The material basis of the research was the author’s research corpus of texts of the Englishlanguage blog “SkinTour”, from which 50 authentic articles were selected. In the theoretical part of the study, the concepts of transhumanism, blogging and Internet genre are described; the analysis of the material base allowed to synthesize the obtained segments of scientific facts and knowledge accumulated by previous generations and contemporaries; the parameters of the analysis were systematized. In the practical part of the work, the lexical and grammatical content of the texts of the English-language transhumanist blog “SkinTour” is analyzed. The methodological basis of the work is a systematic approach, the following General scientific methods are implemented: analysis, synthesis, induction, generalization (methods of logic); quantitative methods, grouping method (methods of statistics); method of component analysis (methods of structural linguistics). Results and discussion. Due to the wide spread of media in a wide variety of areas of human activity, there is an increase in the number of products of the “network space”, one of which is the Internet blog (hereinafter: blog). The vast majority (about 90 %) analyzed English-speaking blogs tagged “Anti-aging” (more than 500) contains in the title the tag “Skin” and focused mainly on the female half of the population that seeks to care for problem skin. The English-language transhumanist blog “SkinTour” is also aimed at a female audience, containing thousands of articles from an expert in the field of medicine. In the process of analysis, media, pragmatic, structural-semantic and stylisticlanguage parameters of a blog as an Internet genre are highlighted. As part of the analysis of stylistic and language parameters, the content of the English-language transhumanist blog “SkinTour” is represented by the following features: lexical features: article titles in the form of rhetorical questions; frequent use of terms denoting medical procedures and cosmetics; acronyms; antonyms; grammatical features: the degree of comparison of adjectives. Conclusion. The English language of blogs is an original reflection of the modern virtual world. Due to the variety of language materials in the Internet space, medialinguistics is a large field for linguistic research. Heterogeneity of texts in the media sphere is the key to the diversity of analysis of transhumanistic blogs. The practice of studying texts of Internet genres should be carried out in order to fix new lexical, grammatical, stylistic and other features of the media repertoire of the English language. Keywords: transhumanism, blog, media linguistics, transhumanistic blog, English-language transhumanistic blog, lexical features, grammatical features | 967 | |||||
6060 | The article is devoted to actual problems of university electronic library development. The authors analyze special aspects, issues and modern line of development of electronic libraries. Among them the authors highlight such aspects as the project of the development of federal inter-university libraries as well as library pedagogy as the activation direction of library educational role. The article discusses approaches to overcoming of the contradiction between the huge educational resource of an electronic library and the insufficient use of this resource in the educational process. The way of increasing the library activity of the library through the usage of a personal account is discussed. The article describes the approach to the development of an automated user support system in an electronic library and the implementation of this approach in Siberian Federal University. Keywords: e-library of the university, system of automated user support, information and communication technologies (ICT) | 966 | |||||
6061 | The article presents the results of the experiment on the evaluation verbs appraise, evaluate, estimate and rate within the frame of their paradigmatic relations. Method of component analysis helps to determine the meaning elements of the given verbs. The research is conducted with the help of the native speakers. It is discovered that appraise and evaluate have integral semes and can be interchanged in the text, since both of them are the verbs of detailed estimation and professional estimation. Evaluate, therefore, is the most frequently used in the language and is the most neutral among the given verbs and can be called the dominant verb of the group. Keywords: semantics, paradigmatic relations, evaluation verbs, component analysis, cognitive science | 966 | |||||
6062 | The paper deals with the issue of extra-linguistic factors that determine the properties of language units in scientific discourse in general and the category of evidentiality (in Russian, authorization) in particular. Based on the concept of extralinguistic bases of the scientific style developed within the framework of the functional stylistics, it includes a set of primary and secondary style-forming factors. The author focuses on those of them that determine the functioning of the category of evidentiality in scientific discourse. The main distinctive feature of the cognitive-discursive aspect of considering the extralinguistic bases of scientific discourse is the fact that it allows seeing evidentiality not only as a personal psychological reflection of a subject, but also as marking objective cognitive processes taking place in the scientific text and discourse. Keywords: evidentiality (authorization), scientific discourse, extralinguistic style-forming factors, epistemic situation, subject of scientific activity | 966 | |||||
6063 | The object of consideration in the article is media texts of special type which were provisionally called tertiary texts. These texts have in different degree thematic, informative, semantic and associative generality with initial media texts (initial and secondary) and reflect actual informational reason. These texts of the third degree are characterized by different connection with initial and secondary texts and individual modification of their content according to their informative, semantic and estimated grades in conditions of different personality interpretation and media sphere’s active development. Tertiary texts are examined as informational echo which are conditional on specific character of communication in Global Network: a special communication channel, speed of information distribution, special communicative behavior of informational and media personalities of different types. The last one is connected with possibility of interactive response of communicators who estimate and interpret informational reason which was mentioned in initial or secondary media text in their own way. Keywords: media sphere, media text, initial, secondary and tertiary media texts, informational and media personality | 965 | |||||
6064 | The article discusses the capabilities of the technology “Debate” in the formation of professional competencies of future teachers, substantiates and elaborates the scheme of inclusion of debates in the educational process. Implementation of the proposed scheme is shown by the example of the debate on the topic “The Study of Informatics in primary school: for and against”. At the final stage, the survey was conducted, which allowed to determine the attitude of students to technology “Debates”, the willingness of students to participate in such events and apply this technology in their professional activities. The use of debates allows to prepare a specialist who is able to work with different types of information, navigate the information space, justify his point of view. The above mentioned qualities should be common to modern teachers. Keywords: bachelor, teacher education, professional competence, debates | 965 | |||||
6065 | Introduction. The author investigates the novel “The Demon” by Nikolai Filippovich Pavlov, whose name is little known to a wide range of modern readers. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main motives and images of the story about “the poor official”, which is based on one of the main subjects of Russian literature of the XIX century. Material and methods. The material of the study was the work included in the collection “New stories”, published in 1839. A comprehensive analysis of the text using cultural-historical and comparative-historical methods is undertaken. Results and discussion. The main techniques used by Pavlov to create motives and images are antithesis and contrast. In the system of characters of the story the central place is occupied by the image of St. Petersburg. “The giant of the North”, combining good and evil, appears as an independent character with a contradictory fantastic force that suppresses the will, changes the minds and destinies of people. Such a city is close to Dostoevsky’s Petersburg, who called it “the most fantastic” and “intentional”. The main character is an elderly, poor official, whose image is close to the characters of Dostoevsky (Makar Devushkin) and Gogol (Akaky Akakievich). Marrying a young beauty only increases dissatisfaction with life. The order of St. Anne, which the character dreams of, becomes a symbol of happiness and success. For the sake of this, he goes to a step contrary to morality and common sense-skillfully offers his wife as a lover to his boss. This idea comes to him as a “diabolical obsession” sent by St. Petersburg. A similar development of the storyline “official-wife” occurs in the story of A. P. Chekhov “Anna on the neck”. Similar are the reasons for the marriage of women, the ways chosen by their husbands to improve their situation, as well as the result of family and human relations of characters. Conclusion. In the disclosure of the theme of “the little man” Pavlov was the successor of the traditions of A. S. Pushkin and the predecessor of Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov. The novel “The Demon” was a confirmation of the judgment that the works of writers “not the first magnitude” should not be forgotten. Keywords: romantic story, image, “little man”, St. Petersburg, plot, motive | 965 | |||||
6066 | Introduction. The problem of training competent specialists in the sphere of service and production has remained relevant over the past decade. The demand for personnel with professional linguistic competence sets a problem for the teaching community to develop new training courses and programs in a foreign language of a specialty, an important component of which is mastering the language of the professional sphere. Teaching aids and textbooks on the language of the specialty are being created. However, the question of creating textbooks for single-subject specialists, for whom a foreign language is a tool for carrying out their professional activities, remains open. Aim and objectives. The aim is to create a model of a textbook on a foreign language for specific purposes in the sphere of tourism. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development and application of new models of language training for narrow-profile specialists. Material and methods. The material of the research is based on the theoretical works of national and foreign scientists working in the system of professional training for the sphere of production and services. The methods used at the empirical and theoretical levels are in close interaction: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, scientific observation, generalization of experience, analysis and synthesis, comparison, modeling, extrapolation. The empirical basis of the research is the results of the practical application of the competence-based approach and the communicative method in teaching French to personnel in the field of tourism. Results and discussion. Many years of experience in training personnel for the tourism sector showed the effectiveness of the competence-based approach in teaching French for specific purposes, the effectiveness of the program “French in the sphere of tourism” and revealed the necessity to design a textbook on French for specific purposes. The proposed author’s model of the textbook «French in the sphere of tourism» is intended for students of linguistic universities, faculties of tourism, staff of hotels and travel agencies. The structure of the textbook includes the following components: course modularity, special vocabulary (terms and professional jargon), a list of professional skills and communicative situations of business communication, methodological techniques that allow students to form a readiness for professional activity using a foreign language. Conclusion. The developed and tested French language courses in the sphere of tourism follow the main/basic principle of the language for specific purposes – the use of authentic materials: guides, catalogs, travel brochures, travel guides, as well as websites of hotels, tour operators, and regions of France. However, learners need a teaching aid for the proposed course. A textbook is needed, which will systematically present the modules, the tasks of mastering each module, the specifics of exercises/tests and the requirements for the tasks of the module. The author’s model of the textbook “French in the sphere of tourism” is focused on specialization in three sectors: hotel and restaurant business, tourism as an industry/service sector, where the realia of industrial, organizational and managerial culture are of great importance. The emphasis is on the formation of appropriate psychological attitudes of service personnel in accordance with the requirements of European service standards. This textbook model can be extrapolated to other languages and training profile. Keywords: foreign language for specific purposes, linguistic and professional competence, modular structure, a textbook model, training of specialists, tourism | 965 | |||||
6067 | The article discusses examination discourse within the framework of sociolinguistic approach. Being an integral part of any society at a certain period of its development, examination or final testing procedure can be regarded as a separate unit of any status-oriented discourse where the key role belongs to the participants of communication. Taking into consideration pragmatic features of examination discourse the following constitutive characteristics were outlined and analyzed: goals and objectives of communication, time and place of communication, communication environment, participants of communication, their status and role in the process of communication, means and strategies of their interaction within examination procedure. In the framework of current research it was found that examination discourse encourages the candidate to demonstrate knowledge and skills he/she possesses in certain subject and at the same time it acts as an instrument of candidate’s knowledge and skills control. Keywords: exam, examination discourse, candidate, expert, test rubrics, test task, codificator, presupposition | 964 | |||||
6068 | Introduction. The choice of approach to the analysis of literary translation in this article is explained by the fact that interpretation in translation involves co-creation of the translator and the author of the original work, so that a new understanding of it can arise. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to identify the differences between the author’s interpretation of the comedy “The Government Inspector” and its translation interpretation by K. Garnett. It will allow us to see the semantic transformations of the work as it penetrates into the English-speaking culture. Material and methods. The material of the research is the comedy “The Government Inspector” by N. V. Gogol and its translation into English, made by the British translator K. Garnett in 1926. The methodology of this research is based on a comparative method, as well as a method for studying translation through the concept of “translation interpretation”. Results and discussion. The translator does not put the name “Silent scene” in a separate title and writes it in small italics merged with the previous text. This reduces its significance for English readers. In addition, K. Garnett in the translation of the play removes the division into scenes, which supports the classical symmetry and correctness of architectonics, while demonstrating the subordination of being to the divine plan. This suggests that in the understanding of the translator there were no initially harmonious laws of human existence. As for anthroponomy, all the names and surnames of the characters are conveyed by K. Garnett using transliteration. This means that for the English-speaking reader, their “speaking” meaning is lost. At the same time, this method of translation may also have a deeper meaning. In the original work, the characters are united by their involvement in vice, the symbolic embodiment of which they are. They are also connected by a common expectation of punishment for their actions and, undoubtedly, by belonging to the same people, since this issue was important for Gogol. It embodies the influence of the romanticism traditions on him. In comedy, the unity of the people demonstrates, in particular, the common national character of the dramatic personae. The presence and nature of the vice in each individual case is expressed, among other things, by the name of the character. But since this semantics is lost due to transliteration in translation, the connecting thread becomes less obvious to English-speaking reader. The loss of the original semantics of belonging of heroes to a common nation is facilitated by the translation of phraseological phrases, proverbs and sayings found in the original text. In the translation by K. Garnett, the idiomatic speech of the characters, indicating their folk character, was largely reduced. A similar feature is the frequent replacement of colloquial expressions of heroes with lexemes of the literary language. Therefore, the characters’ speech becomes more neutral and loses its expressiveness. Due to the prevailing number of such transformations, the characters of the dramatic personae in the translation of the comedy can hardly be called folk. Regarding the translation of Russian realities, it should be noted that K. Garnett replaced many of them with English ones. And although we cannot say that this applies to all realities, but they are the absolute majority, which cannot but affect readers reception. Among other things, K. Garnett adds a Gendarme to the list of actors, which does not correspond to Gogol’s conception. The Gendarme in the comedy acts as a “herald of the Last judgment” and his figure shows “transpersonal power”, which is why he is not on the stage of the theater. However, the appearance of the Gendarme in the list of actors in the translation text completely deprives him of the opportunity to embody the hand of God. Together with the “Silent scene” leveling this deprives comedy its significance and true meaning, which Gogol sought to express. Conclusion. The emergence of such a version of the comedy translation can be attributed to the fact that K. Garnett worked at the beginning of the modernist era, “the root characteristic of the literature of which is, in particular, the belief in the isolation, alienation and ultimate absurdity of each individual existence and the entire macrocosm of reality”. This largely contributes to the formalistic approach to poetics, which in this case is chosen by the translator. This is expressed in the fact that K. Garnett reproduces the text without taking into account the influence of the author’s biography and views. It cannot also be said that the cultural and historical context of the original and Gogol’s reception of literary traditions were sufficiently taken into account. Transformations in translation have led to the fact that characters are perceived as part of a faceless crowd, each member of which is not connected by anything, and not as people drawing inspiration from their unity. The characters are still together waiting for the Government Inspector, but the meaning of his appearance loses its sacred meaning of God’s punishment. In this interpretation, the existence of comedy characters appears absurd and even tragic to some extent, since there is no positive or negative dynamics. Thus, although the original author’s meaning was not recreated by K. Garnett in the translation of “The Government Inspector” into English, it can be stated that a new one that conveys a sense of hopelessness at the turn of the XIX−XX centuries has emerged. Keywords: N. V. Gogol, C. Garnett, reception, translation, interpretation | 964 | |||||
6069 | The article deals with the questions of modern geopolitics of Southern Caucasus and the process of origin of the new unrecognized states: Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorny Karabah. It determines the role of Russia in the course of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and rendering assistance to Abkhazia and South Ossetia in their acknowledgement as the independent states. A change in the political situation in the South Caucasus region is largely due to the geopolitical processes that often are civilized nature and depend on trends, which were formed during the Soviet era and created a latent conflict situation, which had been transferred to the open phase in modern history. The Russian Federation serves as the main ”peacemaker“ in the region, initiating the negotiation process in cases where it is possible and helping to gain the support of States seeking to gain sovereignty and genuine statehood, using his constitutional right to self-prescribe in international law. Keywords: Five-day war, Russia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorny Karabah, the Mayendorfsky Declaration | 963 | |||||
6070 | The article considers the problem of the formation of social trust and harmony among modern youth as one of the major goals of modern education in the light of recent state policy of consolidation of Russian society, ethnic groups, religions, preventing extremism. The authors examine the theoretical basis of cultivating trust and agreement in schoolchildren and young people as a basis for building relationships in polyethnic, multi-ethnic and multiconfessional Russian society. The authors refer to the problem of the study taking into account the state of Russia’s policy, as reflected in the federal target program “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia (2014–2020 years)”. Keywords: education, social institution, social trust and harmony, multicultural education | 963 | |||||
6071 | The focus of the article is on the question of the axiological stratum of the discourse picture of the world of entertaining radio. The paper considers axiological content of radio communication in the context of ethical problematics. Problematics of modeling of the world potential of mass media discourse is considered in view of the terms «discursive person» and «discursive cognition». Ethical issues are considered in the context of the model of speech behavior, which is characteristic of a discourse of radio. The article shows that the axiological content of the discourse (the discursive picture of the world) is the level of interaction between the author and the addressee. Entertaining genres of the radio «create» their addressee in the process of interactive communication, in which the system of rules of emancipation functions (maximum democratization of speech, violation of secrecy, violation of public morality). Addressee takes communication media for his own entertainment medium, that leads to reduced sense of orientation in the world. Interactive model of the cooperation of the author (presenter) and the addressee is typical for entertaining discourse, analytic discourse and information discourse of the radio. The interactivity is communicative and axiology is dominante idea of the radio broadcast and method of modeling of the «own» listener. Keywords: communicative models of interaction of author and addressee, discursive worldview, axiology, discursive person | 963 | |||||
6072 | This article deals with the so-called verbative synlexes – composite, stable, only nominative (without cultural and basically without expressive or evaluative connotations) units of language. One can meet these collocations in texts of all functional styles. The term “synlex” was suggested by Professor G. I. Klimovskaya. In her opinion, the words of the different parts of speech have their analytic functional analogs – stable collocations with semantic and grammatical characteristics of the substantive, the adjective, the verb and the adverb. This article includes the list of the synlexical structural types and analysis of use of the so-called “inner containers” – the adjectives as structural elements of the verbative synlexes. There are the obligatory and facultative “inner containers”. They make the meaning of the synlex more concrete or expressive and evaluative. The collocations with the “inner containers” and the fragments of texts with synlexes are used as illustrations of functions of this adjective “inset”. Keywords: verbative synlex, nominative unit, “inner container”, obligatory or facultative element of synlex | 962 | |||||
6073 | The article focuses on describing the ways of revealing a phenomenon of “inner man” in conceptual space of the image of Anglo-Saxon epic hero. Despite the fact that revealing the hero’s “inner self” doesn’t fit within an epic genre framework it is not alien to Anglo-Saxon culture. The epic genre illustrates that feelings and emotions can be disclosed on other levels and by other means unlike contemporary interpretation of the phenomenon. The specific character of archaic folklore mentality can’t but influence the process of understanding and revealing the inner world of an epic hero through his actions and external manifestations. The inner space of the image of the epic hero is viewed in the light of the action approach which is coherent with the genre intention and functional meaning of the image in the culture framework. Keywords: linguoculture, artistic image, conceptual space, inner man, concept | 962 | |||||
6074 | In the article specifics of medical knowledge are clarified and logical-methodological foundations of individuality problematics in bioethics are proved. The article represents the results of conducting RFH project № 15–03–00598 and RFBR project № 14–06–00440. In the article the problem of logic-methodological foundations of bioethics definition is posed. To solve it the author clarifies specifics of medicinal knowledge. First of all, medicine can be treated both as an art and as a science. The second, medicine has some specific features as any other science. Historian of culture Carlo Ginzburg ranks medicine among the so called “clue” disciplines. Such disciplines address individual cases that may be reconstructured via traces and symptoms only. Thus allows to fulfill integral attitude to patient but do not add to medicine scientific character. The situation changes while bioethical model is strengthening in Western medicine deepening the gap between exclusively individual experience of disease and impersonal-anonymous medical theory. Specifics of medicinal knowledge are based on David Greaves conception. At first, medicinal knowledge contains considerable part of uncertainty elements (diagnostic hypothesis and prognosis are of plausible nature), secondly, medicinal knowledge does not belong to closed restricted circle of professionals, finally, that knowledge is a combination of technological (or objective) and humanitarian (or subjective) components. It is bioethics that pose a problem of dualistic interpretation of “all-purpose” and “existential” medicinal knowledge today as well as issue the challenge to overcome a gap between “two cultures” (medicine as an art and medicine as a science). That will allow to “turn” medicine to a patient as a personality and individuality. It is mentioned that conception of “medicinal cosmology” (D. Greaves) allows to include morality and cultural questions in medicinal area together with technological which make possible to increase taking individual into consideration in modern medicinal theory and practice. In conclusion author summarizes epistemological features of medicine caused by gap between “two cultures” in medicine and dual nature of medicinal knowledge (as nomothetic and ideographic science) and actualizes patients' individuality (in its different manifestations) in bioethics. Keywords: bioethics, clue paradigm, biomedicine, medical cosmology, individuality | 962 | |||||
6075 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the content of the course “Theatre pedagogy” in the training of preschool teachers and primary school teachers. Notes the relevance of this discipline for successful professional activity, its integrative nature, which is reflected in the use of technologies, methods, and inherent in theatrical pedagogy (in the training of actors and theatre producer), and other humanitarian disciplines (rhetoric, phonetics, psychology, speech therapy, etc.). The concept of “theatre pedagogy” in relation to the preparation of future teachers. Describes the basic principles of theatre pedagogy, and the competencies, skills acquired by students in the learning process. Keywords: theatre pedagogy, preschool and primary education, the principles of theatrical pedagogy, formed competence | 962 | |||||
6076 | Introduction. The article describes the basics of management of adult’s education space development under conditions of cooperation opportunities and resources of subjects of the formal and non-formal educational areas through the mechanism of formation of the educational space. The aim of the article is to analyze the ways of management of adult’s education development under conditions of the interaction of traditional educational organizations and non-formal educational communities (public associations). Research methods: analysis of literary sources, regulatory and legal documents of state, regional and municipal authorities; questioning; pedagogical included observation; analysis, comparison and synthesis of the know-how of public organizations; methods of statistical processing of the data. Results and discussion. The spheres of management are presented as a coordinated combination of traditional administrative approaches to education management, methodical and pedagogical methods of management, various forms of (self)management of public structures in multi-layer space. Indicators of the effectiveness of managing the interaction of traditional educational organizations and non-formal educational communities - public associations: a. the use of non-formal social practices of public structures as a source of the modernization, the development of formalized education. b. the formation of the willingness of the participants of the interaction to choice the educational and life ways, the severity of their value orientations, socialization. c. taking into account in the management of the specifics of the formalized educational network and the public initiatives of a certain territory. d. accounting for the design, management of the interaction network’s development the principles of openness, flexibility, integrity of space. Conclusion. The dynamics of adult’s education sphere is associated with the orientation of education on the student’s personality development, for example, through the mechanism of the educational space. It is bаsed on the network interaction of individual and group subjects, including educational organizations and public associations. In the content of the process of managing their interaction, the priorities are related to the development of pedagogical reality - the adult’s education space: supporting the conditions for the student’s creative development and their initiatives, engaging the public in the educational process, creating a legal framework, expanding and complicating relations with various sociocultural institutions, updating the content of education, etc. from the management of educational organizations and public associations to the management of cultural and educational programs processes of the research аrea. Keywords: adult’s education space, networking, educational resources, the ways of management of adult’s education space development, non-formal education | 962 | |||||
6077 | The list of competences in the new Federal educational standards comprise three elements: the professional competence, general cultural competence, special competence. The formation of common cultural competence is one of the leading places in the professional training of law students. This competence is basic, because it creates a professional image of the University graduate. The article analyzes the current state of formation of common cultural competence at Russian universities, consideres one of the most effective methods of use in the training of future legal texts of court-sample of known speakers XIX – early XX centuries. Offers the samples of contribution to the formation of skills to analyze judicial speech: to see their logical structure, to select the means of artistic imagery in the text, to observe the efficient use of resources of speech evidence, as well as to develop the mastery of practical skills of creating a professional texts in the framework of cultural competence. Keywords: competence approach, professional competence, cultural competence, special competence, analysis of text samples, judicial speech | 961 | |||||
6078 | The article deals with the research of the correct pronunciation of difficult German sounds possibility by Russianspeaking respondents. The results indicated that it is easier for the Russian-speaking population to pronounce German vowels than consonants. The majority of respondents pronounced phonetically simple words correctly. Sounds in the words (Öl, Löffel, Zeugnis, Feucht, Nein, Neigen, Klein, Leute, Heute) did not cause difficulties in pronunciation. The most difficult phonetically sound was velar nasal consonant. Respondents who have problems with consonants phonemic hearing did not pronounce velar nasal consonant ([ŋ]). Increasing number of repetitions did not increase correctness of pronunciation of the studied sounds. Those who have difficulty in performing exercises on oral praxis, do not pronounce alveolar rolled consonant ([r]). Keywords: phonetic system, the German language, vowels, consonants, syllables | 961 | |||||
6079 | The paper is dedicated to the problem of teachers’ professional development in the context of realization of the new Federal Educational Standards. The objective of this research is the analysis of the open teachers’ professionalism concept as the alternative approach in teachers’ professional development and retraining. The purpose of the paper is to distinguish the notions: “closed and open professionalism”, “innovations in education and educational innovations”, “administrative and humanitarian management actions”. The author makes the connection between teachers’ professional development and their participation in preparing and realizing innovative programs; between humanitarian andragogic support and development of professionally personal qualities. Finally, the author clarifies the teachers’ professional development as not as a reproduction of the same functions but a real part in creating new educational practice. Keywords: teachers’ professional development, professional samples, educational innovations, humanitarian management actions, open teachers’ professionalism | 961 | |||||
6080 | The publication is devoted to the study of geometric metaphor in the modern English economic discourse. This type of discourse serves the communication of information, shapes people’s opinion on events and facts. The research task involves cognitive analyses of the source-domain “geometry” and its metaphorical expansion in the economic sphere of life of English speaking society. The examples are based on the media texts published in quality English press. The analysis of empirical data enabled to make a conclusion that the lexical units of the English language having the direct meaning “geometric figure” are widely used by native English speakers to conceptualize different aspects of economic life in mass media discourse. The geometric metaphor can be considered an important element of the modern English economic discourse and correspondingly communication, thus it obtains a special status in the frame of cognition. Keywords: spatial conceptualization, metaphorical interpretation of geometric space, geometric metaphor, target domain, source domain, economic mass media discourse | 961 | |||||
6081 | The article is devoted to studying of personal names of Tomsk Tatars of the first quarter of the XVIII century. The research objective is a complex description of functioning of the anthroponimics of Tomsk Tatars of the XVIII centuries in historical and linguistic aspect. In this research the general methods of linguistic research are used: descriptive, contrastive- comparative, structural, techniques of the system and functional analysis. On the basis of these archival materials the features of antroponimic system of Tomsk Tatars are considered, comparison with the systems of other people that allow to allocate their ethnocultural ties during the studied period is carried out. It is revealed that in the names of Tomsk Tatars are widely used the names charms formed from verbal components. On the materials the close interrelation of personal names of Tomsk Tatars with Turkic appellative lexicon is revealed. Many names of Tomsk Tatars became a genetic basis of many Tatar and Russian surnames which remained up to now. Keywords: anthroponimic system, personal names, historical anthroponimics, historical and linguistic aspect, revizsky fairy tales, Tomsk Tatars, first quarter of the XVIII century | 961 | |||||
6082 | The problem of searching for effective means for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers is considered. The study of this problem was carried out in the context of the requirements of the professional standard of teacher and the federal state educational standard of primary general education, which imply the presence of deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge among teachers of primary classes and their confident application in practical pedagogical activity. Specificity of professional activity of primary school teachers of a modern general educational organization is revealed. Proceeding from this fact, the concept of “psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers” is defined. Features of the methodological service at the municipal level are shown. The interpretation of the concept of “municipal methodological service” is given. Its possibilities for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers are determined. Pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers in the educational space of the municipal methodic service are established and described. The data of the forming experiment confirming the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers within the framework of the municipal methodical service are given. Keywords: primary school teacher, general educational organization, psychological and pedagogical culture, municipal methodological service, development of psychological and pedagogical culture | 961 | |||||
6083 | Introduction. About 80 % of idioms in any national language has semantics related with a person. Comparison of the cultural and conceptual content of these linguistic units allows us to study the image and verbal representation of man in different Slavic languages. Aim and objectives. Identify the universal and variant characteristics of man that exist in the designated Slavic linguocultures. Material and methods. The material is phraseological units of the thematic group “human” with the nuclear seme “evaluation” collected from lexicographic sources (50 units from each language). The method of research is crosscultural analysis. Results and discussion. Phraseological units with a negative assessment of a person quantitatively dominate in all the analyzed linguocultures. There is an invariant semantic core in the representation of human qualities. The consequence of this is a large number of equivalent and partially equivalent units. The speakers of the linguocultures examined condemn such qualities as stupidity, ignorance, impudence, rudeness, mendacity, laziness, avarice, and the like. Experience, wealth and worldly wisdom, success, good looks, and a healthy appearance are positively assessed. Neutral evaluative connotation distinguishes phraseological units that express the presence of features of similarity / difference between people, the relationship between them. In cases of general cultural interpretation, we are talking about semantic-stylistic and/or formal-structural full or partial equivalents. Full equivalents are units with identical structural, semantic (including figurative) and stylistic characteristics. Partial equivalents, while maintaining the integrity of semantics, may have some differences in meaning, stylistic sound or in the component composition/structure of phraseological units. The variants of evaluative interpretation of a person in different linguistic cultures are determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. In this case, the phraseological units are not equivalent. Conclusion. Thus, the universal characteristics of human beings prevail in the phraseological world picture of Slavic languages. Variant meanings are characterized by cultural and historical conditionality Keywords: phraseological unit, cultural linguistics, world picture, thematic group, human | 961 | |||||
6084 | The use of innovative forms in organizing university lectures is an actual statement of the present article. The article provides the proofs about the potential of the course “Folklore” for the presentation of a problem lecture. The structure and the methods of the problem lecture are offered to be comprehended on the example of the definite subject which is the novelty of this approach. Using comparison methods, going from the analysis to the synthesis, creating certain typological models, this article is an attempt to prove that the romance «inherited» the main poetic features from the medieval ballad; the ballad and the romance represent a united image of the world. Keywords: ballad, urban romance, problem lecture, methodology | 960 | |||||
6085 | The article analyses the final reports of bachelors of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University on educational folklore practice. The author shows that educational folklore practice develops ability to come into contact with people; teaches to develop any forms of cooperation; brings up respect to folk art. The difference of educational practice for bachelors consists in that the students should draw up the final report representing the analysis of all kinds of activity: methods, ways of achievement of tasks; connection of practice with the theoretical course; conclusions about the results of practice and about the prospect of further work; offers and recommendations about the organization of practice. Works of the majority of students testify to their readiness for independent research work and can become a basis of a scientific article or a course work. As a whole, folklore training of 2015 passed successfully. Students received experience as collectors of folklore, learnt to come into contact with bearers of folklore, deepened their theoretical knowledge in the subject “Oral folk arts”, learnt to make reports according to new requirements of Federal State Education Standards, to search and review the literature on the topic, acquired skills of research work and participating in conferences. Keywords: folklore practical training, oral folk arts, children folklore, Federal State Education Standards, analysis of folklore | 960 | |||||
6086 | The article consideres the history of color science development, the content of the course “Сolor science and coloristics” for students of the educational field “Design”. In the issue of correlation between intuition and scientific approach in teaching coloristics defines the significance of the scientific approach in training of designers. Presents the series of tasks, intended to form the skills in compilation of harmonious color compositions on the basis of certain quantitative relations. It was discovered that results of the theoretical and practical acquisition of the program speaks for positive dynamics in the formation of students’ coloristic competence. Shows that given quantitative relations, while compiling the color composition, were relevant during the stage of training and virtu formation. So, in the future work the designer will be able to draw on the intuition and high expertise. Keywords: coloristics, coloristic competence, intuition, scientific approach, design, design-education, color composition, color harmony | 960 | |||||
6087 | Introduction. Translation being one of the oldest types of activities is getting particular importance in the modern global world. Translators face the need to accelerate the translation speed, since the development of science, industry, trade, and other spheres of modern society depends on the speed and quality of translation of large amounts of information into different languages. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure the quality of translation under such conditions. The very concept of translation quality, although it has been the object of research for many years, is still not clearly defined, while there are different approaches to evaluating the quality of translation in general and specifically there is no single concept of the quality of written translations and a single generally accepted classification of translation errors. This means that such evaluations are not unified and their use may be doubtful. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to compare the main approaches to translation quality evaluation as well as existing standards, criteria and parameters for translation quality evaluation. Research methods. The research has used general scientific (methods of logic: analysis, synthesis, generalization); specific scientific (linguistic) methods: descriptive, comparative. Results and discussion. Translation theorists offer several approaches to evaluating the translation quality, which can be reduced to two large groups: quantitative and non-quantitative approaches. To regulate the quality of translations, different states have developed their own regulatory documents and standards. These documents differ significantly from each other: some documents contain requirements for the translation performed (European Translation Quality Standard), others list the types of translation and specify their difference from each other (Russian National Standards), others do not contain exact criteria for quality translation, but provide a list of provisions that need to be taken into account before translating, and also describe in detail the structure of the translation project (American Quality Standard). Conclusion. Organizations engaged in translation in practice use a wide range of national and international translation quality standards, quality evaluation scales, as well as modern tools to quantify the translation quality, i.e. special computer programs to evaluate the quality of translations. The criteria to evaluate the quality of such tools are translation errors, the classifications and typologies of which are presented in a huge number. The absence of a single standard of quality and the periodic inventions of new tools for evaluation of the translation quality are caused by the variety of criteria imposed on the quality of different texts (differ both in theme and function or style). Despite the obvious failure to cover the full range of possible criteria for the qualitative translation of the entire variety of texts, a quantitative evaluation of the formal component of the quality of translated texts is being implemented everywhere. Keywords: evaluation of translation quality, written translation, quality standards, quality criteria, quality parameters | 960 | |||||
6088 | The paper is devoted to the evidence of correlation of N.D. Kondratiev's cycles with structural displacements in economy. The authors describe the essence of the cycle and give the definition of cyclicity from positions of the self-organizing approach. The cyclic character of changes in economical structure is well grounded in the paper. Three structural cycles in economy of the developed countries are singled out during the period since the end 19th century till the present time. It is proved that structural cycles have similar periodicity with N.D. Kondratiev's cycles and turning points coinciding with long cycles. | 959 | |||||
6089 | In this paper a number of extremal problems of approximation theory of square summable functions on the whole line R : = (–∞,+∞) by entire functions of exponential type. In the space L2(R) of the exact constants of Jackson-Stechkin type inequalities were calculated. Found There was found the upper bounds approximation of classes of functions L2(R), defined with the help of the average modulus of continuity of m-th order, where instead of the shift operator ( , ): ( ) h T f x = f x + h is used Steklov’s operator Sh ( f ). Similar smoothness characteristics for solving the extremal problems of approximation theory for periodic functions in L2[0,2π] were previously considered in the works by V. A. Abilov, F. I. Abilova, S. B. Vakarchuk, M. Sh. Shabozov and others. It is proved that the obtained results in this paper are ultimate does not approving. Keywords: the best approximation, modulus of continuity of m-order, Jakson-Stechkin type inequality, entire function of exponential type, operator of Steklova | 959 | |||||
6090 | The article deals with the problem of raising the competent specialist while preparing a functionary owing a set of competencies. On the example of the course “Computer Science” is displayed how the executor of the commands in the specified range of practical skills forms a manager with a systems thinking able to solve problems using available life experience. Constant updating of technical tools in the field of information and communication technologies poses to people preparing future employees of high-tech industries, tough questions. Two of these issues will be addressed in the proposed work. First, what to choose as a landmark of education - a set of practical skills or fundamental knowledge? And second, do these approaches exclude each other? Keywords: management, competence, competency, task, information technologies | 959 | |||||
6091 | The article actualizes the problem of interaction of educational institutions with the family, presents a structural model of the formation and development of the educators’ competencies in the field of cooperation with the families of children in the conditions of preschool educational institution, describes the experience of the implementation of the model, reflects the results of the experimental work. The important elements of the model are the organization of activities aimed at the formation and development of educators’ competencies in the field of work with the family and creating internship place. The backbone element in the preparation of teachers to work with the parents are the refresher courses organized on the principle of corporate training. Keywords: model, cooperation with the family, refresher courses, competence, corporate training | 959 | |||||
6092 | The article deals with the ways of metaphorical interpretation of images of thermal processing of food in the Russian language. The semantics, pragmatics, textual functioning of figurative words and expressions, metaphorically motivated by the verbs “boil”, “fry” and “bake”, which are used to name various objects, qualities, processes and notions based on the analogy with cooking are analyzed. The cognitive metaphorical models and their lexical-phraseological and text representations, typical for this fragment of the figurative language system and the world view are described. Metaphorical projections are based on three initial situations. 1. Temperature exposure, which is projected on a) exposure of sunlight, hot surfaces on objects, a person, sensation of pain in the human body (zharit’, pech); b) physiological discomfort due to being in a hot, stuffy room (varit’, zharit’, pech); c) anguish of mind , anxiety, a sense of longing, deep sorrow (zharit’, pech); d) negative social and psychological effects from other people or social circumstances (zharit’, pech). 2. Transformation of the product is symbolically associated with a) the change of the shape, color of the object, body parts, human skin (varit’, zharit’, pech); b) change in character, moral qualities of a person (pech, varit’); с) with the formation of social stereotypes, habits, principles of thinking fixed in mind (varit’). 3. The nature of the figurative base of metaphorical assimilation may be due to a certain method of heat treatment. Thus, when the products are boiled in water during cooking, the liquid boils, the ingredients are intensively mixed, and these processes are metaphorically projected on a) co-operative vigorous activity , teamwork and implementation of social and political projects; b) active intellectual activity; c) the unification of dissimilar phenomena within the framework of one phenomenon (varevo). While frying the product, one can hear a distinctive sound the frying pan (the dish hisses, sizzles), the oil can splash, the product browns quickly, which is the basis of a) a model idea of the intensity and/or productivity of the action, process; b) projections on a scandalous, tense socio-political situation. When baking, the product is placed inside the oven heated to a high temperature, which causes analogies with a) being in a hazardous situation (peklo); b) deprivation of liberty (upech), c) with pain feelings within the body. Keywords: ffood metaphor, figurative words and phraseology, metaphorical model, language world view, dictionary | 959 | |||||
6093 | Introduction. Modern interdisciplinary research proves the deep psychological motivation of a significant place of animated films in modern culture, and the noticeable displacement of book culture by visual images. Children from an early age begin to watch cartoons, which have a significant influence on the formation of their perception of the world, their vocabulary and thesaurus. They are among the precedent texts presented in the thesaurus of the modern linguistic personality. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to reveal the nominations of cartoon characters as a part of the intertextual thesaurus of the linguistic personality. Material and methods. The study of precedent phenomena associated with cartoons, suggests an address to a variety of texts with reproducibility of these language units, to results of associative experiments and to dictionaries. The main material of the article is the data of six associative dictionaries, which represent fragments of the verbal memory reflected in the consciousness of the “average” native speaker. In their totality, they allow to reconstruct a fragment of intertextual thesaurus of the Russian linguistic personality in its dynamics. The contextual analysis enables to confirm the place of precedent phenomena related to cartoons in the associative thesaurus of personality. Results and discussion. The analysis of associative dictionaries shows that the names of cartoon characters for children are not only a significant part of the child’s thesaurus, but also remain relevant in the adult thesaurus, and cartoons, based on literary, in the thesaurus of the modern linguistic personality are more important than the books themselves. The fact that cartoon characters are part of the intertextual thesaurus, which is widely used in speech, is evidenced by numerous examples from the National corpus of the Russian language and works of modern fiction. Conclusion. The data of associative experiments and numerous cases of reference to cartoons as sources of intertextual inclusions convince that the works of this genre of cinema remain in the memory of the linguistic personality for a long time. They give evidence for the fixedness of the names of the characters from the cartoons in the associative-verbal network. Keywords: intertextual thesaurus, precedent names, associative dictionary, associative-verbal network | 959 | |||||
6094 | In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (FGOS DO), the development of speech and communication skills of children with adults and peers is among the important tasks of teaching and upbringing. The formation of dialogical skills of preschoolers is a necessary condition for their social and personal development. This requirement fully applies to children with mental retardation (hereinafter referred to as PSA). The article presents an analysis of dialogical utterances of preschoolers of this category, defines the content of the formation of skills to participate in a dialogue: to respond to replicas and request information. Communicative situations, role-playing dialogues, various kinds of games and exercises are defined as effective learning tools. The purpose of the study is to analyze the pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of dialogical speech in older preschoolers with mental retardation. As the main experimental methods, observation and pedagogical experiment were used, including children’s answers to different types of questions (reproductive, explanatory and alternative) and independent formulation of questions based on visual schemes–hints. On the basis of the experimental study, which involved 40 pupils of the older group with mental retardation at the age of 5–6 years, the characteristic features of the development of dialogue in children with mental retardation were confirmed. It is noted that with the seeming simplicity of the dialogue, greater independence from language norms, the children of the category under consideration experienced significant difficulties in building and maintaining the line of dialogue. The ascertaining experiment, conducted with older preschoolers with mental retardation, showed that an independent dialogue in most of them is significantly difficult and is characterized by a number of features associated with both a lag in speech and a lag in the development of thinking and speech-thinking activity. The content of the formative stage of the experiment included work on the formation of the ability to answer questions of varying complexity and independently request information. The novelty of the study lies in clarifying the content of the work on the development of dialogue skills in accordance with the linguistic features of this form of speech; updating data on the features of dialogic speech and communication skills in children with ASD, determining the stages of formation of dialogic skills in this category of preschoolers. The research materials make it possible to outline new strategic guidelines for corrective action in the field of speech, namely, the communicative development of preschoolers with mental retardation. Keywords: dialogic speech, research of dialogic speech in children with ASD, formation of dialogic skills, information request, initiative speech | 959 | |||||
6095 | This study examines the pedagogical problem of formation of professional culture of future specialists in the field of law in the system of their training in a higher educational institution. The article substantiates the expediency of applying the methods of contextual learning as a means of formation of professional culture of future lawyers in the process of their professional training. Identifies external and internal contexts of formation of professional culture of lawyers. Considers the methods and forms of contextual learning, which allows to increase the efficiency of formation of professional culture of future specialists in the field of jurisprudence in the course of their study at the University. Keywords: professional culture of a specialist in the field of jurisprudence, theory of contextual learning, contextual learning methods, problem situation, formation of professional culture of future lawyer, system of professional training of lawyers | 958 | |||||
6096 | Introduction. The article focuses on different statements concerning Joseph Brodsky’s original English poetry made by English and American critics, poets and translators. Aim and objectives. The paper aims to classify, systematize and critically value those statements, which can be described as occasional and unsystematic. Material and methods. The research is based on statements concerning Brodsky’s original English poetical works made by foreign English-speaking philologists, critics and poets. All the statements are found in variety of different interviews and books dedicated to Brodsky’s life and work. The methods used in the research are as follows: frontal analysis and content analysis, comparative method. Results and discussion. Brodsky’s English verses are yet to be studied as for researchers neglect such an important component of Brodsky’s works, which however is to help construct the whole picture of one’s esthetic thinking to its logical whole. As long as philologists traditionally concentrate on Brodsky’s Russian verses, English essays and (self) translations, this paper addresses Brodsky’s original English poetry as a phenomenon craving for deeper scientific understanding. The article brings the light on the reasons determined Brodsky’s turn toward English which can be divided into three groups: esthetic, utilitarian and linguistic ones. Brodsky’s attitude towards his own English verses was complicated. Creating original English poetical texts was like so-called play in versification and prosody with the using of new linguistic tools. He admitted in English prosody ability of rhyming short English lexical elements in broad variety of possible combinations, using impossible in Russian rhythmical and syntactic structures, experimenting with prosody. The paper provides review of statements addressing Brodsky’s original English poetry. All the statements are divided into groups according to geographical, linguistic and professional areas of the authors they were made by. The majority of studying statements are occasional and unsystematic, united however with some same features. Even supporters of Brodsky’s English poetry were forced to mention a bunch of imperfections in Brodsky’s English, stylistic mistakes and too Russian being of his English verses. One of the main grievance about Brodsky’s English verses is his incorrect using of English idiomatic elements. Many underline interferential and interconditional nature of English and Russian languages in Brodsky’s verses. Some consider this feature to be unacceptable, others as a unique style of bilingual author. Conclusion. Finally the article concludes that Joseph Brodsky was a two-cultured and two-language representative: Russian and English. Despite all the deviation in opinion of critics, poets and translators, the majority of them focus solemnly on linguistic level of Brodsky’s English verses. It’s worth noticing the lack of esthetic interpretation of Brodsky’s English poetry. The upcoming research can provide an answer to a question: does Brodsky’s world view remain the same in his English poetry or did it change subsequent to the language? Keywords: Joseph Brodsky, Russian poetry, English poetry, critics of poetry, analysis of poetical text | 958 | |||||
6097 | We consider the six-dimensional (1,0) hypermultiplet theory coupled to background vector/tensor system in harmonic superspace. An approach to calculating the superfield effective action is developed. It is shown that the classical actions for vector/tensor system are generated as the divergent parts of the effective action. Keywords: extended supersymmetry, harmonic superspace, vector/tensor hierarchy, effective action | 957 | |||||
6098 | Conception of the Universe in the world of view of Selkup and Russian ethnic group is observed and considered. Horizontal and vertical worlds of view are studied and analyzed. Analysis of linguistic, ethnographic and culturological materials is performed for objectification study of visions of “Lower world” both in the Selkup and Russian languages. Issues and themes on localization of “Lower world” are observed and considered by emphasizing of inconsistency in its understanding and perception, connection of “Lower world” with the nether world was examined and cleared up, common and difference in the “Lower world” understanding in the Russian and Selkup culture is determined and revealed. Keywords: the Selkup language, the Russian language, worldview, structure of the Universe, “Lower world” | 957 | |||||
6099 | Nowadays it is necessary for preschool teachers to be ready to satisfy requirements they get from current education situation. The point is that there is not only methodological aspect should be taken into consideration, but also and the main is psychological and personal teacher’s ability to change. There are serious difficulties in teacher’s preparation for new way of interconnection with children, which reflects individual aproach ideas. Professional competence development mechanisms for teachers should include conditions ensuring adequate assessment of competence in order to identify specific areas of self-development, and the availability of methodological support, the transition to the humanistic model of interaction in the “teacher-child ‘development education forms and methods of work in the mainstream of personality-oriented approach. The author describes some investigations, which allow to define modern approaches in pedagogical development of preschool teachers. Keywords: professional competence of a teacher, humanization of education, professional development | 957 | |||||
6100 | The subject of the article is a future Bachelor’s orientation on professional-moral self-determination. The aim of the article is to clarify the concept of orientation, pedagogical orientation and cover its significance for the future Bachelor as the opportunity for successful self-determination in the educational process. Therefore, the comparative analysis of the theoretical literature was conducted to specify what is meant under the word “orientation” in this research. The authors specify that future Bachelor’s orientation is defined as the peculiarity of educational process organization which involves personalized and socially-oriented attitudes, way to behave, value orientation, actualization of moral choice, reflection and learning process as well. Thus it can be argued that orientation is considered to be a specific complex educational system allowing consciously implement the unity of informative, diagnostic, tutorial and correcting functions. Оrientation structure is presented with cognitive-analytical, value-notional, content-related-operational components. Keywords: orientation, professional-moral self-determination, learning activity, components of pedagogical orientation | 957 |