# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4051 | The article is devoted to the interaction of the understanding of time in a religious cult and the understanding of time in the culture. Discusses the characteristics of the time in a religious cult. Examines the impact of the understanding of time in the culture of the religious cult on the example of the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon. Keywords: culture, a religious cult, the time, the liturgical reforms of patriarch Nikon | 1098 | |||||
4052 | The paper presents characteristics of the network model of organization of additional vocational training, the network of community, whose main objective is to organize professional development of teachers to the educational activity. Keywords: educational activities, online community, organization of additional vocational education | 1098 | |||||
4053 | The high quality of education is one of the major factors for the graduating students’ competitiveness. Competences should be formed on the first year of studies. At the department of biomedical studies we introduced the rating system of assessment and of progress’ record. This fact will make it possible to create the most comfortable teaching and education environment. We are sure that such an approach to the system of student learning curve’s evaluation will improve the quality of bachelors’ training. Keywords: competences, rate, mark, assessment, student, quality of education | 1098 | |||||
4054 | It is proved that when 8 fermions associated with the supersymmetries broken by the AdS4 x CP3 superbackground are gauged away by using the k-symmetry corresponding equations obtained by variation of the AdS4 x CP3 superstring action are contained in the set of fermionic equations of the OSp(4j6)=(SO(1; 3) x U(3)) sigma-model. Keywords: AdS4 x CP3 superstring, OSp(4j6)=(SO(1; 3) x U(3)) sigma-model, osp(4j6) superalgebra, equations of motion | 1098 | |||||
4055 | In the artistic pedagogy, there is a constant need to develop new training programs on the one hand based on the classical principles of learning the fine arts, on the other - to meet the latest stage of a society’s culture and scientific developments in the field of psychology. Keywords: artistic and creative abilities, inclinations, holistic artistic vision, silhouette art, teaching methodology | 1098 | |||||
4056 | The articl contains theoretical analysis of the problems of physical education of net-generation students The existing system of physical education meets with some important setbacks of net-generation students. The issues of design and implementation of educational technology with the use of complex of recreational aerobics. The paper shows hierarchy of the content components of training; the most widely-spread types of aerobics, practiced in Russian colleges and universities and their place in the system of physical education; the teaching model for planning, organization and effecting the training process at higher education institutions. Keywords: physical education, generation Y, aerobics, teaching approach, planning | 1098 | |||||
4057 | Tourism in terms of communication theory is a special kind of communication, which can be called tourist communication. The positive and negative impacts of tourism on the development of rural territories discussed in this article depends on socio-cultural environment destinations and regions, their capabilities, tourist and recreational and natural ecological potential, as well as the overall development planning of the area. Other aspects of the socio-cultural impact of tourism are connected with the fact that in the process of tourist communication there is the formation of tourism development and socio- cultural space of the person as a tourist and a resident of rural areas, as the objects of tourist interest. The attitude of the participants of the tourist communication to the natural environment and cultural traditions, values, types of leisure lifestyle is changing. The reciprocal interconnections of the tourism and local population are considered on the example of tourist destinations of the Novosibirsk region. Keywords: Tourist communication, socio-cultural space of destinations, recreational potential of the area, territorial Planning, rural areas | 1098 | |||||
4058 | Despite the lack of qualified designer specialists in the garment industry, many design department graduates can’t find employment in their specialty. The article attempts to identify the causes of these contradictions and assesses the quality of modern design education through the analysis of subjects and professional level of the final qualifying projects of costume design bachelors. The author describes the main projected clothes collections types and peculiarities of the work on such projects. The article presents statistics in percentage of various collection types and identified strengths and weaknesses of the costume designer’s final projects for the last four years. In the end, the author concludes: 1) graduates are incompetent in designing of demanded industrial products due to lack of communication between design education and pilot production with advanced technology and high production organization; 2) it is necessary to develop extended and balanced training hours and study the subject’s educational program; 3) it is important to overcome the constant backlog of the education system from the advanced knowledge and technology, stylistic concepts, new methods and design tools; 4) the system of advanced training and periodic retraining of designer cadres should be created. Keywords: fashion collection, costume design, project, perspective fashion trends | 1098 | |||||
4059 | The article deals with the specifics of psychosocial, cognitive and physical development of children of primary school age in relation to mental health. The main objectives of the proposed study are to establish a clear picture of the modern younger schoolchild in ontogeny in the system of theoretical concepts and empirical knowledge; the formation of a holistic approach to mental health, a special way of thinking, defined by the guiding principles of domestic and foreign psychology, modern understanding of the basic categories of developmental psychology on the segment of primary school age. Presented psychodiagnostic study of younger schoolchildren of their mental development based on the biopsychosocial approach. The result of which the data leads to the conclusion that the process of adaptation of first-graders to school depends on the characteristics of emotional and volitional and personal spheres, that is the basis of mental health. Keywords: primary school age, mental health, adaptation, ontogenesis | 1098 | |||||
4060 | The article substantiates the need for a project competence in teacher’s personal resource. It is noted that fixed in the federal state educational standard of higher education requirements for students’ project competencies involve the selection of adequate to the content of these requirements methods of pedagogical work on their formation. The paper reconstructs the experience of developing the project competence of philology students in the process of organizing educational events in the practice of collaboration between tertiary and secondary educational institutions. An empirical model of such interaction, the joint production of innovative developments, has been revealed using humanitarian research methods. Educational precedent gives grounds to say that the position exhibiting the project competence of students, can be formed in the active development of their content through educational events; means of formation of competence – participation in the trial-search activities of different content: educational-project in the framework of the lesson laboratory; design and research within the presentation at the conference. Keywords: project competence, interaction, educational event, joint production | 1098 | |||||
4061 | Wide application of project method in teaching of physics shows the potential of this method for engineering education in modern conditions of training of specialists able to adapt to modern conditions of production. The studies of many authors confirm the need for the formation of the generalized design skills for teaching physics at the technical University throughout the study at the University, including classes in physics. In our previous studies were introduced the notions of learning tasks in physics and generalized design skills and proved their compliance with the stages of the training project activities, represented the design skills formed on these stages corresponding to the phases of professional design activities of engineer. As a means of forming generalized design skills, we propose to use learning tasks in practical classes in physics. This article presents one way of forming common design skills, criteria for the selection of learning tasks in physics with the aim of forming common design skills, introduced the concept of the design potential of learning physical tasks. The authors show the method of formation of the generalized design skills and the step by step algorithm of actions of the teacher to organize the educational process to create and implement projects based on learning tasks in physics. Keywords: project potential of physical problem, project method, project skills | 1098 | |||||
4062 | The article studies the peculiarities of the concept “solitude” on the basis of K. D. Balmont’s poetic discourse which is represented by the books of poems “Burning Buildings” (1900), “Only Love” (1903). The concept under review occupies one of the highest places in the poet’s poetic worldview. The analysis of the concept is based on the position of V. I. Karasik, who distinguishes the figurative, conceptual and value components in the structure of the concept. It is established that the concept “solitude” is mainly explicitly represented by the lexeme “one” in a poetic discourse of K. D. Balmont. Such lexical regulative units as lexical regulative chains and lexical regulative structures based on syntactic parallelism as a particular case of repetition play a very important part in the formation of the concept. It allows us to consider these types of lexical regulative units as concept-forming. It is found out that K. D. Balmont’s lyric character scarcely experiences negative emotions about his spiritual solitude (solitude-privacy). Moreover, he consciously aspires to it. It is approved that the concept “solitude” is implicitly associated with such concepts as “desert”, “soul”, “God” and “freedom”. The connection between the concept “solitude” and the concepts “God” and “desert” is traditional whereas the connection between the concept “solitude” and the concepts “freedom” and “soul” has a completely individual authorial character. Keywords: concept “solitude”, lexical regulative unit, poetic discourse, K. D. Balmont | 1098 | |||||
4063 | Sagalaev A. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 26-27 . | 1097 | |||||
4064 | . | 1097 | |||||
4065 | The experience of common ecology teaching for engineering and humanitary faculties and divisions in Tomsk polytechnical university have been summarized. | 1097 | |||||
4066 | «Myth and history» is represented in the given paper. The aim of this concept teems to be the division of such notions as historical consciousness and historical cognition. This special course is a step in overcoming the approach of objectivism in includes six special topics and references. | 1097 | |||||
4067 | The cultural - and educational direction seems to be one of the main trends in activities of museums. The forms of interactions of the Tomsk Museum of Regional Studies with higher educational institutions are given in the paper, namely: joint research, programs of lectures and excursions for students, or-ganization of museum practice, etc. | 1097 | |||||
4068 | Thus, it is prowed that rhizotorphine efficiency in pea, clower and alfalfa sowing on grey forest soil of the Tomsk Region varies greatly. The greatest effect of artificial inoculation was received in alfa growing. | 1097 | |||||
4069 | The article «The meaning building aspects of the religious mentality* is the first authors attempt to approach to the analysis of the main meaning building aspects of the religious mentality as the ground of the mentality in general and confirmation of the culture building role for religious knowledge on every existence levels. | 1097 | |||||
4070 | The article suggests the analysis of the basic directions of realization of modernization programs of pedagogical gen¬eral education, in particular rural educational system. On the basis of modern historical-pedagogical analysis the article describes practice-oriented technology of education as mech¬anism of staff-providing of modernization of rural school. Keywords: - | 1097 | |||||
4071 | The Linguistic Identity of Europe | 1097 | |||||
4072 | In the article the authour informs about the experience of the XX–th century literature faculty and world art culture of Tomsk State University. The authour draws conclusions and makes suggestions. | 1097 | |||||
4073 | The article runs enterprise modern aspects of work motivation. The author investigates such innovational work factors as payment, material stimulation and discipline measures. | 1097 | |||||
4074 | Following the investigation of high frequency electromagnetic radiation (HFER) certain tendencies in such qualities as dexterity, sportiveness, fortitude, flexibility have been found, and heartbeat frequencies decreased after load reduction. HFER can be recommended to be used in process of training as the way of development and improvement of basketball-players’ calisthenics level. | 1097 | |||||
4075 | Problems in developing a complex of technical means and technological approaches to creation of electronic educational and methodical provision for correspondence and distance education needs have been analyzed in the paper. Perspectives of using WebCD based technology for educational and methodical materials delivery have been considered. It has been noted that the WebCD technology offers fundamentally new possibilities for perfecting organization of educational activity. A new development of a set of CD disks for various specialties of correspondence courses has been presented. A comparative analysis of various solutions for designing electronic educational resources has been conducted | 1097 | |||||
4076 | In article questions of the organization of independent work of the pupils receiving trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation are considered. Considering psycho-physiological features of the given pupils, are offered principles of selection of kinds and contents of independent work at their training to the physics. Keywords: trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation, independent work, kinds of independent work, motivation. | 1097 | |||||
4077 | In the article the connection of names of Selkup kins with names of mythical ancestors is presented. It is found out that a name of a mythical ancestor becomes a centre of a semantic group of words to the extent of which semantic derivations occur. The connection of a kin with its mythical ancestor is kept; by means of the name of a kin it is given to a representative of a flora or fauna and continues its existence as a totem. Keywords: the Selkup language, genonymum, mythical ancestor, semantic derivation, tatoo. | 1097 | |||||
4078 | In this article we represent the results of the investigation, aimed at the development of “self-estimation” of the 9-th grade students in the process of reviewing the paragraph “Function”. The authors worked out a special system of tasks teaching students to plan, anticipate and control their activity at the stage of reviewing. Keywords: universal studying activity, self-regulation, metacognitive experience, self-estimation, reviewing. | 1097 | |||||
4079 | This article discusses the causes and factors of crises of identity, diagnostic criteria for student status acmeological identity crisis, the crisis, factors contributing to the favorable course and a positive out of acmeological identity crisis. Keywords: acmeological identity crisis, university students, pedagogical conditions for overcoming the crisis of identity. | 1097 | |||||
4080 | The article demonstrates the importance of social interaction and social institutions in student context, the main directions of social and educational activities for challenging the environment of socially responsible initiatives for students. Keywords: social responsibility, “social dialogue”, the social initiatives | 1097 | |||||
4081 | The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of formation valuable attitude to the teacher`s profession in universities of education in the Republic of Korea. It presents the teacher`s social status in the Republic of Korea, data about the attitude of students learning at university of education to the future profession and reasons of that. Keywords: teacher, university of education, valuable attitude to profession, Republic of Korea | 1097 | |||||
4082 | The author of the article tries to determine the place of the so-called verbal synlexes (morphologically composite, stable nominative units of language; functional-semantic analogues of the separate verbs) in the nominative structure of the Russian language. There are four types of correlations between the verbal synlexes and the verbs. The author is especially interested in the case when the verbal synlexes correlate with the verbs that have the same root and enumerates the ways permitting to avoid doubling of the synlex and the verb. Keywords: the verbs, the verbal synlexes, nominative structure, attribute of substantive element, stylistic marking, semantics | 1097 | |||||
4083 | The article involves analysis of sky categorization based on the dialect material of the Selkup language. The paper considers the role of the sky in the worldview of the Selkup ethnic group, relevant sky, sun and rainbow characteristics. Keywords: the Selkup language, language worldview, categorization, conceptual feature, sky, sun, rainbow | 1097 | |||||
4084 | The article presents the author's view of the goal as an important factor of the higher education quality, which reflects the tendencies of development of educational needs of the individual, society and state. The goal defines the development strategy of educational institutions in the future years, as well as it is directed on achievement of personal, meta-subject and object education results. Keywords: quality of education, goal, educational needs, professional activity, characteristics of the goal | 1097 | |||||
4085 | The article deals with the problem of training of teachers for professional activity in situation of continuous innovations. The article describes the basic concepts for innovative practice of teachers: “innovation process”, “levels of innovation”, “efficiency of the innovation process”, “effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers”. Identified features for innovative practical of teachers. The peculiar features of the innovative activity and the activity of innovative direction are identified and proved. It is substantiated that training of teachers for innovative activity should be based on the development of methods, techniques of activities with innovative orientation. Keywords: innovation process, levels of innovations, innovative activity of teachers, effectiveness of innovative activity of teachers, practical activities with signs of innovation | 1097 | |||||
4086 | In the present article nature of perception of Russian phraseological units foreign in a literal translation into Chinese is investigated by means of the psycholinguistic experiment. The results of the experiment carried out by the author allowed to reveal the whole complex of structural and semantic signs of phraseological units influencing perception and identification of the meaning of phraseological unit. Keywords: phraseological unit, psycholinguistic experiment, perception, internal form, intralinguistic and interlingual figurativeness, national-cultural specificity | 1097 | |||||
4087 | Due to the fact that there is a decline in percentage of university students involved in physical activity and decrease in the physical education programmes’ guidelines, the role of students’ involvement in extra-school sport is highly significant. The study indicates the results of the survey conducted among the girls-students of Tomsk polytechnic university to assess levels of extra-school sport participation. The analysis of the survey data reveals that one of the factors affecting students’ participation in sport and physical activity is poor physical education competence and skills. The study highlights that the issue raised calls for a multi-level approach including developing and promoting encouraging projects that have significant benefit to health and increase physical activity, and it must be supported by a strong information and knowledge base. Keywords: physical activity of students, independent sport participation and exercises | 1097 | |||||
4088 | The article is devoted to the analysis of Biographical essays, presented in the Book of memory of students, teachers and employees of Tomsk State Pedagogical University-participants of the great patriotic war (1941–1945). Containing the first volume of 450 historical biographies constitute a significant database to store personal information, and for the reconstruction of the social group of students of the Siberian Pedagogical University. Students TGPI in 1930–1950 (on the example of the great patriotic war) was a social group characterized by the following features: 1) proportion of natives of the European part of the USSR, with the predominance of the Siberian contingent; 2) great predominance of peasant component in the social structure of students; 3) in the national composition of the student body was dominated by the Russians; 4) average age of students for admission to the University was 24 years; 5) 40% of the students have teaching experience; 6) mixed structure of preliminary education; 7) proportion of invalids of the great patriotic war; 8) influence of psychological factors on learning motivation. Memory book as a database has a large research capacity for reconstruction of individual, group, institution of higher learning, the Russian system of education, the history of intellectuals. Keywords: Book of memory, biographical sketch, the great patriotic war (1941–1945), veteran students, reconstruction of the social group of students | 1097 | |||||
4089 | Information development covers all stages of education. There are various ways of using information technologies. Multimedia equipment, training videos, electronic books and notebooks are the primary tools used in distance education that make it interesting and effective. Web conferences, online seminars and webinars belong to the communicative direction of teaching, the relevance of which is confirmed by the growing number of distance education online. In this article the main approaches of online classes organization are considered, a model of the technological platform for webinars is created. As a result, the problem of creating a technological platform for webinars is solved and presented as a web service «Easy-Stream.ru», that makes it easy and affordable to conduct online meetings with any number of users. Keywords: distance education, webinars, macro webinar, open-source software, BigBlueButton, Moment Video Server | 1097 | |||||
4090 | Multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the most important strategy, and one of the main directions of development of the state. The author examines the nature of multilingual education, the reasons that led to its actualization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the problems of functioning of languages in the context of the development of modern language person. The article describes the new language education priorities and principles of formation of the language identity in the multilingual educational environment of Kazakhstan, comparing different points of view on this issue. The author concludes that in the context of a new state of the multi-ethnic society as the Republic of Kazakhstan, issues of formation of the language identity of particular relevance. Keywords: multilingual, language identity, language situation, multi-cultural environment, multilingual education | 1097 | |||||
4091 | Every nation in everyday speech besides words and combinations of words use the sustained phrases, a variety of which is paroemia (eg, proverbs, signs). Proverbs are special units and signs of language, the essential elements of human communication. These signs convey specific information, refer to the typical life and mental situations or relationships between these or other objects. The correct and appropriate use of proverbs gives the speech a unique identity and special expressiveness, it gives the opportunity to enhance the learning process. This article explores the role of proverbs in the formation of the communicative competence of students in the classroom as part of the discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. One aspect of the formation of communicative-speech competence is familiarity with the language of one of the Mordovian people – Moksha. With Moksha students learn in the classroom for discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. Therefore, we modulated the different situations of communication, different communication tasks. Proverbs help create a real atmosphere in the class, introduce elements of the game in the learning process. The authors developed the tasks conducive to the formation of a common culture of students, increase the level of linguistic competence and activity of students in the classroom, promoting education of tolerance and love for the native land. Keywords: proverbs, intercultural approach, principle of communicative orientation, verbal and cognitive activity | 1097 | |||||
4092 | The article deals with the questions of the modern adaptation to changing conditions of teacher professional learning. Highlights some of the problems of teaching-learning processes, describes the requirements for the development of teaching methods and procedures. Orientation to the practical aspects of the process of teaching students require the use of more sophisticated technologies, methods, and techniques. In accordance with strictly outlined requirements of the modern national economy, the educational system must prepare a graduate capable of future continuous self-improvement. The market accepts only capble of self-education personalities. The greatest difficulties are encountered precisely when overcoming contradictions between technology (techniques) training at various levels of the current educational system. Modernity acknowledges some threshold contact of University and educational institutions, preparing future entrants. In these circumstances, there are special requirements for preparation of future teachers of technology. Identifying the market path to combat hidden content, they implement comprehensive learning objectives. The preparation of a competitive specialist in Russia includes the professional competence of teachers, which is associated with the changing priorities of the learning process of the components of knowledge and methods of reproductive education, characteristic of an authoritarian educational model, a personaloriented, developing, cognitive-focal focus based on the principles of humanization and democratization. Such approach allows to introduce the elements of individual training, successfully building the routes for student-centered learning. Further improvement of the educational process involves qualitative development of practice-oriented aspects of the pedagogical technologies. Keywords: technology, structure building, educational field, didactic tools, labor product | 1097 | |||||
4093 | This article considers the criteria and indicators of the formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural context and describes the model of the process of its formation. The data of the psychological and pedagogical experiment, the evaluation of the effectiveness of creating pedagogical conditions after the introduction of the developed model in the educational process of the university are given. The examples of the use of active methods, forms, techniques and tools aimed at developing the backbone elements of student’s culture and determining his proactive attitude in forming up constructive relations in a modern multi-ethnic society are presented. The author reveals the ways of organizing independent creative activity, reflexive experience as a mechanism for reinterpreting the content of consciousness, correlating one’s abilities, self-actuating and self-improvement. The purpose of the study was to identify and substantiate definite organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral culture of a future professional in a multicultural educational environment. The introduction of the model of formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural educational environment made it possible to raise the level of knowledge system, motives, attitudes, values and moral orientations of students, the ability to interact with partners from other cultures. Positive dynamics in relation of student to the proposed study of the field of culture, its specific content, readiness for self-actuating and self-evolution was noted. Keywords: spiritual-moral culture, multicultural educational environment, student, model of formation of moral and spiritual culture, multicultural educational environment, psychological and pedagogical experiment, pedagogical conditions | 1097 | |||||
4094 | . | 1096 | |||||
4095 | This is a problem of the values the determination of the main values to this integration in our crisis-ridden world. These values must correspond at allevents to the values of the modern postnoclassical science and the new tendency in the education. | 1096 | |||||
4096 | The article considers the problems of formation of scientific-innovation sphere, trie peculiarity of economic interests of its subject and also the problems of mecha¬nism formation of interrelation of interests of scienti¬fic-innovation sphere subjects. | 1096 | |||||
4097 | The problem of forming research competences of future teachers of Physics is considered in the article. The method of competences’ forming on basis of complex problems with concealed schemes is proposed. The variants of calculating and experimental tasks are regarded. The examples of method of exploratory problems’ solution in regime of demonstrative experiment and individual work are shown | 1096 | |||||
4098 | Basic properties of radiation of the atomic chains excited by a channeling particle are considered. Using a very simple two-dimensional model of a crystal lattice we have shown that the main part of this radiation is generated on the frequency of oscillations of a channeling particle between the crystal planes, shifted by the Doppler effect. Angular distribution of the radiation of the chain of oscillating atoms is sharply peaked in the direction of the velocity of channeling particle because of coherence of the fields, produced by individual atoms. Keywords: radiation, channeling particle, crystal lattice, angular distribution, coherence | 1096 | |||||
4099 | Occasional psychoactive substance use among students is related to olfactory and immunological deviations. These features can be used for predictions of addictive disorders among educated young people. Keywords: substance use, educated young people, immune function, olfactory sensitivity, risk factors | 1096 | |||||
4100 | The article reveals the peculiarities of perception and interpretation of specialized texts by different recipients, engineering instruction taken as an example. The author represents the results of engineering instructions analysis on the basis of the psycholinguistic approach. Keywords: text perception, adequate interpretation, recipient, text composition, notional marks, visual support | 1096 |