# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1601 | Two tasks of innovation management require its methodological solution. Those tasks are effective selection of asymptotical target and management of generation of unexampled innovations. Methodological strategies of solving these tasks can be put as dilemma. Constructive solution of this dilemma is based at “Semiotic Attractor” conception. The concept became a synthesis of the philosophy of process, results of methodological research related to information phenomenon as a process and results of fundamental research of non-linear dynamics and semiotics. The concept expresses conditions of organization of states meeting nature of managed system's attractors. This “Semiotic Attractor” is realized as an occasion – occasion of random selection and occasion of unexampled innovation's generation. Organization of conditions leading to occurrence of similar occasions is relevant to solution of innovations management tasks. Solution was obtained on basis of four interdependent conditions: 1) innovations management is management of targets; 2) phase states of targeted situations set by semiotic means exclusively; 3) information mechanisms of self-organization require intermediary situation to be formed which should be dependent on asymptotical target; 4) verbalization of asymptotical target should represent current intermediate situation. The latter does not mean concealment of final targets but meet requirement for future should be open for the future innovations. Selection of final target is a choice between aspirations of altruism, perfectionism, hedonism or utilitarianism. Keywords: “semiotic attractor”, “revolution in symbolism”, nonlinear dynamics, occasion, characteristics of information, model of semiotic dynamics | 1218 | |||||
1602 | The term “edutainment” is formed from two English words: “entertainment” and “education” and combines entertainment and learning. We understand edutainment as a special education technology, viewed as a complex of modern technical and didactic means of teaching, based on the concept of learning through entertainment. The main difference between edutainment and the modern paradigm of learning is that the subject is actively involved in the educational process. As a result of interaction between an informative and entertaining object and active in learning subject we obtain knowledge, abilities, skills, individual experience, subjective emotions. Edutainment technology tasks have to meet three pedagogical principles: the principle of theory with practice linking, the principle of consistency and the principle of accessibility. Edutainment technology has great potential in the organization of the learning process at the University. It is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between education and entertainment. Tasks created to promote the interest, need to be balanced with activities to improve intelligence. Keywords: technology, edutainment, active learning, subject-subject communication, didactic and technical educational means, educational environment of the university | 1218 | |||||
1603 | The article devotes to analysis of the reasons of deep differences between two cultures: West and East. The author points out that the main reason of this fact is in accepting rather different board evidences by people as a root of their life. Western man accepts a possibility of his ratio, intellect as a such base, but Eastern man trust only to super consciousness essens as a base of hole Uni¬verse and his life, which can be achieved (precipitated) by meant of conjunction (in meditation) of individual «I» and Cosmic consciousness. Thus there is a difference in the attitude to life and death, manner of philosophy work, sys¬tems of proving, an in all culture in whole. | 1217 | |||||
1604 | In this paper we show that the entropy of a cosmoiogical horizon in topological Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter and Kerr-Newman-de Sitter spaces can be described by the Cardy-Verlinde formula, which is supposed to be an entropy formula of conformal field theory in any number of dimension. Furthermore, we find that the entropy of a black hole horizon can also be rewritten in terms of the Cardy-Vertinde formula for these black holes in de Sitter spaces, if we use the definition due to Abbott and Deser for conserved charges in asymptotically de Sitter spaces. Such result presume a weli-defined dS/CFT correspondence, which has not yet attained the credibility of its AdS analogue. | 1217 | |||||
1605 | Motivated by the dark energy issue, the minisuperspace approach for general relativistic cosmologicai theories is outlined. | 1217 | |||||
1606 | This article is devoted to the formation personality's humanistic orientations. The article presents the model and structure of process of formation humanistic values. | 1217 | |||||
1607 | The article considers genesis of Russian pilgrim tradition and gradual formation of national geography of Holy sites. The analysis of literary reflexion of these processes offered by the author in works of the religious writer A. N. Muravjev allows to describe semiotics aspect of sacral geography of Russia and shows a technique of interpretation of the spatial organization of literary works with religious artistry modus. Keywords: the pilgrimage, Russian literature, the art space, the semiotics, the literature of travel | 1217 | |||||
1608 | The article presents an analysis of the overt means used to mark the meaning of definiteness of the gothic abstact nouns. There are two types of definiteness: individualizing and anaphoric ones. Each of them has its own means of expression. It also presents the gothic stem-building suffix -ein- as an original marker of the individualizing type of definiteness. Keywords: gothic abstract nouns, definiteness, definite article, stem-building suffix | 1217 | |||||
1609 | The article deals with historical and pedagogical models of rural ungraded schools, preconditions for their planning at the present stage. It describes two basic models of the modern rural schools of this type. Keywords: historical and pedagogical models of rural ungraded schools, preconditions, different-age school models. | 1217 | |||||
1610 | The author considers the typical approaches of teaching of painting in various schools of architecture and design within the limits of the undergraduate degree. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of teaching painting at the initial (propaedeutic) grade level. In the article some methods of training at the course of painting within the limits of the propaedeutic approach, developed by the author on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the scientific and special literature, and the results of experimental studies is described. Keywords: Bachelor, propaedeutics, painting, teaching methods | 1217 | |||||
1611 | The article is of theoretical nature and it includes the original definition and systematization of the elements that make up the culture of human health. There were disclosed health risks in the disharmony in the triune personality of human nature: body, emotions and mind. Moreover, the importance of introducing the concept of “culture of health” as the science of the laws of the formation and preservation of health in the educational environment of the university. Keywords: scientific terminology, definition, health, culture health, components culture health | 1217 | |||||
1612 | The article deals with psychological content of professional activity of the specialists in the Pension fund of Russian Federation. It also reveals characteristic features activity and features of the working position of specialists in the Pension fund. There were analysed main requirements to the specialist as to the personality and the subject of work. Keywords: professional activity, psychological analysis of professional activity, working position, specialists in the Pension fund of the Russian Federation | 1217 | |||||
1613 | The article deals with strategic guidelines of professional mobility formation of technical university students, due to ongoing changes in economy, development of new technologies, changes in the employment structure. Problems of professional mobility formation in the historical respect are regarded; promising targets for its development are identified. Keywords: professional mobility, humanization, personality, competence, continuing education, Bologna process | 1217 | |||||
1614 | The article reviews translation revision studies attempted both in Russia and abroad, in order to prove the necessity of establishing theoretical and methodological basis for this field of activity. The authors consider the notion of revision, define its status in translation teaching, analyse methods of revision and self-revision and prove it necessary to include revision as an independent activity into translators training program in higher educational establishments. Keywords: self-revision, revision, translation quality, translators training, translation | 1217 | |||||
1615 | The article examines the semantics and the function of the image of “strange family” in the Dostoevsky`s poetic language. It`s considered the characteristics and the typological species of “strange family” on the material of the tale “Netochka Nezvanova”. The paper reveals three variants of traditional family breakdown, which were described by Dostoevsky. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, poetics, “Netochka Nezvanova”, “strange family” | 1217 | |||||
1616 | The article is devoted to the research of features of professional education of legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation. Discusses general issues of formation of legal consciousness as a form of social consciousness and the specific features of the education of the professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future officers, whose professional activity is closely linked with law and order, indicates that cadets of higher education institutions of national guard troops of the Russian Federation are carriers of specific professional legal consciousness, represented by a set of legal knowledge generated values and due to the specific military service personal and professional experience. The process of education of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future advocates and enforcers, is considered in indissoluble communication with their legal education and legal culture. Examines pedagogical and educational conditions for the formation of a high level of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation in the personality-oriented education model and principles of competence approach in education. Keywords: legal consciousness, professional legal consciousness, peculiarities of cadets’ professional legal consciousness, legal education, legal culture, personality-oriented model of education, competence approach | 1217 | |||||
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1618 | In the article the analysis of functioning of Tomsk Teachers' Institute during the period of the World War I is presented made on the basis of archives documents. The main problems of organization of the learning process in the Institute under the conditions of war times are disclosed. The changes in the faculty staff, students' structure, peculiarities of job placement of graduates are examined as well as the situation of military mobilization of students in the period viewed. | 1216 | |||||
1619 | An alternative kind of deleting/erasing operation is Introduced which differs from the commonly used controlled-not (C-not) conditional logica1 operation - to flip io a standard, 'zero' value the (classical or quantum) state of the last copy in a chain, in a deletion process. It is completely reversible, in the classical case, possessing a most natural cloning operation counterpart. We call this deleting procedure R-deletion since, in a way, it can be viewed as a 'randomization' of the standard C-not operator. It has the remarkable property of by¬passing in a simple manner the 'impossibility of deletion of a quantum state' principle, put forward by Pati and Braunstein [1]. | 1216 | |||||
1620 | The article defines theoretical basis of the problem of developing communicative competence in continuous education (from pre-school up to postgraduate stage); gives brief analysis of research and experimental work, which has been carried out for a number of years at all stages of educational system (pre-school, comprehensive school, specialized secondary school, higher school) and among professionals; provides a brief description of the model for stage-by-stage development of communicative competence in the system of continuous education. | 1216 | |||||
1621 | The article considers the conditions and results of projective teaching in the system of secondary and higher education abroad and in Russia. The levels of projective competence application in education are pointed out. The authors show the necessity of working out of special educational programmes of teaching projecting in Higher Schools | 1216 | |||||
1622 | Prose of Maria Zhukova represents high quality fiction, which enriched Russian literature of 1830–1850 years by new collisions and plots, contributed to accumulation of psychological devices of picturing inner life of a person and especially woman. Her creative efforts contributed to entering the opinion about a woman as most sensitive spokesman of the epoch into social consciousness. Together with other talented representatives of “female” literature she contributed to changing of social opinion about role and purpose of a woman. Keywords: female prose, gender, fiction, literature process | 1216 | |||||
1623 | As a result of the realized researches from 2006 to 2009 and on the basis of the literary data in the pool Chulym river dwelling of 225 kinds of zooplankton is established. From this structure for the pool of the river Chulym (Tomsk region) 109 kinds is given for the first time, including for fauna of Russia – 7 kinds, and for Western Siberia – 11 kinds. Distribution and generality of specific structure of zooplankton in different types of reservoirs is considered. Keywords: Zooplankton, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda, distribution, specific generality, dwelling, types of reservoirs, habitat, genesis | 1216 | |||||
1624 | Scientific and pedagogic activity, providing development of resources of scientific potential, actively influences on the process of reforming of the education system. Results of generalization of research are submitted in the field of the education, executed in scientific schools of the Russian Federation for the period of 2001-2007. Results of generalization can form the basis of specification of actual directions of research and coordination of scientific and pedagogical activity. Keywords: education system, reforming, scientific and pedagogic activity, scientific - information and personnel resources, scientific potential, branches of sciences, specialties of pedagogies, dynamics (changes) and structure of research, tendencies, dissertation | 1216 | |||||
1625 | The article presents a description of training and methodological support and the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education to students competencies in the disciplines “Fundamentals of the welfare state” and “Corporate Social Responsibility.” Proposed guidelines for the teaching of these disciplines with the experience of educational programs at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: social responsibility, corporate social responsibility, educational program, training and methodological support, foundations of the welfare state | 1216 | |||||
1626 | The article discusses various approaches to define creativity. Criteria, technologies, principles and means of developing creativity are identified. The peculiarities of the development of creativity in the study of general physics course are mentioned. Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, developing of creativity | 1216 | |||||
1627 | The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the variants of decision of the problems of the legitimation and the delegitimation of the power in the narratives of the late Enlightenment. In the article there are revealed some common features and some peculiarities of the approach to this problem of the Russian authors (M. M. Shcherbatov and N. M. Karamzin) and their British colleagues (D. Hume, W. Robertson, E. Gibbon). Keywords: late Enlightenment, legitimation / delegitimation of the power, historiographical comparative research | 1216 | |||||
1628 | Numerical methods allow to circumvent the difficulties associated with lack of mathematical knowledge among the college students who are required to study physics. Using elementary numerical methods the models of various oscillating systems are built. A pendulum, a piston moving in a cylinder under the effect of pressure difference in a cylinder and a material point oscillating around the circumference under the action of elastic force, show a qualitatively different dependence between the amplitude and period of oscillations. Through the numerical solution of differential equations of the mathematical package MathCAD studied the motion of Kapitsa pendulum with a non-trivial restoring force. Construction of two - and three-dimensional graphs in MathCAD is applied to combine mutually perpendicular oscillations and obtaining Lissajous’s figures. Self-oscillating systems are presented in the form of models of the RC- oscillator with three-tier phase-shifting circuit negative feedback and the Wine’s oscillator. An example of relaxation oscillator is the model of the multivibrator on the dynistors. At the heart of a computer model of the generator on the tunnel diode is the use of current-voltage characteristics of N-type containing a section with negative resistance. The material may be used in the process of teaching physics at advanced level in secondary schools and junior courses of higher educational institutions. Keywords: computer model, nonlinear oscillations, Kapitsa pendulum, RC oscillator, multivibrator, Lissajous figures, tunnel diode | 1216 | |||||
1629 | You can compare how the thoughts about the public good are changing, if you consider theoretical constructions of different philosophers and the sociologists which represent systems of the relations between state and human society, developed in a certain social and economic, political and cultural contexts. These theoretical constructions (models) reflecting various scientists’ views on the problem of relationships between state and human society demand a substantiation – definition of certain norms (moral, legal, religious) on which these mutual relations are based on. The author makes an attempt to define internal logic of movement from one model to another and to find out, how changes in political and philosophical idea and moral philosophy are interconnected. | 1215 | |||||
1630 | In the article the following positions are stated. Urgency of studying and development of cognitive activity of teenagers at modern school. Substantiation of rationality of use of ecological activity for development of cognitive activity of teenagers. Essence of development of cognitive activity. Experience of development of cognitive activity of teenagers during ecological activity on the basis of one of rural schools of Siberia | 1215 | |||||
1631 | Forms of relations of the Teacher and the Pupil in sociocultural space are considered. The phenomenon of spontaneous narratives as expressions of special dialogical life of the person is described. Keywords: creativity; the person; sense; dialogue; culture; education; narrative | 1215 | |||||
1632 | Implementation of system psychologic-pedagogical approach into the system of basic and vocational education (including personal, action and context approaches) with implementation of the relevant methods and didactic educational means provide quality assurance of educational process, specialists in training, development and health preservation. The statements have been theoretically and practically proved. Keywords: system psychologic-pedagogical approach, quality assurance of educational process and specialists in training, development and health preservation | 1215 | |||||
1633 | The article contains the main results of the sociological research, which is done in Saratov and Volgograd regions in 2009 in order to explore the youth's opinion about the international communication, their attitude to people of different ethnic groups, and to find out the level of the youth's knowledge of the national culture and tolerance, based on the survey of 309 schoolchildren. Keywords: polycultural education, tolerance, upbringing, sociological research, youth, schoolchildren, extremism, culture, the Volga region | 1215 | |||||
1634 | The article describes the features of the training of educational psychologists on the basis of distance education technology in pedagogical college Keywords: professional training, distance learning, distance education technology, teacher and psychologist | 1215 | |||||
1635 | It is established, that the influence of moderate low temperatures on using a cold method of calves cultivation stimulates haematopoiesis of young cows that is shown in rising the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, and also in increase in phosphorus in whey of blood for strengthening power processes and thermoregulation process. The increase of the level of cortisol in blood by the 15-th day of the research specifies the development processes of adaptation, as a result the exchange processes directed to the maintenance of organism are mobilized and this fast is proved by the lowered level of triiodyronine. Keywords: adaptation, stress, inorganic phosphorus, Cortisol, resistency, leukocytosis, triiodthyronine, thyroxine, leukocytes, thermoregulation | 1215 | |||||
1636 | The article deals with the problem of the students’ preparation to independent physical training classes as the health strengthening condition and the adaptation at the higher educational establishment. The basis of the adaptation is the algorithm including theoretical and methodological preparation of the students. The algorithm also includes the students’ ability to self-supervise their psychic, functional and physical state. The pedagogical experiment proved the effectiveness of the students’ preparation algorithm to independent physical training classes and their positive influence on the health level and students’ adaptive abilities. Keywords: physical, physical exercises, motorial activity, health, adaptation, motivation sphere, independent classes. | 1215 | |||||
1637 | In the article upon the example of B. K. Zaitsev’s creativity and his novel “Zhukovskii” the typology of Russian emigration’s biographical text is examined. The attraction of diaspora representatives towards self description stipulated for the interest to biography proper and also to its variety – hagiobiography often understood as indissoluble whole. Zaitsev aesthetisizes moral-religious aspect of Zhukovskii’s biography, finding in it a standard for constructing his own life scenario. Keywords: Zhukovskiy, Zaitsev, biography, life scenario, identity, emigration | 1215 | |||||
1638 | The dialogic nature and specific of regulative models of the intertextual type are considered in the article. In O. E. Mandelshtam’s lyrics is given their type. The research is made with basis on the theory of regularity, worked out in communicative stylistics of the text. Keywords: regularity, regulative models of the intertextual type, dominate of regularity, the type of regulative models | 1215 | |||||
1639 | The review of A. V. Bolotnov’s monograph “Textual activity as the reflation of communicative and cognitive styles network language personality” (Tomsk, 2015) contains the evaluation of the urgency and scientific research novelty, the importance of network language personality theory for the investigation of textual activity in IT epoch. The established by the author of the monograph complex method of idiostyle analysis ensured the development of a new typology of information and media language personalities (journalist, writer, blogger, politician, etc.) and a description of significant features for each type of verbal behavior. For the material of the study served the content posted on the site “Echo of Moscow” – the radio station, which clearly demonstrates the new trends in the Russian massmedia of the XXI century. There have been achievements A. V. Bolotnov related to the identification and interpretation of linguistic methods of media exposure and the Internet as a new channel of communication on the consciousness of society and the individual. It appreciates the contribution of the author in the development of a number of scientific fields: the linguistic theory of personality, communicative and cognitive linguistics, communicative stylistics, discourse theory, media linguistics. Theoretical depth of the monograph and large factual material cause undoubted practical value of the book for journalists and public relations professionals. Keywords: media communication, media text, media discourse, network language personality, language personality types, individual style, communicative style, cognitive style | 1215 | |||||
1640 | An this article evolution stages of scientific social investigations display and their specific traits open. Author analyses the premises of change of scientific sociological paradigm and give special attention to investigation new tendency, exactly to realization of idea of complexes in Western-European variants of scientific sociology. | 1214 | |||||
1641 | In article attempt to consider refraction of large-scale process political-economical and sociocultural transformations, developed in Europe on the boundary of Middle Ages and early New time, in the sphere of gender relations is done. By means of humorous concepts the question of mutual relation of sex and various interpretations of an image of the woman in the fabliau – group of products of satirical character of the early city literature which blossoming falls to the end XII – first half XIV centuries; and also in F. Rable's satirical novel «Gargantia and Pantagruel» (XVI in.) is analyzed. | 1214 | |||||
1642 | The place of sacral-religious knowledge in language and conceptual world picture of M. Cvetaeva was studied in the article. We examined that lexemes which correlate with religious notion and contain sacral component in its semantics are of great importance in language world picture of the poet. In contrary these lexemes carry out background function and belong to presupposition that is to knowledge which does not depend on poet’s vision and moral principals. | 1214 | |||||
1643 | The article points to lexical parameter of present-day speech culture. We singled out so called «risk zones» in vocabulary of language person. These zones are the cause of many lexical mistakes. On the base of great number of texts which were extracted from mass media typical communicative mistakes were examined. Also we placed high emphasis on some aspects of usage and standards correlation. | 1214 | |||||
1644 | The article deals with analysis of rhetorical devices which are used in teleconference Phidonet intercourse. A special genre «fleim» is described in the view of rhetoric. Metalinguistic utterance is considered as a special device. | 1214 | |||||
1645 | As it is known, syntactic phraseological units are constructions of stylistic syntax. They express speaker’s attitude to what is being reported. Constant components are their basis, but on the other hand, one of the components of a syntactic phraseological unit is free. Such sentences can express a great variety of subjective and modal meanings. In the Mari language it was found 3 models of syntactic phraseological units, which express valuation. This the article is devoted to these research of constructions. | 1214 | |||||
1646 | The article considers the necessity of philosophical basing of modern pedagogical conceptions, which are adequate to the postindustrial, informational level of culture and civilization development. Under the conditions of multiculture of modern information-communicational society the role of philosophical – world outlook component of pedagogical culture of the teacher of the XXI century increases, which let him clarify himself, orientate himself in the complicated sphere of modern education, which is based on the different methodological, philosophic-theoretical and pedagogical basis. The article shows the role of philosophical chair of TSPU in solving the problem of forming philosophical - world outlook culture of future teachers. | 1214 | |||||
1647 | This article is dedicated to one of the ways of racket, blackmail. The story of the given conception is traced in Russian criminal legislation. The author reveals the contents of the threats which are made in blackmail. | 1214 | |||||
1648 | The article is devoted to the problem of legislation in 30-50s of the XIXth century that became the legal base for the opening of government newspapers in the European part of Russia and in Siberia. The changes in program, the structure and the content of the Province Sheet are considered | 1214 | |||||
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1650 | The article is devoted to the problems of modern condition of rural ungraded schools. The authors offer to search the background of current problems in the historic past of Russia and they define several stages in development of ungraded schools: the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century; 1917-1930; 1930-1958; 1958-2001; from 2001 till nowadays. The classification is based on the role of the state and society in creation, support and providing activity of the schools in villages. Keywords: education, ungraded school, history of pedagogics, state educational policy | 1214 |