# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3951 | Creative Work: to the Problem of Genesis and Typology The so-called «tale of chivalry* of the Russian symbolism is fully embodied in the works by A. Blok. Its roots lie in V. Soloviev's poetry. And its completion is in D. Andreev's books. | 1102 | |||||
3952 | The questions of optimization of study process of different physics problems' decision, the questions of connecting traditional methods with using PC are investigated. The description of algorithm of the automatized decision of physics problems using the model language is given. | 1102 | |||||
3953 | The problems of the humanistic component's in¬tensification at the general and professional levels are investigated in the article. The author shows belonging of the deep roots and the problems of the modern so¬ciety to the humanistic sphere. | 1102 | |||||
3954 | In article it is described the question of increasing quality engineering education is Considered (Examinned) (item; clause) by means discovered model of the educational process. In (To; At) this model is included(switched on; listed) in addition external(outward; front-end) objective information, algorithm of the transformation to external(outward; front-end) information in(to; at) opened problems(tasks) and technology инновационного designing, which(who) is based on (upon; in; to; for; at; per; for) "Function-стоимостном analysis(test)" and "Theories of the decision of the invention problems(tasks)". Keywords: formation, technology, development, model, invention activity, opened задачные of the system | 1102 | |||||
3955 | A dark Friedman-Robertson-Walker fluid governed by a non-linear ingomogeneous equation of state (EoS) is considered that it can be viewed as a conveniently simple paradigm for the whole class of models that exhibit phase transitions from a non-phantom towards a phantom era. On the other hand, such dark fluid models may also describe quintessence-like cosmic acceleration. Adding a cosmological constant-like term to the EoS led us to the conclusion that at some t = t1 a future singularity forms, in the sense that the energy density and the Hubble parameter simultaneously approach infinity at this value. Keywords: dark energy, cosmological singularity, cosmic acceleration | 1102 | |||||
3956 | The article represents the theoretical bases of the modular teaching, the structural elements of a module and the components of the modular teaching. The matter subject of the credit system is also introduced. Keywords: modular teaching, module, educational element, rating, credits, academic credits. | 1102 | |||||
3957 | The article substantiates the phenomenon of exoglossy in the aspects of social, contact linguistics as well as structure and function; the linguistic specialization of exoglossic theory is indicated regarding the enlargement of interpreting the nature of borrowings; levels and the apparatus of the presented theory are described. Keywords: borrowings, language development, exoglossy, endoglossy, metaglossic parametrology. | 1102 | |||||
3958 | In author’s opinion on the ancient history of the Northwestern and central Northern Caucasus was closely linked with Indo-European migrations from Central Europe in the second half of the 3rd – beginning of the 2nd centuries B.C. The first migrants to this region consisted of the mixed groups of Indo-Europeans and non-Indo-Europeans that can be corresponded to the Tocharians (Afanasievo culture) and formed pre-Maikop cultural horizon with the horse-head scepters. The second stream of the European population that reached the Caucasus included the “Ancient Europeans” (AE – ancestors of the Slavs, the Germans, the Balts, the Celts, the Italics), and the Anatolians as well. The dolmens under the barrows in the Northwestern Caucasus were left by them. The archaeological equivalents of AE groups settled in the central part of the Northern Caucasus are the kurgan burials of the Kuban-Terek culture that dated from 3rd -2nd centuries BC. Thus the history of the Ancient Caucasus in 3rd century B.C can be regarded as a part of the IndoEuropean history of Europe. Keywords: Northern Caucasus, Eneolithic, horse-head scepters, Bronze Age, Novosvobodnaya-Klady dolmens, kurgan burials, Kuban-Terek culture of 3-2nd centuries., Indo-European homelands and migrations | 1102 | |||||
3959 | A new method for constructing stochastic models of off-lattice physical and chemical processes occurring at the active metal supported nanoparticles deposited on an inert carrier. The proposed algorithm has linear time complexity. The created on this base program permits the use, in general, anisotropic interatomic interaction potential. For changes in the potentials of interatomic interaction program does not require recompilation. The equilibrium shape of the Lennard-Jones nanoparticles was obtained. It is shown that there is a dependency of the equilibrium shape of the nanoparticles on the interaction parameters of the substrate and metal atoms. Keywords: relaxation of the nanoparticle, off-lattice model, Monte Carlo, linear time complexity | 1102 | |||||
3960 | Hesychasm emerged in the East and later moved to Kievan and then to Moscow Russia and spread there on the basis of Russian Cosmism. Hesychasm influenced not only Russian Church but culture as well and found its expression in the topics of fairy-tales with their heroes. Keywords: hesychasm, catharsis, synergism, cosmism, monarchism, reclusion, feeble-mindedness | 1102 | |||||
3961 | The results of research of structural and substantial characteristics of the image of the professional future are presented in the article. There are defined specific features for each stage of higher school education (1 course, the 3rd course, the 6th course) dominating notion categories in the image of the professional future. It shows the transformation of the content of the image of the professional future of students in the higher school training. It disclosed the content of the activity and emotional components of the image of the professional future of students, taking into account the stages of professional development. It defines significant professional quality, resources and potentials in personal and professional development of students, specific to the respondents for each course. Keywords: image of the professional future, emotional and activity components of the image of the professional future, meaning forming motives, professional qualities, medicine students | 1102 | |||||
3962 | Energy metabolism was studied in poisoned rat liver tissue after application of sapropel lipid extracts and its fractions. Total extract and its polar fractions affected distinctly the energy metabolism and ultrastructure of hepatocytes. The restoring influence of sapropel lipids appears to occur due to hoth their chemical composition and adaptogenic effect on intracellular reparation. Keywords: liver, sapropel, lipids, ultrastructure of hepatocytes | 1102 | |||||
3963 | The article deals with the conjunctions as if/as though functioning as markers of intellectual being presence. The conjunctions in question can introduce utterances describing situations that are not true. Keywords: concept, game, counterfactual modality, assumption, the seeming | 1102 | |||||
3964 | We consider the methodology of designing competence-oriented training modules of the basic education programs in the context of competence-format training in higher school. The competence-oriented module is presented as a structural element of competency training model of the bachelor of professional training in design. The trajectory of professional development of the graduates is considered as a set of competence-oriented modules of basic educational programs, the hierarchical structure, which measures the level of development of specific competences. Keywords: competence-oriented module, private competence, professional task, learning task, the trajectory of the graduate professional development, design expertise | 1102 | |||||
3965 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of the stereotypes of perception of Bretons and Breton language by the French society. The special attention in the article is focused to the description of the comic effect created at the mention of one of the markers of Breton cultural identity. The author gives examples from the various works, confirming the existence of steady stereotypes of perception of Brittany. It also covers autostereotypes – a vision of the Breton identity and the Breton character by Bretons. Keywords: Brittany, the ethnic humour, the formation and evolution of stereotypes, the cultural identity | 1102 | |||||
3966 | The article examines processes of innovations implantation in economy as one of the most important source of economy growth. Wherein innovations implantation is accompanying appearing of such facts like technology gap and innovation diffusion. It shows sources and possible instruments of technology gap overcoming in the context of evolutionary economic theory. The author analyzed processes of economies structures convergence and divergence in the result of innovations implantation. Keywords: evolution of economy, innovations, institutes, economic growth, convergence and divergence | 1102 | |||||
3967 | The article describes the activity of the Tomsk pioneer headquarters. It was a children’s self-governed organization, which was founded in 1969 by a prominent young pioneer leader and teacher Oleg Pirozhkov. The headquarters lasted till 1989 and achieved considerable success in training of young pioneer activists, who were able to overcome excessive formalities of “official” children’s movement. The headquarters also produced a great number of educational structures, which left their mark in the history of Tomsk society. Activist’s headquarters, formed of self-organization that were innovative to the Soviet period, were not aimed at ideological education of young people, now there is the reason why their practices are of great interest to the students, postgraduates, professors, scholars, young pioneer leaders, specialists in youth policy, teachers and the reading public. Keywords: Tomsk pioneer headquarters, Oleg Pirozhkov, history of pedagogy, out-of-school pedagogy, extratraining education | 1102 | |||||
3968 | The article presents research of individual media discourse of the author and presenter of the information and analytical program “News of the Week” Dmitry Kiselev. The specificity of the format of information and analytical program in general and the author’s program the “News of the Week” in particular is characterized. The complex communicative and pragmatic analysis of “News of the Week” 04.14.2013 from the standpoint of both the individual characteristics of journalist and presenter and objective extra linguistic characteristics of information and analytical program format was presented. Genre, stylistic and compositional features of the “News of the Week” as the official state program are characterized. Verbal behavior of D. Kiselev from the point of view of communicative strategies and tactics, the use of tropes, rhetorical figures, as well as various methods of communication impact was analysed. Paralinguistic characteristics of individual media discourse of the author and presenter of the program “News of the Week” (phonational and kinetic) were described. Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a journalist, communicative and pragmatic analysis, information and analytical program | 1102 | |||||
3969 | The problem of speech influence of public language personality on media sphere is examined on the example of media discourse of M. A. Zakharov, who took part in the programme “Difiramb” and “Razbor polyotov” on radio “Echo of Moscow” in 2011–2015. The research is done on the material of media texts, which were put on the Internet. Speech behavior of language personality, comments and questions of Internet users and radio “Echo of Moscow” listeners are analyzed in the article. Dynamics in character of rating and comments in programmes of 2011–2015 with participation of M. A. Zakharov is revealed. The problem of public language personality’s influence in media communication is examined in view on mass addressee (with a glance to responses of radio listeners and Internet users) and individual addressee (anchor). A special attention is payed to regulative strategies in media discourse of public language personality. Keywords: public language personality, speech behavior, regulative strategy, speech influence, media environment | 1102 | |||||
3970 | This paper analyses the problem of improving the methods of teaching and learning programming in university and school. The authors justify the need for new methods and forms of education related to the teamwork of students, multimedia content, and other virtual spaces. The article analyzes the programming of teaching practice in leading foreign universities and proposes the main ways of improving the teaching of programming in Russian schools. The article provides an overview of the educational content of the Internet, which allows us to state that the most wide spread spectrum of creative approaches to teaching programming, as well as high efficiency of teaching are the United States and European universities. Many of the leading Western universities successfully collect and develop methods from other regions of the world: Russia, USA, China, India, Asia and Africa. The authors analyze their own experience in teaching programming and suggest starting the transformation of traditional approaches to teaching programming and methods of teaching computer science in pedagogical universities, hoping that progressive teaching practices from teachers’ universities will spread to the school. Keywords: programming, teaching methods, project activity, teamwork, interactive technologies, Internet platform, teacher training, robotics, mobile applications, algorithm, program, electronic educational resource | 1102 | |||||
3971 | Kogol T. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 11-14 . | 1101 | |||||
3972 | . | 1101 | |||||
3973 | Tyurina I. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 76-80 . | 1101 | |||||
3974 | . | 1101 | |||||
3975 | The present article suggests the vision of the authors for the specific characteristics of the local market of valuables in Tomsk region. | 1101 | |||||
3976 | A combined model where the vertical impurity dis¬persal was calculated by means of a set of differential equations, such as equations of motion, turbulent dif¬fusion and heat conduction, while the horizontal dis¬persal was computed by a Gaussian model was used. The proposed model is complemented with as¬signed semi-empirical dependences for altitude varia¬tions of wind velocity, turbulent exchange coefficient, atmospheric temperature and turbulence statistics. The calculations done allowed us to estimate the pollution level for different meteorological conditions and pollu¬tion sources and provide recommendations as to how to reduce its disastrous effect on the environment. | 1101 | |||||
3977 | The main problems of cost defining in Russian en¬terprises in terms of development of a new economy are issued in this article. The author notes three pe¬riods of existing of special feature of cost forming. There is also a detailed description of the types of cost ana¬lysis at our enterprises with taking into account the ex¬perience of west firms. | 1101 | |||||
3978 | In F. Sologub’s texts and publicistic articles there is a subject of pedagogics, school knowledge, types of «pupil» and «teacher» are steady. Between parts of pair «the pupil – the teacher» Sologub traces relations in the context of a steady antisocial script. Absurd, anecdotic sequences of school subjects in many respects have an autobiographical basis. The school lyrics participates in creation of a portrait of the typical character of Sologub’s lyrics: passive, dependent on the social patterns, limited to frameworks of algolagnic complex. | 1101 | |||||
3979 | There are different ways of the property repartition. Till 1995 the basic was privatization, subsequently on the foreground methods of buying up and shares buying up, bankruptcies, including custom-made, intracorporate conflicts and wars have left. Now the increasing value gets such quite civilized repartition method as merges and absorption. In development process property repartition methods changed from wild and force methods to market methods. | 1101 | |||||
3980 | This article is devoted to the necessity to form humanistic thought of law employees. The author proposes her plan of lectures on the formation of humanistic arrangements. | 1101 | |||||
3981 | . Keywords: . | 1101 | |||||
3982 | The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words with the root devia-, their meanings being divided into two groups. The semantics of the above-mentioned words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with lingual units representing the concepts which are included in the field of deviation. These concepts form the hierarchical structure of the category of deviation, hyper-hyponym relations underlying this structure. Keywords: deviation, category, norm, lexeme, semantics | 1101 | |||||
3983 | The concept of Home, which is traditional for Russian literature and culture, is explored in the context of «Seminary Sketches» by N. G. Pomyalovsky and «The Shkid Republic» by G. Belykh and L. Panteleev. The Seminary (Bursa) in «Seminary Sketches» by N. G. Pomyalovsky has attributes of an Anti-Home-Hell, in which its inhabitants perish. By contrast to this, a character of the state-owned house Shkid in «The Shkid Republic» by G. Belykh and L. Panteleev idtransforms from «Republic», Home-State to Home-Nest which gives its pupils a better start in life. Keywords: living space, home, anti-home, homelessness, home-nest, home-state | 1101 | |||||
3984 | The aim of the article is to clarify social and political standing of Daniel, the metropolitan of Moscow in the first half of 16th century. The author comes to conclusion that Daniel’s cooperation with state authorities was mainly induced and did not have a global character. Keywords: Russian state, the Russian Orthodox Church, history, 16th century | 1101 | |||||
3985 | Article reveals the history of an investigation of the atmospheric electricity in Tomsk. We review first presentation of native people in Siberia about lightning, first scientific investigations of atmospheric electricity in Tomsk State University. We describe modern investigations of thunderstorm activity in Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: atmospheric electricity, thunderstorm activity, lightning flash counters | 1101 | |||||
3986 | The problem of creation of pedagogical conditions of development of patriotic consciousness at history lessons is considered. The idea of the model of creation of situations of self-determination and consciousness of the relation to the native place, compatriots and to oneself as a representative of the fatherland is proved in the article. The author comes to the conclusions about the reflexion role in creation of pedagogical conditions for students in their personal process of comprehension, understanding oneself as patriot. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, self-determination, consciousness, a reflexion, patriotic values. | 1101 | |||||
3987 | The article deals with one of the areas of pedagogical science of physical training, which will improve the adaptive capacity of the organism to the influence of environmental factors by means of physical training. There is new teaching technology and teaching methods in physical education to meet professional requirements of their chosen specialty. Keywords: technology, adaptation, students, exercise, professional and graphic approach, professionally-applied physical training | 1101 | |||||
3988 | The problem of realization of the state policy in formation of Russian legal culture of citizens is considered in the article. The insufficient number of hours for the studies of the subject “Law” in educational institutions is discovered. On the base of the research, the author proposes to introduce the discipline “Law” for the elementary and basic general education. Keywords: sense of justice, legal education, legal culture, discipline “Law” | 1101 | |||||
3989 | The article presents the results of psychological research of staff of law-enforcement bodies of Ufa legal institute. In the course of research it is established that the professional experience of more than 4 years creates the conditions of professional growth of the identity of staff of law-enforcement bodies which determines the formation of steady personality traits, expressed in high subjective assessment of health, activity and mood, the reduced neyrotizm, personal and situational uneasiness, prevalence the extrovert properties of the personality. The obtained data expand and supplement knowledge and ideas of influence of professional official activity on the identity of staff of Department of Internal Affairs. Keywords: Police officers, psychological formation, personal and situational uneasiness, extraversion, neurotization | 1101 | |||||
3990 | This article is devoted to the problem of the language and culture connections. In the given article they describe the peculiarities of the interrelation of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan (in particular, the Kazakh and Russian languages) which leads to forming a special language picture of the bilingual writer’s world (in our article he is Kazakh by nationality). In the work this type of the language picture of the world is called a contaminated language picture of the world, the specifics of which is naturally reflected in the fiction discourse of the writer. For illustration there are presented examples from fiction works of Kazakhstani modern writers. Keywords: language, culture, the language picture of the world, the Russian language, the Kazakh language, the second native language, a bilingual writer, the lexical level, a contaminated language picture of the world | 1101 | |||||
3991 | There isn’t an aspect of social policy or experience that isn’t deeply caught up in disability issues. Disability is one of the great issues, like race, class and gender. Attitudes, beliefs, and misconceptions of society constitute a major barrier for people with disabilities. Attitude change can follow on heightened awareness, increased contact, and increased meaningful communication between disabled and non-disabled people. Although personal interaction is the most effective medium for conveying the personal experience of disability, the mass media can be an effective vehicle for bringing about greater understanding, and a consequent gradual change in public perceptions of people with disabilities. Language reflects the world around us and also constitutes the ways we understand and experience it. One aspect of the study on disability involves examining the words we use and the ways in which language represents persons and beliefs about them. The language used to talk about disability and disabled persons has changed over time. History, theory, advocacy, politics, and culture influence how disability is expressed and represented. The emergence of new paradigms of disability, the disability rights movement and disability studies, and other changes in culture bring attention to the ways that we talk about and depict disability. Examining varied perspectives on disability reveals considerable variation in language related to disability and how it is regarded. The article is devoted to the cognitive and discursive, contextual analysis of the disability terms based on the Internet articles of the Russian and American magazines, journals and newspapers: AiF, Rossiyskaya gazeta, Moskovskiy Komsomolets, lenta.ru; New York Times, National Geographic, Time, People, Scientific American, Fortune. Keywords: social model, disability, disabled, disability discourse, disability terms | 1101 | |||||
3992 | . | 1100 | |||||
3993 | Belyayeva V. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 48-50 . | 1100 | |||||
3994 | The Problem with Man's health as an important an¬thropological constituent a is being considered in this pa¬per. Modern understanding of Man presents his structure as a golographical element of cosmos, in this way creating a new paradigm of antropocosmism. Metaphysical princi¬ples of medicine form a system which integrates into the analytical pouter of Western and the synthetic one of Eastern medicine. The Individual and his organism contain both his own antonomy and entegrity of the whole being. The problem of physical, spiritual and morat health of Man can be solved on the bases of the above mentioned prin¬ciples. | 1100 | |||||
3995 | In the article education as a branch of national economy and its regional features are reviewed. This forms the basis for determining the specific character of the regional eco¬nomic interest in this sphere. | 1100 | |||||
3996 | Ugdyzhekova O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 25-28 . | 1100 | |||||
3997 | The author of the paper supports the position of famous Russian pedagogues on the necessity of using the experience of the best examples of university education so that to train a competitive creative specialist | 1100 | |||||
3998 | The article is dedicated to textual study aspect of church reform of Patriarchy Nikon (1654–1666). It considerers the changes, contributed by the reformers into the text of one of the main orthodox church books Prayer-Book, peculiarities of Nikon’s edition in comparison with more early editions of the XVIIth century. | 1100 | |||||
3999 | Описание инвестиций в человека на базе концепции жизненного цикла | 1100 | |||||
4000 | Modelling of pedagogical systems is the integral unit and the working tool of scientific researches. Calibration of various models of designing of an intelligence system of high school has led to the following tool implementation. Keywords: information technology, handle, modelling, system, indicators | 1100 |