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5451 | The article discusses the features of the evolution of the female images in the novel of B. K. Zaytsev “The House in Passy” and diary essay “The Wayfarer”. This allows to analyze the specificity of creative self-determination of the author during emigration. It is in “The Wayfarer” that the change of anthropological bases of female images in Zaitsev’s prose was first detected. In the novel “The House in Passy” the writer reproduces the characteristic types of emigrants and of indigenous French women. Female image loses its mystical air, mythological allusiveness, philosophical “sophiological” context, present in the early prose of the author. The writer shows different variants of the women’s life’s in emigration. Keywords: literature of Russian emigration, novels of B. K. Zaytsev, masculine (feminine), evolution of creativity, female images, literary anthropology | 1025 | |||||
5452 | The unit of measure of education quality is entered. Difficulties of introduction of a universal unit of measure are discussed. The option based on an average arithmetic assessment of knowledge of studied disciplines is considered. Sources of the errors arising at such expert assessment are studied. It is shown that the size of an error can be reduced if to use probabilistic approach. It is based on the introduction of functions – mathematical expectation estimation. The mathematical technology of processing of indicators of progress is offered. It is noted that the main problem there is a choice of an expert assessment. An example of objective calculation of an assessment is reviewed. The conclusion that the number of indicators of progress should not exceed three-four is drawn, otherwise errors of measurements increase more, than for 50 %. The problem of choice of indicators for assessment of level of training of the student is formulated. It is shown that the main priorities for the employer are his professional competences, and common cultural pale into insignificance. The conclusion can be drawn on quality of education, later some period after the beginning of work of the graduate of educational institution. It is shown that the state of educational-methodical documentation of the department has little effect on the quality of education. It is specified that major factors of improvement of quality of education are the material base of higher education institution, a condition of research activity and close cooperation with employers. They allow to introduce innovative achievements of science in educational process. Keywords: quality of education, unit of measurement, competence, measurement errors, working plan, standard of education | 1025 | |||||
5453 | The article presents the analysis of recent data on the global distribution of thunderstorm activity obtained from satellites and ground-based lightning detection systems, as well as the World’s Meteorological stations network. Gravity anomalies are considered as additional reasons for the spatial distribution of thunderstorm activity over the Globe. Analyzes maps of lightning discharges density, and maps of Earth’s gravity field anomalies obtained by NASA satellites. It is shown that the vast global centers of thunderstorm activity in central Africa and South America are associated with areas of slight negative gravity anomalies. An exception is the world thunderstorm outbreak in the region of Indonesia and the Philippines, which is located above the intense positive gravity anomaly. Regional analysis in Central Europe showed the presence of thunderstorm cells over the negative gravity anomalies. Keywords: thunderstorm, lightning discharges density, gravity field of the Earth, Earth’s gravity field anomalies | 1025 | |||||
5454 | Concept “los” (“destiny”) as a key in the Polish culture has many lexical representation. “Destiny” in Polish is the life, the existence of someone or something; future, sequence of events; the supreme regulatory beginning. Destiny is thought of as contradictory, ambivalent beginning. It is able to help or hinder. Carriers of the Polish language are ambivalent in their relation to the destiny. Presence of the destiny may either be approved or denied. Poles have different views on the nature of destiny. On the one hand, destiny is presented as unchangeable and predefined from above. On the other, there is a view that it is created during the life (existence), and, for example, a person can have a significant influence on it. Metaphorically in Polish destiny is represented by the signs of person, connecting or disconnecting, gracious or formidable beginning. Keywords: concept, lingvoculture, Polish language, lexical representation, conceptual metaphor | 1025 | |||||
5455 | The meteorological vocabulary of the Russian and Selkup dialects reflects practical aspects of the spiritual and applicative learning of the world around by these ethnoses. The atmospheric phenomena and atmospheric precipitation are named differently in the dialects depending on a way and duration of their fall, the size of drops/flakes, force and direction, presence or absence of other atmospheric phenomena. A large number of names are received by those atmospheric phenomena or weather conditions which negatively influence economic activity: long incessant rain; snow with the wind, blizzard; cold weather. The considerable part of the Russian meteorological vocabulary consists of the names of long incessant rain while the Selkup language is characterized by a large number of the names of snow and cold weather. Keywords: meteorological vocabulary, the Selkup language, the Russian language, dialect, comparison | 1025 | |||||
5456 | Introduction. The concept volya (will) has often become the object of the linguists’ scientific research being one of the most important notions which characterize both the Russian character and the national mentality. The purpose of the article is to explore the peculiarity of the concept volya (will) in K. D. Balmont’s (1867–1942) artistic picture of the world on the basis of the poetry collections “Burning Buildings” (1900), “Only Love” (1903). Material and methods. The research is carried out from the point of view of the communicative stylistics of the text which studies the text both as the form of communication and the individual style. While discussing the peculiarities of the concept volya (will) in K. D. Balmont’s artistic picture of the world the position of V. I. Karasik was taken into account who differentiates the figurative, notional and evaluative components in the structure of such multidimensional body as concept. Results and discussion. It was stated that the concept volya (will) is explicitly represented by such lexical items as will and free and by the lexical item captivity which foregrounds the similarly-named concept under study. The dynamics of the notional component of the concept volya (will) was revealed. Whereas in the poetry collection “Burning Buildings” (1900) the lexical unit volya (will) which nominates the similarly-named concept has the frequent meaning ‘freedom’, in the poetry collection “Only Love” (1903) the lexical unit volya (will) has the frequent meaning ‘wish/volition’. According to O. I. Mitrophanova, in A. S. Pushkin’s poetry the lexical unit volya (will) apart from other meanings is used in the meaning of ‘free state’. This fact lets us come to the conclusion about partial similarity of the notional component of the concept volya (will) in the poetry writing of A. S. Pushkin and K. D. Balmont. It was shown that the regulative units of different types (lexical regulative chains of various kinds, the regulative frame with the syntactic parallelism as an instance of repetition at the basis) play a great role in the formation of the concept volya (will). The participation of these lexical regulative units in the formation of the concepts «life» and «solitude» lets us presuppose that they realize not only regulative but also concept-building function. The connection of the concept volya (will) with the concepts «creativity» and «beauty» was mentioned. Conclusion. The analysis which was carried out lets us make a conclusion that the concept «volya» (will) bears value for K. D. Balmont and takes one of the most prominent places in the artistic picture of the symbolist poet. Keywords: concept «volya» (will), lexical regulative unit, world picture, K. D. Balmont | 1025 | |||||
5457 | Introduction. The history of general and pedagogical education in Russia always attracts the interest of researchers, and this is connected with the modern processes of reform of the domestic educational system, they should be supported by historical experience. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct and generalize the experience of the State Duma of the Russian Empire in reforming pedagogical education. Material and methods. The material of the research is historical sources of various origins whose use makes it possible to form an objective view of the development of education in Russia and to re-evaluate the risks and genetic problems in the solution of modern problems of educational reform. General scientific and special historical methods of research are used. Results and discussion. With the establishment of the State Duma in Russian society, there were hopes for positive changes in the development of science and education. The State Duma of the first two convocations began a debate on education: The State Duma of the third convocation has done a great deal, and contemporaries praised its results in this area. Education was the subject of heated debate among deputies of different political factions. All deputies advocated the development of school business, the opening of teachers’ seminaries, institutes, courses, the raising of the status and salary of teachers, but disagreed on the forms and methods of achieving the goal. During the existence of the III Duma, several important normative documents concerning the development of pedagogical education have been adopted. Draft Regulations on Women’s Teachers’ Seminars, discussed over six months, were approved by both Houses of Parliament and approved on 1 July 1908. The Draft Regulations on Women’s Teachers’ Seminars were approved by both Houses of Parliament. As a temporary option for solving the personnel problems of primary schools until the opening of the required number of teacher training institutes and seminaries, on June 6, 1909, a decision was made and highly approved to open two-year pedagogical courses at city schools. One month later, on 10 July, a proposal for temporary teacher training courses for secondary school teachers was accepted. The next step in solving the personnel problem of secondary school was the draft law on “Rules on testing of female persons in knowledge of the course of higher educational establishments and on their acquisition of scientific degrees and titles of female teachers of gymnasiums” which was discussed by the Duma in January 1911 and approved on 25 February. Successfully passed in the Duma and the legislative act on “the establishment of one-year and short-term courses for the preparation of teachers and female teachers of secondary educational institutions”, which on March 29, 1911 was considered and already adopted on July 3. A special place among the projects developed by the commission on public education was occupied by proposals for the transformation of teachers ‘seminaries and teachers’ institutes, which should have had a positive effect on the cultural development of the country, but the bill was discussed for a long time, first in the Third Duma, then in the Fourth Duma, but did not find support. Work in the Fourth Duma on the reform of teacher education institutions was interrupted by the outbreak of world war. Conclusion. Thus, the desire of broad sectors of Russian society and, above all, of the educational community for effective educational activities was reflected in the work of the deputies of the State Duma at the beginning of the last century. The first two Dumas proved to be opposed to the Government and demonstrated the mutual inhospitability of society and the authorities to make concessions, which delayed decision-making even on such obvious issues as the fight against illiteracy. The results of the activities of the Third Duma were the most productive, however, due to the large number of discussions on private issues, the deputies did not have time to complete work on many important bills in the field of education. In the fourth Duma, even the draft laws that had already been drafted were first reviewed and, with the outbreak of the world war, forgotten or rejected, among the latter being the bills to reform the educational system. During the Soviet period, the basic provisions of the draft laws on teacher’s institutes and seminaries were reintroduced, but they were interpreted in the light of the principles of a unified labour school and the education of teachers of the new formation. Keywords: teacher education, teacher training, teacher seminary, teacher training institute, teacher training courses, State Duma, Russian Empire | 1025 | |||||
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5459 | Some problems of vocational education are considered in this article. Aspecial place is removed for analyze of contradictions, influencing on quality of practical education and common training of working personnels. Also some ways of systematization of vocational education in Krasnoyarsk regional are discussed there. Keywords: regional aspect, labour preparation, formation of professional abilities, Initial vocational training, working personnels. | 1024 | |||||
5460 | The experience of research and project activity organization of the students from specializied grades in Tomsk Humanitarian-linguistic gymnasium is considered in the article. Keywords: research and project activity of students; literary club; scientific-practical conference. | 1024 | |||||
5461 | Aim of the research: to creat the image of religion as cultural and civilizational phenomenon. Methods of research: multidisciplinary approach, method of historical and philosophical analysis, hermeneutical method, comparative methodology, methodology of reconstruction of cultural and historical reality, based on the picture of culture as coexistence of unified cultural and historical types, where every element is determined by the system of mental dominants. Results: in the paper it is showed that the creating of cultural and civilizational model of religion is possible in the methodology, which considers culture as the objectification of human existential characteristics, representing the unity of civilization (for self-preservation, security, etc.) and cultural (in beauty, transcendence, etc.) needs. Cultural and civilizational aspects are considered in functioning of the Church, monasticism, monasteries, Christian morality. It is showed, that the civilizational component dominates in the activities of Western European Church and Catholic monasteries, but the cultural component dominates in the activities of the Russian Church and Orthodox Monasteries. Keywords: religion, church, culture, civilization, morality, human nature | 1024 | |||||
5462 | The article deals with the means of representing an inexact measure of liquids, namely, a lexeme expressing the meaning of «глоток» in Russian, German and English languages. The concrete language material of Russian, German and English dictionaries as well as the data of Russian National Corpus, Leipzig and Mannheim German Language Corpuses, British National Corpus taken into consideration, differences in using the given lexemes in the three compared languages were defined and the peculiarities of their combinability and semantics revealed. On the basis of the comparative analysis of these peculiarities the difficulties emerging in the process of the Russian and German lexemes «глоток» и “Schluck” being translated into English have been ascertained and the specific methods of their translation suggested. Keywords: anthropocentric means, inexact measures of liquid material, lexemes «глоток», “Schluck”, “drop”, “sip”, “swallow”, “gulp”, “mouthful”, “drink”, “swig” | 1024 | |||||
5463 | The following inverse problem is discussed. A static electromagnetic field generated by a limited system of charges and currents is supposed to be known with its first derivatives at a point somewhere far from the system. This allows to reconstruct the position of the system, its net charge, and the electric and magnetic moments of the system. Keywords: inverse problem, electromagnetic field, dipole moment, charge | 1024 | |||||
5464 | In this article the author makes an attempt to escape primitive subdivision of trade forms into inferior (archaic) and superior. Comparative analysis of dynamics of fair network of the cusp of XIX–XX centuries with the middle of XIX century is carried out at the national and regional (Western Siberian) levels – (Tobolsk and Tomsk guberniyas); stationary and recurrent trade. The article gives a characteristic of reorganization of fair stations, tendencies and innovations of their development. It is proved that the variety of trade organization forms was a part of modernization processes of Russian economy. Besides that spatial (regional) 'measuring' of structure and distribution of trade network adjusts the discussion about time and ways of modernization of Russia. Keywords: fair network, number of fairs, trade volume, location of fairs, rural and urban fairs, wholesale and retail trade | 1024 | |||||
5465 | This article refers to the analysis of derivatives of anthroponyms that are a part of naming of writers in German newspaper and magazine texts. During the study there were found and analyzed two types of word-building of proper names: compounding and suffixation, resulting in the formation of new nouns and adjectives. The derivatives of proper nouns are being discussed in connection to the newspaper functional style with its specials goals and aims. The study is based on more than 5000 analyzed examples of the writer namings that had been taken from the Internet versions of such magazines as Sueddeutsche Zeitung and Focus. Keywords: proper name, anthroponym, word-building, composite, compounding, suffixation, naming, newspaper functional style | 1024 | |||||
5466 | The article discusses the problems of the development of one of the essential objects of the urban environment of Tomsk at the beginning of the 20th century - bathhouse facilities. This topic has not been the subject of special scientific research yet. Bath as an urban infrastructure element was a popular public institution where people could perform not only hygiene, but also relax, spend free time, communicate with other people. Analyses the existing сentral and local legislation regarding the construction and maintenance of the municipal baths, rules of their functioning in accordance with sanitary requirements, describes the real sanitary condition of the Tomsk baths and its causes. Provides the characteristics of public, room and family baths, their similarities and differences in the quantity and quality of services provided. It is concluded that there is insufficient number of baths to meet the basic needs of residents in maintaining personal hygiene. Shows the role of the urban sanitary commissions in the implementation of sanitary monitoring of bathing establishments, maintenance of cleanliness and disinfection in them. Attention is focused on such problems of Tomsk bath economy, as lacking of sewerage, water supply (up to 1905-1908), poor ventilation device, closets and pits for water drainage, irregular disinfection, presence of parasites (lice, worms) and high probability of contracting infectious, skin, venereal and other diseases. Keywords: Tomsk, bath economy, commercial (public) baths, bathhouse license, city environment, sanitary and hygienic condition | 1024 | |||||
5467 | The relevance of the study determines the current context of information space development and ongoing evolutionary change associated with the latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies. Both in Russian and Kazakhstani mass communication theory, this aspect is insufficiently studied and requires attention. Innovation and theoretical significance of the work lies in the analysis of advanced problems, which make a serious contribution to the scientific basis of the study of journalism.The article presents a holistic concept of the typology of epistolary journalism in the context of globalization and information society development. The analysis focuses on examples of modern texts in both print and electronic media and the Internet, which becomes a new epistolary visual space for communication infrastructure of social communication on the local and global levels. Analyzed dynamic processes in the language and style of contemporary works of epistolary journalism, such as the evolution of the epistolary genre, its transformation in the epistolary visual genre, desacralization when you get the opportunity in social networks and anonymization of self-presentation of the participants of communication, the tendency to brevity of content, lower level information, as well as extensive use of graphic symbols and abbreviations. The author developed a typology of information dissemination channels, describes their modern types that are actively used in journalistic discourse, which largely determine the socio-psychological, information and linguistic and cultural situation in society. Extremely important in this regard is the problem of formation of professional culture of the text creator of business, personal or other types of letters. The article condsiders the tendencies and prospects of development of the epistolary genre in modern journalism, linguistic and stylistic features of this time-tested means of communication. Keywords: letter, epistolary genre, media, Mass Communication Media channels, present, prospects | 1024 | |||||
5468 | The paper refers to the sphere of German studies, which is devoted to the language and culture of Russian Germans. The paper deals with anthroponymics – an understudied part of lexicon of the popular-spoken language of this ethnic community. The relevance of research topic is dictated by 1) urgent tasks of fixing, preserving and studying language and culture of Russian Germans as minority entities; 2) need to understand the linguo-cultural problems related to ethnoses and ethnic groups, with the use of still unused empirical materials, as well as testimony of metalanguage consciousness; 3) need for a detailed study of the nominal system of Russian Germans. The work was written due to the results of a fulltime audience survey of Russian Germans now living in Tomsk. It analyzes the names and demonstrations of metalanguage consciousness of representatives of this diasporic group. The names and demonstrations are represented in relation to proper names, which have German “color”. The aim of the paper is to determine whether Russian Germans’ proper names preserve the ethno-cultural connotation. The work results have both linguistic and historical-cultural significance. The combination of different ways of studying proper nouns of Russian Germans – revealing the procedural linguistic knowledge of subjects and referring to their declarative knowledge of German language allows to recreate links of anthroponymic system of this ethnic community. New lexical units,which clarify the notion of peculiarities of marks of Russian Germans are introduced into scientific usage. They can be used to compile anthroponymic dictionaries, a database of dying cultures. Keywords: sociolinguistic questioning, linguo-culture of Russian Germans, modern anthroponyms | 1024 | |||||
5469 | Introduction. The appeal to the study of childhood in V. Nabokov’s novel is argued by a number of factors: historical and cultural changes at the beginning of the 20th century, attention to the phenomenon of childhood in humanitarian knowledge, and the significance of childhood in the aesthetics of modernism. Despite the fact that the topic of childhood has repeatedly become the subject of Nabokov’s analysis, it was not considered as part of the sociocultural space in the novel “Gift” (“Dar”). The purpose of the work is to explore the social and cultural features that describe the space of the formation of the personality of the characters; to determine the features of childhood as part of the socio-cultural space of V. Nabokov’s novel “Gift” (“Dar”). Material and methods. The study is based on the material of the novel “Gift” (“Dar”). The theoretical and methodological base of the research is composed of the sociological works of P. Sorokin, his works on the semiotics of the creative space of Y.M. Lotman, E. Farino, Nabokov’s studies of Yu. Levin. Results and discussion. The central character Fyodor Godunov-Cherdyntsev is the subject of understanding childhood as a special socio-cultural space in the novel. He recreates a number of signs (a description of the toys, a specific location of the Godunov mansion in St. Petersburg, a description of the interior of the estate in Leshino, a characteristic of the social relationship of the family, etc.), which make it possible to get an idea of a “successful childhood”. The image of his childhood is fitted by the novice poet into the manor and St. Petersburg’s style of Russian literature and through the association of his nanny with Arina Rodionovna, the spiritual relationship of the Godunov clan with Pushkin is established. The uniqueness of the socio-cultural space of Fyodor’s childhood is in the stereoscopic volume, the fullness of existence, ensured by the inclusion of the Godunov’s family in the natural universe, science, and elite culture. The social well-being of the Godunov-Cherdyntsev’s family is interpreted by Nabokov not like someone’s giving this privilege, but as genuine (internal) aristocracy, which is ensured by internal strength of mind, the ability to fulfill oneself in various fields: social and political (Fyodor’s Grandfather), scientific (Father Konstantin Kirillovich), creative (Fyodor). In contrast to his own childhood, Fyodor describes the childhood of the “great sixties” N. G. Chernyshevsky (Godunov’s best toys and clothes are contrasted with Nicolya’s “trousers”/“nankov’s trousers; Fyodor’s attentiveness and vigilance are contrasted with Nicolas’s shortsightedness; Godunov-Cherdyntsev’s physical dexterity is opposed to Chernyshevsky’s clumsiness, etc.). Finally, the continuity of the views and values of the father by the son in the noble family and the refusal to follow in the footsteps of the father in the family history of the son of the priest, the revolutionary fellow of Chernyshevsky are emphasized. Conclusion. Contrary to the prevailing opinion about Nabokov as a writer who is alien to social issue, the analysis allows us to state that the socio-cultural code is a significant method of revealing the ideological and thematic originality of the novel “Gift” (“Dar”). The socio-cultural space of childhood turns out to be the determining factor for all subsequent life. The socio-cultural space in Nabokov’s novels can be considered in a number of ways: intra-family and clan relations; social and personal status (the question of the correspondence of the inner world of a person to the assumed social role); the relationship of social conditions of existence with education, upbringing, cultural and personal self-determination of a person. Nabokov disputes the idea of aristocrats as people who are afraid of hard physical work and divorced from real life. On the contrary, he contrasts the “short-sightedness” of materialist-raider Chernyshevsky, who knows neither life, nor art, nor native nature, with comprehensive enlightenment and adaptability to life in the most diverse conditions of the Godunov-Cherdyntsevs (grandfather Kirill Ilyich and Fedor in exile, father - in expeditions). Social well-being is interpreted by Nabokov not as a self-worthy good, but as a basis for the freedom of personal and cultural selfdetermination. Keywords: Nabokov, “Gift” (“Dar”), literature of the Russian foreign countries, socio-cultural space, childhood | 1024 | |||||
5470 | Podustov M. F. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 17-19 . | 1023 | |||||
5471 | Molchanova O. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 18-20 . | 1023 | |||||
5472 | Werner Н. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 35-41 . | 1023 | |||||
5473 | Egorova N. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 49-52 . | 1023 | |||||
5474 | Using Scwinger-Dyson equation we prove that the beta-function for N = 1 supersymmetric electrodynamics is given by integrals of double total derivatives. This allows to calculate one of the loop integrals and obtain the exact NSVZ beta-function, which relates the beta-function and the anomalous dimension of the matter superfield. Keywords: supersymmetry, supergraphs, NSVZ beta-function | 1023 | |||||
5475 | The article analyses the peculiarities of modern rural schools, contributing to the formation on their basis of network interactions. Keywords: rural school, development of education, network interaction | 1023 | |||||
5476 | The article points to analysis of one of the types of partitioned constructions – conjunctive constructions – usage in the up-to-date Russian language. Peculiarities of conjunctive constructions in newspaper text are examined. The research material contains publications of “The Russian Newspaper” over 2012–2014. Studying of the newspaper material shows that the most part of the conjunctive constructions is presented by partition unit which are used by journalists for the definite purpose. The article reveals means of conjunction that include coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, pronouns, parenthetical words, etc. It is pointed out that conjunctive constructions’ functions depend on genres of publications. Varied functions of conjunctive constructions as an element of informal speech in journalistic style are revealed: imitation of informal speech, facilitation of sense perception, emphasizing of pragmatic information and some others. Keywords: expressive construction, partitioned constructions, conjunctive construction, partitioning, journalistic style, informal speech elements, functions of expressive constructions in text | 1023 | |||||
5477 | There are different kinds of evaluation sheets used for pedagogical practice at university. They help to assess extensively the undergraduates’ professional development during their pedagogical practice. One of this is an assessment list which is different from other types of assessment and can determine clearly the level of developing undergraduate’s competences on different stages of the pedagogical practice. The structure of the undergraduate’s assessment list is given. Also the content of this list is described too. There are some criterias for assessment of the level of competences. There are tools by means of those we can identify the level of undergraduate’s competences at the beginning and by the end of pedagogical practice. Keywords: pedagogical practice, evaluation sheets, types of competences, the level of developing competences, criterias and tools of assessment, assessment list | 1023 | |||||
5478 | Religion as the world outlook and the church as its main institute arose before all the institutes existing and functioning in the society now. The church and catholicism have greatly influenced French culture, 65 % of the population being catholics, 90 % of the cathedrals in France belonging to the Roman-catholic confession, the majority of the French holidays being religious. The article deals with the French religious discourse as one of the kinds of the institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized, multicomponent formation. The analysis of the Christian written language (religious Texts) from the view point of the modern theories of discourse and speech genres presented in the article has revealed a variety of the genre forms of the religious discourse. Keywords: religion, religious discourse, speech genre, functional style, analysis unit | 1023 | |||||
5479 | 2000 and the present education system undergoes qualitative changes. They suggest the creation of conditions for pupils in which there is a formation of generic competences that allow to freely participate in further socialization of a fully developed individual with the preservation and promotion of health. There is a need to use the elective part of the school educational programme on physical training for different sports specializations. One of the specialties of sports disciplines, which is currently widely implemented in physical education of schoolchildren, is Rugby. Keywords: educational process, physical education, competence, students, socialization, lesson of physical culture, Rugby and physical abilities | 1023 | |||||
5480 | The article deals with the notion of “strategic speech competence” in the composition of communicative competence, its structure, represented by substantial and pragmatic components. The urgency of the proposed problem is to intensify the process of teaching the Korean language at school and at a university. One of the ways to solve the problem of preparing graduates for speaking in a foreign language in the Korean language is the formation of strategic speech competence among students in the process of mastering the Korean language. The content component reflects the specifics of the Korean language, namely knowledge of cultural traditions, knowledge of social situations and social functions of communication, non-verbal features of oral-speech communication in the Korean language. The pragmatic component is represented by a complex of compensatory, perceptual and discursive skills. Particular attention is paid to the definition of a “discursive skill”, a “discursive marker”. The discursive skills include 1) the ability to accurately formulate your thoughts, 2) the ability to accurately use a variety of language tools, 3) the ability to defend your point of view, 4) the ability to introduce yourself; 5) the ability to put forth possible variants “For” and “Against”; 6) the ability to conclude, 7) the ability to end the conversation. The discursive markers include introductory sentences, prepositional constructions, introductory words, particles, functioning primarily in oral speech and orienting it on the listener. Discursive markers in Korean are distinguished. Methodical techniques aimed at forming strategic speech competence and teaching oral-speech communication in the Korean language are proposed. Keywords: strategic competence, speech competence, strategic speech competence, the Korean language, oralspeech communication, communicative maxima, compensatory skill, perceptual ability, discursive ability, discursive marker | 1023 | |||||
5481 | Introduction. Well-reasoned discourse is still one of the most widespread in up-to-date media sphere. It is conditional on peculiarities of modern social and historical age context and necessity to prove different viewpoints on current events. That is why study of types and means of argumentation is one of the topical task in different spheres of knowledge. The aim of the article is the detection of idiostyle peculiarities of media discourse of a public language personality abreast of argumentation’s types in the sphere of different informational reasons that are used by this person. Methods of research are based on discursive, semantic and stylistic analysis usage supported by regulative theory as one of the directions of the communicative stylistics of the text. Results and discussion. Dependence of types of argumentation that were used by public media persons on objective factors (informational reason, theme, speech genre) and subjective (goal-setting, communicative and cognitive, cultural and speech author’s peculiarities) is determined. Common and individual regulative means, structures and ways, which are typical for argued discourse and for analyzed individual discursive practices, are revealed in the article. The typical regulative structures and means of regulation are the following: usage of opponent’s quotations with further denial; reference to opponent and appeal to him that is attended by direct or indirect characteristic; reference to facts and quantitative data, usage of comparison of similar signs for proof, intensification of expression and polemic excitement at level of language means. Individual peculiarities of argumentation are the following: difference of author’s intentions, scale of informational reasons for counter-argumentation; choice of argumentation type subject to personality’s idiostle including his cultural and speech, cognitive and communicative styles, availability of author’s regulative means of logical and/or rhetorical argumentation in media discourse. Conclusion. The introduced approach to the study of argumentative discourse from the point of view of the idiostyle manifestation of a public language personality, revealed the difference between argumentation types according to the aim, means and effect of influence, which is caused not only by objective factors, but author’s individual peculiarities and information field of media text authors. These findings are of interest for media linguistics, theory of speech influence, speech conflict study, communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, regulative theory, argumentative discourse, types of argumentation, idiostyle, public informational and media language personality, informational field of language personality | 1023 | |||||
5482 | The year of 2019 is the anniversary of two writers of different eras – A. S. Pushkin (1799–1837) and V. V. Nabokov (1899–1977). This study did not initially include the goal of identifying the “bringing together “of two writers, but an analysis of the wind motive led to results that broadened the ideas about the creative dialogue between Nabokov and Pushkin already established in literature. The aim of the work is to analyse the wind / storm motive in V. Nabokov’s novel “Otchayaniye” (Despair) in relation to cultural tradition. Material and methods. Motive and intertextual analysis based on the work of B. Gasparov, I. Silantyev. For understanding of the functionality and archetypical semantics of the wind / storm motive, the studies of K. Nagina and E. Nikanorova are significant; among the research work on Nabokov, the baseline for this study is, firstly, the article by A. Dolinina, who described the principles of using V. Nabokov to use Pushkin’s intertext in the novel “Otchayaniye” (Despair). Results and discussion. When analyzing “Otchayaniye” (Despair), it was considered that the narrative motive is often implemented in conjunction with an anonymous motive, therefore the focus of research attention was not only the wind motive / storm motive, but also windcalm. It was revealed that the wind motive in the novel is polysemantic and “works” to reveal the main themes and problems in the novel, “involved” in the design of the author’s concept of the work. It is associated primarily with moral and ethical issues: the definition of boundaries and the essence of free will, crime and punishment. It was found that the motive functionally considered in the novel correlates with the archetypal image of the storm, which traditionally embodies above the personal will and trial, the condition of passage of which is the strength of the moral basis of the individual. For the immoral character, who is the central hero of the novel, Herman (a murderer who is not experiencing remorse and torment of conscience), the wind turned into a storm, carries the semantics of punishment (“frightening” wind, “murderous drafts”). The study revealed the use of Nabokov’s method of increasing gradation in the design of the wind motive, which accompanies Hermann’s doubts and moral throwing, turning into a storm at the moment of final despair. Stillness arises at the climax points of the plot (the murder of an imaginary double and Herman reading his own, which must justify, but expose his mediocrity, “story”). If Herman interprets windcalm as the indifference of being to human life, as the absence of God, then at the author’s level “silence of being” emphasizes Nabokov’s idea of free will: nature does not give signs and does not interfere with a person’s moral choice. The analysis of the wind motive made it possible to reveal, the Pushkin’s fairy tale “Skazka o Rybake i Rybke” / About the Fisherman and the Fish as a significant intertext of the novel; the final “Otchayaniye” (Despair) correlates with the outcome of the tale: the character who wished to become a “despot” not only of his own being, but also of the lives of others (to take the place of God), remained “by the broken washtub”. Conclusion. This study made it possible to expand the understanding of the intertextual connections of the novel by V. Nabokov, to clarify the author’s concept of crime and punishment. Keywords: Nabokov, Pushkin, literature of Russian emigration, wind / storm motive, intertextuality | 1023 | |||||
5483 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 13-13 . | 1022 | |||||
5484 | . | 1022 | |||||
5485 | . | 1022 | |||||
5486 | The article deals with spacious Turochakskoe field peat extract research, its influence on the action of crude protein and protein fraction in serosity and pant productivity of Siberian deers. Keywords: peat drug, biochemical research, animal husbandry, physiological animal factors | 1022 | |||||
5487 | The article discusses the use of English small size nouns in the construction with the preposition of. With the exception of the construction a bit of and the construction a whiff of to some degree, all of these words used both within the above-mentioned construction and outside of this construction are characterized by a low frequency of usage, which is conditioned by a wide selection of small size nouns to pick from. The small size nouns individually display very specific connections with the poles of the quantity scale ‘availability of substance lack of substance’. The article contains a list of the main members of the noun group under discussion, considering the currently central problem of their grammatical status, and poses some more problems which require further investigation. Keywords: noun, small quantity, small size, construction, polarity, grammaticalization | 1022 | |||||
5488 | Using a slowly-varying gauge superfield background we compute two-loop low-energy effective action in three dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric Abelian Chern-Simons-matter model with one chiral superfield up to four-derivative order. Keywords: effective action, extended supersymmetry, Chern-Simons field models | 1022 | |||||
5489 | Vacuum fluctuations related a massless conformally coupled scalar field in Friedman-Robertson-Walker-Lemaitre (FRWL) space-times are investigated. Point-slitting regularization is used and a specific renormalization proposal is discussed. Applications to generic black holes and FRWL form of the de Sitter space-time are presented. Keywords: vacuum fluctuations, black holes, Hawking temperature | 1022 | |||||
5490 | The urgency and necessity of the study of ethno-cultural aspects of the Tatar personal names is caused by the fact that so far in Tatar anthroponymics mainly historical and linguistic problems of personal names have been studied, while the fundamental factor in the formation and functioning of the national system is ethnocultural. The purpose of this work is to define the ethno-cultural space of the names – wishes category in the Tatar anthroponyms. As a result, the study of personal names in ethno-cultural aspect shows that personal names are nationally marked language formation. Cultural and historical associations, ethnic and cultural connotations of personal names-wishes are generated by many extra-linguistic factors. The study of ethno-cultural space of names category shows that the peculiarities of the national antroponimikon are culturally conditioned. Keywords: ethno-cultural space, names-wishes, the Tatar anthroponimics, ethno-cultural factor, connotations | 1022 | |||||
5491 | Regularity in natural phenomena is considered as some kind of breathing of landscape environment. The causes of occurrence and duration of cycles are various. The geographical consequences of cycles are observed in climate changes, hydrology, geomorphology and soil genesis. The knowledge of laws of cycling, their origin, duration and importance for the environment is necessary for the prediction of geographical processes. Studying nature cycles in the school course of geography implies students’ integrated knowledge of Physics, Mathematics, Biology and History. The arrangement of cross-curricular events such as part of a lesson, lessons or extra-curricular activities encourage students to perceive phenomena and processes occurring in the nature and life of people in the integrated way. Keywords: cycles in nature, geographical consequences of cycling, integration of knowledge, Physical Geography at school | 1022 | |||||
5492 | The aim of the publication is a research of the merchant class staff of the Steppe region cities, the dynamics of the number of merchants in the guilds both in the whole of North-East Kazakhstan, and in certain cities of the region in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries. The main research sources are the documents of the Central state archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State archive of Omsk Region. The author of the article studied the demographic development and the number of entrepreneurs of the Steppe region cities in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries. A comprehensive comparative analysis has been done to identify the causes of quantitative changes of merchants and certain categories of the population in the major cities of the Steppe region as Petropavlovsk, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Pavlodar. Despite the difficulties in working with statistics and contradictions in it, the author reveals the quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the merchant class, as well as general trends in the formation of regional dealers and traces the emergence of the local merchant class in the cities and regions of the Steppe region. These statistics can be used in scientific research, the search of materials for scientific articles related to the demographic development of the merchant class not only in the north-eastern Kazakhstan but also in the history of Russian business, which are included in the process of building a modern management of sector model of the economy and the formation of infrastructure of the given territories, developing the region’s development strategy. The results of this study make it possible to introduce adjustments to some other research, and thus to increase the accuracy of the scientific data in the study of demographic processes in the major cities of the Steppe regions in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries. Keywords: Steppe, merchants, Guild, cities, transit trade, capital, certificate | 1022 | |||||
5493 | The author deals with the cognitive basis of the creative processes which underlie the text formation. The subject matter of the study is the creativity of the literary text. While defining the cognitive parameters which contribute to the formation of the creative nature of the literary text, the author grounds the hypothesis about the creative text as the artful deviation from the automatized conventionality on the structural, communicative, conceptual, and semiotic levels of the literary text. The results of the study demonstrate the multilayered organization of the creative text which is formed by the cognitive processes. Among the processes are the associative connections of the chunks of knowledge, their analogical mapping, ambiguity of meaning, conceptual integration and foregrounding. These processes are viewed as the key processes in the cognitive model of the literary text which form structural, semantic and symbolic transformations that refer to the existing literary archetypes. The text is considered to be creative if the author purposefully foregrounds the semiotic level of the text and transforms it. The semiotic transformation entails the transformation of the elements of the other levels of the text. The usage of the highly frequent lexemes and structural repetitions contribute to the formation of the novel processes of the aesthetics of suspense. Keywords: language creativity, analogy, association, ambiguity, conceptual integration, foregrounding | 1022 | |||||
5494 | The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the high level of speech activity ensures the establishment of positive interpersonal relationships of preschoolers with peers and the child’s occupation of a certain status position in the children’s collective. The author raises the question of comparative characteristics of speech activity of preschool children with different sociometric statuses. The article describes the criteria, indicators and levels of speech activity of preschool children, which are used in the organization of observations of children of different sociometric statuses in free play and organized joint activities. In particular, such criteria of speech activity as initiative, type of speech communication, speech motivation, content and emotional expressiveness are highlighted. The results of the experiment, for example, revealed a high level of speech activity in children with the status of “stars”, the middle and low level of speech. The detailed description of levels and characteristics of speech activity of preschool children with different sociometric statuses is given. Statistics of comparison of criteria, levels of speech activity of children with different sociometric statuses and explanation of such differences are presented. Thus, the study revealed differences between children with the status of “stars” and “isolated” according to the criteria of speech initiative, motivation and types of speech communication. Keywords: speech, activity, speech activity, socialization, interpersonal relations, sociometric status, preschool children, influence, group of peers | 1022 | |||||
5495 | Introduction. The article discusses the figurative representations of the concepts of the heavenly bodies in the text and the artistic picture of the world of M. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. The elements of the lexical structure of the text are analyzed, representing the images of the sun, the moon and the star, in terms of their linguistic semantics and cultural connotations associated with the mythopoetic symbolism of these space objects, as well as in the aspect of their participation in the expression of the author’s picture of the world. The purpose of the work is to explore the ways of representing the concepts of heavenly bodies (the sun, the moon and the stars) in the text of the novel The Master and Margarita, to identify aspects of their metaphorical and symbolic interpretation on the verbal and conceptual levels, to study the role of these concepts in the artistic picture of the world of the novel. Material and methods. The methodology of the work is based on cognitive, linguistic-cultural and system-structural approaches to the study of the imagery of language and artistic speech, used in the field of semantics of language units and text stylistics. The empirical material is represented by figurative words and expressions (200 units) representing the concepts of the Sun, the Moon, and the Star in M. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita, as well as fragments of text demonstrating their metaphorical functioning (850 contexts). As the sources for determining linguistic meanings and mythopoetic symbolism served the explanatory and encyclopedic dictionaries. Results and discussion. The lexical and textual fund of artistic representations of the concepts “Sun”, “Moon”, “Star” in the novel The Master and Margarita by M. Bulgakov is defined; methods and techniques of their textual implementation are revealed. The cultural and symbolic meanings of the concepts of the heavenly bodies, represented in the folk mythology of different cultures, are studied. The aspects of the metaphorical and symbolic interpretation of these concepts in the artistic picture of the world of the novel “The Master and Margarita”, as well as their role in the expression of the author’s intention, are described. Conclusion. The artistic model of the world in the novel The Master and Margarita represents a complex and multidimensional system of concepts, which in many respects comes close to folk mythology and religious cosmology. The most significant role in it is played by the images of the sun, the moon and the stars, by means of which the space-time continuum is modeled; the characteristics of the main characters, key characters and related events are expressed; the moral and philosophical content of the entire work is broadcast Keywords: concept, heavenly bodies, imaginative representations, M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita, artistic picture of the world | 1022 | |||||
5496 | Moskovchenko A. D. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 23-25 . | 1021 | |||||
5497 | The aim of study was to investigate relationship between postural stability in a quiet stance (QS) and squat (SQ) with physical work capacity in wrestlers (n = 31). A force platform (“Rutm”, Russia) was used. We found that in QS only angular sway velocity were lower (p Keywords: balance, stabilography, physical work capacity, athletes, wrestlers | 1021 | |||||
5498 | This paper presents some aspects of the history of teacher education in Russia 1906–1917’s. It shows main activities of the Ministry of national education in teacher training in terms of universal primary education. Keywords: history of pedagogical education, teachers seminaries, teachers institutes, teacher training courses | 1021 | |||||
5499 | Important role for making a safe childhood plays the process of teaching preschool children to safe behavior, fostering a culture of safety. Preschool is a sensitive period for the formation of personality traits that allow a child in the future actively and safely interact with nature and people. Adaptation Programme “My Safety in the World” for preschool institutions helps children to learn about the dangers athome and in transport, in the city and in the natural surroundings, the dangers arising from the people. Skills and behavior in dangerous emergencies. Teaching safe behavior occurs during different activities: games, research, fine art, music, work, sports, during the regime moments. It helps the child to study the means and ways of development of safety culture, to be active and independent. As a result, there are preschooler basic skills of safe behavior during the earthquake, fire, chemical contamination, they learns to respect nature, themselves and others. As a result of the development of the program children’s interest in the study of the world and observations increased, the perception intensified, the attention increased, the level of cognitive processes rose. Children learned to communicate with each other, to provide the necessary assistance, to interact effectively and participate actively in joint activities. The program was attended by teachers, psychologists, health workers, parents. Keywords: security preschooler, education in the spheres of safety, culture of safety | 1021 | |||||
5500 | The article considers discourse and in particularly speech activity of epistolary media language personality in terms of Internet interaction in the aspect of implementation of the communicative strategy “risks aversion”, the relevant tactics and text units of representation of the latter. The risks, which the native speaker potentially makes himself liable to in the network interactions are evaluated from the ethical and legal points of view. The communicantss’behavior in cyberspace is regulated by both external factors (from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, moderators and site administrators, and so forth.) and by the users themselves. The emphasis is laid on the specific features of epistolary electronic-media texts tby means of which can be solved the problem of full / partial blocking by the addressers the risks associated with violation of the current legislation and the existing moral and ethical standards. Drawing on available sources on the topic of research gthe author presents a list of tactics that contribute to managing risks in public communication: the manifestation of subjectivity, “blackout” of the referent, torn predication, deauthorisation, autor rehabilitation. Implementation of tactics of risk avoiding is seen as an example of open letters’ texts, online-petitions and appeals of citizens to the City Administration’s website. Research perspectives are associated with the identification of dependence of choice of tactics and the appropriate means of expression in the text activity of the addresser according to the genre and stylistic and functional-pragmatic properties of epistolary electronic-media texts of different types. Keywords: epistolary electronic-media texts, epistolary media language personality, legal risks in verbal communication, communication strategy “risk aversion”, communicative tactics of avoiding risks, legevfemizm, legevfemizatsiya | 1021 |