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4251 | The communicative and pragmatic research of individual media discourse of Viktor Erofeev, contemporary Russian writer, the presenter of author’s cultural and entertaining TV program “Apokrif” on the channel “Culture”, was presented. Author-presenter’s professional speech behavior organizes his individual media discourse, determining the holistic well-known journalist’s image in circumstances of current discursive practice. At the same time specific peculiarities of his informational and media language personality’s idiostyle are reflected in television journalists’s individual media discourse. Analysis of individual media discourse of TV presenter is based on the criteria, which were described by the author. The linguistic and paralinguistic (phonational and kinetic) characteristics of communicative behavior of informational and media language personality of TV presenter-writer, as well as extralinguistic factors determining the specificity of the media environment, were described. The results of the research of the features of the language personality of Viktor Erofeev with the use of separate elements of the software system “VAAL” are presented. The means of quantitative content analysis identified the thematic groups of words most often used by the TV presenter. The analysis of Victor Erofeev’s speech from the point of view of the use of emotionally colored words (“emotional-lexical” estimations) is presented. The results of the linguistic projective test of Cattell are described. These results with a probability of 70–90 % characterize the psychological characteristics of the personality of Viktor Erofeev. Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a TV presenter, informational and media language personality, author’s TV program, cultural and entertaining TV program | 956 | |||||
4252 | The article deals with the problem of teaching foreign students of Russian scientific speech as the most important means of educational and professional communication in a Russian university. It points to the specifics of the training of foreign students of Russian scientific speech at the Pedagogical University. Attention is drawn to the problem of teaching Russian scientific speech of foreign students at the stage of pre-university training. The use of the adaptive potential of the method of teaching the scientific style of speech is suggested, the concept of «scientific speech of subject areas of pedagogy and subject methodology» is actualized. It is understood that the creation and use of an educational complex for teaching scientific speech in classes with foreign students of a pedagogical university helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. It is proposed to design a textbook on teaching of scientific speech for foreign students of a pedagogical university, the theoretical and practical educational material of which is set out in a modular format, supplemented with a set of workbooks. It is recommended to include the description of the lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic, structural and compositional features of modern Russian scientific speech in the educational material of the educational complex, adding practical tasks that fix the theoretical basis of the educational material and imply work in pairs and small groups. The recommended for design training complex for teaching of Russian scientific speech should contain guidance for teachers, basic guide to scientific speech, a set of workbooks, a collection of tests, dictionaries, reference materials, that must meet the current requirements of the educational literature. This training complex provides methodical and motivational support for the learning process and can contribute to improving the effectiveness of teaching. The article is of interest for teachers of Russian as a foreign language, working at preparatory departments of Russian universities, as well as for teachers of pedagogical universities working with foreign students. Keywords: scientific style of speech, Russian scientific speech, adaptive potential, method of teaching the scientific style of speech, educational complex | 956 | |||||
4253 | The article is devoted to revealing poorly studied cognitive mechanisms of color naming in Russian and Chinese on the basis of lexicographic and Internet sources, and the national corpus of the Russian and Chinese languages. Derivative secondary colorants denoting tertiary chromatic colors have been analyzed. Cognitive color naming models related to the cognitive macro model “color plant” have been identified. This allows us to conclude that the color picture of the world reflects diverse experience of man’s knowledge of the plant world in all its forms. Ways of replenishing the color naming system of this type have been defined. The color naming systems in the Russian and Chinese languages with respect to the type of cognitive modeling being analyzed are basically the same. The authors have found out universal cognitive color naming models of Russian and Chinese, among which the most productive ones are the models “color flower”, “color fruit of the plant”, which indicates the similarity of thought processes realizing color naming. National features of the color picture of the world are manifested in the presence of specific nominations of color shades in both languages. These nominations reflect cultural characteristics of Russian and Chinese native speakers as well as peculiarities of the color semantics of interlingual equivalents in the languages. Quantitative and qualitative differences of Russian and Chinese derived color lexical units confirm the idea that the color naming is the reflection of the natural and cultural space of the ethnos. Keywords: cognitive modeling, color naming, coloration, Russian, Chinese | 956 | |||||
4254 | Tolstykh V. L. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 19-21 . | 955 | |||||
4255 | This article examines the structure of knowledge. It consists of three constituent parts. The first part is the main body on the kernel of science which has teen experi¬enced by long practice and is the basis of cognition. The second part is a kind of «protection» which «sifts» knowl¬edge for truth. The third one is extrascienctific knowledge. The author shows not only a well-reasoned role and im¬portance of extrascientific knowledge in cognition activity but the forms of extrascientific knowledge fulfilling this function. | 955 | |||||
4256 | This paper presents a comparative research of analytic philosophy and phenomenology. The problem may be formulated such; is there a presuppositions for a productive dialogue of the traditions? Sameness of themes and plurality of methods of the traditions give a possibility to answer to this question: «Yes». A some points of the dialogue are: using of semantic analysis for phenomenology; using of intentional analysis for analytic philosophy. | 955 | |||||
4257 | The article investigates the contents and mechanism of rational combination of public and collective interests in the sphere of science-innovation activity. | 955 | |||||
4258 | Innovation designing technology have been applied into usage of engineers and vocational education pedagogues training. The leading activity category of this technology was inventive activity. Special developed technology may be used for inventive activity education. Successfulness of the student inventive activity is based on the heuristic technology. The developed technology experimental research results are resumed in this article. | 955 | |||||
4259 | The article points to the system of toponyms (words of toponymy place-name study) in individual vocabulary of an ordinary speaker, who represents a traditional Siberian village dialect. Structure and sources of forming toponymy vocabulary of an individual dialect speaker are examined. | 955 | |||||
4260 | The article discribes the process of the establishment of professional pedagogical education in Western Siberia at the end of the 19th at the beginning of the 20th century and the solution of the problem of village teachers training through the expansion of the network of Teachers' Semenaries Keywords: West Siberian educational district, Teachers 'Seminary, pedagogical education | 955 | |||||
4261 | The article considers following steps which improve the level of fluency of doctoral students in foreign languages organization of electronic archives of translations of foreign scholarly publications (made by the students) and compulsory publication of the scientific results obtained by the students in foreign journals. Keywords: teaching foreign languages, publication in foreign scholarly journals, electronic archive | 955 | |||||
4262 | The possibility of forecasting the need is considered in the article for specialist with higher professional education depending on the level of the economic development of the area. Determination demand for specialists was conducted on basis of economic and mathematical modeling with the use of multifactor regression models. Keywords: higher professional education, forecasting need for specialist, preparation specialist, regional market of the labor, perspective need, economic modeling, correlation analysis, regression equation | 955 | |||||
4263 | The article contains a description of motivational stage as a pedagogically motivated process in development of students’ abilities to generate own texts on associative basis. Keywords: text generating activity, motivation, text generating abilities of language person, method of pedagogical diagnostics, verbal associations | 955 | |||||
4264 | This article is devoted to research of historical and biographical play “Lyceum’s student” by A. Platonov. In this play, the author showed conditions of great poet’s “birth” in Russia, gathered personages with apparent violation of chronology of events, organized actions with the help of definite motives. Keywords: historical-biographical play, drama action, motive, association, intertextuality, receptive base | 955 | |||||
4265 | The article is devoted to the problem of searching of effective ways in training students for foreign-language intercourse activity. In the article it has been proved that usage of active methods considerably increases level of foreignlanguage business intercourse; the specifi c institute’s process features which realize an imitation-playing approach to study of foreign language have been disclosed, the infl uence of training game upon the motivation of study of foreign language, the situation of success in study have been shown. Keywords: active methods of training, meaningful-procedural teaching, imitation simulation, problematic teaching | 955 | |||||
4266 | The work deals with pedagogical system development of cognitive activity of students and the arrangements for its implementation. It discusses the methodological position of scientists on the theory of teaching, training and learning activities of students. It defines types of learning activities of students. It also expands the structure of the self-government process of teaching students. Keywords: cognitive, cognitive activity of students, teaching, learning activities, pedagogical system | 955 | |||||
4267 | The article deals with issues of moral and environmental values of the educator. An effective condition for the development of these values is a technology developed and implemented by the author studies in educational practice. Keywords: educational technology, moral and ecological values, condition for development | 955 | |||||
4268 | The article presents theoretical-methodological and methodical bases of the author’s elective course “Ecological responsibility of the citizen of Russia” which is an important condition of realization of methodical system on students’ formation of ecological responsibility in geography education. Keywords: geography, ecological responsibility, elective course, approaches, individuality focused problems, responsible affairs. | 955 | |||||
4269 | This article has sumed up study of books in German from Zhukovsky’s private library with his marginalia. It’s the first research work to cover the question how Zhukovsky as a reader perceived the volumes of the Prussian general I. M. von Radovitz, who was not only his friend but also the romanticist’s last years’ prose hero. Keywords: Russian classic writers’ private libraries, V. A. Zhukovsky, J. M. von Radowitz, Christian emblems | 955 | |||||
4270 | The article deals with the procedure of complex comparative analysis of Russian and English term system “Tailing dams” with cognitive positions; this procedure allows to compare fragments of linguistic processing of scientific knowledge and trace the patterns of mental processes of different cultures’ representatives. Keywords: term system, the complex procedure, the comparison of term system, comparative science of terminology | 955 | |||||
4271 | The article analyzes the problem of formation of the conceptual foundations of modern teacher certification; the regional models of the teachers’ certification in the transition to general education are described. Keywords: certification, Federal State Educational Standard, historical and pedagogical analysis of the problems of the teachers’ certification in Russia | 955 | |||||
4272 | The article deals with the features of experience in familiarization with cultural traditions in the system of secular education in Russia. It is analyzed various ways to overcoming the spiritual crisis through the integration of spiritual and moral culture and secular knowledge, which focused on the formation foundations of the spiritual world outlook. Keywords: spiritual and moral education, values, world outlook, traditions, culture | 955 | |||||
4273 | The article is devoted to the detecting of the influence of family life and political image of the Russian ruling dinasty in the XVI–XVII centuries on maintaining of autocracy and weakening of kinship ties within Russian family. Keywords: Russian state, ruling dinasty, patriarchal type of family, evolution of marriage and family relations | 955 | |||||
4274 | At Tomsk State Pedagogical University the third year operates the center for physics, mathematics and science Education. The main activities of the centre are connected with the complementary education of students and teachers. The article considers the forms of participation of students in the activities of the centre and the importance of this interaction for the formation of competence of future teachers. Keywords: training of students of pedagogical university, building professional experience, students’ work with schoolchildren, formation of pedagogical skills | 955 | |||||
4275 | With reference to the comparative cage study of the short story by Th. Storm and the story by I. S. Turgenev conclusions about similarities and differences of the writers’ manner were drawn. It was also said about the formation of the critical realism in Russian and German literature and the influence of Turgenev’s creative work on German literature of the second half of the XIX century. Keywords: Th. Storm, I. S. Turgenev, the short story “From Over the Sea”, the story “Asya”, Russian literature of 1860s, German literature of 1860s, realism, Russian-German literary relations, comparative cage study, typology of writers’ method | 955 | |||||
4276 | This article is devoted to the problem of the language and culture connections. In the given article they describe the peculiarities of the interrelation of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan (in particular, the Kazakh and Russian languages) which leads to forming a special language picture of the bilingual writer’s world (in our article he is Kazakh by nationality). In the work this type of the language picture of the world is called a contaminated language picture of the world, the specifics of which is naturally reflected in the fiction discourse of the writer. For illustration there are presented examples from fiction works of Kazakhstani modern writers. Keywords: language, culture, the language picture of the world, the Russian language, the Kazakh language, the second native language, a bilingual writer, the lexical level, a contaminated language picture of the world | 955 | |||||
4277 | In this article we are talking about linguodidactic and methodical potential of specialized lexicographical sources – dictionaries of slang units. It emphasizes the importance of data dictionaries for a foreign media – secondary language personality, mastering the Russian language as a foreign language. It is emphasized that the introduction of foreigners with dictionaries of jargon and their active use in educational activities, and everyday social and interpersonal communication contribute to effective adaptation of the alien within the Russian linguistic culture, effective development of lexical resources of the modern Russian language. These lexicographical publications are the basis of learning of the Russian youth slang by the foreigners who are actively using them as sources of material collection as the reference books contain extremely valuable information regarding the interpretation of the meaning of words and connotative components of these values. Fixing the unit in slang dictionary suggests mandatory setting of the correct accent, specification of the value, using the contextual features and connotative shades of meaning, which is also largely helps an alien as a secondary language person in his language practice to study Russian as a foreign language. In the course of questionning the informants in the audience of foreign undergraduates from China the author highlighted and justified a number of parameters which determine linguodidactic, didactic and methodological value of this type of dictionaries. Keywords: secondary language personality, Russian as a foreign language, language competence, linguocultural competence, jargon, youth jargon, slang expression, dictionary | 955 | |||||
4278 | Loyko O. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 59-63 . | 954 | |||||
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4280 | Vorobyev N. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 58-60 . | 954 | |||||
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4284 | 962 male and female students of Tomsk State University, aged between 17 and 21, of various physical aptitude and health levels, were interviewed and underwent a psychological survey. The conducted research revealed the role of the conditions of gender socialization in forming professional expectations of the interviewees. St was proved that physical aptitude and health for forming a lifestyle and professional self-determination were more important for male students than for female ones. The conditions of socialization provided by the parents' family and the process of physical education, in which the role of the father is indispensable, play the principal role in forming the physical culture of a personality. | 954 | |||||
4285 | The article discusses the causes and regularities of the personality spiritual crisis development. The problem is extremely important for modern psychology. The paper analyses the structure of a personality in which, from the point of view of the author, it is possible to single out three levels: the material «Ego», the social «Ego», and the spiritual «Ego». The author considers the spiritual «Ego» to be the most integrated part of a personality, which at the age of maturity regulates the entire activity of a personality on a global scale. The formation of this personal structure occurs in the process of overcoming spiritual crises that force the personality to rethink the contents of the meaning of life constantly and reconsider the answer to question «Why do I live?». The author examines the main trends in the spiritual «Ego» - the effusive, transformational and conservative ones, which in most cases define the direction of the development of a spiritual crisis. However, it is the level of vitality that is considered as the base of a personality's spiritual growth. It depends little on a personality and is more likely of a biological origin. In the second part of the article different factors, which can promote or prevent personal spiritual crises, are considered. The classification of these factors is linked by the author with the three main trends presented in the spiritual «Ego» of a personality and with the level of vitality. | 954 | |||||
4286 | The necessity of studying of the personality theo¬ries for shaping effective systems of motivation and inducing at the plant is exhibited. The analysis of the different theories of the personality, of Russian and of foreign experience, and also registration of specificity of a modern stage allows to eliminate the one-sided approach to construction of motivation model. | 954 | |||||
4287 | The purpose of the article is to estimate advantages end disadvantages of selected ways of influence on economic development in Russia. The choice of well-balanced budget as the purposive orienting point demands a very accurate estimation, in spite of the evidence of the question. It is demented to reason how this policy of centralization of sources in the budget and providing its inefficiency is acceptable for deciding the problems of doubly the gross product and reducing the pace of inflation. | 954 | |||||
4288 | Using the method of auxiliary sources, we give the numerical algorithm for solving of electromagnetic scattering problems by structures comprising several uncrossing thin wires. The capabilities of the developed software package is briefly described. We present some results of numerical calculations aimed of analyzing the influence of neighbouring wires on the current distribution along wires and bistatic cross-section | 954 | |||||
4289 | The paper outlines the main patterns of negation in the endangered Eastern Khanty dialects of Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty negation is coded primarily by the negator of two types, indicative/declarative YntY and imperative дl. In terms of the position of negative marker, Eastern Khanty shows consistent preference of preposing. Concerning the morphosyntacic symmetry of negatives, Eastern Khanty appears predominantly symmetrical, showing no morphosyntactic variation between affi rmative constructions on one hand, and negative constructions on the other, while main variations in the marking negation concern imperatives and existentials. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, areal typology, language documentation | 954 | |||||
4290 | The eld of a rotating inclined magnetic dipole is studied. One rst integral of motion and some particular solutions of equations of motion for a charged particle in this eld are found. The effective potential energy of a charge is studied. It is shown that the effective potential energy in the corotating reference system has six stationary points, which correspond to circular motion of a charge. Keywords: magnetic dipole, electromagnetic eld, inclined rotator, charge, equations of motion | 954 | |||||
4291 | The article is devoted to consideration of speech means expressions style association in epistolary texts by Аlexis ™. A starting point in the research is the thesis about that it is a lot of discourse of essence assembly of the letters, determining ability epistolary of the text to stylistic transformation acts. The author shows that the letters of the Russian patriarch unite in the stylistic characteristic colloquial, officially-business and church-religious components. Keywords: sphere of the communications, functional style, epistolary the text, epistolary discourse, style association, stylistic means | 954 | |||||
4292 | The article considers the language categorization of the sun in Old English and Old Icelandic poetic texts. Figurative (metaphoric) components which show the relation of the analyzed denotatum to the category of the animateness/inanimateness are revealed. Keywords: Old English, Old Icelandic, category, categorization, cognitive metaphor, category of the animateness/inanimateness, sun | 954 | |||||
4293 | The genesis of person and the profession interaction is considered, where there are three systems: professional selection, professional self-determination and professional orientation. The article suggests he understanding of professional orientology as the discipline that integrates the given systems and provides scientific understanding of person and profession interaction. Keywords: the person and profession, the systems of interaction, scientific understanding of interaction in the frames of professional orientology | 954 | |||||
4294 | The goal of this article is to reveal language formulas in the Khanty folklore on the basis of text analysis, to investigate the theory of formulas’ classification and to apply it to the described Khanty language formulas. The formulas may be considered a speech unit which is repeated in the same text or several different texts. In comparison with the fabulous formulas, the language formulas don’t depend on the folklore genre and can be found in different folklore texts. The investigation of these formulas allows obtaining the view of the language picture of the world and the archaic features of the Khanty mythology and religion preserved to the present. Keywords: Khanty, folklore, fairytale, language formulas | 954 | |||||
4295 | The article substantiates the need for a project competence in teacher’s personal resource. It is noted that fixed in the federal state educational standard of higher education requirements for students’ project competencies involve the selection of adequate to the content of these requirements methods of pedagogical work on their formation. The paper reconstructs the experience of developing the project competence of philology students in the process of organizing educational events in the practice of collaboration between tertiary and secondary educational institutions. An empirical model of such interaction, the joint production of innovative developments, has been revealed using humanitarian research methods. Educational precedent gives grounds to say that the position exhibiting the project competence of students, can be formed in the active development of their content through educational events; means of formation of competence – participation in the trial-search activities of different content: educational-project in the framework of the lesson laboratory; design and research within the presentation at the conference. Keywords: project competence, interaction, educational event, joint production | 954 | |||||
4296 | The article is devoted to the research of the problem of studying of spiritual imperatives of art and publicistic works of F. M. Dostoyevsky at the lessons of literature considering priority tasks of national educational policy in the field of spiritual and moral education and education, setting for creation of students’ motivation for conscious moral behavior through acquaintance with classical works of the Russian literature of the 19th century. The study of the spiritual imperatives of creative work of Dostoyevsky can become the base of spiritual and moral education, forming of valuable structure of the personality in the situation of the accrescent challenges, loss of capability of cultural and world outlook self-identification. Acquaintance of students with the work of the writer shall begin in the advanced teenage age when the request for a conversation on values and meanings is personally staticized. The optimum form of the organization of the effective work on studying of spiritual imperatives of the art and publicistic works of Dostoyevsky is a dialogue, a discussion, the search by the teacher and the student of joint decisions, the aspiration for self-determination and self-analysis. In the work with personal value orientation of the teacher on creation of the serious substantial base of studying of the writer’s works the following aspects are important: knowledge of biographical context of Dostoyevsky’s life, idea of formation stages of valuable and world outlook features of the person, studying of conceptual contents of the writer’s works, knowledge of specifics of the Russian literature formation. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, spiritual imperatives, spiritual and moral education, author, reader, Russian culture, Orthodoxy, work of art, axiology, morality, novels of the Pentateuch, “A Writer`s Dairy”, value-oriented training, motivation, dialogue | 954 | |||||
4297 | The article reveals the picture of the word as a musical image, that contains imaginative and aesthetic categories of musical perception of the audience, as well as the complicated training of the musician. Such components deal with understanding, perception and reproduction of artistic intention in vocal. Performing art of a singer is one of the most exciting directions in music, since it allows to unite instrumental and vocal sounding simultaneously, creating an original artistic vision of a piece. Therefore, there is a number of factors considerably affecting the perception of a vocal-instrumental piece by a listener including the level of one’s singing and the harmony of a piece which are most tightly connected with psychological approaches to creation of an artistic image of a performer who is acting as mediator between listeners and a musical work. At the same time, during the primary stages of training at children’s art schools, the formal approaches to creation of an artistic image are prevailing, thus creating a stereotypical manner not contributing to unique features of an artist, making creation of high quality artistic image an impossible task. Hence, based on focused research, a new set of methods for creation of an artist image in vocal-instrumental piece for students of children’s art schools was suggested. The efficiency of approved pedagogical methods is proved and is related to understanding of the word picture core by young generation musicians and the ability to reproduce this. Keywords: artistic image, vocal piece, variety performance, children’s art school | 954 | |||||
4298 | Zagrevskaya A. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 47-48 . | 953 | |||||
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4300 | Semenova T. Yu. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 11-14 . | 953 |