# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1551 | Everyday life of wartime, or military daily life is one of the new research fields of modern historical science. The study of the events of the war “from the trench”, from the position of the combatant, or – through the eyes of a resident of the rear, who finds himself in harsh conditions of survival – helps to reconstruct the everyday labor and leisure practices, the behavioral motives of people, to more fully and deeper explore the reflection of war in the life of the population, and a separate region. The study of published and unpublished archival documents, including memoirs, letters from the inhabitants of Stavropol Territory during the Great Patriotic War, make it possible to present the scope and scale of such a phenomenon as labor mobilization. The population of the province, as well as the whole country, from the first days of the war was involved in the fulfillment of labor obligations – the construction of defense facilities, fortifications, agricultural work. Heavy physical labor, according to the memories of the participants, was beyond the strength of many women, children, adolescents. For the mobilized there were no life and nutritive conditions created, insanitary conditions prevailed. The schoolchildren, who were called to the factory schools, did not have enough clothes and shoes, poor nutrition was combined with hard work instead of training. Numerous “letters to the authorities” of wartime, including from the front line, are filled with pain and despair about the plight of their families, mobilized for work and being at the limit of survival. In general, labor mobilization, accumulating for the needs of defense the free work of a huge number of people, radically changed the daily life of the population. The hardest, in harsh conditions, shock work became the norm of life, allowing, in the end, to win the war. Keywords: labor mobilization, the Great Patriotic War, the inhabitants of the rear, everyday life, the people of Stavropol | 1221 | |||||
1552 | The paper analyzes the crisis of modern education caused by the gap between the present-day education system and life conditions of the society, the reasons which have caused this crisis, probable ways to overcome the crisis. Its overcoming, in the author’s opinion, should be based on overcoming professional isolation and cultural limitation, and oriented at dedeveloping the itegral, harmonious person. The objective opportunity of overcoming the crisis is based on the processes of integration proceeding on all levels of social life and education. | 1220 | |||||
1553 | In the article education is considered as a social and cultural phenomenon.The author presents some results of the research of the contemporary social cultural situation and defines the factors for the society development which influence greatly the professional activity of the teacher (the growth of significance of knowledge, the openness of the informational environment and the formation of the new cultural type of personality). | 1220 | |||||
1554 | The article deals with the problem of understanding a lingual sign as a symbol and the special kind of symbols – icons. Such icons as baked beans, pudding, roast beef, fish and chips are taken as examples. | 1220 | |||||
1555 | The article deals with examination of regulative principles of fiction and advertising texts. Using the comparative approach the author shows the peculiarities of regulative-strategic construction of fiction and advertising texts as the systems of different codes, the latter manage the interpretative reader’s activity and are focused into the prepotent synthesized codes. They are the following: aesthetic code, which functions in fiction communication, and manipulative-pragmatic code, which dominates in advertising communication. | 1220 | |||||
1556 | The article presents attempt of culturological consideration of irony. This approach allows to open as transhistorical grounds of irony’s existence in culture, so and concrete senses of irony in texts of the different cultures. The author comes to conclusion that critical possibilities of irony are motivated in contradictoriness and incurable paradoxicality of the culture’s being. | 1220 | |||||
1557 | Objective of this study was researching the apoptosis of lymphocytes and neutrophils in alcoholic patients in dynamic of the therapy with preparation cytophlavin. Level of apoptosis in lymphocytes and neutrophils on receptor and cellular levels statistically significant increase in group of persons with alcohol intoxication, compared with healthy donors. Therapy with cytophlavin resulted in positive dynamic expressing receptors CD5 on lymphocytes of persons with alcohol intoxication. Trend toward normalization of number of neutrophils and lymphocytes with morphological signs of apoptosis has been noticed. During application of cytophlavin in patients with alcoholism decrease of concentration of cortisol in serum of blood was observed. Keywords: apoptosis, alcoholism, cytophlavin, neutrophils , lymphocytes | 1220 | |||||
1558 | The article is devoted to the study of dialect vocabulary containing borrowings from the forming dialects of the Middle-Ob region in the XVII c. There was defined the interdialect vocabulary inherited from mother dialects of the parent state. There were also used unpublished archive materials. Keywords: historical lexicology, dialectology, borrowing, foreign vocabulary, Middle-Ob dialects, business written language of the XVII c | 1220 | |||||
1559 | The article deals with the development of teacher professional skills in teacher and learner material designing for schools for learners with special needs (type VIII). The teachers acquire the algorithm of syllabus and material design within the in-service teacher training program. Keywords: skills, syllabus, in-service teacher training, syllabus-methodological support, educational process, additional vocational education | 1220 | |||||
1560 | The integration of interactive multimedia educational purpose is one of the most promising areas of modern stage of computerization of professional music education. Keywords: multimedia technology, integration, efficiency interactive, multimedia educational purpose, professional music education | 1220 | |||||
1561 | The paper presents experimental data on the methane emissions from West Siberian middle taiga oligotrophic hollows. Studied fluxes vary considerably from –0.08 to 58 mgС·m–2·h–1 (median is 2.76 mgС·m–2·h–1). Received data are consolidated in the scope of «standard model» Bc8 conception of methane emission. The model contains medians of CH4 flux distributions on seven different microlandscape types depending on their area and duration of methane emission in the respective zones. The total flux from the middle taiga oligotrophic hollows is 0.37 TgC or approximately 70 % of CH4 total flux from middle taiga mires. Version Bc8 of this model estimates the value of yearly CH4 emission from mires of whole Western Siberia as 2.93 TgC·yr–1 that accounts for around 2.4 % of the total mire methane emission. Keywords: methane emission, mires, oligotrophic hollows, middle taiga, West Siberia | 1220 | |||||
1562 | The article regards anthropomastic metaphor in publicistic discourse from the hermeneutic point of view, reveals its potential in creating text semantic structure, and defines the functions of the anthropomastic metaphor in publicistic discourse. Keywords: precedential anthroponym, anthropomastic metaphor, publicistic discourse, hermeneutics, metaphor functions, semantic structure | 1220 | |||||
1563 | This article describes psychical characteristics that are common among HIV-infected men, and the most common accentuations of personality traits among this category of patients. The conclusion after the research is: there are character traits that are typical to HIV-infected persons. Keywords: HIV-infection, psychological aid, accentuations | 1220 | |||||
1564 | All world news agencies in October 2013 reported that the invention of the head of the physics Department of the Tomsk technological Institute (1911) will be implemented in life in the state of California (USA). We are talking about the railway magnetic levitation. The layout of this installation was placed in room № 103 of TTI building № 3. Now there is educational laboratory of electromagnetism of TPU. The article briefly summarizes information about the scientific life of B. P. Weinberg. Keywords: invention, teaching to physics, magnetic pad, electric road of the future | 1220 | |||||
1565 | There are different options of the national language picture of the world, because the national language is heterogeneous. This variability is manifested in the texts of creative linguistic identity. This thesis is confirmed by numerous linguistic and literary studies of the creative work of the outstanding Russian writer of the XX century V. P. Astafiev. The writer had a great life experience and mastered several forms of the Russian national language: standardized literary language, common parlance, territorial and social dialects. Different variants of the Russian language picture of the world are associated with this forms. V. P. Astafiev showed life of Russia in his works, he used autobiographical principle of construction of literary text. For this reason the author’s individual language picture of the world that he presented in his texts includes elements of the different variants of the Russian language picture of the world. Keywords: semantic lingvopersonology, creative language personality, the Russian language picture of the world, variants of the Russian language picture of the world, V. P. Astafiev | 1220 | |||||
1566 | The article considers the functioning of Americanisms in the newspaper style. The newspaper is acknowledged as a relevant source of information and a powerful means of the creation of its readers’ attitude (opinion). This fact reveals the basic functions of the newspaper style, that is to inform (the informative function) and to impact (the impacting function). Newspaper Americanisms, the ones that are frequently observed in the language of press, turn out capable of performing the outlined functions. The impacting function shows itself in the so called open evaluation of speech. It reveals its essence in two basic aspects, that is the creation of speech characteristics and the implementation of the social judgement. The article gives the analysis of different samples of Americanisms, performing the function of social markers in the newspaper style. Keywords: newspaper style, impacting function, open evaluation of speech, an Americanism, evaluation connotation, expressiveness, a model signal (marker) | 1220 | |||||
1567 | The paper considers interjections in the framework of the theory of speech acts. Different approaches of foreign linguists to the description of the illoсutionary purpose in interjection’s utterances are analyzed. The ideas of Anna Wierzbicka about the absence of illocutionary purpose in this type of utterances as consequence of their spontaneity was criticized by D. Wilkins and T. Wharton. These researchers adduce arguments in favor of illocution’s presence in interjections and argue that the extent of illocution varies from interjection to interjection, depending on the degree of it’s linguistics or paralinguistics. On the basis of discursive analyses data I argue that above-mentioned regularity contradicts the obvious language facts. The first fact is that the same interjection can be used in various types of speech acts, and another one is that the subclass of volitive interjections has an evident illocutionary purpose in spite of its strong extent of paralinguistics. In this paper I propose new solution to the interpretation of interjections within the speech acts theory, which is based on the understanding that non-controversial description of interjections can be achieved on the base of recognition of their interactional character. An interactional character is understood in this case as subject-subject or object-subject forms of speech behavior which take place at the moment of interjections uttering. Such approach allows to overcome the restrictions of numeral interpretative theories which are relevant only for prototypical emotive interjections. The understanding of interactional nature of interjections speech acts allows us to elaborate the theory that can be used as theoretical basis for all subclasses of interjections. Under this approach all types of interjections could be qualified as behabitives that had been characterized by J. Searle as reactions to behavior of other people. Within the offered classification there is a need of a reinterpretation of the term “behabitives”. This category has to be expanded from traditional etiquette speech acts to all types of utterances containing emotive and volitive interjections. Keywords: interjections, speech acts theory, illocutionary purpose, expressive speech acts, behabitives, emotive interjections | 1220 | |||||
1568 | The article is devoted to the description of temporal lexis units with short duration meaning such as: moment and instant. It contains comparative analysis of their semantic distinctive features, variants of using and nuanced, contextual interpretation. The work touches upon the question of their semantization and metaphorization in the text. The paper deals with the description of the fixed collocations with phraseological meanings, which function in modern languages. The author characterizes fixed collocations as phraseological units, discusses the issue of their place in the system of modern phraseology and also presents a brief analysis of phraseological units based on temporal lexis of short duration. Structural and semantic transformations in lexical and phraseological units to a greater extent are determined by the national-cultural component that can be described as complex phenomenon that deals with a number of aspects. The material is presented from the point of view of anthropocentric paradigm and national-specific picture of the world. It provides a brief overview of the issue on the material of English, French and Russian. Comparison of semantic space of different languages gives us the possibility to identify universal human values in reflexion of the world around, and at the same time it permits us to find out something particular and ethnical. Keywords: short duration periods of time, non-metricity, temporal indicators, moment, instant, cultural linguistics, national-culture specific | 1220 | |||||
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1570 | In the article the imagery system of F.G. Lorca's poetry is viewed as a phenomenon of «neotraditionalism» - in terms of the interpretation of the ancient cultural tradition, in relation with which a number of semantic points in the Russian translations are specified. | 1219 | |||||
1571 | This article is about influence of contemporary family’s crisis on the fulfillment her basic functions. Creation of conditions for graduation, upbringing, education and socialization it children are major problem of family. To use possibility of social actives the educational potentiality of family, we should know its general components. The author considers means and structure of notion “educational potentiality of family”, suggests using it diagnostic indexes. | 1219 | |||||
1572 | In the given article the question on the persons participating in the case about compulsory hospitalization of citizens to a medical hospital is understudy. In the author’s opinion the specified list of persons should include: 1) the applicant; 2) the citizen concerning whom the application (statement) for compulsory hospitalization is made; 3) the representative of the citizen; 4) the public prosecutor; 5) those responsible for the administration of the health services. | 1219 | |||||
1573 | The article considers the communicative possibilities of advertising name, examines the way of verbal mimicry and reveals its regulative potential. | 1219 | |||||
1574 | The article analyzes modern economic mechanisms of the environment protection, which are supposed to be used in the Russian Federation. The ecologic taxes for emission polluting substances to the atmosphere, taxes for wastes and taxes for breaking the norms are analyzed in details. The money given for ecological needs are researched | 1219 | |||||
1575 | The theoretical aspects of bog formation and peat formation processes, methods of approach to forest-peat ecosystems structure investigation for its typification are discussed. Princips of dismemberment of bogs space structure and three main trends in interpretation of “cenosis structure” concept are considered. Taxonomic units of typological and biogeocenotic classification of forest-peat ecosystems are characterized Keywords: Bog formation, peat formation, studies Sukacheva, biogeocenosis, structure cenos, landscape categorization, categorization of forest bogs | 1219 | |||||
1576 | The problem of actualization and enrichment of personal experience of pupils by means of specially designed texts is investigated in the given article. The types of the educational texts promoting the attraction of subject experience of pupils, making active their emotional - estimated experience, developing intuition are allocated. The examples of such educational texts on one of the major themes of a school course of mathematics “ratio and proportion” are given in the article Keywords: intellectual education, personal experience, in detail - practical experience, intuitive, implicit knowledge, emotionally - estimated experience | 1219 | |||||
1577 | In this article is offered the technique of development mathematical competences of student for technical specialties in the time of solution applied tasks. Particularly geometrical tasks are stressed contributing to development of habits of construction and design. Keywords: engineer's education, mathematical competences,pedagogical conditions | 1219 | |||||
1578 | The article describes actual problems of professional standing of personality of the stuff in service industry in conditions of modern market-oriented economy. The article also deals with the detailed analysis of the results of completed psychological research and gives practical recommendations to employers in order to optimize working practices of the service stuff. Keywords: professional motivation, occupational satisfaction, gender differences, personality, career aspirations | 1219 | |||||
1579 | The article reveals the concept «family way of life», the internal system of way of life of a family is presented. The review of the given concept interpretation is made by various authors. The author carries out a short excursus of specificity of family way of life in Russia from the 17th century to our time. Keywords: family way of life, life, components of family way of life. | 1219 | |||||
1580 | The article presents the essence and value of art activities of preschool children during their upbringing and education, describes teachers’ attitude to it. The author researches conditions for development of abilities to art activities and analyses experimental data about the level of preschool children’s abilities. Keywords: art activities, abilities, personality-cantered approach, conditions of development of art skills, creative thinking. | 1219 | |||||
1581 | The influence of different forms of selenium on development of wheat plants in soil culture was studied. It is shown, that formation of structural elements of shoot and productivity of plants Triticum aestivum L. depends on the degree of oxidation of selenium ions and the methods of processing. Specificity of action of different ions of selenium consists in regulation of accumulation of dry substance by the main shoot and shoots tillering, amount of tillering shoots, productivity and quality of grain. Selenate sodium increased wheat productivity, selenite of sodium - quality of grain (the content of starch and protein). Keywords: Triticum aestivum, selenite and selenate sodium, morphogenesis, growth and development of plants, starch, protein | 1219 | |||||
1582 | The article is devoted to the study of quasi-equivalent vocabulary in the context of intercultural dialogue. The author of the paper bases the research on the newest publications on the theory of borrowings and inter-linguistic equivalence. The paper is focused on the dynamism of quasi-equivalent changes, which the author attributes to the global spread of the English language, as well as to the recent changes in the corresponding social-cultural paradigms. Keywords: quasi-equivalent (quasi-international) vocabulary, borrowings, international words, intercultural dialogue, interlinguistic equivalents, inter-linguistic homonyms (synonyms, paronyms), semantic changes, globalization | 1219 | |||||
1583 | The article presents the analysis of the experience of professional self-identification of young people in Germany, its organizational and pedagogical forms. The criteria of prestige of working professions in Germany are allocated in it. Besides, the article deals with the practice of dual system of training students in the sphere of high-technological working professions. It is determined the key problems of social institutions in the organization of vocational guidance and training of qualified young professionals. Keywords: self-identification of young people, vocational guidance, vocational training, the dual system of training, social institutions of vocational guidance | 1219 | |||||
1584 | The article is devoted to the methods of teaching students the basic often applied algorithms of solving computer problems. The main feature of this methodology is the consistent study of the basic algorithms (sorting and search, information theory and cryptography, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms) implying the use of any programming language and further implementation of the studied algorithms in practice. This course includes laboratory practical tasks. These tasks have the increasing difficulty. At the beginning of the course a simple task demands from the student filling of admissions. More difficult tasks assume independent development and debugging of computer programs. Keywords: methods of teaching, algorithmic thinking, algorithms and data structures, sort and search, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms | 1219 | |||||
1585 | The artice discusses the role of lifelong learning for professional activity as a vital instrument providing both, current and perspective needs of labour market. Lifelong learning fulfills three main functions – professional, social and personal. One of the ways to deliver such kind of education is involving professional development programs, which can be delivered through in-service training in various formats (distant, face-to-face, autonomous learning). These programs can be arranged within various timescales with regard to government regulations and employer requirements. In addition, the staff participating in design, elaboration and implementation of these programs should meet the latest professional requirements in their area. It is suggested that professional competence among academics as people functioning like conductors between industrial sector and adult learners is of vital importance. For that reason, special attention is drawn to the programs for academics and doctoral training. As an illustrative example, the experience of participating in a PhD program at the University of Sheffield (UK) is described. This program is characterized as highly individualized, which leads to sufficient outcomes among learners. Along with that, the authors propose to borrow key aspects from Sheffield experience and adapt them for doctoral training in Russia. Finally, urgent problems in academics development are outlined, further steps and solutions are offered. Keywords: lifelong learning, academics, professional development, doctoral training, leading overseas universities | 1219 | |||||
1586 | The pedagogical technologies of health-protective education at all stages are grounded on principles of complex social-culture education, natural-scientific and physical education; inclusion of problems of health education in the program of learning of various hu¬manitarian and natural-scientific disciplines, and as a result-creation at school united «health-protective environment». The development and implantation In the education process health-protective technologies of education allows to raise the level of pupils' health, promotes warning and correction of health disorders and, at the end, provides the development of educa¬tion quality. | 1218 | |||||
1587 | The article considers the problem of training chil¬dren with the functionally caused features of organism complicating process of their adaptation in a secon¬dary school. The concept of functionally-weakened chil¬dren (FWC) is put forward. It includes vegetative labil¬ity of an organism, reduced propulsion reactions and general physical capacity for work. The interrelation of the specified parameters is determined on the basis of the system analysis of the complex research results. The conclusion is made about the necessity of differ¬entiated approach to FWC in order to develop the effi¬ciency of their training at school. | 1218 | |||||
1588 | In the article the experience of practical realization of the project of Multilevel Continuous Education System (MCES) in closed settlement of the nuclear industry of Siberian Chemical Plant in Seversk. Tomsk region is analyzed. The investigation shows that MCES under conditions of Industrial implemented into Closed Administrative Territorial Unit (CATU) Seversk allows involving in educations process a large number of children and youth. This provides a possibility of purposeful formation of harmonically developed personality oriented to conducting of professional activity at factories and organizations of the Nuclear Department of the Russian Federation. The results of the investigation can be applied for solving similar tasks in the towns of the RF Nuclear Department, and also in other towns of Russian Federation. | 1218 | |||||
1589 | The approaches to designing content of ethno-cultural education are analyzed in the present paper The authors proceed from the assumption that as the substantial foundation for the ethno-cultural education serves the mankind culture in general The mankind culture is understood as a whole of typical activity methods, creativity experience, values and attitudes. | 1218 | |||||
1590 | The article deals with the problem of synonymic relationship in the vocabulary; on the basis of the Ket language the existence of the synonyms in its lexical subsystem is proved and peculiarities of the verbal synonymy and its types are analysed. | 1218 | |||||
1591 | The article is concerned with one of the key mythological images in the Russian literary Rimliane - the image of Raphael and his picture «Sistine Madonnas. The Russian literary Rimliane is viewed as a set of texts representing a special system of im¬ages, subjects, ideas and motives connected with Rome. The author analyzes the influence of V.G. Vakenroder's essay «Vision of Raphael* on the literary work of V.A. Zhukovsky and other Russian romanticists. | 1218 | |||||
1592 | The changes in methods and techniques in Slavic Science give a new interpretation to old sources. Interdisciplinary researches enlarge our understanding of the history of Slavic culture. The author of the article studies the prehistory of the first East-Slavic higher institution – Kiev-Mogilya Academy. The history of relations between fraternities and Orthodox clergy during the creation of Kiev collegiums is overviewed considering the complex situation of multicultural and multiconfessional Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the first third of the XVIIth century. | 1218 | |||||
1593 | The article is focused on the problematic approach in a teachers’ training management system. It considers the role of problem training on the efficiency of the quality of education in a pedagogical high school. Besides, the diagnostics of an estimation of the quality of lessons in the conditions of problem training are given by the author in this report | 1218 | |||||
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1595 | The article presents the use of pedagogical designing as instruments of creation and installation of technology of realization of system of professional restorative-prophylactic training of physical training teachers. The article gives the structure and the contents of parts of the technology: conceptual part; perspective; organizational; methodical and diagnostic parts. Special attention is given to the construction of technological chart of methodical part of the technology. Keywords: Pedagogical technology, structure of technology, contents of technology, system; restorative-prophylactic training, pedagogical designing, physical training teacher. | 1218 | |||||
1596 | Productivity of Lactuca sativa, variety Moskovsky parnikovy growing in protected cultivation under fluorescent film luminescent with maximum of 615 nanometers is studied in dynamics. Change of conditions of plant cultivation by fluorescent film promotes accelerated growth, development and productivity improvement of Lactuca sativa relative to plants growing under unmodified film. Increase in productivity of Lactuca sativa in 1.5 times under fluorescent films is determined by increase in ratio IAA/ABA and decrease in content of АA in plants, and also conjugated with change of enzymatic activity of aboriginal soil microflora. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, protected cultivation, fluorescent films, productivity, hormones, ascorbic acid, soil microflora | 1218 | |||||
1597 | This paper presents the analysis of the metaphorical models of the concept of fact from the perspective of Cognitive Linguistics. More specifically, we attempt to show how Lakoff’s theory of conceptual metaphor can help us refine an unclear deem nature of the concept of fact in Modern English, which can accrue from the frequent occurrence of conventionalized metaphorical expressions about fact in everyday language. Thus, metaphor is understood as a partial mapping between conceptual domains of experience, a source domain and a target domain. In this way, we intend to make this interesting construct more useful and cognitively plausible instrument for our linguistic analysis. Keywords: fact, concept, metaphor, metaphorical model, conceptualization, abstract phenomenon, thing. | 1218 | |||||
1598 | The article considers the liturgical reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the theological aspect. The peculiarities of the impact of the liturgical text on the person and formation by the text of the fundamental religious beliefs, connected with the concept of deity. Keywords: Orthodoxy, liturgical reforms of Patriarch Nikon, the liturgical texts, theology | 1218 | |||||
1599 | The paper deals with short news items from British and Iranian newspapers. Brief news items are analysed to describe their structure. Similarities and differences are found in the organization of the news in two languages, obligatory and optional elements are shown as well. Keywords: genre, news, structure of news, headlines | 1218 | |||||
1600 | This article is dedicated to the research into the interactive advertisement as a game model of cooperation between advertiser and target audience. It also presents analysis of using game tools in advertising process, results of content analysis of interactive advertising products and situational analysis of Internet market of Krasnoyarsk into the subject of development interactive technologies in advertising. According to the research results the recommendations for creation of interactive advertisement product and proposals on the use of interactive advertising in the Internet were developed. Keywords: Internet advertising, game tools, advertising process, interactive advertising model, interactive advertisement | 1218 |