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4401 | The article presents the concept of internal management control in higher education as a complex dynamic system of theoretical, methodological and technological knowledge. The author determines the core conceptual principles of quality management. Keywords: quality management principles, sub-system of principles, practice-oriented quality management | 1083 | |||||
4402 | The possibility of forecasting the need is considered in the article for specialist with higher professional education depending on the level of the economic development of the area. Determination demand for specialists was conducted on basis of economic and mathematical modeling with the use of multifactor regression models. Keywords: higher professional education, forecasting need for specialist, preparation specialist, regional market of the labor, perspective need, economic modeling, correlation analysis, regression equation | 1083 | |||||
4403 | Тhe law in the artistic consciousness of F. M. Dostoevsky is considered in the article the as phenomenon. The author distinguished four aspects of it: 1) construction-functional; 2) content or informative; 3) active-psychological; 4) programmative. Keywords: artistic consciousness, the legal consciousness, the law concept sphere, the paralleliam of criminal episodes, main oppositions, failure to report about crime | 1083 | |||||
4404 | This article discusses the requirements for professional competence of graduates in the English-speaking countries and in Russia. The basic competence of masters in the direction 011200 Physics and Program for Master's “Condensed Matter Physics” are listed in the article. Keywords: professional and universal competences, technical education, a master's degree | 1083 | |||||
4405 | . | 1083 | |||||
4406 | We consider massive and massless p-forms in arbitrary D-dimensional curved space-time. Quantization of these models and evaluation of effective actions have been performed. Results are presented in terms of d'Alembertians acting on p-forms. The massive theories of p-forms do not possess gauge invariance, in contrary of massless theories. The gauge invariance is restored with help of multi-step Stuckelberg procedure. Comparising effective actions of classically equivalent theories (massless quantum theory of p-forms and theory of (D-p-2)-forms, massive quantum theory of p-forms and theory of (Dp-1)-forms), we demonstrate a quantum equivalence of corresponding models. A zeta-function excluding zero modes has been used. Keywords: quantum elds in curved space-time, p-forms, gauge eld theories, effective action, quantum equivalence | 1083 | |||||
4407 | The article investigates the types of characters of Russian and European political history in terms of their private life in Aldanov’s essays. The investigated aspect is semantics of parental home, family and other types of interpersonal relations. The article deals with three Aldanov’s essays – “Uritsky’s Murder”, “Azef” and “Number 14”. Keywords: Aldanov, Kannegisser, Azef, Mussolini, essay, poetics, family, home, politics | 1083 | |||||
4408 | The article deals with the peculiar properties of the hierarchical system of comparison, including the specific functions of its components. The structure and semantics of comparative syntagmatic correlations as a means of fulfilling the above-mentioned functions have been analysed. Keywords: hierarchical system, general comparison, particular comparison, degrees of comparison, syntagmatic correlations | 1083 | |||||
4409 | The goal of this article is to reveal language formulas in the Khanty folklore on the basis of text analysis, to investigate the theory of formulas’ classification and to apply it to the described Khanty language formulas. The formulas may be considered a speech unit which is repeated in the same text or several different texts. In comparison with the fabulous formulas, the language formulas don’t depend on the folklore genre and can be found in different folklore texts. The investigation of these formulas allows obtaining the view of the language picture of the world and the archaic features of the Khanty mythology and religion preserved to the present. Keywords: Khanty, folklore, fairytale, language formulas | 1083 | |||||
4410 | The article deals with the problem of socialization and creative self-development of students in the conditions of children’s associations and movements. Attention is drawn to the fact that children’s associations and movements are an important factor of personality, on the one hand, creating the conditions to meet the needs, interests, goals, children of different ages and formation of new aspirations; On the other hand, determining the selection of the internal capacity of the individual and collective self-restraint by the choice of adjusting to social norms, values, and social programs. The factors, conditions and methods of educational activities that promote self-knowledge and create conditions for free creative self-development and socialization of students in children’s associations and movements. Children’s organizations and movements in Russia are becoming a significant factor in the positive education of the younger generation, education for democratic culture, complementing a focused educational process of the school. Keywords: children’s pool, children’s movement, students self-development, socialization, humanization of education, educational space | 1083 | |||||
4411 | The article discusses the main tasks of the teacher of a foreign language in the system of higher education. It assumes the need to overcome the traditional process in the organization of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities that train specialists in different spheres of production. The focus is on teacher training that concentrates on the ability of students of non-linguistic educational institutions, their way of thinking. The possibility of using the system of knowledge of neuropsychology for the organization of a foreign language learning process for students of technical specialties is justified. It is noted that the transition from a traditional to a competence-based approach requires a complex change of their own personal position and the role of the teacher in the systematic management of linguo-educational process. The process requires the willingness and ability of the teacher to model linguo-educational process in a technical university with reference to the technological stages of training future specialists. The article suggests ways of linguo-didactic preparation of the teacher of a foreign language for non-linguistic universities in the two-level system of training. Keywords: professional training, linguo-educational process, modeling, abilities, mindset | 1083 | |||||
4412 | The article is devoted to the study of life and work of the Bulgarian Patriarch Cyril in the context of studying his Russophile views. The work was based on the correspondence of the Bulgarian First Hierarch with archpriest Vsevolod Spiller and Department for external church relations consultant A. L. Kazem-Bek. The Bulgarian First Hierarch, having received a worthy European education, began his administrative service under the Synod of the Bulgarian Church, first in the rank of hieromonk, then archimandrite and vicar bishop. After a while he became a Plovdiv Metropolitan, taking over one of the largest and oldest dioceses. As the ruling bishop, he actively advocated for the Bulgarian Jews, who, with the arrival of the Nazis, were expelled from Bulgaria and sent to hard labor in labor camps. In addition to the fact that Metropolitan Cyril personally participated in the rescue of Jewish families, he urged the bishops at meetings of the Synod to help them and save them from destruction, thanks to which many Jews were saved. In 1953 Metropolitan Kirill was elected Patriarch. During his episcopal and patriarchal ministry he had an active correspondence with friends from Russia. Thanks to the surviving letters in this paper we attempted to analyze the nature of this correspondence and draw a conclusion that determines the relevance of the topics covered for contemporary church historical science. Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexy, Patriarch Kyril, archpriest Vsevolod Shpiller, Alexander Lvovich Kazem-Bek, correspondence | 1083 | |||||
4413 | Vorobyev N. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 15-19 . | 1082 | |||||
4414 | Kozlova A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 3-6 . | 1082 | |||||
4415 | In the present work are revealing 10 types of the circulating processes on the basis of the genetic approach to classification of synoptic processes for Tomsk area. Five processes among them concern to cyclone types, three processes relate to the clear anticyclone type and the last two belong to small - gradient fields. Also, is shown the influence of each type of synoptic processes in the forming of the precipitation, both on the areas and at the each station | 1082 | |||||
4416 | The article gives theoretical basis for the conception of methodological training of Bachelors and Masters of Education in Geosciences, which is based upon the philosophy of personal, educational and professional development of every student. The author develops the idea of professional competence of a student with major in natural sciences. Keywords: higher professional education, humanization of education processes, conception of methodological training, humanization of pedagogy, professional competence, humanitarian methods and techniques. | 1082 | |||||
4417 | The article deals with the periphery of the functional-semantic field of infancy in the English language. The periphery of the analyzed field consists of the lexical means, verbalizing features, that specify the essential and basic characteristics of babies; dialectisms, archaisms, slang and stylistically coloured means as well as phraseological units. Keywords: categorization, semantic category, functional semantic field, periphery | 1082 | |||||
4418 | Aspects of integrated effects of plasmatron mode parameters and heat-transfer medium properties on formation and evolution of droplet medium of injected solution by means of diffusion, filtration and heat transfer are considered. Mathematical model as well as calculation results for dependence of particle size and its liquid core on heating rate and initial mass fraction of dissolved salt are presented. Keywords: ceramic powders, metal oxides, plasma technology, barrel-type reactor, mathematical model, thermochemical controlled synthesis, precursor, concentration of equilibrium saturation, boundary of evaporation front, drop suspension, intra-drop diffusion | 1082 | |||||
4419 | In the article questions of formation of moral reference points of the person of the students receiving initial vocational education are discussed. Unlike traditional use for this purpose of out-of-class work, opportunities of development of moral positions of the person at lessons of physics are considered in the article. Keywords: social competence, moral positions | 1082 | |||||
4420 | The article contains a description of motivational stage as a pedagogically motivated process in development of students’ abilities to generate own texts on associative basis. Keywords: text generating activity, motivation, text generating abilities of language person, method of pedagogical diagnostics, verbal associations | 1082 | |||||
4421 | The analysis of the concept of ICT-competence of the rural schoolteacher, carried out in the article suggests the need for a new level of competence in the form of information and educational environment of the school. Taking into account this factor, there are basics of formation of information competence of the teacher at rural schools. Keywords: ICT competence of teachers of small schools, information and educational setting of educational institutions | 1082 | |||||
4422 | In the given article the role of praise and compliment as approval/encouragement/estimation in native and speaking another language speech behaviour of communicants is considered at formation of spiritual and moral culture of students. Keywords: spiritual and moral culture, communications, praise, compliment | 1082 | |||||
4423 | The originality of moral judgements of younger teenagers about personal qualities of schoolmates as the most blamed is considered by them. Distribution of qualities on three groups is offered: qualities-acts, qualities-motives and unmotivated qualities. Dynamics of variation of number of elections at younger teenagers in comparison with younger students in favour of qualities-motives that gives reason for the fact of orientation of psychology of teenagers on knowledge and understanding of a private world of surrounding people is traced. Keywords: younger teenagers, moral judgements, qualities-acts, qualities-motives, unmotivated qualities, a threshold of condemnation | 1082 | |||||
4424 | In this short contribution we will review the quantization of U(N) spinning particles with complex target spaces, producing equations for higher spin elds on complex backgrounds. We will focus rst on at complex space, and subsequently present our model on an arbitrary Kahler manifold. In the nal section, we will specialize to (p; q)-forms on arbitrary Kahler spaces and present their one-loop effective actions as well as issues related to Hodge duality. Keywords: sigma models, higher spins, gauge symmetry | 1082 | |||||
4425 | This article addresses the problem of coding existential negation in Siberian languages exemplified by eastern dialects of Khanty and central dialects of Selkup. On the basis of the reviewed data, main strategies of existential negation in each language were identified, followed by comparison using a typological method. Keywords: existential sentences, negation, Siberian endangered languages, typology | 1082 | |||||
4426 | The paper provides the analysis of competitive activity of the box with the positions of sports physiology and proved the possibility of application of the respiratory technologies in order to increase aerobic abilities of sportsmen. Keywords: acyclic sports, aerobic and anaerobic training, boxing, recovery means, respiratory technologies | 1082 | |||||
4427 | The special features of professionally oriented foreign teaching to read of technical students in the context of the competency approach are described in the article. The key components of communicative competence that allow making the process of foreign language teaching more efficient under the technical university are observed. Keywords: competence, approach, professionally oriented foreign reading, teaching | 1082 | |||||
4428 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of levels in adult education. The analysis is aimed at revealing key features, which determine models of adult education, peculiarities of English language courses for adult learners. The author suggests a classification for English language courses as an effective means for acquiring the maximum level in English language learning. Keywords: lifelong education, adult education, system of education, course structure | 1082 | |||||
4429 | The paper presents the analysis of the dynamics of the constancy of the major pharmacopoeia drug of Trans-Ural steppe communities in the Republic of Bashkortostan grazing pressure gradient. Keywords: Мedicinal plants, steppe vegetation, Trans-Urals, syntaxonomy, constancy | 1082 | |||||
4430 | The considered theme is not studied properly in the school programme of mathematics. So many questions on this topic are still open. In this paper we offered on effective technique for applying the method of intervals for solving equations and inequalities with a module of some types based on the geometrical interpretation of the number’s module. Keywords: method of intervals, equation with module, generalization, efficient solution, inequality with module | 1082 | |||||
4431 | As a part of the interdisciplinary analysis the article suggests the description of native and foreign ethnological conceptions which allow deeper comprehension of the content of a number of concepts: “ethnos”, “ethnicselfconsience”, “ethnic identification”, “forms of expressions of ethnetic self-conscience”, “ethnetic individuality”. There were two opposing theories of ethnicity in Soviet and post-Soviet science – Yu. V. Bromley’s and L. N. Gumilev’s concepts. We examine the role of a theoretical framework to organize the process of ethno-cultural education of schoolchildren and their adequate formation (positive) ethnic identity, which is extremely important for the modern generation living in a multicultural environment. Keywords: ethnos, features of ethnos, ethnetic self-consience, ethnic identification, forms of expression of ethnetic self identification, ethnetic individuality | 1082 | |||||
4432 | As part of the creation of a fund of assessment tools for the discipline “Mathematical Analysis”, a test on “Indefinite Integral” is developed for monitoring of students’ knowledge. The test materials for full-time students of the profile faculty were placed and tested in the distance learning system “Open Educational Environment of TSPU”. The advantages of testing along with traditional forms of control are discussed. References to guideline documents regulating the content of the discipline, and consequently the content of the tests are listed. In addition, during the study of the discipline the formation of competence elements is proposed. The test discussed in the article is aimed at the development of one of them. Then the basic settings and characteristics of the test are described. It is noted that it is very important to determine correctly the total time for completing the test, judjing from the number of test questions and the estimated time allotted for each question in the test. The evaluation criteria were also defined. Particular attention is paid to various types of test questions, in addition to a brief description, examples of tasks from the test are given as an illustration. The conclusion about the effectiveness for the using of the test as a form of monitoring is made. Further plans for developing tests on other topics are described, with the prospect of including them in a general test for the final control on the discipline. Keywords: test tasks, indefinite integral, learning outcomes, professional competencies | 1082 | |||||
4433 | Yiddish, the language of Ashkenazic Jews, arose about ten centuries ago as a result of contact with various dialects of Medieval German. Of all the Germanic languages, Yiddish looks least Germanic: it uses a Hebrew alphabet and is read from right to left, and its grammar and lexicon have undergone considerable influence not only from Hebrew and Aramaic, but also from various Slavic languages. Between 1890 and 1920 millions of Jews from Central and Eastern Europe boarded ships for America. They were fleeing the tragic events that shook the Old World. So Yiddish language and culture began its journey on a new continent. Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia were among the cities where Yiddish theaters, newspapers, and book publishers thrived. A Yiddish vaudeville sprang up, featuring performers who could switch in the blink of an eye from dances and funny jokes to sentimental songs. The heart of the culture lay in New York, where Second Avenue acquired the nickname “the Yiddish Broadway.” Yiddish words were quick to enrich American English - words like bagel, bupkes, chutzpah, klutz, schlemiel, schlep, schmuck, tchotchke, etc. Many words and phrases from Yiddish you can encounter today in American books, magazines, newspapers; or hear on television or radio, in movies or nightclubs; or may overhear on the street in many cities in the United States. The borrowings from Yiddish include specific ethnic and religious terms, words of conversational speech, pejorative words and terms of Jewish cuisine. Keywords: Yiddish, borrowings, English, religious terms, words of conversational speech, pejorative words, Jewish cuisine terms | 1082 | |||||
4434 | The article presents some results of the research of the problem of development of professional competence of teachers in the field of education in the process of their professional activity in the conditions of general education organization. The urgency of the problem is justified by the strategic priorities of the development of upbringing in the modern state policy formulated in such leading policy documents as the Strategy of development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, the professional standard «Specialist in Education». Based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the competence approach, professional competence is considered as an integral characteristic of a teacher who has the ability to implement modern programs and technologies, to manifest creativity, to find the right solutions, to act in ordinary and unusual situations. The features of professional competence of teachers in the field of education are studied. The approaches to the identification of the components of the professional competence of teachers in the field of upbringing are indicated. The main characteristics of the developed model of the development of professional competence of teachers in the field of education in the process of pedagogical activity, its axiological, projective-empirical, technological, information-methodical, reflexive diagnostic modules, self-education and social partnership modules are presented. Presented are the forms of work that contribute to the development of professional competence of teachers in the course of their professional activities (pedagogical council, seminars and workshops, business games, discussions, generalization of educational experience, scientific and methodological support for the selfeducation of teachers, etc.). Approbation of forms and methods of increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of education in the process of professional activity was carried out during the experimental work in the general education organizations of Novomoskovsk and Troitsky administrative districts of Moscow. Keywords: education, socialization, professional competence, professional activity | 1082 | |||||
4435 | Translators’ training in higher school is based on the competence approach. Sociolinguistic competence acquisition is of big importance among translators’ professional and personal requirements and skills in cross-cultural communication. Competence is considered to comprise a set of components and is regarded to be a personal skill in self-realization, self-regulation and self-esteem in the professional field. Thus, translators’ sociolinguistic competence is regarded to comprise five components: axiological, culture-linguistic, linguistic, situational-behavioral, assessment and motivational. The axiological component deals with tolerance to international cultures, traditions and value systems. The culture-linguistic component comprises sociocultural background of nations and cross-cultural communication skills. The linguistic component stands for speech clichés, dialects and fixed expressions vocabulary development. The situational-behavioral component deals with gesture, facial expression and speech peculiarities of interlocutors depending on their social status and communicative situation. The assessment and motivational component consists of self-regulation and self-esteem skills. The questionnaire poll of students showed the ways of sociolinguistic competence development and led to creating a technology of monitored independent students’ work in the translators’ sociolinguistic competence acquisition. The technology is regarded as an educational process containing principles and teaching methods which are necessary to achieve the highest results. The article highlights the three technologies of monitored independent students’ work such as multimedia book club, extracurricular activity, and discussion clubs. Each technology comprises three components: information resource (authentic and teaching authentic material), interactive (work algorithm) and diagnostic (principles of control). The thorough analysis of the students’ work results proved the fact that the regarded technology appeared to be fruitful in sociolinguistic competence acquisition and, moreover, in the development of all its components, which was also sustained by the feedback of the project participants. Keywords: sociolinguistic competence, technology, independent work, extracurricular activity, multimedia, cross-cultural communication, authentic material, authentic learning | 1082 | |||||
4436 | Sannikova L. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 8-9 . | 1081 | |||||
4437 | . | 1081 | |||||
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4439 | The article contains the comparative analysis of the main tendencies in the development of modern Euro¬pean social democracy under the conditions of its po¬litical success, with social democracy which came to power in leading West European countries. The author analysis Russian social democracy and its failure. | 1081 | |||||
4440 | In the article «Ship of the Present» and Russian Postmodernism in the XXI century» Yu.V. Babicheva reveals in postmodernist prose by well-known Russian authors of the end of the last decade such as V. Makanin and A. Kabanov attempts to find for a new synthesis that bring them close to writers of the end of 19 and the beginning of 20 century. Keywords: Postmodernism, modernism, conceptual dominants, grotesque, anti-utopia, painful feeling of the end of the century. | 1081 | |||||
4441 | In this article the component structure of the student's cognitive potential is specified on the basic of the content's analysis of the notion «the person's cognitive potential». Problem solution perspective trained of cognitive potential development is indicated on the basis of activity modular education. Keywords: cognitive potential, generated, general educative abilities, cognitive abilities, cognitive activity, self-education, activity modular education | 1081 | |||||
4442 | The article considers following steps which improve the level of fluency of doctoral students in foreign languages organization of electronic archives of translations of foreign scholarly publications (made by the students) and compulsory publication of the scientific results obtained by the students in foreign journals. Keywords: teaching foreign languages, publication in foreign scholarly journals, electronic archive | 1081 | |||||
4443 | Recreational resources of mountain landscapes of the Northwest Altai physical-geographical (natural region) province are characterized by the example of the territory of the river Bashchelak basin. The availability of the basin approach in recreational utilization of nature is substantiated. Keywords: basin approach, nature, landscape analysis, ecological tourism, landscape and aesthetic properties of the landscape, recreational zoning | 1081 | |||||
4444 | In this article main notions that are included in the frame system “Calendar vocabulary” in Khanty and Selkup languages are illuminated. These languages are not genetically related to each other but they coexist in the same areal on the territory of western Siberia for a long time. A comparative analysis of elements which exist in this system or which miss from it is held. Keywords: semantics, frame system, calendar vocabulary, Siberian languages. | 1081 | |||||
4445 | An important issue of improving modern education is analyzed on the example of historic and cultural analogues in the past. The requirements for professional skills of the teacher of higher school are justified. The model of the educational environment with the use of instant feedback and the technology of improving the professionalism of the teacher are presented in it. Keywords: cultural innovation, education, professional teacher quality, feedback, interaction | 1081 | |||||
4446 | In the article the essence and the value of the ecological experience of child as the bases of his ecological culture is opened. Is shown the alarming tendency of an increase of the negative ecological experience, which distorts the subjective ideas of child about the ecological prosperity. To the solution of the problem should contribute to humanitarian ecological education Keywords: humanitarian ecological education | 1081 | |||||
4447 | The article deals with the problem of semantic distribution in the functional grouping of actant attributes in Finnish and Selkup languages. The analysis is based on the principals of “the word-form grammar”, which is being developed by A. P. Volodin. In spite of the genetic relationship of the above-mentioned languages, they reveal basic distinctions in the investigated question. Keywords: “word-form grammar”, actant attributes, functional distinctness, semantic selectiveness, Uralic languages | 1081 | |||||
4448 | The article is dedicated to the actual problem of formation of the awareness of the social utility of the future professional activities by the students studying tourism. There is described the experience of creation the conditions in the educational process for students’ participation in learning events of the vocational-humanistic orientation. Keywords: Tourism, professional activities, ethical professional position | 1081 | |||||
4449 | The article deals with the problem of competence and competency. It considers concepts of these notions as general and professional issues on the basis of different sources. Professional competence and its constituent parts: classification, professionalism components, ways of improving professional competence is being analyzed. Keywords: competency, professional competency, competence, professional activity, teacher, personal characteristics, knowledge, abilities, skills | 1081 | |||||
4450 | The article deals with the features of experience in familiarization with cultural traditions in the system of secular education in Russia. It is analyzed various ways to overcoming the spiritual crisis through the integration of spiritual and moral culture and secular knowledge, which focused on the formation foundations of the spiritual world outlook. Keywords: spiritual and moral education, values, world outlook, traditions, culture | 1081 |