# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4701 | Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of addressing the problem of political education of military personnel under contract at the present stage of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this research is to substantiate the ideas that serve as the basis for the development of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline. Material and methods. The material of the research is normative legal documents on the organization of political education in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as materials of pedagogical research devoted to the development of concepts of educational disciplines in General and their content in particular. The analysis of these materials allowed us to formulate the main ideas of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a new academic discipline in the political education of military personnel, the organization of the process of its development. The concept reflects the conditionality of the political consciousness of military personnel under contract by the nature of their military professional activities, the form of participation in the system of relations inherent in their professional group. The research is based on the theoretical provisions of the activity approach to the construction of pedagogical processes, the subject-subject paradigm of building pedagogical interaction in professional teams, and the competence approach to the selection of the content of professional training. Results and discussion. According to the developed concept, the purpose of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline is to form the military personnel’s competencies necessary to perform professional tasks with political content; subjective images (personal meanings, meanings and relationships) that form the cognitive basis of the political consciousness of military personnel. The concept assumes active inclusion of military personnel in the system of public relations and phenomena of state military policy. The selection of material is based on the General purpose of training a specialist, the system of cognitive goals and opportunities of the discipline. Carried out conceptualization focuses on the need for leading, core concepts (ideas) in the course content; definition of the basic (invariant) core and variant parts of the content of the training modules, to correlate this material with the level of cognitive activity of students; allocation of consolidated problems of professionally-oriented nature, the resolution of which requires knowledge and skills in the academic discipline; select content and determine the scope of a training module, selection of methods of cognitive activity. The use of «content nodes» of educational material (conceptual, worldview, subject-image, activity) allows us to specify the control and evaluation system aimed at checking the formation of military personnel’s competencies under the contract in solving a set of educational and professional tasks. Conclusion. The developed concept serves as an indicative basis for solving the problems of developing the political consciousness of a military serviceman under a contract. The results of the research allow us to clarify the ways and means of forming the political consciousness of conscripts during the period of changing ideological priorities in professional education and training of military personnel. Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture | 989 | |||||
4702 | Shatova T. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 52-53 . | 988 | |||||
4703 | Kochetkov M. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 43-48 . | 988 | |||||
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4705 | In this clause the urgent questions of global crisis of mankind XX of century and development of Christian pedagogic as a condition of its overcoming are considered (examined). Revival of Christian pedagogic, reference to experience of domestic and foreign formation, embodi¬ment in practice of historical experience Christian, proba¬bly, in opinion of the author through the system of forma¬tion as an institute of social formation of the man. | 988 | |||||
4706 | Evolution-sinergetical paradigma, as the basis post-nonclassic of the strategy of knowledge, is included into the program of the course "The Concepts of Modern Natural Sciences". The description of computer laboratory work is devoted to the important phenomena and concepts, connected with this paradigma. Ferhjust's dynamics, giving submission about a possible character of the dynamic behaviour of complicated systems circumscribed by the nonlinear equations is investigated and visually emerging in such systems of periodic oscillatory processes passing in an unpredictable random behaviour is demonstrated. | 988 | |||||
4707 | Modern isotope division manufacturing represent multi-element technical and technological complexes. The computer testing system, developed by the authors, is intended for assessing professional aptitude of various categories of technological personnel of separation manufactures (researchers, technologists, etc.). The set of qualities required of various categories of separating production personnel was defined, and the flexible system of assessing professional aptitude was developed. | 988 | |||||
4708 | The paper is devoted to educational aspects of new and actual problem of intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) to equipment. The background history of the IEMI problem is highlighted briefly, and a number of facts showing the seriousness of the problem are presented. The reflection of the problem in enlightenment and education, particularly a contribution of the author in the work and his suggestions to improve it, are considered. Numerous references on the IEMI problem are given. | 988 | |||||
4709 | In the article the essence and the value of the ecological experience of child as the bases of his ecological culture is opened. Is shown the alarming tendency of an increase of the negative ecological experience, which distorts the subjective ideas of child about the ecological prosperity. To the solution of the problem should contribute to humanitarian ecological education Keywords: humanitarian ecological education | 988 | |||||
4710 | The article argues the position about ancient practice of “self-take care” as the practice, where there is a methodological possibility for research of modern education and its pedagogical anthropological program. The directions of these transformations are considered through modern changes in style of philosophic thinking and technological process of the information society. There is a conclusion about creation because of these changes the new paradigm of personal socialization at education (the new character of “self-take care”). This paradigm has characteristics such as activity of self-determination, self-realization and self-presentation. Keywords: information society, self-determination, “techniques of myself”, “self-take care” | 988 | |||||
4711 | The article pays attention to a psychological phenomenon of self-updating as to the highest level of motivation and harmony of the person with the own internal nature. Basic aspirations of the personality with which the set system of vital missions is connected are described. The results of empirical research of features of power of basic aspirations and extent of their realization are presented in the comparative plan in the conditions of various sociocultural settings of educational institutions: at students of professional college and comprehensive school. Keywords: motivational educations, self-updating, harmonization of the personality, power of basic aspirations, vital reference points, realization of internal and external opportunities | 988 | |||||
4712 | The complex of volunteers’ training for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in Tomsk training center of Tomsk Polytechnic University the module of first aid is included. This is connected with the fact that when there is such a big event so there are a number of potential threats to health and life as athletes so spectators, service staff, volunteers and local residents. In Tomsk State Pedagogical University the training technique has been developed. This method includes theoretical knowledge and practical skills. As a result of volunteers’ training their knowledge and skills in first aid in emergencies were improved. Keywords: Olympic and Paralympic Games, volunteers, emergencies, first aid, method of training | 988 | |||||
4713 | The article describes two basic strategies of a man’s self-presentation in the virtual discourse: virtual reconstruction of social identity and virtual reconstruction of personal identity. The peculiarities of gaining identity and nomination strategies, as exemplified by open letters presented on special sites, are described. Despite the inherent anonymity and carnivalization of communication process in the virtual discourse allowing transformation using speech masks and visual images, authors of the open letters voluntary refuse anonymity and desire to exhibit “Real Self”, emphasize the value of individuality, save the unique face in the era of total globalization. It is explained by the fact that open letters are ego-texts, bound by the author “Self”, which acts as the center of generating ideas, feelings and actions. It is concluded that the leading strategy for the authors of the open letters in the virtual discourse is virtual reconstruction of personal identity. Keywords: self-identity, virtual reconstruction of social identity, virtual reconstruction of personal identity, open letter, anonymity, self-nomination | 988 | |||||
4714 | The availability of historical sources is the basis that significantly increases the objectivity of the study. Such historical documents are significant when studying political parties within the framework of modern Russian history, in order to avoid excessive politicization of judgments. Studying of history of creation and functioning of «parties in power» is directly connected with involvement in scientific turnover of regulations, data of archival funds, periodicals, propaganda materials and others. It allows to expand the range of information on this problem, creates conditions for carrying out the system analysis of activities of data of the organizations in the specific region. Analyzing conditions of the source base of work, it is necessary to state that insufficient representation in archival funds of the documents which are handed over by political parties and the politized movements became the main problem of the use of sources. Nevertheless, it would be desirable to note that this lack was met by the complex use of other groups of sources, at the same time the basis of source base owing to specifics of an object and an object of research was constituted by periodicals materials. In general the provided source base is sufficient for the solution of effective objectives and tasks both in quantitative sense, and in high-quality representativeness of the provided materials. Keywords: party in power, historical sources, documents of political parties, periodicals, memoirs literature, reference media | 988 | |||||
4715 | In this article we are discussing the issue of teacher training for vocational education system – a professional field that under present-day conditions is not limited to educational institutions. In the context of networking cooperation, employersponsored education and dual vocational training system, a person who trains future specialists to implement various types of professional activities can act as a career educator. Responsibilities of such an educator are, among others, to manage the process of an individual student’s professional development, to encourage their self-identification during the training and within their professional field, to help them find their own individual learning paths. Competencies required to perform such tasks cannot be formulated neither within the chosen field’s subject content, nor within a traditional pedagogical program. In present conditions we also see that the focus of a career educator’s job is shifting. In the traditional sense the job of an educator is focused on the learning process, with special attention paid to determining patterns in this process. The job of a career educator, however, is closely connected with types of professional activities for which students prepare during the course of non-university level higher education, vocational training, or supplementary vocational education. The specifics of this job determine the distinctive criteria needed when selecting content for career educator training programs. Consequently, established principles of creating the contents for “Vocational education (for different fields)” programs should be augmented with principles that reflect the specific content of educational activities. These principles must be carried out for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The principles for developing an educational program that we propose in this article are instrumental in selecting the content for a career educator training program, they reflect the specifics of the job, and they also take into account the challenges that educators face on the current stage of vocational training system development. Keywords: non-university level higher education, vocational training, career educator, principles of creating the contents for career educator training programs | 988 | |||||
4716 | Pragmatics of speech behavior of public language personality subject to its individual and personal peculiarities in conditions of media communication is not still examined enough. According to this fact in the aspect of influence on mass audience individual and typical linguistic and extra linguistic peculiarities of media discourses of public language personalities of an actress Tatyana Dogileva and film director Vladimir Khotinenko as the members of radio show “Dithyramb” on radio “Echo of Moscow” were considered in the article. Comparative and contrastive analysis allowed to determine some important in the aspect of influence on collective addressee typical and individual gender peculiarities, psychological (temperament, character), social (dependence on status), professional and some speech peculiarities (preference on the level of language means, which reflect specificity of human mentality). For researching of media discourse influence of individual and personal factors of language personalities on mass addressee contextdependent and semantic and stylistic analysis of questions and comments before broadcasting and comments after broadcasting, and analysis of regulative means and structures have been used. Connection of pragmatics of public language personalities’ media discourse with their informational field have been revealed. It was determined that first of all the content of language personality’s message is important, though form of expression also matters. The common factors, which are important for media discourse of creative public language personality’s influence according to the research, are the following: high level of media discourse emotionality as a reflection of not only gender peculiarities, but even cognitive style, that is connected with figurative and metaphoric reality perception used for creative persons. With such variety of regulative means used by language personalities, repetition in aggregate with other means and structures dominates (comparison, parcelling, rhetorical questions, etc). Some individual and personal peculiarities of media discourse may increase influence effect and at the same time reduce it. The results are of interest for theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of the text. Keywords: language personality, media discourse, informational field of personality, individual and personal factors of influence | 988 | |||||
4717 | Kuvaev M. R. .. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 65-69 . | 987 | |||||
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4720 | The complex analysis of poetics by M. Tsvetaeva’s poem «The Wound Sang in the Prince’s Breast» (1924) in I.E. Loshchilov’s article shows, how tragical experience of the poet – the participant and the witness of Russian revolution is originally transformed in composition, rhythmic, phonetics, verbal material of a verse. He also reproduces the components of the semantic and figurative complex « shooting from the bow», going back to «Tale of Igor’s Campaign». | 987 | |||||
4721 | The results of investigation of the fullerene C60 ground state electron structure obtained with the use of model spherical-symmetric potentials of electron-nuclear interaction are presented. The following models: the rectangular potential well, the potential of the uniformly charged sphere, and the potential “in a chosen direction” are used in the calculations. The new potential “in a chosen direction” has been used for the first time, so that the corresponding results are of the most interest. We suppose this potential takes into account, to a certain extend, the real geometry of the molecule C60 and the screening of the nuclei Coulomb field by the inner-shell electrons. The single-electron energies are calculated in both Hartree and Hartree-Fock approximations for the averaged term configuration of 60 outermost valence electrons. The inner-shell electrons are included effectively into the molecular ionic core. The parameters of the potential are chosen to provide the best correspondence of single-electron energies and the experimental ionization thresholds IP1=7.58 eV , IP2=11.50 eV. The calculation showed a good agreement between the calculated results and experimental data. All that will allow utilization of well-developed methods of the theoretical atomic physics to investigation of spectroscopic properties of highly-symmetrical molecular clusters | 987 | |||||
4722 | The system of additional education of children creates conditions for a free choice each child of educational area, a structure of the additional program and time of it’s development. The rational organization of activity of establishments of system of additional education essentially reduces probability асоциального behavior of children and teenagers | 987 | |||||
4723 | The process of economy market model perfection is based on the activation of innovative activity, embodiment of scientifically technical development results in manufacture, creation of new technological processes and reorganization on modern scientifically technical basis of all branches of goods production and sphere of service. During last twenty years the higher school all over the world is in a condition of seraching the adequate answer to “XXI Century questions”. The creation of innovative universities will allow to solve the problem of disbalance between demand for the basic products of universities activity and opportunities of universities | 987 | |||||
4724 | From Ed. From editor // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2008. Issue 4 (78). P. 5-7 | 987 | |||||
4725 | The relationship of the processes of the development society with system of engineering-pedagogical education is considered on system level. The article shows leading role of creative activity of the person in the course of formations of his personalities in the system of the vocational training. The possibility of the creative education of students in engineering-pedagogical high school by introducing to the program of education technologies of innovative designing is revealed. The results of the estimation of ideality degree of different pedagogical concepts are offered and trends of their development on the base of the realized genetic analysis are shown. Keywords: development, education, creative activity, technology, innovation, ideal concept | 987 | |||||
4726 | The article considers the opportunity of solving the problem of logically prepared specialists training while organizing the students` independent work. Further the authors recommend to the teachers the methods of constructing and practical use of logical tasks. Besides, some peculiarities of the tasks of the type given above are investigated in the paper. Keywords: logical culture, logical tasks, independent work, the elements of external education. | 987 | |||||
4727 | The article deals with the problem of quality of methodical preparation of the future mathematics teachers. We show the role of development of ability to design educational texts which are directed on intellectual education of pupils. We give examples of tasks which help students to create educational texts for pupils. Keywords: intellectual education, preparation of the future teachers, universal educational actions | 987 | |||||
4728 | In the article possibilities and restrictions of the psychological approach in the activity theory with the reference to intensive business to training are considered. The basic contradictions constraining application in modern applied research are allocated, including by working out the methodology and the technique intensive training business (pedagogy of business). Keywords: structure of mental processes, the psychological approach, activity the approach, the activity theory, business training. | 987 | |||||
4729 | The author offers methodical instructions to work on the professional focused development of radio engineering creativity in a comprehensive school. The methodical operational experience of com-prehensive schools teachers of Yakutsk is described in the article. Keywords: vocational guidance, radio engineering creativity, magazine the register book, a development diary, a pupil portfolio. | 987 | |||||
4730 | The article deals with the component of professional competence of teaching staff, such as legal expertise. The problem of legal competence of teachers in rural schools is relevant to the low level of general legal culture of the Russian society, while the teacher must act as one of the main subjects of the formation of legal consciousness of the younger generation. Keywords: legal competence, sense of justice of the teacher, the teacher of the rural school as a bearer of law culture | 987 | |||||
4731 | The article deals with the problems of teaching physics nowadays and some methods of solving them. A questionnaire survey conducted among teachers has resulted in favourable opinions of the functioning of the developed systems. Keywords: teaching physics, teaching system, questionnaire survey | 987 | |||||
4732 | The existence of K-instantons on a cylinder M7 = Rт x K/H over a homogeneous nearly Kahler 6-manifold K/H requires a conformally parallel or a cocalibrated G2-structure on M7. The generalized anti-self-duality onM7 implies a Chern-Simons ow on K/H which runs between instantons on the coset. For K-equivariant connections, the torsionful Yang-Mills equation reduces to a particular quartic dynamics for a Newtonian particle on C. We obtain kink- or bounce-type solutions for generic values of the torsion. When the latter corresponds to the conformally parallel or cocalibrated G2-structure on M7, the dynamics follows from a gradient or hamiltonian ow, respectively, and we encounter Yang-Mills instantons. Keywords: instantons, Chern-Simons ow, special geometry, G-structures, nearly-Kahler manifolds. | 987 | |||||
4733 | The article, based on the analysis of records keeping the primary documents of census materials, analyses the dialogue of cultures: nomadic Nenets and Russian official, the inevitable appeared in the census and revealed ways to achieve understanding between them by asking the right questions and interpretation the answers. Keywords: nomads, Yamal, Polar census, household census, traditional economy, hunting, fishing, reindeer breeding | 987 | |||||
4734 | The article considers the issues of international cooperation between Russia and China in the field of higher education at the present stage. The factors, which influence the creation of the international multicultural educational region, were analysed. Particular attention is paid to the international educational work of Tomsk state pedagogical university, the cooperation with Chinese universities. Keywords: teacher education, the system of education, education in China, pedagogical institute, comparative characteristics of national and foreign experience | 987 | |||||
4735 | The article deals with the sphere of personality values and motivational characteristics. The paper describes the relationship of conflict of values and the disintegration between the formation and the failure of nonpsychotic mental disorders nature in a situation of forced unemployment. Keywords: the unemployed, mental health, the sphere of personality values and motivational characteristics, the disintegration of values | 987 | |||||
4736 | The article reviews the issue of developing the contents of a Business English course for technical learners. The author reveals the problem of the didactic potential and the adequate planning of the curriculum for the purpose of the successful integration of a prospective graduate into the business environment. Keywords: business English, communicative competence, cross-cultural competence, background knowledge, cognitive skills, organizational skills, curriculum planning | 987 | |||||
4737 | The article deals with the problem of socialization in its historical context. Such aspects of socialization as interaction of an individual and the environment, socialization in the family and educational institutions are taken into consideration. The connection between the modern pedagogical processes and the same processes in 1920ies is found. The importance of historical background studies is underlined. Keywords: socialization, historical-pedagogical aspect of socialization, the context of socialization, factors of socialization | 987 | |||||
4738 | The clinical analysis of influence of a chronic emotional pressure in the conditions of professional activity on development of post-traumatic stressful frustration is given. Adequacy of application of personological approach lies in consultation of persons of the stressor professions. Keywords: stress, mental adaptation, post-traumatic stressful frustration, psychological conflict, personological consultation | 987 | |||||
4739 | The article analyses the features of the oral narrative, reveals its genre features, gives the classification of the Angarsk narrative texts and set their semantic and axiological dominants. The source of the research is the stories of the people from the flood zone of the Boguchanskaya HEPS (hydro-electric power station), recorded by the author during dialectological expeditions to the Kezhemsky and Boguchansky regions of the Krasnoyarskiy krai in 2012–2014. The macrostructure of the Angara narrative review is based on the short stories material about the transmigration from the Boguchanskaya HEPS flood zone. We also identify the stylistic features of narratives. Keywords: narrative, narrative subject, speech genre, typology, textual macrostructure | 987 | |||||
4740 | The article contains a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of the derivatives of dialect verbs of speech with the aim of studying the pragmatic aspects of linguistic meaning. Classification of dialectal verbs is carried out in accordance with the classification of lexico-semantic groups of commonly used Russian verbs. Cognitive models are defined in the formation of characterizing actions associated with speech activity. Examples of propositions of verbs are given. It is established that characterizing verbs of this group can have mono- and polypropositive structures. It turned out that for the nomination of situations related to the speech activity of people, the subject of the proposition is relevant. It was determined that one of the propositions of the verbs can reflect the objective properties of the named action, the other can be the result of evaluating these properties. It turned out that the evaluation is contained in the derived verbs formed from the estimated nouns or arises in the process of word formation on the basis of the metaphor. Actual for carriers of dialects are LSG verbs of verbal communication and LSG verbs of speech influence. Dialectal verbs usually reflect a conflict situation. To form these verbs, metaphorical models are used, complicated by the Fictitious modality and the emotional modality. Emotional assessment is able to influence the interlocutor. The presence of metaphorical names is explained by the anthropocentricity of the group and the special discourse. It turned out that for the speakers, the dialect is characterized by a negative attitude toward meaningless, unproductive, verbose arguments; to the moral discredit of the interlocutor (semes “scold”, “gossip”). Such qualities as intelligence, ability to convey information in a clear and accessible form are valued. Keywords: proposition, semantics, speech activity, derived word, dialectal vocabulary, metaphorical model, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality, idiomaticity | 987 | |||||
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4743 | It was shown that the charge state of the 73Ge antistructural defect arising in the anion sublattice of PbS and PbSe after radioactive decay of 73As does not depend on the Fermi level position. In contrast, the 73Ge center in the cation sublattice of PbS and PbSe acts like an electrically active substitutional impurity: in n-type samples the Mossbauer spectrum corresponds to the neutral state of a donor center (Ge2+), while in p-type samples it corresponds to the twice ionized state of this center (Ge4+). In the case of partially compensated samples of PbSe the fast electron exchange between neutral and ionized donor centers is revealed. It was demonstrated by means of the Mossbauer spectroscopy on the 119Sn isotope that the energy levels of germanium are above the levels formed by tin impurity atoms in these semiconductors | 986 | |||||
4744 | The article rums some aspects of analysis of the methodology of clusters formation and development in modern market economy. The anther examines the main directions of clusters influence on market competition. Keywords: clusters, structure, competition, innovational economy, completion connections, coordination, computability. | 986 | |||||
4745 | The article describes the problem of definition of the maintenance of the process of diversification of formation of the future engineer; the key role of administrative competences comes to light. The example of the maintenance of administrative activity of the civil engineer at the stage of engineering designing is demonstrated. Keywords: diversification, competence, administrative competence, vocational training. | 986 | |||||
4746 | The article is devoted to the problem of the organization of individual work of pedagogical higher school students in the process of teaching practice at the educational institution. According to the author, the pedagogical technology of self-actualization, (A. A. Leontev, V. P. Bespalko, M. V. Klarin, etc.), which forms the ability to informative independence and activity, will allow to provide the creative character of independent activity of students Keywords: independent activity, technology of self-actualisation, teaching practice at the educational institution, informative independence, creative activity | 986 | |||||
4747 | Informational society has got new educational requirements to the quality of the foreign professional-orientated training of the adult learners. This given requirements could be satisfied via implementation into praxis of the modern multimedia aid. The tool and practical approach are described in this given research paper. Keywords: multimedia, multimedia aid, adult learners, professional-orientated communication, exercises. | 986 | |||||
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4749 | The paper presents the theoretical justification of the pedagogical system model of professional reparative and preventive training for teachers of physical training. The implementation technology is disclosed in the selected five stages. The assessment of efficiency of the model and the technology is made in the following criteria: health saving; sport and athletic performance; formation of the value-building capacity; building motivation in sport and physical culture. Keywords: pedagogical system, professional reparative and preventive training, model, technology, assessment of efficiency | 986 | |||||
4750 | l-conformal Galilei algebra is considered. N = 2 supersymmetric extension of this algebra is constructed. A relation between its representations in at spacetime and in Newton-Hooke spacetime is discussed. Keywords: conformal Galilei algebra, supersymmetry | 986 |