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5201 | Focuses on the requirements of a modern teacher. He must possess the skills of creative activity, which is characterized by its ability to generate ideas; the ability to find solutions in non-standard situations; the ability to analyze, predict different situations. It substantiates the necessity of organizing a creative learning environment in the universities providing education in the field of teacher education. There is a group of conditions to be met by this environment. Describes the model of the organization of creative educational environment on the example of teaching discipline “Fundamentals of mathematical processing of information”. Keywords: creative potential, professional competence of a teacher, creative educational environment, creative competence of a teacher | 886 | |||||
5202 | Educational resources of realization of an emotional and game general range as a form of organization of a joint educational activity in preschool education and in the preparation of children for school are analyzed. A form of organization of joint activity of both children and adults which promotes creating the situation of emotionally positive immersion in the educational process as well as initiatively positive communication atmosphere is presented by an emotional and game general range, where children can share what they saw or their feelings, experience, joy, expressing their opinions. An emotional and game general range gives the opportunity for all the members to be equal in a joint activity where the teacher is found not in isolation but together with the children. At the same time the children can see both the teacher and all the rest children what promotes communication. The teacher is shown to organize and participate equally in a joint activity, whereas the children take a significantly-influential stand of the participants. Emotionally communicative children involvement is important in such kind of activity. Not only the child’s readiness and desire to perceive the adult and to accept his offers but showing the interest in interacting with adults and children, his desire to make it last longer and direct it in an organized way is implied by this activity. The article shows that an emotional and game general range contributes to children’s emotionally communicative involvement into a joint activity, sets their mind to educational activity, favors development of independence and initiative of preschool children within the framework of federal state educational standard targets of preschool education. Keywords: preschool education, emotional and game circle, organization forms, joint educational activity, targets, Federal state educational standard of preschool education | 886 | |||||
5203 | The article proves that it is necessary to assess the quality of higher education by revealing whether students are satisfied with teaching. It describes the findings obtained by monitoring medical students’ satisfaction with Latin teaching. The findings indicate that most students (77.3 % – 2014, 86 % – 2015) have an average level of satisfaction, which is not sufficient for university students. The Latin teaching, therefore, needs to be improved. The article also reveals priorities related to Linguistics and teaching methods, which improve the quality of Latin teaching within the framework of the competency-based approach, thus increasing medical students’ satisfaction with teaching. Keywords: monitoring, assessment of quality, satisfaction, teaching, medical students, higher education, Russia, the Latin language, Competency-Based approach, professional education | 886 | |||||
5204 | The article considers a mature student as the object of supplementary education at different establishments which offer language training. Based on Psychology and Linguodidactics researches, it analyses the characteristics of adult that are significant when studying a foreign language during a short-term study course. In order to acquire the knowledge of a foreign language one’s skills have to be trained and practiced regularly. Therefore, the article reminds the general principles of requiring a foreign language. Knowing the revealed peculiarities lets us form a clear understanding of who a mature student is, considering her both as a subject of study process in a whole and a subject of a foreign language learner in particular. Keywords: mature student, intensive learning, short-term course, supplementary education of adults, further self-development | 886 | |||||
5205 | The article characterizes the essence and main features of the federal state educational standards of preschool pedagogy. It was shown that the content of education programs should ensure the development of the child’s personality in various educational areas, including artistic and aesthetic area. Analyzes the views of modern scholars on the development of artistic and aesthetic problem. Shows that the synthesis of various kinds of artistic activity is the theatrical activity. Notes that the use of artistic and aesthetic direction with the account for the requirements of modern education arouses interest in creativity and self-expression among the preschoolers. Keywords: educational standard, artistic and aesthetic development, preschool age, theatrical activities | 886 | |||||
5206 | Today one of the topical problems of the state level remains the placing of orphans and children left without parental care in a new family. The Institute of foster parenting needs to be explored from the perspective of interdisciplinary approach. In this regard the issue of psychological and pedagogical readiness of adoptive parents to a new member in foster families (on the example of Lipetsk region) is being considered. Presents the analysis of the results of numerous domestic and foreign studies, which define «foster family» and identifies the reasons that prevent parents from accepting a child in their family. Special attention is paid to the problem in the Lipetsk region: the indicated number of government programs, activities and projects aimed at strengthening the family institution and childhood, as well as providing the family placement of children-orphans and children left without parental care. Gives the definition of the notion «psychopedagogical readiness of the host parents» as a combination of their personal qualities: the desire to increase the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the field of education, age and individual characteristics of children; realization of the potential to create favorable conditions for the adequate development of foster children; development of skills to show love, affection and care needed by people at any age; possession of expertise, i.e., competent upbringing of the child (children). Describes the results of experimental work with prospective parents - prospective adoptive parents, guardians, trustees. It is concluded that in the Lipetsk region have been created favorable conditions for the preparation of the host parents to a new member of their family. Keywords: foster family, host parents, foster children, the willingness of the parents, motives, willingness, psychological and pedagogical readiness for a new family member | 886 | |||||
5207 | The article is devoted to the development of the concept of lexical regulative universal (LRU), which is in line with the communicative stylistics of the text, namely the theory of regulativity, taking into account the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics – actively developing scientific direction. Under «universals» are understood not only universal laws and principles of structuring the text, but also «universal thinking». Lexical regulatory universal is considered in comparison with other notions of communicative stylistics: communicative universals, media communicative universals, cognitive style. Under the lexical regulatory universal is understood a verbal embodiment of the way of the author’s thinking and the way of his interactions with the addressee, in characteristic for the author means and methods of lexical regulativity. One of the key features of LRU is the choice of the author of the means and methods of regulativity from the point of view of manifestation of cognitive mechanisms that are universal for a specific poetic language personality, «standing» behind the text. Regulatory lexical universals reflect ways of knowing and interaction of the author with the surrounding world. Regulatory lexical universals can partly be changed / maintained over the entire work of the author, that allows to speak not only about the dynamics of his conceptual and poetic pictures of the world, but also about the development of his thinking. Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, regularity, universals, communicative universals, lexical regulatory universals (LRU), cognitive style, type of nomination | 886 | |||||
5208 | Introduction. The article investigates the small prose of the representative of the Russian emigration of the first wave of M. A. Osorgin in the aspect of function and semantics of the second half of the 1920s. Materials and research methods. The material of the study is the stories of M.A. Osorgin of the second half of the 1920s - “Pensnes”, “Mother’s Portrait”, “Father’s Diary”, “Things of Man”. The work uses structural semiotic, functional-typological, hermeneutic approaches to the analysis of literary text. Results and discussion. M. Osorgin possessed a strong mindset, a talent for spatial vision and memory, which led to his passion for collecting and special power over him of the things related to the lost past, with dear people and key events of emigrant existence. A great place in the life of the writer was occupied by collecting books (organization and work to save rare books in the “Bookstore of Writers”, which he gave a lot of effort in 1918-22, the creation of personal libraries, despite the numerous travels and two emigrations); Osorgin’s other affection was the sweetheart’s personal belongings. Conclusion. It is argued that the aesthetic novelty and artistic depth in the non-anthropocentric world of the author is achieved through various options of “translation” of empirical things in their artistic correspondence, which allows us to talk about the philosophy and poetics of things in the writer’s small prose. It is proved that in the stories “Mother’s Portrait”, “Father’s Diary”, “Clock”, “Pince-nez” “belonings of a man” are endowed with a status equal to a person, their existence is ontologized (along with nature, the animal world and the human): objects have a unique character, they live their lives, but they are also an integral part of human destiny, “inhabit” significant spaces of human existence, become the starting point of the plot understanding the fate of a loved one and the life of the author-narrator. Traced the changing semantics of things, which from a sign of a lost homeland and childhood (memory) turns into the occasion to reflect on their own destiny and character (self-knowledge of the author), and also allows you to unravel the mysteries of individual existence and the universal ontological connection of the living and non-living existence (“death” thing after the death of the owner and turning into a thing of the past). Keywords: literature of the Russian abroad, M. Osorgin’s small prose, poetics | 886 | |||||
5209 | Introduction. A comparative study of the theory and practice of education in Finland is due to the natural interest of researchers in the experience of countries that hold leading positions in international educational monitoring, where the Finnish system shows consistently high results. The focus of the analysis is education implemented in rural areas, the features of the activity of a rural school, the specifics of the professional activity of a rural teacher. Materials and methods. The material for the analysis was the research of Finnish scientists and specialists in the field of education, the experience of international Russian-Finnish educational projects. Results and discussion. The theory and practice of the development of education in Finland is of interest for Russian scientists and practitioners, and for researchers of the Republic of Karelia, especially, since the similarity of both territories in terms of geographical, natural-climatic, ethnocultural, demographic and other indicators is obvious. In both territories, rural schools represent a significant part of the general education system. Conclusion. Analysis of the works of Finnish and Russian scientists made it possible to: fix the coincidence of the positions of researchers regarding the peculiarities of the rural school and the specifics of the work of a rural teacher, the relevance of the socio-cultural approach to the modernization of education in rural areas, as well as the need for targeted training and support for the professional formation and development of a rural teacher in the paradigm of lifelong education ; to identify common approaches to substantiating such ways of preserving and developing a small school such as creating a socio-cultural center, transforming a school into a service center for a rural settlement (according to E. Korpinen). Keywords: comparative research, rural school, rural teacher, sociocultural modernization of education | 886 | |||||
5210 | The study is carried out within the framework of functional grammar and is aimed at studying Russian comparative-assimilative adverbs of military themes. The aim of the work is to conduct a comprehensive study of the functioning of comparative-assimilative adverbs of military themes taking into account explicit and implicit semantic features, to determine the composition of this thematic group and to identify word-formation features and types of combinability. The research is based on the works of Russian linguists treating comparative adverbs from different points of view and applying different scientific approaches, as well as on the works of linguists studying lexical-semantic groups of words of the “war” thematic group. The illustrative material was taken from statements from the National Corpus of the Russian language and from a free selection from the Internet. The work was carried out within the framework of A.V. Bondarko’s theory of categorical situations of functional grammar, and elements of contextual and component analysis were also applied. During the research, the composition of this group of adverbs was distributed into semantic subgroups describing the behaviour of persons belonging to different types and divisions of troops, conditions of military service, military ranks and positions. In dividing into word-formation types, a special type with a qualitative-substantive connotation was distinguished, with the meaning of places of location and dislocation of military operations. The division of military adverbs into compatibility types was carried out taking into account the connective, adversative, qualifying and explanatory relations with the main word and as the result both general (according to appearance and speech, character and behaviour, situation and living conditions) and individual semes were identified. As a result of the study, it was found that to represent the behaviour of persons, objects and phenomena of military subjects, comparative-suggestive adverbs actualize in the minds of native speakers either a well-known image in the form of background knowledge, or one of the nuclear or peripheral features. Keywords: comparative and assimilative adverbs, military thematic group, compatibility, functional grammar | 886 | |||||
5211 | Mazaeva V. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 23-24 . | 885 | |||||
5212 | The authors of the article try to explain the aspects of binary and trinitary understanding using as the basis the Jung’s theory of archetype and symbolics which was formed in extreme antiquity. The authors are talking about the Russian vision of the world which has found expression in Russian version of binarity and trinitarity which became the content of Russian material and intellectual culture. Keywords: archetype, symbol, cosmism, binarity, trinitarity, tree of life | 885 | |||||
5213 | The literary work is considered as artistic model of reality in the article. This model can be characterized by the the reproduction of the “original” and its correlation with the proper extending the boundaries of reality, opening prospects of its development. The concept of art modeling is presented in terms of their genetic relationship with inductive theory of mimesis (Aristotle) and deductive theory of the truth of art (G. V. F. Hegel). This concept allows us to characterize the modeling in the art in comparison with the modeling in science and practice, and to define the boundaries of aesthetic, leading to the destruction of works of art as integrity, reflecting the integrity of the world and man. Look at literary work as the homomorphic model of the sign, which reflects the essence of the aesthetic attitude to reality, creates prerequisites for the study of the specificity of the theoretical literature modeling literary works as combines the features of artistic and scientific modeling. Keywords: literary work, artistic model, mimesis, substantiality, integrity | 885 | |||||
5214 | The article discusses the role of education and research in the classical university. The author analyzes the way of integration of these processes in the university area. First, teachers use the results of our research in the content of lectures and seminars. Second, the inclusion of students in research work. Third, the very university education serves the subject of scientific research and improvement. Keywords: education, science, lectures and seminary system, modular, interactive learning | 885 | |||||
5215 | The article studies the peculiarities of V. I. Semevsky’s work as an editor of the journal “Golos Minuvshego”. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of his mutual relations with S. P. Melgunov as a co-editor and the description of their business correspondence regarding elaboration of the ideology of the journal. The article analyzes an attempt of creation and functioning of the “nonpartisan” edition aiming at consolidating various strata of the democratic public. It examines the structure and quality of the published materials, the problems of coverage by the journal of history of Russian social thought, an attitude toward political tasks of Russian historical journalism and involvement of young talented scholars. The authors stress the possibility of using “thick” journals as a propaganda tool of opposition intelligentsia. Keywords: V. I. Semevsky, Golos Minuvshego, intelligentsia, historical periodicals, history of social thought, S. P. Melgunov | 885 | |||||
5216 | Alatalo Yarmo . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 50-52 . | 884 | |||||
5217 | . | 884 | |||||
5218 | Lyurya A. Ya. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 69-73 . | 884 | |||||
5219 | The article is devoted to the relations between the regional and national components in the structure of russian linguistic individual onomastic knowledge. The results of regional associative experiment, which were compared with data from all-Russian onomastic project stated in the book “The Name is Russia. The historical selection 2008” served as the material for the research. The used approach gives an idea about the place of the exact regional onomastic material in the system of the national onomastic knowledge. Keywords: proper name, antroponim, regional and national background knowledge, associative-cultural background, associative experiment | 884 | |||||
5220 | . | 884 | |||||
5221 | In this paper the authors analyze the problem of interaction between educational systems, social institutions and business enterprises to implement long-term plans for the development of rural areas in Russia at the present stage. Keywords: institutional analysis, interaction, social partnership, human capital, formal and informal social institutions, changes in the social structure of the rural environment | 884 | |||||
5222 | The article examines the paradigms of antonymous type with the aim of identifying their individual characteristics and relation to the thematic areas of the poetic picture of the author’s world. Antonymous paradigms are considered from the point of view of their differentiation into verbal and ultra verbal, usual and not usual, complete and incomplete. Presents thematic classification of textual paradigms of antonymous type. Examines the role of their representation of the author’s poetic picture of the world. The research is done in the trend of communicative stylistics of the text and includes analysis of the material of the early lyrics by Tsvetaeva from 1909 to 1919. 343 verses and 32 cycles were analyzed in the article, and 416 textual paradigms of antonymous type were revealed. It was determined that a “Person” as a personality, his relations with other people and with society, and with a whole world are in the center of poetic world by Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. As a rule, this “Person” is a poetic “Ego” of the author. Youthful maximalism and the world perception connected with it, M. Tsvetaeva carried for the rest of her life. It is proved on the example of the textual paradigms of antonymous type and connected with them fields of the author’s concept sphere that a contrast turned into the one measure of visual environment, relations with other people, evaluation of the other people’s and her own personality. Keywords: textual paradigm of type antonymy, antonyms, poetic picture of the world, concept | 884 | |||||
5223 | Egorova N. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 49-52 . | 883 | |||||
5224 | The article discusses various ways to use information technology in higher education as an example the study of discrete mathematics course. There was disclosed information and integrative context of discrete mathematics to computer science. Keywords: information technology, information and integrative communication, discrete mathematics | 883 | |||||
5225 | The publication examines the key borrowing of Russian culture in the heroic in the most important stage of the Russian aristocracy. On the example of Roman culture receptions set of “Roman valour” and mechanisms for its effect on the world outlook of Russian noblemen. Keywords: heroism, valour, reception, the aristocracy, the Roman valour | 883 | |||||
5226 | Non-compact symmetries of extended 4d supergravities involve duality rotations of vectors and thus are not manifest off-shell invariances in standard "second-order" formulation. To study how such symmetries are realised in the quantum theory we consider examples in 2 dimensions where vector-vector duality is replaced by scalar-scalar one. Using a "doubled" formulation, where elds and their momenta are treated on an equal footing and the duality becomes a manifest symmetry of the action (at the expense of Lorentz symmetry), we argue that the corresponding on-shell quantum effective action or S-matrix are duality symmetric as well as Lorentz invariant. This contribution is based on [1]. Keywords: duality symmetry, supergravity | 883 | |||||
5227 | The article discusses the formation of psychology of literary creative work, especially the initial stage. The formation is considered as an independent research area in Russian and international science. We show that the formation of psychology of creative work in Russia in the last third of 19th century – first half of 20th century was determined by major developments in such areas as theory of literature and scientific psychology. Additional cause of the formation was the specific status of Russian classical literature in social life. In addition, we represent a wide range of points of view, which reflect the dominant approaches to determination of the substantive aspect of the discussed phenomenon. The psychology of literary creative work is defined as a branch of scientific knowledge that studies the processes of the writer’s reflection of reality and the implementation of the processes in a specific art form. The psychology of literary creative work uses the methodological principles of either psychology or other related disciplines such as theory of literature, linguistics, aesthetics, and others. To sum up, the analytical review of articles, devoted to the issue, convincingly demonstrates that the formation of psychology of the literary creative work as a scientific field took place at the junction of various sciences and concerned studies of the creating subject and products of the subject’s activities. Keywords: creativity, literary creative work, theory of literature, art, writer, psychology, psychology of literary creation, psychoanalysis | 883 | |||||
5228 | The study was performed in line with the theory of intertextuality and one of the areas of communicative stylistics of a literary text – the theory of regulativity. The study of the dialogic nature of literary text is of interest in connection with the modern anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics. Intertextuality, reflecting the author’s dialogue not only with readers but also with the poets-forerunners to the modern writer masters of artistic expression, extends the semantics of poetic works and determines their semantic deployment in the consciousness of the perceiver of the text of the addressee. The article presents the typology of regulative strategies of O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts including intertexts (intertextual structures), important for the complete decoding of the author’s intention. The work is based on the material of poetic texts from the collection «Stone». The peculiarities of the regulatory strategies that update the intertexts in this collection include: systemic reproduction; prevalence of strategies of explicit type; dominance of strong regulatory strategies; use of intertexts as a means of regulativity; consistent performance of aesthetic information; complex application of various intertexts by the poet (plots-intertexts, regulative models of the intertextual type); intertextual links with the main stages of Western European culture and the culture of the silver age. Proved that O.E. Mandelstam uses intertextuality as one of the important way of controlling cognitive readers’ activity by the author. Regulative strategies of intertextual type, based on the use of various intertexts, were considered from the point of view of proportion and aesthetic way of presenting information, the homogeneity / heterogeneity of the dominant means of regulativity, depending on the regulatory power of the text, according to the methods of regulatively. The data obtained are of interest for the detection of idiostyle of the poet. Keywords: poetic text, regulativity, regulative strategies, types of regulative strategies, intertextuality, intertext | 883 | |||||
5229 | The article is of great importance due to the increasing interest of modern linguistics to issues of conceptualizing time in general and in fact in the perception of representatives of different cultures. The research is conducted on the basis of the Ket language that is crucial due to the raising interest of linguists to the endangered languages. The Ket language is a unique archaic language without literacy, and the only one representing language of the Yenisey linguistic family. The goal of the research is to elicit basic cognitive metaphors of time in the Ket linguage. The research reveals crucial methods to form temporal concepts, universal biologically supported determinated features of temporal representation in the perception of a person. The research also studies occurrence of universal characteristics on the language level on the basis of the Ket language. The research studies the nouns naming time periods and components of its syntagmatic environment. On the basis of comparison of initial and resulting metaphoric meanings of lexical units, the main metaphoric models to percept time in the Ket language have been specified: dynamic language model and static language model. Dynamic language model reveals time as a space that a human passes through. In the work a model of time movement is considered as the basis for language perception because means of its expressions are frequent and regular. Statistic model is considered as less relevant because used only in literal metaphors. The main spatial time image is a straight line indicating back and forth direction. Keywords: concept, conceptualization of time, metaphors of time, the Ket language | 883 | |||||
5230 | The subject of study is the problem of forming skills of well-supported argumentation in the process of mastering German scientific discourse for advanced foreign language students. Being confident in the knowledge of norms and rules of written and oral communication behaviour appears to be a necessary basis for efficient integration of students into the world scientific community. In the opinion of both researchers and students, the phenomenon of Argumentation, which is the main element of the scientific style of communication, causes particular difficulties. Following the logic of the chosen focus, the following authentic German educational publications are analysed: 1) „Mittelpunkt neu C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Fortgeschrittene“; 2) „Wissenschaftsdeutsch. Argumentationsstrukturen – Sprachhandlungen – Ausdruck von Emotionen“; 3) „Klipp und Klar: Übungsgrammatik für die Mittelstufe B2/C1“. The analysis reveals their methodological potential, the strong and weak sides of the methodological approaches. In the first two textbooks, there are signs of a certain superficiality and fragmentation in the presentation of the material. The educational publication „Klipp und Klar: Übungsgrammatik für die Mittelstufe B2/C1“ however is different from the first two as it presents a holistic view of the ways of structuring a reasoned statement in German, taking into account elements of all levels. Practical recommendations on the development of the argumentative competence on the productive and receptive levels of language proficiency are formulated. The problem of teaching written or oral well-supported argumentation within the framework of scientific discourse requires further study, especially in the context of mastering communication learning strategies for students at an advanced level of learning a foreign language in a situation of p rofessionally-oriented scientific dialogue. Keywords: scientific discourse, well-supported argumentation, German language teaching, linguistic means of argumentation | 883 | |||||
5231 | The article focuses on the special aspects of radio text, which are determined by the polycode nature (verbal and non-verbal) and play a significant role in this function of the interactive element and potentials of digital broadcasting (combination of WEB and audiovisual practices). The paper considers radio text as a product of the system of sociocultural, social and communication technical contexts. The analysis of radio speech considers the role of the author, the role of the addressee, the listening rule (casual, spontaneous auditing in background). The rule of listening is considered as reconstruction of discursive parts of creation of the final product. Discursive parts are levels of organization of radio text (institutional – media, local – media channel, personal – cognitive and communicative models of realization of the author and the addressee). Discursive practices are part of communicative event in complex social interaction. Discursive analysis gives a sense of polystructure and polyfunctional basis of the radio text. Discursive analysis introduces the role of the author, the role of the addressee, the value orientation, the semiotic aspect of realization of interaction, the tonality of interaction, the index of persuasion intentions. As a result, the picture of the world is reflected in a unique communicative and speech model of the discourse manifested in the effects of both institutional and personal impact on the recipient. Keywords: modeling of the world, radio text, communicative model, interaction, author and addressee, discursive worldview, axiology | 883 | |||||
5232 | Introduction. Text interpretation problem is one of the most topical in up-to-date philology generally and in stylistics of text in particular. In this way the research of readers’ interpretative activity on the basis of experiments is of special interest, because it allows to judge steps of notional text explication in the addressee’s consciousness. The purpose of the article is to identify some patterns that are important for the interpretation activity of the collective addressee (reader) based on the methods of communicative stylistics of the text and its notional explication theory, developed in the context of this trend. Material and methods. Under the methodological base of communicative stylistics of text context and semanticstylistic analysis, a method of associative field of a key word’s modelling and experimental methodology are used in the article. It includes spare associative experiment as well as receptive experiment and modified methods of scaling by Ch. Osgud for detecting power of influence on collective addressee. Results and discussion. The research is done on the basis of experimental data on the reader’s perception of a verse “Light rain is tender, thin and delicate…” by O. E. Mandel’shtam with the use of the semantic explication theory, which is developed in the communicative stylistics of text, that realizes communicative and activity approach to the text. The theory of semantic explication of a text includes its lexical structure research, detecting of text notional paradigms of different types, their correlation, regulative means and structures analysis, textual associative field of a key word analysis versus associative field of this word, which is revealed during a spare associative experiment. Dependence of semantic explication of poetic text on its lexical structure of deductive type and author’s regulative means and structures, atributives as regulative text dominants and contrast as the main regulative method is determined in the article. Connection of interpretative readers activity (informants) with linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of pragmatic text level and its sublevels (figurative, emotional, ideal) is revealed on the basis of experimental methods. Experimental data verified the connection of the pragmatic level of the text with its informative and notional level. The factors that influence the relevant reading activities are identified. These factors are the following: author’s support to standard associations, which are stimulated by a key word, the role of lexical regulation in controlling of cognitive addressee’s of poetic text activity for revealing its deep sense. Conclusion. The introduced approach of researching interpretative readers’ of poetic text activity on the basis of its notional explication showed that the use of experimental methods with informants’ questioning makes it possible to judge about some regularities and steps of text’s and its elements’ influence on forming of common estimation and idea about text content, that readers have: the role of their informational thesaurus, ability to perceive not only deep, but also superficial sense. Dependence of a process of poetic text perception on its peculiarities – common regulative author’s strategy (explicit and implicit) and regulative means and structures and way of regulation – is detected. Keywords: communicative stylistics, theory of notional text explication, poetic text, interpretation, lexical regulativity, experiment | 883 | |||||
5233 | Tatarchenko S. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 39-41 . | 882 | |||||
5234 | Werner Н. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 35-41 . | 882 | |||||
5235 | There were observed questions of contact interaction of elements of construction of the cable. There was introduced a method of determination of tribology characteristics of elements in the final product. We received formulas for determination contact and tangential strains, which depend on mechanical matter of material and geometrical dimension of the cable. Keywords: contact interaction, tribology characteristics, displacements, lead of a cable, lay of a strand, contact and tangential strains. | 882 | |||||
5236 | The article deals with teaching refresher course students listening comprehension, difficulties they face, skills, they acquire and comprehension tasks that help understanding oral speech. Keywords: studying, listening, skills, tasks. | 882 | |||||
5237 | On the basis of psychoanalytic concept by K. Jung the authors of the article reveal religious content of Russian Orthodoxy. The article especially emphasizes the sacred meaning of the word not only in the Orthodox Church but in Russian culture as well. Besides the article reveals the elements of mental therapy of the Orthodox service, which has oriental origin. Keywords: word, logos, icon, symbol, introversion, sacral, cosmism | 882 | |||||
5238 | The authors studied the species composition of the trees of the mixed birch and pine forests of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) practice base in the village of Kireevsk Kozhevnikovsky district of Tomsk region. As of 2014 defined taxonomic and chorological composition of plants, installed the types of life forms of trees according to ecological and morphological classification and position and method of regeneration buds. In the study area, there are 22 species of trees belonging to 17 genera and 11 families. The department Gymnospermae is represented by 1 family, 4 genera and 4 species, department Angiospermae – 10 families, 14 genera and 18 species. According to the rhythm of the foliage development domination belongs to the deciduous trees form, fanerofity od Eurasian geographical group. Keywords: tree plants, species diversity, the type of life form, taxonomic composition, chorological analysis | 882 | |||||
5239 | The need to improve the effectiveness of the system of additional vocational training increases the need to seek innovative forms of organization of the system. In our case, this innovative form of organization of the system of additional vocational training network is a learning organization. Subject of research – a model of network infrastructure management of lself-earning organization system of additional vocational training, created in the form of a triple net. The authors present an algorithm for creating infrastructure model, develop and describe a model of network infrastructure of management of self-learning organization. Found and characterized the basic scientific approaches and principles of management, and network management of infrastructure components of self-learning organization system of additional professional education: scientific, target, providing, controllable and controlling subsystems. Keywords: infrastructure of management, continuing professional education, triple net, network learning organization | 882 | |||||
5240 | An experiment, which was conducted in order to identify the features of perception of individual media discourse of a presenter of author’s programs “News of the Week” and “Parfenov” was described. The programs were compared in terms of format, the image of the presenter, the persuasiveness, the target audience and others. The comparison is made on the basis of analysis and generalization of data, which were obtained in the form of answers-reactions of informants after viewing intros and fragments of programs “News of the Week” and “Parfenov”. The differences in the perception of the individual media discourse of TV journalists D. Kiselev and L. Parfenov the author connects primarily to the status of programs. Individual media discourse of the journalist Dmitry Kiselyov is charachterised by the general “peremptoriness” and “imposing”. The journalist follows the format and status of the program “Vesti Nedeli”, realizing his role in the information policy of the state. The individual media discourse of journalist L. Parfenov is characterized by a friendly dialogue. Herewith, using not typical trics for the news programs the journalist shocks the viewing audience and offers them to form an opinion independently. Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a TV journalist, communicative and pragmatic analysis, author’s TV program, experiment | 882 | |||||
5241 | The article explains the choice of the empirical material as the cognitive-discursive research of written texts – compositions, which is a component of the Russian Unified State Exam on the Russian language. The key point of the author is that the modeling potential of these speech patterns allows creating an invariant of a high school graduate worldview picture. The modeling direction within the given research gives a reconstruction of the represented in a system of certain frames worldview of the modern high school child in the aspect of the axiological characteristics. The text, reflecting in itself a fragment of the world picture is the richest material for the researcher wishing to analyze not only the originality of the author’s position on this or that question, his or her creative potential, but also a system of the author’s signature style evaluations, and also priorities in a foreshortening of axiological preferences. It is noted that the formation of the high school graduate worldview is carried out in difficult historical and socio-cultural conditions, on the one hand because of the economic and political changes which happened during the last decades in Russia and the world, on the other hand because of the world values shift in the society and, as a result, contradictions in an axiological paradigm of different generations representatives. The conclusion is that, despite the presence of templates affiliation in the processes of writing and evaluation of these works by the experts, the graduates compositions accurately present the world values, that are determined primarily by the age and the social factors. Keywords: picture of the world, worldview, world values, worldview axiological parameter, psychology, writing, Russian Unified State Exam | 882 | |||||
5242 | Problems of dialogue, regulation of cognitive activity of the reader by means of the text are key to the theory of regulativity developed in Tomsk state pedagogical university, and the theory of intertextuality. The study is performed under the scientific directions. The indicated problem is connected with the highly complex philosophical and linguistic aspects of Mandelstam’s poetry and creativity as its outstanding representative. The creativity of Mandelstam is highly intertextual. The author previously identified five types of lexical regulative models of the intertextual type in it, therefore in this study was conducted an experiment, aimed at identifying their regulatory power. According to indications of language consciousness of the informants, the regulatory power of these structures are influenced by the following linguistic factors: the type of intertexts - respondents noted the key role of pretextual information, of precedent names; the location of intertexts in strong positions (the elements of the pretext of the first poetic stanza); the saturation of the intertextual elements of the poems – the more saturated intertextuality elements of the texts are, the higher their regulatory power. Within the whole text, the models with the minimal amount or the lack of pretextual information have the greatest regulative force, if the saturation coefficient of intertexts is high in the texts themselves. Extra-linguistic factors that affect the regulatory power of the texts include: the level of knowledge of informants; respondents‘ beliefs about their competence in assessing the understanding of the poems; emotional state during the experiment. Keywords: regularity, intertextuality, intertext, regulative models of the intertextual type | 882 | |||||
5243 | The article deals with the discourse markers, which are complexes of particles, in the functional and stylistic aspect on the basis of articles devoted to the topics on culture, politics and economics, in federal and local newspapers of Perm Krai. It is noted that in the analyzed articles are widely used complex discourse markers, consisting of particles as “i”, “dazhe”, “eshche”, “tozhe”, “tol‘ko”, “ved‘”, etc. The examples of the most used particles show the realization of semantic and pragmatic properties of the particle complexes in the newspaper discourse, which proves the ability of particles to be easily combined with each other and form different complexes. In the „Russian grammar” of 1980 is asserted that the complex composition is primarily characteristic of modal particles. According to observations of T. M. Nikolaeva, the composition of particle complexes includes unions, and sometimes whole sentences as phrasemes. In our opinion, the discursive complex includes not only modal particles. We show examples of such discursive complexes as “dazhe i ne”, “eshche i”, “khot‘ i”, “da i”, “ved‘ i”, “tol‘ko ne”, “da eshche”, “ved‘ imenno”, “ved‘ dazhe”, etc. We specify their semantics and function in different contexts of utterance. Using these complex discourses is achieved strengthening of negation, addition, specification, accession, separation, concessive values and also specifies the event condition. In addition, it has been found that a complex discursive consists of a dominant component and one or more optional forcing components. Functional and semantic analysis of these and other complex discourses make sure that such discourse markers force, strengthen value of a certain component of the statement. In general, it can be said that in the newspaper texts discourse show the ability of particles to enter the complexes. Thus, it can be argued that not only individual particles, but also – especially – the particle complexes express in each statement certain shades of additional meanings. The particles expand their capabilities as the discourse marks in semantic and functional relations. Keywords: particles, complex discourse markers, newspaper discourse, semantics of particles, functions of particles | 882 | |||||
5244 | Moskovchenko A. D. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 23-25 . | 881 | |||||
5245 | Some problems of vocational education are considered in this article. Aspecial place is removed for analyze of contradictions, influencing on quality of practical education and common training of working personnels. Also some ways of systematization of vocational education in Krasnoyarsk regional are discussed there. Keywords: regional aspect, labour preparation, formation of professional abilities, Initial vocational training, working personnels. | 881 | |||||
5246 | “Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology” (TJLA) is a new open international academic forum for the discussion of the research issues in humanities, dedicated to the specific research area – Siberia and the adjacent territories. TJLA was established at Tomsk State Pedagogical University as a result of long-term research cooperation among the scholars in linguistics, anthropology, ethnology, ethnography and history. The projected audience of the journal includes a wide range of specialists in local lore, linguistic sciences, sub-disciplines of anthropology, education, policy making, local decision makers and authorities. The journal complies with the requirements and standards of international academic publishing and citation indexes. Keywords: journal, linguistics, anthropology, ethnology, ethnography, Siberia | 881 | |||||
5247 | In the given article L. Petrushevskaya’s usage and experiment with genre archetype of the tale can be explained by the perfect mastery of small epic form, flamboyant direction of its style, an inexhaustible interest to paradoxes, attention to the privacy of ordinary people. The mix of genres occurs within the entire culture - from fairy tales to the novel. "Wild Animals Fairy Tales" at the same time focused on the tradition of social and domestic stories and tales about animals using functional elements anecdotes and fables. The author proposes a model cycle, mock-oriented TVseries. Despite the accompplished story, each series tends to expand the space and time. Guarantee of the integrity of the cycle, a form that combines the features of different genres and different arts, becomes animated series. Keywords: literary fairy tale, genre transformation, irony, absurdity, paradox | 881 | |||||
5248 | Using a slowly-varying gauge superfield background we compute two-loop low-energy effective action in three dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric Abelian Chern-Simons-matter model with one chiral superfield up to four-derivative order. Keywords: effective action, extended supersymmetry, Chern-Simons field models | 881 | |||||
5249 | The article deals with the problem of revision of the views and interpretations of the Russian history “hot” topics, based on non-scientific political and emotional factors, which is one of the manifestations of the society historical consciousness crisis. Particular attention is given to reduction of the level of critical attitude towards historical information caused by the spread of the Internet. On the example of the character of Ivan the Terrible it shows the necessity and possibility of findings’ verification in a situation of insufficient source base by successive application of historical-comparative method. Identifies the main methodological criteria to select objects and data sources for historical-comparative study. Keywords: early modern times, Ivan IV the Terrible, monarchy, historiography, historical-comparative method | 881 | |||||
5250 | The article shows the transformation application in translation of scientific medical texts from English to Russian as the achieving equivalence method. The materials of research were 20 scientific medical Ophthalmology’s articles. The size in pages was 205. The research articles translations were made by professional translators and were published on the http://miroft.org.ua (special site for ophthalmology’s experts). The statistical analysis was made with using of special program for statistical analysis and graphics OriginPro 8.6. The article’s results have showed that the main translation transformation in ophthalmology’s article translations is lexical transformation. The least used transformation is mixed transformation (lexical and grammatical transformation). The characteristic feature of ophthalmology demands using the grammatical replacement, concretization, generalization and method tracing transformations more often than other transformations. Keywords: translation, scientific text, equivalence, translation transformations, English, Russian | 881 |