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4101 | The article reveals the peculiarities of perception and interpretation of specialized texts by different recipients, engineering instruction taken as an example. The author represents the results of engineering instructions analysis on the basis of the psycholinguistic approach. Keywords: text perception, adequate interpretation, recipient, text composition, notional marks, visual support | 1096 | |||||
4102 | The article reviews the experience of situational learning at Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Academic College in education of students of hotel service specialty. Its kinds, such as situational challenges, exercises, cases are described. The peculiarities of its realization in education and its role in professional and overall competence are mentioned. Keywords: situational learning, situational challenges, cases; competence approach in education, hotel service | 1096 | |||||
4103 | The main kind of activity deals with the prevention of professional burning out of the teachers who work in orphanage are presented in the article. They are the ability to project own further pedagogical development; using of ways of personal self-expression and self-development and means of opposition of professional deformation of the personality; the increase of professional competence. Keywords: professional competence, personal self-development, professional burning out, prevention | 1096 | |||||
4104 | The abstract discusses the specifics of the design and assessed effectiveness of the competence-based educational program under andragogical practices. The differences between the appliance of competence-based approach in educational practices and human resource management are marked. Possibilities of application of models of competences for the assessment of productivity of the competence-based focused educational program are experimentally shown. Keywords: competence-based approach, competence, the competence-based educational program, andragogical practices, model of competencies | 1096 | |||||
4105 | There is no interpretation of rationality shared by everyone in economics. This article analyzes the ideas of rationality in Western and Russian economy. The article deals with the problems of rationality. Particular attention is paid to changes in the way of rationality in the context of contemporary realities. Тhe authors have developed a method for construction of a spatial Model of the rational coordination of interests. This allows to determine the criteria of rationality. Keywords: model of human, rationality, organic rationality, organic rationality, limit rationality, types of rationality, irrationality | 1096 | |||||
4106 | This article describes the background of spiritual and moral personal enhancement, the basic spiritual and moral preservation conditions are raised. Keywords: education, spirituality, the spiritual and moral health, moral consciousness | 1096 | |||||
4107 | The article is devoted to the research of perception of existential potential of the personality and Dostoyevsky's creativity by the Russian religious philosophers of the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. Religious philosophers revealed the mechanism of realization of philosophical potential of existential anthropology of Dostoyevsky in his works of art and an ego-documents. Religious philosophers are concentrated not on detection of compliance of views of Dostoyevsky to a moral and philosophical paradigm of existentialism, and on the search of existential meanings of creativity of the writer and corresponding to them existential in the fundamental principle of ways of a text creation. Representatives of the Russian kosmizm for the first time approached to existential interpretation of the worldview of the writer, both artistic and personal, created under the influence of empirical impressions and esthetic experiences. Ideological fullness of works was understood by them in indissoluble unity with Dostoyevsky's life experience. Keywords: F.M. Dostoyevsky, author, existential consciousness, personality, existential anthropology, ideal, dialogue, religious experience, religious philosophy, N. A. Berdyaev, Vl. Solovyov, G. V. Florovsky, S. L. Frank, N. O. Lossky, K. Leontyev, L. Shestov | 1096 | |||||
4108 | The article is focused on the methods of compounds’ distinguishing in the English language. The notions of grammatical continuity and semantic integrity of a lexical combination are analysed. Various criteria of differentiating compounds from phrases are observed: phonetic, orthographic, morphologic, syntactic and semantic. Special emphasis in laid on the practical application of each criterion. It is shown that none of them can be used alone for making precise differentiation between compounds and phrases. Each of them should be supported by approximately two other criteria. Therefore, the author gives examples of the most effective ways of using the methods described in the article. Keywords: compound, phrase, grammatical continuity, semantic integrity, lexical unit, word-building | 1096 | |||||
4109 | This article is devoted to the methodological and practical approaches to developing and implementing the electronic portfolios for learners as part of the electronic educational environment for managing the learning process. Based on the modern model of education in the pedagogical university, as well as on the federal state standard, the main sections of the system of the students’ electronic portfolio have been formulated, which describe the main educational, scientific and other achievements of the students. In addition, the functional capabilities of the software implementation of an example of the electronic portfolio, software architecture and the methodological approaches to working with the system have been substantiated. The application of the students’ electronic portfolios allows us to quickly obtain the information about the status of the main parameters of student activities and to stimulate them in different areas of the activities. The electronic portfolio contains the following main categories of users: students, dean’s staff and system administrators. Students contribute the main data array (achievements of different types), and employees of the dean’s office can view a list of students’ portfolios. The created e-portfolio system allowed teachers, TSPU staff and the departments of the university to form a picture of students’ achievements in the different fields of the activities, which is enough completed for analysis and decision making, and on the basis of information stored in the system, to assign scholarships of different levels as well as to calculate rating indicators, and, thus, to indirectly monitor the learning process. Keywords: electronic portfolio, educational achievements, educational process | 1096 | |||||
4110 | The article deals with the method of moral dilemmas used for development of communicative competence in foreign language teaching at higher school. The author pays special attention to the need of stimulation of any speech activity of students with the aim of clarifying of the unexpectedly appeared misunderstanding. The author underlines that showing oneself in the discussion, regardless of the language knowledge and skills and having no fear of making a mistake, is an invaluable experience for speaking. The author presents the examples of moral dilemmas used in teaching English at higher school and the stages of the work with them and gives specific recommendation on it. While describing the work with dilemmas, the author points out the importance of correct determination of size and gender composition of the groups and the possibility of discussing moral dilemmas by the students having different level of the language. The author comes to the conclusion that the discussion of moral dilemmas in the classroom while teaching foreign languages at higher education institution not only contributes to the understanding of moral values and qualities, but also develops language skills, fluency of speech, speech accuracy; it improves pronunciation and interaction with a partner. Keywords: communicative competence, morals, moral dilemmas, discussion of moral dilemmas, foreign language learning | 1096 | |||||
4111 | . | 1095 | |||||
4112 | Sysoyeva L. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 3-5 . | 1095 | |||||
4113 | . | 1095 | |||||
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4115 | One of the most significant factors of conservation and quality improvement in Banking System of the Russian Federation is an existence of statistics of financial and credit relationships, which corresponds to present economic terms and requirements in international practice. Current reporting needs to be totally changed due to the redundancy on the one hand and lack of several important evaluative indexes on the other hand. It must be organized with consideration of growth of supervision efficiency of Bank of Russia and efficiency of other commercial banks in general. It is recommended to build the new system of statistical indexes of credit institutions on the base of methods of International Standards Principles of Financial Reporting, which will lead to reduction of amount of statistical supervision forms, improvement of information types, their composition and period of their presentation. | 1095 | |||||
4116 | Red-Ox Fe2+, Fe3+condition soil degradation was investi¬gated off cutting (in a forest) of power transmission line. | 1095 | |||||
4117 | The article is devoted to the analysis of views of D. Hume, W. Robertson, E. Gibbon on the problems of war and peace. The author pays primary attention to the fundamental works of «historical triumvirate of Britain». The beginning and futher development of Peace Studies can not be understood adequately without considering the historiographical tradition. | 1095 | |||||
4118 | In article given the problem of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of mathematical abilities of pupils in a context of its formation in conditions of in qualification improvement system of professional skills is considered, the tasks of course preparation within the limits of which the teacher creatively realizes the potential and solves problems of professional development are defined. The basic directions and the factors influencing on the condition of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of pupils abilities are analyzed and the structurization of system of readiness elements is offered | 1095 | |||||
4119 | The article covers the history of foundation and development of Russian vocal school in the sphere of cultural life of Tomsk from last quarter of 19th century till our days. It shows a valuable contribution to the formation of Russian national vocal school by some talented specialists and considers perspectives of its evolution in the city of Tomsk. The article touches the problems of artistic and pedagogical activity of some remarkable singers. The consideration are based upon archive documents, researches and materials of interviews with witnesses of that events. Keywords: Russian vocal school, cultural life, art, pedagogical activity, talented specialists | 1095 | |||||
4120 | The structure of human activity in the logics of subject-object relations makes the unity of materially converting, spiritually cognitive, spiritually valuating, and communicative activities. The content and form of pedagogical process of art activity change owing to specific qualities: emotionality, figurativeness, subjectivity, infectiousness and dialogic character. The subject of pedagogical activity should possess a complex of art-pedagogical qualities inclusive of ability to organize and manage pedagogical process, expressed in making a creative plan of the lesson and in its artistic realization; in ability to improvise; in comprehending his or her own individuality, the subjective nature of creative activity; in dialogic forms of communication; in mastering the reflective mechanism. Keywords: human activity, individual’s socialization, universally creative process, interpenetration of art creativity into pedagogical activity. | 1095 | |||||
4121 | The article contains a semantic description of the mental activity predicates group and analyses of their meaning in the aspect of the norm. Semantics of the norm in this group of words is studied in connection with prefixes недо- and пере-, expressing the meaning of un-achievement or exceeding the norm in verbs semantic. Keywords: norm, estimation, mental activity predicates | 1095 | |||||
4122 | The article is aimed at studying the essence of Brecht’s conception about the comic and the tragic categories. Being included into the system of artistic and aesthetic values of Brecht’s epic drama theory, the aforementioned categories gave a stimulus to develop a new one – the tragic and comic, as the one that is viewed by us as having another content, different from a traditional the tragic-comic one. Keywords: tragico-comic, epic drama, estrangement effect, tragic-comic. | 1095 | |||||
4123 | The article is devoted to methodological problems of studying the religious consciousness in relation to the study of sacred text. It shows possibilities of application to the analysis of sacred text methods of structuralism and hermeneutics. Keywords: sacred text, religious consciousness, structuralism, hermeneutics | 1095 | |||||
4124 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of developing of social and cultural competence in the process of foreign language teaching. The main goal of the research is to state the structure and the essence of social and cultural competence as the component of communicative competence. Keywords: social and cultural competence, communicative competence, intercultural communication, subcompetence, linguistic culture, interteaching of language and culture | 1095 | |||||
4125 | The article deals with typology of the English social-criminal novel, the reasons of its appearance in England and the interest shown in the given genre in Russia of the 19th century. The reconstruction picture of Newgate novel reception in the Russian literature will help to specify features of the given genre modification in the process of its functioning in English literature and its connection with other novel genres both in English and in Russian literature. Keywords: English social-criminal novel, typology, reception, subgenre, genre modification | 1095 | |||||
4126 | The article describes the methodological approaches used in the theoretical justifi cation for networking of educational institutions. Keywords: methodology, systems, dialectical, historical, comprehensive, competency approaches | 1095 | |||||
4127 | We review the method which allows to construct Lagrangians for different type of elds: massive and massless, bosonic and fermionic with different index symmetry. Keywords: higher spin elds, gauge theory | 1095 | |||||
4128 | In this article, the author analyses the book by S. Sedov “Tales about Mothers”. The tales by S. Sedov are addressed to the both adult readers and children at the same time. Thus the interpenetration of two kinds of literature – for adults and children – continues. The story is set against the backdrop of modern reality. The principal image is the archetype of the mother. This image refutes the rational way of existence. Keywords: literature for children, literature of “dual addressee”, Russian fairy tales, archetype of the mother, features heroes, V. Propp | 1095 | |||||
4129 | . | 1095 | |||||
4130 | The article is devoted to the personality concept, which was developed in the personalistic discourse Christian culture, as a basis for the analysis of the moral aspect of modern bioethics. The initial background and categorical foundation of the personality concept is considered in the article. The ontological difference between the concepts “personality” and “person” in their anthropological representation is analysed. There were presented preconditions for the holistic person model formation, which defines the moral status of the person when doing ethical analysis of biotechnologies. Keywords: bioethics, person, individuality, essence, personalism, anthropology, christian culture, the existence of man | 1095 | |||||
4131 | The article considers the principle of reverse perspective and its impact on the features of visual presentation of Orthodoxy. It concludes that the main way to transmit religious values in Orthodoxy is the creation of sacred spaces. It shows the role of reverse perspective in the transmission of religious values in the history of Orthodoxy in modern conditions. Keywords: Orthodoxy, visual presentation of religious confession, intercultural communication, reverse perspective, performativity, religious values | 1095 | |||||
4132 | Fitopopulacja optimum Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Wiild. is in motley-grass meadow steppes. The maximum abundance was recorded in the communities with the projective covering of grass 40–59 %, while increasing and decreasing of this factor is the weight of the collected raw materials decreases (r = 0,39, Rxy = 0,20). The highest yield was recorded in the interval of hydrothermic coefficient for steppe areas of 1,5–1,6, forest-steppe – 2,2–2,3, forest – 2,5–2,6, where the ratio of heat and precipitation was close to a multiyear average. The absolute value of the maximum productivity changes by years slightly. Possible annual for the Eastern Transbaikal region harvesting volume is estimsated in 781,2 tons. Keywords: Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Wiild., environmental factors, cenopopulation, crop production, resources | 1095 | |||||
4133 | The analysis of the problems concerning the scientific approaches to the typology of educational systems is presented in the article. In accordance with the obtained results the most important approaches are singled out. Special attention is paid to the approaches related to the typology of educational systems. The differences and similarities in the definitions and application of these approaches in pedagogy, economics, management, general systems theory, and in other fields of science are determined. Keywords: educational systems, typology of educational systems, scientific approaches to the typology | 1095 | |||||
4134 | The article first describes the precedents of intermediate representation of the foreign-language author reception of translation on the example of the analysis of two German audio editions of S. Yesenin’s poetry of 2002 and 2003, in which selected poems are presented in the author’s reading, while their German equivalents are performed by translators and poets such as P. Celan (1920–1970) and A. Nitzberg (born in 1969). The first collection acquaints the listener with the image of S. Yesenin in direct adjunction to the individual style of P. Celan. In the second edition Yesenin acts as one of the representatives of Russian poetry, expressing the general literary tradition of the XX century. The authentic sound reproduction and the perception of originals and translations in audio collections allow us to speak about their high importance in a universal context of the reception of Yesenin’s heritage. Keywords: Intermediality, translation, reception, S. A. Yesenin, P. Celan, A. Nitzberg, audio collection | 1095 | |||||
4135 | The use of the case-technologies in the study of discipline “Methods of teaching chemistry” has been studied in a competence-based approach in higher school. Definition of case-situations on methods of teaching chemistry, distinctive features of training and control cases have been proposed. Differences between these cases to the destination and purpose of use in the learning process, the nature of the questions and answers to them, the estimation, the use of additional information about your answers have been identified. Educational cases are designed to develop skills of students to solve the problems unconventionally, the answers to them require a search for additional information, these cases do not have a rigid system of evaluation. The control case studies provide unequivocal answers, different approaches to evaluation. When answering the questions to cases, the student uses only existing knowledge. The examples of case-situations on how to conduct laboratory work at school and the answers to them were given. Keywords: competence, case-technologies, case-situations on methods of teaching chemistry, the teaching case, the controlling case | 1095 | |||||
4136 | The availability of historical sources is the basis that significantly increases the objectivity of the study. Such historical documents are significant when studying political parties within the framework of modern Russian history, in order to avoid excessive politicization of judgments. Studying of history of creation and functioning of «parties in power» is directly connected with involvement in scientific turnover of regulations, data of archival funds, periodicals, propaganda materials and others. It allows to expand the range of information on this problem, creates conditions for carrying out the system analysis of activities of data of the organizations in the specific region. Analyzing conditions of the source base of work, it is necessary to state that insufficient representation in archival funds of the documents which are handed over by political parties and the politized movements became the main problem of the use of sources. Nevertheless, it would be desirable to note that this lack was met by the complex use of other groups of sources, at the same time the basis of source base owing to specifics of an object and an object of research was constituted by periodicals materials. In general the provided source base is sufficient for the solution of effective objectives and tasks both in quantitative sense, and in high-quality representativeness of the provided materials. Keywords: party in power, historical sources, documents of political parties, periodicals, memoirs literature, reference media | 1095 | |||||
4137 | The article reveals the picture of the word as a musical image, that contains imaginative and aesthetic categories of musical perception of the audience, as well as the complicated training of the musician. Such components deal with understanding, perception and reproduction of artistic intention in vocal. Performing art of a singer is one of the most exciting directions in music, since it allows to unite instrumental and vocal sounding simultaneously, creating an original artistic vision of a piece. Therefore, there is a number of factors considerably affecting the perception of a vocal-instrumental piece by a listener including the level of one’s singing and the harmony of a piece which are most tightly connected with psychological approaches to creation of an artistic image of a performer who is acting as mediator between listeners and a musical work. At the same time, during the primary stages of training at children’s art schools, the formal approaches to creation of an artistic image are prevailing, thus creating a stereotypical manner not contributing to unique features of an artist, making creation of high quality artistic image an impossible task. Hence, based on focused research, a new set of methods for creation of an artist image in vocal-instrumental piece for students of children’s art schools was suggested. The efficiency of approved pedagogical methods is proved and is related to understanding of the word picture core by young generation musicians and the ability to reproduce this. Keywords: artistic image, vocal piece, variety performance, children’s art school | 1095 | |||||
4138 | The article represents the insufficiently studied up-to-date issue of Diversity Pedagogics, expanding its theoretical essence and its historical–cultural Russian origin. It deals with two main approaches to conception of Diversity Pedagogics in contemporary science. The first approach is considered in a context of a certain assignment for school, composed by society to solve up-to-date related problems. The second one represents a broader view on inclusive education that is beyond of creating essential conditions for teaching children with special needs. In terms of analysis of Diversity Pedagogics genesis in Russian history the two main directions of its evolutional development are emphasized: cultural diversity (differences according cultural, national, religious characteristics) and individual diversity (children in a difficult life situation and children with special needs). The cultural origin of diversity is properly researched, and it leads to conclusion that cultural diversity phenomenon contains its own Russian roots and distinctive characteristics that are traced back in Russian Pedagogics, in its applied and theoretical aspects, arrhythmic circulated in different types of world outlook, reflecting the culture-specific elements, cultural-historical processes and folk orthodox religious traditions in teaching. Keywords: Diversity Pedagogics, inclusive education, tolerance, cultural diversity, Russian education history | 1095 | |||||
4139 | Introduction. The issues of communication between the author, the character and the reader in the artistic world of this or that writer remain relevant. The scientific tradition of the study of narratives and the modern literary concepts that complement it (for example, the poetics of personalism) have established that the author is present in his work both narratively and structurally; The author is the creator of the artistic world and at the same time the narrator about it. The author’s subject is manifested through the subject organization of the work, as well as through a storytelling event. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to analyze the compositional speech structure of Svetlana Lavrova’s works addressed to a child reader, to consider the category of “author-hero-reader” categories, to establish the connection of the narrative structure with the author’s artistic world and axiology. Materials and research methods. It is revealed that in the artistic world of S. Lavrova various methods of narration and various forms of manifestation of the author’s subject are used: from a personality-neutral narrator to a personalized narrator. The complexity of the subject organization, the multiplicity of points of view in the artistic world of S. Lavrova are designed to create the most complete and accurate picture of reality. The saturation of the works of S. Lavrova with references, allusions, reminiscences to works included in the circle of children’s and youthful reading actualizes the mechanism of the language game and contributes to the formation of communication between the author and the reader. Results and discussion. As a result, it was found that the most important structural principle of the creation of the artistic world of S. Lavrova is the juxtaposition of outof-place things, the coexistence of the real and the fantastic, the rejection of credibility, but the desire for vitality. Emphasizing the conscious formation of the text by the author creates such a type of narration in which the boundaries between the world of the author and the world of characters, as well as between the world of characters and the world of the reader, are mobile and permeable. Metapathing creates the effect of complete creative freedom of the author, causes a feeling of inner unpredictability and contributes to the formation of game poetics. Conclusion. In the works of S. Lavrova, the world surrounding the child is depicted as internally coherent, harmonious, of absolute value, and the involvement of the child reader in it contributes to understanding oneself and one’s place in the world. Keywords: literature of the region, literature for children and adolescents, literary narratives, author, hero, reader, narrator, point of view, subject organization of a literary work | 1095 | |||||
4140 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 85-87 . | 1094 | |||||
4141 | Searching arrangement that afford to solve on the regional problems are doomed. Another approach is necessary - rising competitiveness every region as a single condition of the creation the high level of profit and quality of the life for its settlement. | 1094 | |||||
4142 | The article investigates small business development and perspectives in increasing consumer goods market capacity in Tomsk region. The author proposes the mechanism of financially credit and fiscal support of small business in the region. | 1094 | |||||
4143 | This article contents the description of innovation aspect in Russian high education, the goals and ways of its realization. | 1094 | |||||
4144 | The paper covers various aspects of onomapoefics of the writers name, including first of all the motive generating function of the poetic autoetymology. The poetic etymology of the patri¬monial name of the poet Nikolay Gumilyov is analyzed in terms of aemeism, occultism, motive and axiologlcal systems of his poetic world. | 1094 | |||||
4145 | In Skripko Z.A., Filatovoj N.O.'s article value of structurization of the educational information is considered during training to physics in conditions of profile training. It is shown, that the information of a natural-science material should be structured in view of the purposes and tasks of a subject, and also psychological features of pupils. Examples of the various approach to led structurization of the same teaching material in classes humanitarian and natural-science structures | 1094 | |||||
4146 | The psychological problems of training of future pedagogical specialists are regarded in the article. The correlation of such notions as «creative thinking», «creative abilities» and «creative activity» is analyzed. The creative work of future pedagogical specialists is considered on the base of empiric material. The notion «professional competence» is also regarded. The role of creative work is analyzed while the formation and development of professional competence of future pedagogical specialists at the theoretical and empiric levels. Keywords: creative abilities, creative thinking, creative activity, creative work, professional competence | 1094 | |||||
4147 | The expedience of use of linear algebra and analytical geometry sections integration on the example of linear inequalities systems with two and three unknowns for increasing students’ mathematical education quality is shown in the article. Keywords: fusion, system of linear inequalities, planes, half-planes, prominent figures. | 1094 | |||||
4148 | The article presents the main components of professional competence of teachers working with children with disabilities. There are examples of diagnostic tasks for students to test the level of professional development of teachers’ competence. Keywords: competence approach, professional competence, cognitive, practical and personality components of professional competence, reproductive, adaptive, creative levels of development of competence | 1094 | |||||
4149 | In the article the experience of the learning process organization in the International Higher Business school (IHBS) at SibSAU is presented. For the training of competitive specialists for the global labor market the IHBS aims, keeping traditions of the Russian education, to adapt and introduce modern elements of the foreign practice of management of the learning process. Keywords: innovative business, quality control, rating system, command-and-project training | 1094 | |||||
4150 | We show that superconformal N = 2 transformation could be applied to the construction of the supersymmetric analogon of the reciprocal transformation. Due to it we present the connections between three different N = 2 supersymmetric extensions of the Korteweg de Vries equations with the three different N = 2 supersymmetric extension of the Harry Dym equation. Keywords: суперконформные преобразования, представление Лакса, суперсимметричные уравнения Кортевега-де Фриза и Гарри - Дыма | 1094 |