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5951 | A holographic duality between gravitation and field theories with a Lifshitz scaling symmetry has recently aroused much attention. We consider Lifshitz-like backgrounds in the context of their applications to the anisotropic quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions. We construct shock waves geometries for Lifshitz-like metrics1. For the geometry of two colliding Lifshitz domain walls the areas of trapped surfaces are calculated. According to the holographic approach, the multiplicity of particles produced in heavy-ion collisions can be estimated by the area of the trapped surface. We show that in the 5-dimensional case the dependence of multiplicity on the energy of colliding ions can fit the experimental data observed at RHIC and LHC. Keywords: Lifshitz-like metrics, shock waves, trapped surface, holography, quark-gluon plasma | 950 | |||||
5952 | An important instrument of the increase of educational activity is its logistization. In the article we offer a logistic model, where an educational institution is considered as a micro-logistic system, and educational activity – as a set of various flows of useful resources, which interact, influence each other, depend upon the current market conditions and evolve, corresponding to the change of inner and outer conditions. Using the logistic approach, we bring out the research of structure of the basic element of the system – the flow of human resources. The flow is represented as a certain function, having two components: scalar W0– the concrete appearance of useful resources and vector 0 W (t,z) – the orientation of the flow in space (z) and time (t). Thus, the flow is W =W0 ⋅W0(t,z). The special attention is paid to the process of forming the human resources flow and to its providing components. We show that in an educational establishment the educational activity results the conversion of the input flow of human resources (claimers for getting some educational services) into the output flow (specialists of various levels). Besides, for stable functioning of the conversion process the educational establishment requires the following vector components: material, financial, informational, of power (energetic), of manpower (personnel) and of service. We work out the mathematical expressions, describing this process. They give us the opportunity to define the sources of expenses and to optimize the total costs in order to minimize them. Keywords: education, educational process, logistics, useful resources flows, logistization of educational activity | 950 | |||||
5953 | Phytonims of Russian, English and French are examined in motivological and comparative aspect in order to define specific character of motivation phenomena in the Russian language. The principles of motivological comparative analysis include the method of lexical identification, psychological linguistic experiment, component analysis, statistic analysis. Motivological level of language research is a favourable ground for analysis of national specific of language because the nature of motivated word itself is mainly connected with language conscience of speakers. Names of plants are directly connected with object and cognitive speakers’ activity and also with social and cultural originality of language community’s life and its ethnographic peculiarities. Specific character of motivation system of the Russian language is the following: high level of plants’ names motivation; morpho-semantic type of motivation as a prevailing; simple structure of motivated sign, which points to plant appearance; compressed motivational meaning of phytonim; explicit classification sign in connection with derivational peculiarity of the Russian language. Keywords: motivation, motivological and comparative analysis, type of motivation, motivated sign, classification sign | 950 | |||||
5954 | The image of Arkhangelsk given by I. Kazakov in his work “Northern Diary” is analyzed from the perspective of N. Antsiferov’s study of urban texts. The narrator is looking for a spirit of Arkhangelsk and it corresponds to Antsiferov’s classification of parts of any city: anatomy, physiology and spirit. Classical analysis of chronotope is used as well. Perception of the city by the author-narrator is regarded according to the soviet idea of building of a new society on the one hand and traditional mythopoetics of Russian Literature on the other hand. As well as interaction of production sketch of the Soviet Literature and the unique artistic point of view of Yuriy Kazakov is analyzaed. Keywords: urban text, supertext, soviet literature | 950 | |||||
5955 | The paper analyzes Nina Berberova’s narrative experimentations in her short stories written in 1930s. They are connected with theatricality used both as a method of characters’self-reflection and as a mode to represent the émigré reality on behalf of the author. Berberova’s interest to theatricality started with extended attention to means to represent dialogical character of communication without dominating narrator. Her work on Madame (staged in 1938) influenced narrative structure of some of her prosaic texts as well. Several ideas find their way into the text in connection with theater and theatricality as a quality of reality. One of them is lack of independence on behalf of an actor; the other is interference between the actor and their part in a play. Depiction of theatricality is not static and its function develops from oppressing a character and forcing him out of life for non-conformance, through theater as an asylum from perils of life, to a global power, which is while alien, is not antagonistic but indifferent to human endeavors. Aesthetic principle serves as uniting the reality and the author hails its understanding as an important distinction of a character. Characters of latter stories are trying to enjoy the spectacle instead of rebelling against it. Putting aesthetic in the center of the world pushes Berberova from her earlier associations with writers in the style of human document closer to Vladimir Nabokov. Keywords: émigré prose, short prose of Nina Berberovа, narration, theatrics | 950 | |||||
5956 | The article presents the analysis of the initial stage of the formation of existential consciousness of Dostoyevsky. The family sphere finds orientation of parents of the writer to values of traditional family and patriarchal model of education. Orientation to traditional values in Dostoyevsky’ family is implemented at the level of the principles of interpersonal interaction (monogamy, possession of many children, respect and esteem for seniors) and priorities in upbringing of children (reliance on education and diligence, schooling to truth, decency, responsibility, love for the country and national culture). The research of the facts of Dostoyevsky’s childhood allows to allocate three interconnected directions of education of the valuable sphere of his daily and existential consciousness: emotional, semantic, religious. United in a single fundamental event by the fate of the writer, they serve as peculiar symptoms of awareness of the existence by Dostoyevsky the child, bound indissolubly to light and a word as in the ways of perceiving being and self-realization of oneself in it. Of particular importance in this process – in addition to family reading and lessons in the Law of God, pilgrimage trips to the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra – is training in boarding schools, the first experience of Dostoevsky’s clash with the outside world, the shock of meeting with his own self, an independent attempt to realize “non-alibi in being” through the acquisition of the ability to speak on its own behalf. During this period reading becomes a way of formation of a semantic resource of his personality, a way of a seclusion and reflection in boarding house. Understanding of himself in life, procedurally mastered in the childhood, forms the the value-semantic sphere of daily and existential consciousness of Dostoyevsky and is implemented in text activity. Experience of own childhood as a moral guideline will become for the writer a criterion of differentiation “before” and “now”, “family” and “casual family” as different spiritual and moral ways of existence. Systematic destruction of the spiritual bases of family, neglect to the performance of parental and filial responsibilities, education of cynicism, indifference, denial leads to loss of sense of existence. Semantic capacity of the image of family and behavioural family tradition are the basis for formation of the image of the world in Dostoyevsky’s “Writer`s diary” and novels of the Great Pentateuch. From the idea of family as a phenomenon of the Russian life a positive program of overcoming spiritual crisis of mankind is built in his works. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, author, existential consciousness, attributive characteristics, values, Orthodoxy, consciousness, childhood, teenager, education, reflection, “a boundary situation”, “the current procedurality”, “casual family”, “Teenager”, “A Writer`s | 950 | |||||
5957 | The article considers the process of formation and development of schools of reading and writing according to the “Regulations on parochial schools” of 1884 and the “Rules of Literacy Schools” of 1891 on the territory of the Kurgan district (1898 – county), province of Tobolsk. Explains the reasons for this geographical localization. Presents the problems on search of school premises and means of subsistence, on the sizes and terms of payment for teachers, influence of natural factors (crop failure of 1891–1892) on functioning of schools of reading and writing. The quantitative dynamics of literacy schools is shown and the reason for its fluctuation is explained, as well as the reasons for the gradual transformation of literacy schools into parish schools in 1909. The article provides the formal and informal conditions to the candidates for teaching positions, the terms of the complications of the requirements for the selection of mentors and the specifics of their training through a 3-year secondary and two-year parish school, as well as using special test Rule 1889. Describes the characteristics of the educational process (training time, program, curriculum) and its outcome, the role of rural communities in the opening and maintaining of certificates, the role of priests as the heads of the schools of literacy, the role of the Tobolsk diocesan school Board as the management body. The subjects of educational monitoring and inspections of civil and ecclesiastical offices are listed, their evaluation and issuance of school certificates are conducted. Particular attention is paid to the tendency of increasing state expenditures on them due to the position of the chief Prosecutor of the Sv. Synod K. P. Pobedonostsev and minister of finance S. Witte. Keywords: literacy school, second-class school, parochial school, priest, Tobolsk diocesan school Board, сounty observer | 950 | |||||
5958 | The article discusses a pedagogical opportunity of using interactive technologies in new educational conditions. The importance and efficiency of organization communicative space using ideological principles of dialogue in reading lessons is proved. Keywords: communicative space, dialogue, text activities | 949 | |||||
5959 | The article deals with the problem of selection of active special vocabulary minimum for teaching German to the students of bachelor programmes studying Law. It gives the reason for usage of methodological and a number of linguistic principles of selection of active special lexical units taking into account the specifics of the subject and interdisciplinary language training, linguistic and extra-linguistic features of judicial language. The choice of special vocabulary is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign terminological research in the field of law. The methodical principles are determining in case of the choice of the corresponding types of the original German legal texts acting as a source of basic special vocabulary of the studied branches of law. In case of selection of active special lexicon, first of all, of all-legal, law branches related and interrelated legal terms the linguistic principles are fundamental: semantic, word-formation value and polysemy of lexical units. Keywords: language of law, special vocabulary, legal terms, legal texts, branches of law | 949 | |||||
5960 | Within the concept of Blended learning, developed a method of mathematics education of students of Humanities higher school at pedagogical University using electronic educational resources (spreadsheets and online-calculators). Determined the place of using digital resources from the point of view of classification of the electronic educational resources, which are not viewed as a random component of mathematical education, but as a rightful part of the learning process. Experimentally revealed the advantages of the Blended Learning and identified advantages of the combined approach. Proved, that, despite a limited number of hours of classroom training, the used technique forms a good motivation to study mathematics and significantly increases the level of mathematical culture of the trainees. Keywords: mathematical education in the Humanities, information and communication technologies, E-learning, information competence, mathematical processing of the information | 948 | |||||
5961 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the plots of Selkup folklore texts with Itya and his opponent – Eater. Analytical review covers one of the identified subgroups of texts in the corpus under study. The subgroup comprises stories with the active role of the bride of the hero, who shows her magical qualities. The result of the analysis suggest that initially, these texts were not included in the narrative repertoire of Itya-tales, but were integrated by storytellers in the process of compiling this folklore series, the process which had yet not been completed by the mid-twentieth century. Keywords: Selkup folklore, texts with the hero Itya, Samoyedic epos, classification of subjects | 948 | |||||
5962 | The article deals with the problem of influence of professional experience in the processes of formation of teacher’s willingness for innovative activity. Allocates the stages of experience development. Describes the features of teacher’s work at the designated stages of experience development. Allocates the features of the process of formation of the teacher’s willingness of innovative activity in the structure of the stages of experience development. Important elements at the stage of motivational orientation on the experience development are near and distant targets of professional activity. At the stage of receipt of new experiences it is necessary to pay special attention to the theoretical literacy of teachers. Reflection and planning are important elements at the stage of reflexive thinking of new experiences. Communicative creativity becomes an important element at the stage of experience application. The article shows that the features of the process of formation of teacher’s willingness for innovative activity in the structure of the stages of experience development are in close cooperation and form a dynamic system. Keywords: stages of experience development, teacher’s willingness for innovative activity, motivation of professional activity, professional reflection, planning of educational activities, communicative creativity | 948 | |||||
5963 | The presented scientific work is aimed to show how effective is the use of interactive applications, including ActivInspire in Math lessons in schools of a special type, in this case schools in the colony. This article discusses key characteristics of interactive applications using the example of ActivInspire software. The study of the possibilities of interactive applications is based on the example of one of the most important topics of “Equation”. In addition to the technical features of interactive applications, the psychological aspects of the personality of prisoners in school are also studied and analyzed in detail. On the basis of this analysis, the importance and urgency of using interactive applications in the middle general school in the colony was proved. The described in detail experiment that was conducted in the municipal state educational institution of the evening shift school in Tomsk, clearly shows the growth in the quality of the acquired knowledge on a specific topic “Equations” in the Mathematics class in eighth grades. The conclusion of the article presents and analyzes in detail the experimental results obtained, conclusions about the importance of using interactive applications, including ActivInspire at the lessons of Mathematics in the secondary general school of the penitentiary type. Keywords: ActivInspire, computer technologies, equations, education, schools of penitentiary type | 948 | |||||
5964 | Russian federal state educational standards direct at creating common cultural and professional competences, which can be formed only be using active teaching methods. In this connection it is important to identify those that are most effective in environmental training of technical universities’ students. The article summarizes the positive experience of the using debate in teaching natural and physical sciences. Skills, formed with the participation of students in the debate, are revealed. Thus, participation in the debate develops the ability to analyze information, the ability to prepare oral speech, willingness to work in a team. The article presents the rules of debate and describes the teacher’s and students’ stages of preparation for the debate. The article includes methodical receptions and examples of practical training using this method in Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building. There are some difficulties of students encountered in the work: the inability to articulate main idea, inability to debate, the arguments put forward. Keywords: debate, environmental training of engineers, active learning method, competences, psychological testing | 947 | |||||
5965 | The article presents an overview of rationales for euphemisms usage. We consider the problem from the point of psycholinguistics, social psychology, evolutionary biology and ethology. Biological researchers believe that a need for euphemisms could be one of the earliest linguistic imperatives imposed by disgust, thus euphemisms present a verbal hygiene strategy. Psychologists state that it is a distancing strategy, a means to manage human terror at the prospect of death. The article also considers the central role of politeness and cooperation principle in euphemistic and off-record indirect speech generation. From the perspective of the theory of strategic speaker indirect communication does not always involve pure cooperation between speaker and hearer but a mixture of cooperation and conflict and euphemising can be used to negotiate this uncertainty. Therefore, euphemism as a form of indirect proposition can allow for plausible deniability and has a strategic rationale. Keywords: euphemism, indirect speech, instinct, theory of strategic speaker, principle of cooperation, politeness | 947 | |||||
5966 | This article deals with problems faced by the future bachelors specialized in Psycho-pedagogical education 44.03.02 (Psychology and Social Pedagogy) before their practical training. These problems were caused by their low level of success motivation (leading to psychological barrier) that was identified by using a questionnaire measuring hope of success motivation by A. Rean. This article also proves applicability of Positive Psychology techniques of Martin Seligman in teaching practice of higher education. The article presents the principles and tested algorithm for creating a situation of success using a case within studying basic disciplines and variable parts of the professional cycle including motivational, organizational, effective and reflective stages. The article points out that considering the cognitive, personal and activity components of the discipline is reasonable when writing the cases. This helps the future trainees to create a situation of success and also prepares them for the creation of such situation when dealing with the social and pedagogical categories of people. Keywords: bachelors, practical training, problems faced before the practical training, motivation, algorithm for creating a situation of success, case | 947 | |||||
5967 | The prosecutor’s office in the Tuva National Republic (TNR) has been formed in 1935. Formation of bodies of prosecutor’s office took place during the difficult historical period: very low educational level of the population and total absence of legal personnel. The legislation only arose and was imperfect. The work of prosecutor’s office was provided by only four persons. “To guard legality” was not only difficult, but also life-threatening. So, the first prosecutor Kara-Sal Pirinley has been shot for refusal to approve arrest of a number of heads of the Tuva state due to the lack of the sufficient bases. Voluntarily TNR was a part of the USSR in 1944 as the autonomous region. Bodies of prosecutor’s office should not just construct the work according to new Soviet laws, and to provide their uniform application in all its territory and by that to promote its economic development. Tuva was agrarian area. In this regard activity of prosecutor’s office has been directed generally to check of a state and storage conditions of agricultural stock in state farms and collective farms, in machine and tractor stations and the tozhzemakh (associations on joint processings of the earth). At detection of cases of the thriftless relation to their storage, damage and plunder, measures were taken: disciplinary character on the party line and criminal prosecution. Quality of work of prosecutors and investigators were checked by «audits» during which were studied the conditions of work, «political qualities» of the worker, the positive and negative sides of work of employees, thier mistakes came to light. The prosecutor of the region personally checked the compromising materials for workers, implementation of separate orders, carried out complex inspections of regional prosecutor’s offices. As archival documents testify, there was severe criticism, but in prosecutor’s office, and in the public the management tried to keep authority of both the institute of prosecutor’s office, and his workers. The mission of prosecutor’s office owing to features of the Tuva statehood has initially been connected with a number of the problems connected with a social and economic development of the region, insufficient financing and providing material resources of bodies of prosecutor’s office, shortage of qualified personnel, poor quality of work of employees, the rights caused by weak knowledge of branches. However historical experience of Tuva shows that the need for such government body as prosecutor’s office, with inherent only to it tasks, functions and powers, was especially sharp and was applied as the effective tool of the adoption of development of the public relations, as an indispensable development tool of the Tuva statehood. Keywords: prosecutor’s office, Tuva Autonomous Region, Constitution, Procurator General of the USSR, regional prosecutor, district attorney, regional prosecutor, agriculture, surveillance | 947 | |||||
5968 | A rich owner of cattle as a social group of the traditional khakass society has ancient history. The antiquity of this class group is evidenced by a special lexicon in the Khakass language, which characterizes them according to social and property characteristics. They were not a new social category associated with commodity-money relations, they existed long before the XIX century. They become new tribal elite, after a significant part of the tribal aristocracy in the early XVIII century went to Dzungaria. In connection with the processes of administrative integration of the khakass people into the Russian Empire, rich owners of cattle occupy the posts of the lower apparatus of state power. They had great power over their people. In the XVIII century, especially in the XIX, there are socio-economic conditions for the broad formation of the social stratum of wealthy cattle owners. During the second half of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the economy of the wealthy owner of cattle was evolving. The conditions that contributed to the development of the economy rich owner of cattle are analyzed. Factors that have made it possible to adapt to the economic and social realities of the Russian Empire and the new market economy are revealed. Attention is paid to the educational level, which was evidence of the modernization changes in the rich economy. Keywords: rich khakass owner of cattle, categories of rich owners of cattle, tribal elite, business activity, modernization, literacy | 947 | |||||
5969 | The issue of creation on the basis of the website of a higher educational institution of the information resource center which will allow to apply more effectively pedagogical innovations is considered, namely: information and communication technologies in subject training (allowing future specialists to form professionally significant competences by means of the organization of special information environment which includes various forms of remote education), personally focused technologies in teaching (mastering of individual educational programs by students according to their capabilities and needs), information and analytical support of the educational process and quality management of the education of future specialists (an objective assessment of the level of development of each student, monitoring of intellectual development). Work on the basis of the information resource center promotes the development of future specialists in the skills to independently solve the problems in various spheres and activities. The ability to work with information and various information sources allows students to develop their creative potential, is a means of self-realization and self-training, and allows teachers to develop and define efficiency of conditions of inclusion of information technologies in project activity. In addition the work on the basis of the information resource center develops ability and readiness to provide information support and maintenance of project activity, ability to integrate and to creatively comprehend new knowledge and be able to transfer them to the professional area in the changing conditions, providing entry of specialists into information society. Keywords: information resource center, pedagogical innovations, innovative technologies, project, information and project competence | 947 | |||||
5970 | Introduction. The article describes the prerequisites for addressing the Krasnoyarsk anthology, which is the phenomenon of two-address literature (for schoolchildren and adults). Aim and objectives. The purpose of the survey was to examine the key motifs of poetic and prose works included in the “Anthology for children” of Krasnoyarsk Territory (2017). Materials and research methods. The author uses the method of motive and thematic analysis. The author analyzes the key motifs of the poetic and prose works, included in the “Anthology of literature for children” of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (2017). The anthology includes poems and prose of 58 authors. The compilers of the anthology included texts of various genres: prose (for example, M. Koryakin), fairy tales (V. Nesterenko, L. Rychkova), prose miniature (E. Zharikova), lyrical poetry (A. Dudin, N. Iva), excerpts from the poem (M. Tarkovsky, O. Aksenova), poetic alphabet (N. Anishina), puzzles (K. Eremin, M. Radkevich). The texts were written during the second half of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the XXI century. At present, regional studies have a high scientific value. The author turns to the anthology, published in 2017. The study reveals an auto-reference of Siberia in poetry and prose of both the Soviet and the post-Soviet period. Results and discussion. Writers of the mid-twentieth century reproduce in their works an ontological model of the world. In different texts, one can see the mythological model of the world as a repeating cycle. The main motives organizing this model of the world are such as the model of an anthropomorphic, creative taiga and the motive of an ideal, free childhood. Conclusion. The key conflict in the texts of the middle of XX century is the conflict between nature and urban civilization. However, in the texts of the early 21st century, the ontological picture of the world gives way to the game perception of the world. Keywords: contemporary literature for children, writers of Krasnoyarsk, Siberian poetry, Siberian prose, analysis of motives | 947 | |||||
5971 | Introduction. Modern educational standards focus on the formation of professional readiness and abilities necessary for the implementation of professional functions and the implementation of professional tasks of high quality level. All this changes the goals of education, approaches to the construction of the educational process in general and professional teacher education, in particular. The basis for the quality training of pre-school and primary education specialists are professional competencies aimed at empowering the solution of a multi-faceted range of professional tasks. The purpose of the study is to disclose methods of managerial activity in the field of the formation of professional competencies for future teachers of preschool and primary education in the process of studying by students disciplines of various blocks (general cultural, professional pedagogical, specialized). Material and methods. Directions in the understanding of professional competences of teachers, stages of university professional training of future teachers of preschool and primary education, the possibility of specialized disciplines and special courses in the process of forming general and narrow professional competencies of future specialists of preschool institutions and elementary school teachers are submitted for consideration. The description of the pedagogical conditions and stages of the management of the development of professional competencies of teachers of the successive stages of education contributes to the improvement of the quality of management activities on the basis of the competence approach. Results and discussion. Within the framework of the professional group of future teachers of pre-school and primary education that we study, it is especially important to be competitive. The quality of education at the first steps depends on the strength, flexibility, and variability of students’ mastery in the classroom and on their own general, professional, pedagogical, narrow professional competencies. Their formation must be managed by carrying out this process in a sequence of interconnected blocks of activity. Conclusion. The materials of the article can be used in the practice of the teachers of the departments that train future specialists of preschool educational organizations and primary school teachers in the system of secondary and higher professional education. Keywords: management, professional competence, future teachers of pre-school, primary education, vocational and pedagogical education, independent work of students | 947 | |||||
5972 | Introduction. The article describes the changes in ideas on the family and the role of woman in public consciousness at the end of the nineteenth century. The aim and objectives. The aim of this work is to study the reflection of female emancipation process in Russian and German society at the end of the nineteenth century. Material and methods. The material for research is the novel by L. N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina” and the novel by Th. Fontane “Effi Briest”. The analytical and descriptive, comparative, cultural and historical methods are used in this work. Results and discussion. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, European and Russian society faced the crisis of the family institution. The global historical, political, socioeconomic and ideological changes had their influence on the understanding of the role and place of women. The problem of women emancipation is widely represented in the works of the European and Russian writers of the given period. L. N. Tolstoy in the novel “Anna Karenina” gives a critical eye to the state of the “family matter”. The writer indicates the discredit of the traditional ideas on marriage in the society of Moscow’s and Petersburg’s nobility. L. N. Tolstoy exposes the hypocrisy of nobles, vicious in all spheres of life (official, family, economical spheres) but advocating for decency. In “Anna Karenina” we see how inequitable social gender roles are. The heroine of the novel was rejected not due to the adultery, but because of the aspiration to live openly. The conflict of the emancipated person against the ossified society becomes a plot engine in “Effi Briest” novel by the German writer. We found the coincidence of the key personality traits of the Th. Fontane and L. N. Tolstoy protagonists. The unifying quality is the ambition, based on the undisclosed emotional potential of a woman from noble society. If the social ground of Anna Karenina’s tragedy in the Tolstoy novel is the hypocrisy of the high society, the Effi Briest catastrophe is due to (in Fontane’s opinion) misconception of honour in the German noble society. Similar features are found in the male characters of the novels. However, there is a moral superiority of Karenin over Instetten that can be explained by peculiarities of the mentality. Conclusion. The comparative analysis of L. N. Tolstoy’s and Th. Fontane’s works allows us to conclude that there is coincidence of the created social and psychological situation and the characters’ emotional reactions to similar collisions without proven interference of the texts. In both works, developing women’s emancipation is portrayed as a complicated and dramatic process, which testifies to the epoch’s crisis. Keywords: L. N. Tolstoy, Th. Fontane, novel, emancipation, adultery | 947 | |||||
5973 | The formation of the market of educational services caused the emergence of the researches devoted to the process of formation of a market position of school as the general education organization and also a need of a research of marketing strategy of development of the school, which promotes its competitiveness increase. Marketing strategy of development of modern school as the educational organization includes definition of mission, innovative strategic objective, market focused position; research of the external and internal environment and realization of holistic marketing. Keywords: general education organization, modern school, strategic management, mission of school, marketing strategy, holistic marketing | 946 | |||||
5974 | The results of experimental check of pedagogical technologies effectiveness which are used during methodical training of geography teacher under conditions of additional professional education at a university have been introduced. The evaluation criteria of modern pedagogical technologies practicability and effectiveness of their application at higher education institutions have been described. Technologies, application of which ensures successful formation of various components of methodical competence and methodical thinking of geography teacher have been established. The comparative analysis of the experiment results and expert evaluations of the effective application of pedagogical technologies during methodical training of geography teacher has been performed. In scope of approbation of creatively oriented system of teacher methodical training at South Federal University, the optimal aggregate of pedagogical technologies for mastering of “Methods of Geography Teaching” course main topics, has been outlined. The ideas about the factors which prevent introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into teacher training at universities have been achieved thanks to questionnaire of teachers of various higher education institutions. Keywords: geography teacher methodical training, pedagogical technologies effectiveness, experiment, expert opinion method | 946 | |||||
5975 | The general and distinctive characteristics of wind and atmospheric precipitation in linguistic worldview of representatives of the Selkup and Russian ethnic groups are revealed and described. Morphoepic and pragmatic concepts of wind are interconnected in the linguistic worldviews of both ethnoses. The most relevant characteristics of wind are its force and direction in the linguistic worldviews of both ethnoses. In the dialects of the Selkup and Russian languages intensity and duration of atmospheric precipitation are marked. Folk works and compatibility of the lexemes denoting wind indicate personification and sacralization of wind in both cultures. In nominations of wind its negative or positive influence on economic activity of people is also reflected. The number of general characteristics of rain, objectivized in dialects of the Selkup and Russian languages, includes intensity of this atmospheric precipitation. Keywords: linguistic worldview, nomination of wind, nomination of rain, a dialect, Selkup language, Russian language, comparison | 946 | |||||
5976 | Introduction. In rapid computerization and mathematization of almost all areas of knowledge the mathematical training of students at a higher education institution must be of an anticipatory nature and be aimed at obtaining results that will be in demand in a technologized society. Modern society requires the individual skills of self-organization, self-development, self-regulation, self-control, self-education, etc. These tasks can be successfully solved in the process of mathematical training of students with the competent organization of the educational process. Material and methods. The basis for the substantiation and implementation of the principle of refocusing the mathematical training process of the university students from “teaching maths” to “teaching by maths” was based on the methods of theoretical and empirical research. Results and discussion. The main tasks of high-quality mathematical education of students, which a modern university is facing today, are considered. Mathematics is characterized as a science and a body of knowledge; a language of research and modeling for solving problems in various fields of knowledge; a system of organization of thinking. The object, subject, methods and properties of mathematics are highlighted. The fundamental functions of students’ mathematical training are revealed: teaching mathematics – involving mastering the system of mathematical knowledge and skills, the formation of mathematical competence; teaching by mathematics – aimed at the intellectual development of students, formation of logical thinking, development of mathematical literacy, etc. The implementation of the principle “learning by mathematics” in the electronic educational environment is characterized through the integration of the content of mathematical courses with specialized disciplines; the choice of the type and method of presentation of educational material not only for carrying out calculations, but for visualizing abstract mathematical concepts and knowledge; differentiation and personification of teaching mathematics through the using non-linear methods and various types of presentation depending on the psycho-physiological characteristics, cognitive styles of students, professional area, including taking into account health features (persons with disabilities). Conclusion. The results of the study showed that refocusing the mathematical training process of the university students from “teaching maths” to “teaching by maths” through the organization of training within electronic educational environment allows students to assimilate the system of mathematical knowledge and skills, actively apply the methods of mathematical research; quickly adapt to the changing conditions of modern society and production, acquiring the necessary competencies for professional activities in the process of solving various applied problems. Keywords: mathematics, mathematical training, functions of mathematical training, teaching mathematics, teaching by mathematics, electronic educational environment, student, higher educational institutions | 946 | |||||
5977 | This report examines some of the types and directions of charity and development: donating, volunteering, direct aid, based on what is assumed about the level of volunteer’s motivation. Describes the ideological, axiological, social, material, emotional and psychological levels of volunteer’s motivation with providing of examples, that illustrate different kinds of motivation. Discusses the phenomenon of «creative class» in modern culture as a precondition for the volunteer's typology of orientation. Also talks about volunteers in medicine and medical researches with the phenomenon of degustation – as an opportunity implement various social algorithms through volunteering. The study was supported by a RFBR grant № 14–06–00440 and grant RHF № 15–03–00598 Keywords: volunteers, volunteerism, motivation | 945 | |||||
5978 | In this paper a problem of translators’ training for high-technology industries is considered. It occurs due to development of a common English-speaking scientific environment. To solve this problem an idea of students’ involvement into a real research of a university is proposed. Own collaboration experience is shown. The article describes cooperation stages: translation of papers from foreign scientific journals, translation of laboratory workers’ papers, reading and checking of other people’s translations. Revealed problems, such as complexity of scientific texts translation and lack of information materials, are presented. In accordance with the performed research, the author notes the benefits of the suggested way of translator’s training, such as growth of a professional qualification level and, consequently, higher competitive ability of a graduate. Profits of students’ involvement into laboratory investigations for research staff members are considered. Potential of the proposed translators’ training model is confirmed. Keywords: training, translation, the English language, scientific research | 945 | |||||
5979 | The article attempts to address the problems associated with teaching Russian as a foreign language in higher educational institutions of the People's Republic of China, as well as suggest solutions drawing on the experience of teachers of Mudanjiang Pedagogical University. Analises the state of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in China's higher education institutions, taking into account modern requirements to graduate qualifications. The author indicated the low level of students' vocabulary and poor oral expression as the main problems. Attention is also paid to the weak initial preparation of the students who enter the university, which is largely complicates the work of the teacher, who has to adjust the lack of knowledge, and begin the learning process from scratch. To solve these and other problems in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese audience it is possible to use a comprehensive approach that focuses on a combination of traditional techniques and modern communication methods. Students participate in discussions on topics of concern, role-playing games, performances of plays. Thus the main objective of the educational process – training free speaking in Russian with the use of extensive vocabulary can be achieved. The development of this approach is illustrated by the example of the team of teachers of Mudanjiang Pedagogical University, with the description of the specific learning technologies. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, Chinese universities, communicative teaching methods, learning technologies | 945 | |||||
5980 | The article considers repetition in language as one of the most prominent means of expression in formation of individual style of fictional work’s author. On the example of Ossetian writers’ works it is convincingly proved that repetition is not only one of the means of organizing retrospection and prospection in the text, but also a way of expressing subjective modality. Aesthetic and expressive effect of repetition increases considerably during the use of different kinds of duplication: phonetic-phonological, lexical, morphemic and morphological, semantic and syntactic. The type of repetitions and their functional yield are directly dependent on the genre varieties of fiction text. In the author’s narrative reasoning text they mainly perform modal-expressive function, and in the descriptive texts they express author’s subjective attitude to the displayed. Keywords: the Ossetian language, linguistic repetition, linguistic text analysis, language of fiction, fictional text | 945 | |||||
5981 | The article considers the problem of effectiveness of the process of military training, which is especially important today in the preparation of command and engineering staff for the Russian Federation air force. The internship is designed to consolidate the positive motivation of cadets in their chosen profession, understanding its importance for strengthening the country’s defense capability, growing cadets’ initiatives, will, resourcefulness, a sense of personal responsibility. Independent work during the military internship is a specific pedagogical means of organization and management of independent activity of cadets. For effective implementation of independent work, you must observe certain conditions, which are an important prerequisite for influencing the effectiveness of independent work of cadets. Analysis of literary sources, regulatory materials, as well as studies that define the pedagogical conditions, the effectiveness of the organization of students’ independent work in the process of military construction internships: the professional competence of internship managers who are appointed from teachers and cadets’ commanders; effective methodical organization of work; providing cadets with the necessary educational materials; quality control of independent work of students in the course of their professional formation. Monitoring the results of independent work of cadets is carried out simultaneously with the current control and in the implementation of the outcome of the military control of an internship. The same evaluation criteria are considered in the article results of independent work. The educational process of organizing independent work of students in the course of military internships implied the realization of the pedagogical conditions selected by us. The results of experimental work showed positive implementation of the pedagogical conditions and attitudes towards improving the quality of the professional activities of the cadets. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, independent work, cadets, military training | 945 | |||||
5982 | Considers Web 2.0 technology in foreign language teachers’ professional work. Using blogs, wikis, social bookmarking can be extremely useful resources both for teachers and learners of foreign languages. Describes characteristics of Web 2.0 and reveals its big potential for developing learners’ communicative competence. Web 2.0 characteristics implicate group interaction. Using web technology in teaching foreign languages can favour learners’ discussion and writing skills development. Such Web 2.0 tools as blogs, wikis and various social bookmarking services can all positively impact developing learners’ receptive skills. Web 2.0 tools can also facilitate the cultural enrichment of learners, thus developing their sociocultural competence. Keywords: Web 2.0, web technology, blog, social bookmarking, wiki, sociocultural competence, project-based learning, writing skills | 944 | |||||
5983 | The article outlines the various aspects of personal information security in modern pedagogical science and educational practice. The security issue is of great importance among the students due to their social activity increase. The principal approaches such as prohibitive, personal-resource and integrative were considered for understanding of the nature of the personal information security. According to these approaches the personal information security can be described as characteristic of the environment or the individual, or as a way of interaction of the person with the information environment. The classification of information risks was suggested. An efficient development of the personal information security is explained in terms of the hermeneutical and contextual approaches which allow to carry out step-by-step text analysis activities aimed to enhance the process of understanding and meaning-making. Keywords: personal informational security, informational risk, student, hermeneutical approach, meaningmaking, interpretation | 944 | |||||
5984 | The article deals with the problems of forming European space of higher education within the limits of Bologna process. The author comes to the conclusion that qualification levels of higher education conform to Bologna model in 37 oui of 48 countries. It is noted that only in 10 countries the basic principles of Bologna process are registered on a legislative level. The author points out definite circumstances which in the course of realizing Bologna process can exert direct negative influence on Russian higher education system. It is proposed to form an alternative Euro-Asian educational system of CIS and Baltic countries and to cooperate in the sphere of higher education with countries in Asia and the Pacific region in the BRICS and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation formats. Keywords: Bologna process, conferences of ministers responsible for higher education, formation of European space of higher education, mobility of students and professors | 944 | |||||
5985 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of the cultural project “Preservation of architectural gene pool of Siberia: Tomsk directory of platbands (Tatarskaya Sloboda)” in September-November of 2015. The article reflects the following aspects of project activities: organizational, teamwork, research, as well as testing of full-scale survey method of 223 wooden architectural objects. The results of the project were the following: creation of Internet presentations of Tatar settlement platbands as the primary database for further research, assessment of natural wood preservation, scientific publications on conservation of wooden architecture in Tomsk. However, was revealed the quantitative and species diversity of Tatar settlement platbands, their spatial distribution. Highlights the richest with unique architraves streets as a promising route area for education of patriotism and urban tourism development. The implementation of such projects is not only social and cultural sphere of socialization of youth, but also a necessary condition for their professionalisation. Keywords: social and cultural project, heritage preservation, wooden architecture, decor, platbands, education of city patriotism | 944 | |||||
5986 | The article is devoted to identifying the role of rhetoric component in the speech and communicative behavior of epistolary media language person. Epistolary display language personality is defined as a special type of media, author (sender) content epistolary-media texts – written speech products, possessing a pronounced genre-style characteristics, through which the interpersonal and social interaction with addressees in a media discourse is realised. The analysis of linguistic organization of epistolary-media texts demonstrates a certain level of speech culture of the sender, which is required to achieve the impact on recipients, on the one hand, on the other – it indicates that the presence of speech abilities marks the manifestation of epistolary display language personality peculiar to its discursive abilities. In the rhetorical aspects are analyzed the discursive characteristics of epistolary media language person, actualized in the sphere of mass interaction. The illustrative materials are the open letters to the public, tests of online petitions and eapplications of citizens addressed to the representatives of the regional and national authorities as a kind of epistolary media correspondence. In particular, the rhetorical expedient in epistolary media correspondence is updated by receiving the transformation of forms of presentation “I in-personal” “we collective” and “you generalized”, verification by mentioning factual and statistical data, to attract the stylistic language of the resource in the form of tropes and other means of expression of different levels of the language system. It is noted that, in addition to the verbal code units for the expression of his own reflection on the concrete social events addressee actively involved paraverbal graphical tools. Keywords: lingvopersonology, mass media, media-epistolary texts, epistolary media linguistic personality, rhetorical means of language, effectiveness of speech | 944 | |||||
5987 | The work aims to study the specifics of the semantic structure of the dialect lexeme travit’ on the basis of revealing its historical derivative relations and the reconstruction of the etymological nest and the structure of its semantic field, which is expressed in the lexical-semantic field “Harm”. As the study makes clear, the semantics of the dialect lexeme travit’ originates from ‘rub, grind’, proceeds to ‘consume, eat; exterminate’ and results in ‘damage, spoil’ (compare the dialect lexeme trava ‘edible things’) and that along with the derivatives of the root trav-, whose etymological nest includes derivatives of tir-, tr-, trav-/trov-, tru-, try- as historical variants of the root ter-/tor. The original meaning of ‘rub, grind’ served as the basis for the development of the other meanings, which are associated with the concept of “harm” in most of the lexemes of this etymological nest. The historical approach allows the authors to draw conclusions on the evolution of the semantic structure of the derivative nest as a consequence of the interaction and development of initially related concepts, expressed by the derivatives of this derivational nest. Accordingly, this allows us to trace the evolution of a certain fragment of the world picture and national Russian culture. Keywords: dialectal lexicon, derivative etymological nest, concept of “harm” | 944 | |||||
5988 | The present paper is devoted to a little-known XVI-century piece of linguistic writing – the comparative grammar of Italian and Spanish (“Il paragone della lingua toscana et castigliana”, “The comparison of Tuscan and Castilian languages”, 1560) by Giovanni Mario Alessandri, a Naples-born courtier. The grammar was meant both for the Spanish nobles eager to learn Italian and for the Italians who pursued a career at the Spanish court. In many ways “Il paragone” stands apart from the bulk of the Italian grammatical treatises of that epoch. Alessandri does not cite classic authors like Boccaccio or Petrarch to support theoretical points although it is on such XIV-century literary basis that the Italian language norm is based. The grammar contains a number of interesting comments of sociolinguistic nature, like those regarding social hierarchy and its impact on language use (the use of “Vostra Signoria”, for instance). It also gives an idea of how the ideology of Counter-Reformation could influence grammaticography in the Romance world (hence the frequent appeals to the authority of Catholic church – quite a queer feature for a grammatical treatise). G. M. Alessandri’s views on language have much in common with those of B. Castiglione, G. Trissino and other XVI-century Italian theorists of “courtly” language. Keywords: history of Italian, history of Romance linguistics, grammaticography, XVI-century Italian language, questione della lingua, language norm | 944 | |||||
5989 | . | 943 | |||||
5990 | In prosaic works of A. Bely was formed the visual model of the text of nonclassical type a common feature of which is the discrete space of the page set by such visual and graphic strategies as indent, interval, graphic equivalent of the text, vertically positioned and shaped blocks of text. Visual discretization of prosaic works of A. Bely is natural manifestation of the features of visual thinking of the writer created under direct influence of the theory of nonlinearityas outlooks. New strategy of creation of text visual space by A. Bely marked a new era of visual thinking and gained development not only in the XX century, but also in the recent literature. Keywords: visual model, visual thinking, indent, graphic equivalent of the text, space of the page, interval | 943 | |||||
5991 | The article focuses on the theme of using board games in Russian lessons for foreigners. Traditionally, in teaching Russian language board games are rarely used, which is proved by the few board games on sale. While in teaching other European languages, board games are often used. The introduction is centered on specific functions of these games and both their positive and negative aspects deriving from the use of games at lessons. The analysis of results shows the potential to be considered in order to develop the board game «Macedonia». This article aims to present board games as a valid way to practice a rather difficult topic in Russian language: verbs of motion, with and without prefixes. Before developing the board game, some of the most common handbooks used at language schools in Rome have been analyzed. The analysis has shown as follows: additional educational tools are needed in teaching verbs of motion allowing to shape communication situation in order to practice verb forms – with and without prefixes – as well as phraseology. The main part of the article is then dedicated to the description of the game presented: its components, the principle of dividing grammar in levels of difficulty, the rules of the game, the knowledge developed in the process of playing and the system of evaluation of this knowledge. The concept of the game is based on the following elements: minimum amount of material components, simple game rules, short duration and variable number of players. In the final part are displayed and proposed the ways to further development of this particular educational medium. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, game techniques, board game | 943 | |||||
5992 | The article deals with the peculiarities of using language quantifiers which express time measurements in Modern English. According to a widespread conception in the literature of linguistics and philosophy, space and time are deeply intertwined with each other, both in language and in underlying concepts. As both space and time can be measured the category of measure and its language representatives are inseparably connected with space-time system. To gain a better insight into the relations between time and measure the revealed language means have been gathered into certain groups, which form the structure of the functional-semantic field representing the category of time. The core of the field is represented by the metric system of time measurements and some traditional units used in Englishspeaking countries. The latter part of the core is rather small in number. Of special interest are inaccurate and unspecified measures, forming the peripheral zone of the functional-semantic field under discussion. Keywords: category of time, category of measure, time quantifier, unspecified measure, functional-semantic field | 943 | |||||
5993 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the actual problem of development of the International educational program “Step by Step”. The analysis of sociological, psychological, pedagogical, methodical works of famous domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners allowed to consider the historical and pedagogical aspects of the problem of development of this program, both abroad and in Russia and Kazakhstan. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of use of theoretical and empirical methods, the main of which was the analysis of interaction of participants of educational process and research is based on the lessons of science and math in elementary school. This work was carried out in three stages. The first stage was to determine the main theoretical and methodological provisions for the problem, analyzed the degree of its study, defined the General provisions. The second stage was to identify the features of the application of “Step by Step” in the classroom model of primary school. The third stage was to analyze the effectiveness of children’s education using the technology “Step by Step”. Results and discussion. The comparative analysis allowed to consider the historical and pedagogical aspects of the problem of development of this program abroad, in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as to justify the validity of the use of the term technology in relation to”Step by Step”. The presented analysis of the concepts “technology”, “educational technology”, “pedagogical technology” proves the possibility of using the term “technology” with respect to “Step by Step”. Much attention is paid to the problem of social competence of the modern primary school student and its development in primary school. Conclusion. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of “Step by Step” allows us to understand the essence and main idea of this technology. The goal of the educational process is the development of a child’s personality, its individuality, uniqueness, based on beliefs and faith, with the features of own “internal world model”, the structure of subjective experience, where the subject relations are based on the principles of individualization, cooperation, partnership and freedom of choice activities. The use of technology “Step by Step” increases the value of learning through a fundamentally new democratic approach that meets the standards of today and promotes dynamic cooperation of all parties to the educational process, during which there is an individual improvement. Keywords: technology, international program, comparative analysis, «Step by Step», primary school | 943 | |||||
5994 | This paper is a culmination of long-term research and implementation practice models for the formation of world perception in primary school children. It is based on the idea of unity and harmony between man and the world in the process of integrated arts. Keywords: perception, attitude, art, culture, integration of teaching material, intersubject thematic blocks | 942 | |||||
5995 | In his novella “Back Before the War” (1971) Vil Lipatov follows the traditions of «kolkhozny novel» and soviet mass culture of 1930s–1950s when creating the image of a taiga village Ulym. Using archaic motifs and images including ones connected with an initiation ceremony such as a house in the forest, a substitution fiancé, an orphan, the prodigal son, the author builds the cyclic model of patriarchal world and combining the idyllic topos simultaneously with the idea of pagan paradise, myth of self-sufficiency of a patriarchal village and soviet mythologems. The myth, which is a fundamental principle of the story, makes the peaceful coexistence of all three layers possible. The main character of the novel – a carrier of the individual conciseness – goes through some kind of initiation, becomes familiar with the natural, eternal forms of objective reality and at the same time she goes out of the borders of the idyllic chronotope while leaving the exclusive world the main goal of which is birth of children. Keywords: novella, Vil Lipatov, idyll, “Back Before the War”, chronotope, folk motif, initiation, “kolkhozny novella”, a house in the forest, orphan, the prodigal son | 942 | |||||
5996 | The article reveals the role of the professional credibility of the teacher in ensuring quality education, which is determined by the need for constant transformation, firstly, of the situations that make up the pedagogical process; secondly, the personality of the teacher as the organizer of the pedagogical process. Professional credibility of a teacher is defined as a quality, reflecting the complex of personality traits and skills that contribute to support the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in familiar and changing environments. Highlighted the specific features of the professional credibility of the teacher: reliability, timeliness, meaningfulness and correctness of pedagogical action. The formation of professional credibility of a future teacher is proved as a promising requirement for teacher training at university. The component content of higher pedagogical education, responsible for the formation of the professional credibility of the teacher of the future, is presented in the form of regulatory experience, which represents the unity of knowledge, abilities, skills, emotions associated with maintaining the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in a familiar and changing environment. The structure of the situation of the development of the future teacher regulatory experience as a means of formation of professional credibility of a future teacher consists of four components: identifying conflict; accounting for internal potential; correlation of the individual experience of carrying out pedagogical activities with the experience of other participants in the educational process; the manifestation of a subjective position. The technologies of creation of the situations of development of the future teacher’s regulatory experience in the educational process of the university are characterised. The criteria of efficiency of formation of professional credibility of the future teacher in educational process of the university are: changing individuallystylistic peculiarities of self-regulation of pedagogical activity during the period of study at the university; the stability of the contribution of the regulatory action to the maintenance of professional credibility of the teacher in postgraduate period of professionalization. Keywords: professional reliability of the future teacher, regulatory experience, the situation of mastering the regulatory experience by the future teacher, regulatory actions | 942 | |||||
5997 | The article presents the interim results of the study, the purpose of which is to study the possibilities of using new information and communication technologies in the areas of training implemented in higher educational institutions specializing in training specia lists in the humanitarian field. The relevance of the subject is considered taking into account the need to improve the teaching of the discipl ine “Informatics” using intersubject communications between the fields “Informatics” and “Culturology”. Scientific novelty and significance of the operation. Intermediate results of the conducted researche are carried out, some cultural features of the teaching discipline “Informatics” are analyzed. Some cultural features of teaching discipline “Informatics» to the first year students of the direction of training “Economics” are discussed. With the use of the service https://www.visualworld.ru/ the key terms that characterize the structure of the subject areas “Culturology” and “Informatics” are highlighted. The tasks aimed at forming the information culture of students, developed by the teachers and indicated by the author, taking into account the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic aspects of information, are considered. It is advisable to offer the students the assignments aimed at researching expositions of museums of a corresponding orientation for independent implementation. Using materials, developed by the teachers of department of informatics and mathematics, we have developed some information resources for training in the discipline “Informatics”. The statistics of the fulfillment of the tasks by the students consists in the fact that the students have mastered the autumn semester in the 2017/2018 academic year. Keywords: cultural science, information, interdisciplinary communications, teaching of the discipline “Informatics” | 942 | |||||
5998 | The article deals with the analysis of the structure and content of the linguacultural concept “Enterprise” in the Russian linguacultural view of the world. Data for study includes dictionary entries of various explanatory dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as the electronic collection of newspaper reviews presented in a reference system of Russian National Corpus. The article provides the results of description and comparison of cognitive signs of the considered concept presented in the semantics of dictionary definitions and on material of Russian modern printing media. The analysis presented in the article allows to define and enlarge the list of notional signs of the concept “Enterprise”, and reveals some peculiar conceptual features while studying the combinability of the above-mentioned concept that gives the chance to present a more detailed mental world picture of Russian native speakers. According to our statistics, the key signs of the concept verbalized in dictionary definitions are “activity”, “agent/person” connected to enterprise activity and “benefit”, as a result of activity. While corpus examples, apart from those basic signs, demonstrate more diverse structure of cognitive signs, which represent concept “Enterprise” as a social phenomenon, such as “job”, “source of income”, “subject, course”, “social layer”, “social and economic phenomenon”, “image”, etc. The article is also due to show the changes in speakers’ mental picture of the world caused by the changes in the society. The research results can be used to compile dictionary entries as well as to provide lectures in Cognitive linguistics, Linguacultural Studies, etc. Keywords: linguacultural concept, lexeme-representative, notional sign, conceptual feature | 942 | |||||
5999 | Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of modern educational space, which combines scientific and practice-oriented components, knowledge and competence paradigms of education. The aim of this work is to generalize and systematize the set of requirements for quality humanitarian education. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the study was a set of methods of system, activity and personality-oriented approach, analysis of scientific and methodological literature, legal documents regulating modern General education practice. Results and discussion. Consideration of the phenomenon of humanitarian education and humanitarization of education, as well as the format of the mandatory exam in the Russian language (the main state exam and the unified state exam, as well as the final interview in the Russian language) allowed to fix the focus of the estimated results in two aspects: the actual knowledge and competence, allowing to assess the formation of the student’s personality, to assess his speech readiness in combination with his General culture. It is noted that modern linguistics considers language as a complex dynamic system, which is undoubtedly reflected in the context of the formation of the school educational space. The framework presents the organization of the educational process in the Humanities, namely its orientation as a single set of requirements, in particular between the actual subject education and personal abilities, inclinations of students, to be focused on the prolonged demand for students in their future professional space and in private life, which involves in the process of formation of the humanitarian educational space of the school the inclusion of various methodological options of educational activities and the inclusion of didactic units, focused on the formation of dialogue and interaction, as well as the formation of practical skills in the subject area. Conclusion. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that this variant of the organization of humanitarian educational space is possible through a combination of different approaches, among which the leading place can be occupied by the technology of personality-oriented education. Keywords: humanitarian education, educational area Russian Language, personality-oriented education, competence approach | 942 | |||||
6000 | Introduction. Response of the system of education to the requirements of a professional standard of a teacher is constrained by the difficulties of a transitional period, caused by the lack of fundamentally new organizationalmethodical mechanism of the educational system. The analysis of scientific publications, regulatory documents connected with that problem indicates that the requirements for professional training of teachers are formed in the logic of a lifelong learning. Material and methods. To solve research problems, the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and didactic domestic and foreign literature on the problem under study, methods of psychological, pedagogical and sociological analysis of the state and the needs for teaching staff, systematization of the process of organizing continuous pedagogical education were used. Results and discussion. On the basis of the revealed regularities and principles of formation of the system of a lifelong learning the model of a lifelong pedagogical learning has been developed and substantiated taking into account modern requirements to professional teacher’s qualifications and organizational and pedagogical conditions of its realization have been defined. The presented system of continuous pedagogical education is developing, which is a synergistic integrity of subsystems of the level of general education, vocational education and post-vocational education. Conclusion. The result of the implementation of the developed system of lifelong pedagogical education is the readiness and ability of a graduate of a pedagogical university to meet modern requirements for the professional qualifications of a teacher. The systemic effect of the realization of that model is the teachers’ need for a lifelong pedagogical learning to solve various levels of professional problems. Keywords: lifelong pedagogical learning, professional qualifications, professional education, postgraduate education, educational script | 942 |