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5802 | The article gives a brief review of the development of the theory and practice of correlation between general education and vocational training and provides an overview of the major trends in the research in this sphere in the history of education of Russia. The underlying reason for this survey is the necessity to enhance training of craft and trade workers in Russia both in general and vocational subjects taking into account the experience of the previous generations. The outcomes of the research can be used to increase the quality of training specialists for small enterprises including craft enterprises. The introduction of competence-based training in the vocational education system of Russia opens up a new sphere of research of the problem of correlation between general education and vocational training. Keywords: general education, professional education, vocational training; correlation | 1006 | |||||
5803 | In this article we analyse specifics of functioning of the so-called verbative synlexes (steady combinative neutral nominative units of language which arise and are used in texts of different functional styles; analytical analogs of the verbs) in publicistic texts placed in the National case of Russian. The object of the statistical analysis is the following units: “brat’ (vzyat’) v arendu chto-libo”, “brat’ (vzyat’) za obrazets chto-libo”, “brat’ (vzyat’) za pravilo, chto-libo, chto delat’”; “brat’ (vzyat’) pod kontrol’ kogo-libo/chto-libo”. Also we consider some general features of the use of the verbative synlexes and illustrate them with the examples from the publicistic texts: the verbative synlex as the only unit of nomination, synonymy of the verbative synlexes and the verbs, the adjective as an element of structure of the verbative synlex. Keywords: verbative synlexes, functioning, publicistic texts, National corpus of Russian | 1006 | |||||
5804 | The problem of interaction of concepts of different type is analyzed in the article. In the discourse of a regional journalist A. Shulbaeva under the influence of discursively, locally and individually marked concept oil a considerable transformation of such universal cultural concept as work is observed. As a result of associative semantic interactions occur the changes in the structure of the categorical concepts of different types, due to which the text of the author formed a unique model of discursive picture of the world, which has both regional and individual characteristics. Keywords: discourse picture of the world, individual discourse, interaction of concepts, discourse analysis | 1005 | |||||
5805 | We consider collision of a point particle with an infinitely thin planar domain wall within the linear and post-linear approximations of Einstein classical gravity in Minkowski space-time of arbitrary dimension. Both colliding objects are treated dynamically and the branon excitation of the domain wall is taken into account. The energy balance in this process is non-trivial since the interaction force does not fall with distance and the particle and the domain wall are never free. We show that contribution of the gravitational stresses effectively localizes on the particle and the wall world-volumes and gives rise to the relativistic potential energies of each object in the gravitational field of the partner. The contribution of the branons to the energy of the domain wall in the lowest order in gravitational constant is shown to be zero. Keywords: gravitation, branes, domain walls, conservation laws | 1005 | |||||
5806 | The solution to the current extending Universe problem, and the description of all stages of evolution compels scientists to consider various cosmological models. We combine two different approaches to the description of dark energy: modified gravity theory and introduction of the additional fields. We investigate the accelerating and decelerating cosmological models with non-linear spinor fields and non-minimal interaction of gravity with a scalar field. Scalar - tensor models are rather simple and also allow us to clearly define the separate stages of evolution. We explained the role of scalar and spinor potentials for emergence of accelerating or decelerating cosmology. Keywords: cosmological model, non-minimally interactions, scalar field, spinor field | 1005 | |||||
5807 | The article deals with the contemporary aims of teachers’ training that are connected with the actual tendency of transition to the educational paradigm of post-industrial society. The key principles of contemporary teachers’ training based on the analysis of the common principles of professional training and general university training are summarized and characterized. In the article the principles of contemporary professional teacher’ training are grouped and characterized. The most important of them are: adoption of requirements of competence-based approach; fundamentalization; studentcentered teaching; individual professional “growing”; outrunning nature of teachers’ education; continuity, succession, integration, variability, flexibility and openness of teachers’ education; practical orientation (processability) of teachers’ training. Keywords: contemporary professional training, professional teachers’ training, aims of contemporary teachers’ training, principles of contemporary teachers’ training | 1005 | |||||
5808 | The article dwells upon the range of theoretical issues related to the definition of the concept of “star” interview. The article is focused on structural and compositional characteristics of “star” interview’s texts as a form of massmedia discourse. The author analyzes constitutive components and reveals distinct characteristics of “star” interview. The emphasis of “star” interview is placed on person’s eccentricity. This interview is aimed to create a bright emotional-psychological portrait. The key goal of “star” interview is to attract attention and maintain interest of the mass audience. There are a lot of personal questions in “star” interview. This explains the fact that “star” interview is less informative in social and political terms. Keywords: mass-media discourse, “star” interview, journalist, respondent, mass audience, dialogical text, dialogical unity | 1005 | |||||
5809 | The paper presents a linguopoetic analysis of the original and translated texts in terms of the author’s worldview. The emphasis is placed on extra-linguistic factors such as the translator’s system of values in understanding and creative perception of the original. The comparative analysis allows to identify imagery transformations verbalized in the translation and presented in the individual style that reflect the specificity of the Russian Symbolist’s personal interpretation of the individual poetic picture of the world typical for the German Romantic poet. The original and translation of the poetic work are regarded as texts united by a common discursive space of images with variable methods of poetic expression of artistic meanings. Keywords: perception, poetic discourse, translation, comparative linguopoetic analysis, imagery transformations | 1005 | |||||
5810 | The article attempts to address the problems associated with teaching Russian as a foreign language in higher educational institutions of the People's Republic of China, as well as suggest solutions drawing on the experience of teachers of Mudanjiang Pedagogical University. Analises the state of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in China's higher education institutions, taking into account modern requirements to graduate qualifications. The author indicated the low level of students' vocabulary and poor oral expression as the main problems. Attention is also paid to the weak initial preparation of the students who enter the university, which is largely complicates the work of the teacher, who has to adjust the lack of knowledge, and begin the learning process from scratch. To solve these and other problems in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese audience it is possible to use a comprehensive approach that focuses on a combination of traditional techniques and modern communication methods. Students participate in discussions on topics of concern, role-playing games, performances of plays. Thus the main objective of the educational process – training free speaking in Russian with the use of extensive vocabulary can be achieved. The development of this approach is illustrated by the example of the team of teachers of Mudanjiang Pedagogical University, with the description of the specific learning technologies. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, Chinese universities, communicative teaching methods, learning technologies | 1005 | |||||
5811 | The article is executed from the positions of the communicative stylistics of the text. It is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the connection in the poetic (and wider – artistic) text of regulativity and reflectivity. The review of the works of recent years devoted to the study of textual qualities and categories on the material of various discursive practices is presented. The essence of regulativity, reflection, including its types, as well as reflectivity is considered in detail. Regulativity is a systemic textual quality that provides management of the cognitive activity of the addressee. Reflection is interpreted as a universal sign of human thought activity. Reflectivity is a person’s ability to reflection. The reflectivity is closely connected with images of the author and addressee which are realized in the textual categories of subjectivity and addressing. The author relies on the researches of linguists, literary critics, also observations of masters of the artistic word for establishing the connection between the regulativity of the poetic text and the reflectivity. It is found out that from the positions of the communicative-activity approach to the text, the basis of regulativity as a systemic textual quality is reflectivity. Prospects for further research are outlined. Keywords: categories and qualities of the text, regulativity, reflectivity, poetic text | 1005 | |||||
5812 | The article considers the contemporary problems existing in organization and content of Russian education in the sphere of the development of general and specific giftedness of children in physics and mathematics. The paper develops the definitions of the general and specific giftedness. It outlines the specificity of the supplementary education of children as a sphere facilitating the development of children’s giftedness, their creative and intellectual capacities. In the paper we present the comprehensive regional model of the supplementary education of children in physics and mathematics and training of preservice teachers. The model works on the basis of the Centre for the supplementary education in physics, mathematics and natural sciences at the pedagogical higher education institution (HEI). We present the mechanisms for solving contemporary problems of physical, mathematical and engineering preparation of the HEI candidates. We consider organizational, content, methodical and technological aspects of the work on the development of the children’s giftedness in the integrated regional educational space of HEI and the supplementary education organization. The work describes the model of pedagogical training of the HEI students. The model is aimed, firstly, at the development of the students’ abilities to meet the professional challenges, secondly, at the development of the regional gifted children supplementary education. The paper presents the general overview of the outcomes of the implementation of the model considered. On the basis of the outcomes we could conclude that the model had a positive impact on the regional supplementary education of children and pedagogical training. Keywords: children’s giftedness, creative potential, trial professional actions, learning professional and quasiprofessional situations, pedagogical support, mentorship | 1005 | |||||
5813 | The article deals with the results of a study devoted to medical discourse and its speech genre differentiation in the communicative space of Great Britain, France, Russia (three countries). The medical discourse is one of the oldest discourses, since it is about the main, basic values of a person ‒ his health and life. The humanity strives to increase the duration and improve the quality of life. The Medical discourse refers to the institutional discourse, as it serves a special institution, the social stratum – the medical community. The polydiscursivity is a characteristic of the medical discourse,that is born at the intersection of scientific, academic, legal, advertising, commercial, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical discourse proper, which is the leading discourse in this symphony of discourses. The speech genre palette of the medical discourse is extensive and diverse. The study deals only with the written speech genres of the medical discourse, which have their own characteristics. The written speech genres of the medical discourse are characterized bythe logical alignment, reasonableness, coherence, preparedness, a consistent development of the theme, the selection of linguistic means, the graphical representation on paper and the distance in time. They are visually perceptible and can be reproduced many times. The Russian medical discourse proper, in contrast to the English (British) and French medical discourses, is characterized by the largest number of the written speech genres, which is due to the extralinguistic factors: national, political, socio-cultural, legal, historical. Keywords: medical discourse, genre, speech genre, speech genre palette, Russian medical discourse, medical discourse proper | 1005 | |||||
5814 | The relevance of this study is due to the socio-cultural aspects associated with the development of visual communications in modern urban space. The visual landscape of the city assumes an abundance of advertising information in various spheres of human activity. This leads to an increase in the requirements for people of different specialties in the field of visual communication skills. The problem is a contradiction: on the one hand, the visual level of the urban environment is constantly growing, on the other hand the approaches to education in this direction are not so wide and do not meet the requirements of the time. At the moment, there are many technologies for solving creative problems in the visual arts and design - this is a whole spectrum of researchers who pay attention to the issues of a full-fledged educational cycle, but the problem is to correctly choose and integrate them into the accelerated educational process (refresher courses). In this regard, the issue of creating a methodology for teaching the composition and working with it within the framework of the advanced training courses “Graphic Design. A basic level”. The goal was to create the most concise and effective way of learning to work with the mounting composition and the principles of working with a stain within the framework of this composition. Attention is paid to the processing of visual images in a virtual environment, through the Adobe Photoshop CC raster graphics editor, to achieve the maximum speed for processing visual data. Approaches to creating an assembly composition with pre-prepared image libraries are described. The article will be useful to teachers of creative specialties, designers, artists, researchers in the field of visual culture. Keywords: mounting composition, shaping, theory of composition, design of visual communications, visual urban landscape | 1005 | |||||
5815 | Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of modern educational space, which combines scientific and practice-oriented components, knowledge and competence paradigms of education. The aim of this work is to generalize and systematize the set of requirements for quality humanitarian education. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the study was a set of methods of system, activity and personality-oriented approach, analysis of scientific and methodological literature, legal documents regulating modern General education practice. Results and discussion. Consideration of the phenomenon of humanitarian education and humanitarization of education, as well as the format of the mandatory exam in the Russian language (the main state exam and the unified state exam, as well as the final interview in the Russian language) allowed to fix the focus of the estimated results in two aspects: the actual knowledge and competence, allowing to assess the formation of the student’s personality, to assess his speech readiness in combination with his General culture. It is noted that modern linguistics considers language as a complex dynamic system, which is undoubtedly reflected in the context of the formation of the school educational space. The framework presents the organization of the educational process in the Humanities, namely its orientation as a single set of requirements, in particular between the actual subject education and personal abilities, inclinations of students, to be focused on the prolonged demand for students in their future professional space and in private life, which involves in the process of formation of the humanitarian educational space of the school the inclusion of various methodological options of educational activities and the inclusion of didactic units, focused on the formation of dialogue and interaction, as well as the formation of practical skills in the subject area. Conclusion. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that this variant of the organization of humanitarian educational space is possible through a combination of different approaches, among which the leading place can be occupied by the technology of personality-oriented education. Keywords: humanitarian education, educational area Russian Language, personality-oriented education, competence approach | 1005 | |||||
5816 | Introduction. Under rapid changes in social and professional spheres urgent appears the question of organizing the process of professional self-determination and effective employment of university graduates. In connection with it, the article will cover the content of organizational and pedagogical conditions in the process of contributing to the professional self-determination of students of a pedagogical university. Aim – to search for and define the content of organizational and pedagogical conditions contributing to the professional self-determination of students of a pedagogical university. Material and methods. Such methods of analysis as theoretical methods (analyzing and summarizing what is in literature, analyzing statistical data, modelling) and empirical methods (using surveys, questioning, testing) were applied. Stating the set of conditions is based on summarizing empirically the activities of the center for students’ employment. Modern researchers’ approaches to defining “organizational and pedagogical conditions” are presented. Apart from others is the group of researchers analyzing organizational and pedagogical conditions as a set of factors. Also, the article reveals the point of view of researchers who think that organizational and pedagogical conditions are a set of some schemes. Separately we analyze research works by scientists who think that in the definition of “organizational and pedagogical conditions” there are two sensible components: organizational conditions and pedagogical conditions. Results and discussion. Analyzing issues and summarizing empirical experience, it was specified that under organizational conditions we will mean factors that guarantee controlling the process and pedagogical conditions will be understood as factors including content, methods, means, forms of teaching, upbringing that provide achieving pedagogical goals. In such a case, putting together organizational conditions and pedagogical conditions into one set used for achieving one mutual goal will result in organizational and pedagogical conditions together. On the basis of it in Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Tomsk State Pedagogical University” we made up and tested a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions contributing to students’ professional self-determination. Conclusion. There has been put forward the definition of organizational and pedagogical conditions contributing to the professional self-determination of students of a pedagogical university, including students with low motivation for pedagogical profession, that can be used as a basis for the activities of university centers for students’ employment. Keywords: professional self-determination, employment, organizational and pedagogical conditions, contribution | 1005 | |||||
5817 | There is a tendency to the shortening of the verse in the literature for children, as well as in modern poetry in general. Researchers rethink the boundaries of the genre of poetic miniature. Poetic miniature usually consists of two parts, and often contains a paradox. The article researches Alexander Bergelson’s (Novosibirsk) quatrains in comparison with the miniatures of other authors such as Grigory Oster, Renata Mukha, Herman Lukovnikov, Boris Khan. All texts are divided into two groups. In the first group two parts of the poem are opposed to each other. In the second group there is a poetic story in sequence. The texts of Bergelson expressed the dialectics of author's consciousness, desire to cooperate with the reader and the perception of reality as a game. Keywords: Alexander Bergelson, poetic miniatures, poems for children, Siberian poetry, quatrain, dialectics, poetic game | 1004 | |||||
5818 | The article contains analysis of the problem of broadcasting in both traditional and new media of the image of “Innovative Tomsk” substantial aspects, themes and sources of regional discourse of modernization, innovation and new industrialization as an example of the Tomsk region, as one of the most important innovation centers in Siberia with a high scientific, educational and creative potential. The authors carried out an information audit of regional print and audiovisual media, regional thematic portals and sites, as well as Tomsk groups and accounts in social networks for the presence in their content and broadcast of the stories with an emphasis on the innovative development of the city of Tomsk and the region. Keywords: image of the region, modernization, discourse of innovation, marketing of the areas, regional media, information audit, innovative development | 1004 | |||||
5819 | The article represents the analysis of linguocultureme head in the Selkup dialects. The object of investigation is the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting head in the Selkup language. The research offers the study on the contexts, in which the lexemes function in their literal and figurative meanings. The author carried out the research on compound words with the ol-component which are not only nominations of the parts of a body, but also words denoting subjects and phenomena of the world around. Analysis of cultural data showed that in the Selkups’ worldview a head is the place of origin and maintenance of life as well as its revival. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, nomination of head, linguocultureme, linguocultural analysis | 1004 | |||||
5820 | The article deals with the question related to the process of consciousness development among children of preschool age. Discusses perceptive, cognitive, reflective levels of the process of forming consciousness among children of preschool age. Explains techniques of developing the processes such as solving tasks of significance with an adult (step by step implementation of concrete joint actions that open up personal significance of a particular situation), changing positions when working with the situation (giving the child the function of control, analyzing), expanding the experience related to the process of consciousness development (going outside the familiar situations, which helps to understand boundaries of their own understanding), construction of reality. These methods are presented in 4 stages. During each stage the child achieves a new level of understanding the situation, develops new meanings, new connections, emerges changes in self understanding when changing positions, understanding of self and the situations in changing circumstances. Changing consciousness of the child in accordance with acquired experience helps him to understand circumstances in a new way, understand actions of other participants, own actions and offers constructive way to solve the problem where everyone benefits, which helps his psychological development, maturity. The process of developing consciousness emerges during constructive interaction between an adult and a child. Keywords: consciousness development, solving tasks of significance, co-activity between an adult and a child, positron, reflectivity | 1004 | |||||
5821 | The article deals with the question of studying the structural properties of the academic medical discourse text of such type as “Original Research”, based on the material of the New England medical journal. It provides the characteristic of text-Background, text-Methods, text-Discussion, text-Results and text-Conclusions. The article presents the examples of the implementation of the information content of the above texts of the article in Russian in comparison with the submission of information in English. It describes the specifics of the linguistic manifestations of English sentences presenting the text of a medical journal article under study. It demonstrates the result of studying of what the text of the article of academic medical discourse is. The most significant factor of the study is that the analyzed article text is considered as a scientific conversation with colleagues, whose purpose is to discuss participation in the conduct of statistical analysis and public presentation of the results of research activities and intended for a narrow circle of specialists using natural science concepts and methods, information, bibliographic resources and medical and biological terminology in solving professional problems can be defined by verbal constructions, consistent and inconsistent definitions, prepositional and non-prepositional combinations of nouns with adjectives, nests of words, letter abbreviations (acronyms) and correlates with medical terminology by German and Latin symbols in written form. Keywords: the article text of academic medical discourse, text structure, text-Background, text-Methods, text- Discussion, text-Results, text-Conclusions, the New England Journal of Medicine | 1004 | |||||
5822 | Semantic and stylistic aspects of actualization of two notional components belonging to the key concept “truth” – “truth of the fact” and “truth of the thought” are described in the article. The material for research contains articles of the city newspaper “Kuznetsky rabochy” created in critical moment of our country’s history: at the border between the period before “Perestroyka” (publications of 1980–1984 are examined) and the first stage of it (from March 1985 to January 1987). Keywords: newspaper style, media discourse, a concept, regulative means and structures, isotopic chain, associative and semantic complex | 1003 | |||||
5823 | The problem of professional formation of the teacher is considered: modern approaches to definition and characteristics of stages (phases) of professional formation are reflected; results of research of professional selfdetermination of the teacher that allows to reveal factors of decrease in the social status and prestige of a pedagogical profession are presented. Keywords: professional formation, professional self-determination, stages (phases) of professional formation of the teacher | 1003 | |||||
5824 | The article is devoted to consideration of features of the structural organization of prefixal chains in two-prefixal nouns and verbs. Opposition of a noun and a verb is shown not only semantically and grammaticallye, not only in the sound organization of the whole words belonging to certain parts of speech, but also at a level of a phonologic structure of morphemes of one class, namely – the prefixes which are a part of words of different parts of speech. These distinctions are detected in a set of various phonological models of prefixes, in stock of used phonemes, in combinatory properties and distribution of phonemes. Keywords: prefix, prefixal chain, phonologic model, noun, verb | 1003 | |||||
5825 | The paper suggests a system of formation of communicative genre competencies that are necessary for future teachers of the Russian language and literature for successful verbal behavior during the festive communication at table and study table talk with the students. The material of the paper includes information about the didactic base (texts-samples of works of fiction, videos, memos, charts, tables, etc.), characterizes the generated concepts and skills, types of tasks (analytical, analytical-constructive and constructive) and presents the methods of their execution (rhetorical analysis of the video situation, filling out the tables, analysing and supplementing of the schemes and memos, making up the algorithm, rhetorical task, comparative analysis of videofragments, etc.). Keywords: сommunicative competence genre, festive table talk communication, festive table talk, genre features of festive table talk | 1003 | |||||
5826 | The article reveals two versions of the texts of the most famous play-tale by L. Filatov “About Fedot-the shooter, daring good fellow” in the aspect of transformation of folk motifs. The article determines the level variability of the original texts (focus on the first publication of the text of the play in 1987 and the latest edition of the author's lifetime), compares events and motives in correlation with the variants of folk tales “Go there – do not know where, bring it – do not know what”. The article analyzes the system of characters in the folklore and author’s fairy-tale. Also analyzes fundamentally different finals in the texts of the play-tale of different years. Keywords: L. Filatov, Russian folk tale and its variants, author’s dramatic fairy tale, the action of the play “About Fedot-the shooter, daring good fellow”, variability in the literature | 1003 | |||||
5827 | The paper is devoted to the analysis of confrontational and cooperative strategies realized in the framework of intercultural political interview. The author gives the definition of the political communication genre functioning in the area of conflict and congruous types of discourse. Confrontational and cooperative strategies are represented by the tactics belonging to the interviewer and the interviewee accordingly. The genre intention of the intercultural political interview is the basis for differentiating the analyzed tactics. The intercultural political interview represents the political communication genre which peculiarities are viewed as extralinguistic and linguopragmatic factors influencing the co-ordination / non-coordination of speech interaction. Keywords: intercultural political interview, confrontational strategy, cooperative strategy, conflict discourse, congruous discourse | 1003 | |||||
5828 | The article discusses a study conducted to identify pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in the professionalisation and stabilization of mental health of graduates and educators, as well as existential dialogue as a psychological test of readiness for self-development and innovation in the current situation of education. Self-monitoring in the context of the study is considered as the beginning of reflection on the existential meaning of the teaching profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of the educational identity can be organized in terms of designing the educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements Balint sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management, quality education, self-monitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 1003 | |||||
5829 | In the article we are talking about the interaction of the higher and secondary schools in the context of the implementation of the competence approach, on the one hand, as a manifestation of the openness and continuity of the modern educational process, on the other, as an important component of the university training of students who study in the field of Pedagogical Education. It is noted that a knowledge component in the university education of this contingent of trainees should be present sufficiently, and substantive training should necessarily be guided by future professional activity. In fact, university training in the subject area of students of a pedagogical university should use the criterion of applicability of information in future professional activity as a priority reference point in studying any topic of each subject block. In this connection, the student is obliged to know the normative base of general education, to have an idea of the programs implemented in the general education school, to be able to give them a competent assessment. The student should be familiar with a certain range of scientific and educational-methodical literature on the subject. The role of educational and production practices, research work, as well as network sites, stimulating students’ motivation for mastering the profession, social adaptation and personal growth, is also being updated in the process of the university training of students-philologists. As an example, the forms of network interaction practiced in the process of implementing the program “Formation of the professional culture of teachers in the new educational conditions” are analyzed as part of the network of the experimental site “school – university” (IAOU School No. 14 named after A. F. Lebedev, Tomsk – Tomsk State Pedagogical University). It is concluded that it is the orientation of a pedagogical university to a school and close interaction with it that will allow for the professional training of students-philologists in the context of the changed requirements of society, presented to the modern teacher. Keywords: competence approach, openness of the educational environment, network interaction, continuity of the educational process | 1003 | |||||
5830 | The article actualizes the realization of the pedagogical technology for creative self-development of future teachers on the basis of the values formation as a current problem of Russian education. The proposed pedagogical technology can be reproduced in terms of continuous education. It will give a possibility of combining the capabilities of various technological solutions to enhance the level of creative self-development of future teachers. The formation of valuesemantic orientations contributes to the successful development of self-processes while projecting self-concept of creative self-development. Pedagogical technology for creative self-development of future educators based on formation of values inherent to a person, citizen, patriot, represents a system of scientifically-based activities to achieve the planned results, which includes the goal, the objectives, the content, the methods, as well as the means and the forms of education. The functional components of pedagogical technology, which are applied as methods for organizing the model of education, and which ensure effective functioning of the educational process, are organizational and pedagogical conditions, stages, criteria, indicators, as well as levels of creative self-development. The content component of pedagogical technology is represented by the didactic system enriched with creative tasks in educational curricula for high-school students, college-level students, and for young teachers – by advanced training programs, as well as by programs of additional education. Instrumental equipment of pedagogical technology on methodological side is provided by the scientific and the methodological, the organizational and the methodological recommendations, as well as by the educational and the methodological complexes on the subjects and the disciplines of training. The procedural component of educational technology on each level of education is indicated by the diagnostic-hermeneutical, the emotional-meaningful, the activity-based and creative, as well as by the innovativereflective stages, in the frameworks of which the expected results are achieved. The result of implementation of pedagogical technology is comprehension, appropriation, and verification by future educators of the system of personally significant values (humanistic and moral, as well as social values, orientation towards creativity, values of cooperation), patriotically-oriented personality, increased level of creative self-development, manifestation of selfworth in various types of activities in conditions of continuous education. Keywords: value-semantic orientation, creative self-development, continuous education, pedagogical technology, the processes of the self | 1003 | |||||
5831 | The contents of carbon in mire waters changes from 53 before 92.5 mg/l with extreme parameters 27.8–145 mg/l. Mathematical model of carrying out materials is designed for surfaces of watershed basin. The calculations show that long-time average carrying out of carbon with watershed basin at different years forms 4.3–12.8 g/(m2 year), including carbon in humic and fulvic forms, carrying out of which reaches vegetation period 98 % from the general of carbon carrying out at certain months. Keywords: carbon, peat moss bogs, geomorphological profile, carrying out, humic material, chemical composition, mire water, balance, stand; bear, modeling | 1002 | |||||
5832 | This article provides an analysis of legal acts regulating the training of specialists in the field of legal education. The study shows that the emergence of a speciality “the teacher of law” was due to the specifics of development of state and society, necessity of formation of legal culture of the society in connection with the proclamation of the legal state. The main subject of the formation of legal awareness of citizens was to be a teacher of law - a unique specialist integrating pedagogy and law. The fact of necessity of law teachers was determined due to the state policy focused on legal consciousness of citizens. Keywords: law teacher, legal science, legal education, teacher of jurisprudence | 1002 | |||||
5833 | In accordance with the planned results associated with the formation of the future teacher’s project competences objective method plays a special role, in our case, it is methodology of teaching geography. Methodical preparation serves an integral part of vocational education of geography teacher at the Pedagogical University. Professional activities of modern geography teacher, in accordance with the goals and values of the modern general education, geographical education of students and in terms of its standardization, includes a variety of activities: educational, research, communication, project, diagnostic, and others. It is essential that the project activity serves as fundamental one, the structure of which is much more complex than traditional planning. Project includes planning as a quality item. To achieve these results, a structure-functional model of the formation of project competence is worked out. The purpose of creation and implementation of structural and functional model of the formation of project competences of the future teacher of geography is the best possible and effective application in the educational process of method training and education in geographic teaching. Structure-functional model of the formation of project competence includes the target, substantial, organizational-activity and estimated-score units. Pilot training, conducted by the author on the basis of geographical and biological faculty of the Ural State Pedagogical University, shows that the formation of the project competences of students – is controversial, complex, long-lasting, non-linear process, which forms the subject position of the future teacher. Keywords: project competence, project skills, competence-based approach, teachers of geography | 1002 | |||||
5834 | The article describes the main cognitive features of the mental scenario “Mockery” in the Russian language picture of the world in comparison with English. The author summarizes the results of researchers on the problem of modeling the scenario “Mockery”. There are basic components of mental scenario “Mockery” in both language pictures of the world: subject, predicate, object, causator, intention of action, estimated and emotional components, the basis of the evaluation and the relationship between subject and object. The author describes the mental scenario “Mockery” in correlation with other elements of cognitive space “Laughter”: ridicule, derision, joke, smile, banter etc. There are two types of mockery in the English and Russian language pictures of the world. The differences between them are described in the article. Keywords: language map of the world, mental structure, concept, concept-image, concept-scenario, lexeme, the definition analysis | 1002 | |||||
5835 | At the stage of implementation of the federal state educational standards of the third generation there was a necessity of development of personal qualities of the student during his training. In this regard, on the example of the federal state educational institutions of higher education, some theoretical and practical aspects of the general cultural competence were examined, which appear and are formed in the educational process, require production of the methodology for developing and implementing in it modern technologies of inclusion of humanitarian expertise tasks of technical decisions and directly affect the development of communicative abilities of the student and further professional success of graduates of higher educational institutions. Keywords: labor functions, training, competence, educational process, methodology, training, education, selfeducation | 1002 | |||||
5836 | The article considers the program on ensuring rational use of the associated oil gas (AOG) in the fields of the oil and gas extraction enterprises. The developed program and the measures promoting increase of level of use of AOG, allow to increase economic development and to improve ecological situation of the region. On the basis of the proposed algorithm for the use of AOG a number of researches were carried out. As a result of which, have been calculated numerous technical and economic indicators, as well as in the study area, identified urgent scientific problems that require solutions. Keywords: Associated oil gas, utilization of associated oil gas, payback | 1001 | |||||
5837 | We propose a strategy to infer the transition redshift zda, which characterizes the passage through the universe decelerated to accelerated phases, in the framework f(R) gravities. To this end, we numerically reconstruct f(z), i. e. the corresponding f(R) function re-expressed in terms of the redshift z and we show how to match f(z) with cosmography. In particular, we relate f(z) and its derivatives to the cosmographic coefficients, i. e. H0, q0 and j0 and demonstrate that its corresponding evolution may be framed by means of an effective logarithmic dark energy term ΩX, slightly departing from the case of a pure cosmological constant. Afterwards, we show that our model predicts viable transition redshift constraints, which agree with ΛCDM. To do so, we compute the corresponding zda in terms of cosmographic outcomes and find that zda ≤ 1. Finally, we reproduce an effective f(z) and show that this class of models is fairly well compatible with present-time data. To do so, we get numerical constraints employing Monte Carlo fits with the Union 2.1 supernova survey and with the Hubble measurement data set. Keywords: cosmography, f(R) gravity, transition redshift, dark energy | 1001 | |||||
5838 | The poem of the Tomsk rock leader of the late 1980s – early 1990s V. Shestakov is considered in the given article in order to describe the lingvo-cultural originality of the regional rock poetry. The poet’s discourse is seen in the aspect of the reflection of Siberian punk subculture in it. Born in the years of perestroika, the Siberian punk embodied in poetic texts own tragic vision of the social reality of the USSR in transition and clearly outlined protest not only against the official ideology, but also against the absurdity of the world order as a whole. A striking example of Tomsk Siberian punk version was the creation of the group “Children of Obrub” and its leader Viktor Shestakov, in whose poetry such traits as hypertrophic nihilism, pessimism, nonconformism, and acute social orientation are embodied. These features are characteristic of Siberian punk subculture as a whole, they originally refracted in images of time and society of Tomsk rock poet. Keywords: regional rock poetry, creative linguistic personality, Siberian punk subculture | 1001 | |||||
5839 | The article presents the analysis of the major factors and conditions providing the neoindustrial growth of economy in Russia. The authors conclude that the main factor influencing neoindustrialization is the inclusion of Russia in the global trends described on the basis of the concept “technoscience”. The condition for neoindustrialization serves the expansion of borders of network community the elements of which are already available in Russia and in its regions and within which economical and strictly scientific activity will be able to come to full agreement. Keywords: neoindustrialization, technoscience, society of knowledge, global trends, social and cultural modernization | 1001 | |||||
5840 | The article examines some peculiarities of grandmother-grandchild discursive interaction in family communication. Applying methodology of interactional and conversational analysis to the video data recordings of communicative interactions between different generations of two Russian families we argue that such interaction is governed by two contradictory intentions: to maintain the empathically warm communication and at the same time to protect the initial roles of dominant communicant (for grandmothers) or to fight for the status of independent communicant (for grandchildren). They both show some specific discursive devices: grandmothers’ use of joke aggression, memorative (telling about past events), assistance in the case of communicative failure; communicative sabotage for grandchildren. Keywords: family discourse, discourse interaction, communication between generations, discursive devices, «communicative sabotage», non-verbal communication | 1001 | |||||
5841 | The present article shows a lesson plan of an extra-curricular lesson for kindergarten children which was distinguished in the category „Teaching materials” in the International Competition for Teachers of Russian as a Foreign Language organised by Tomsk State Pedagogical University and the Polish-Russian Institute in Wroclaw (Poland). The main theme of the lesson is based on the topic: “Understanding Masha. Speaking humorously, nicely and interestingly about the Russian language and culture.” The lesson is to be organised as a non-obligatory workshop. The lesson plan contains objectives and tasks characteristic of a workshop, of which the most important ones consist in popularising the Russian language and culture, encouraging children to adopt an open attitude towards cultural otherness as well as making them understand and show tolerance towards another culture. The lesson plan enumerates and describes teaching and learning methods to be used during classes. Special attention is paid to the selection process of rhymes and songs for children to learn. It is proposed to choose texts which contain words similar to those in the native tongue. Repeating such words is fun for children and it gives them a sense of achievement. The lesson plan determines also the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the workshop. During the classes children do not only learn Russian words and find out about their geographical neighbour’s culture, but they also learn: working in groups (depending on the age colouring matrioshkas, making greeting cards with a picture of matrioshka, doing a puzzle with a picture of balalaika or samowar), learning behavioural patterns and values through play. This kind of extra-curricular classes constitutes a really absorbing way of popularizing the Russian language among children, but it also provides good practice for students (future teachers) who take part in preparing the event and can engage in organising a really interesting undertaking. Keywords: extra-curricular classes, teaching materials, popularising the Russian language | 1001 | |||||
5842 | Since the very beginning of goldmine industry in Siberia its workers were on their own in issues of healthcare, insurance and support of families of the deceased laborers. Changes came in the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century. They became possible because of new imperial legislation. According to new laws, entrepreneurs became responsible for their worker’s health and were obliged to compensate work-related injury or death claims of employees. However, it caused debates among people of industry. They made several projects, concerning the creation of insurance association and the society of mutual insurance for workers. Some projects were quite promising, supposing that accessible health insurance funds would be created even in Siberian taiga. But conferences of gold industry entrepreneurs tended to support the moderate ones. Even the duration of operational season was disputed since it had effect on payments size. However, even these efforts were made without great effect and failed to create a stable insurance system. As seen from the study it was the consequence of entrepreneurs’ effort to share responsibility for insurance with the state institutions and workers themselves. The problem of health insurance was a part of the labour issue, which appeared to be unmanageable. Keywords: history of Siberia, labour issue, insurance, pensions, gold industry | 1001 | |||||
5843 | The article considers a methodical study of the distance learning process of a large number of gifted schoolchildren for additional general developmental programs. The author has analyzed the relevance of distance learning, the issues of systematic work with gifted schoolchildren, the supplementary education problems and the most perspective forms of work with children interested in natural science disciplines. The article presents the description of the profile supplementary educational environment for high school students, created and implemented by the Correspondence Physics and Technology School (ZFTSH), contributing to the development of their intellectual potential and their need to continue self-education, and the format of working with teachers. The author has determined the advantages of working on the online platform. The article contains the formulation of the additional educational ZFTSH programs implementation results. The methodological recommendations on the organization of distance learning for students on additional general development programs of natural sciences consist of three part: (1) high-quality educational and methodical materials; (2) the chain of close interaction: child - teacher - methodologist - parent; (3) convenience, efficiency, scalability, manufacturability of the online platform. ZFTSH represents the general federal system of selection and training of talented youth at the stage of pre-university supplementary education and, in essence, activities have been established to improve the skills of teachers of physics and mathematics through the work of the ZFTSH curriculum and the system of continuing education courses held annually at MIPT. Keywords: distance learning, additional general development programs, correspondence school, online education, gifted children | 1001 | |||||
5844 | Being a universal means of communication, search, storage and transmission of information, the Internet has become an integral element of our lives. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in modern linguistics the texts of Internet communication attract much attention of scientists. The Internet culture is closely connected with the implementation of various humorous intentions, and the success of virtual (informal) communication depends on the comic component. The article concerns the role of self-presentation at the forming of virtual personality during Internet communication. The object of study is the mechanism for creating negative self-presentation with the help of humorous means. The authors aim to systemize the present approaches to the strategy of self-presentation. The importance of humoristic means in the realization of intentions of different kinds at the virtual communication is stressed. Humor is a kind of non-stereotyped cognitive processing of the perception of the incongruous and absurd things in the surrounding reality. This is an attempt to break the dogmatism of the template way of reflecting the surrounding world order, emphasizing its inconsistency and absurdity. The author also analyzes effective means of actualization of negative self-presentation in the virtual environment such as trolling, Internet jargon, mems and taboos. The authors stress global scope, anonymousness and indirect communication in the virtual world providing new prospects for the personal self-presentation. The material from this article can be used in teaching the following disciplines: lexicology, stylistics, pragmalinguistics, discourse theory, text linguistics. Keywords: self-presentation, concepts of self-presentation, Internet environment, functions of humor, trolling, mems, taboos | 1001 | |||||
5845 | The paper reviews postpositions of two endangered indigenous Uralic languages of Western Siberia: Southern Selkup and Eastern Khanty. These languages have remote genetic affiliation and an extended cultural and linguistic contact, co-inhabiting the area of middle Ob river flows of Tomsk region. The main focus of the discussion is the comparative analysis of postpositions of these two languages on the basis of existing grammars. Postpositions are usually used to express spatial temporal notions. They typically represent a model of space-time metaphor. Selkup postpositions are divided into serial and non-serial. Khanty postpositions are divided into etymologically nontransparent postpositions proper and postpositional use of nouns. Keywords: postposition, selkup, khanty, case, space, time | 1000 | |||||
5846 | The article is devoted to the research of the problem of modern approaches to teaching creativity of F. M. Dostoyevsky at modern school considering actual strategic problems of subject domain “Philology” as well as the need of valuable and semantic development of the student’s personality. Valuable experience of Dostoyevsky is significant for a modern “post-apocalyptic” era for which the way of restoration of spiritual fundamental principles is equivalent ways of preservation of mankind and human culture. Dostoyevsky’s creativity needs to be included in fixed and extracurricular activities not only as the object of the literary analysis, and as an important element of the system of value-oriented training and education. When studying works of Dostoyevsky the following motivating factors are effective: usefulness and applicability of the gained knowledge in practice, involvement of the students in creative process, use of active methods of training, participation in the olympiads, conferences and competitions in literature, moral encouragement and the stimulating control, teacher’s personality and manner of teaching. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, reader, spiritual imperatives, Russian culture, work of art, axiology, moral, “A Writer`s Dairy”, value-oriented training, motivation, education | 1000 | |||||
5847 | The article describes the possible areas of monitoring methodical-mathematical training of future elementary school teachers from the standpoint of implementation of competent approach in vocational education. Provides the analysis of research on the definition of the essence of the concept “monitoring”, on the bases of which were given the specific features of pedagogical monitoring as a system and a process. As a system, monitoring is a set of elements (the purpose of monitoring, the object and the subject of monitoring, monitoring results, monitoring tools, and monitoring activities) that ensure effective implementation of the monitoring procedures. From the standpoint of the procedure approach monitoring can be seen as a consistent implementation of the collection of information on the quality of education, its processing, analysis, assessment in relation to the performance of educational development and the development of further measures to further correction of the educational process. The content of the monitoring activities through the lens of professional competencies, formed in the process of teaching mathematics to students has been revealed. A component structure of competencies has been presented, their components have been revealed – cognitive (what the student must know), active (what the student should be able to do) and personal (what the student should master). The criteria of their formation of future elementary school teachers in the course of mastering the discipline “Methods of teaching mathematics” have been emphasized, and specified the types of assessment tools used for monitoring activities in these areas. Keywords: pedagogical monitoring, teaching mathematics, professional competence, future elementary school teacher | 1000 | |||||
5848 | S. V. Bakhrushin’s works continue attracting the attention of researchers of Siberian history. Until recently his review on Z. Ya. Boyarshinova’s thesis about the Tomsk district has been quoted, only with a positive assessment of the work. But alongside with this the review also noted a number of comments and omissions that still remain littleknown. It becomes clear in the result of the analysis of revealed two variants of the printed review. Consequently, according to their content it is possible to judge about the scientist’s approaches in the work during the writing of the review, the focus of his creative thought while making his adjustments, objective assessment of Tomsk researcher’s manuscript. Keywords: S. V. Bakhrushin, Z. Ya. Boyarshinova, review, history of Siberia, Tomsk district, bibliography, archive | 1000 | |||||
5849 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the etiquette of the speech genre «bow» in the epistolary discourse of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Substantiates the validity of allocation of etiquette speech genre “bow,” which is widely used in the Chekhov’s letters. The description of etiquette speech genre is held with regard to its main constitutive parameters of speech genres (following the T.V.Shmeleva’s Model of speech genre): the communicative purpose, the image of the addresser, the image of the addressee, the factor of the eventful past, the factor of the eventful future, structural and linguistic peculiarities. The “bow” in Chekhov’s letters is a method of transmitting an indirect recipient (recipients of the bow) through the direct recipient of letters. The communicative purpose of the speech genre “bow” is an expression of a respectful and kind attitude of the addresser to his addressees. With this speech genre, the author shows himself as a person who knows the conventional speech etiquette (including correspondence etiquette) and simultaneously supports, maintains contacts and good relations with people, regardless of temporal and spatial factors. Speech genre “bow” as one of the most consumed etiquette genres in Chekhov’s letters, written during the period 1892-1894 years, generally performs the phatic function. The features of Chekhov’s linguistic expression in the speech genre “bow” give his epistolary communication emotions that determine the overall positive communication background. Keywords: etiquette, etiquette speech genre, genre “bow”, constitutive features, direct recipients, indirect recipients, phatic communication | 1000 | |||||
5850 | The article deals with an analysis of the essence and contents of students’ value-focused orientations. Value orientations in their turn determine the motivation, i.e., the external and internal incentives of human activity and reasons for concrete actions. The main values of life, which have been formed throughout the existence of mankind, are undergoing significant changes in the modern social society. The moral crisis that emerged as a new anti-social phenomenon in the late 20th century is changing the outlook of the youth, placing material gain on priority positions. The study of the value orientations of students of higher educational institutions (HEIs) in the private and state sector shows that there are no cardinal distinctions between them. In many respects it could be accounted for by the immaturity of the private sector of the educational system, on the one hand, and the inertness of young people’s value orientations, on the other hand. Nevertheless, the study revealed certain dependence of a higher motivation towards creativity in the cases of fee-paying education and a higher consistency between the students’ value orientations in the private HEIs and the market strategy of the Russian reforms. The proportion of students with a creative potential in terms of value orientation in all years of their training is found to be relatively stable and does not exceed 30%. The other students’ creativity orientations are not only developing, but are maintained until senior courses. This is particularly evident in analyzing the responses of students of the Altai State University. Keywords: values, value orientations, motivation, creativity, state sector of higher education, non-state sector of higher education | 1000 |