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951 | In the article on the basis of long-term researches the data about the role of fresh-water molluscs in food of fishes in the reservoirs of Siberia is generalized. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of food Coregonus, Acipenser and some Cyprinidae fishes from the pools of the rivers Ob, Enisei, Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma and from the reservoirs of peninsulas Yamals, Gydansky and Tajmyrsky are given. Keywords: Molluscs, Coregonus, Acipenser, occurrence, food, Ob, Enisei, Tajmyr, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, Subarctic region, Arctic regions | 1289 | |||||
952 | The article describes D. I. Mendeleev's views on the problem of pedagogical education in Russia at the end of the XIXth century. D. I. Mendeleev paid special attention to the education structure and content, also to teachers' preparedness and evaluation of pedagogical labour Keywords: pedagogical education, education structure and content, education succession, evaluation of pedagogical labour | 1289 | |||||
953 | The article accounts for the choice of research subject with the reference to the works of Russian and foreign scientists and it highlights the results of the conducted research. It explains the process of disturbed social cognition in schizophrenia patients and shows how social cognition impairment can result in social functioning defi cits. Keywords: social cognition, impairment in social cognition, schizophrenia, positive and negative symptoms, social anhedonia, social functioning, reduction in social functioning | 1289 | |||||
954 | The article covers the issues of working group formation in the modern preschool education system. The attribution of individuals to the category of the “group” in the light of the theory of transition is analysed. The contents of such categories as “working group” and “working group of teachers” is revealed. The author studies the peculiarities of the municipal working group teachers’ activity in creation of the support system for children aged 1–3. The article presents the basic activities of the working group of specialists in various areas necessary for the organization of special support of young children in a separate municipal education system. The analysis of group behavior makes it possible to determine the characteristics of pedagogical activity of the working group, the effectiveness and potential of which depend on the selected criteria. The peculiar working group features are supported by specific content of the municipal group activity. Keywords: working group, early childhood, teaching activities, syncretic phenomena, municipal education | 1289 | |||||
955 | Nowadays thousands of students in Russia get a diploma of medical higher schools every year and hundreds of studies are made in the scientific research medical centers. Most of the graduates will engage only in curative activity and while making clinical decisions must follow not only pathogenesis knowledge, but also skills of using scientific information, published in peer-reviewed medical editions, in their medical practice. Another category of graduates besides medical activity will also engage in scientific research activity, take part in clinical research. They also are to be able to analyse scientific literature and official statistical reviews, to know main principles of planning, to know how to plan and to conduct medical research, to be efficient in applying methods of statistical data manipulation, to be able to interpret and to present in public the results of their research. The graduates engaged in medical or research activities shall have the research competence to solve the professional problems and tasks they’re facing. The article shows the analysis of the “research competence” concept, the determination of “research competence of the doctor” and presents the need of it forming while studying at medical higher school. Also, it proposes and describes structural components of the doctors’ research competence; it gives characteristic of levels of development of the competence. The article provides experts’ opinions on a number of issues related to the need for this competence for doctors, to the assessment of the process and the ways of its formation in higher medical education today. Keywords: doctors’ research competence, higher medical education, structure of competence, levels of development of competence | 1289 | |||||
956 | Mathematics is submultitude of Cultural World. Cultural World is subject-object variety of possessors of senses of material and spiritual activity of a man. The activity of sense-building itself and a man realizing it are elements of Cultural World and possessors of its culture and sense. Sense is a one-to-one correspondence between a multitudes of demands and possibilities which satisfy them. Mathematical vision of sense-obtaining process gives a chance to build the trajectory of sense as godograph of its radius-vector. Mathematical culture have the trajectory of sense reflecting sense of mathematical education and philosophy of mathematics. | 1288 | |||||
957 | The present article is based on the materials of PR-education committee report “Port of Entry”. British-American origin of PR, tendency towards globalization and fusion in educational sphere, appearance of PR-specialty almost in 200 universities of Russia make it important to introduce the basic issues of the report to the native lecturers. This article reproduces the opinion of American colleagues on PR-education in the USA at the end of the 20th Century and on it’s development in the 21st Century | 1288 | |||||
958 | This article deals with the English adverbs formed with the help of the suffixes -ward(s), -wise which are deprived of special semantics. The etymology, productivity and ability of these suffixes to create occasional adverbs with the meaning of the direction of movement in Modern English have been analyzed (data of English). Keywords: etymology, occasional adverbs, direction of movement, productivity, conversion | 1288 | |||||
959 | The article is devoted to an important topic organization of students’ independent work. Focuses on the use of modern information technologies, especially networking, in students’ independent work. Keywords: extracurricular independent work, reference work, information technology, mind maps, wiki-technology | 1288 | |||||
960 | Bilingualism is a multifold complex problem, that is why, it is a subject matter for the whole range of sciences. Bilingualism is a subject of special interest for speech therapy, because it causes appearance of lasting specific speech mistakes. Keywords: bilingualism, speech mistakes | 1288 | |||||
961 | The article is devoted to slang units as a component of one of the sub-strata, which are present in every national language and comprehended by linguists at the level of the language system, and from the point of view of the functioning within certain areas of interpersonal and social communication. The subject of the study is the jargon, manifesting the specifics of the speech activity of the Chinese youth. The linguocultural angle of attention allows to explore the extra-literary lexicon of this category with the reference to manifestations of national culture. Substantiates the definition of jargon as linguocultural units that represent the specificity of a particular linguistic culture primarily in the context of intercultural interaction. It is noted that the study of certain strata of vocabulary as linguistic markers of national culture is relevant today in the context of the observed expansion of international relations and multicultural space communications, as well as the entry of humanity in the era of globalization and widespread information. The system of Chinese youth slang is traditionally exposed to the sublanguage differing stylistic markedness in relation to the literary norm. The use of slang words and expressions in China is characterized by centuries-old tradition, which in the light of their study in the aspect linguocultural mainstream is defined as one of the most important tasks of linguists. Keywords: slang, youth slang, jargon, linguistic culture, cultural linguistics, jargon as the linguocultural unit, Chinese | 1288 | |||||
962 | The article reveals the multifaceted activity of I. S. Turgenev as a Russian European, which is considered from different positions: biographical, social, political, philosophical, cultural. The Aim of the paper is to interpret the Genesis of the concept of “Russian European” and its existence in Russian culture; to study the role of the writer in the Russian-European cultural transfer with the involvement of his biography, social, translation activities and artistic creativity. Material and methods. The research methodology was carried out through the use of an integrated approach to the analysis of socio-cultural phenomena and was provided by a system of methods: biographical, historical and literary, historical and functional, cultural,historical and comparative typological. Results and discussion. A systematic approach to the consideration of the stated problem allowed us to study it in synchrony and diachrony, using the principles of dialogicality, discursivity and contextuality. The article presents Turgenev’s long way from the Westerner to the Russian European. His first attempt to make inroads into European society was not quite successful and brought him disappointment. On the contrary, his translation work was successful in order to promote Russian literature in France. And only after the publication of The Hunting Sketches and the novel Rudin in French and German Turgenev becomes famous in the West. The writer’s participation in the dinners of “booed playwrights” was an acknowledgment of his “Russianness” and “Europeanism” at the same time: he organically joined the circle of the French literary elite, while maintaining his special position due to the Russian mentality. Gradually Turgenev becomes more and more close, “his” both for Flaubert and for the generation of “children” (E. Zolà, A. Daudet, G. de Maupassant), who saw him as a friend, literary mentor, even a teacher. The final part of the study presents an analysis of Turgenev’s literary works in connection with the consideration of the typology of characters, correlated with the concept of “Westerners” and “Russian European” (the story Asya, the novel Rudin, On the Eve, Smoke). Results and discussion. The material of the article can be used in the activities of scientists (philologists and culturologists), teachers and school teachers to expand the understanding of the Russian writer and his contribution to the interaction of interpenetration and mutual enrichment of the two cultures – Russia and Europe. Conclusion. Turgenev is a classic Russian European: he combines all his activities and works of two cultures, seeks to include Russia in the European family, and on the other hand, contributes to the familiarization of Europe with the achievements of national culture. Keywords: I. S. Turgenev, Westerner, Russian European, intercultural transfer, translation and social activities, French writers, art, types of Russian Europeans | 1288 | |||||
963 | Introduction. The actual problem of realization of pedagogical potential of animation in education of preschool and primary school age children is investigated. The article presents the stages of development of children’s animation, domestic and foreign experience of using animation in educational practice with pre-school and primary schoolchildren, the problems of influence of animation on children, the prospects of development of pedagogical potential of animation in teaching children at the level of pre-school and primary general education. Material and methods. The materials for the research were domestic and foreign scientific sources, which contain information about the formation of animation as a kind of film art and as an educational technology, the results of the study of the problem of applying animation in educational, educational and correctional development work with children of preschool and primary school age. The following methods were used: retrospective, comparative analysis, content analysis, analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience, and classification. Purpose: to conduct a theoretical study of the implementation of the pedagogical potential of animation in the education of children of preschool and primary school age. Results and discussion. The application of animation in education is connected with the evolution of its figurative means (movement, time, space, color, graphics, etc.), in accordance with this, two main stages can be distinguished: the first – classical (pre-computer) and the second – modern (using computer technologies). The first stage is the formation of animation as a kind of film art, in educational practice used cartoons created on the basis of folk and author’s tales, fables, children’s literary works, as well as cartoons with a pronounced cognitive and didactic content. The second stage in the development of children’s animation involves the use of computer technology. The pedagogical potential of computer animation lies in the visualization and impact of expressive means of animation on the perception of educational material and interactivity. The main directions of animation application in education were formed: education, training, creative activity, correction, rehabilitation. Nowadays, educational animation represents a generalizing name of a group of technologies united by the use of animation as an educational tool and contributing to the achievement of educational results (personal, metaproject, subject). At the same time, there are problems with the impact of modern animated products on children. Cartoons with negative content (scenes of murder, violence, etc.) lead to changes in the behavior of the child, there is aggression, rudeness, cruelty, selfishness. The priority task is to develop educational content using the modern potential of animation for learning, developing communication, socialization, media and media culture skills in children and adolescents. Conclusion. The prospects for developing the pedagogical potential of children’s animation are to create a holistic integrated system of developing education at the level of preschool and primary general education using animation as an educational tool. Keywords: animation, pre-school and primary school age children, pedagogical capacity, computer technology | 1288 | |||||
964 | Adolescence crisis (pubertal period) in school education practice is synchronised with the transition from the primary stage of education to the secondary one. Which is perceived by schoolchildren as a stressful process. This complex creates a very unfavourable back-ground for the further formation and development of teenager’s personalities and can provoke different complications, including psychological deviations. Studies of this problem made it possible to separately assess this crises on pact as well as on complex. Experiments’ results allowed to distinguish four system factors that characterise endogenic (genetic) causes as well as the role of pubertal and school crises and their synchronisation in the processes of adaptation and deadaptation at this age. | 1287 | |||||
965 | Honesty, Openness, Unselfishness, Love, – at the individual, interpersonal and international levels – are the principles, which allow to establish peaceful inter-group communication and to resolve the conflicts, which are making a significant impact on peoples’ lives. The morals is the ground for all kind of human activities, and there must be little doubt that our future itself depends on the level of each person’s adherence to moral principles. As numerous historical examples show, an armed solution to the conflict can only put an end to the violent phase of conflicts but not to resolve them. This is especially clear when we examine the cases of ethnic and gender conflicts. The cardinal change of psychological and moral atmosphere, the formation of principles of global ethics in the system of interstate and interpersonal relations should facilitate the achievement of the final goal of the elimination of such conflicts. The global ethics are based on the idea that our future safety depends on the changes in human culture. However, the modern state of human culture can be determined as one in a deep crisis, and this crisis is first of all a moral one. This observation is of the major global ethics’ humanitarian value. | 1287 | |||||
966 | The author proved that the activity approach known as a system activity approach, i.e. system of composite activity, was proposed by E.G. Yudin. The author evokes a memory about E.G. Yudin who could unite many investigators for a composite work and was a leader of many scientific efforts which would have been impossible in philosophy without his ideas and enthusiasm Keywords: recollections about E.G. Yudin, activity approach, system-activity approach, system of collective activity | 1287 | |||||
967 | The article represents some items of teaching process efficiency theory, complex model of teaching process efficiency improving for students of technical colleges and institutes of higher education and the results of its approbation. Keywords: Pedagogical conditions of using automatic means of students’ cognoscible activities | 1287 | |||||
968 | In article results of research of features of development of the cognitive sphere at children of the senior preschool age spent during 2005/2007 in children's preschool establishments of Borisoglebsk – a nursery school №11 and Out-of-School work Center contain. The problems investigated in the research are directly connected with the improvement of the preschool preparatory process of teaching at children of the senior preschool age Keywords: intellect cognitive sphere, gifts | 1287 | |||||
969 | In this paper a synergetic conception of the interdisciplinary course, involving subdivisions in physics, culture, language study and philosophy, is presented. Requirements to the properties of complicated open systems, which are able to self-organization, have been formulated, including the requirements to the system «language and culture». An approximate program for such kind of course has been proposed. Keywords: interdisciplinary, synergetic, culture, language, education | 1287 | |||||
970 | The article reveals the sense of the concept «the Russian antiquity», its role in history of native literature. It also consideres the basic stages of its development in the Russian literature. The special attention is paid to the methods of adopting the antique images, motives, plots in the works of the XIX–XX centuries. Keywords: history of Russian culture, antiquity, methodology | 1287 | |||||
971 | The article is devoted to the analysis of special museum-pedagogical literature as a new type of publication among a wide range of museum editions which had appeared in Russia in 1990ies. The article reveals specific theme of museum-pedagogical publications, investigates dynamics of publication activity of museums, defines the centers of publication activity in Russia. Keywords: museum-pedagogical editions, dynamics of publications, center of publication activity | 1287 | |||||
972 | In the article general characteristics and problems of innovations are considered, the term “innovationо is comprehended, the borders of use of categories “innovation”, “novation”, “new subject” are designated. Keywords: innovation, pedagogical innovations, innovations in education, educational innovations | 1287 | |||||
973 | The author makes an attempt to make a share of contribution to the research of the pivotal component of the problem of civic population evacuation – the evacuation of population from Stalingrad and the accommodation of the evacuees at the Siberian land. The article shows the peculiarities and hardships of the situation of the city of Stalingrad, which became the centre of evacuation processes in the South of the country due to its geographical and economical situation, transport development. The paper gives the analysis of the reasons for the belatedness of the mass evacuation held in the city, evacuation of the highly qualified cadres and their families, the ways of solving complex problems of accommodation of the arrivals form Stalingrad in Siberia. The paper makes a special emphasis on the issue as the specialists from Stalingrad arrived in order to build the large plant Transmash, which was to produce diesel engines for tanks, the production of which had been terminated at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. The papers shows the system of measures undertaken for solving this accommodation problem, highlights that it required the development of the special plan, creation of staging points, organizations of food, medical and social services, mobilization of transport organizations. In spite of many hardships the task of providing the arrived people and their families with living accommodations was solved. Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, Stalingrad, Barnaul, evacuation, Krasnyy oktyabr’ (Red October), Barrikady (Barricades), Traktornyy zavod (Tractor Plant), Transmash | 1287 | |||||
974 | The author investigates philosophical poetics as the model of the tradition of hermeneutics and phenomenology. The article shows that the conception of mythos in the poetics of Aristoteles includs the ethical (katharsis) and existential (tragedy) aspects of the poetical understanding. The author notices the similar structure in the understanding of existential phenomenology. However the event of understanding includs as well the being to the death here. According to the author it is the base of the philosophical poetics. In this way the author interprets the whole philosophy of hermeneutics, phenomenology and existentialism. | 1286 | |||||
975 | The article considers and gives the analysis of «loyally» as one of the central concepts arising in interaction cf the man and organization. The concepts «social position» and «attitude» as basic definitions in relation to concept «loyalty» are allocated. The definition cf loyalty as social - psychological state is given. The factors determining loyalty of the man in a society are considered, the conceptual model of loyalty is constructed. The author makes the conclusion, loyalty acts as a multiparametrical multilevel and an integral psychological phenomenon, which can be studied only t trough revealing of interrelation of the sum-total of influencing it factors and indicators of the state describing sufficiently enough its empirical manifestations. | 1286 | |||||
976 | Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were explored in task of production of time intervals. Subjects were presented with digits (1, 3, 4, 5) of different colours on the monitor. On the first series (A) all digits corresponded to time intervals, which were to be produced by double pressing a key «space». On the second series (B) red digits corresponded to time intervals, which subject should produce by double pressing a key «space». Blue digits corresponded to number of key presses, which subject should make. Digits of other colours must be ignored. We found early differences of ERPs to stimuli of different colours only when colour of stimulus had signal significance. The found differences between the ERPs on production of time intervals and those on performance of the competing task in the piece of 350–500 ms from the visual stimulus onset, are related to the analysis of signal significance of stimulus and the choice of a motor program. The most probable correlate of accessing long-term memory for extraction of the subjective standard of time in the presence of the competing task of similar complexity is the negative component appearing at 250–150 ms before production of time interval. It is established, that the source of this component is in the parietal part of cingulated gyros of the right hemisphere. | 1286 | |||||
977 | In this article one of the important problems of school education – formation of cognitive motives is touched upon. For more profound understanding of the problem new details are given to the definition of the motive. All categoriesof the motives are described in the article. Conditions and factors of formation of the motives are marked as an essential point of the problem. | 1286 | |||||
978 | In the article the author analyses the role of victim in the criminal law, possibility to consider the victim as the subject of legal relationship in the criminal law. | 1286 | |||||
979 | Rogover E. S. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 156-157 - | 1286 | |||||
980 | The article considers the peculiarities of formation of the system of investments into environment protection and the solution of regional economic tasks in HMD. It also makes the analysis of economic stimulation of the optimal nature development via the system of positive and negative motivation methods | 1286 | |||||
981 | The article formulates theoretical grounds of ethnocultural education development. The conceptual basis of ethnocultural education is considered in the categories “ethnicity - nation”; “culture – upbringing - education”. Enthnopedagogy is represented as mechanisms of national self-consciousness formation. The article analyzes the condition and changes in ethnocultural education in the north of Tomsk region. Keywords: ethnicity, nation, traditions, culture, upbringing, education | 1286 | |||||
982 | In the article on the basis of the poetic works of symbolists K. D. Balmont, V. Y. Bryusov and Z. N. Gippius it is defined status of the lexical repetition from the position of the theory of regulativity Keywords: lexical repetition, theory of regulativity, poetic discourse, regulative chains, lexical regulative structures, based on the principle of syntactical parallelism, principle of regulativity | 1286 | |||||
983 | The article deals with the ways of the author premises verbalization to create the foreign ergonyms. Relation of the information potential of foreign ergonyms with the author intention and their representation means is revealed. Foreign ergonyms classification from the viewpoint of semantic transparency is suggested. Keywords: ergonyms, information potential, author premises, communicative intensions of the author, ways to verbalize the author premises | 1286 | |||||
984 | The realization process of the competent approach through studying an elective discipline promoting the competences formation that is necessary for successful professional activity of a specialist of physical training and sport with the use of credit technology and contextual studying is examined. Keywords: competent approach, professional competence, credit studding system, contextual studding, electivity | 1286 | |||||
985 | This article is devoted to the analysis of interactive methods of training and their opportunities in the context of students’ professional competences development. The author characterizes and describes the functions of the main interactive teaching methods, substantiates the need for their implementation in the university, as well as analyzed methods of carrying out interactive lectures, case technologies, business games, brainstorming and also the possibility of using the educational technology “Portfolio”. Using these methods the author proposes to solve such problems as motivation for learning, optimal mastering of educational material, teaching to teamwork, to tolerance to others‘ point of view. According to the author, they allow students to move from passive learning to mastering competencies in situations of professional activity, which undoubtedly improves the quality of student preparation. The article examines the influence of the specified methods and technologies on future professional activity of students. The aim of the article is to consider the methodological and organizational features of interactive training methods implementation in educational process of future teachers and influence of the specified methods and technologies on future professional activity of students. The basis of the research is formed by personal and activity and competence-based approaches to training. The analysis of interactive teaching methods, their interpretation and processing for use in the educational process of vocational education institutions was carried out. Keywords: interactive methods of training, development, professional tasks, inclusion in activity, portfolio, case technology, business games, brainstorming | 1286 | |||||
986 | The present paper offers an analysis of the draft variants of the play, in particular the first variant and materials attached. Using the working materials the author tries to restore the essence of problems the writer was dealing with during the last years of his life. She is tracing the transformation of motives clarifying the conception of the play. | 1285 | |||||
987 | The article presents the sight on a modern elementary school from the concept of pedagogics of joint activity and generalizes the author's experience of work with the teach¬ers of elementary school of joint activity. The author opens the educational contents of joint activity, different types of joint action (closed, inverted, open) and their communica-tion with the different contents of education. The assump¬tion of the author of interaction of quality of joint activity with the different contents of education proves to be true by ex¬perimental results received at school of joint activity. The article submits the diagnostic techniques of the analysis of quality of joint activity and results of this diagnostics. Keywords: - | 1285 | |||||
988 | The research of features of fluorescence of dispersed photosphors in conducted on the basis of organic and inorganic connections of a europium and polymer films with their components at excitation of solar radiation. The excitation of luminescence of phosphors by UV radiation of the sun does not change spectral content of luminescence radiation. For number of photophosphors on the basis of ocsysulfide of yttrium, activated with europium watches change of intensity of minor bands in luminescent spectrum concerning the principal band, that it is necessary to allow for consideration of photophysical characteristics of corrective light films with their components. The obtained data allow to conduct calculation of intensity of luminescence radiation under corrective light films with allowance for its spectral content | 1285 | |||||
989 | This article is devoted to the most important and actual problem as the development of village schools with limited number of pupils. The solution of nowadays problems depends on modernization of the village schools, municipal and regional educational systems. These problems are connected with the beginning of finance according to the number of pupils, branch payment, implementation of pre-schooling education, profile learning, etc. The main way of the development of NLVS (Number Limited Village Schools) is the staff (teachers who work with pupils of such schools). The article gives the analyses of the staff resource (in the Tomsk region), highlights the main contradictions of teaching skills development, and points out the conditions necessary for pedagogical competence. The authors offer the description of the concrete experimental action and the results of the competence development in such groups of specialists. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1285 | |||||
990 | On materials of the reports seen by military censors of the Omsk military-clearance commission, the evolution of views of the West Siberian townspeople and prisoners of war on revolutionary events in Russia during the period from March till October 1917 is traced. Thereat, the main attention is given to the analysis of perception by townspeople of the found civil freedom, to their feelings and the experiences connected with changes in city daily occurrence during a revolutionary epoch. Keywords: revolution, freedom, townspeople, prisoners of war, West Siberia, daily occurrence | 1285 | |||||
991 | The fundamental scientific principles and practice of psychological help to children with features of mental development in special education. Keywords: psychological support, disabled, child, family, education, child-parent relations, compensation and effectiveness. | 1285 | |||||
992 | Nowadays, according to the economic growth and work performance growth, a request for qualification of labor class becomes stricter. Due to this fact the requirements for professional and applied fitness trainings for employees change. Job analysis, which reveals a list of physical qualities for potential railway employees were represented. Methods and means for physical trainings, which were introduced into curriculum, were suggested. Special tests indicating the level of professional and applied fitness trainings and required physical qualities for railway students were elaborated and implemented. Keywords: professional and applied fitness trainings for students, professional fitness, professional activity, physical fitness for railway employees, tests, job analysis | 1285 | |||||
993 | The article deals with informational waves as a new notion of up-to-date informational and media paradigm. We picked out some types of informational waves, such as strong and weak in accordance with degree and force of influence on society; long and short according to duration of social interest to informational occasion, which stimulates informational waves. In accordance with form and character of informational waves’ spreading (peculiarities of their components’ realization in global communicative sphere) we distinguish such types of informational waves as cumulative resonance; cascade; funnel; prism. We described peculiarities of every type. The suggested author’s theory of informational waves reflects existing system of communication in media sphere, defines up-to-date period of media existence; explains objective laws of the existence of information events; reflects that mass media and Internet as a channel and field of communication influence person’s mind and society. Keywords: media discourse, informational waves, informational echo, types of informational waves | 1285 | |||||
994 | The article examines teaching methods aimed at developing students’ intercultural communicative competence whilst studying interpretation using collaborative activity pedagogy developed by G. N. Prozumentova. A special attention is paid to description of three collaborative activity organization models (authoritative, leadership, partnership). Authoritative model corresponds to closed collaborative activity which depends solely on the educator without any go-aheadedness of the learner; leadership model corresponds to “adressed” collaborative activity which implies a certain dialog between the educator and the learner, thus a certain independence of the learner; partnership model is associated with open collaborative activity involving a full-scale dialog between two equal partners - the learner and the educator. The partnership model is presumed as the most effective way of forming students’ intercultural communicative competence since it allows the partners to develop their own meanings, to grow personally and to encourage mutual personal enrichment. The educational experiment designed to develop intercultural communicative competence included different types of translation and interpretation exercices. These learning tasks were classified as either reproductive, constructive or creative which corresponds to three collaborative activity model types. The research has proved that the co-organisation of all three models with an emphasis laid to open (partnership) model has found to be the most effective way of developing students’ intercultural communicative competence as well as their interpretation skills. Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, interpretation, translation, translation pedagogy, collaborative activity pedagogy, collaborative activity model | 1285 | |||||
995 | The article opens potential opportunities of inclusion of interactive technologies in educational process of students with disabilities in the conditions of inclusive approach. Today an important role in the system of teaching pupils with disabilities is given to the interactive pedagogical technologies, the implementation of which is provided by a provision of the Federal state educational standard. The main benefit of interactive technologies is availability of productive stimulants of cognitive and motivational interest of the students including belonging to the designated category. The greatest productivity and educational effects at different education levels of students of this category has the technology of interactive educational quest game, characterized by the high methodical and adaptation potential which allows children with disabilities to be included in educational process. As linguo-didactic material is provided the fragment of tasks of the telecommunication project quest game “A travel around the country of the Russian language”, adapted for the pupils with disabilities of the 5–7th classes. The article provides the allocated and tested in practice stages and the compulsory provisions of the organization of the work on quests at the Russian language classes for the specified category of students are also provided. Keywords: interactive forms of learning, class activities, inclusive education, students with disabilities, methods of teaching Russian, quest game, Federal State Educational Standard | 1285 | |||||
996 | The use of situational problems in the study of methods of teaching chemistry at a pedagogical university is described, and their significance in training of students for professional activity is characterized. The definition and the structure of the situational task is given, its components are singled out. Specific features of differentiated questions to the texts of situational tasks and their use in the training process is described, the character of the cognitive activity of the students when performing different tasks are singled out, specific examples of tasks are given. The availability of the content of the tasks for students, the features of the choice of differentiated tasks, the conditions for their fulfillment, as well as the students’ interest in creative cognitive activity are revealed on the basis of the questionnaire. The tasks of the first level are aimed at reproduction of theoretical knowledge, in the process of their implementation, the reproductive nature of students’ activity prevails.. These tasks are used to repeat theoretical material in practical exercises, seminars or remotely. They contribute to the formation of practical skills and the skills in drawing up summaries of lessons and didactic materials. Tasks of the second level of complexity allow you to integrate materials from different educational areas, which are necessary to solve certain situations. When performing such tasks, the partial search character of students’ cognitive activity predominates and practical skills and skills in developing and compiling methodological materials are improved. Tasks of the third level of complexity develop the ability to analyze information, generalize and systematize it, draw conclusions based on the initial data and justify them. At the same time, there is a deepening and further development of the skills in developing didactic materials, taking into account modern requirements for school chemical education. When performing such tasks, the search activity, creative and authorial approach dominates and the originality in their solution is manifested. Keywords: competence approach, methods of chemistry teaching, situational task, task structure, questions of the first, second and third levels of complexity to the content of the situational tasks, specific features of differentiated tasks, questioning of students | 1285 | |||||
997 | We show here how it is possible to build a OFT on the horizon of a Schwarzschild-like spacetime That theory, found by restricting bulk quantum fields on the horizon, is equivalent to GFT on the bulk. That fact is called Holography. Moreover the hidden conformal symmetry (SL(2, R)) found for the bulk theory becomes manifest on the horizon in terms of some of its diffeomorphisms. Then the extension of group of the generator of that symmetry to the Virasoro algebra is discussed. | 1284 | |||||
998 | The article reviews Russian and foreign concepts of translation competence, including the most detailed PACTE model; compares translation evaluation vs. translation competence assessment. It also states the difference between approaches to assessing translation made by students against translation made by professional translators, as well as points out particular features of translation competence assessment for teaching purposes. Keywords: translation competence, translation evaluation, student translation, professional translation, translation competence assessment | 1284 | |||||
999 | The paper deals with a psychological mechanism of stereotypes formation. The author studies influence of the stereotypes on cross-cultural communication, specifies interpretation of the stereotypes in regard to the US and Russian business cultures, analyzes functions of the stereotypes which are of paramount importance for cross-cultural communication. The author classifies stereotypes on the US and Russian business cultures. This classification is considered to be helpful for eliminating cultural shock when one encounters a foreign culture. Keywords: stereotype, cross-cultural communication, psychological mechanism, business culture, communicative strategy, cultural shock | 1284 | |||||
1000 | Taking into consideration the analysis of the models of teaching children of different ages some ways of organization of education process at ungraded schools are suggested in this article. Keywords: different-age teaching, ungraded school, content of education. | 1284 |