# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1401 | Objective of this study was researching the apoptosis of lymphocytes and neutrophils in alcoholic patients in dynamic of the therapy with preparation cytophlavin. Level of apoptosis in lymphocytes and neutrophils on receptor and cellular levels statistically significant increase in group of persons with alcohol intoxication, compared with healthy donors. Therapy with cytophlavin resulted in positive dynamic expressing receptors CD5 on lymphocytes of persons with alcohol intoxication. Trend toward normalization of number of neutrophils and lymphocytes with morphological signs of apoptosis has been noticed. During application of cytophlavin in patients with alcoholism decrease of concentration of cortisol in serum of blood was observed. Keywords: apoptosis, alcoholism, cytophlavin, neutrophils , lymphocytes | 1149 | |||||
1402 | The paper presents a concise description of elaboration news methods for solution problems and transfer for projects on the General Physics Course. Results a schemas proposes on obtains products pedagogic a employ for schools end technical university. Set examples be revealed for students possibility realize individuality a media interactive teachers end students. The implementation of this work in the educational process has become possible due to the latest achievements in the information technology fields. Keywords: the problem-oriented teaching, the method of projects, information technology, educational medium, general physics course | 1149 | |||||
1403 | The article considers the comedies on «Modern Drama». The comedies of A. Chekhow: «Ivanov», «The Seagull» and «The Cherry Orchard» are under analyses in the article. Keywords: Modern Drama, comedy, A. Chekhov, «The Seagull», «The Cherry Orchard» | 1149 | |||||
1404 | A generic feature of viable exponential F(R)-gravity is investigated. An additional modication to stabilize the effective dark energy oscillations during matter era is proposed and applied to two viable models. An analysis on the future evolution of the universe is performed. Furthermore, a unied model for early and late-time acceleration is proposed and studied. Keywords: gravity, dark energy, universe, cosmology | 1149 | |||||
1405 | This article is devoted to the problem of love in modern culture. The values of post-industrial (or informational) society make us consider the phenomenon of the human love, its role and meaning in modern world. The traditional approach to this problem is not critical anymore, while modern culture offers new approaches and solutions. | 1148 | |||||
1406 | - | 1148 | |||||
1407 | The article describes bronze artifacts made in Siberian Scythian beast style. All pieces came from Tomsk Ob region and date back to V–III centuries B.C. These artifacts reflect similarity in outlook of the population Tomsk Ob region with the population of the Scythian world. | 1148 | |||||
1408 | The article presents for the fist time non-traditional approach to the state of inability to understand the meaning of one’s own activities because of psychiatric disorder. The authors consider this state as a particular legal aspect of mentally sick people. This aspect has certain criteria: medical, psychological and legal. The authors attribute to this state not only disability stated by civil Law, but also limited ability and a-ability. | 1148 | |||||
1409 | The article reflects preliminary results of studies of the particularities of the psychological reaction on situation of involuntary unemployment. It reveals gender differences between unemployed and working in the structure of psychological defenses and in choice of coping-behaviours strategies. Keywords: unemployed, gender, coping behaviour, psychological defense | 1148 | |||||
1410 | The article deals with historical and pedagogical models of rural ungraded schools, preconditions for their planning at the present stage. It describes two basic models of the modern rural schools of this type. Keywords: historical and pedagogical models of rural ungraded schools, preconditions, different-age school models. | 1148 | |||||
1411 | The article proves the elements of the author’s methods of teaching art in ungraded schools to meet the requirements of draft standards of the second generation. Keywords: universal training activities, methods of teaching art. | 1148 | |||||
1412 | The article discusses various approaches to define creativity. Criteria, technologies, principles and means of developing creativity are identified. The peculiarities of the development of creativity in the study of general physics course are mentioned. Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, developing of creativity | 1148 | |||||
1413 | The article regards anthropomastic metaphor in publicistic discourse from the hermeneutic point of view, reveals its potential in creating text semantic structure, and defines the functions of the anthropomastic metaphor in publicistic discourse. Keywords: precedential anthroponym, anthropomastic metaphor, publicistic discourse, hermeneutics, metaphor functions, semantic structure | 1148 | |||||
1414 | Nowadays it has become obvious for the scientists all over the world that the indispensable condition of economic growth and prosperity of the country is transition of economy to the innovative phase of development. Ability to innovations in general and to innovations of a certain type is a property of the men’s mentality, their cultural specifics. Distinctions in abilities of the different nations to innovations depend on the nature of culture and on the cultural environment in which the person is socialized Keywords: Innovativeness, the attitude to innovation, creativity, cultural values | 1148 | |||||
1415 | Based on review of approaches to understanding of the notions of activity and learning activity in psychologypedagogical science, here the notion of “students’ learning activity” is clarified; components and indicators are derived; the following levels of development are described: the level of least efforts, reactive-executive, activeexecutive, productive-targeted, personality-sensible. Keywords: activity; types of activity; students’ learning activity; content, components, indicators and levels of development | 1148 | |||||
1416 | The article is the result of the analysis of historical and educational literature and archive materials. It describes for the first time the peculiarities of labor education at institutions of public charity in the Yenisei province in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The authors determine the specific features of the charity in the Yenisei province and the characteristics of their labor education. Keywords: labor education, orphans, the system of charity, Yenisei province, late XIX – early XX centuries | 1148 | |||||
1417 | This article is dedicated to the research into the interactive advertisement as a game model of cooperation between advertiser and target audience. It also presents analysis of using game tools in advertising process, results of content analysis of interactive advertising products and situational analysis of Internet market of Krasnoyarsk into the subject of development interactive technologies in advertising. According to the research results the recommendations for creation of interactive advertisement product and proposals on the use of interactive advertising in the Internet were developed. Keywords: Internet advertising, game tools, advertising process, interactive advertising model, interactive advertisement | 1148 | |||||
1418 | The article deals with the peculiarities of the representation of the concept “Family” in lexicographical sources and in linguistic consciousness of Russian and English-speaking respondents. The generality and specificity of family perception and its members in the section of ethno-cultural and gender aspects, based on the analysis of the free associative experiment are examined. It is revealed that the Russian “feminine” linguistic consciousness is different from the “male” one, and that in the Russian associative field adjectives are dominated, while men have reactions expressed generally by nouns. In the men’s associative field the gender stereotypes of social roles are analyzed and the opposite perception of family members in correlation with biological sex and age. Keywords: linguistic consciousness, lexicographical meaning, concept, associative field, gender | 1148 | |||||
1419 | The article is devoted to consideration of the questions connected with providing and formation of psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment. It is shown that one of the most actual problems of modern psychology is studying of the risk factors menacing to psychological safety of the educational environment, and also conditions promoting its security. The characteristic of pedagogical risk factors, negatively affecting development and health, and psychological safety of the trained is given. Results of empirical studying of indicators of psychological safety of the educational environment of high comprehensive schools are presented. Most of the examinees who took part in research was shown by the positive relation to the educational environment of the school, high level of satisfaction with characteristics of the educational environment and high level of security from psychological violence. Keywords: psychological safety, educational environment, pedagogical risk, psychological violence, crisis situations, conditions of psychological safety | 1148 | |||||
1420 | The management of modern economy demands important scientific substantiation especially from the point of view of the foundation theory. The author speaks about the base being weak and suggests treating the economic society in research as the management system. For this purpose one proposes using a synthesis of social, natural and exact sciences. They include the following blocks: the economic (central) one and additional ones - the humanitarian, technical, integration sciences united by a common philosophical methodology. | 1147 | |||||
1421 | The article considers mental dialogue as a methodological basis for engineering applied designees The author makes a supposition of an invariant structure of the dialogue thinking and suggests the conditions under which the dialogue takes place. The conclusion of the article is as following: a traditional linear scheme of design stages (technical task - technical offer - draft design - technical specifications and test samples) should be considered in terms of hermeneutic circle. In other words it is necessary to include certain returns to early stages of the design process into the course of the dialogue. | 1147 | |||||
1422 | The comparative, etymological, lexico-semantic and ethno-cultural analyses of the Old Slavic substantives united by the stem-building suffix -s- reveal the fact that this ancient consonantal suffix (like in Old English) served primarily as the marker of the animated class of nouns. | 1147 | |||||
1423 | The clause is devoted to the analysis of means of verbalization concept "Christening" in Russian national fairy tale. Named concept is a component of a folklore Christian picture of the world. Its consideration represents significant research interest in connection with a role of sacrament of a christening to life of the orthodox Christian. Thus those scripts which were reflected in Russian national fairy tale are marked, and the reasons of such choice come to light. Lexical means of verbalization concept "Christening" are allocated first of all and their role in the folklore text is defined. So the value of God parents established by church canons, and reflected in national consciousness, for example, is compared, and also various national signs and the customs connected with a christening and God are considered. Thus the special attention is given type of a fairy tale in which it is reflected data concept - magic, household or a fairy tale on animals. The urgency of work is connected with revival of Christianity and heightened interest to its history. | 1147 | |||||
1424 | With the advent of the new educational paradigm the component content of language training has been greatly changed. Special emphasis among recent changes has been placed on a sociocultural approach, its impact on foreign language teaching. In the paper the authors make an attempt to analyze the essence, some peculiarities and would-be perspectives of the development of a sociocultural approach to language training. | 1147 | |||||
1425 | The problem of children’s health protection in the Far North has special importance. Last time there is a tendency to use health protection methods in educational process of school. For example, the program «Healthy child in a healthy school» is implemented in practice of rural school of Karkateevo. This heath-improving program includes a corrigent gymnastics, moderate running, shaping and respiratory gymnastics with the use of method of a biological feedback. The control of children’s physical condition and health has allowed revealing essential positive changes on the majority of investigated indicators. Keywords: physical culture, children of primary school age, health, respiratory gymnastics, biological feedback | 1147 | |||||
1426 | In the article considered the main tendencies in the development of people’s education in Russia in the second half of XVIII c. Traced the contradicted character of state educational policy in the epoch of Catherine II. Analysed the attempt to create «new bread of people» through opening of locked all-layed educational schools. The important part belongs to various projects dedicated to reforming peopleеs education. Discovered the characteristic features of creation the allrussian state system of school education in 80 years XVIII c., that carried out evidently democratic character. Keywords: mass people’s school, development of education, educational project, all-layed principle in education, locked school, state gymnasium, elementary education of town children, peasant schools, general school, educational programm, elementary education | 1147 | |||||
1427 | Basic principles of nomination of town objects in Tomsk is revealed. The terminological set is provided, ergonims classification from the viewpoint of foreign language means functioning is presented. The diversity of graphical representation of ergonims and word-formation means are discussed. Keywords: the communicative space of the city, ergonomics, foreign language means, borrowing, graphical representation, transliteration, transliterated reversive | 1147 | |||||
1428 | The article shows the role of the confessional factor in the identification process of the Poles, as well as showing close relationships of it with ethnic identity and role in the interethnic relations. The author explores changing forms and mechanisms for maintaining religious identity of Poles throughout the 20th century. Keywords: ethnical identity, confessional factor, Catholics, Poles, Tomsk region | 1147 | |||||
1429 | The article regards economists’ professional linguistic competence development. Some pedagogical conditions of using adaptive model as a way to develop above mentioned competence are highlighted. Keywords: professional linguistic competence, adaptive model, competence-based approach, context-based approach, project study. | 1147 | |||||
1430 | Based on the archival materials, this article describes the innovative experience by the Tomsk doctor and counsellor V.S. Pirussky in organizing summer children colonies, which are the recreation camps for physically weak teenage city children. The organizational-pedagogical ideas of this scientist are analysed for the possible interest of contemporary social work enthusiasts, teachers, physicians and managers. Keywords: Vladislav Stanislavovich Pirussky, summer children colonies, practices for recreation and upbringing, social pedagogy, history of pedagogy | 1147 | |||||
1431 | Sexuality is an important and integral component of the person, which is closely related to self-esteem and perception of own attractiveness ratings by other people, which is essential for the manifestation of a mood state (emotions, feelings, experiences, fantasies, etc.). Sexuality is in close relationship with the self-perception and the perception of the partner. The article describes the main aspects of sexuality, attempts to identify the psychological factors that influence sexual self-perception of the object. Keywords: sexuality, psychological characteristics, self-perception | 1147 | |||||
1432 | In the article, with the involvement of previously unpublished archival materials, some aspects of daily life of professional entertainments at the court of Peter I: buffoons and dwarves are investigated. Keywords: Petrine era, courtyard of the monarch, the laughter culture, buffoons | 1147 | |||||
1433 | The author suggests elaboration of the course for development of research skills among the pupils and recommendations for training physics teachers to organization of the elective course. Keywords: research skills, State standard, forming skills, teacher training | 1147 | |||||
1434 | The article reviews translation revision studies attempted both in Russia and abroad, in order to prove the necessity of establishing theoretical and methodological basis for this field of activity. The authors consider the notion of revision, define its status in translation teaching, analyse methods of revision and self-revision and prove it necessary to include revision as an independent activity into translators training program in higher educational establishments. Keywords: self-revision, revision, translation quality, translators training, translation | 1147 | |||||
1435 | The research presents some important results of the diagnosis of functional-semantic content of joint activities and teaching positions in a foreign language classroom. Based on the test’s modification of G.N. Prozumentovа «Diagnostics of functional-semantic content of the joint activity and the position of the teacher as a participant and organizer», the authors developed a questionnaire adapted for the technical university. The purpose of this research is to identify the actual and preferred professional activities and teaching positions of joint activity organization. The test is a series of statements describing possible actions of the teacher that reflects its position in the different models of joint activity (manager, leader, and partner). Test results allow to identify actual and preferred professional actions and models in organization of joint activity of teachers and students. In addition, we presented the results, received from teachers of two different departments of the same university, which will be very helpful to understand the educational presses which teachers are applying in order to be successful in teaching foreign as a second language. We built the results the way you can easily distinguish both groups’ experiences and put them into the tables. The final table shows us the compared results of two groups and displayed them for more understanding. Keywords: joint activities, foreign language, interactive learning, interactive methods, interactive teaching, authoritarian model, leadership model, affiliate model | 1147 | |||||
1436 | The article is devoted to a conception of pedagogical techniques as the basic categories of specialists training for the needs of the tourism industry. Some peculiarities and specifics of the industry have been analyzed in detail, the necessity of exactly the module variations is substantiated. There have been presented some examples of modular technologies that can be perfectly adapted to such discipline as «Tourism economics». The theme in question is known to be poorly explored and requires further research. The article mainly focuses on the algorithm of actions applicable for the modular approach, and the idea is reinforced by an examination of the teacher’s role as a coach. Also a definition of this pedagogical concept has been proposed, and an adequate level of competency has been introduced. This thesis is confirmed by the peculiarities of the tourism market, which is regarded as a changeable and dynamic system. The main section of the paper presents some problem-theme blocks that can be successfully implemented into the «coach» system with the purpose to compose the «Change management strategy for the tourism business» module in the discipline «Tourism economics». In conclusion, as a brief summary of the reported study, the author introduces a concept «information literacy», which is introduced by means of such notions as follows: «a paradox of information redundancy management», «a paradox of education management», «a paradox of uncertainty and variability management». Keywords: modular educational technologies, character, word, scheme, coach, information literacy, paradox of information redundancy management, paradox of education management, paradox of uncertainty and variability management | 1147 | |||||
1437 | The second part of the article presented in this publication continues the discussion about the contextual study of the play by Alexander Vampilov Last Summer in Сhulimsk. The study is based on the criticism methodology of studying of the literature that is relevant in contemporary literature and reveals the themes, problems, plots, motives common for the world literary space. The author’s model of the play by Alexander Vampilov, who worked in the tideway of a nonclassical art paradigm, is based on the free variation of elements of known plots (in particular, the above mentioned Romeo and Juliet) which act here as a cultural model. The most attention in the article is given to the devices of disclosing of the semantic potential of images of the main characters – Luka and Yeremeyev, to determination of their functions in the logic of the action and the location in the system of characters. It is noted that its characteristic feature is the multiple-level system of the action consisting of a set of plot lines, each of which has its reference, thus following to the literary model is obviously broken. The systematic displacement of accents in the solution of «another’s» plot allows one to build the author’s original concept of a person and the world. Keywords: Russian dramatic art of the 1970th, literary context, text structures producing the meaning, system of images, functions of heroes | 1147 | |||||
1438 | Shustova E. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 43-47 . | 1146 | |||||
1439 | The progressive intellectuals faced the search of the ways of educational optimum under conditions of global social eco¬nomic transformations. School goes into the question on the formation of a personality with progressive activity in all spheres of life. In this article the problem of cognitive educa¬tion based on psychological mechanisms of cognitive sphere of pupils is discussed. General components of cognitive sphere are revealed. The influence of individual style of self-regulation on the success of education is considered. | 1146 | |||||
1440 | Children’s gift is a concept that is widely used in modern educational practice, however its theoretical and pedagogical essence is at initial stages of perception. In the article the analysis of categorical essence of children’s gift is introduced within the framework of a pedagogical science. | 1146 | |||||
1441 | НЕТ Keywords: НЕТ | 1146 | |||||
1442 | The article investigates the activity of Tomsk university professor S.I. Gessen, one of organizers of pedagogical courses in the summers of 1918 and 1919, the initiator of opening of Pedagogical institute attached to TSU, the creator of foundations of pedagogics as applied philosophy. Keywords: professor S.I. Gessen, pedagogical courses, Tomsk teachers, the system of pedagogic formation, pedagogical Tomsk | 1146 | |||||
1443 | The problem of personality egoism is considered. Correlation of egoism with the age of marriage, as well as correlation of marriage partners’ egocentricity with the satisfaction with marriage is traced. Keywords: egoism, egocentricity, satisfaction with marriage, spaces of being, space of marital relations | 1146 | |||||
1444 | The article considers the possibility of application of playing technologies in pedagogical activity of school museum as an effective mean of teaching the bases of museum knowledges in accordance with competent approach of modern education. The article notes the disadvantages of traditional methods of pedagogical museum activity in deciding the tasks on formation and development of basic competences of students. It opens up the requirements to organization of playing pedagogical activity: teleologism (goal setting), terms of realization and maintenance, directed on forming of competence as a pedagogical result. Keywords: competent approach in education, competence, active methods of teaching, playing pedagogical technologies | 1146 | |||||
1445 | The article considers the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon in connection with the idea of orthodox kingdom. Explores the understanding of the orthodox kingdom patriarch Nikon and the manifestation of this understanding in the “correction”, the liturgical texts on the example of the Trebnik. Keywords: orthodoxy, the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon, the liturgical texts, the Trebnik, orthodox kingdom | 1146 | |||||
1446 | The connection of epimorphological structure with ecological strategies and reproduction features of plants in extreme high-mountain conditions is considered in the article. There is shown, that the approaching to the ecotopic limit furthers the growth of life forms diversity and plants sizes. Keywords: high-mountain (alpine) plants, life form, ecotop, thermal regime of plant, ecological niche, ecological strategies, spatial strategies, reproduction strategies | 1146 | |||||
1447 | For increase of the status of health and safety bases subject in educational institutions, revealing professional competence, supports and encouragements of talented teachers, increases of their pedagogical skill in Tomsk region the first regional competition of professional skill of health and safety bases teachers «Best teacher of health and safety bases» was held. In article the purposes and competition problems reveal, the organization of its carrying out is described. Keywords: Creative development, competition, pedagogical skill, high school, professional work of the teacher, health and safety, the pedagogical idea, open lesson, practical skills, professional competences | 1146 | |||||
1448 | In the article the results of empirical research of the basic coping-strategy realized in professional activity of teachers and representatives of unsocionomic professions are considered. The assessment was carried out on exponents of expressiveness and specific weight basic coping-strategy in the general structure of coping-behaviour. Keywords: coping, coping-strategy, basic strategy, professional behaviour, pedagogical workers, unsocionomic professions | 1146 | |||||
1449 | The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the variants of decision of the problems of the legitimation and the delegitimation of the power in the narratives of the late Enlightenment. In the article there are revealed some common features and some peculiarities of the approach to this problem of the Russian authors (M. M. Shcherbatov and N. M. Karamzin) and their British colleagues (D. Hume, W. Robertson, E. Gibbon). Keywords: late Enlightenment, legitimation / delegitimation of the power, historiographical comparative research | 1146 | |||||
1450 | The article presents the analysis of the experience of professional self-identification of young people in Germany, its organizational and pedagogical forms. The criteria of prestige of working professions in Germany are allocated in it. Besides, the article deals with the practice of dual system of training students in the sphere of high-technological working professions. It is determined the key problems of social institutions in the organization of vocational guidance and training of qualified young professionals. Keywords: self-identification of young people, vocational guidance, vocational training, the dual system of training, social institutions of vocational guidance | 1146 |