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4551 | The article deals with the topical problem of influence of media texts of public informational and media language personality on mass addressee subject to pragmatically significant factors of text organization: the author, the topic, the title, the emotional tone, the usage of linguistic and non-linguistic means. The study was carried out on the basis of experiments using a scaling technique with the involvement of a focus group of informants-humanitarians aged from 20 to 50 years. The research material is the posts of different subjects in L. Ulitskaya’s blog and the texts of newspaper article and fragments of M. Veller’s program “Just think!” on the radio “Echo of Moscow”. The initial idea was that the text and its structure reflect the peculiarities of the author’s language personality, and informants’ reception and detection of invariant of data, which we obtained on the basis of the survey, allow to reveal regularities in mechanism of influence of the texts and their elements on the reader’s cognitive activity. It was determined that estimation by collective addressee of variety of speech behavior of public language personality in different genres of media discourse depends on clarity, intelligibility, perspicuity, logicality of information, topical character of subject, emotion and usage of language means of different styles. Substandard vocabulary, which is used in media texts of topical subjects, doesn’t rise to rejection if addressee feels the same emotion, but on the contrary enlarges the pragmatics of speech messages. Excessive subjective modality of public language personality in covering different social themes does not always correspond to a collective addressee, who is focused on stereotypes and restraint in relation to the utterance. The influence of media text depends to a large degree on the informational field of the author’s language personality and his emotion, though the subject of speech messages and the choice of certain genres by the public language personality are of great importance too. Keywords: public language personality, media discourse, pragmatics of media text, receptive experiment | 941 | |||||
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4555 | Litvin A. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 7 (16). P. 54-56 . | 940 | |||||
4556 | At the condensation 4-amino-1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazolone-5 with appropriate 8-benzodioxane aldehydes were synthesized earlier not known azomethines. The structure is confirmed by spectral methods. Is shown, what azomethine have none antitubercular of activity against штамма H37Rv in concentration 12.5 (јg/ml) also do not show activity against anti-HIV CEM-SS at concentration 5,00 х 10-5 in vitro. Among synthesized azomethines I-III the amplification of antibacterial activity is revealed at introduction in structure nitro of group | 940 | |||||
4557 | Authors of this article study the relationship between concentration rate and efficiency of business companies. Structural changes in the Russian manufacturing cause growth of concentration rates. The reasons for that growth are mostly practical and economical. Market results such as prices, costs, profits are affected by concentration rate. Quantitative studies of the Russian industries have indicated that profitability correlates with company size. High profit is based on scale saving effect or monopoly, that is the reason for companies and market share growth. Concentrated industries have better performance as large companies are more innovative and productive then smaller ones | 940 | |||||
4558 | Studying creative processes has become of current importance as a result of introducing science organization and management principles to science and production. Creative tninking of a future engineer is develops most effectively through course and graduation work designing. Creative thinking of a personality arises from a problem solving or conflict settling situation. Keywords: creative thinking, coursework and graduation work designing, engineering | 940 | |||||
4559 | The article represents the methodological approach of system analysis of the current state of children-parental relations. The bilateral information of children-parental relationship is shown in the article on the example of pupils, whose individual features are taken into consideration. Possible ways of better relations based on the educational spheres integration efforts are proved. The role of additional education of children in outreach activities and personal self-realization is shown. The article can be useful for the education system experts. Keywords: educational potential of a family, realization level of educational potential, children-parental relations, educational activity, ability to live, additional education of children, integration of educational spheres | 940 | |||||
4560 | The article deals with existing approaches to understanding and construction of pedagogical theories. The role of the subjective factor in their grounds is shown in the article. The author’s position in the projection of pedagogical theories is revealed, it is based on a system-synergetic methodology. Keywords: pedagogical theory, functions of pedagogical theory, the facts as the basis of construction of pedagogical theory, categorical apparatus and the logical structure of pedagogical theory, systematic and synergetic approach. | 940 | |||||
4561 | A mathematical model of the institute of higher education activities is presented in the article. On the basis of this model a program system, so-called institute administration simulator, is built. The simulator is designed to be applied in education and management training. Great attention is paid to the model of infrastructure development of Russian institute of higher education, where basic business processes associated with infrastructure development (such as building and taking areas on lease, library stock institute informatization) are shown. Keywords: modelling of higher school infrastructure, mathematical model, higher education, simulator, management training, business processes, infrastructure development | 940 | |||||
4562 | The presented results of the calculation water balance element for three represent water basin of big Vasyugan mires with a different degree of paludification on month interval for the period 1990–2009 years. There was analysed the perennial track records of the precipitation, evaporations and expenses of water, influence of the change the climate on hydrological marshes regimen. The correlations are estimated between elements of the water balances at different years. Keywords: paludification water basin, hydra-climatic facility, evaporation, run off water and heat exchange, wood-marsh zone, West Siberia, hydrological regimes, time dynamic | 940 | |||||
4563 | In this paper the modified Hill’s canonical variables are introduced. They are v, G, H; r, g, h, where r is the distance to the primary for Keplerian orbit ; v = dr / dt; G= aј(1e2) and H = G cos i are Delaunay’s variables; g = Й is the argument of the periapsis; h = © is the longitude of the ascending node. We show that the modified Hill’s canonical variables are useful in some analytical theories of motion where it is need to avoid expansion of the perturbations in powers of eccentricity and where it is advantageous to use the eccentric anomaly as independent variable. As an example, we consider the single-averaged analytical model in the frame of the restricted three-body problem for satellite case. Keywords: небесная механика, теория возмущений, метод усреднения, преобразования Ли, канонические переменные Хилла, ограниченная задача трех тел, динамика спутников планет | 940 | |||||
4564 | This paper focuses on the role of the intermediate (conditional) space for the time and space organization of the modernist novel “Iokasta’s Dream” by S. Bogdanova. The existence of this space is shown to be very important not only for revealing the character, but for plot-building of the whole novel. Keywords: modern literature, modernism, myth, Oedipus, artistic space, plot | 940 | |||||
4565 | The article is the result of the study of levying payments for negative impact on the air, water and land resources. It is proved to be more transparent with regard to the principle “equal pay for equal pollution” at the moment are the fees for air pollution, in comparison with fees for water and land resources. Keywords: natural resources, outgoings, management, optimization | 940 | |||||
4566 | An analysis of some Russian tales is carried out on the basis of psychological theory by Ung. The author of the article bases his point on the study of the Founder of analytical psychology about symbolic types. Two well-known Russian tales serve as examples: “Frog-Princess” and a tales about Ivan the Tzar’s son and a grey wolf. Keywords: archetype, introversion, extroversion, symbol, cosmic study | 940 | |||||
4567 | This article discusses the causes and factors of crises of identity, diagnostic criteria for student status acmeological identity crisis, the crisis, factors contributing to the favorable course and a positive out of acmeological identity crisis. Keywords: acmeological identity crisis, university students, pedagogical conditions for overcoming the crisis of identity. | 940 | |||||
4568 | The article attempts to analyze well-known in our country and also not translated works of Spanish writerhumanist in as a historical source. Attention is focused on writer’s evaluation of contemporary history of Spain and other European countries. Keywords: Baltasar Gracian, Spanish absolutism, the Spanish humanist literature | 940 | |||||
4569 | The article examines the determined research layer concerning to the investigation of the invariant models in advertising discourse. The authors deal with the main steps of linguistic means usage of narrative constructions; analyse the choice of the narrative fi eld border lines. Also there are main characteristic of basic narrative constructions types, based on the interpreting praxis of the person existence experience in the social interaction system. Keywords: advertising discourse, narrative construction, communicator, addresser, advertising article, invariant model of communicative interaction | 940 | |||||
4570 | For modern theoretical physics there is tendency to review methods of describing quantum-mechanical systems in terms of relationship with classical analogues. We attempted to calculate the anomalous magnetic moment from a semiclassical view (with consideration for Zitterbewegung) on the basis of electromagnetic elds generated by the electron in the immediate vicinity of the charge point. Derived value of anomalous magnetic moment is in full agreement with the Schwinger's calculations. Keywords: radiation, anomalous magnetic moment, Zitterbewegung, semi-classical theory | 940 | |||||
4571 | Heuristic power and cognitive limits of the concept of complexity is viewed in this paper. It is shown, that the use of the concept of complexity helps us not only to recognize to what extent social thinking could accept basic ideas of synergetics, but also to deepen methodological reflection of the natural and social sciences’ integration process. It is also shown, that the study of temporality semiotics as an instrument of complexity reduction appears to be one of the most important aspects in methodological recognition of the above-mentioned process in social thinking and activity. Keywords: complexity, synergetics, meaning, social action, temporality semiotics | 940 | |||||
4572 | On the basis of the analysis of historical and pedagogical concepts of additional vocational teacher education and practices of additional vocational teacher education of the Siberian Federal District the methodological apparatus of the individualized and personalized training educators’ research is justified. Keywords: models of personalized and individualized training of educators, national and regional approach, continuing education, methodology, research | 940 | |||||
4573 | The paper considers pedagogical context of the problem of university teacher professional autonomy. Peculiarities of the investigation of university teacher professional autonomy within the context of Russian and foreign pedagogical science are analyzed. This teacher personality attribute is compared with the other phenomena characterizing different aspects of autonomy in teacher professional activity. The article reveals such aspects of autonomy in teaching as provided autonomy and perceived autonomy. Keywords: university teacher, professional autonomy, provided autonomy, perceived autonomy | 940 | |||||
4574 | Mysterious figure of the Enlightenment famous adventurer Count Cagliostro (real name Giuseppe Balsamo) left mark in European culture, and became the basis for the “Cagliostro’s myth”. Reflections of this myth in Russian literature usually assigned to Count Cagliostro’s visit to Russia (1780). The article examines three works of Russian literature of the XX century, which connected the image of Cagliostro with a fable about a sorcerer and an enchanted beauty. In Russian tradition of this plot, which started by Pushkin's “Poltava” and N. V. Gogol’s “A Terrible Vengeance”, the heroine for the soul of whom are fighting the forces of good and evil, often becomes the personification of Russia. Comparison of stories of A.N. Tolstoy and I. S. Lukash (both are named after the famous adventurer and written in exile) with “comic fantasy” of G. I. Gorin “Formula of Love” reveals the originality of authors’ interpretations of the fable and their continuity. Keywords: Russian literature, mystical story, screenplay, international plots, national myths, intertextes relations | 940 | |||||
4575 | The problem of improvement of forms of diagnostics and control of knowledge, abilities, skills, practical experience of the students of specialised secondary educational institutions under the introduction of federal state educational standards in educational practice is considered. The propaedeutic flow chart developed by authors allows to carry out stage-by-stage tracking of the concrete achievements which are trained and to determine the level of formation of common cultural and professional competences of students on all the way of development of the maintenance of a subject. Schematically this technology represents a set of four stages of didactic process from initial perception of theoretical knowledge and before their practical application. Each stage is estimated on a mark scale. The maximum number of points which the student can get on the sum of all stages makes hundred. The peculiarity of the offered development work is that it contains the level and criteria monitoring system: in a projection to the component structure of professional competences revealed by authors (cognitive, activity, motivational and valuable, communicative) to each level (from the 1st to the 3rd) achievements of results of training there corresponds the developed parameter of estimation of structure and quality of the carried-out operations, their sensibleness, completeness and curtness. Thus, the process of step formation of professional competences of students from simple to the difficult – assumes improvement of quality of educational experience. Keywords: professional education, technological card, results of training, diagnostic tools | 940 | |||||
4576 | Northern (Arctic) Federal University Named After M. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk The article traces the limiting impact of zinc and copper in the soil-plant system, gives the scientific rationale and develops a regional system of environmental regulation of the content of heavy metals in soils of Arkhangelsk. Key points of comparison are concentrations of heavy metals in the soil, leading to a decrease in their accumulation (translocation) in plants, excess tissue in their maximum allowable concentrations and maximum allowable level, as well as the effect of the average soil phytotoxicity test applied to test-object (watercress). Critical level of these metals in the plant is achieved with a soil content of mobile forms of zinc at 5.0–13.0 mg / kg, copper – 2.0 mg / kg. This is below the maximum allowable concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals in soils of 1.5–1.8 times. Observes the decrease in the accumulation of zinc aerial parts of plants when the content in the soils of 45–50 mg / kg, copper – 4.2–5.2 mg / kg. There is a significant inverse relationship between phytotoxicity and content in the soils of zinc and copper. However, their concentration in the soil, leading to a moderate degree of phytotoxicity (30 %) accounted for zinc – 30 mg / kg for copper – 2.0 mg / kg, which is 1.3–1.5 times higher than the maximum allowable concentration mobile forms of heavy metals in soils. Based on regression analysis and comparison with regulatory measures adopted in Russia, has developed principles for the valuation of the regional conditions of the North. Set the concentration of total content and the content of mobile forms of zinc and copper, affecting the ecological status of grasses and soil phytotoxicity, picked averaged limiting concentration (total content and mobile forms) of these metals, which are soil polluters of Arkhangelsk. Keywords: urban soils, zinc, copper, ecological condition grasses, soil phytotoxicity, limiting concentration | 940 | |||||
4577 | The present paper deals with studying theoretical and methodical background of the concept of blended learning, which is a major didactic tool of the modern ways of foreign languages teaching. It also considers the principles of integrating blended learning into the system of teaching foreign languages in engineering institutions. The basics of educational modeling used for developing a model of integrating blended learning in the process of foreign language teaching are defined. The schematic model representation is given and the way of implementing the described model into the educational process is shown via the example of the lesson on “Cohesive devices”. Keywords: blended learning, electronic resource, education process, Bologna process, educational modeling | 940 | |||||
4578 | Individualization of learning is considered as organization of educational process, which takes into account individual differences of students. Individualization in the narrow sense is the development of individual learning path for each student. Individualization in the broad sense is the creation of conditions for the manifestation of student’s individual characteristics in the process of learning. The article shows that the individual approach should be distinguished from the differentiation. Differentiation means training based on division of students into groups according to some external criteria. The authors pay special attention to the differentiation and individual approach in teaching higher mathematics to the students who are enrolled in the university program specially developed for Elite Engineering Education (EEE). Examples of multi-level training materials illustrate various ways of individualization of learning higher mathematics in the framework of the EEE program. Recently, both individual approach and differentiation in teaching higher mathematics are the trend in the organization of the educational process in technical universities. To keep the urgent tendency significant the renewed educational practice in higher engineering and technologic educational institutions should be thoroughly adapted to requirements and opportunities of recent pedagogical reality. Keywords: individual approach, learning, learning differentiation, individualization, learning mathematics, higher mathematics, Elite Engineering Education | 940 | |||||
4579 | The existing foreign recommendations and international principles of educational programs design and management do not have adaptations for Russia. As a result, there is a need to create uniform principles of educational programs and learning outcomes for the international cooperation, the roadmaps implementation of the leading universities and achievement indicators in the world rankings. In addition, the sphere of information technology is the most rapidly evolving and has a number of features that do not allow students to study all existing technologies, development environments, etc. In this connection, the author identified promising areas of education (such as the development of domestic hardware platforms and equipment; Information Security; the development of mobile applications; design, development, implementation and support of information systems; parallel and distributed computing; design, creation and implementation of converged systems; software engineering; the development of decision support and data management systems; the creation of artificial intelligence, intelligent systems) and their content; offered the principles of formation of actual educational programs (that includes consistency, continuity, flexibility, etc.); as well as formulated specifications and additional competences of IT-graduates, necessary for educational programs design. Integrated use of the proposed solutions allowed: to strengthen existing relations with foreign partners and to expand the scope of international cooperation in the implementation of joint educational programs, research projects and grants; to change the conditions of learning, making them more flexible and adaptable to the constant changes in the professional environment; to make cooperation with employers stronger. Keywords: information technology industry, competences, unified educational space | 940 | |||||
4580 | The article presents the overview of resources in practical phonetics published in Russia over the period of sixteen years. In this study far from the critical review we conclude the main problems typical for Russian pronunciation training. We found the traditional ways of teaching phonetics and defined their advantages and drawbacks. The article is an attempt at taking a comparative look at the treatment of English tones in a sample of ten teaching resources through the time of sixteen years. The selection of English tones for the analyses is for their notoriety in the context of learning by Russians. After analyzing the teaching resources we found the balanced treatment of segments and suprasegments which is definitely a great advantage of time. Also a positive moment is an equal treatment of pronunciation together with grammar and lexis. However till present days we can state the over-use of drill-like pronunciation activities, where the repetitive and mechanical practice is still the weakness of the analyzed pronunciation materials. Traditional drill-based activities are so far fruitful but the modern way of education demands inclusion of communicative pronunciation-oriented activities in the learning practice. The occasional use of consciousness-raising and self-monitoring activities is still a typical feature of phonetic classes all over Russian universities. It is a strong call for incorporation of confidence building and reflective activities in the pronunciation training. Keywords: teaching resources, methods of teaching, practical phonetics of the English language, suprasegments, intonation, tone | 940 | |||||
4581 | The article presents the analysis of peculiarities of creation of family and family life of the Russian law intellectual elite of the period of modernization in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. The importance of this aspect is due to the significance of the family, especially wife, in creating the conditions for successful scientific and journalistic activities. Some aspects of the problem are reflected in the works of N. L. Pushkareva, L. P. Repina, T. A. Saburova. This issue is at the intersection of problematic fields of history of intellectual culture, and the history of everyday life. A full study of the results of intellectual activity is possible only taking into account the understanding of the working conditions of their creators, their surrounding environment and relationships with family. To understand these features we have applied the methods of biographical and generational analysis, and gender analysis from the standpoint of the historical andrology. Conclusions based on the study with the denoted positions of the diaries and memoirs of the lawyers. Professionally successful lawyers suffered the most comfortable transition to a small family, perceived equitable conjugal role and the active role of the father in the upbringing of children. Marriage was seen as a deliberate step, voluntary, based on love union. The financial position of the bride had a secondary role, importance is given to personal qualities and level of intelligence. They emphasized the undoubted value to family life. Extramarital relations (if mentioned) were described very veiled. Representations of law intellectual elite about family and marriage, as well as practical implementation has coincided with the trends in this direction among the Russian educated society in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. Keywords: memoirs, diaries, married life, law intellectual elite | 940 | |||||
4582 | Pragmatics of speech behavior of public language personality subject to its individual and personal peculiarities in conditions of media communication is not still examined enough. According to this fact in the aspect of influence on mass audience individual and typical linguistic and extra linguistic peculiarities of media discourses of public language personalities of an actress Tatyana Dogileva and film director Vladimir Khotinenko as the members of radio show “Dithyramb” on radio “Echo of Moscow” were considered in the article. Comparative and contrastive analysis allowed to determine some important in the aspect of influence on collective addressee typical and individual gender peculiarities, psychological (temperament, character), social (dependence on status), professional and some speech peculiarities (preference on the level of language means, which reflect specificity of human mentality). For researching of media discourse influence of individual and personal factors of language personalities on mass addressee contextdependent and semantic and stylistic analysis of questions and comments before broadcasting and comments after broadcasting, and analysis of regulative means and structures have been used. Connection of pragmatics of public language personalities’ media discourse with their informational field have been revealed. It was determined that first of all the content of language personality’s message is important, though form of expression also matters. The common factors, which are important for media discourse of creative public language personality’s influence according to the research, are the following: high level of media discourse emotionality as a reflection of not only gender peculiarities, but even cognitive style, that is connected with figurative and metaphoric reality perception used for creative persons. With such variety of regulative means used by language personalities, repetition in aggregate with other means and structures dominates (comparison, parcelling, rhetorical questions, etc). Some individual and personal peculiarities of media discourse may increase influence effect and at the same time reduce it. The results are of interest for theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of the text. Keywords: language personality, media discourse, informational field of personality, individual and personal factors of influence | 940 | |||||
4583 | The article is devoted to the problem of cognitive interest development among senior schoolchildren of nonhumanitarian classes during the English language acquisition at a secondary school. The author draws attention to the fact that the newly formed scientific branches provide the emergence of new professions, change the system of school education and increase the development of cognitive interest among schoolchildren. The main idea of the present article is to demonstrate the necessity of learning English for senior schoolchildren, whose profile subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics, as new professions actively come into modern life. Foreign language is considered to be polysubject and can enrich senior schoolchildren of non–humanitarian profile with knowledge on Natural Science and Mathematics and develop their cognitive interest. The interest to a foreign language as a subject, in recent times, is explained by it’s penetrating into different spheres and nonlinguistic professions. Actually, spheres of using a foreign language are extended. According to the “Atlas of new professions”, to 2025–2035 many new professions occur, many of them will need the knowledge of a foreign language. Intersubject relations come into modern school education and really extend the zone of subject knowledge on profile because of the interpenetration of knowledge of different subjects. Integration of a foreign language with Science subjects and Mathematics gives the opportunity for schoolchildren to get new knowledge on profile subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics and others) and increase the development of cognitive interest among senior schoolchildren. We consider that intersubject integration increases schoolchildren’s motivation to learning foreign languages, develops different kinds of thinking, forms the following abilities – to analyze, to generalize, to synthesize, to compare, make conclusions and others. Keywords: cognitive interest, cognitive motivation, intersubject, integration of humanitarian and natural science knowledge, new professions | 940 | |||||
4584 | Suprygina G. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 23-29 . | 939 | |||||
4585 | Lyakhovich E. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 28-34 . | 939 | |||||
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4587 | Loyko O. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 6-9 . | 939 | |||||
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4589 | The paper deals with actual philosophic problems, connected with existence of ideal in modern cultural areal. Fantasy is appreciated and looked upon as basic phenomenon of human existence. The stages of studying fantasy in the history of philosophy are pointed out as well as tne perspectives of future investigations of fantasy. | 939 | |||||
4590 | The problem of forming research competences of future teachers of Physics is considered in the article. The method of competences’ forming on basis of complex problems with concealed schemes is proposed. The variants of calculating and experimental tasks are regarded. The examples of method of exploratory problems’ solution in regime of demonstrative experiment and individual work are shown | 939 | |||||
4591 | The article analyzes the services continuum in logistic systems. It shows that the priority of the logistics of the latest years is the services continuum management. However, in spite of the service importance, the efficient ways of its quality estimation are still not found. It can be explained by a number of service peculiarities. The authors of the article offer the mathematic model, which describes the process of services continuum formation | 939 | |||||
4592 | The peat formation is the permanent process of mire phytomass transformation to a peat. This transformation has some stages. In an initial stage new phytomass is produced, the next phase is the dying off of the living phytomass, the third stage is the dead phytomass transformation into a mire litter and the last one is a peat formation from a litter. The quantitative elemental composition of the organic matter at the different stages of this process is distinctive. We compared the elemental composition of living and dead phytomass, the litter and the peat for two mires and three Sphagnum species. It has been shown that the change pattern of chemical composition of organic matter seems to be identical | 939 | |||||
4593 | The article considers thesis researches of the last decade on the history of general and pedagogical education in Western Siberia from the late 19th century till the early 20th century. Keywords: history of education, history of general and pedagogical education, professional education, historiographical review, theses | 939 | |||||
4594 | The article is dedicated to the regulative strategies of addressee image embodiment, applied in “Prayer beads” and “Plantain” collections. The types of regulative strategies peculiar for the author are revealed. Keywords: addressee image, aesthetic actualization, regulative strategy, types of regulative strategies | 939 | |||||
4595 | The management of the innovation processes at the state level in the context of globalization is generally ineffective, as national borders are erased in the innovation process. Added value is placed where there local advantages are, generally in regions. Thus, the region objectively becomes the place of innovation processes implementation. Competition in this case unites participants in the region. Today the sources of growth of the regional economy are clusters. Keywords: regional economy, competitiveness, cluster, globalization | 939 | |||||
4596 | The details of unconstrained Lagrangian formulations (being continuation of earlier developed research for Bose particles in NPB 862 (2012) 270, [arXiv:1110.5044[hep-th]], Phys. of Part. and Nucl. 43 (2012) 689, [arXiv:1202.4710 [hep-th]]) are reviewed for Fermi particles propagated on an arbitrary dimensional Minkowski space-time and described by the unitary irreducible half-integer higher-spin representations of the Poincare group subject to Young tableaux Y (s1; ... ; sk) with k rows. The procedure is based on the construction of the Verma modules and nding auxiliary oscillator realizations for the orthosymplectic osp(kj2k) superalgebra which encodes the second-class operator constraints subsystem in the HS symmetry superalgebra. Applying of an universal BRST-BFV approach permit to reproduce gauge-invariant Lagrangians with reducible gauge symmetries describing the free dynamics of both massless and massive fermionic elds of any spin with appropriate number of gauge and Stukelberg elds. The general construction possesses by the obvious possibility to derive Lagrangians with only holonomic constraints. Keywords: higher spins, BRST symmetry, Lagrangian formulation, Verma module, gauge invariance | 939 | |||||
4597 | The paper presents the analysis of the dynamics of the constancy of the major pharmacopoeia drug of Trans-Ural steppe communities in the Republic of Bashkortostan grazing pressure gradient. Keywords: Мedicinal plants, steppe vegetation, Trans-Urals, syntaxonomy, constancy | 939 | |||||
4598 | The article gives results of the experiment, aiming at comprehensive study of students’ perception features of journalistic texts in regional editions and revealing linguistic means that influence on the reader. Keywords: newspaper style, journalistic texts, analytical genres, text regularitivity, regularitivity lexical means | 939 | |||||
4599 | The article considers some issues of organization and content of practical components of theoretical disciplines for training bachelors (designers), it indicates possible ways of realization of interdisciplinary links; there are examples of some practical tasks, it presents conclusions. Keywords: bachelor, design, methods of vocational training, theoretical preparation, practical tasks | 939 | |||||
4600 | The article is devoted to the obstructive cholestasis – a type of violation of the outflow of bile from the liver (cholestasis), which is quite common in the clinical practice. An urgent problem is that of evaluation of its degree on the basis of diagnostic systems of marker indicators of metabolic status of the organism (static and dynamic), one of the leading may be the antioxidant activity and the level of oxidative modification of proteins, in combination with the average mass of the molecules – a universal test of the severity of endotoxemia. For such experimental studies (in vitro) it is suitable to develop model biological systems, which will allow to test the sensitivity of the studied metabolic tests to varying degrees of severity of subhepatic cholestasis and in the future – to create diagnostic systems on their basis. Keywords: obstructive cholestasis, modeling biological systems, oxidative modification of proteins, the molecules of average weight | 939 |