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5851 | The problem of searching for effective means for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers is considered. The study of this problem was carried out in the context of the requirements of the professional standard of teacher and the federal state educational standard of primary general education, which imply the presence of deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge among teachers of primary classes and their confident application in practical pedagogical activity. Specificity of professional activity of primary school teachers of a modern general educational organization is revealed. Proceeding from this fact, the concept of “psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers” is defined. Features of the methodological service at the municipal level are shown. The interpretation of the concept of “municipal methodological service” is given. Its possibilities for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers are determined. Pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers in the educational space of the municipal methodic service are established and described. The data of the forming experiment confirming the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions for the development of the psychological and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers within the framework of the municipal methodical service are given. Keywords: primary school teacher, general educational organization, psychological and pedagogical culture, municipal methodological service, development of psychological and pedagogical culture | 808 | |||||
5852 | Introduction. The aim of the article is to identify and describe the main characteristics and variants of the linguistic and cultural transfer of nominations of social diseases. Material and methods. The study material includes nominations related to the sphere of social diseases in the amount of 700 units selected by targeted sampling from bilingual and multilingual medical dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, scientific and popular scientific literature and texts of social advertising. For the semantic and etymological analysis of nominations that have undergone linguistic and cultural transfer, the study used the method of comparative typology, to determine the value of the nomination of socially significant diseases the study used the method of historical interpretation. Results and discussion. In this study, linguistic and cultural transfer is considered as transferring or borrowing units of one linguistic culture to another. The transfer may affect not only similar linguistic cultures that have historically conditioned connections, but also cultures belonging to completely different types, which is quite characteristic of the sphere of social diseases. At the same time, units of one linguistic culture undergo a process of not only borrowing, but also penetrating into the host culture, go through all the stages of adaptation in it. Thus, there are 3 main characteristics of the linguistic and cultural transfer of social diseases: the extensiveness of the process of the linguistic and cultural transfer reflecting the quantitative increase in the number of loanwords in the linguistic culture; the intensity of the process of linguistic and cultural transfer, in which there is a qualitative borrowing of units of another linguistic culture; the prevalence of linguistic and cultural transfer, when loanwords are transferred in several linguistic cultures. Conclusion. The main variants of the linguistic and cultural transfer are the transition of lexical units from everyday vocabulary into terminology, eponimization, polysemy and synonymy of nominations in the sphere of social diseases. In addition, the problem of the disorder of nominations in the field of social diseases in different linguistic cultures is quite acute, which can lead to disruptions in the exchange of information at the international level and difficulties in translation. Keywords: linguistic and cultural transfer, nomination, social diseases, polysemy, eponymization, synonymy | 808 | |||||
5853 | Introduction. The concept “student” is common to different linguistic cultures of a civilized society and relates to the academic sphere of human activity. This work is devoted to the study of actualized and hidden features – structurally-meaningful components – of the concept “student”. Material and methods. The object of the study is the fragments of Russian National Corpus (RNC). In this paper, we study minimal contexts, usually equal to the sentence and detailed contexts, usually coinciding with the paragraph, as well as the headings of texts reflecting 1900–1917. The relevance of this work is determined by the social significance of the student’s figure in developed human communities and the lack of knowledge on RNC material of the concept related to it. The study examines the most typical uses of the word in multi-style (literary and non-literary) and multi-genre texts of RNC. The methods of the descriptive method (observation, classification, interpretation, generalization, arithmetic calculations) and the methods of linguo-conceptual analysis (contextual and semantic analysis, the analysis of the concept name, correlation of the concept name with historical and cultural data, modeling the structure of the concept, corpus linguistics techniques) are used in the work. Results and discussion. The categorical (qualitative, event-time, spatial) and non-categorical (biological, anthropomorphic) signs of the name of concept “student” are revealed. The taxonomic and nuclear-peripheral models of the studied concept are proposed. During the construction of the first model, the connection between concept “student” and super-concepts “human”, “education/to study” (“to learn”), “higher educational institution is determined”. In the nuclear-peripheral model of this concept, being characterized for the beginning of the last century, the main complex (compound) semes are ‘young man’, ‘studying for a certain time at a university or institute’, ‘engaged mainly in educational activities to obtain one or another profession’. The socio-political and individual characteristics are presumably found in the interpretational field of the considered concept. It was also established that there is no connotation in the lexical semantics of the name of concept “student”. All self-evaluative features of this word are contextually determined. Conclusion. This work is intended for researchers in the field of lexical semantics, linguo-culturology and for students of linguistic conceptual analysis techniques. Keywords: concept name “student”, its semantic attributes, contexts of Russian National Corpus | 808 | |||||
5854 | . | 808 | |||||
5855 | The article identifies current problems of the teacher-training musicians and the ways of their solution in today reorganization of higher education in the transition to a two-tier system - bachelor, master. Keywords: music education, lesson of music, the teacher-musician, the methodical module, integrated approach | 807 | |||||
5856 | We present a new theory for free massive superspin Y = 3/2 irreducible representation of the 4D, N = 1 Super-Poincar´e group, which has linearized non-minimal supergravity (superhelicity Y = 3/2) as its massless limit. The theory is being described in terms of a real bosonic superfield Hαα˙ and two fermionic ones χα , uα. The new results will illuminate the underlying structure of auxiliary superfields required for the description of higher massive superspin systems. Keywords: superspin, superspace | 807 | |||||
5857 | The article considers the influence of re-evacuation to the state the region's cadres' potential, the change of the regional demographical development conditions. The article highlights the impact of evacuees to the forming of the regional cadres’ potential of the region, the change of its demographical development conditions. The author accentuates the impact of evacuees in the creation of the arsenal of Victory. The paper defines the consequences of the cadres re-evacuation for the main sectors of industry, building, agriculture, transport, science, education and health care. The article accentuates the difficulties, negative consequences of re-evacuation, the shortage of cadres related to it and the measures taken to overcome it. The article underlines that re-evacuation had shown the urgency of the cadres problem in general and especially that of the highly qualified ones, which was characteristic of the West Siberia in the pre-war years and which was solved only for a short period of time merely by means of evacuation and arrival of the great number of specialists to the region. So the success of the country’s transition to peaceful conditions of national economy rehabilitation depended greatly on the timeliness of solving the human resources question. The article emphasizes the influence of re-evacuation on the dynamics of the population number and composition. The author concludes that the decline of the West Siberian population in the war and re-evacuation conditions indicated the weakening of the power of human potential in the region. Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, re-evacuation, bodies of authority, migration processes, demographic processes | 807 | |||||
5858 | Phytonims of Russian, English and French are examined in motivological and comparative aspect in order to define specific character of motivation phenomena in the Russian language. The principles of motivological comparative analysis include the method of lexical identification, psychological linguistic experiment, component analysis, statistic analysis. Motivological level of language research is a favourable ground for analysis of national specific of language because the nature of motivated word itself is mainly connected with language conscience of speakers. Names of plants are directly connected with object and cognitive speakers’ activity and also with social and cultural originality of language community’s life and its ethnographic peculiarities. Specific character of motivation system of the Russian language is the following: high level of plants’ names motivation; morpho-semantic type of motivation as a prevailing; simple structure of motivated sign, which points to plant appearance; compressed motivational meaning of phytonim; explicit classification sign in connection with derivational peculiarity of the Russian language. Keywords: motivation, motivological and comparative analysis, type of motivation, motivated sign, classification sign | 807 | |||||
5859 | The present article is devoted to the problem of the category of doubt as representative of interference and convergence of late Lermontov’s and early Dostoevsky’s artistic worlds. The category of doubt is central on epoch’s boundary as it reveals the transitivity of the world in 1830–1840s. and a state of total criticism. Firstly, this category is considered a central epoch’s philosophical problem and secondly, a problem of narrative methods. As a philosophical problem, category of doubt gave birth to a new type of hero and new methods of psychologisation, which caused different changes and transitions from doubt through uncertainty to the condition of hopelessness and hero’s self-recognition of powerlessness towards actions and choices. As a result, the doubting intellectual is replaced by the sick consciousness of a “small man” (“malen’kiy chelovek”), who loses his trust being in doubts and lives under the condition of fear and anxiety. The narrative aspect of the category of doubt determines the combinatorics of plots’ lines, the overlay of psychological conditions, the retardation of narration. All this produces the parts’ montage in some texts which comes along with rhetorical questions which intensify the doubt. Keywords: Lermontov, early Dostoevsky, problem of hero, category of doubt | 807 | |||||
5860 | The article discusses the features of the political development of the Tuvan People’s Republic in the 1920s–1930s, associated with both lack of experience of the independent existence of the state in previous periods of its development and great influence of the USSR on all aspects of life of the Tuvan society. The last circumstance led to the adoption of a one-party political system headed by the Tuvan people’s revolutionary party, formed almost simultaneously with TPR in 1922. The young Republic at the same time gained experience in both state and party organization. Considering the total illiteracy in the 1920s, the former ruling elite continued to take the leading positions in the state. Active intervention of the Soviet Russia in the internal political situation of the TPR in the late 1920’s led to the coming to power of the “lefts”, that began a radical socialist transformation, and proclaimed a non-capitalist way of the development of the country. A political system, similar to the USSR, is gradually being approved in Tuva. The scientific importance of the study is determined by the fact that its results and the conclusion deepen and widen the existing information in the national historiography on the historical experience of the state-organization in the years of the TPR, moreover, they reveal the features of its political development both in the time under consideration and in the present time. Keywords: Tuvan People’s Republic, sovereignty, Constitution, Tuvan people’s revolutionary party, Tuvan revolutionary youth Union, the Great Khural, the Small Hural, “left”, “right” | 807 | |||||
5861 | The article considers the features of system pedagogical thinking in the contemporary socio-cultural situation as a basis for culture of translating the techniques of professional work of the future teachers, and highlights its characteristics. Presents the conditions to enable the development of system thinking. The emphasis is placed on mastering of «knowledge management» system and metasubject activityin the field of education, understanding the essence of the noosphere society development strategy; consideration of the process of training and education of future teachers as a complex self-organizing, open system. The examples of implementation of the conditions identified in the educational practice of training future teachers are given. The positive dynamics of such characteristics of system thinking in future educators as understanding of the integrity of the nature of our planet, the unity of its processes, the natural connection of man and his Motherland, as well as the understanding that any activity and form of human behavior in nature and with society must be consistent with the laws of nature; strengthening the regulatory regulation of behavior in a situation of moral choice; the desire for professional self-development, the expectation of success from the implementation of their own actions. The features of the organization of classes (lectures and seminars) on pedagogical disciplines are described, which can be taken into account as guidelines for building work to improve the efficiency of teacher training. Keywords: systematic pedagogical thinking, culture of broadcasting methods of professional activity, consistency, integrity and the integrity of the future teacher’s personality, noosphere development strategy | 807 | |||||
5862 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is to reflect on the specifics of organizing translation training in line with the collaborative activity pedagogy of G. N. Prozumentova. Three models of collaborative activity between the teacher and students (authoritative, leadership, partner) and three types of joint actions between the teacher and students have been analyzed: closed, semi-open and open. For each model there are special types of educational tasks (reproductive, constructive, creative). At the same time, all translation exercises are characterized in the logic of a certain model of collaborative activity between a teacher and students, taking into account the different positions of its participants. Material and methods. As a methodological base of the research we have chosen a learner-centered approach as well as the concept of collaborative activity pedagogy between the teacher and students. We have analyzed the traditional methods of teaching translation and educational practices for training translators in a classical university, including teaching experience of the author. Results and discussion. It has been established that the majority of translation exercises are mostly reproductive and tend to an authoritative model of collaborative activity; therefore, it is important to use a variety of exercises, mainly dialogue exercises, representing a leadership and partnership model of collaborative activity pedagogy. It has been proven that an open collaborative action (involving the creation of new meanings, the interchange and mutual enrichment, non-didactic interaction of participants) is optimal in translation teaching. Students form socio-cultural knowledge, communication skills, ability to participate in collaborative activities, translation competencies. Conclusion. For the first time it has been shown that translation training requires not only modern methodological support, but also a pedagogical basis. The idea of co-organizing different types of interaction between a teacher and students in translation training with an emphasis on organizing open collaborative action is seen by the author as the best option for organizing learner-centered educational practice at the university. Keywords: collaborative activity pedagogy, model of organizing collaborative activity, types of collaborative activity, training lesson, translation training | 807 | |||||
5863 | The article examines the qualitative changes that happen in a man in the information society. It analyzes the connection between the above-mentioned changes and the problems that the system of education has to solve. The article questions whether it is necessary to review the main principles of Classical Pedagogy under the conditions of new sociocultural situation. Keywords: sociocultural situation, self-determination, knowledge-information, knowledge-persuasion | 806 | |||||
5864 | Toponymic nickname – is a new name based on the associations with reality phenomena. Wide use of secondary nominations is a characteristic feature of the toponymic system of the USA. Each state, apart from its official name, has a number of nicknames, which can be official and unofficial. This article is devoted to the linguocultural analysis of toponymic nicknames of the US States, motivational characteristics of which are relief and water resource peculiarities. This group of American nicknames is clearly restricted in the English language and presents an interesting material for the linguistic analysis. This article regards different classifications of the analyzed units as well as their motivational and quantitative analyses. Secondary nominations of the US States reflect the peculiarities of the flat, hilly and mountainous relief. The last one prevails over the flat and hilly relief. Water resources (among which the most productive motivation is rivers) occur more often than the objects of the area relief. One more particular feature of the units under the investigation is the fact that they are presented by the nominations with absolute or full motivating, since the facts, events and geographical names, put in the basis of the secondary nominations, are always evident. Keywords: secondary nomination, toponymic nickname, toponym, relief, water resources, the US States | 806 | |||||
5865 | This article is written in the diachronic approach and is devoted to the development of modal semantics of possibility. The comparative analysis of formation of the modal verbs expressing various shades of modality of potentiality is based on Gothic, Old and Middle High German texts. On the basis of this analysis and the use of statistical methods of research the process of decategorization – transition of the functions of expression of possibility from morphological category, i. e. moods, to lexical-grammatical means, i. e. preterite-present verbs – was shown. The use of the lexical-grammatical means allows to express the potential internal modality more differentially. Keywords: modality of possibility; Gothic, Old, Middle High German; preterite-present verbs; optative; decategorization; the verbs kцnnen and dьrfen | 806 | |||||
5866 | It is shown that similarly to massless superparticle models, space-time symmetry of the classical action of the Berkovits twistor string is infinite-dimensional. Its superalgebra contains finite-dimensional subalgebra that includes the generators of psl(4|4, R) superalgebra. In quantum theory this infinite-dimensional symmetry breaks down to SL(4|4, R) one. Keywords: supertwistor, twistor string, infinite-dimensional symmetry, anomaly | 806 | |||||
5867 | The article shows retrospective stages in the development of physical culture in the Tomsk region, including the pre-revolutionary period and the 1920–1940 years. The authors stated objective preconditions and causes of beginning of Faculty of Physical Education, founded in 1949 in Tomsk, the history of its formation and development as the first faculty to provide training of physical education teachers with higher education for the vast Siberian territories from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean. Names teachers-graduates of prestigious universities of Leningrad, who arrived to organize educational and methodical work on the newly created structural division of the Pedagogical Institute. The main objective of the authors was to show the role of people: teachers, creators and enthusiasts of the educational, research and training process, which made an invaluable contribution to the history of the university. The information provided is only a small part of the great work that has been completed, which was carried out and will be continued in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: anniversary conference, history of faculty development, educational process, research work, training of teachers | 806 | |||||
5868 | The article deals with the problem of influence of professional experience in the processes of formation of teacher’s willingness for innovative activity. Allocates the stages of experience development. Describes the features of teacher’s work at the designated stages of experience development. Allocates the features of the process of formation of the teacher’s willingness of innovative activity in the structure of the stages of experience development. Important elements at the stage of motivational orientation on the experience development are near and distant targets of professional activity. At the stage of receipt of new experiences it is necessary to pay special attention to the theoretical literacy of teachers. Reflection and planning are important elements at the stage of reflexive thinking of new experiences. Communicative creativity becomes an important element at the stage of experience application. The article shows that the features of the process of formation of teacher’s willingness for innovative activity in the structure of the stages of experience development are in close cooperation and form a dynamic system. Keywords: stages of experience development, teacher’s willingness for innovative activity, motivation of professional activity, professional reflection, planning of educational activities, communicative creativity | 806 | |||||
5869 | The article describes the main cognitive features of the mental scenario “Mockery” in the Russian language picture of the world in comparison with English. The author summarizes the results of researchers on the problem of modeling the scenario “Mockery”. There are basic components of mental scenario “Mockery” in both language pictures of the world: subject, predicate, object, causator, intention of action, estimated and emotional components, the basis of the evaluation and the relationship between subject and object. The author describes the mental scenario “Mockery” in correlation with other elements of cognitive space “Laughter”: ridicule, derision, joke, smile, banter etc. There are two types of mockery in the English and Russian language pictures of the world. The differences between them are described in the article. Keywords: language map of the world, mental structure, concept, concept-image, concept-scenario, lexeme, the definition analysis | 806 | |||||
5870 | The article is devoted to identifying the role of rhetoric component in the speech and communicative behavior of epistolary media language person. Epistolary display language personality is defined as a special type of media, author (sender) content epistolary-media texts – written speech products, possessing a pronounced genre-style characteristics, through which the interpersonal and social interaction with addressees in a media discourse is realised. The analysis of linguistic organization of epistolary-media texts demonstrates a certain level of speech culture of the sender, which is required to achieve the impact on recipients, on the one hand, on the other – it indicates that the presence of speech abilities marks the manifestation of epistolary display language personality peculiar to its discursive abilities. In the rhetorical aspects are analyzed the discursive characteristics of epistolary media language person, actualized in the sphere of mass interaction. The illustrative materials are the open letters to the public, tests of online petitions and eapplications of citizens addressed to the representatives of the regional and national authorities as a kind of epistolary media correspondence. In particular, the rhetorical expedient in epistolary media correspondence is updated by receiving the transformation of forms of presentation “I in-personal” “we collective” and “you generalized”, verification by mentioning factual and statistical data, to attract the stylistic language of the resource in the form of tropes and other means of expression of different levels of the language system. It is noted that, in addition to the verbal code units for the expression of his own reflection on the concrete social events addressee actively involved paraverbal graphical tools. Keywords: lingvopersonology, mass media, media-epistolary texts, epistolary media linguistic personality, rhetorical means of language, effectiveness of speech | 806 | |||||
5871 | The article examines the historical and pedagogical analysis of professional education in social work. Analyzes publications of leading researchers, archival statistics data. Particular attention is paid to the application of systematic, historical and genetic approaches in the study of the training system for the social sphere. As a result, it is proposed to use the periodization of formation and development of professional education in social work in modern Russia. Within the developed periodization compares the processes of development of social work and educational institutions that train specialists for the social sphere. These facts point to the compliance of the periodization with the national and regional development of vocational education in social work. Keywords: social work, vocational training, social services, historical and pedagogical analysis | 806 | |||||
5872 | Studying at the higher school requires a certain level of readiness to integrate into university community. Disability to meet the challenges they face may become demotivating factor, impede their progress in academia and lead to subsequent departure. The core idea of the article is promoting well-being-oriented education programme for first-year students’ personal self-change. The study identifies the possible roots of the student’s subjective response to their failure within the academic environment. The article provides a description of the issues relevant to both teachers’ and students’ areas of responsibility, that make influence on the success of integration into academic community. Grounded on a set of subject-field factors, a survey was set for the first-year students of different fields of study (n = 511). This method was aimed to reveal the level of students’ perception of their transition and introduction to academic community. The follow-on purpose was to encourage self-awareness of teachers and students. Analysis of the survey data indicates the venues of instructional practices enhancement, strategies for adjustment issues optimization in terms of personality and cognitive development. A good move to actualize the process of students self-improvement is orientation program geared towards event-directed approach. Empiric evidence can possibly be addressed during new student orientation programme development, facilitate a solution to the problem of impersonality in the educational process in higher school. Keywords: school-to-university transition, induction into academia culture, transition difficulties, selfimprovement, self-awareness, teacher-learner interaction, introductory practice, self-organization game | 806 | |||||
5873 | The article considers the influence of many associated factors which are of scientific and practical interest and represented in the form of the concept of the multilevel assessment of the potential of interaction between labour market and the market for vocational education services in the reproduction process of a primary labor resource (a young specialist). The analysis, systematization and constant monitoring of the results of the methodological approach to the potential assessment of interaction between labour market and education market allow the government to get the right information at the macro- and meso-levels for adjustment and planning of criteria of the reproduction process of young specialists as a specific category of the workforce. It is substantiated that this approach allows the state and its subjects to obtain the necessary information at the macro- and meso-levels to adjust and plan the parameters of the reproduction process of young specialists as a specific category of the labor force and serves as an instrument for managing the interaction of the subjects of the regional markets for vocational education and labor services. Thus, it is shown that effective training of young specialists is implemented to a greater extent in the regions with a favorable demographic structure of the employed population, whose potential is used more rationally in terms of minimizing the costs of unemployment, on the one hand, and the use of incentives for productive labor, aimed at advancing growth of labour productivity over the wage growth with further improvement in the implementation of its reproductive and stimulating functions, on the other hand. In conclusion, the article points out that effective training of labor resources is relevant not only for industry but also for the region in particular, as the economic space of the Russian Federation as a whole is characterized by considerable differentiation in the socio-economic development of the regions. Keywords: methodological approach, potential assessment, professional education, full employment, market services, reproduction, young professionals, primary labor resource, effective training, continuing education | 806 | |||||
5874 | The paper presents the historical and analytical review of the original idea of creation “Peer Coaching” technology (historical, political and social circumstances, educational needs of the society, etc.), it offers variants of its effective implementation in the work of high school teachers, shows some difficulties they might face while working with the technology and offers some practical guidelines of the most appropriate and efficient ways how to implement it in the teaching process of higher education. The study proves that “Peer Coaching” is one of the most successful high school teaching staff development technology that has as its purpose to advance the professionalism of teachers by training them to promote frequent, informal, helpful observations by one professional educator to another, to give necessary rationale feedback and coach each other. The article shows that this is the simple, nonthreatening structure designed for peers to help each other to recognize their professional needs, improve instruction, learning situations or other teachers’ professional activity including even scientific research. “Peer Coaching” technology promotes not just the culture of collegiality among higher school teaching staff, it also offers many opportunities for their own professional development, which will do much to improve the quality of university education, restore friendly classroom environment and contribute to their own professional success. Keywords: educational technology, professional development, university teaching staff, Peer Coaching | 806 | |||||
5875 | The article discusses a pedagogical opportunity of using interactive technologies in new educational conditions. The importance and efficiency of organization communicative space using ideological principles of dialogue in reading lessons is proved. Keywords: communicative space, dialogue, text activities | 805 | |||||
5876 | The article deals with the questions of modern geopolitics of Southern Caucasus and the process of origin of the new unrecognized states: Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorny Karabah. It determines the role of Russia in the course of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and rendering assistance to Abkhazia and South Ossetia in their acknowledgement as the independent states. A change in the political situation in the South Caucasus region is largely due to the geopolitical processes that often are civilized nature and depend on trends, which were formed during the Soviet era and created a latent conflict situation, which had been transferred to the open phase in modern history. The Russian Federation serves as the main ”peacemaker“ in the region, initiating the negotiation process in cases where it is possible and helping to gain the support of States seeking to gain sovereignty and genuine statehood, using his constitutional right to self-prescribe in international law. Keywords: Five-day war, Russia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorny Karabah, the Mayendorfsky Declaration | 805 | |||||
5877 | The article deals with the analysis of the processes in the educational institution from the logistic point of view. We show, that almost any educational institution conforms to the requirements and can function as a logistic system. Naturally, the problem of optimization of all processes in the educational institution occurs. An important instrument of the problem’s solution is logistization of educational activity. The basis of educational activity is a high potential of increasing its efficiency by means of implementation of scientific methods of regulating the various flows, which occur not only in the educational institution structure, but also in interacting of the educational institution and its external environment (labor market). Logistization of educational activity is a process of consequential implementation of devices, methods and techniques of logistic science. At the same time, educational activity logistization can be considered as a complex technological and management innovation and its implementation into real practice of educational istitutions should be considered as a necessary factor. We analyze the principles, paradigms and requirements, related to forming the educational institution as a logistic system: integration of departments into a united logistic system, orderliness and clarity (transparency) of logistic systems and so on. We reveal the difficulties of forming this system. They are caused by the specificity of “production” of the educational logistic system. That is why the approaches, traditionally applied to the sphere of material production, may be not effective in this case. Keywords: education, educational process, educational establishment, educational system, logistics, logistization of educational activity | 805 | |||||
5878 | Advertising influence is seen as manifestation of discourse social power, which is realized in different linguistically encoded forms of mental control over the target audience. It is analyzed in terms of representational structures – text worlds (mental representations) created in advertising discourse to establish relations between participants of communication. PRODUCER, PRODUCT and ADDRESSEE are the core elements in the structure of text worlds created in separate communicative acts. Text world is considered a generic term encompassing the notion of basic text world and sub-worlds, which are either participant-accessible or character-accessible. Sub-worlds projected in British advertising discourse are stated to differ depending upon the pragmatic perspective. The former have the effect of providing greater significance to the rational element of promoting the product, while the latter focus on entertaining aspects of advertising often associated with fiction. Keywords: representational structures, discourse, text world, initial text world, sub-worlds, advertising influence | 805 | |||||
5879 | Culture and mentality of any nation are determined by its history. The authors of the article are interested in the history of the relationship and the formation of the mentality of the Russian people since ancient times. Neighbours of our ancestors of the Eastern Slavs, were known to be people of Iranian origin: Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans. This neighborhood is manifested in the formation of the so-called “Iranisms” in the Russian culture. The analysis of some of these “Iranisms” is the content of the work. Relying on the theory of Carl Gustav Jung’s archetypes, the authors found in the general behavior of the Russian people the “introvertiveness” of the worldview common among the peoples of the East. Keywords: iranism, horse, tree of life, the firebird, Ivan the Fool, introversion, space art, Eurasia | 805 | |||||
5880 | The use of knowledge-based algorithms is one of the most relevant directions. Often these algorithms are referred to as intelligent. It is accepted to distinguish four main classes of such models: logical, productional, frame-based, and network. As we know, the use of any given models is driven by the tasks in hand. From this perspective, logical models have gained momentum. In particular, these models are often used in the creation of expert systems and the automation of proofs of theorems. This article discusses how to implement the validation algorithm for multiple disjuncts. An automatic grammar is used to describe the language of presenting the disjuncts, a resolution method to check their inconsistencies, and a depthfirst search to automate the OL-denial strategy. This algorithm can be used to automatically check provability or indefeasibility of theorems based on many axioms. The step-by-step detalization of this algorithm can be used as an additional tool for teaching the resolution method and searching the state space as well as the basics of the formal languages. The type of going around state space depends on the order of the points in the list OPEN. When searching in the first point’s depth to open it you select the point that is most remote from the intentional one. In this case, you can simplify the implementation of this method by applying a recursive subprogram. Keywords: disjunct, resolution method, OL-denial strategy, finite-state grammar, depthfirst search | 805 | |||||
5881 | There is a tendency to the shortening of the verse in the literature for children, as well as in modern poetry in general. Researchers rethink the boundaries of the genre of poetic miniature. Poetic miniature usually consists of two parts, and often contains a paradox. The article researches Alexander Bergelson’s (Novosibirsk) quatrains in comparison with the miniatures of other authors such as Grigory Oster, Renata Mukha, Herman Lukovnikov, Boris Khan. All texts are divided into two groups. In the first group two parts of the poem are opposed to each other. In the second group there is a poetic story in sequence. The texts of Bergelson expressed the dialectics of author's consciousness, desire to cooperate with the reader and the perception of reality as a game. Keywords: Alexander Bergelson, poetic miniatures, poems for children, Siberian poetry, quatrain, dialectics, poetic game | 804 | |||||
5882 | The article deals with the issue of a personal deixis of the Buryat language shifter system’s functioning - personal possessive affixes. In this context, we study the function of the given affixes to regulate relations between members of the speech communication within the monological, dialogical, mixed texts. The analysis of language material actualized the relation of deictic elements with text creating and revealed the specifics of the double deixis’ functions. Personal possessive affixes most often express the attitude of the speaker to a certain party of the speech act, serve as a means of identity references, organize semantic, structural integrity of the text in a dialogical and monological unity. Affixes, that are considered in the system of double personal deixis in mixed texts, participate in the distribution of communicative load among the participants of the communicative act, are used to distinguish and identify the antecedent, in other words, direct the reader in the text. Keywords: shifters, personal deixis, personal possessive affixes, speech communication, dialogic and monologue text, text function | 804 | |||||
5883 | A rich owner of cattle as a social group of the traditional khakass society has ancient history. The antiquity of this class group is evidenced by a special lexicon in the Khakass language, which characterizes them according to social and property characteristics. They were not a new social category associated with commodity-money relations, they existed long before the XIX century. They become new tribal elite, after a significant part of the tribal aristocracy in the early XVIII century went to Dzungaria. In connection with the processes of administrative integration of the khakass people into the Russian Empire, rich owners of cattle occupy the posts of the lower apparatus of state power. They had great power over their people. In the XVIII century, especially in the XIX, there are socio-economic conditions for the broad formation of the social stratum of wealthy cattle owners. During the second half of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the economy of the wealthy owner of cattle was evolving. The conditions that contributed to the development of the economy rich owner of cattle are analyzed. Factors that have made it possible to adapt to the economic and social realities of the Russian Empire and the new market economy are revealed. Attention is paid to the educational level, which was evidence of the modernization changes in the rich economy. Keywords: rich khakass owner of cattle, categories of rich owners of cattle, tribal elite, business activity, modernization, literacy | 804 | |||||
5884 | Inroduction. The Anthropology of Dostoevsky is a complex polyaspect subject, the study of which is possible with the use of cross-disciplinary approach of various branches of humanitarian knowledge: literary criticism, linguistics, philosophy, theology, psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology. The aim of this work is to analyze the current trends of development of modern science about Dostoevsky and systematization of the international experience of studying of his creative anthropology. Material and methods. The research material is the speeches, theses and summaries of reports of participants of the international symposium “Anthropology of Dostoevsky. Man as a problem and a subject of reflection in Dostoevsky’s world”. The research methods are analytical and descriptive, expert estimation, expert analysis. Results and discussion. Expert opinions of scientists from 16 countries of the world who presented their reports at the international symposium, allowed to consider three leading problematic and thematic directions systemically: the anthropology of Dostoevsky in the light of philosophical anthropology and the European culture of the XX century; a problem of the person in the novel The Idiot. In connection with 150-year anniversary of the novel The Idiot the special attention was devoted to discussion of features of its screen version within a round table “The Idiot of Dostoevsky and The Idiot of A. Kurosawa”. Conclusion. The value of the reports presented within the problematic and thematic directions of a symposium consisted in the researchers’ ability to keep the unique spirit of creativity of Dostoyevsky, his deep understanding of the person presented in various forms of literary writing, philosophical ideas and truly psychological interpretations. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, anthropology, man, personality, values, spirituality, freedom, eschatology, historiosophy, existential consciousness, religion, Orthodoxy, people, Bulgarian Dostoevsky society, A. Kurosawa | 804 | |||||
5885 | Introduction. The article deals with a question of the discursive status of forensic medical examination texts, the existence of a separate sub-discourse of the forensic medical examination, which is at the intersection of medical and legal discourses, and its place in the typology of institutional discourses. The need to distinguish the discourse of forensic medical examination as a separate subtype of discourse, the description of its model and the study of it as a multidiscourse phenomenon is due to the peculiarities of the interaction of the two institutional discourses with a high level of formalization and ritualization. The aim of the article is to determine the status of the forensic medical examination (SME) as an area of social, professional and textual activity, its place in the typology of institutional discourses. Material and methods. The model of describing the institutional discourse of V. I. Karasik was chosen as the main methodological dominant. This is due to the fact that the studied area belongs to the sphere of institutional interaction, and the fact that this model allows one to identify own discursive parameters at the stage of initial analysis. This theory of discourse analysis makes it possible to define categories such as “participants of communication”, “conditions of communication”, “organization” and “methods of communication”. The material for the study was the full texts of 10 opinions of forensic doctors with a total volume of more than 100 pages, taken at a professional forum of forensic doctors of Russia in the section “Consultation Center”. Results and discussion. Communicators in the field of forensic medicine have a different status than participants in medical or legal discourse. The main type of communication is the type “doctor-forensic scientist – the examined”. Communication places are medical and legal organizations, as well as scientific organizations and events. The goals of the forensic doctor as a participant in the communication “forensic doctor – the examined” go back to legal discourse, while the strategy used is medical. The nuclear genre of discourse is the opinion of the medical examiner, which applies to both legal and medical discourse, and also contains a large number of discursive formulas, stable and specific. Conclusion. The main parameters of communications in the field of forensic examination correspond to the models proposed by V.I. Karasik, however, is not reduced to either legal or medical discourse. Based on the results of this study, a forensic medical examination may qualify for the status of a specific interdiscourse area. Keywords: discursive status, medical discourse, legal discourse, forensic-medical examination | 804 | |||||
5886 | Introduction. Sergey Silin’s small prose has not yet been sufficiently researched by literary critics, but it arouses interest among readers of different ages and can be attributed to dual addressed literature. The study of the writer using the techniques of sadistic poems, horror stories and jokes contributes to a deeper understanding of the main trends in modern Russian prose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the genre originality of small prose by Sergey Silin. Material and methods. Theoretical basis for the study were the works of folklorists E. M. Meletinsky, E. Kurganov, O. N. Grechina, M. V. Osorina and others. The research material is short stories and horror stories by S. Silin (“The Fatal Five”, “The Fatal Four”, “Don’t Drown Five Graders!”, “Sambo Lesson”). Result and discussion. The analysis revealed the characteristic features of Silin’s small prose. In his work the author transforms the techniques of urban folklore genres: scary stories, sadistic poems, jokes. Conclusion. S. Silin’s works are dually addressed: not only to children, but also to adults. In his works, the writer uses techniques typical of urban folklore genres – they reflect the cynical attitude to death which is characteristic of sadistic poems; the use of clericalism; the absence of a clear confrontation between good and evil; the division into «good» and «bad» characters; the catharsis is replaced by a humorous ending; the idea of retribution is replaced by a paradoxical ending which emphasizes the immutability of what is happening. The stories most often have a circular composition, indicating that the main conflict of the work remained unresolved. Keywords: Sergey Silin, children’s literature, transformation of folklore genres, horror story, sadistic poems, joke | 804 | |||||
5887 | The formation of the market of educational services caused the emergence of the researches devoted to the process of formation of a market position of school as the general education organization and also a need of a research of marketing strategy of development of the school, which promotes its competitiveness increase. Marketing strategy of development of modern school as the educational organization includes definition of mission, innovative strategic objective, market focused position; research of the external and internal environment and realization of holistic marketing. Keywords: general education organization, modern school, strategic management, mission of school, marketing strategy, holistic marketing | 803 | |||||
5888 | The article deals with the theoretical questions of the individual mechanism of criminal behavior within the frame of the interdisciplinary approach in philosophy, ethics, sociology and criminology. These questions are considered through the prism of morality that holds the individual from harm in a problem situation. In the context of morality the postulate of preclusive function of morality, is formed the individual immunity from harm by criminal means as a result of understanding and a sense of the value of the common good. This article is a logical continuation of the publication on this topic. Keywords: criminal behavior, morality, moral defects | 803 | |||||
5889 | Within the concept of Blended learning, developed a method of mathematics education of students of Humanities higher school at pedagogical University using electronic educational resources (spreadsheets and online-calculators). Determined the place of using digital resources from the point of view of classification of the electronic educational resources, which are not viewed as a random component of mathematical education, but as a rightful part of the learning process. Experimentally revealed the advantages of the Blended Learning and identified advantages of the combined approach. Proved, that, despite a limited number of hours of classroom training, the used technique forms a good motivation to study mathematics and significantly increases the level of mathematical culture of the trainees. Keywords: mathematical education in the Humanities, information and communication technologies, E-learning, information competence, mathematical processing of the information | 803 | |||||
5890 | The article outlines the various aspects of personal information security in modern pedagogical science and educational practice. The security issue is of great importance among the students due to their social activity increase. The principal approaches such as prohibitive, personal-resource and integrative were considered for understanding of the nature of the personal information security. According to these approaches the personal information security can be described as characteristic of the environment or the individual, or as a way of interaction of the person with the information environment. The classification of information risks was suggested. An efficient development of the personal information security is explained in terms of the hermeneutical and contextual approaches which allow to carry out step-by-step text analysis activities aimed to enhance the process of understanding and meaning-making. Keywords: personal informational security, informational risk, student, hermeneutical approach, meaningmaking, interpretation | 803 | |||||
5891 | The article deals with the results of a study devoted to medical discourse and its speech genre differentiation in the communicative space of Great Britain, France, Russia (three countries). The medical discourse is one of the oldest discourses, since it is about the main, basic values of a person ‒ his health and life. The humanity strives to increase the duration and improve the quality of life. The Medical discourse refers to the institutional discourse, as it serves a special institution, the social stratum – the medical community. The polydiscursivity is a characteristic of the medical discourse,that is born at the intersection of scientific, academic, legal, advertising, commercial, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical discourse proper, which is the leading discourse in this symphony of discourses. The speech genre palette of the medical discourse is extensive and diverse. The study deals only with the written speech genres of the medical discourse, which have their own characteristics. The written speech genres of the medical discourse are characterized bythe logical alignment, reasonableness, coherence, preparedness, a consistent development of the theme, the selection of linguistic means, the graphical representation on paper and the distance in time. They are visually perceptible and can be reproduced many times. The Russian medical discourse proper, in contrast to the English (British) and French medical discourses, is characterized by the largest number of the written speech genres, which is due to the extralinguistic factors: national, political, socio-cultural, legal, historical. Keywords: medical discourse, genre, speech genre, speech genre palette, Russian medical discourse, medical discourse proper | 803 | |||||
5892 | The article deals with the analysis of the structure and content of the linguacultural concept “Enterprise” in the Russian linguacultural view of the world. Data for study includes dictionary entries of various explanatory dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as the electronic collection of newspaper reviews presented in a reference system of Russian National Corpus. The article provides the results of description and comparison of cognitive signs of the considered concept presented in the semantics of dictionary definitions and on material of Russian modern printing media. The analysis presented in the article allows to define and enlarge the list of notional signs of the concept “Enterprise”, and reveals some peculiar conceptual features while studying the combinability of the above-mentioned concept that gives the chance to present a more detailed mental world picture of Russian native speakers. According to our statistics, the key signs of the concept verbalized in dictionary definitions are “activity”, “agent/person” connected to enterprise activity and “benefit”, as a result of activity. While corpus examples, apart from those basic signs, demonstrate more diverse structure of cognitive signs, which represent concept “Enterprise” as a social phenomenon, such as “job”, “source of income”, “subject, course”, “social layer”, “social and economic phenomenon”, “image”, etc. The article is also due to show the changes in speakers’ mental picture of the world caused by the changes in the society. The research results can be used to compile dictionary entries as well as to provide lectures in Cognitive linguistics, Linguacultural Studies, etc. Keywords: linguacultural concept, lexeme-representative, notional sign, conceptual feature | 803 | |||||
5893 | In this paper a number of extremal problems of approximation theory of square summable functions on the whole line R : = (–∞,+∞) by entire functions of exponential type. In the space L2(R) of the exact constants of Jackson-Stechkin type inequalities were calculated. Found There was found the upper bounds approximation of classes of functions L2(R), defined with the help of the average modulus of continuity of m-th order, where instead of the shift operator ( , ): ( ) h T f x = f x + h is used Steklov’s operator Sh ( f ). Similar smoothness characteristics for solving the extremal problems of approximation theory for periodic functions in L2[0,2π] were previously considered in the works by V. A. Abilov, F. I. Abilova, S. B. Vakarchuk, M. Sh. Shabozov and others. It is proved that the obtained results in this paper are ultimate does not approving. Keywords: the best approximation, modulus of continuity of m-order, Jakson-Stechkin type inequality, entire function of exponential type, operator of Steklova | 802 | |||||
5894 | The article represents the study on nominations of a hand in the Selkup dialects. The linguistic research reveals the sacred and secular visions of a hand in the Selkup culture. The idea of the former vision was found out during the analysis of derivatives of a dialectal variant of somonim ud. This motive is connected with the belief that a hand can be a cause of illness or even death if not covered. It means that a hand is associated with underworld in Selkups’ mentality. The secular motive was revealed during the study of derivatives of another dialectal variant of somonim od which comprises meaning ‘a hand as a tool of work’. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, somonym, nominations of a hand, hand, arm | 802 | |||||
5895 | In this paper a problem of translators’ training for high-technology industries is considered. It occurs due to development of a common English-speaking scientific environment. To solve this problem an idea of students’ involvement into a real research of a university is proposed. Own collaboration experience is shown. The article describes cooperation stages: translation of papers from foreign scientific journals, translation of laboratory workers’ papers, reading and checking of other people’s translations. Revealed problems, such as complexity of scientific texts translation and lack of information materials, are presented. In accordance with the performed research, the author notes the benefits of the suggested way of translator’s training, such as growth of a professional qualification level and, consequently, higher competitive ability of a graduate. Profits of students’ involvement into laboratory investigations for research staff members are considered. Potential of the proposed translators’ training model is confirmed. Keywords: training, translation, the English language, scientific research | 802 | |||||
5896 | The article presents the justification of the importance of information and communication technologies for effective implementation of professional activity of the psychologist in education in accordance with the Federal State standard’s requirements of higher education and professional standards of the teacher-psychologist. Offers the use of mental-contextual teaching of future teachers-psychologists to informatics disciplines, contributing to the formation of readiness for using means of information and communication technologies for solving problems of professional activity and clarifies the concept of the indicated readiness. Proves the construction of the model of mental-contextual learning based on the dual paradigm, with regard to cognitive and contextual approaches. The identified requirements for the indicated readiness components such as a complex motivation; understanding of ICT potential for solving different tasks; capability to relate educational problems to the future profession; capability of using the means of ICT, relevant for the future professional activity served as the basis for determination the effectiveness of the offered method. The results of research demonstrate the positive dynamics of the formation of the indicated readiness in the process of mental-context training to IT disciplines. Keywords: teaching methodology, informatics discipline, mental-context training, mental-task context, ICT professional competence and readiness to use ICT to meet the challenges of professional work | 802 | |||||
5897 | The article presents an overview of rationales for euphemisms usage. We consider the problem from the point of psycholinguistics, social psychology, evolutionary biology and ethology. Biological researchers believe that a need for euphemisms could be one of the earliest linguistic imperatives imposed by disgust, thus euphemisms present a verbal hygiene strategy. Psychologists state that it is a distancing strategy, a means to manage human terror at the prospect of death. The article also considers the central role of politeness and cooperation principle in euphemistic and off-record indirect speech generation. From the perspective of the theory of strategic speaker indirect communication does not always involve pure cooperation between speaker and hearer but a mixture of cooperation and conflict and euphemising can be used to negotiate this uncertainty. Therefore, euphemism as a form of indirect proposition can allow for plausible deniability and has a strategic rationale. Keywords: euphemism, indirect speech, instinct, theory of strategic speaker, principle of cooperation, politeness | 802 | |||||
5898 | The article is devoted to the “MAStEx” in the context of other modern pedagogical technologies, the identification of the features that make its use effective for the teaching of literature also for the organization of training for exams and other forms of control of school knowledge. The result of the research is to determine the technology “MAStEx” on the level of application of a general pedagogical, philosophical basis for relying on different philosophies, organizational forms, and individual and group. The practical part analyzes the results of a two-year participation in the game using the technology “MAStEx” students focused on delivery of literature as an exam. The analysis leads to the conclusion about the effectiveness of the technology as a form of fixing the actual material on the subject and psychological training in preparation for the exams. Keywords: technology “MAStEx”, positive and negative knowledge, “the simulated conflict” psychological preparation, adequacy, capability | 802 | |||||
5899 | The issue of creation on the basis of the website of a higher educational institution of the information resource center which will allow to apply more effectively pedagogical innovations is considered, namely: information and communication technologies in subject training (allowing future specialists to form professionally significant competences by means of the organization of special information environment which includes various forms of remote education), personally focused technologies in teaching (mastering of individual educational programs by students according to their capabilities and needs), information and analytical support of the educational process and quality management of the education of future specialists (an objective assessment of the level of development of each student, monitoring of intellectual development). Work on the basis of the information resource center promotes the development of future specialists in the skills to independently solve the problems in various spheres and activities. The ability to work with information and various information sources allows students to develop their creative potential, is a means of self-realization and self-training, and allows teachers to develop and define efficiency of conditions of inclusion of information technologies in project activity. In addition the work on the basis of the information resource center develops ability and readiness to provide information support and maintenance of project activity, ability to integrate and to creatively comprehend new knowledge and be able to transfer them to the professional area in the changing conditions, providing entry of specialists into information society. Keywords: information resource center, pedagogical innovations, innovative technologies, project, information and project competence | 802 | |||||
5900 | Examines the role of axiological component of professional activity, which prevents the stereotyping of educational situations, promotes the development of flexibility and creativity of the teacher, willingness of the teacher to independent goal setting and planning. Analyzes the internal communication of meaningful socio-psychological interaction, the concept of “personal orientation” that defines all aspects of socio-psychological interaction. Reveals the role of personal relationships to the children in the analysis of the value of components of socio-psychological interaction of teachers with children. According to empirical research, teachers’ positive attitude towards children is important to the happiness of others. Such teachers focuse on ethical values, values communication and values acceptance of others, showing interest in joint activities, strive to maintain good relationships with work colleagues. Teachers with negative attitude to children are characterized by the distinctive business orientation, willingness to cooperate with the team, focus on business values, ethical values and values of self-affirmation. Keywords: personal attitude to children, personal orientation, value orientation of teachers, socio-psychological interaction | 801 |