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5851 | The article is devoted to the research of the problem of modern approaches to teaching creativity of F. M. Dostoyevsky at modern school considering actual strategic problems of subject domain “Philology” as well as the need of valuable and semantic development of the student’s personality. Valuable experience of Dostoyevsky is significant for a modern “post-apocalyptic” era for which the way of restoration of spiritual fundamental principles is equivalent ways of preservation of mankind and human culture. Dostoyevsky’s creativity needs to be included in fixed and extracurricular activities not only as the object of the literary analysis, and as an important element of the system of value-oriented training and education. When studying works of Dostoyevsky the following motivating factors are effective: usefulness and applicability of the gained knowledge in practice, involvement of the students in creative process, use of active methods of training, participation in the olympiads, conferences and competitions in literature, moral encouragement and the stimulating control, teacher’s personality and manner of teaching. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, reader, spiritual imperatives, Russian culture, work of art, axiology, moral, “A Writer`s Dairy”, value-oriented training, motivation, education | 1000 | |||||
5852 | Statement of the problem regarding pedagogical activity development during student training is given herein. The federal state educational standards for higher professional education are analyzed for this purpose; as well as objectsubject area of PhD researches, and views of lecturers from pedagogical institutions on student training for pedagogical activity. Objectives, content and results of pedagogical training are pointed out as a criterion for analysis. Problem analysis also includes preliminary statement of the problem based on phenomenological analysis of the practice. The problem lies in that the pedagogical training is not considered from the perspective of pedagogical activity development. It is regarded from the position of readiness. The conducted analysis allowed defining the problem of research which consists in necessity for pedagogical activity development during student training. Keywords: student training, pedagogical activity, development and problem | 1000 | |||||
5853 | The article describes the possible areas of monitoring methodical-mathematical training of future elementary school teachers from the standpoint of implementation of competent approach in vocational education. Provides the analysis of research on the definition of the essence of the concept “monitoring”, on the bases of which were given the specific features of pedagogical monitoring as a system and a process. As a system, monitoring is a set of elements (the purpose of monitoring, the object and the subject of monitoring, monitoring results, monitoring tools, and monitoring activities) that ensure effective implementation of the monitoring procedures. From the standpoint of the procedure approach monitoring can be seen as a consistent implementation of the collection of information on the quality of education, its processing, analysis, assessment in relation to the performance of educational development and the development of further measures to further correction of the educational process. The content of the monitoring activities through the lens of professional competencies, formed in the process of teaching mathematics to students has been revealed. A component structure of competencies has been presented, their components have been revealed – cognitive (what the student must know), active (what the student should be able to do) and personal (what the student should master). The criteria of their formation of future elementary school teachers in the course of mastering the discipline “Methods of teaching mathematics” have been emphasized, and specified the types of assessment tools used for monitoring activities in these areas. Keywords: pedagogical monitoring, teaching mathematics, professional competence, future elementary school teacher | 1000 | |||||
5854 | The migration of the youth from rural areas to big cities is one of the biggest global problems nowadays. The article deals with similarities and differences in town perception by young people aged 18 to 26, who belong to different cultures (Russian and Chinese). As a result, specific socio-cultural factors and differences in town perception among the youth are revealed, the ways of axiological conceptualization of the city by the representatives of the two cultures are distinguished and, as a result, the causes of the undergoing territorial and social transformations are identified, which allows predicting the prospects of town development in future. Keywords: the image of town, free associative experiment, concept, values, Russian and Chinese lingvocultures | 1000 | |||||
5855 | S. V. Bakhrushin’s works continue attracting the attention of researchers of Siberian history. Until recently his review on Z. Ya. Boyarshinova’s thesis about the Tomsk district has been quoted, only with a positive assessment of the work. But alongside with this the review also noted a number of comments and omissions that still remain littleknown. It becomes clear in the result of the analysis of revealed two variants of the printed review. Consequently, according to their content it is possible to judge about the scientist’s approaches in the work during the writing of the review, the focus of his creative thought while making his adjustments, objective assessment of Tomsk researcher’s manuscript. Keywords: S. V. Bakhrushin, Z. Ya. Boyarshinova, review, history of Siberia, Tomsk district, bibliography, archive | 1000 | |||||
5856 | The article deals with an analysis of the essence and contents of students’ value-focused orientations. Value orientations in their turn determine the motivation, i.e., the external and internal incentives of human activity and reasons for concrete actions. The main values of life, which have been formed throughout the existence of mankind, are undergoing significant changes in the modern social society. The moral crisis that emerged as a new anti-social phenomenon in the late 20th century is changing the outlook of the youth, placing material gain on priority positions. The study of the value orientations of students of higher educational institutions (HEIs) in the private and state sector shows that there are no cardinal distinctions between them. In many respects it could be accounted for by the immaturity of the private sector of the educational system, on the one hand, and the inertness of young people’s value orientations, on the other hand. Nevertheless, the study revealed certain dependence of a higher motivation towards creativity in the cases of fee-paying education and a higher consistency between the students’ value orientations in the private HEIs and the market strategy of the Russian reforms. The proportion of students with a creative potential in terms of value orientation in all years of their training is found to be relatively stable and does not exceed 30%. The other students’ creativity orientations are not only developing, but are maintained until senior courses. This is particularly evident in analyzing the responses of students of the Altai State University. Keywords: values, value orientations, motivation, creativity, state sector of higher education, non-state sector of higher education | 1000 | |||||
5857 | The six-year experience of cooperation between university and secondary school is uconsidered. The technique of reflexive reconstruction of interaction of participants of the network educational project is used: students, teachers of historical and philological faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, teachers studying in Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary School no. 14 named after A. F. Lebedev, Tomsk. A plot of the reconstruction is based on the idea of the complexity of the project actions. We are talking about the movement from the normative and executive position of the design participants to the semantic one. It is shown that the first position is related to the implementation in practice of interaction of the state order in the field of integrative (inclusive) education. Within the framework of the second position, the participants implement their own initiatives, design, form an educational reality, the content and forms of which correspond to the challenges of the time. Pedagogical activity is carried out on the basis of personal resource of subjects of cooperation. The design of such a plot of the development of joint activities is considered as a manifestation of a special model of interaction between the University and the secondary school, which the authors, after G. N. Prozumentova, called joint production. The described educational precedents, empirical phenomena typical for this model allow us to see its presence in such forms as a master class, a project conference “Our Mental Values”, a joint educational project “Debates”, an international scientific and practical conference “Science and Education”. The content of this model is also shown by the creation of texts of different types by the participants of interaction: projects, articles, methodological developments, final qualifying works (diplomas, master’s theses). The experience of interaction between the University and the school presented in the article can be regarded as a precedent of educational design – the sphere of activity in which the manifestation, development, formation of the subjectivity of its participants in the context of innovative practice. Innovation is manifested in the phenomenon of personal presence of participants of network interaction (in this case-the authors of the article) in the creation of educational reality. The content of activities in the project can be considered as a variant of pedagogical technologization of the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards of the university and secondary school. Keywords: interaction, network educational project, complexity of project action, joint production, quality of education, co-production | 1000 | |||||
5858 | Introduction. The article deals with identification and analysis of collocations in new type of user’s manual – For Dummies. The relevance of the study is explained by the increasing interest of linguists to the investigation of functional aspect in general аnd absence of specialized research of collocations in new type of user’s manuals. The aim of the article is to identify the types of collocations, their semantics and functions in the texts of new types of user’s manuals (by the example of For Dummies). Methods and material. The method of the research is functional-semantic analysis. The material of the study was the texts of new user’s manual “for dummies” Results and novelty of the research. The analysis has shown that new types of user’s manuals differ from traditional manuals in use of expressive and occasional collocations. The presence of usual and terminological collocations brings together new instructions with traditional ones. Special attention is given to the identification of the type of lexical semantic violation. Occasional collocations made on the basis of epithet, metaphor and oxymoron have been found in For Dummies. It was concluded that expressive and occasional collocations perform attractive, evaluative and expressive functions which help to realize the communicative aim of influencing the reader. The research novelty is to investigate the role of collocations in terms of communicative aim of text. Conclusion. The author’s contribution in investigation of collocations in new types of user’s manuals is noted in conclusion of the article. The use of special type of lexical units that have expressive potential allows to consider For Dummies as a new type of user’s manual. Keywords: traditional collocations, terminological collocations, expressive collocations, occasional collocations, For Dummies, communicative aim of the text | 1000 | |||||
5859 | Safina L. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 67-68 . | 999 | |||||
5860 | The functions of a mythological type of artistic convention and the ways of its developing in the novels “Scaffold” by Ch. Aitmatov and “Christ landed in Grodno” by V. Korotkevich are revealed in the given article. The research has been based on the comparative and typological levels that gains currency for determination of literary interconnections. The writers presented relate the logic of their creative works to biblical plots and refer to mythological convention. It helps to exceed the limits of the method of social realism in the last third of the XXth century and extends the philosophical, moral and ethical subject matters of the novels. Mythological convention in the novels studied can be considered as one of the characteristics of postrealism. Keywords: artistic convention, mythological type of convention, comparative and typological analysis, literary interconnections, biblical motives, mythological figurativeness, neomythologism, postrealism | 999 | |||||
5861 | The calculation of the both spin and orbital angular momenta of the radiation from 350 MeV positrons at (100) planar channeling in the ultra-thin silicon crystal is carried out by means of computer simulation. The calculations are performed as a proposal for an experimental verication at the DAFNE LINAC (INFN-LNF, Italy; energy up to 500 MeV). The possibility of the usage of the channeling radiation from relativistic positrons as the source of 4-5 MeV twisted photons is discussed. Keywords: channeling radiation, angular momentum of electromagnetic eld, twisted photon | 999 | |||||
5862 | We discuss a possibility to extend a Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism of constructing consistent cubic interaction vertices to the cases where vertex contains massive and/or massless higher spin fields. As an illustration we provide application of this formalism to the gravitational interactions of massless and partially massless spin-5/2 fields. Keywords: higher spins, frame-like description, Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism | 999 | |||||
5863 | The article explains the use of the net present value for the evaluation of the effectiveness of forest management strategies for specific sites. In Russian practice, this indicator is mainly used for the evaluation of investment projects, but in forestry developed countries such as Finland and Canada for several decades now this index is used to evaluate the effectiveness of management of forest areas and planning for logging and reforestation on them. This is due to the fact that in the forestry sector, as well as in investment projects a great role is played by the factor of time, i. e. flows of revenues and expenses can be considerably spaced apart in time. This means that the use of indicators such as net income, profit, profitability, etc. do not allow to obtain complete information and give distorted results, as the time factor is not taken into account. Using an integrated model of economic evaluation in the context of strategies may also lead to an increase in the volume of selective logging, because their benefits can be assessed more clearly. Keywords: net present value, forestry, forest income, discounting strategy of forestry, forest planning, harvesting forest plantations | 999 | |||||
5864 | The paper reviews preverbs of Eastern Khanty dialects. The main focus of the discussion is to summarize and to analyze these units of speech. The analysis is carried out from the functional semantic point of view. Preverbs are adverbial, usually lative, particles that modify spatial characteristic of the verbs they are used with. Preverbs function as a derivational unit. Usually preverbs go before the verb and are connected with it morphologically and syntactically. Seldom, a negative particle, direct object or an auxiliary particle may occur between them. Preverbs are believed to be a separate part of speech because from the point of view of phonetics they do not form a single word with a verb that follows. Keywords: Khanty, preverb, adverb, gramm | 999 | |||||
5865 | The object of research is a language personality of modern Russian singer and poetess Irina Bogushevskaya. In this article we use definition of the term “language personality” and the three-level mоdel of language personality suggested by Yu. N. Karaulov. We performed the study on the material of the six interviews with I. Bogushevskaya, the texts of which are posted on the website of the radio “Mayak”. As the analysis shows, I. Bogushevskaya has a rich lexicon, uses book and conversational units in her speech, a lot of onyms and words of the thematic group “Music” (the names of musical instruments, musical styles and genres, etc.), as well as tropes and stylistic figures. Through the use of various means of language I. Bogushevskaya reaches at least two purposes implied by the subgenre of “star” interview: informs fans about the new facts in her creative life and awakens interest to her personality and creativity. Keywords: language personality, I. A. Bogushevskaya, “star” interview | 999 | |||||
5866 | There is the problem of diagnostics of readiness of future mathematics teachers for professional activity in connection with the transition of higher education to the new standards based on the competence, personality-oriented and activity approaches to teaching. The concept of “readiness for professional activity” is associated with the concept of “professional competence”. The analysis of works on the diagnosis of professional competence from the point of view of psychodidactics allows us to identify certain requirements for the diagnosis of readiness of future mathematics teachers for professional activity: diagnostics should be carried out in the form of monitoring, thereby, its developmental function is realized; monitoring involves the use of the means of pedagogical support in case of educational difficulties of the diagnosed, thereby realizing the teaching function of the diagnostics; it should include the means of self-diagnosis, thereby the educational function of diagnostics is being realized. The designing of diagnostic materials for this monitoring was carried out using the example of diagnosing the readiness of future mathematics teachers to learn to solve text problems – one of the important components of mathematical training. Educational texts were developed in accordance with the structure of the problem-solving process, based on the requirements for diagnostics. Texts allow future mathematics teachers to estimate their readiness in the following areas of professional activity: the analysis of learners’ difficulties in solving problems; methodical work at the stage of the task condition analysis; use of various methods for solving text problems; additional work on the task; designing tasks aimed at learning problem-solving; comparison, recognition and construction of teaching texts; the use of historical and methodical experience in problem solving. Keywords: diagnostics of readiness of future teachers for professional activity, monitoring, educational texts, training in solving text problems | 999 | |||||
5867 | Seredenko I. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 11-16 . | 998 | |||||
5868 | Communication in the professional sphere such as architecture has a multiaspect characteristic and national specific nature. In this article the object under study is the French architectural discourse and the subject is its speech genre differentiation. The French architectural discourse is a formation with a complicated structure resulting from the interaction of various discourses e. g. architectural (planning and design), scientific, academic, legal (administrative), legislative, journalistic, advertising. Within the subgroup of the French architectural discourse one can find the polyphonic inclusions, disseminations of those belonging to history, the study of art, medicine, theatre, sport, cookery and etc. The complicated nature of the French architectural discourse has given birth to a variety of speech genre forms (nearly a hundred speech genres) and functional styles. The architectural vocabulary includes not only terminology but also metaphorical figurativeness. Keywords: architectural discourse, speech genre, functional style, professional communication | 998 | |||||
5869 | The article examines the historical and pedagogical analysis of professional education in social work. Analyzes publications of leading researchers, archival statistics data. Particular attention is paid to the application of systematic, historical and genetic approaches in the study of the training system for the social sphere. As a result, it is proposed to use the periodization of formation and development of professional education in social work in modern Russia. Within the developed periodization compares the processes of development of social work and educational institutions that train specialists for the social sphere. These facts point to the compliance of the periodization with the national and regional development of vocational education in social work. Keywords: social work, vocational training, social services, historical and pedagogical analysis | 998 | |||||
5870 | Introduction. In the context of the positive development of Russian-Korean relations in the economic, political, educational, cultural and other spheres, specialists who speak the Korean language as a means of communication with native speakers for performing various activities are increasingly in demand in Russia. Accordingly, domestic Korean methodologists and teachers of higher education face a serious task – to optimize and intensify the process of teaching the Korean language in order to form a secondary linguistic personality with communicative intercultural competence. The lack of development of the skills of intercultural communication makes it impossible for an adequate mutual understanding of the participants in the act of communication belonging to different cultures, which makes it difficult for the interpenetration and interaction of cultures. One of the ways to solve the presented problem is to use an intercultural approach in teaching the Korean language. Material and methods. The research material is the cultural universals of Korean culture, a comparative method, an intercultural approach is used. Results and discussion. The principles of the intercultural approach are described, a cultural analysis of Korean culture is proposed, according to which it is possible to determine the content of intercultural competence. A methodology for the formation of intercultural competence in students in the Korean language is proposed, represented by the nomenclature of skills and abilities of sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic and sociocultural competence, based on the use of frames, as well as knowledge – cultural universals, in connection with which the work presents a cultural analysis of the Korean culture. Conclusion. The conceptual foundations of the application of the intercultural approach in teaching the Korean language at the university is a complex of psychological and didactic principles: the principle of cultural conformity, acculturation, the principle of controllability by one’s own psychological background, the state of situational uncertainty, empathic attitude towards participants in intercultural communication, civic engagement, the principle of taking into account value cultural universals. Keywords: Korean language, intercultural approach, intercultural communication, intercultural competence, frame approach, linguistic personality | 998 | |||||
5871 | The article consideres the image of a woman in german political press of the peacetime. Certain gender stereotypesare established, namely cultural and socially constructed ideas, opinions about the qualities, attributes and norms of behavior in female political poster and advertisements – creolized texts where considerable information about the gender factor, along with verbal means is transmitted by iconic means. Keywords: functions of stereotypes, gender stereotypes, political communication, creolized text | 997 | |||||
5872 | The article deals with the problem of studying of supplementary literature when mastering the content of specific disciplines within the framework of training of Bachelor of pedagogical education profile “Music” in accordance with the features of contemporary artistic and educational practice in the field of musical art that require maximum actualization reflexive-semantic aspects of the personality. Identified significant positions with supplementary literature in music and education. In the course of comparing the texts examples from basic and supplementary literature the importance of the later is revealed. The further literature contributes much to the development of students’ own attitude to professionally significant information based on creative work that deals with cognitive activity and interpretation of texts. Keywords: identity of the teacher-musician, professional literature, interpretation of texts, cognitive activity | 997 | |||||
5873 | The article describes the main stages of development of bilingualism in Tuva, since the Manchu period before the spread of national-Russian and Russian-Tuvan bilingualism in the post-Soviet period. Analysis of the literature and the use of archival materials made it possible to identify the positive and negative aspects of the spread of bilingualism in the country in the late XX – early XXI century and its influence on the development of the school system. | 997 | |||||
5874 | This paper considers the aspects of creating the typical model of business processes of an academic department. Applying the ARIS methodology allowed us to raise the efficiency of educational process management due to domain modelling when projecting components of the information system. Using the eEPC notation, the reference model intended for modelling the control of students’ academic progress during the examination periods has been constructed. On the basis of the analysis of application of business processes in the field of automation of management systems in higher education, the typical element of the object-oriented model of an academic department has been developed. Keywords: business process modelling, process automation, academic department | 997 | |||||
5875 | Introduction. The problem of modern teaching methods of creative activity is formulated as a contradiction between the need for a clear reproducible action and the need to work with hidden objectivity: motivation, as well as different types of thinking that are not available for teacher’s observation and are often not recognized by the student. For consideration is submitted a hypothesis about a new subject of the method of teaching creative writing - switching attention. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this article is to reveal the principles of creative writing teaching method based on the concept of flexible action. Material and research methods. The research materials presented are essays and mind maps produced by 5–7 grade students. Research methods are as follows: organization of learning (mind mapping and setting creative tasks), text analysis (compositional and semantic) and theoretical reasoning (mental modeling and extrapolation). Results and discussion. Implementation terms and conditions of new method have been revealed, the scope for understanding features of attention switching as a flexible action has been worked out. The difference between shifting and switching attention has been introduced and characterized. Stages of learning (activity) have been distinguished, as well as the core (know how), which is essential for the method strategic development in junior and secondary school and is seen as enhancement of mind map as intellectual tool. Basic starting points and mind map complexity levels have been defined in terms of usage in the 5th grade learning process. Students’ writings are provided to show the options of text analysis with the help of markers. Quality criterion (diversity) has been distinguished to reflect the flexible action efficiency. Principles and postulates of flexible and spontaneous action have been articulated. Conclusion. Finally, practical effects of the new method are defined, in particular, the possibility of flexible thinking purposeful development. Keywords: teaching method, creative writing, mind mapping, flexible action, switching attention | 997 | |||||
5876 | Introduction. At present, the study of integration of education, its types and forms is relevant both for the development of the entire educational system and its part, – vocational education. The goal of integration in the system of vocational education is the goal of achieving international standards for the training of specialists in accordance with the international standards of Worldskills. For the vocational education system, integration and mentoring are essentially the real mechanisms that will lead the vocational education system to achieve the targeted results planned in the national project. As shown by many years of experience in implementation, it brings great benefits for such professions of paramedical workers as a nurse, paramedic, and midwife. In the formation of future medical workers, the role of a mentor, his personal and professional portrait plays one of the leading roles for the formation of a holistic image of a future medical specialist and the formation of the further professional path of a young specialist. After all, a medical professional must possess not only professional skills, be able to perform medical manipulations, but also possess professionally essential personality traits. Material and methods. The content of the article reflects a theoretical analysis of the scientific problem posed, the empirical data of experimental activities on the modernization of the mentoring system and its use to integrate the activities of Tomsk Basic Medical College and several enterprises interested in highly qualified graduates are summarized. Conclusion. The revival and development of the mentoring institute in the context of integration processes allows us to logically complete the process of forming the professional identity of a mid-level medical specialist and fix it at the workplace. The integration of vocational education and production allows us to diversify the types of educational, production and research activities of students; as a result, a person receives versatile training as an individual, as a person and as a subject. Keywords: integration processes in education, vocational training, quality of education, mentoring system | 997 | |||||
5877 | This paper is devoted to the history of the Ivankins' yurts, that were the center of the Selkup concentration and the keepers of the native Sheshkup dialect in XIX–XX centuries. The summary information obtained as a result of the analysis of the available ethnographic materials in this area allows restoring their earlier location in more detail, summarizing the data on important areas of the region and its vicinity. New ethnografic material of the autor is entered into scientific circulation, collected in the village of Ivankino in 2012–2013 years, in particular, the data about topography and toponymy, preserved in the memories of local people. Keywords: Selkup people, Sheshkup dialect, toponymy, the village of Ivankino, the village of Inkino, Puryanga, Pikhovskaya volost | 996 | |||||
5878 | The results of investigation of personnel training held at one of the leading high-tech companies in the country – JSC “Information Satellite Systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev are listed in the article. Methods of questioning and analysis of statistical reporting were applied during the research. A correlation between the results of training and a labor productivity growth was substantiated, the need for a strategic integration of the enterprise containing the relevant training institutions of secondary vocational education was identified. The prospects of alterations in forms and methods of training are set in order to build personnel competencies. Keywords: vocational training, working personnel, labor productivity, competence, forms and methods of training | 996 | |||||
5879 | Consideres quasiprofessional activities organized in the framework of contextual learning, as the possibility of formation of professional pedagogical competence of students. Shows the place of quasiprofessional activities in gradual professional training of future specialists. Points out the tasks of the Cabinet of quasiprofessional activities for pre-school children. Consideration of these tasks is explained by the belief of the author that quasiprofessional learning model can fully be realized not only in classrooms but also in other practice-oriented educational spaces. As a result of gradual inclusion of future specialists in the context quasiprofessional activity the students of pedagogical university form the necessary basic competence. Keywords: pre-school education, quasiprofessional activities, modeling, contextual learning, professional pedagogical competence | 996 | |||||
5880 | The history of volunteer practices in prerevolutionary Russia is among the major problems that attract increasing attention of researchers. The need to study them is caused not only by scientific, but also by the practical need for a deeper consideration of volunteer activity in the system of charitable institutions and public organizations. The statutes and reports of these organizations are valuable sources, significantly broadening and refining our understanding of the history of volunteerism in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Reflecting the nature of society itself, they contain information about their composition (quantitative and personal), organizational structure, subordinate organizations and activities, as well as practices of public volunteers. Thanks to the availability of such a document as the charter, members of the society first got an idea of the procedure for using the rights granted to them and the sphere of application of volunteer efforts and free labor. The article analyzes statutes and reports of the Tver Charitable Society for the Promotion of Women’s Labor, the Orenburg Slavic Charitable Society, the Arkhangelsk Sobriety Society, the Odessa Society for Combating Drunkenness, the Charitable Society for the Publication of Useful and Cheap Books, the Society for the Improvement of National Labor in Memory of the Tsar Liberator Alexander II, the Charitable Society for the Protection of Animals, the St. Petersburg Slavic Charitable Society, and others. Keywords: charitable institutions, volunteers, volunteer activity, report, public organizations, charter, membercompetitors | 996 | |||||
5881 | The article considers the problem of effectiveness of the process of military training, which is especially important today in the preparation of command and engineering staff for the Russian Federation air force. The internship is designed to consolidate the positive motivation of cadets in their chosen profession, understanding its importance for strengthening the country’s defense capability, growing cadets’ initiatives, will, resourcefulness, a sense of personal responsibility. Independent work during the military internship is a specific pedagogical means of organization and management of independent activity of cadets. For effective implementation of independent work, you must observe certain conditions, which are an important prerequisite for influencing the effectiveness of independent work of cadets. Analysis of literary sources, regulatory materials, as well as studies that define the pedagogical conditions, the effectiveness of the organization of students’ independent work in the process of military construction internships: the professional competence of internship managers who are appointed from teachers and cadets’ commanders; effective methodical organization of work; providing cadets with the necessary educational materials; quality control of independent work of students in the course of their professional formation. Monitoring the results of independent work of cadets is carried out simultaneously with the current control and in the implementation of the outcome of the military control of an internship. The same evaluation criteria are considered in the article results of independent work. The educational process of organizing independent work of students in the course of military internships implied the realization of the pedagogical conditions selected by us. The results of experimental work showed positive implementation of the pedagogical conditions and attitudes towards improving the quality of the professional activities of the cadets. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, independent work, cadets, military training | 996 | |||||
5882 | Introduction. The need for the formation of grammatical skills associated with the competent construction of statements, determines the communicative activity approach in teaching the Russian language as a foreign. In most cases, it is the predicate that constitutes the core of the minimal syntactic unit – a phrase, which in turn serves to build the basic communicative unit of speech ‒ the sentence. Therefore, the study of grammatical forms of the verb as a part of speech plays a very important role already at the initial stage of learning the Russian language as a foreign. The aim of the article is the systematization of theoretical information and patterns of the studied linguistic phenomenon and the creation of a system of exercises aimed at understanding the linguistic foundations and automating the skill of forming verb forms of the present tense category. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the work is the concept of intensive teaching of foreign languages, based on the communicative-activity approach and on the general didactic principles. The focus of the research is a comparative analysis of the ways of presenting theoretical and didactic material in the formation of grammatical skills at the initial stage of teaching Russian language as a foreign, as well as qualitative analysis of the results of pedagogical activity. Results and discussion. For the successful formation of the skill of using verbs in speech, not only minimal theoretical information about the distribution of this part of speech by conjugation type is necessary, but also familiarity with such a morphological phenomenon of the Russian language as historical alternations of final consonant sounds of root morphemes in the formation of personal verb forms in the present tense. Analysis of the research results shows that in the process of teaching the language, the most effective is the practical application of theoretical knowledge due to their conscious assimilation, which contributes to the development of a stable skill of reproducing the information laid on a conceptual basis, which is necessary for solving specific communicative tasks. The result of the study of this issue and pedagogical experience are summary tables that ensure the implementation of the general didactic principle of use of visual methods in studying new material and contribute to the systematization of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific exercises that can find practical application both in forming the ability to create a paradigm of the present, and in automating skills correct use in speech of verbal forms. Conclusion. One of the most pressing issues in Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language is the formation of personal forms of verbs in the present tense. Thus, the system of linguistic and speech exercises, which is based on general didactic principles taking into account linguistic phenomena caused by the history of language development, and can be used at the initial stage of training, has a special practical significance. Keywords: the Russian language as foreign, methodics of teaching, principle of use of visual methods, conjugation, verbal forms, the present tense, historical rotation | 996 | |||||
5883 | Introduction. The concept “student” is common to different linguistic cultures of a civilized society and relates to the academic sphere of human activity. This work is devoted to the study of actualized and hidden features – structurally-meaningful components – of the concept “student”. Material and methods. The object of the study is the fragments of Russian National Corpus (RNC). In this paper, we study minimal contexts, usually equal to the sentence and detailed contexts, usually coinciding with the paragraph, as well as the headings of texts reflecting 1900–1917. The relevance of this work is determined by the social significance of the student’s figure in developed human communities and the lack of knowledge on RNC material of the concept related to it. The study examines the most typical uses of the word in multi-style (literary and non-literary) and multi-genre texts of RNC. The methods of the descriptive method (observation, classification, interpretation, generalization, arithmetic calculations) and the methods of linguo-conceptual analysis (contextual and semantic analysis, the analysis of the concept name, correlation of the concept name with historical and cultural data, modeling the structure of the concept, corpus linguistics techniques) are used in the work. Results and discussion. The categorical (qualitative, event-time, spatial) and non-categorical (biological, anthropomorphic) signs of the name of concept “student” are revealed. The taxonomic and nuclear-peripheral models of the studied concept are proposed. During the construction of the first model, the connection between concept “student” and super-concepts “human”, “education/to study” (“to learn”), “higher educational institution is determined”. In the nuclear-peripheral model of this concept, being characterized for the beginning of the last century, the main complex (compound) semes are ‘young man’, ‘studying for a certain time at a university or institute’, ‘engaged mainly in educational activities to obtain one or another profession’. The socio-political and individual characteristics are presumably found in the interpretational field of the considered concept. It was also established that there is no connotation in the lexical semantics of the name of concept “student”. All self-evaluative features of this word are contextually determined. Conclusion. This work is intended for researchers in the field of lexical semantics, linguo-culturology and for students of linguistic conceptual analysis techniques. Keywords: concept name “student”, its semantic attributes, contexts of Russian National Corpus | 996 | |||||
5884 | This article is devoted to the peculiarities of gender categorization of objects and phenomena of reality expressed by the category of gender of pronouns. The problem of functioning of pronouns of the 3d person sing. is being solved on the basis of cognitive linguistics, from the point of which any linguistic research is impossible without taking into account a personal perception, empirical experience accumulated during all person’s life and social, physical and language environment. The gender category reflects a definite phenomenological knowledge (animate – inanimate, active – passive objects, person – non-person, masculine – feminine sex) of a language speaker who is treated as a subject of perception, a “naive” categorist of a surrounding reality | 995 | |||||
5885 | The article examines the qualitative changes that happen in a man in the information society. It analyzes the connection between the above-mentioned changes and the problems that the system of education has to solve. The article questions whether it is necessary to review the main principles of Classical Pedagogy under the conditions of new sociocultural situation. Keywords: sociocultural situation, self-determination, knowledge-information, knowledge-persuasion | 995 | |||||
5886 | Gives the results of a comparative sociological study of the level of the tolerance of teachers, parents and children at schools, purposefully forming inter-ethnic tolerance, and not giving serious attention to this. On the results of questioning according to all indices the level of tolerance of the students of experimental school is 10–15% higher, than of the check school. It is shown that the special training of teachers and the creation of conditions for the joint activity of the adolescents of different nationalities is the key condition for the formation of tolerant interrelations. Keywords: tolerance, nationality; ethnic identity, multiculturalism; family; educational space | 995 | |||||
5887 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the actual problem of development of the International educational program “Step by Step”. The analysis of sociological, psychological, pedagogical, methodical works of famous domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners allowed to consider the historical and pedagogical aspects of the problem of development of this program, both abroad and in Russia and Kazakhstan. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of use of theoretical and empirical methods, the main of which was the analysis of interaction of participants of educational process and research is based on the lessons of science and math in elementary school. This work was carried out in three stages. The first stage was to determine the main theoretical and methodological provisions for the problem, analyzed the degree of its study, defined the General provisions. The second stage was to identify the features of the application of “Step by Step” in the classroom model of primary school. The third stage was to analyze the effectiveness of children’s education using the technology “Step by Step”. Results and discussion. The comparative analysis allowed to consider the historical and pedagogical aspects of the problem of development of this program abroad, in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as to justify the validity of the use of the term technology in relation to”Step by Step”. The presented analysis of the concepts “technology”, “educational technology”, “pedagogical technology” proves the possibility of using the term “technology” with respect to “Step by Step”. Much attention is paid to the problem of social competence of the modern primary school student and its development in primary school. Conclusion. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of “Step by Step” allows us to understand the essence and main idea of this technology. The goal of the educational process is the development of a child’s personality, its individuality, uniqueness, based on beliefs and faith, with the features of own “internal world model”, the structure of subjective experience, where the subject relations are based on the principles of individualization, cooperation, partnership and freedom of choice activities. The use of technology “Step by Step” increases the value of learning through a fundamentally new democratic approach that meets the standards of today and promotes dynamic cooperation of all parties to the educational process, during which there is an individual improvement. Keywords: technology, international program, comparative analysis, «Step by Step», primary school | 995 | |||||
5888 | The article focuses on the analysis of the structural components of the content intended for power engineering students’ professional communication training and specifies the factors affecting the methodological organization of the lexical and grammar material. The methodological model allowing the combination of the communicativecompetence approach to the teaching and systematization of the teaching material with information technologies is also suggested in the given article. The use of the following components of information technologies such as webinar, chat and various types of forums positively affects the development of communication. The conclusion is drawn that the acquisition of the productive forms of speech is possible on the basis of coherent texts with definite thematic content. Keywords: structural components, content, professional communication training, methodological organization, lexical and grammar material, methodological model, communicative-competence approach, information technologies | 994 | |||||
5889 | The article investigates the models of organization of the educational process in rural schools as a perfect representation of administrative activity in the field of didactic and educational systems, resource provision and educational quality management. The analysis of the historical context of development of education in rural areas was carried out, the main stages of development of organization of educational process within formation of rural educational institutions in Russia in the XIXth – Xxth centuries and models corresponding to them are revealed. The author presents historical and pedagogical stages of formation of models of the organization of educational process at rural schools of Russia: 1) Pre-revolutionary stage (ending of the XVIIIth – beginning of the XXth centuries) – the period of origin, formation and development of rural education; 2) Soviet stage (1917–1991) – the period of unification of models of the organization of educational process at rural schools; 3) Russian stage (1991 – to the present) – the period of formation of the diversity of the type and sort of rural educational institutions. Within selected historical and pedagogical stages the context of development of rural pre-revolutionary schools of Russia was revealed, (which was the basis of the author’s pedagogical concepts promoting formation of various historical models of the organization of educational process: the idea of nationality (K. D. Ushinsky), free upbringing (L. N. Tolstoy), autonomy of pedagogical process (P. F. Kapterev), lack of social estates, continuity of educational process (N. I. Pirogov); functioning of modern rural educational institutions. It allowed to reveal and characterize variable models of the organization of educational process in the village: invariant model (XIXth century), unification model (XXth century); specifics of variable models of the organization of educational process and their evolution within historical stages of formation of education in the village in Russia in the XIX–XXth centuries. Keywords: model of organization, educational process, rural school, historical stages, social and cultural context, invariant components | 994 | |||||
5890 | The article regards some problems connected with transforming foreign language educational needs into personal values through educational needs and contents of technology of foreign language learning. The needs and contents of technology achieve their educational goals with application of two factors: perfecting the moral qualities of the learners and selecting the appropriate contents of didactic stuff which serves as a basis for the learning process organization. Our new author’s pedagogical technology involves the worked out structure, the accentuations and the algorithms. The article presents the main components of the educational needs: professional and general culture as the background of the improving the personal values and attitude to the educational process. Discusses the problem of constructing the needed educational content of foreign language and presents the algorithmic technology of building the valuable foreign language content. Therefore, the article presents and describes the main blocks of the process of transforming educational needs into personal values. Keywords: foreign language education, educational technology, educational needs, personal values, spiritual personal needs, spirituality, morality, bands textual content, educational content | 994 | |||||
5891 | The article represents the study on nominations of a hand in the Selkup dialects. The linguistic research reveals the sacred and secular visions of a hand in the Selkup culture. The idea of the former vision was found out during the analysis of derivatives of a dialectal variant of somonim ud. This motive is connected with the belief that a hand can be a cause of illness or even death if not covered. It means that a hand is associated with underworld in Selkups’ mentality. The secular motive was revealed during the study of derivatives of another dialectal variant of somonim od which comprises meaning ‘a hand as a tool of work’. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, somonym, nominations of a hand, hand, arm | 994 | |||||
5892 | In the article a play as existential strategy is researched. The correlation of the concepts of “play” and “person” in the anthropological tradition of existential and personalistic philosophy is analyzed. It is noted, that postmodern man exists in the absence of clear existential orientations without having the “right” model of behavior. The main and, perhaps, the only way of orientation in existence for such a person is situational, gaming response to reality. The author argues the thesis that the adoption of the game for the ontological principle of orientation in reality is contrary to the notion of personal existence in the strict sense. Keywords: a man, anthropology, existentialism, personalism, play | 994 | |||||
5893 | This article is dedicated to the unexplored phenomenon: the display of symmetry sign in a language system and its realization in speech. We have made an attempt to distinguish the main signs of the symmetry on the level of the phonemes and analysis of the poetical texts in the chosen languages (Russian and German). In the consideration of the display of symmetry sign are included metro-rhythmic and semantic signs. The procedure of a linguistic analysis and psycholinguistic experiment is described in the article. In the experimental way we try to reveal the character of perception of symmetry sign by Russian and German speakers on the level of the poetical text. Keywords: Russian/German poetic texts, psycholinguistic research, symmetry sign | 994 | |||||
5894 | Language culture of Siberian oil north is brightly represented in the work of the journalist Asya Shulbaeva. The article discusses the discursive interaction of concepts oil and good / evil in the texts of the journalist about Strezhevoy-city Tomsk region. Strezhevoy as a single-industry town has an oil field as a fundamental organizing principle. Media presentation of the city and its inhabitants, the economy of the Tomsk region is realized through the prism of “oil centrism”. Oil is not an ethical concept and is not directly measured in moral categories, but indirectly is good and social good, as everything about oil is portrayed as a positive phenomenon of modern economic and socio-cultural life of the North of Tomsk. Keywords: discourse of the journalist, interaction of concepts | 994 | |||||
5895 | Reading as a leading process of initiation to knowledge is one of the main skills needed for educational activities, but also requires more time and cognitive costs from the learner. Information habits and needs of a new generation pose serious challenges for educational practices and require new solutions within the organization of the textual activity. In response to these challenges in practical field appear curious, successful experiments requiring review and synthesis. We consider the example of a successful gamification of the process of textual activity on the example of USATODAY project with the aim to identify the pedagogical potential of these technologies. Keywords: gamification, education, textual activity, reading, information | 994 | |||||
5896 | Structural reorganization of the country’s economic system, the formation of public relations and management systems require new knowledge and special approaches from the management, which confirms the importance of training highly skilled management personnel and the need for the formation of a special system for their training and retraining. Managers should acquire experience in solving practical problems of development and improvement. In the context of this task, it is important to have a toolkit that would allow studying and researching the processes taking place in the managed object. In particular, a higher educational institution can act as the managed object. This article focuses on the development of the model of the university activities. The implementation of this model can be used as a basis for the development of a computer simulation program that can be used as a simulator for management training in order to study the appropriateness of managerial decision-making. The article considers in detail the model of management of students body, which are an essential part of the model of the organization of training in the structural subdivision of the university. According to the model, its behavior is determined by a set of configurable parameters that simulate management interventions and environmental parameters that model external conditions. Keywords: modeling, activity of the university, management of student contingent, functional models | 994 | |||||
5897 | The heterogeneity of the category of possessiveness conditioned the emergence of different points of view on its structure. There is a vision of the category of possessiveness as a binary opposition. According to the semantics of the name of the possessor, his person, animacy, the degree of his concreteness or abstractness, and the semantics of the object of possession, many linguists distinguish such oppositions as alienable/unalienable appurtenance, internal/external possession, temporary/permanent possessiveness, absolute/relative appurtenance, actual/virtual possession, legal/somatic appurtenance. In the context of the gradual opposition possessive relations can be represented in the form of absolute/relative appurtenance, inalienable appurtenance, relatively inalienable possession, occasionally inalienable and properly alienable appurtenance. According to another interpretation, the object can be inalienable, semi-alienable and alienable. Onomasiological approach proponents describe the possessiveness using as a basis the extra linguistic reality: they describe eventual types of possessors, potential types of objects of possession, try to anticipate their potential relationship. Semasiological approach supporters take as a basis specific language and speech facts – various possessive constructions. They analyze the influence of the form of possessive constructions (presence/absence of noun determiners, verbs) on its semantics. Keywords: opposition, unalienable possession, alienable possession, internal possession, external possession, temporary possession, permanent possession, actual possession, virtual possession, onomasiological approach, semasiological approach | 994 | |||||
5898 | Introduction. In the modern novel “The Senility of Vladimir P” a typical image of a “small man” is created and the myth of Russia as a multi-layered system of stereotypes recognizable by the Western recipient is constructed. The purpose of the study is to characterize the stereotypical image of the Russian “small man” in the modern British novel and to determine its functions in the meta-myth of Russia. Material and methods. The methodology of comparative studies, in particular, imagology is used as its the interdisciplinary nature allows one to study the image of the “Other” in the social, cultural and literary consciousness of another country at intertextual, contextual and textual levels upon the concept of stereotypes (according to J. Leerssen). “The Senility of Vladimir P” by M. Honig is a material for research. Results and discussion. Under a scandalous headline, the author offers us a story about life in Russia through the prism of the theme of “small man”. The main character, Nikolay Sheremetyev, is not inclined to reflection until the situation of loss appears and his beloved nephew is arrested. From this moment on, the narrative is gaining momentum, the main character is changing: reality acquires more and more grotesque features, and reader witnesses painful transformation of Sheremetyev, the “small man”, the last honest person in Russia, who makes a deal with his conscience and begins to act within the framework of English-Saxon tradition. The image of the “Other” is presented by Honig precisely from the perspective of the Anglo-Saxon tradition in which all the other characters are actually written out: Russians only by entourage and consistent with the Western stereotype, but infected with Western individualism. The characters of the novel are classified by type depending on the model of behavior and prototype. Conclusion. M. Honig builds a grotesque, absurd image of Russia in the middle of the XXI century. Ethnotype characters act in conditional situations without author pretending to psychologize the image and reveal characters, because they must create the most complete, comprehensive picture of Russian reality, reflect Russian national features as they fit into the British myth of Russia that is familiar to the British. Honig constructs the ethnotype of Russian citizens of the mid-XXIst century from 1) the image of a small man (Nikolai Sheremetyev), traditional for Russian literature; 2) the media image of Russian elite formed mainly by Western media and Russian liberal media; 3) an exaggerated and schematic image of a typical Russian, featured in Western cinema of the late twentieth century. Before us there is a conflict not only of different attitudes, but the opposition of the Russian and English (more broadly Anglo- Saxon) worlds at the cultural and civilizational level. Honig’s novel is an example of secondary actualization, when a fiction text constructed under the influence of the media begins to be perceived as a non-fiction model, becoming a kind of simulacrum of reality. Keywords: imagology, ethnotype, image of Russia, British literature, small man, myth, Russian myth | 994 | |||||
5899 | Introduction. The purpose of this research is to develop the concept of a dictionary of gender-marked vocabulary, which reflects the concepts of male and female in the Middle Ob region dialects. The study is novel in that it shows the creation of a dictionary that reflects the male and female spheres in their complex sociocultural interaction and regional specifics for the first time in Russian lexicography. The dictionary includes dynamic parameters of gender vocabulary, and as a result their informative capabilities are expanded. The applicabiliry of creating a dictionary of gender-marked vocabulary is coming from the nesessity to form a source study base for studying Siberia as a structure of steadfast development. At the same time, it can be used to identify factors contributing to the preservation of the traditional Siberian culture. Material and methods. Autobiographical texts recorded from 1946 to 2016 on the territory of century-old traditional dialects distribution in the Middle Ob region are used as the source. The study is carried out using the lexicographical method, the advantage of which is that one can study in detail the objects of lexicography, as well as their features and functioning in the language. Results and discussion. The dictionary includes gender lexical units that are part of the gender conceptual sphere. The dictionary includes both direct nominations of concepts (the core of the nominative field) and the nominations of individual cognitive features of a concept (periphery of the nominative field). The dictionary is formed according to the thematic principle and contains the following groups of gender-marked vocabulary: general denomination of a person depending on gender; nominations indicating age and marital status; units reflecting family hierarchy status; denominations representing biological features that are specific only to a certain gender individuals; nominations reflecting traits of character, appearance; ones that call men and women by professional activities, labor processes; ceremonial words; nominations, characterizing the female and male spheres. The structure of the dictionary entry consists of three main parts: headword part, interpretation part of the capital lexical unit, illustrative part. Conclusion. The dictionary supplements the multifaceted description of the Middle Ob dialects. At the same time, it contributes to the new aspects’ identification in gender analysis. The concept of the dictionary is based on the theoretical provisions of gender dialectology and dialect lexicography. All components of a dictionary entry (headword, definitions, notes, illustrative material) reflect the richness of folk speech, testify to a more fragmented division of the world, carried out on other grounds than in the literary language, and reflecting the specifics of rural society and traditional culture. Keywords: dictionary, dialect, gender, gender dialectology | 994 | |||||
5900 | We consider the one-loop correction to the probe D3-brane action in AdS5 ×S 5 expanded around the classical Drukker-Fiol solution ending on a circle at the boundary. It is given by the logarithm of the one-loop partition function of an Abelian N = 4 vector multiplet in AdS2 × S 2 geometry. This one-loop correction is expected to describe the subleading 1/N term in the expectation value of circular Wilson loop in the totally symmetric rank k representation in N = 4, SU(N) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling. We also discuss a comparison with the matrix model. Keywords: The AdS/CFT correspondence, Wilson loops, D-branes, matrix models, the heat kernel technique | 993 |