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5951 | This article contains critical analysis of Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific theories’ and political positions’ interpretation formulated by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev in historical monography called “Stalinism”. Methodological and source-studying aspects of Velm's and Alekseev's views are considered in a context of world and Russian political mind of XXth century. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko made analysis of extremely versatile proofs’ base which offered by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for acknowledgement of their research basic hypothesis about genetic relations between “social-organized experience (SOE) concept” with Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific and political views, on the one hand, and social and political practice of Stalin’s Soviet Union, on the other hand. I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are thinking that the “SOE concept” is concentrating Bogdanov’s political philosophy and practice. This concept is based on the idea of allocation the special figure of personal organizer from the society. Organizer concentrates in his hands the power over all parties and branches of social life, including ideology. Velm and Alekseev are writing that organizer’s role in Soviet history was taken by Stalin whose political practice is presented in critically-publicistic style. The given feature of the sights statement of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev is estimated by Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko from the scientific research methodology point of view and also from the source study analysis quality point of view. For this reason the special attention in the article is directed at the specific “additional sence method” used by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for original interpretation of Bogdanov’s views. Russian Marxist scientist and revolutionary is shown by Velm and Alekseev as “dark hero” who made for Stalin the totalitarian ideology on “SOE concept” base and who worked very hard for introducing this ideology into Soviet society life. For acknowledgement of this thesis I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are broadly interpreting the involved materials (Bogdanov's texts, their critical analysis in works of V. I. Lenin and other contemporaries of the scientist), and they put in these used works their own sense which not always coincides with a position of primary sources authors. All materials of “Stalinism” are grouping not on their genetic relation, but on the basis of the emotionally-shaped associations, and it is methologically doubtful as attribute of belletristic literature, not of scientific research. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko proved insufficient argumentation to position of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev concerning communication between “SOE concept” and Bogdanov's scientific views. Keywords: Alexander Bogdanov, tectology, Marxism, Stalinism, empiriomonism, Machism, ideology, social organization | 987 | |||||
5952 | A prerequisite of personality development as a priority goal of modern education is modeling of the integrative processes in metalinguistic educational space of school. The article presents a comparative analysis of two educational policies – teaching language as a subject and language development of the individual. As grounds for comparison serve objective, conceptual approaches, content and competence system. Proposes the model of educational process, approved in experimental activities of the Tyumen region schools in which integration is implemented on the basis of actualization of pedagogical and psychological mechanisms of language development of the individual, using cognitive resources and microstomatidae humanitarian and natural-science paradigms, opportunities of conceptual and creative thinking. Keywords: metalinguistic educational environment, language development of personality, integration of humanitarian and natural-science education, conceptual and creative thinking | 987 | |||||
5953 | The article deals with the analysis of the processes in the educational institution from the logistic point of view. We show, that almost any educational institution conforms to the requirements and can function as a logistic system. Naturally, the problem of optimization of all processes in the educational institution occurs. An important instrument of the problem’s solution is logistization of educational activity. The basis of educational activity is a high potential of increasing its efficiency by means of implementation of scientific methods of regulating the various flows, which occur not only in the educational institution structure, but also in interacting of the educational institution and its external environment (labor market). Logistization of educational activity is a process of consequential implementation of devices, methods and techniques of logistic science. At the same time, educational activity logistization can be considered as a complex technological and management innovation and its implementation into real practice of educational istitutions should be considered as a necessary factor. We analyze the principles, paradigms and requirements, related to forming the educational institution as a logistic system: integration of departments into a united logistic system, orderliness and clarity (transparency) of logistic systems and so on. We reveal the difficulties of forming this system. They are caused by the specificity of “production” of the educational logistic system. That is why the approaches, traditionally applied to the sphere of material production, may be not effective in this case. Keywords: education, educational process, educational establishment, educational system, logistics, logistization of educational activity | 986 | |||||
5954 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the plots of Selkup folklore texts with Itya and his opponent – Eater. Analytical review covers one of the identified subgroups of texts in the corpus under study. The subgroup comprises stories with the active role of the bride of the hero, who shows her magical qualities. The result of the analysis suggest that initially, these texts were not included in the narrative repertoire of Itya-tales, but were integrated by storytellers in the process of compiling this folklore series, the process which had yet not been completed by the mid-twentieth century. Keywords: Selkup folklore, texts with the hero Itya, Samoyedic epos, classification of subjects | 986 | |||||
5955 | Phytonims of Russian, English and French are examined in motivological and comparative aspect in order to define specific character of motivation phenomena in the Russian language. The principles of motivological comparative analysis include the method of lexical identification, psychological linguistic experiment, component analysis, statistic analysis. Motivological level of language research is a favourable ground for analysis of national specific of language because the nature of motivated word itself is mainly connected with language conscience of speakers. Names of plants are directly connected with object and cognitive speakers’ activity and also with social and cultural originality of language community’s life and its ethnographic peculiarities. Specific character of motivation system of the Russian language is the following: high level of plants’ names motivation; morpho-semantic type of motivation as a prevailing; simple structure of motivated sign, which points to plant appearance; compressed motivational meaning of phytonim; explicit classification sign in connection with derivational peculiarity of the Russian language. Keywords: motivation, motivological and comparative analysis, type of motivation, motivated sign, classification sign | 986 | |||||
5956 | The purpose of this publication is to state the main results and conclusions of the study on identification of methodical training level of future and practicing teachers of foreign language. Research objectives included not only discovering the differences in the levels of their methodical training, but also identifying certain difficulties in methodological activities, methodological knowledge and skills and priority ranking (recognition of efficiency) of fundamental principles behind methodical training. Level of methodical training, defined according to the ability to address educational methodological tasks and problematic situations, was graded in three levels: low, medium, high. The criteria for successful implementation of these tasks are: independence, criticism, productivity, the usage of examples. Besides, some more aspects were taken into account: the knowledge of methodological terminology; the validity of methods, forms and tools of education; objectiveness of professional work analysis and introspection, and others. Keywords: methodical training, level of methodical training, foreign language teacher, practicing teacher, future teacher | 986 | |||||
5957 | The author talks about the importance of system description of linguistic phenomena to the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The basic thesis is that the professional foreign language is impossible without studying the systemic organization of language. Successful communication in science requires not only general language competence, but also the knowledge of lexical and grammatical features of scientific style of speech. These features are called, but not insufficiently explained in the modern practice of teaching. To teach students to use scientific language capabilities and eliminate errors in their speech, must submit a linguistic features of scientific style as a systemic phenomenon. The author offers a description of verbal nouns as an example of the system description of one of the characteristic phenomena of scientific speech. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, scientific style, language competence, language system, verbal nouns | 986 | |||||
5958 | The basis of the article is formulation of the results of an experimental study which involves the development of models of tolerance formation of future social workers in terms of their professional training at the University. In the work clarified and analyzed the main structural components of the model, stages and pedagogical conditions of its implementation. In developing the model is the underlying didactic principles of formation of tolerance. Development and implementation of the model is achieved through the following educational approaches that contribute to the effectiveness of the training of future social pedagogues with a high level of tolerance. Keywords: model of tolerance formation, professional preparation of social teachers, stages of formation of tolerance, levels of tolerance, factors of formation of tolerance, diagnostics of development of tolerance, evaluation criteria of levels of development of t | 986 | |||||
5959 | The article presents a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of reflexive denominative dialect verbs in order to study the pragmatic aspects of the linguistic meaning. The scientists opinions about the concept of reflexivity, the classification of reflexive verbs are presented. The place of the analyzed verbs among different classes of reflexive verbs is described. It is determined that the reflexive verbs belong to the group of the deponent verbs. The semantic diversity of the postfix -sja (-ся) is identified. The reflexive morpheme has not only grammatical meanings, it necessarily performs the word-formation function and participates in the creation of a set of units with a new lexical meaning. The classification of the ways of word formation of reflexive dialect verbs is carried out in accordance with such a classification of common Russian verbs. Most of the dialect verbs do not have common meanings, but individual ones. The cognitive models characterizing the kinds of actions represented by denominative reflexive verbs are defined. The examples of the verb propositions are given. It is established that the characterizing reflexive verbs can be mono- and polypropositional structures. It turned out that these denominations can be represented by the denominative verbs indicating a subject, object and propositions. This is due to the types of situations reflected: characteristics of internal and external qualities of a person and human relationships. Most polypropositional denominations appeared on the basis of metaphors. Many structures of metaphorical verbs include the Mode of the fictitious nature and the assessment Mode, expressing the attitude of the Speaker towards the signified. The fictitious and evaluative modality can be complicated by emotive modality – disapproval, neglect. The resulting expression is purely word-formational in its nature. The use of complex methods of the formation (suffixal-postfixal; prefixsuffixal- postfixal) for many characterizing verbs is one of the means of expression creation. The reflexive postfix of the denominative verbs does not perform its function of the actant derivation indicator. The postfix -sja does not mark the actant derivation, but the number of participants, the degree of agentivity and other parameters of the situation. In some cases, the choice of a reflexive / non-reflexive variant of the denominative verb to denote the characterizing name is not always explainable. Keywords: proposition, semantics, derivative, dialect vocabulary, reflexivity‚ postfix -sja, metaphoric models, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality | 986 | |||||
5960 | Introduction. The topicality of the research is determined by a new communicative-activity approach to the analysis of a poetic text that is very relevant for modern linguistics in order to identify its regulatory potential in the work of one of the most famous poets of the Silver Age O. E. Mandelstam. In connection with the insufficient study of the evolution of the author’s poetic worldview, it is of particular interest to analyze the regulatory means and structures in his early lyrics that are significant for organizing a dialogue between the author and the addressee. The purpose of the article is the analysis of regulatory means and structures in the early work of O. E. Mandelstam with the material of the first album of the poet “Stone” (1913). An attempt has been made to systematize regulatory means and structures in the work of the author, to determine the main functions of these structures in poetic texts. Results and discussion. According to the results of the study, it was found that Mandelstam’s early work presents a wide range of regulatory means that help to actualize a particular image in the reader’s mind, performing an aesthetic function. The analysis procedure included the following steps: 1) identification of regulatory means and structures; 2) their systematization; 3) the study of their functions in the most characteristic poems for the author, relating to the early period in the work of Mandelstam from the album “Stone”; 4) conducting receptive experiments aimed at identifying the effects of the poetic word and determining its regulatory capabilities. Among the most frequently used by the author regulatory means, a metaphor and comparison should be singled out. Due to the fact that the poems included in the album “Stone” are often narrative, the poet uses syntactic constructions complicated by the adverbial participial phrases or participial phrases, lines of homogeneous members. Conclusion. Based on the results, it was concluded that Mandelstam’s poetic texts related to early work have a fairly high degree of influence on the reader due to the presence of bright and expressive lexical regulators in them. The results of the study will help in substantiation of the author’s individual style and his poetic worldview. Keywords: regulativity, theory of regulativity, regulatory means and structures, poetic worldview, O. E. Mandelstam | 986 | |||||
5961 | The article considers the mechanism of working out competitive strategy of an enterprise, directed toward securing competitiveness. The approaches towards the formation of competitive advantages are regarded as the basis of securing competitiveness | 985 | |||||
5962 | This article is written in the diachronic approach and is devoted to the development of modal semantics of possibility. The comparative analysis of formation of the modal verbs expressing various shades of modality of potentiality is based on Gothic, Old and Middle High German texts. On the basis of this analysis and the use of statistical methods of research the process of decategorization – transition of the functions of expression of possibility from morphological category, i. e. moods, to lexical-grammatical means, i. e. preterite-present verbs – was shown. The use of the lexical-grammatical means allows to express the potential internal modality more differentially. Keywords: modality of possibility; Gothic, Old, Middle High German; preterite-present verbs; optative; decategorization; the verbs kцnnen and dьrfen | 985 | |||||
5963 | Popularization of the olympic and paralympic education in educational organizations today is a heritage of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014. The article summarizes the results of theoretical analysis and practical experience on the organization of in-class and out-of-class activities with olympic and paralympic themes at elementary school. Essential factors of efficiency of the olympic and paralympic education at elementary school is introduction in practice of the author’s program for the younger schoolchildren which is submitted in the methodical textbook «Fundamentals of the olympic and paralympic primary schoolchildren education». Purposeful work on training of future teachers of physical culture is important at faculties of physical culture and sport of pedagogical higher education institutions for promoting of the olympic and paralympic education. Keywords: olympic education, paralympic education, younger schoolchildren, elementary school, physical culture | 985 | |||||
5964 | The article presents the data obtained during studying of features of attention of employees, the providing the state protection (PSP). By means of Hardware and Software Psychodiagnostic Complex (HSPC) “Multipsikhometr” we studied the features of stability of attention of employees of PSP and Department of Internal Affairs. Stability of attention was investigated with the help of technique of readiness for the emergency action (REA). We analysed the following indicators: efficiency, latency of reaction, accuracy, stability. In the study it was found that latency of reaction and indicators of the volume of physical activity have no statistically significant intergroup distinctions while in experimental group (PSP) indicators “efficiency” and “stability” are statistically more significant than the results of the control group. It is possible to assume that the processes of attention of PSP employees (readiness for the emergency action) proceed more effectively than those of the ordinary staff of Department of Internal Affairs. Most likely, the formation of the identity of employees of PSP are influenced by some factors: professional activity in the conditions of extreme situations which create difficulties in the solution of professional tasks, affect success of actions and demand high professional stability from employees, special psychological readiness, ability to work harmoniously in special conditions. Keywords: attention, personal protection, staff, providing state protection | 985 | |||||
5965 | The object of the study is the scientific and pedagogic ground for developing the translation competence of technical students under the professional retraining program «Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication». The focus on stylistic figures shows how the competence-oriented approach can be applied in translation teaching. The work aims at formulating theoretical and practical principles of a competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching. The competence-oriented approach to translation teaching proves to be rational. The communicative functional translation model is the scientific basis of the complex pedagogic technology under consideration. This target technology is pragmatic and involves such pedagogic technologies as communicative training, problem-based learning, development of critical thinking, information and communications technologies, pedagogic games, individualization of education, training in cooperation, modular technology. Stylistic figures represent one of the typical translation difficulties and form a separate training module. Covering this module required formulating the aim, objectives and developmental stages, as well as the list of principal figures of speech. Some illustrative examples given prove the dependence of the translation strategy on the type of the source text. Keywords: competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching, communicative functional translation model, stylistic figures, case-studies, translation strategy, translation transformations | 985 | |||||
5966 | The article deals with the problem of selection of active special vocabulary minimum for teaching German to the students of bachelor programmes studying Law. It gives the reason for usage of methodological and a number of linguistic principles of selection of active special lexical units taking into account the specifics of the subject and interdisciplinary language training, linguistic and extra-linguistic features of judicial language. The choice of special vocabulary is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign terminological research in the field of law. The methodical principles are determining in case of the choice of the corresponding types of the original German legal texts acting as a source of basic special vocabulary of the studied branches of law. In case of selection of active special lexicon, first of all, of all-legal, law branches related and interrelated legal terms the linguistic principles are fundamental: semantic, word-formation value and polysemy of lexical units. Keywords: language of law, special vocabulary, legal terms, legal texts, branches of law | 985 | |||||
5967 | The work aims to study the specifics of the semantic structure of the dialect lexeme travit’ on the basis of revealing its historical derivative relations and the reconstruction of the etymological nest and the structure of its semantic field, which is expressed in the lexical-semantic field “Harm”. As the study makes clear, the semantics of the dialect lexeme travit’ originates from ‘rub, grind’, proceeds to ‘consume, eat; exterminate’ and results in ‘damage, spoil’ (compare the dialect lexeme trava ‘edible things’) and that along with the derivatives of the root trav-, whose etymological nest includes derivatives of tir-, tr-, trav-/trov-, tru-, try- as historical variants of the root ter-/tor. The original meaning of ‘rub, grind’ served as the basis for the development of the other meanings, which are associated with the concept of “harm” in most of the lexemes of this etymological nest. The historical approach allows the authors to draw conclusions on the evolution of the semantic structure of the derivative nest as a consequence of the interaction and development of initially related concepts, expressed by the derivatives of this derivational nest. Accordingly, this allows us to trace the evolution of a certain fragment of the world picture and national Russian culture. Keywords: dialectal lexicon, derivative etymological nest, concept of “harm” | 985 | |||||
5968 | Introduction. The article highlights the specifics of the legal discourse in the aspect of its institutional interdependence and space conceptualization of metaphor terminology. The aim of the article is to identify the interrelation between the SPACE (horizontal/vertical) conceptualization of the metaphorical terminology of the Russian legal discourse and the horizontal line classification by branches of law and the vertical hierarchical system of the Russian legislation system. Material and methods. The legal discourse notion and its specificity is considered through the prism of legislative system branch classification accepted in the Russian Federation. The conceptual structure of the legislation system arranged in the form of the horizontal line classification by branches of law and the vertical hierarchical system of conceptual metaphor representation is realized through the terminology of the legal discourse. Results and discussion. Conceptualization in the field of metaphor terminology directly reflects the conceptual structure of the law branch. Although there is a broad variety of grounds for classification typology, the conceptualization of knowledge structures depends directly on the branch of law. Legal branch metaphor terms are constructs of a particular branch of legal discourse, which transfer special concepts of mentality regarding the objects of a particular branch of legal discourse. Conclusion. The analysis of the specifics of the institutional legal discourse reveals the conditionality and interdependence of the knowledge conceptualization within metaphor modeling in the legal terminology. The nominative means for the concepts system transfer are based on the terminology concept system and are determined mainly by the legal context (i.e. legal branch). The content of the knowledge structures in the legal discourse terminology is determined and influenced by the evolution of the legal knowledge within the framework of language and socio-cultural community. Keywords: legal discourse, space conceptualization, legal term, conceptual metaphor | 985 | |||||
5969 | Introduction. The article describes how the author’s individual concept SCIENCE is represented in a science fiction book “Roadside Picnic” written by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. The introduction correlates the concepts of “linguocultural concept”, “literary concept” and “author’s individual concept”, substantiates the key role of the component «science» in expressing the essence of the science fiction genre, describes various methods of representing the linguocultural concept and the author’s individual concept, implemented in the literary text. Aim and objectives. The article aims at the representation of the author’s individual concept SCIENCE in a literary text belonging to science fiction discourse. Material and methods. The material for this research is the story “Roadside Picnic” written by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in the genre of science fiction. The methodological basis of the research is represented by existing cultural linguistic approaches, according to which the linguocultural concept, transformed by the author in accordance with his/her own perception of reality, is represented by means of language in a literary text in the form of a literary (author’s individual) concept. The methodology for describing linguocultural concepts by Z. D. Popova and I. A. Sternin, which is used in this work, includes: etymological and definitional analysis of the concept name, identifying synonyms for the concept name, analysis of paremias and aphorisms, which include the name of the concept, associative experiment, frequency analysis, etc. To represent the linguocultural concept SCIENCE, general linguistic and specialized dictionaries of the Russian language were used. Results and discussion. As a result of the research we have built the structure of the content of the linguocultural concept of SCIENCE in the Russian language, including its conceptual and value parts; have represented the author’s individual concept of SCIENCE, verbalized in the literary text of the Strugatsky story and have carried out a comparative analysis of the content of the linguocultural concept of SCIENCE and the same-name author’s individual concept. Conclusion. It is concluded that the individual author’s concept SCIENCE, represented in the story “Roadside Picnic”, differs from the linguocultural concept SCIENCE in terms of the content of the nominative field: “work, occupation, profession» became the nuclear zone, and a new concept feature “objects of scientific research” appeared, bringing an additional meaning. The evaluative part of the author’s individual concept reflects the Strugatskys’ romantic, emotional view of science as the most important professional activity. Keywords: linguocultural concept, literary concept, author’s individual concept, science fiction discourse, concept representation | 985 | |||||
5970 | The formation of the market of educational services caused the emergence of the researches devoted to the process of formation of a market position of school as the general education organization and also a need of a research of marketing strategy of development of the school, which promotes its competitiveness increase. Marketing strategy of development of modern school as the educational organization includes definition of mission, innovative strategic objective, market focused position; research of the external and internal environment and realization of holistic marketing. Keywords: general education organization, modern school, strategic management, mission of school, marketing strategy, holistic marketing | 984 | |||||
5971 | In his novella “Back Before the War” (1971) Vil Lipatov follows the traditions of «kolkhozny novel» and soviet mass culture of 1930s–1950s when creating the image of a taiga village Ulym. Using archaic motifs and images including ones connected with an initiation ceremony such as a house in the forest, a substitution fiancé, an orphan, the prodigal son, the author builds the cyclic model of patriarchal world and combining the idyllic topos simultaneously with the idea of pagan paradise, myth of self-sufficiency of a patriarchal village and soviet mythologems. The myth, which is a fundamental principle of the story, makes the peaceful coexistence of all three layers possible. The main character of the novel – a carrier of the individual conciseness – goes through some kind of initiation, becomes familiar with the natural, eternal forms of objective reality and at the same time she goes out of the borders of the idyllic chronotope while leaving the exclusive world the main goal of which is birth of children. Keywords: novella, Vil Lipatov, idyll, “Back Before the War”, chronotope, folk motif, initiation, “kolkhozny novella”, a house in the forest, orphan, the prodigal son | 984 | |||||
5972 | The results of experimental check of pedagogical technologies effectiveness which are used during methodical training of geography teacher under conditions of additional professional education at a university have been introduced. The evaluation criteria of modern pedagogical technologies practicability and effectiveness of their application at higher education institutions have been described. Technologies, application of which ensures successful formation of various components of methodical competence and methodical thinking of geography teacher have been established. The comparative analysis of the experiment results and expert evaluations of the effective application of pedagogical technologies during methodical training of geography teacher has been performed. In scope of approbation of creatively oriented system of teacher methodical training at South Federal University, the optimal aggregate of pedagogical technologies for mastering of “Methods of Geography Teaching” course main topics, has been outlined. The ideas about the factors which prevent introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into teacher training at universities have been achieved thanks to questionnaire of teachers of various higher education institutions. Keywords: geography teacher methodical training, pedagogical technologies effectiveness, experiment, expert opinion method | 984 | |||||
5973 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of the cultural project “Preservation of architectural gene pool of Siberia: Tomsk directory of platbands (Tatarskaya Sloboda)” in September-November of 2015. The article reflects the following aspects of project activities: organizational, teamwork, research, as well as testing of full-scale survey method of 223 wooden architectural objects. The results of the project were the following: creation of Internet presentations of Tatar settlement platbands as the primary database for further research, assessment of natural wood preservation, scientific publications on conservation of wooden architecture in Tomsk. However, was revealed the quantitative and species diversity of Tatar settlement platbands, their spatial distribution. Highlights the richest with unique architraves streets as a promising route area for education of patriotism and urban tourism development. The implementation of such projects is not only social and cultural sphere of socialization of youth, but also a necessary condition for their professionalisation. Keywords: social and cultural project, heritage preservation, wooden architecture, decor, platbands, education of city patriotism | 984 | |||||
5974 | Training programs on physical culture have provided studying of questions of history by school students. Therefore, the purpose of classes in history of physical culture with future teachers in the organizations of higher education and colleges is not only acquisition of knowledge, but also training in technique of teaching historical aspects, formation of interest in a profession. The article presents the results of the analysis of educational programs on physical culture for students of general education schools regarding existence of aspects of history of physical culture in them. The questions of the Olympic movement, the role of Pierre de Coubertin in its development and education, the origin of physical exercises and games are presented in programs for schoolchildren. There are no relevant issues in the programs on the history of the Paralympic Movement, the Deaflympic Movement, Special Olympics. Authors have determined possibilities of history of physical culture in formation of professional competences of future teachers of physical culture. Lessons of history of physical culture promote formation of important professional competences of future teachers and train them for organization of pedagogical, design, cultural and educational activity. The authors have defined the attitude of future teachers to the “History of Physical Culture” and the most expedient methodical receptions for use in classrooms. Most future teachers consider the history of physical culture an important topic, but they do not understand the practical significance of the subject. Among the most appropriate methods of teaching, students give priority to active methods. The authors have proved that students need special preparation for the use of methods of training in the professional activity. Keywords: history of physical culture, teacher of physical culture, students, school students, physical culture | 984 | |||||
5975 | Introduction. Modern educational standards focus on the formation of professional readiness and abilities necessary for the implementation of professional functions and the implementation of professional tasks of high quality level. All this changes the goals of education, approaches to the construction of the educational process in general and professional teacher education, in particular. The basis for the quality training of pre-school and primary education specialists are professional competencies aimed at empowering the solution of a multi-faceted range of professional tasks. The purpose of the study is to disclose methods of managerial activity in the field of the formation of professional competencies for future teachers of preschool and primary education in the process of studying by students disciplines of various blocks (general cultural, professional pedagogical, specialized). Material and methods. Directions in the understanding of professional competences of teachers, stages of university professional training of future teachers of preschool and primary education, the possibility of specialized disciplines and special courses in the process of forming general and narrow professional competencies of future specialists of preschool institutions and elementary school teachers are submitted for consideration. The description of the pedagogical conditions and stages of the management of the development of professional competencies of teachers of the successive stages of education contributes to the improvement of the quality of management activities on the basis of the competence approach. Results and discussion. Within the framework of the professional group of future teachers of pre-school and primary education that we study, it is especially important to be competitive. The quality of education at the first steps depends on the strength, flexibility, and variability of students’ mastery in the classroom and on their own general, professional, pedagogical, narrow professional competencies. Their formation must be managed by carrying out this process in a sequence of interconnected blocks of activity. Conclusion. The materials of the article can be used in the practice of the teachers of the departments that train future specialists of preschool educational organizations and primary school teachers in the system of secondary and higher professional education. Keywords: management, professional competence, future teachers of pre-school, primary education, vocational and pedagogical education, independent work of students | 984 | |||||
5976 | Introduction. In this article we attempted to analyze the textual material of two multi-genre works written by one author. Our attention was drawn to the mechanisms of actualization of meaning at the level of words, phrases and sentences. In the course of our analysis, we also identified concepts that are significant for the author and described the role of concept-regulators in the formation of meaning represented in fiction and publicistic texts. Purpose of the study. Our purpose is to analyze the textual material of two multi-genre works of literature and prove that certain set of relevant meanings, represented by the concepts “ethics”, “memory” and “power” within the text of a publicistic work, will also be present in the conceptual-semantic content of the work of fiction by the same author. Material and methods. We have used the following methods: conceptual and structural analysis of the text, stylistic analysis of the text, associative-semantic interpretation of the text in the context of communicative and anthropocentric paradigms; morphological, lexical and syntactic analysis of the text with allocation of its separate levels represented by a word and an utterance. Works of Viet Thanh Nguyen “The Sympathizer” and “Nothing Ever Dies” with a total volume of 727 pages is the material of the research. Results and discussion. The study confirmed the suppositional hypothesis. The semantic dominant “memory” inside the semantic field “love – life – war – memory – sensation”, which we discovered earlier in the analysis of the “The Sympathizer”, remains analogous in the publicistic work “Nothing Ever Dies”. The analysis of the work “Nothing Ever Dies” confirmed the remaining actuality of the dominant concept “memory”, the significant concept “power” and also allowed us to highlight and describe the properties of the concept-regulators “ethics” and “dual”. Conclusion. The stylistic, syntactic, conceptual and structural analysis of the two texts allowed us to single out previously unnoticed functional concepts-regulators “ethics” and “dual” implemented in speech in conjunction with other concepts that demonstrate greater substantiality, but less functionality, such as “memory” and “power”. The duality of the concept “memory” is not an internal attribute of this concept, but arises under the influence of the concept-regulatory “dual”. The same is true for other substantial concepts, such as, for example, “power”. Keywords: concept, concept-regulator, multi-genre works, publicistic work, discourse, transmission of meaning | 984 | |||||
5977 | The article is devoted to a new science of language that is semantic lingvopersonology. Its object is to study the semantic level of language personality that primarily includes semantics of words and sentences. The author of the article comes to the idea that the analysis of semantics of the word is an effective tool for describing the author’s worldview. The author also analyzes the semantics of the word “woman”, shows how the value of this word is associated with the writer`s concept sphere, with high appreciation of the natural life. In V. P. Astafiev’s discours the attitude towards women is the criterion of the rating of men. The study is carried out on the material of the key works by V. P. Astafiev: “The Last Tribute”, “Czar Fish”, “The Cursed and the Slain”, “Shepherd and His Wife”, “Ode to Russian Vegetable Garden”. Keywords: semantics, semantic lingvopersonology, language personality, author’s world view, woman, V. P. Astafiev | 983 | |||||
5978 | A holographic duality between gravitation and field theories with a Lifshitz scaling symmetry has recently aroused much attention. We consider Lifshitz-like backgrounds in the context of their applications to the anisotropic quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions. We construct shock waves geometries for Lifshitz-like metrics1. For the geometry of two colliding Lifshitz domain walls the areas of trapped surfaces are calculated. According to the holographic approach, the multiplicity of particles produced in heavy-ion collisions can be estimated by the area of the trapped surface. We show that in the 5-dimensional case the dependence of multiplicity on the energy of colliding ions can fit the experimental data observed at RHIC and LHC. Keywords: Lifshitz-like metrics, shock waves, trapped surface, holography, quark-gluon plasma | 983 | |||||
5979 | The article deals with the problem of family and school cooperation in the question of cross-cultural understanding as a pedagogical condition of cross-cultural value orientations in adolescence. Cross-cultural value orientations refer to the personal orientation at cross-cultural values which cannot but be crucial in the epoch of globalization. The necessity and the specific features of close cooperation between teenager's parents and school staff in cultivation of respect towards cross-cultural values is explained by the author. The results of the ascertaining experiment confirming the idea under consideration are given in the article as well. The author also suggests using the developed program which contains two directions as the item for implementation of this pedagogical condition. Keywords: cross-cultural values, cross-cultural value orientations, cooperation with parents | 983 | |||||
5980 | The article presents the justification of the importance of information and communication technologies for effective implementation of professional activity of the psychologist in education in accordance with the Federal State standard’s requirements of higher education and professional standards of the teacher-psychologist. Offers the use of mental-contextual teaching of future teachers-psychologists to informatics disciplines, contributing to the formation of readiness for using means of information and communication technologies for solving problems of professional activity and clarifies the concept of the indicated readiness. Proves the construction of the model of mental-contextual learning based on the dual paradigm, with regard to cognitive and contextual approaches. The identified requirements for the indicated readiness components such as a complex motivation; understanding of ICT potential for solving different tasks; capability to relate educational problems to the future profession; capability of using the means of ICT, relevant for the future professional activity served as the basis for determination the effectiveness of the offered method. The results of research demonstrate the positive dynamics of the formation of the indicated readiness in the process of mental-context training to IT disciplines. Keywords: teaching methodology, informatics discipline, mental-context training, mental-task context, ICT professional competence and readiness to use ICT to meet the challenges of professional work | 983 | |||||
5981 | The article deals with the role of value-semantic component in forming the professional orientation of an adolescent. It is noted that an important feature of values is their role in defining strategic life goals. As a result of the research among schoolchildren aged 14 and 15 we revealed low indices of rationality and high dependence on other people’s opinion that is due to the fact that adolescents have inadequate recognition of their values. We also noted a significant role of external motives in choosing a career which can have a negative effect on realizing the individual potential of adolescents in their future professional activity. Keywords: choosing a carreer, professional orientation, values, adolescent, external and internal motives | 983 | |||||
5982 | The article considers the process of formation and development of schools of reading and writing according to the “Regulations on parochial schools” of 1884 and the “Rules of Literacy Schools” of 1891 on the territory of the Kurgan district (1898 – county), province of Tobolsk. Explains the reasons for this geographical localization. Presents the problems on search of school premises and means of subsistence, on the sizes and terms of payment for teachers, influence of natural factors (crop failure of 1891–1892) on functioning of schools of reading and writing. The quantitative dynamics of literacy schools is shown and the reason for its fluctuation is explained, as well as the reasons for the gradual transformation of literacy schools into parish schools in 1909. The article provides the formal and informal conditions to the candidates for teaching positions, the terms of the complications of the requirements for the selection of mentors and the specifics of their training through a 3-year secondary and two-year parish school, as well as using special test Rule 1889. Describes the characteristics of the educational process (training time, program, curriculum) and its outcome, the role of rural communities in the opening and maintaining of certificates, the role of priests as the heads of the schools of literacy, the role of the Tobolsk diocesan school Board as the management body. The subjects of educational monitoring and inspections of civil and ecclesiastical offices are listed, their evaluation and issuance of school certificates are conducted. Particular attention is paid to the tendency of increasing state expenditures on them due to the position of the chief Prosecutor of the Sv. Synod K. P. Pobedonostsev and minister of finance S. Witte. Keywords: literacy school, second-class school, parochial school, priest, Tobolsk diocesan school Board, сounty observer | 983 | |||||
5983 | Introduction. The article describes the structural and semantic properties of derivatives with the suffix-ung, which is productive in the word formation of the modern German language. A brief historical reference contains information about the use and distribution of this suffix in the old high German and early high German periods. The aim of the article is to identify the morphological features, structural and semantiс properties of derivatives with the suffix -ung in the newspaper vocabulary of the modern German language. Material and methods. Sources for the analysis were German-language Newspapers, from which most of the selected material are the verbal nouns. The identified properties of derivatives confirm the existing theory in linguistics about the productivity of the suffix-ung, due to such factors as transitivity, the presence of a prefix or its absence, as well as the attribution of the generating base to a certain part of speech. These factors are fundamental in the work. Verbs are as generating bases in relation to the influence of transitivity on the word-forming possibilities of the suffixung. Results and discussion. Prefixed verbs act as frequency generating bases for the formation of ung-nouns. In such word-forming processes, the bases of verbs with inseparable prefixes predominate. The suffix-ung is subject to various interpretations, taking into account the correlation of the generating bases with any part of speech. The most frequent meaning of this suffix is the meaning of an action, process, result of an action, or object that arose as a result of this action, which indicates the reflection and preservation of verbal partial semantics in the semantic structure of derivatives. Conclusion. Structural and semantic properties of derivatives act as a mutually determining criterion for the frequent use of the suffix-ung in the word-formation processes of the modern German language. The obvious productivity of the suffix, characteristic of newspaper texts, is the basis for a prospective study of ung-nominalizations in various types of discourse. Keywords: suffix-ung, derivatives, structural and semantic analysis, verbal nouns, transitivity, prefixality | 983 | |||||
5984 | Introduction. Response of the system of education to the requirements of a professional standard of a teacher is constrained by the difficulties of a transitional period, caused by the lack of fundamentally new organizationalmethodical mechanism of the educational system. The analysis of scientific publications, regulatory documents connected with that problem indicates that the requirements for professional training of teachers are formed in the logic of a lifelong learning. Material and methods. To solve research problems, the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and didactic domestic and foreign literature on the problem under study, methods of psychological, pedagogical and sociological analysis of the state and the needs for teaching staff, systematization of the process of organizing continuous pedagogical education were used. Results and discussion. On the basis of the revealed regularities and principles of formation of the system of a lifelong learning the model of a lifelong pedagogical learning has been developed and substantiated taking into account modern requirements to professional teacher’s qualifications and organizational and pedagogical conditions of its realization have been defined. The presented system of continuous pedagogical education is developing, which is a synergistic integrity of subsystems of the level of general education, vocational education and post-vocational education. Conclusion. The result of the implementation of the developed system of lifelong pedagogical education is the readiness and ability of a graduate of a pedagogical university to meet modern requirements for the professional qualifications of a teacher. The systemic effect of the realization of that model is the teachers’ need for a lifelong pedagogical learning to solve various levels of professional problems. Keywords: lifelong pedagogical learning, professional qualifications, professional education, postgraduate education, educational script | 983 | |||||
5985 | Razina G. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 52-52 . | 982 | |||||
5986 | The article deals with the theoretical questions of the individual mechanism of criminal behavior within the frame of the interdisciplinary approach in philosophy, ethics, sociology and criminology. These questions are considered through the prism of morality that holds the individual from harm in a problem situation. In the context of morality the postulate of preclusive function of morality, is formed the individual immunity from harm by criminal means as a result of understanding and a sense of the value of the common good. This article is a logical continuation of the publication on this topic. Keywords: criminal behavior, morality, moral defects | 982 | |||||
5987 | The article deals with penetration of some plots, motives, characters and literary forms of the ancient Indian monument “Panchatantra” into the world of peoples’ oral and written literature. This factor has been the centre of folklore specialists’ attention since the XIX century. It is known that existence of the similar plots in the different peoples’ literature was interpreted by scientists quite differently. It was connected with relationship, borrowing, or accepted as independent phenomena. The article examines genetic and typological methods of analysis, reveals their merits and demerits. The following fact is taken as the basis: the genre “framed narrative” and method “casus” were formed on the basis of the ancient Indian traditions. So their manifestation in the other cultures has the Indian origin. It is supposed that the plot “wooden beauty” in Azerbaijanian tales has the Indian roots. The modifications of this plot used in the different peoples’ tales are compared. The drawn parallels make it possible to come to the following conclusion: each plot, motive, character and genre regardless of the original source is interpreted in national literature, changes according to native environment, traditions and gains new qualities. Keywords: “Panchatantra”, framed narrative, casus, “wooden beauty”, typological analysis, tale, anecdote, legend | 982 | |||||
5988 | The article reflects the results of studying and solution of the problem of development of technical abilities of future bachelor. The author presented the model of pedagogical assistance to development of technical abilities of future bachelor, including target, substantial and procedural and estimated productive components, and also pedagogical conditions of its realization. The article describes technique of introduction of this model in educational process of higher education institution, on the example of bachelors of the direction of preparation “Construction”. The main results of experimental work on introduction of model of pedagogical assistance to development of technical abilities of future bachelor are presented. Keywords: technical abilities of future bachelor, operational and expeditious mechanisms of abilities, pedagogical assistance | 982 | |||||
5989 | In the the article authors consider the problem of vocational training of graduates of various levels of training: bachelors, masters and specialists in the context of modern educational standards and requirements of employers. The article provides the description of the technique of carrying out a laboratory practical work based on competencebased and modular approach and allowing to develop purposefully necessary competences of the students. The authors presented the structure and the content of modules, their educational and methodical and a technical equipment. The article also provides the description of the technique and results of formation of competences of future graduates of various levels of preparation within a laboratory practical work, as the integral component of educational process for students of the technical directions and specialties. Keywords: competences, modular approach, competence-based approach, laboratory practical work | 982 | |||||
5990 | The search for effective forms of the final state certification testing is an important task of professional educational organizations. At the heart of modern professional education lies the competence model of bachelor. Competence as an integrative education requires the relationship of academic disciplines in the process of training of bachelors, and during final testing. Final state certification of bachelors of majors teacher education, profile “Music” includes a state exam and graduation. State exam becomes an interdisciplinary challenge. The Department of music and music education of the Institute of arts offers one of the possible forms of the State interdisciplinary tests for bachelors of this profile. It allows to check the level of development of professional, first of all, special competencies that characterize the quality of preparation of graduates for specific professional activities. Keywords: state interdisciplinary examination, special competence, training disciplines | 982 | |||||
5991 | Рассматриваются важнейшие и актуальные задачи современной азербайджанской фольклористики на основе материалов, программ и рекомендаций СМОМПК – сборник материалов для описания местностей и племен Кавказа. На основе конкретных фактов и примеров прослеживается история сбора, систематизации и издания образцов азербайджанского фольклора. Особое внимание уделяется выпускам СМОМПК, содержащим программу-рекомендацию по сбору фольклора на основе научных принципов. Отмечается актуальность и значимость данной программы, предусматривающей сбор материала по тематическим группам и соответствующим таблицам. Реализуя на практике научные принципы сбора и систематизации фольклорного материала, можно вовлечь в собирательскую деятельность большое количество специалистов и сохранить как можно больше прекрасных образцов народного творчества. Keywords: азербайджанская фольклористика, сбор фольклора, СМОМПК, программа-рекомендация, научные принципы, тематичeская группировка | 982 | |||||
5992 | The author formulates the problem of lack of uniform approach to creation (design) of structural components of the information educational environment (IEE) of electronic training at higher education institution, and on the basis of the analysis of the approaches to allocation of the principles of creation of IEE which are available in pedagogical literature offers the variant of classification of the principles, and in addition on the basis of research of dependence (influence) of activity essence of the principles of creation of IEE of electronic training in higher education institution and the set of its structural components the new principle is formulated. Keywords: training technique, technology of training, technique of use of information and communication technologies in training, training methods | 982 | |||||
5993 | Considers Web 2.0 technology in foreign language teachers’ professional work. Using blogs, wikis, social bookmarking can be extremely useful resources both for teachers and learners of foreign languages. Describes characteristics of Web 2.0 and reveals its big potential for developing learners’ communicative competence. Web 2.0 characteristics implicate group interaction. Using web technology in teaching foreign languages can favour learners’ discussion and writing skills development. Such Web 2.0 tools as blogs, wikis and various social bookmarking services can all positively impact developing learners’ receptive skills. Web 2.0 tools can also facilitate the cultural enrichment of learners, thus developing their sociocultural competence. Keywords: Web 2.0, web technology, blog, social bookmarking, wiki, sociocultural competence, project-based learning, writing skills | 981 | |||||
5994 | The article deals with the peculiarities of language representation of the mental and ethical concept traitor with the help of metaphorical means. The reasons for the benefits of metaphorical means of abstract concept’s representation are given. The survey identifies the anthroponyms associated with the concept traitor in the British conceptual sphere, besides, the peculiarities of their usage as means of verbalization of the studied concept are described. The special attention in the article is devoted to the metaphorical concept Judas that is viewed as an equivalent of the concept traitor. The analysis of the collocations with the word Judas as their cognitive center proves that the concept Judas can substitute the concept traitor, correlates with the common adjacent concepts and acts as an effective way of expressing the evaluating aspect. Keywords: concept, metaphor, metaphorical concept, adjacent concept, allusion-anthroponym | 981 | |||||
5995 | The author talks about the language difficulties that international students face while studying in Russian universities. These difficulties are related with the scientific style of speech and writing. Students do not understand scientific texts in Russian, make errors in the written work. The author suggests that the cause for this is a perception of the rules of the scientific style as formal, not related to successful communications, and proposes to pay more attention to the semantics and pragmatics of scientific language means. Objectivity – one of the basic requirements for scientific writing – can be represented as a main pragmatic attitude. The author offers a description of several linguistic phenomena that used for making the text more objective and shows how the description of the pragmatics of these words and structures helps to explain their use. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, scientific style, pragmatics, objectivity, language means | 981 | |||||
5996 | The article reveals the role of the professional credibility of the teacher in ensuring quality education, which is determined by the need for constant transformation, firstly, of the situations that make up the pedagogical process; secondly, the personality of the teacher as the organizer of the pedagogical process. Professional credibility of a teacher is defined as a quality, reflecting the complex of personality traits and skills that contribute to support the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in familiar and changing environments. Highlighted the specific features of the professional credibility of the teacher: reliability, timeliness, meaningfulness and correctness of pedagogical action. The formation of professional credibility of a future teacher is proved as a promising requirement for teacher training at university. The component content of higher pedagogical education, responsible for the formation of the professional credibility of the teacher of the future, is presented in the form of regulatory experience, which represents the unity of knowledge, abilities, skills, emotions associated with maintaining the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in a familiar and changing environment. The structure of the situation of the development of the future teacher regulatory experience as a means of formation of professional credibility of a future teacher consists of four components: identifying conflict; accounting for internal potential; correlation of the individual experience of carrying out pedagogical activities with the experience of other participants in the educational process; the manifestation of a subjective position. The technologies of creation of the situations of development of the future teacher’s regulatory experience in the educational process of the university are characterised. The criteria of efficiency of formation of professional credibility of the future teacher in educational process of the university are: changing individuallystylistic peculiarities of self-regulation of pedagogical activity during the period of study at the university; the stability of the contribution of the regulatory action to the maintenance of professional credibility of the teacher in postgraduate period of professionalization. Keywords: professional reliability of the future teacher, regulatory experience, the situation of mastering the regulatory experience by the future teacher, regulatory actions | 981 | |||||
5997 | The article presents the interim results of the study, the purpose of which is to study the possibilities of using new information and communication technologies in the areas of training implemented in higher educational institutions specializing in training specia lists in the humanitarian field. The relevance of the subject is considered taking into account the need to improve the teaching of the discipl ine “Informatics” using intersubject communications between the fields “Informatics” and “Culturology”. Scientific novelty and significance of the operation. Intermediate results of the conducted researche are carried out, some cultural features of the teaching discipline “Informatics” are analyzed. Some cultural features of teaching discipline “Informatics» to the first year students of the direction of training “Economics” are discussed. With the use of the service https://www.visualworld.ru/ the key terms that characterize the structure of the subject areas “Culturology” and “Informatics” are highlighted. The tasks aimed at forming the information culture of students, developed by the teachers and indicated by the author, taking into account the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic aspects of information, are considered. It is advisable to offer the students the assignments aimed at researching expositions of museums of a corresponding orientation for independent implementation. Using materials, developed by the teachers of department of informatics and mathematics, we have developed some information resources for training in the discipline “Informatics”. The statistics of the fulfillment of the tasks by the students consists in the fact that the students have mastered the autumn semester in the 2017/2018 academic year. Keywords: cultural science, information, interdisciplinary communications, teaching of the discipline “Informatics” | 981 | |||||
5998 | The current state of humanitarian science, on the one hand, and the objective conditions of the changed world, on the other hand, inevitably require a new comprehension of problems, both long-known and actual for the new era. And therefore, it is by no means a coincidence that there is a surge of interest in such young scientific fields as psycholinguistics and linguoculturology. The role of psycholinguistics in the study of RFL in the absence of a language environment is considered in the article. It emphasizes the importance of possession, along with the fundamental foundations of the Russian language and the science of it, psychological features and communicative culture of native speakers of the Russian language. Based on a comparative analysis of the facts of the Iranian and Russian linguocultures, examples are given of accounting for psycholinguistic factors in the teaching of the Russian language to Iranian students. Considering the fact that psycholinguistics is a relatively young science, however, it has firmly won the scientific space not only because of its interdisciplinarity, but also the novelty of approaches and, most importantly, the effectiveness of research. Psycholinguistics is the core of the anthropocentric trend in linguistics. While the object of research is a linguistic person – the general discipline of different disciplines that make up anthropological linguistics, each science has its own subject of study. The subject of psycholinguistics is linguistic personality, considered in the individual psychological aspect. Questions that are solved in psycholinguistics, are of pivotal importance for the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Successful mastery of a foreign language is its practical mastery. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, psycholinguistics, communicative culture, linguoculture, the Persian language | 981 | |||||
5999 | Introduction. The article presents a study of functional-semantic peculiarities of Russian verbal prefixes on the example of the prefix PRED- and the verb predvidet (to foresee). Material and methods. Analysis of the semantic meaning of the prefix PRED- is based on the data of lexicographic sources, the description of its functional distinctiveness is made on the material of the Russian National Corpus. The Study is made on the basic principles of the grammatical and derivatological research of the Russian verb. The main theoretical points of this article are: the main function of Russian verb prefixes is word-forming, prefix is to modify the meaning of the initial verb; in contrast to the suffix the prefix is characterized by greater structural and semantic autonomy, and has the capacity to act as a kind of stylistic marker of the of the verb unit. Results and discussion. Based on the accepted objectives of the study, it was suggested that some of the Russian prefixes are able to “program” a verb unit to use it in a particular speech practice, since the meaning of the prefix (and the meaning of verbs with this prefix as a whole) corresponds to the communicative intentions of this discursive practice. Based on the analysis of the meanings of Russian verbal prefixes, prefixes with the indicated ability are highlighted, the bright representative of which is the prefix PRED in the prospective meaning – “to perform (or perform) an action in advance”. The meanings which had this prefix in Old Slavic and has them in modern Russian are characterized, word-forming type of verbs with PRED- and frequency of their use are also considered. Taking into account the Old Slavonic origin of the studied prefix and the general fixation of some verbs with the PRE for religious discourse, a working hypothesis is formulated that the verbs with PRE-implemented in the churchtheological sphere of functioning, as well as in other functional areas, which are characterized by the use in accordance with subjects of texts of units with prospective semantics. An analysis of the contexts with the verb predvidet’ (to foresee) (against the background of contexts with videt’ (to see) partially confirmed the hypothesis put forward, demonstrating the predominant use of the prefix verb in the texts of educational, scientific, artistic and journalistic functional areas with the themes “Politics and Public Life”, “Science and Technology”, “Art and Culture” and a small percentage of the implementation of the verb in the church-theological sphere. Conclusion. Due to the data from the Russian National Corpus we could identify a range of discursive implementations of the verb with the prefix PRED- at the present stage, confirm the presence of a certain correlations between the prefix meaning, the functional sphere and subject of the text in which the prefix verb is implemented. Also it helps as to demonstrate the necessity for further study of the functional features of Russian verbal prefixes on the material of the corpus data. Keywords: Russian verbal prefixes, prefix pred-, prospective meaning, Russian National Corpus, sphere of functioning | 981 | |||||
6000 | The article presents the analysis of the role of technoscience in social and cultural development of the regions of Russia. In the focus of research interest of the authors was a situation, which developed in Tomsk and Tomsk Region. The authors come to the conclusion that in Russia there are special social and economic circumstances. Within this framework the potential of interaction of a scientific and educational complex and production is not up to the end involved. Therefore, even in regions of Russia, rather safe from the innovative point of view, such as Tomsk region, carrying out modernization demands the solution of many fundamental problems. But to make it is rather problematic, guided by the developed stereotypes of a public behavior and communication. Keywords: technoscience, modernization, social and cultural factors, regions of Russia, economic conditions, innovations | 980 |