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5851 | Being a universal means of communication, search, storage and transmission of information, the Internet has become an integral element of our lives. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in modern linguistics the texts of Internet communication attract much attention of scientists. The Internet culture is closely connected with the implementation of various humorous intentions, and the success of virtual (informal) communication depends on the comic component. The article concerns the role of self-presentation at the forming of virtual personality during Internet communication. The object of study is the mechanism for creating negative self-presentation with the help of humorous means. The authors aim to systemize the present approaches to the strategy of self-presentation. The importance of humoristic means in the realization of intentions of different kinds at the virtual communication is stressed. Humor is a kind of non-stereotyped cognitive processing of the perception of the incongruous and absurd things in the surrounding reality. This is an attempt to break the dogmatism of the template way of reflecting the surrounding world order, emphasizing its inconsistency and absurdity. The author also analyzes effective means of actualization of negative self-presentation in the virtual environment such as trolling, Internet jargon, mems and taboos. The authors stress global scope, anonymousness and indirect communication in the virtual world providing new prospects for the personal self-presentation. The material from this article can be used in teaching the following disciplines: lexicology, stylistics, pragmalinguistics, discourse theory, text linguistics. Keywords: self-presentation, concepts of self-presentation, Internet environment, functions of humor, trolling, mems, taboos | 966 | |||||
5852 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the methodological activities of a school teacher and university teacher. Methodological activity is the most important component of a teacher’s professional activity, therefore it is important to understand in what ways it can be organized. This aspect is important not only for teachers of private methods, but also for any teacher of higher education, as he is a methodologist - the organizer of the assimilation of educational material by students. When preparing undergraduates as potential teachers, it is important to teach them different ways of organizing methodological activities. Materials and methods. The article was written on the basis of the author’s generalization of the teaching experience for undergraduates “Methods of Teaching Communicative Disciplines”, as well as many years of experience in teaching a course in teaching Russian to future elementary school teachers. Master students not only got acquainted with these methods at lectures, but also actively discussed them in tutorial mode. A comparative analysis of reproductive, constructive, research methods of organizing activities is used. Results and discussion. The characteristic of different ways of organizing methodological activities is given: reproductive, constructive, research. Тhe following comparison criteria were used: positions of participants in joint educational activities, subject of methodological activities, methodological tools, features of working with educational information, organization of the educational environment, result. Conclusion. As a basic principle of organizing methodological activities, co-organization and mutual complementarity of different methods are proposed. The methods are correlated with different models of the organization of joint activities of the teacher and students. Keywords: magistracy, methodological activities, organization methods, training session, interaction models | 966 | |||||
5853 | Introduction. The present paper introduces Russian historians of linguistics to a little-known treatise on the history of Spanish – “Del origen y principio de la lengua castellana o romance que oi se usa en España” (1606) by Bernardo de Aldrete. Aim and objectives. The aim of the present study is to analyse B. De Aldrete’s treatise and specify how certain notions of general linguistics, crucial for its present state of development, were being developed. Material and methods. The study is based on a print edition of Aldrete’s treatise (about 400-pages long). The methods employed are: critical analysis of the text as an example of Renaissance linguistic thought and sociocultural analysis of the historical context the treatise was written in. This XVII-century scientific text and its system of terms are interpreted with the help of modern terminology, as normally done by linguistic historiography scholars. Results and discussion. The analysis of Aldrete’s treatise as a specimen of Spanish linguistic thought is performed against the background of the earlier linguistic tradition and the sociocultural situation in the Golden-Age Spain. XVI–XVII-century Pyrenees linguistics – Spanish in particular – was developing in a very specific sociocultural milieu, which preconditioned its inter-paradigmatic nature and an extremely wide scope of objects and themes discussed. The paper mainly focuses on how Aldrete dealt with general linguistic issues in his treatise on the history of Spanish. The analysis shows that such issues include: ways of naming language; functions of language; diversity of forms of speech; correlations between language system and speech; historicity of language; language contacts; diatopic (territorial), diastratic (social) and diaphasic (functional) variation of language; distinguishing between dialects and languages; the domineering role of standard language. Conclusion. The author of the XVII-century historical-linguistic treatise under analysis does not limit himself to studying purely historical aspects of language. The work by Aldrete embraces a wide range of issues of general linguistics, which shows that as early as in the pre-Port-Royal period linguists were already discussing the concepts and principles that are crucial for modern linguistic science. Keywords: linguistic historiography, history of Romance linguistics, general linguistics, functions of language, language variation | 966 | |||||
5854 | The article consideres the image of a woman in german political press of the peacetime. Certain gender stereotypesare established, namely cultural and socially constructed ideas, opinions about the qualities, attributes and norms of behavior in female political poster and advertisements – creolized texts where considerable information about the gender factor, along with verbal means is transmitted by iconic means. Keywords: functions of stereotypes, gender stereotypes, political communication, creolized text | 965 | |||||
5855 | We present a new theory for free massive superspin Y = 3/2 irreducible representation of the 4D, N = 1 Super-Poincar´e group, which has linearized non-minimal supergravity (superhelicity Y = 3/2) as its massless limit. The theory is being described in terms of a real bosonic superfield Hαα˙ and two fermionic ones χα , uα. The new results will illuminate the underlying structure of auxiliary superfields required for the description of higher massive superspin systems. Keywords: superspin, superspace | 965 | |||||
5856 | The article considers the species diversity of freshwater molluscs, and the composition of zoogeographical groups of mollusks in the river basin of Chulym. In the long process of historical development and the formation of the ancient river Pra-Ob and the Pra-Yenisey, Pra-Chulym was the southern corridor for the exchange of faunas of shellfish between Western and Eastern Siberia. Under the influence of these processes in the river basin Chulym formed a kind of modern complex freshwater mollusk, which has a great similarity with composition freshwater molluscs of the middle basin of the river Ob and of the basin of the river Sayan (the upper basin of the river Yenisei). The species composition of shellfish in the river basin Chulym, was been formed under the predominant influence of European and Siberian malakogenetics centers. Keywords: malakofauna mollusks, freshwater mollusks, zoogeography, species composition, province, zoning | 965 | |||||
5857 | The article offers a brief description of one of the most significant concepts for the English culture – “hobby”. The research of the content of the modern concept “hobby” in the English lingua-culture is based on the study of the English Dictionaries. The study also reveals the features of the formation of “hobby” as a lexical unit of the English language. At the present time English hobby is considered to be one of the types of “serious leisure” and the English concept “hobby” is getting a feature of usefulness and importance, and represents a certain model of life as pleasure, being engaged in not just a favourite routine, but necessary and useful. Keywords: concept, lingua-cultural concept, English lingua-culture, leisure, serious leisure, hobby | 965 | |||||
5858 | Discusses the ways of term formation in Old English and Old Russian based on the data of Anglo-Saxon and Old Russian charters which deal with legal transactions of landed property. As follows from the analysis the most productive way of term formation in Anglo-Saxon and Old Russian charters was semantic derivation, the change of the meaning of words already existing in the language. Consequently common lexis constituted the basis of emerging terminology in Anglo-Saxon and Old Russian charters. The term formation took place by means of terminologisation of common lexis. The transfer of common lexis into the sphere of terminology was accompanied by semantic narrowing, metonymic and metaphoric transfer of the meaning. Keywords: Anglo-Saxon charter, Old Russian charter, ways of term formation, semantic derivation, semantic narrowing, metonymic transfer, metaphoric transfer | 965 | |||||
5859 | Formation of primary schoolchildren’s citizenship allows to build common spiritual and moral values, primary value orientations and civil ideology. Civil education is considered as the direction of the educational activities associated with the formation of the social role of personality, its public face. Creation of the student’s experience of the social group and individual behavior of the civil nature goes through a joint analysis, solution of the group social problems, joint social action in the framework of non-recurrent separate social actions as well as long-term projects. Concept and methods of implementing social actions and projects arise and are discussed in the student community and implemented with the support and supervision of parents, class teacher, and public organizations. Preparatory work for inclusion in social planning is done with students by means of educational and extracurricular activities, educational work with parents – through thematic parent-teacher meetings, collective creative works. The results are stability of citizenship, including cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the evaluation, the constancy of socially approved behavior patterns with a strong civil position of primary school children, the positive experience of their civil action. Keywords: primary school, civil education, cognitive, emotional evaluation, behavioral components of citizenship, experience of civil action, children-invalids, children with disabilities, parents, family, joint social action | 965 | |||||
5860 | The article actualizes the realization of the pedagogical technology for creative self-development of future teachers on the basis of the values formation as a current problem of Russian education. The proposed pedagogical technology can be reproduced in terms of continuous education. It will give a possibility of combining the capabilities of various technological solutions to enhance the level of creative self-development of future teachers. The formation of valuesemantic orientations contributes to the successful development of self-processes while projecting self-concept of creative self-development. Pedagogical technology for creative self-development of future educators based on formation of values inherent to a person, citizen, patriot, represents a system of scientifically-based activities to achieve the planned results, which includes the goal, the objectives, the content, the methods, as well as the means and the forms of education. The functional components of pedagogical technology, which are applied as methods for organizing the model of education, and which ensure effective functioning of the educational process, are organizational and pedagogical conditions, stages, criteria, indicators, as well as levels of creative self-development. The content component of pedagogical technology is represented by the didactic system enriched with creative tasks in educational curricula for high-school students, college-level students, and for young teachers – by advanced training programs, as well as by programs of additional education. Instrumental equipment of pedagogical technology on methodological side is provided by the scientific and the methodological, the organizational and the methodological recommendations, as well as by the educational and the methodological complexes on the subjects and the disciplines of training. The procedural component of educational technology on each level of education is indicated by the diagnostic-hermeneutical, the emotional-meaningful, the activity-based and creative, as well as by the innovativereflective stages, in the frameworks of which the expected results are achieved. The result of implementation of pedagogical technology is comprehension, appropriation, and verification by future educators of the system of personally significant values (humanistic and moral, as well as social values, orientation towards creativity, values of cooperation), patriotically-oriented personality, increased level of creative self-development, manifestation of selfworth in various types of activities in conditions of continuous education. Keywords: value-semantic orientation, creative self-development, continuous education, pedagogical technology, the processes of the self | 965 | |||||
5861 | Introduction. The need for the formation of grammatical skills associated with the competent construction of statements, determines the communicative activity approach in teaching the Russian language as a foreign. In most cases, it is the predicate that constitutes the core of the minimal syntactic unit – a phrase, which in turn serves to build the basic communicative unit of speech ‒ the sentence. Therefore, the study of grammatical forms of the verb as a part of speech plays a very important role already at the initial stage of learning the Russian language as a foreign. The aim of the article is the systematization of theoretical information and patterns of the studied linguistic phenomenon and the creation of a system of exercises aimed at understanding the linguistic foundations and automating the skill of forming verb forms of the present tense category. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the work is the concept of intensive teaching of foreign languages, based on the communicative-activity approach and on the general didactic principles. The focus of the research is a comparative analysis of the ways of presenting theoretical and didactic material in the formation of grammatical skills at the initial stage of teaching Russian language as a foreign, as well as qualitative analysis of the results of pedagogical activity. Results and discussion. For the successful formation of the skill of using verbs in speech, not only minimal theoretical information about the distribution of this part of speech by conjugation type is necessary, but also familiarity with such a morphological phenomenon of the Russian language as historical alternations of final consonant sounds of root morphemes in the formation of personal verb forms in the present tense. Analysis of the research results shows that in the process of teaching the language, the most effective is the practical application of theoretical knowledge due to their conscious assimilation, which contributes to the development of a stable skill of reproducing the information laid on a conceptual basis, which is necessary for solving specific communicative tasks. The result of the study of this issue and pedagogical experience are summary tables that ensure the implementation of the general didactic principle of use of visual methods in studying new material and contribute to the systematization of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific exercises that can find practical application both in forming the ability to create a paradigm of the present, and in automating skills correct use in speech of verbal forms. Conclusion. One of the most pressing issues in Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language is the formation of personal forms of verbs in the present tense. Thus, the system of linguistic and speech exercises, which is based on general didactic principles taking into account linguistic phenomena caused by the history of language development, and can be used at the initial stage of training, has a special practical significance. Keywords: the Russian language as foreign, methodics of teaching, principle of use of visual methods, conjugation, verbal forms, the present tense, historical rotation | 965 | |||||
5862 | Introduction. The article deals with identification and analysis of collocations in new type of user’s manual – For Dummies. The relevance of the study is explained by the increasing interest of linguists to the investigation of functional aspect in general аnd absence of specialized research of collocations in new type of user’s manuals. The aim of the article is to identify the types of collocations, their semantics and functions in the texts of new types of user’s manuals (by the example of For Dummies). Methods and material. The method of the research is functional-semantic analysis. The material of the study was the texts of new user’s manual “for dummies” Results and novelty of the research. The analysis has shown that new types of user’s manuals differ from traditional manuals in use of expressive and occasional collocations. The presence of usual and terminological collocations brings together new instructions with traditional ones. Special attention is given to the identification of the type of lexical semantic violation. Occasional collocations made on the basis of epithet, metaphor and oxymoron have been found in For Dummies. It was concluded that expressive and occasional collocations perform attractive, evaluative and expressive functions which help to realize the communicative aim of influencing the reader. The research novelty is to investigate the role of collocations in terms of communicative aim of text. Conclusion. The author’s contribution in investigation of collocations in new types of user’s manuals is noted in conclusion of the article. The use of special type of lexical units that have expressive potential allows to consider For Dummies as a new type of user’s manual. Keywords: traditional collocations, terminological collocations, expressive collocations, occasional collocations, For Dummies, communicative aim of the text | 965 | |||||
5863 | Toponymic nickname – is a new name based on the associations with reality phenomena. Wide use of secondary nominations is a characteristic feature of the toponymic system of the USA. Each state, apart from its official name, has a number of nicknames, which can be official and unofficial. This article is devoted to the linguocultural analysis of toponymic nicknames of the US States, motivational characteristics of which are relief and water resource peculiarities. This group of American nicknames is clearly restricted in the English language and presents an interesting material for the linguistic analysis. This article regards different classifications of the analyzed units as well as their motivational and quantitative analyses. Secondary nominations of the US States reflect the peculiarities of the flat, hilly and mountainous relief. The last one prevails over the flat and hilly relief. Water resources (among which the most productive motivation is rivers) occur more often than the objects of the area relief. One more particular feature of the units under the investigation is the fact that they are presented by the nominations with absolute or full motivating, since the facts, events and geographical names, put in the basis of the secondary nominations, are always evident. Keywords: secondary nomination, toponymic nickname, toponym, relief, water resources, the US States | 964 | |||||
5864 | Culture and mentality of any nation are determined by its history. The authors of the article are interested in the history of the relationship and the formation of the mentality of the Russian people since ancient times. Neighbours of our ancestors of the Eastern Slavs, were known to be people of Iranian origin: Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans. This neighborhood is manifested in the formation of the so-called “Iranisms” in the Russian culture. The analysis of some of these “Iranisms” is the content of the work. Relying on the theory of Carl Gustav Jung’s archetypes, the authors found in the general behavior of the Russian people the “introvertiveness” of the worldview common among the peoples of the East. Keywords: iranism, horse, tree of life, the firebird, Ivan the Fool, introversion, space art, Eurasia | 964 | |||||
5865 | The article deals with one aspect of the organization of children’s lives in the Great Patriotic War - summer health campaigns. Despite the hard times, the lack of finance, the Soviet state during the war managed to organize summer recreation for children. The subject of the study of this article is the scale of summer health campaigns in West Siberian region in the years of the war, the difficulties in its organization. The article analyzes the changes in the country’s life because of the beginning of the war, considers the number of evacuees among adults and children in the West Siberian region. Particular attention is paid to the study of the organizational activities of the state, the party and Komsomol organizations and the public in addressing the problem of rehabilitation of children during the war. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the children’s summer recreational facilities before the Great Patriotic War, during the war, on the areas of the West Siberian region. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the lack of finance, the concentration of attention on the leadership of the country addressing the organization of military production, providing the necessary military, development and conduct of military operations, yet found time and resources to address social issues in the rear area. Children were not forgotten and neglected. People’s Commissariat of Health constantly held monitoring of the health of children in schools and child care centers. As soon as it became apparent that the significant deterioration of children health had taken place, they sounded the alarm. The problem was discussed at a national level, at the same level binding decisions were made. Currently criticized centralized government system enabled to organize summer health campaigns rapidly and ubiquitously. It also helped to maintain the health impaired children, giving them a chance for life. Keywords: children, the Great Patriotic War, children’s health improvement, children’s summer vocation, summer camps, Pioneer camps, children’s health camps, children’s playgrounds | 964 | |||||
5866 | The article discusses the concept of the safe area of childhood and the necessity of its formation to ensure the safe development of the child. Development of the safe childhood area is aimed at reducing threats for child’s life and health and occurs in the course of interaction of an environment and kid’s private world, as well as in the task of creating a safety culture. The analysis of the relationship between the components of the safe childhood space was conducted using methods of statistics. The established causal relationships guide the development of a safe childhood area. Environmental conditions have a direct impact on the formation of safety culture in the child’s vital world. High ecological risks act as a motive for the formation of adaptive reactions, including safe behaviour. Adverse ecological conditions promote formation of children’s safety culture, while adverse social factors decelerate its development instead. Technological and social threats stimulate educational institution to develop health-saving technologies. The development of healthy and eco-friendly among pre-school educational institutions creates safe childhood space. Adaptive-developing environment of educational institutions is a condition of adaptation of the preschool child to the society and the preservation of his health. The safety culture of adults - parents and teachers - has a dominant influence on the child’s safety culture and the conditions for its safe development. Keywords: safe childhood area, the child’s vital world, safety of a preschooler, safety culture | 964 | |||||
5867 | The Casimir energy of system of parallel conductive planes with constant conductivity is considered. General form of the Casimir energy for two and three planes is obtained. For the case of equal interplane distances the energy is proportional to inverse third power of distance. For small conductivity the energy does not depend on the Planck constant and velocity of light. The Casimir energy of planes with ideal conductivity is the sum of the Casimir energy of the neighboring planes. Keywords: Casimir energy, zeta-function, zero point energy, graphene | 963 | |||||
5868 | There is a tendency to the shortening of the verse in the literature for children, as well as in modern poetry in general. Researchers rethink the boundaries of the genre of poetic miniature. Poetic miniature usually consists of two parts, and often contains a paradox. The article researches Alexander Bergelson’s (Novosibirsk) quatrains in comparison with the miniatures of other authors such as Grigory Oster, Renata Mukha, Herman Lukovnikov, Boris Khan. All texts are divided into two groups. In the first group two parts of the poem are opposed to each other. In the second group there is a poetic story in sequence. The texts of Bergelson expressed the dialectics of author's consciousness, desire to cooperate with the reader and the perception of reality as a game. Keywords: Alexander Bergelson, poetic miniatures, poems for children, Siberian poetry, quatrain, dialectics, poetic game | 963 | |||||
5869 | Training programs on physical culture have provided studying of questions of history by school students. Therefore, the purpose of classes in history of physical culture with future teachers in the organizations of higher education and colleges is not only acquisition of knowledge, but also training in technique of teaching historical aspects, formation of interest in a profession. The article presents the results of the analysis of educational programs on physical culture for students of general education schools regarding existence of aspects of history of physical culture in them. The questions of the Olympic movement, the role of Pierre de Coubertin in its development and education, the origin of physical exercises and games are presented in programs for schoolchildren. There are no relevant issues in the programs on the history of the Paralympic Movement, the Deaflympic Movement, Special Olympics. Authors have determined possibilities of history of physical culture in formation of professional competences of future teachers of physical culture. Lessons of history of physical culture promote formation of important professional competences of future teachers and train them for organization of pedagogical, design, cultural and educational activity. The authors have defined the attitude of future teachers to the “History of Physical Culture” and the most expedient methodical receptions for use in classrooms. Most future teachers consider the history of physical culture an important topic, but they do not understand the practical significance of the subject. Among the most appropriate methods of teaching, students give priority to active methods. The authors have proved that students need special preparation for the use of methods of training in the professional activity. Keywords: history of physical culture, teacher of physical culture, students, school students, physical culture | 963 | |||||
5870 | The article deals with the results of a study devoted to medical discourse and its speech genre differentiation in the communicative space of Great Britain, France, Russia (three countries). The medical discourse is one of the oldest discourses, since it is about the main, basic values of a person ‒ his health and life. The humanity strives to increase the duration and improve the quality of life. The Medical discourse refers to the institutional discourse, as it serves a special institution, the social stratum – the medical community. The polydiscursivity is a characteristic of the medical discourse,that is born at the intersection of scientific, academic, legal, advertising, commercial, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical discourse proper, which is the leading discourse in this symphony of discourses. The speech genre palette of the medical discourse is extensive and diverse. The study deals only with the written speech genres of the medical discourse, which have their own characteristics. The written speech genres of the medical discourse are characterized bythe logical alignment, reasonableness, coherence, preparedness, a consistent development of the theme, the selection of linguistic means, the graphical representation on paper and the distance in time. They are visually perceptible and can be reproduced many times. The Russian medical discourse proper, in contrast to the English (British) and French medical discourses, is characterized by the largest number of the written speech genres, which is due to the extralinguistic factors: national, political, socio-cultural, legal, historical. Keywords: medical discourse, genre, speech genre, speech genre palette, Russian medical discourse, medical discourse proper | 963 | |||||
5871 | The article presents a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of reflexive denominative dialect verbs in order to study the pragmatic aspects of the linguistic meaning. The scientists opinions about the concept of reflexivity, the classification of reflexive verbs are presented. The place of the analyzed verbs among different classes of reflexive verbs is described. It is determined that the reflexive verbs belong to the group of the deponent verbs. The semantic diversity of the postfix -sja (-ся) is identified. The reflexive morpheme has not only grammatical meanings, it necessarily performs the word-formation function and participates in the creation of a set of units with a new lexical meaning. The classification of the ways of word formation of reflexive dialect verbs is carried out in accordance with such a classification of common Russian verbs. Most of the dialect verbs do not have common meanings, but individual ones. The cognitive models characterizing the kinds of actions represented by denominative reflexive verbs are defined. The examples of the verb propositions are given. It is established that the characterizing reflexive verbs can be mono- and polypropositional structures. It turned out that these denominations can be represented by the denominative verbs indicating a subject, object and propositions. This is due to the types of situations reflected: characteristics of internal and external qualities of a person and human relationships. Most polypropositional denominations appeared on the basis of metaphors. Many structures of metaphorical verbs include the Mode of the fictitious nature and the assessment Mode, expressing the attitude of the Speaker towards the signified. The fictitious and evaluative modality can be complicated by emotive modality – disapproval, neglect. The resulting expression is purely word-formational in its nature. The use of complex methods of the formation (suffixal-postfixal; prefixsuffixal- postfixal) for many characterizing verbs is one of the means of expression creation. The reflexive postfix of the denominative verbs does not perform its function of the actant derivation indicator. The postfix -sja does not mark the actant derivation, but the number of participants, the degree of agentivity and other parameters of the situation. In some cases, the choice of a reflexive / non-reflexive variant of the denominative verb to denote the characterizing name is not always explainable. Keywords: proposition, semantics, derivative, dialect vocabulary, reflexivity‚ postfix -sja, metaphoric models, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality | 963 | |||||
5872 | Razina G. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 52-52 . | 962 | |||||
5873 | In this paper we consider massive spin 3/2 field and study its gravitational interaction. We use frame-like formulation for higher spin fields (s ≥ 3/2) in terms of gauge invariant field strengths. It is shown that as for massless higher spin field the gravitational interaction for massive spin 3/2 field can be constructed as strength deformation procedure. Keywords: frame-like formalism, higher spins, gauge symmetries | 962 | |||||
5874 | The article deals with an analysis of the essence and contents of students’ value-focused orientations. Value orientations in their turn determine the motivation, i.e., the external and internal incentives of human activity and reasons for concrete actions. The main values of life, which have been formed throughout the existence of mankind, are undergoing significant changes in the modern social society. The moral crisis that emerged as a new anti-social phenomenon in the late 20th century is changing the outlook of the youth, placing material gain on priority positions. The study of the value orientations of students of higher educational institutions (HEIs) in the private and state sector shows that there are no cardinal distinctions between them. In many respects it could be accounted for by the immaturity of the private sector of the educational system, on the one hand, and the inertness of young people’s value orientations, on the other hand. Nevertheless, the study revealed certain dependence of a higher motivation towards creativity in the cases of fee-paying education and a higher consistency between the students’ value orientations in the private HEIs and the market strategy of the Russian reforms. The proportion of students with a creative potential in terms of value orientation in all years of their training is found to be relatively stable and does not exceed 30%. The other students’ creativity orientations are not only developing, but are maintained until senior courses. This is particularly evident in analyzing the responses of students of the Altai State University. Keywords: values, value orientations, motivation, creativity, state sector of higher education, non-state sector of higher education | 962 | |||||
5875 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the 75th anniversary of professor V. Ye. Golovchiner. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to determine the stages and directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor V. Golovchiner. Material and methods. The research material (articles, reports, monographs) by V. E. Golovchiner and her students served as the material for the study. The systematization and description of the results of scientific activity was carried out in comparison with the leading concepts of Russian philology. Results and discussion. For the first time, her scientific heritage is examined as a whole; the principles are revealed by which the scientist was guided during the different periods of her scientific activity; the key ideas of her papers are selected: 1. the formation of an epic drama as a specific direction in Russian literary process of the 20th century caused by cultural-historical conditions and having two typological versions – metaphorical and metonymical – with characteristic features of poetics; 2. the specifics of an artwork is in many respects caused by ancestral features as each literary genre has its own expressive possibilities; 3. the natural change of a genre paradigm during the era of nonclassical poetics leads to that the initial genres give way to the author’s models of creativity which represent a new way to end of an artistic whole. The theoretical relevance of the research: V. Ye. Golovchiner’s scientific heritage is introduced into the historical scientific context; the directions of her scientific activity are studied; the heuristic potential of theoretical positions is analyzed and theses of the main papers are shortly characterized. The practical relevance of the research: the conclusions and results of the research can be used to develop work programs of subjects in different areas of philology, to develop the teaching materials, guide books on the history of Russian literary criticism. Conclusion. The author of the paper comes to conclusions that the scientific developments of the professor are not only conceptual in certain questions of the theory of literature, open interesting historical literary facts but also reflect general trends of a philology science, develop the achievements of Tomsk school of literary criticism studying Russian drama. Keywords: professor V. Ye. Golovchiner, review of scientific work, the history and theory of drama, literary criticism methodology | 962 | |||||
5876 | The article is devoted to a new science of language that is semantic lingvopersonology. Its object is to study the semantic level of language personality that primarily includes semantics of words and sentences. The author of the article comes to the idea that the analysis of semantics of the word is an effective tool for describing the author’s worldview. The author also analyzes the semantics of the word “woman”, shows how the value of this word is associated with the writer`s concept sphere, with high appreciation of the natural life. In V. P. Astafiev’s discours the attitude towards women is the criterion of the rating of men. The study is carried out on the material of the key works by V. P. Astafiev: “The Last Tribute”, “Czar Fish”, “The Cursed and the Slain”, “Shepherd and His Wife”, “Ode to Russian Vegetable Garden”. Keywords: semantics, semantic lingvopersonology, language personality, author’s world view, woman, V. P. Astafiev | 961 | |||||
5877 | The article explains the use of the net present value for the evaluation of the effectiveness of forest management strategies for specific sites. In Russian practice, this indicator is mainly used for the evaluation of investment projects, but in forestry developed countries such as Finland and Canada for several decades now this index is used to evaluate the effectiveness of management of forest areas and planning for logging and reforestation on them. This is due to the fact that in the forestry sector, as well as in investment projects a great role is played by the factor of time, i. e. flows of revenues and expenses can be considerably spaced apart in time. This means that the use of indicators such as net income, profit, profitability, etc. do not allow to obtain complete information and give distorted results, as the time factor is not taken into account. Using an integrated model of economic evaluation in the context of strategies may also lead to an increase in the volume of selective logging, because their benefits can be assessed more clearly. Keywords: net present value, forestry, forest income, discounting strategy of forestry, forest planning, harvesting forest plantations | 961 | |||||
5878 | The search for effective forms of the final state certification testing is an important task of professional educational organizations. At the heart of modern professional education lies the competence model of bachelor. Competence as an integrative education requires the relationship of academic disciplines in the process of training of bachelors, and during final testing. Final state certification of bachelors of majors teacher education, profile “Music” includes a state exam and graduation. State exam becomes an interdisciplinary challenge. The Department of music and music education of the Institute of arts offers one of the possible forms of the State interdisciplinary tests for bachelors of this profile. It allows to check the level of development of professional, first of all, special competencies that characterize the quality of preparation of graduates for specific professional activities. Keywords: state interdisciplinary examination, special competence, training disciplines | 961 | |||||
5879 | This article contains critical analysis of Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific theories’ and political positions’ interpretation formulated by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev in historical monography called “Stalinism”. Methodological and source-studying aspects of Velm's and Alekseev's views are considered in a context of world and Russian political mind of XXth century. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko made analysis of extremely versatile proofs’ base which offered by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for acknowledgement of their research basic hypothesis about genetic relations between “social-organized experience (SOE) concept” with Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific and political views, on the one hand, and social and political practice of Stalin’s Soviet Union, on the other hand. I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are thinking that the “SOE concept” is concentrating Bogdanov’s political philosophy and practice. This concept is based on the idea of allocation the special figure of personal organizer from the society. Organizer concentrates in his hands the power over all parties and branches of social life, including ideology. Velm and Alekseev are writing that organizer’s role in Soviet history was taken by Stalin whose political practice is presented in critically-publicistic style. The given feature of the sights statement of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev is estimated by Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko from the scientific research methodology point of view and also from the source study analysis quality point of view. For this reason the special attention in the article is directed at the specific “additional sence method” used by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for original interpretation of Bogdanov’s views. Russian Marxist scientist and revolutionary is shown by Velm and Alekseev as “dark hero” who made for Stalin the totalitarian ideology on “SOE concept” base and who worked very hard for introducing this ideology into Soviet society life. For acknowledgement of this thesis I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are broadly interpreting the involved materials (Bogdanov's texts, their critical analysis in works of V. I. Lenin and other contemporaries of the scientist), and they put in these used works their own sense which not always coincides with a position of primary sources authors. All materials of “Stalinism” are grouping not on their genetic relation, but on the basis of the emotionally-shaped associations, and it is methologically doubtful as attribute of belletristic literature, not of scientific research. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko proved insufficient argumentation to position of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev concerning communication between “SOE concept” and Bogdanov's scientific views. Keywords: Alexander Bogdanov, tectology, Marxism, Stalinism, empiriomonism, Machism, ideology, social organization | 961 | |||||
5880 | Structural reorganization of the country’s economic system, the formation of public relations and management systems require new knowledge and special approaches from the management, which confirms the importance of training highly skilled management personnel and the need for the formation of a special system for their training and retraining. Managers should acquire experience in solving practical problems of development and improvement. In the context of this task, it is important to have a toolkit that would allow studying and researching the processes taking place in the managed object. In particular, a higher educational institution can act as the managed object. This article focuses on the development of the model of the university activities. The implementation of this model can be used as a basis for the development of a computer simulation program that can be used as a simulator for management training in order to study the appropriateness of managerial decision-making. The article considers in detail the model of management of students body, which are an essential part of the model of the organization of training in the structural subdivision of the university. According to the model, its behavior is determined by a set of configurable parameters that simulate management interventions and environmental parameters that model external conditions. Keywords: modeling, activity of the university, management of student contingent, functional models | 961 | |||||
5881 | The content of the information cycle disciplines should correspond to the modern trends in the development of computer and information and communication technologies. Implementation of this requirement is possible with the use of cloud technologies that solve the problem associated with the installation, updating, support for the operation of software and hardware by providing remote access to various cloud services. When studying the disciplines of the information cycle, we focus on cloud services that support the SaaS model (the provision of various software) and STaaS (storage of information as a service). The analysis of the results of questioning of “Clinical Psychology” students showed that they are familiar only with the notion of cloud technologies and in practice they only use services for storing information, creating text documents, presentations and spreadsheets. Therefore, it is important in the process of studying the disciplines of the information cycle to introduce the students to a wide range of cloud technologies that will be in demand in future professional activities. At the training sessions, learners are introduced to the capabilities of the cloud tool o-cheloveke.ru, which allows you to diagnose characteristics of a person. Next, explore the features of the online Google calendar, in which they create events, translate the texts in Google Translate; create diagrams or charts in Google Drawings; work in a social network Google+, where they create circles, communities of interest; exchange messages, calls and video meetings on Google Hangouts. With the help of the cloud service Google Drive students individually or collectively create and store information objects in the cloud. Keywords: cloud technologies, information and communication technologies, information cycle disciplines, informatics, Internet innovations | 961 | |||||
5882 | There is the problem of diagnostics of readiness of future mathematics teachers for professional activity in connection with the transition of higher education to the new standards based on the competence, personality-oriented and activity approaches to teaching. The concept of “readiness for professional activity” is associated with the concept of “professional competence”. The analysis of works on the diagnosis of professional competence from the point of view of psychodidactics allows us to identify certain requirements for the diagnosis of readiness of future mathematics teachers for professional activity: diagnostics should be carried out in the form of monitoring, thereby, its developmental function is realized; monitoring involves the use of the means of pedagogical support in case of educational difficulties of the diagnosed, thereby realizing the teaching function of the diagnostics; it should include the means of self-diagnosis, thereby the educational function of diagnostics is being realized. The designing of diagnostic materials for this monitoring was carried out using the example of diagnosing the readiness of future mathematics teachers to learn to solve text problems – one of the important components of mathematical training. Educational texts were developed in accordance with the structure of the problem-solving process, based on the requirements for diagnostics. Texts allow future mathematics teachers to estimate their readiness in the following areas of professional activity: the analysis of learners’ difficulties in solving problems; methodical work at the stage of the task condition analysis; use of various methods for solving text problems; additional work on the task; designing tasks aimed at learning problem-solving; comparison, recognition and construction of teaching texts; the use of historical and methodical experience in problem solving. Keywords: diagnostics of readiness of future teachers for professional activity, monitoring, educational texts, training in solving text problems | 961 | |||||
5883 | The developing biotechnologies give rise to the new phenomena of art and science – from Sci-Art to bioaesthetics. The scientific research part of this governed by bioethics. The perception of these works of art raises the question of predictability of the consequences of this act. For this purpose, it seems appropriate to conduct diagnostic semiotic limits of applicability of theories of perception based on the model of information-synergetic approach. The main theses and models of information- synergetic approach are chosen as bases for the classification of psychological theories of visual information perception. The article states some results of the RFBR project no. 14–06–00440; of RFH project no. 15–03–00598-а. Keywords: visual information, perception of visual information, bioethics, synergetic, information-synergetic approach | 960 | |||||
5884 | Тhe article shows the possibility of organizing the process of continuous education of specialists in the conditions of the municipal area, the principles, main directions, objectives and content of the municipal educational development service. Considered by the scientific and theoretical foundations of this new tool of improvement of qualification and retraining, providing multi-dimensional and optimal movement of adult personality in the educational space. Such educational services may be implemented by the municipal resource centre, which acts as the organizer and coordinator of continuing education for adults, covering practice-oriented advanced training and retraining of specialists of a wide range of professions. The most effective municipal resource center is the one, created on the basis of innovative educational organization. Keywords: continuing education, training, vocational-oriented education, municipal educational service | 960 | |||||
5885 | The article reflects the results of studying and solution of the problem of development of technical abilities of future bachelor. The author presented the model of pedagogical assistance to development of technical abilities of future bachelor, including target, substantial and procedural and estimated productive components, and also pedagogical conditions of its realization. The article describes technique of introduction of this model in educational process of higher education institution, on the example of bachelors of the direction of preparation “Construction”. The main results of experimental work on introduction of model of pedagogical assistance to development of technical abilities of future bachelor are presented. Keywords: technical abilities of future bachelor, operational and expeditious mechanisms of abilities, pedagogical assistance | 960 | |||||
5886 | The article considers main provisions of the concept of nature-oriented education, the approaches and principles of development and preservation of the health of the individual of learners within the framework of realization of Federal state educational standards of new generation. These include: development, self-development of the personal and adaptive potential of students; maintaining their health; taking into account individual psychophysiological and age characteristics of students when planning the educational process; development of professional competence of teachers, improving the quality of education and quality of preparation of specialists for the implementation of Federal state educational standards of new generation. The account of these features is the basis for effective development of mental cognitive processes – memory, imagination, perception, attention, thinking, speech, which, in turn, develop talents and personal potential in general. Keywords: concept, principle of nature-oriented education, personality development and the preservation of its health, professional competence, Federal state educational standard | 960 | |||||
5887 | The article represents the analysis of linguocultureme head in the Selkup dialects. The object of investigation is the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting head in the Selkup language. The research offers the study on the contexts, in which the lexemes function in their literal and figurative meanings. The author carried out the research on compound words with the ol-component which are not only nominations of the parts of a body, but also words denoting subjects and phenomena of the world around. Analysis of cultural data showed that in the Selkups’ worldview a head is the place of origin and maintenance of life as well as its revival. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, nomination of head, linguocultureme, linguocultural analysis | 960 | |||||
5888 | The interrelation and interaction of volunteer and educational organizations in the field of vocational education currently remains insufficiently studied. The analysis of the problem shows that in the process of learning students may acquire experience in professional activities in the activities of volunteer organizations if these are professionally adequate communities of practice. This type of volunteer organization can be created by the educational institution in cooperation with the social partners – the municipality, state and private organizations. Students can get professional experience by being involved in volunteer activities, especially if these activities are provided by professionally relevant communities of practice. This type of volunteer organizations can be established by an educational institution in cooperation with social partners. The aim of the research is to study the educational potential of volunteer organizations to provide vocational experience for university and college students during their studies. The paper presents an example of establishing and operating a volunteer organization for students with the aim of widening the curriculum and providing students with an opportunity for getting vocational experience. The anonymous survey method has been used for investigating the influence of students’ involvement in volunteer activities on their professional identity. Changes in students’ motivation levels have been revealed by comparing their academic performance in general educational and in special disciplines. The results of the anonymous survey showed both the positive shift in the professional identity of students participating in the activity of the volunteer organization as well as increased motivation to study vocationally relevant academic disciplines. Keywords: professional education, practice communities, volunteer organizations, professional tests, professional competencies | 960 | |||||
5889 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is to reflect on the specifics of organizing translation training in line with the collaborative activity pedagogy of G. N. Prozumentova. Three models of collaborative activity between the teacher and students (authoritative, leadership, partner) and three types of joint actions between the teacher and students have been analyzed: closed, semi-open and open. For each model there are special types of educational tasks (reproductive, constructive, creative). At the same time, all translation exercises are characterized in the logic of a certain model of collaborative activity between a teacher and students, taking into account the different positions of its participants. Material and methods. As a methodological base of the research we have chosen a learner-centered approach as well as the concept of collaborative activity pedagogy between the teacher and students. We have analyzed the traditional methods of teaching translation and educational practices for training translators in a classical university, including teaching experience of the author. Results and discussion. It has been established that the majority of translation exercises are mostly reproductive and tend to an authoritative model of collaborative activity; therefore, it is important to use a variety of exercises, mainly dialogue exercises, representing a leadership and partnership model of collaborative activity pedagogy. It has been proven that an open collaborative action (involving the creation of new meanings, the interchange and mutual enrichment, non-didactic interaction of participants) is optimal in translation teaching. Students form socio-cultural knowledge, communication skills, ability to participate in collaborative activities, translation competencies. Conclusion. For the first time it has been shown that translation training requires not only modern methodological support, but also a pedagogical basis. The idea of co-organizing different types of interaction between a teacher and students in translation training with an emphasis on organizing open collaborative action is seen by the author as the best option for organizing learner-centered educational practice at the university. Keywords: collaborative activity pedagogy, model of organizing collaborative activity, types of collaborative activity, training lesson, translation training | 960 | |||||
5890 | Introduction. In the modern world, human life is impossible to imagine without the use of various digital resources. The transition to the digital economy dictates new needs associated with modern equipment and software, primarily with the training of competitive personnel for the future digital economy, on which Russia’s positioning and opportunities in the global economic market depend. The competencies of young professionals that were in demand a few years ago and seemed promising, for example, confident use of a computer, now seem basic. In an ever-changing world, it is important to start training future specialists for the digital economy in a timely manner, since retraining and training of personnel will require large time resources. In this case, there is an acute question of teaching staff who would be able to start the process of training young professionals. The role of such personnel is played by school teachers, on whom the quality of training of future personnel depends, and consequently, the speed of the country’s transition to full digitalization of all spheres of life. To train future staff, teachers need to master new competencies and needs that are dictated by modern society and the labor market. Thus, the issue of comprehensive retraining and advanced training of school teachers is acute. Material and methods. The author substantiates the development and implementation of a professional development course for teachers, briefly describes the sections, significance and methods of implementing the course. Results and discussion. Developed and conducted a professional development course for teachers dedicated to digital educational resources in the framework of the project “Digital Educational Environment”. Conclusion. Teachers who have successfully completed advanced training courses acquire new skills and improve their previous competencies in the field of digital educational resources, which allows teachers to revise the usual teaching methods, make the learning model more flexible and individual for each student. And also start training for life in the era of digitalization and the digital economy. Keywords: digital technologies, digitalization of education, courses for teachers, national projects, digital environment, digital resources | 960 | |||||
5891 | Modern period of development of education makes us search the ways of optimizing the whole system, taking into consideration actual needs of society. This article provides the analysis of teacher training in managerial activities in the education system of Great Britain.The author considers the main tasks of pedagogical departments of Universities at different stages of development during the XXth century, the peculiarities of development of educational programs and cooperation between Universities, secondary schools and pedagogical colleges. To author’s mind the research of experience of Great Britain will be useful for training of pedagogical personnel in managerial activity both in Ukraine and other countries. Keywords: pedagogical personnel, managerial activity, training, programs, advanced training | 959 | |||||
5892 | Gives the results of a comparative sociological study of the level of the tolerance of teachers, parents and children at schools, purposefully forming inter-ethnic tolerance, and not giving serious attention to this. On the results of questioning according to all indices the level of tolerance of the students of experimental school is 10–15% higher, than of the check school. It is shown that the special training of teachers and the creation of conditions for the joint activity of the adolescents of different nationalities is the key condition for the formation of tolerant interrelations. Keywords: tolerance, nationality; ethnic identity, multiculturalism; family; educational space | 959 | |||||
5893 | The article presents the justification of the importance of information and communication technologies for effective implementation of professional activity of the psychologist in education in accordance with the Federal State standard’s requirements of higher education and professional standards of the teacher-psychologist. Offers the use of mental-contextual teaching of future teachers-psychologists to informatics disciplines, contributing to the formation of readiness for using means of information and communication technologies for solving problems of professional activity and clarifies the concept of the indicated readiness. Proves the construction of the model of mental-contextual learning based on the dual paradigm, with regard to cognitive and contextual approaches. The identified requirements for the indicated readiness components such as a complex motivation; understanding of ICT potential for solving different tasks; capability to relate educational problems to the future profession; capability of using the means of ICT, relevant for the future professional activity served as the basis for determination the effectiveness of the offered method. The results of research demonstrate the positive dynamics of the formation of the indicated readiness in the process of mental-context training to IT disciplines. Keywords: teaching methodology, informatics discipline, mental-context training, mental-task context, ICT professional competence and readiness to use ICT to meet the challenges of professional work | 959 | |||||
5894 | The object of the study is the scientific and pedagogic ground for developing the translation competence of technical students under the professional retraining program «Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication». The focus on stylistic figures shows how the competence-oriented approach can be applied in translation teaching. The work aims at formulating theoretical and practical principles of a competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching. The competence-oriented approach to translation teaching proves to be rational. The communicative functional translation model is the scientific basis of the complex pedagogic technology under consideration. This target technology is pragmatic and involves such pedagogic technologies as communicative training, problem-based learning, development of critical thinking, information and communications technologies, pedagogic games, individualization of education, training in cooperation, modular technology. Stylistic figures represent one of the typical translation difficulties and form a separate training module. Covering this module required formulating the aim, objectives and developmental stages, as well as the list of principal figures of speech. Some illustrative examples given prove the dependence of the translation strategy on the type of the source text. Keywords: competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching, communicative functional translation model, stylistic figures, case-studies, translation strategy, translation transformations | 959 | |||||
5895 | The article reveals the essence of the process of educational activity with young people in the conditions of pedagogical higher education institution. Analyzes the current legislative framework regulating the organization of educational activity of educational institutions of higher education in the Russian Federation and the research of the Russian scientists devoted to this problem. On the basis of theoretical analysis revealed the modern features of organization of educational work at the pedagogical university. Presents a vision of аcme-oriented format of educational work at pedagogical university, as well as the issues of professional probation as the key instrument for acme orientation of the process of education of future teachers. The experience of educational work of Tomsk state pedagogical university, with an emphasis on the process of organizing extracurricular activities is cited. Shows acme resources of student selfgovernment and the possibility of using professional probation in them. Formulated and theoretically substantiated the assumption that the introduction of such modern pedagogical technologies as a professional probation in this process allows to solve the problem of vocational guidance (actually its primary task) of a future teacher, and its systematically organised use will allow you to obtain a number of effects specifying acme orientation of all the system of educational work at the pedagogical university. Keywords: education, educational activity, pedagogical university, the youth, future teacher, extracurricular activities, professional probation, acme oriented system of educational work | 959 | |||||
5896 | Characteristics of printed broadside epitaph are given in the article and a brief outline of its existence in the late 16th century is presented together with some notions about its place among other texts and rituals that shaped the final memory about the deceased. More consideration is given to the fact that there are genre similarities and distinctions between broadside epitaphs and literary funeral elegies of the period, elegy being more refined according to the standards of classical education and more personalized. It is shown that compared to epigraphic epitaph and funeral elegy broadside epitaph still has not got sufficient attention in historical research as a specific part of memorial literature, the article trying to fill up the gap. Resources of broadside epitaph in shaping the memory of a person are discussed, also some particular occasions of individual memorization are noted, though in general broadside epitaphs are shown as texts that were aimed to construction of communal memorization and communal solidarity. Some social, gender and national features most characteristic to depiction of the deceased in broadside funerary ballad of Elizabethan England are explored. Also the place of these features in the value system of the English society in late 16th century is shown. Keywords: Early Modern England, social history, history of memory, broadside literature, epitaph | 959 | |||||
5897 | The article deals with problems of cognitive linguistics. The fundamental concepts comprising world language picture is the centre of attention. The article traces the verbalization of the concept of “bread” in the Russian language, using materials from the academic dictionary that contain some phraseological units with component “bread”, each of which implements one of the main cognitive features of this concept. On the basis of the examples given, it is shown that the degree of phraseologization of these units is different, but nevertheless all of them retain a connection with the original denotate. This circumstance contributes to the preservation of positive connotations in this phraseological paradigm. The analysis of cognitive signs to identify the scope of the concept of “bread” in the language picture of the world of the Russian people is carried out. The question of the original meaning, which forms the main nominative meaning of the word “bread” in Russian, which is present in the semantic structure of all derivatives, regardless of the degree of their distance from the creation of a semantic base, is considered. For the bulk identification of the concepts of “bread” in the linguistic picture of the world of Russian people, an analysis was conducted on the basis of cognitive signs. The fundamental nature of the concept “bread” in a language picture of the world of the Russian people with all evidence is shown at all levels. A complete idea of the scope of this concept can be created only with regard to folklore material. However, the system of the most important cognitive signs is successfully traced on the material of lexical, phraseological and paremiological units. We have been collecting the corresponding materials from dictionaries of V. I. Dal, V. M. Ogoltsev, D. N. Ushakov, M. Fasmer, and the four-volume academic dictionary of Russian (the Small Academic dictionary). The task of cognitive or linguistic-cognitive analysis is to analyze language units, focused on identifying cognitive signs that represent this concept in the structure of a particular character. The research shows that cognitive characteristics realized by the concept “bread” embrace the image of bread in the national thinking of Russian nation. Keywords: concept, bread, world picture, cognitive sign, verbalization | 959 | |||||
5898 | Introduction. Under rapid changes in social and professional spheres urgent appears the question of organizing the process of professional self-determination and effective employment of university graduates. In connection with it, the article will cover the content of organizational and pedagogical conditions in the process of contributing to the professional self-determination of students of a pedagogical university. Aim – to search for and define the content of organizational and pedagogical conditions contributing to the professional self-determination of students of a pedagogical university. Material and methods. Such methods of analysis as theoretical methods (analyzing and summarizing what is in literature, analyzing statistical data, modelling) and empirical methods (using surveys, questioning, testing) were applied. Stating the set of conditions is based on summarizing empirically the activities of the center for students’ employment. Modern researchers’ approaches to defining “organizational and pedagogical conditions” are presented. Apart from others is the group of researchers analyzing organizational and pedagogical conditions as a set of factors. Also, the article reveals the point of view of researchers who think that organizational and pedagogical conditions are a set of some schemes. Separately we analyze research works by scientists who think that in the definition of “organizational and pedagogical conditions” there are two sensible components: organizational conditions and pedagogical conditions. Results and discussion. Analyzing issues and summarizing empirical experience, it was specified that under organizational conditions we will mean factors that guarantee controlling the process and pedagogical conditions will be understood as factors including content, methods, means, forms of teaching, upbringing that provide achieving pedagogical goals. In such a case, putting together organizational conditions and pedagogical conditions into one set used for achieving one mutual goal will result in organizational and pedagogical conditions together. On the basis of it in Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Tomsk State Pedagogical University” we made up and tested a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions contributing to students’ professional self-determination. Conclusion. There has been put forward the definition of organizational and pedagogical conditions contributing to the professional self-determination of students of a pedagogical university, including students with low motivation for pedagogical profession, that can be used as a basis for the activities of university centers for students’ employment. Keywords: professional self-determination, employment, organizational and pedagogical conditions, contribution | 959 | |||||
5899 | The article considers some lexical issues of the Aghul language. Shows the meanings of the synonyms, variants of their usage in the speech. Give some examples of synonyms’ and antonyms’ usage in the language. Research of synonyms and antonyms in Aghul is of great importnace and significance, which is seen through the comparison with paradigms and system of some Slavonic manuscript sources. At the present stage of Bible translation in Aghul we have an opportunity to analyze the homogeneous ancient writing. Discussion of the problems in syntactical synonymity of Aghul and Russian leads to findings of their typological similarities. Stylistic analysis conducted in the paper defines forms and variants of writing in synonymic diversity of Aghul. Richness of language units variants in Russian and Aghul makes possible further development of semantic equivalents in terms of communication and cognition in speech process and exposes their insufficient study. Keywords: Aghul language, general meaning, synonym and language problems, richness of variants, syntactic synonymy, semantics of language units | 958 | |||||
5900 | Reading as a leading process of initiation to knowledge is one of the main skills needed for educational activities, but also requires more time and cognitive costs from the learner. Information habits and needs of a new generation pose serious challenges for educational practices and require new solutions within the organization of the textual activity. In response to these challenges in practical field appear curious, successful experiments requiring review and synthesis. We consider the example of a successful gamification of the process of textual activity on the example of USATODAY project with the aim to identify the pedagogical potential of these technologies. Keywords: gamification, education, textual activity, reading, information | 958 |