# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3401 | The article deals with items of munition of horse early Scythian time from Tomsk territory near the Ob. As a result of their analysis the author concluded that the horse munition in Tomsk territory near the Ob was similarly spread in the Asian part of the Scythian world. Keywords: bronze details of horse munition, vorvorki, jewelry of draft, bronze parts of thong | 1127 | |||||
3402 | Considered below quality and efficiency criteria system for e-learning programs has been developed by the author of the article with evaluation purpose of university continuing education. The proposed system is based on the data analysis and synthesis, both foreign and domestic experience and can be used in the practice of e-learning of any educational institution. Keywords: E-learning, quality, criteria development, management in education, lifelong learning, higher educational establishments | 1127 | |||||
3403 | The category of leisure refers to one of the most ancient categories. Leisure has always been an important component of human life, taking a central place in the system of social relations. The interest of the American society in such a kind of leisure activities as tattoo led to the fact that currently it is embedded in everyday life and has become an integral part of the American culture. This fashionable form of art reflects one of the leisure activities of a person – manipulating his body, “decorating” it with punctures in the skin or application of paints on human skin. The article discusses the content of this phenomenon in the American society at the present stage of its development. Our research is carried out in the field of cultural linguistics which studies language in close connection with a person, his spiritual and practical activities, culture of the ethnic group. Based on the study of various sources and also conducted a lexicographic analysis of the basic lexeme tattoo and its derivatives, synonyms, slang expressions objectifying the component “tattoo” in the English language, the author comes to conclusion that tattoo is currently recognized as a significant for researchers and rapidly growing block of modern culture, one of the most important forms of artistic expression and as a way of communication. Keywords: category, leisure, art, subculture, tattoo, body, body painting, body art | 1127 | |||||
3404 | The mathematical phenomenon includes the mathematical concept, the system of axioms, theorem, method, algorithm, etc. The purpose of this research is determination of all the options of perception to the mathematical phenomenon relevant for the education system and identifying some of the learning features for each of these options. A set of three postulates is chosen (the postulate on the priority result of educational and mathematical activity, the postulate of the didactic relevance of the components of activity, the postulate of the priority component of educational and mathematical activity). It is shown that if these postulates are implemented from the didactic point of view, then only two variants of the relation to mathematical phenomena are applicable: 1) the mathematical phenomenon as the subject of activity (in particular, as information to be memorized); 2) mathematical phenomenon as a tool of activity. The study of the mathematical phenomenon always begins in a situation when this phenomenon acts as an object of activity. However, to form a view of this phenomenon, the teacher must create conditions, the learning environment in which the learner naturally desires to consider this phenomenon as an instrument of activity. The examples of reflection of these variants of relationship in theory and practice of teaching mathematics are given. It is pointed out that for the students to take a mathematical phenomenon as a versatile phenomenon associated with other mathematical and non-mathematical phenomena, it is necessary that both variants of the relation to the mathematical phenomenon should be represented in the educational process. Keywords: methods of teaching mathematics, learning theory | 1127 | |||||
3405 | Zagrevskiy V. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 11-14 . | 1126 | |||||
3406 | Skrynnik E. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 11-13 . | 1126 | |||||
3407 | The article is dedicated to the development of experimental methods of finding out text units, expressing the author's strategy of communication. The status and borders of informemes are defined as those of the elements of the informative semantic level of a poetic text. The research has been carried out on the basis of M.I. Tsvetaeva s poems. | 1126 | |||||
3408 | The article offers main results on research of alexytimya researching results in a personal structure of somatically and psychically healthy people. Alexytimya development was analyzed as a stable psychical characteristic of a person. Prolonged character of the investigation permitted to clear up some significant factors of development of alexytimic behavior and its reciprocity with other psychological characteristics. | 1126 | |||||
3409 | In the work the results of studying of individually-typological peculiarities of teachers of Tomsk region are presented. In the research the teachers participated, learnt according to the program of increase of qualification of Federation of internet education in Tomsk regional center. Acquired results make a question about the necessity of studying, elaboration and inculcation of complex of measures for recovery and maintenance of psychological health of a teacher, and also of essential conditions for the increase of professionalism | 1126 | |||||
3410 | This article is devoted to study of processes occurring in economy during society development. With this purpose it is offered faceted approach allowing applying new criterion for making of period of public development. In this clause the basic changes in the economic relations in conditions of a Post-Industrial Society are also studied. | 1126 | |||||
3411 | S.G. Komagina in N. Ostrovky's novel discovers the signs of the archaic serpent fighting motive represented on the level of plot collisions, character sketches and writer's narration, which enables the author to give additional explanation of the reasons become of which the novel "How the steel was tempered" influences the reader. | 1126 | |||||
3412 | In the article the possibilities of social design in the value self-determination of schoolboys are investigated. The experience of creation and realization of the social projects of humanistic directivity in the means of the life of schoolboys achieving self-determination themselves in the system of values is illuminated. | 1126 | |||||
3413 | In the article the importance and the sense of using the notion «productivity» in modern psychological and pedagogical discourse is elaborated. The most semantic importance of the most wide-spread variant of these notions are discovered, their uncontradiction, stability, spreading is analyzed; the most undeveloped areas of expertise about production is installed with the help of the content-analysis of the encyclopedic text | 1126 | |||||
3414 | The subject «Decorative ceramics» enters into a cycle of special courses for choice and assumes studying the bases of one of the most ancient kinds of art creativity – ceramics. Both for the students studying art, and for the students of primary school faculty clay becomes creative material and design tool. As the basic method of training at lessons of art ceramics the method of the projects, uniting in itself problem - research qualities and providing activation and productive creativity of students is used. Keywords: special course “Decorative ceramics”, theory and methods of teaching arts, developing creative potential, future teachers of primary school, decorative and applied arts | 1126 | |||||
3415 | The article analyses the specificity of Tomsk regional educational system - few complement educational establishments and their infrastructural characteristics Keywords: few complement schools, infrastructural characteristics of regional educational systems | 1126 | |||||
3416 | The article deals with the activity of the private secondary educational institutions of the West Siberian educational district at the beginning of the 20th century. Particular attention is given to the issues of educational content in private gymnasia. Keywords: the West Siberian educational district, private gymnasium, education | 1126 | |||||
3417 | Article examines historic-religious ideas of Russian religious thinker F. A. Stepun about nature of war. The article shows an originality of his research strategy, based on synthesis of religiously-philosophical and scientific point of view that allowed him to reflect semantic complication of war as social phenomenon which has, according to his thought, both empirical and religious aspects. Keywords: religious philosophy of history, nature of war, patriotism, mentality, technical civilization | 1126 | |||||
3418 | The article characterizes the conceptual basis for modernization of rural ungraded schools in Russia based on a comprehensive analysis of this type of educational institution. Keywords: concept, ungraded school, state educational policies, ways of modernization. | 1126 | |||||
3419 | The article deals with the basic conceptual items designing a new educational system in the professional training of teachers of psychology, its innovative signs and the place among the pedagogical techniques. The integrative model of scientific and practical activities is provided. Keywords: scientific and practical activities, the innovative pedagogical system, pedagogical support | 1126 | |||||
3420 | The model of satirical genre and general variety is presented through studying the active centre – concentration content of formal signs systems of satirical plays. Keywords: fabula, model, genre, general variety, satirical methods, active centre. | 1126 | |||||
3421 | The article considers the sociolinguistic status of Standard British-American English in view of its extralinguistic function in the cultural world space as well as intralinguistic conditions of its acquisition in different communicative areas. Keywords: English language, intermediary language, global language, vertical medium, exoglossy | 1126 | |||||
3422 | The problem of measurement in the human studies is discussed in the article. It’s established that the mechanisms of self-organization of social and cultural systems are information processes. On the basis of the information and synergistic approach the interdependence of characteristics of information is defined. Application of characteristics of information for the measurements in the human studies is discussed. The conclusion is verified on the basis of the established correspondence of stages of information processes and anthropological impacts of collective dreams. Keywords: problem of measurement, the information and synergistic approach, characteristics of information, purpose, goal, dream | 1126 | |||||
3423 | The article examines the process of formation and execution of local budget in case of municipality of Tomsk, identifies the challenges faced by local authorities in the formation and execution of the municipal budget, presents proposals for increasing a revenue potential of municipalities. Keywords: municipal budget, local budget revenues, local budget expenditures, the budget of Tomsk, the revenues of the budget of Tomsk, the expenditures of the budget of Tomsk | 1126 | |||||
3424 | In the present study I make specifi c claims about the borrowing of structural categories and the impact of such borrowings on structural typology. I argue that certain linguistic strategies for clause combining are readily borrowed and that massive borrowing of these categories can result in structural change so extensive/signifi cant that the result is typological shift. Eurasia has long been identifi ed as a particular type of language typology. Early typological studies [1] identifi ed correlations between verb-fi nal word order, postpositions, relative clause before the noun, and, signifi cantly for the present study, subordinate clause before the main verb. Subsequent studies have shown that these correlations are statistically signifi cant only in Eurasia, suggesting that Eurasia is itself a zone for areal typology [2]. Siberia is an important part of that zone, and the indigenous languages of Siberia, are OV (namely the Mongolic, Tungusic and Turkic languages, Chukchi, Itelmen, Nivkh, and Yukaghir, as well as the Eskaleut languages). In the present paper I argue that the Siberian languages are undergoing typological shift as a result of contact with Russian, a change which began prior to language attrition which is now well underway for many if not all of the indigenous languages with small numbers of speakers. Keywords: language contact, borrowing, grammatical categories, clause-linkage, Tungusic languages, Siberia | 1126 | |||||
3425 | The use of IT and multimedia in education can fundamentally change the present system of the foreign language learning. Unique possibilities of the IT can let us faster and more intensely develop skills of much more proficient foreign l-ge level of communication, which includes the ability to reflection, comparison, synthesis and analyses, find connections between phenomenon and any possible ways of solving complex problems, including planning and intergroup interaction. The role of a tutor is gradually changing: this person is no more the only source of knowledge; he or she becomes an advisor or helper in the process of education. There appear to be a real possibility for the learners to get any necessary knowledge by themselves in self-study, in our rapidly changing world, the need of more individualized educational strategies which could let them be the active member of the educational process. Keywords: IT, multimedia, self-study, learners, foreign l-ge, education, data, WebCT | 1126 | |||||
3426 | This article introduces the conditions and character of maximum and minimum runoff formations from frost mound bogs, based on the results of long-term expeditionary studies carried out by the State Hydrological Institute. Keywords: frost mound bog, snow cover, maximum runoff, minimum runoff, swamp microtopes, permafrost zone, mounds, frost mounds, intermound depressions | 1126 | |||||
3427 | Control means the identification, establishment and evaluation of students’ knowledge, i. e., the determination of the level and quality of learning, the identification of success in teaching, practice, gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students and the entire group to make the necessary adjustments in the learning process to improve its content, methods, means and forms of organization. Monitoring is an important and necessary part of learning and teaching involves the systematic observation of the progress of teaching at all stages of the learning process. Keywords: student’s individual work, optimization, control, self-education | 1126 | |||||
3428 | The poetics of an image of the woman and functioning of it in narration is considered in the article. For understanding of the nature of the image in the article the wide cultural-historical context of the theme is given, the review of some key texts designing the image of the woman in a same key with V. Grossman is resulted. The chosen story is representative for early creativity of the writer; the analysis of a key image of the given product gives the fullest representation about author’s outlook of this period. Keywords: Vasily Grossman, the female commissioner, the house, a family, revolution | 1126 | |||||
3429 | In this article the are reflected the main positions of the authors’ conceptions of the perfection of the forming system of the staff ensuring and the scientific-technical and innovational activity in Russia. The main stages of the modernization of the now existing system of the staff training for the innovational economics are also reflected here, the main steps and practical recommendations are listed. Keywords: innovation activity, innovational economics, system of the staff ensuring, staff resources, conceptional approach, conception, staff training, human capital | 1126 | |||||
3430 | This article defines the role of women who actively participated in the development of different forms of existence of music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries at the first university in Siberia. Special attention is paid to their participation in opening music schools of the city and in the development of the Tomsk branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society – that social and cultural phenomenon arising in the historical period marked in many Russian provinces, including Siberia. Keywords: musical culture of Tomsk, the role of women, music schools, Tomsk Branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society (IRMS), wives of professors and officials, music teachers | 1126 | |||||
3431 | The article describes the structure and semantics of the female images in the early stories by B. K. Zaitsev. During the analysis we singled out typological features, stylistic means of expression, evolution of the writer from 1906 to 1911. Keywords: russian literature in the beginning of the 20th century, B. K. Zaitsev’s prose, female images, philosophy by V. S. Solowiev | 1126 | |||||
3432 | Some results of research of the national speech culture according to the new “The dictionary of names of parts of plants: dialects of the Mid-Ob River area” to V. G. Aryanova are stated. The source study aspect of the analysis is chosen a subject of research. Keywords: national speech culture, the dictionary of dialect, dialect linguoculturology, source study aspect | 1126 | |||||
3433 | A distinctive feature of contemporary linguistic research is its engagement with language actualization processes. This point finds its foundation in F. de Saussure’s conception distinguishing language, speech and speech activity which has given rise to various new trends with the purpose of exposing and examining the sense generating mechanisms of language in work. Analytical perspectives comprise a diversity of problems including the psychology of perception, interpretation and assessment of various phenomena, conventions of societal structures and communication modi. This originates a new interdisciplinary problem-solving plane with a new subject termed “discourse”. The phenomenon complexity and, consequently, the multiplicity of qualification and classification criteria bring forth a discord in the term (as well as the phenomenon) interpretation. There springs up a necessity to define its (the term and the phenomenon) status, correlations with other objects of linguistic analysis, such as text, genre, register. All these points, as well as the problem of term coinage and usage are in the focus of the article. Keywords: discourse, text, genre, style, register | 1126 | |||||
3434 | Introduction. Various educational organizations create a characteristic educational environment that ensures the specificity of the educational impact on students. The key task of high school is the education and upbringing of a citizen, in connection with which it is advisable to talk about the formation of values that ensure the prosocial orientation of the individual, which in turn finds expression in the creation and preservation of the world and oneself in the world. The impact of the educational environment on the personality of the student is carried out simultaneously with a number of other translators of values: family, friends, the media, etc., which entails the formation of a hierarchy of values of the adolescent in the process of their mutual integration and determines his life perspective. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between the formation of the value-semantic sphere of high school students with the current educational environment of educational organizations. Materials and methods. We have used empirical analysis and questionnaire methods. The study of the educational environment was carried out by analyzing the documents presented on the official websites of three educational organizations in the city of Irkutsk (Lyceum No. 2, secondary school No. 45, Women’s Orthodox Gymnasium). The questionnaire of students included the methodology “Emotional orientation of the personality” (by B. I. Dodonov) and “Meaningful life orientations” (by D. A. Leontyev). Results and discussion. The study showed a difference in the development of the emotional and value sphere, which in some aspects differs from the pupils of the Orthodox gymnasium, lyceum and secondary school. Most high school students of all the examined groups purposefully plan their activities, strive to achieve high results, demonstrating socially significant values. Conclusion. The methods used in the study confirmed the differences in the value-semantic sphere of students of three institutions that are different in the characteristics of the organization of the educational environment. It was determined that the glorical emotions associated with the need for self-affirmation are most pronounced among the gymnasium students of the Orthodox gymnasium, the practical emotions caused by the activity, its success – among the lyceum students, communicative – among the students of the secondary school. Keywords: values, value orientations, life-meaning orientations, educational environment, emotional orientation | 1126 | |||||
3435 | Fedorova E. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 25-27 | 1125 | |||||
3436 | The influence of the light correcting films of various compositions on vital activity of sprouts of cabbage was researched. For this purpose the technique of comparative trials was completed. The technique consists in cultivation of sprouts of cabbage in hothouses by a size 1x1x0,6 m, covered by different films with a control of plant's metrics. Is shown, that usage of films with various physical properties renders considerable influence on metrics index under them of cabbage's sprouts. The composition of the light correcting Alms permitting of cabbage's sprouts in a closed ground in locale of Western Siberia without padding heating and lighting and to reduce period of cultivation on 10-15 of days is defined. | 1125 | |||||
3437 | The article tells about particular features of social-cultural transformation of the contemporaries. A large role of informational condition of civilization at present is outlined, which allows to tell about trends of establishing the open society as a type of the society which follows the industrial one. The genesis of the idea of the open society and particular principles of its culture are examined. | 1125 | |||||
3438 | The article is devoted to methods of creating positive motivations of students acquiring social-economic and humanitarian professions while studying the "Conceptions of Modern Natural Science" course. Professional success motivation and cognition motivation are described. It contains empirical data on the influence of positive motivations on achieving progress while studying the course. Practical recommendations are given. | 1125 | |||||
3439 | The standard model of the program of the economical and social development of the subject of the Russian Federation was worked out by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation according to the instructions of the Russian government with an aim to improve the process of elaboration, confirmation and realization of the programs concerning the economical and social development of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The standard model has the form of a recommendation and it is built to provide the methodological unity of regional programs and their agreement with the state strategy of the economical and social development. | 1125 | |||||
3440 | The article is devoted to problems and features domestic innovation activity stimulation and its development, which should be brought to the student audience. Science-intensive production and intellectual potential (the high quality experts in particular) are capable of supplying the realization of all stages of the innovative process. The insufficient attention to any of these elements results in the irreversible lag of the state. Skepticism and the insufficient basis of scientific education of students hinder their perception of perspectives of innovative activity. | 1125 | |||||
3441 | The technological education of the junior schoolchildren with the speech pathology is analyzed in the article. The theoretical statements and the results of the research confirm the influence of the technological education on the development of the functional abilities of the children. The research reveals the essence of the concept «compensation», its kinds and the necessity of the programme «Technology» for the junior schoolchildren with the speech defects. | 1125 | |||||
3442 | Given article describes features of intensity of training work in the forms of gymnastic all- round competitions in conditions of the specialized sports classes on sports gymnastics, and how it can change depending on quantity of trainings per day assumed by training process | 1125 | |||||
3443 | The tradition of the poetic translations of the rubai by O. Khayyam is developed enough both in the European and Russian literature. In 1950th years Henry Sapgir made the translations of the poems by O. Khayyam, and created the cycle of the quatrains «The Verses for a Ring» (1981), which similar by the composition and the subjects to the classical firm form of the east poetry – rubai. Continuing the traditions of the east literature, H. Sapgir modified the canon of the form and the poetic translation of the rubai, he changed its metric figure, the rhyme, the composite structure and the semantic filling, thereby contributing to the development and the actualization of this form. Keywords: the east poetry, the canon genre form, the rubai, the tradition of the poetic translations, the verses for a ring, the form of the philosophical reflection, the «empty» rubai, the evolution of the genre form | 1125 | |||||
3444 | The article characterizes the condition of West Siberian Teachers’ Institutes during the First World War. It shows the influence of The war on the inner life and order of these institutions and describes the process of crisis phenomenon intensification in the field of pedagogical education against the background of social and economic problems in wartime. Keywords: West Siberian Teachers Institutes, the First World War, pedagogical education | 1125 | |||||
3445 | The article is devoted to the use of specific conceptions «mentality» and «conservatism» in social and humanities sciences. The main idea is connected with sociocultural direction. The author describes the versions of discover of conservatives tendencies in Russian mentality. Keywords: mentality, conservatism, conservative mind, holism, concreteness, intuition | 1125 | |||||
3446 | In the result of psychometric investigation our attempt was to define psychological meaning and basic components of social creativity. It became the background of developmental program designing and conducting an experiment of social creativity development among the students. Keywords: Types of creativity, social creativity, interpersonal interaction, development | 1125 | |||||
3447 | “Genesis 2” by Ivan Vyrypayev reflects the epoch of early formation of Russian capitalism in the country deprived of not only religions and beliefs, but also of official ideology. “Divine comedy” represents harmless intellectual show, Soviet “Decameron”, a medicine for boredom. In “Genesis 2” the author places characters in Dante’s Hell converted in а psychiatric clinic where “the tragedy of sense” is being played. Keywords: philosophy of boredom, Soviet Decameron, the tragedy of sense. | 1125 | |||||
3448 | The paper shows cultural and historical mentality type determines the whole variety of cultural phenomena from the point of view of quality, quantity and genetics. Keywords: cultural historic type, mentality of culture, coherent determination | 1125 | |||||
3449 | Values of an epoch are reflected in an education system through education and show professional qualities of the teacher. Democratic values of the present are analyzed through historical analogs of models of free education of Russo and Tolstoy. Keywords: democratic values, freedom, compulsion, professional pedagogical | 1125 | |||||
3450 | The article deals with the characteristics of syntactic words. It describes peculiarities of conjunctions as a means of expressing causality. As an example, English conjunction “because” and the French one “parce que” are examined. The using of these conjunctions in sentences with causality is compared. The specifi c of the given conjunctions is expressed. Keywords: causation, composite sentence, syntactic word, conjunction, effect | 1125 |