# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4051 | Lastovka V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 10-11 . | 965 | |||||
4052 | Knyazkov A. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 29-31 . | 965 | |||||
4053 | The experience of common ecology teaching for engineering and humanitary faculties and divisions in Tomsk polytechnical university have been summarized. | 965 | |||||
4054 | . | 965 | |||||
4055 | The tendency of world progress leads to only for¬mation of innovation economy. It can be the best de¬velopment way for Russia. As the priority heading, scientific-educational complex formed on an innova¬tion inlands is realization this model and the most cardinal factors of economic growth and regional de¬velopment. One of these years underrating this condition can result in displacing of Russia from high-technological products market and impossibility of rise in the life le¬vel above the contemporary standards and ensuring of state security. | 965 | |||||
4056 | In this article the component structure of the student's cognitive potential is specified on the basic of the content's analysis of the notion «the person's cognitive potential». Problem solution perspective trained of cognitive potential development is indicated on the basis of activity modular education. Keywords: cognitive potential, generated, general educative abilities, cognitive abilities, cognitive activity, self-education, activity modular education | 965 | |||||
4057 | The article discloses characteristics of speech self-education activity. The author of the article expounds questions of organization of activity of students speech self-education; describes the didactic psychological, pedagogical and organizational conditions necessary for successful speech self-education. Keywords: activity of speech self-education, structure of speech self-education activity, conditions of arrangements of speech self-education. | 965 | |||||
4058 | In the article questions of formation of moral reference points of the person of the students receiving initial vocational education are discussed. Unlike traditional use for this purpose of out-of-class work, opportunities of development of moral positions of the person at lessons of physics are considered in the article. Keywords: social competence, moral positions | 965 | |||||
4059 | This article investigates the historical and philosophical aspects of the physical representations of celestial mechanics. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the role of mathematical methods in the development of this process. Overview of the physical representations of ideas begins with the Greek philosophers before the KAM theory and the theory of deterministic chaos. The author demonstrates the inextricable interrelationship and interdependence of the development of mathematical methods and theories of physics. Keywords: history and philosophy of science, celestial mechanics, the history of mathematics, history of physics, mathematization | 965 | |||||
4060 | Methodological questions of thermokarst lakes landscape dynamics in West Siberian permafrost territory based on remote sensing data and GIS-tools are considered. The data about relative change of thermokarst lake total area are given for 35-year period in different landscape zones and subzones. Possible factors of thermokarst lake areas change are discussed. Keywords: Changes climatic, permafrost, thermokarst lake landscapes, space shots | 965 | |||||
4061 | The article deals with the development of professionally important qualities of future civil engineers, that are formed during university studies. The author reveals the essence of the process, highlights key professional qualities engineer, justifies their development in training. Keywords: professionally important qualities, the process of development of professionally important qualities, mentally properties, functionally and operating machinery | 965 | |||||
4062 | In the article the authors analysed the axiological profile of the concept oil in language consciousness of inhabitants of Baku based on the material of the analysis of the linguistic experiment results. In comparison with “oil centrism”, inherent in mentality of inhabitants of Strezhevoy (Tomsk region), the Bakiners are not so categorical and perceive oil as a basis of progressive humanistic transformations. Keywords: axiological profile of a concept, regional picture of the world, media concept oil, linguistic experiment | 965 | |||||
4063 | The article deals with one of the areas of pedagogical science of physical training, which will improve the adaptive capacity of the organism to the influence of environmental factors by means of physical training. There is new teaching technology and teaching methods in physical education to meet professional requirements of their chosen specialty. Keywords: technology, adaptation, students, exercise, professional and graphic approach, professionally-applied physical training | 965 | |||||
4064 | This paper gives an overview of the theoretical foundations of personological approach as the basis of psychological and pedagogical study of personality in the ontogeny of the various stages of its formation and selfdetermination in the pedagogical and social-psychological perspective. Keywords: personological approach, personality structure, ontogeny, the constitution, the formation of personality | 965 | |||||
4065 | The article explains the organization of exercises designed to master communication skills in the process of studying “computers and banking”. Keywords: exercise sets, communicative competence, practical skills development | 965 | |||||
4066 | The article reveals the peculiarities of perception and interpretation of specialized texts by different recipients, engineering instruction taken as an example. The author represents the results of engineering instructions analysis on the basis of the psycholinguistic approach. Keywords: text perception, adequate interpretation, recipient, text composition, notional marks, visual support | 965 | |||||
4067 | The article involves analysis of sky categorization based on the dialect material of the Selkup language. The paper considers the role of the sky in the worldview of the Selkup ethnic group, relevant sky, sun and rainbow characteristics. Keywords: the Selkup language, language worldview, categorization, conceptual feature, sky, sun, rainbow | 965 | |||||
4068 | The article deals with the national specifics of language space models and its significance in comparative Russian-Slovak aspect. Special attention is paid to the factor of geographical determinism and its role in the forming of national specific cognitive dominants of Russian and Slovak worldview. Above mentioned is illustrated with Russian and Slovak phraseology. Keywords: space models, linguistic worldview, cognitive dominant, conceptualization, categorization, Russian, Slovak | 965 | |||||
4069 | This article deals with the problem of natural monopolies on the example of the Russian gas industry. The first part of this paper is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of commercial concession. In the second part of the paper the author analyzed the ways of introduction of the practice of franchising in Russia’s gas industry with its legal and economic features. Keywords: Franchising, commercial concession, natural monopoly, partial privatization, direct regulation of the industry | 965 | |||||
4070 | In this paper, the methodology to create periodisation of the historical and pedagogical process is presented. The description of principal functions and features of periodisation is given. Besides, it is shown here the author’s viewpoint of the main stages of development of supplementary education for children from the 80-s of the 19th century till present in Western Siberian region. Special attention is paid to the historical and social and cultural background of changes of purposes, tasks, contents and principles of activities, types of supplementary educational institutions for children. Periods and stages represented are defined by different criteria based on the analysis of numerous historical and pedagogical facts and specific regional contexts. Also the article is focused on present-day situation of additional education for children and developmental perspectives in the context of the idea of lifelong learning. Keywords: additional education for children, periodisation of the historical and pedagogical process, aspects and functions of periodisation, regional features, purposes, contents, principles of activities, types of supplementary educational institutions for childr | 965 | |||||
4071 | In the article it is investigated the little-studied side of church and social activity of Lev Tikhomirov, namely, his views on reforms of Russian parish in the beginning of XX century. The results of the research provide deeper understanding of church and social opinion of this thinker and give necessary material for comprehensive study of his works. Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, parish reform, Pre-Council Committee | 965 | |||||
4072 | Studying of the short story “The Lady with the Dog” demonstrates an indissoluble correspondence between its artistic structure and ontologic views of A. P. Checkov in his last years of writing when he treated a person’s life like an element of a global natural life. The article deals with artistic and conceptual transformation of the short story in a German translation by Aleksandr Eliasberg. Keywords: A. P. Checkov, short story, “The Lady with the Dog”, text structure, motive, translation, A. Eliasberg | 965 | |||||
4073 | One of the principal differences between the Federal state educational standard (FSES) of the second generation is its focus not only on achieving the subject learning outcomes. Requirements to results of development of the basic General educational programs include all groups of results: specific, interdisciplinary, personal. One of the tools to achieve these results are universal educational actions, the mastery of which, according to the Federal state educational standard is the most important task of education. The article considers the problem of formation of universal educational actions in the framework of a unified educational area “Mathematics and Informatics”. It is proposed to consider two types of universal educational actions: overlapping and complementary to each other. Keywords: Federal state educational standard, universal educational actions, mathematics, computer science | 965 | |||||
4074 | The article considers the formation of “professional competence” term. Corresponding psychological and pedagogical literature was reviewed, correlative terms were analyzed. On the basis of information received the correlation between terms “professionalism”, “professional readiness” and “professional competency” was revealed and presented. Also, scheme presenting correlation of above mentioned terms was introduced. Specific features of professional competency of teachers working with disabled children were considered and analyzed. The structure of professional competency of such teachers was determined and presented in tabular form. Major components of professional competency revealing through three aspects: cognitive, practical and personal were identified and presented. Relation of these components formation ensures professional readiness of a teacher who works with disabled children. Keywords: professionalism, pedagogical excellence, professional readiness, professional competency, children with disabilities | 965 | |||||
4075 | Nowadays language education is undergoing serious anthropocentric transformations. Teachers, who creatively process foreign experience, conduct a deep search for activity-oriented methodologies, including a maximum of interactive forms of instruction in the lesson. One of the most effective among them is theatricality. We view theatricality as a highly effective pedagogical resource that generates the communicative and discursive multicompetences, motivating students, fomenting their socialization and increasing the attractiveness for them of a foreign language lesson. Dramatizing practice implements pedagogical activity approach. Theatrical episode is a kind of public speaking, which develops various subspecies of human intellect. In theatre plays, everything is important: words, voice, speech tempo, timbre, pause, glance, gesture, movement, body language. It is very important working with gestures, obligatory in theatre situation, because traditional lesson blocks gestures’ aspect. The student learns to impress play-partners and feel this impact as some kind of a psychological victory over oneself. A specific contact with others on professional subjects occurs. Students see themselves forced to develop certain proper tactics contacting and influencing the others. It is very necessary in life and profession. Students learn to control mood and attitude among classmates, overcoming their fears; train spontaneity and ease in speech; acquire skill of public speaking and critical skills verbal interaction. Keywords: competence approach, theatricality, dramatization, personal formation, pedagogical interaction, socialization, professional communication | 965 | |||||
4076 | Kolov A. Yu. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 23-25 | 964 | |||||
4077 | In the article the dynamics of design activity develop¬ment have been described, its influence on the anestheti¬zation of the surrounding world and an individuality, and also design-activity formed in a new socio-cultural situa¬tion. In the article there a conclusion is made which says that the process of creating a new subjectspatial environ¬ment by a designer provides a new style of human life. That is the new method of an individualitis anesthetization. | 964 | |||||
4078 | . | 964 | |||||
4079 | The article suggests the analysis of the basic directions of realization of modernization programs of pedagogical gen¬eral education, in particular rural educational system. On the basis of modern historical-pedagogical analysis the article describes practice-oriented technology of education as mech¬anism of staff-providing of modernization of rural school. Keywords: - | 964 | |||||
4080 | It was investigated the effect of hypobaric hypoxia on function of pentose phosphate pathway in wheat, rice and barley seedlings , which differ in steadiness to studing factor. Pentose phosphate pathway was intensified in green barley leaves on lidht and on darkness under hypobaric hypoxia (16 hours). Hypoxic incubation (72 hours) was resulted in increase enzymatic activity of glucose-6-phosphate degydrogenase in roots and leaves of steady plant (rice) only | 964 | |||||
4081 | North Carolina is home to the third largest biotechnology industry in the United States. With over 200 companies involved in manufacturing, research, testing or services and growing at a rate of 12 % per year, this North Carolina industry is aggressively expanding its biotechnology efforts in all domains: pharmaceuticals, agriculture, environment, foods and energy. The North Carolina Department of Commerce along with other state and regional entities are developing strategies to attract new companies into the state, especially its rural regions. In order to meet the workforce needs, the education sector is being funded and mobilized for development of new courses, programs and facilities. This paper will discuss comprehensive regional and statewide initiatives to increase biotechnology education at North Carolina secondary schools, community colleges and universities in order to meet the present and future needs of the North Carolina biotechnology sector | 964 | |||||
4082 | The problems of studying of various phenomena of a human being in the conditions of sudden change of environment are studied in the article. The results of empirical research on special features of personal sensual orientations are represented. The necessity of studying values of a person in closed environment is determined. Keywords: sensual orientation, psychological environment, closed environment, person’s outlook | 964 | |||||
4083 | The article represents the analysis of innovations’ of the 1920–30ies years impact on the economy, on the changing of the cultural paradigm of the Middle Ob Selkup. The innovations influenced the core spheres of the culture of the ethnos – its life-supporting, economical and social spheres. The interconnection of the spheres contributed to the full penetration of the innovations into the culture of the Middle Ob Selkup. It is correct to state that the process of shifting the values and cardinal change in the structure and the elements of the Selkup culture started between the 1920 –30ies years. Keywords: ethnos, traditional culture, household activity, transformation of the culture, innovations in the household | 964 | |||||
4084 | The article reveals the necessity and the content of the innovative-educational designing in the higher school. The algorithm of actions of the innovative-educational process’s subjects is given. The technology of innovation’s designing in the higher school is described. Keywords: innovation activity of institute of high education, pedagogical monitoring, innovations | 964 | |||||
4085 | Psychological and pedagogical influence of study of local lore on process of socialization of the person is presented on the basis of the developed characteristic of functions of study of local lore work which organized in educational establishment in educational objectives. Obtaining by pupils of the information on features of local society, progress of criticality of their judgments, skill to be guided in the environment, desire to participate in its transformation – these and other educational values are laid in study of local lore. Keywords: socialization, educational, a function of «remove mask» , rough and stimulating functions of study of local lore, «strong» and «weak» sides of object. | 964 | |||||
4086 | This article deals with the peculiarities of the concept «space» expression from a position of a human being’s commonplace sense and existing everyday practice. The methods of «inaccurate» vertical measurement of the space with the help of the parts of the human body have been analyzed (data of English). Keywords: space, «inaccurate» measurement, vertical, anthropocentrism, scalar and vector observations, everyday practice | 964 | |||||
4087 | In this article we represent the results of the investigation, aimed at the development of “self-estimation” of the 9-th grade students in the process of reviewing the paragraph “Function”. The authors worked out a special system of tasks teaching students to plan, anticipate and control their activity at the stage of reviewing. Keywords: universal studying activity, self-regulation, metacognitive experience, self-estimation, reviewing. | 964 | |||||
4088 | The paper analyses the correlation between the career orientations and the structure of personality values of the students of Faculty of Economics and Management. Keywords: career orientations, sphere of personality values and motivational characteristics, disintegration of values | 964 | |||||
4089 | The main kind of activity deals with the prevention of professional burning out of the teachers who work in orphanage are presented in the article. They are the ability to project own further pedagogical development; using of ways of personal self-expression and self-development and means of opposition of professional deformation of the personality; the increase of professional competence. Keywords: professional competence, personal self-development, professional burning out, prevention | 964 | |||||
4090 | The establishment of an information society led to the massive use of modern gadgets and led to the fact that children have difficulty in direct communication, adaptation, especially in an unfamiliar environment, as well as contributes to the deterioration of children’s health, due to sedentary lifestyles. The leading role in the process of formation of the valuable relation to the world, to himself and to other people belongs to a secondary school. In the modern educational space to solve these problems optimally is possible not separately within the institution, but in the form of networking. Stakeholders create social and educational environment for a more successful social adaptation of the individual student. One of the effective means that children get from tourism and regional studies is the socialization and preservation of health. The authors present the mechanism of leading educational institutions’ networking: Municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school number 28 in Tomsk and municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of childhood and youth house “Our harbor” Tomsk. As part of the networking was created an innovative platform of municipal tourist and regional studies, which is being implemented under the conditions of socio-pedagogical project “Formation of socially-adapted person taught with the help of the tourist and local lore activity in conditions of an integrated socio-educational developing environment of general and supplementary education”. We present two authors’ models: the model of socio-educational developing environment for the formation of socially-adapted person enrolled in the secondary school № 28 and childhood and youth house “Our Harbour” and the model of formation of socially-adapted person in the conditions of socio-educational developing environment. The article also puts forward a system of monitoring research. Keywords: networking, socio-pedagogical project, extracurricular activities, tourist and regional studies, integrated developing environment, model of educational environment, model of social adaptation of personality | 964 | |||||
4091 | The authors consider the problem of lack of teachers’ design competences in the design and organization of inclusive educational space. Scientists define the problem as the shortage of forms and techniques that allow the teacher to achieve positive outcomes in inclusive education. Within the anthropological approach by means of humanitarian studies, the authors attempt to understand the subjects of organization of joint activity of teacher and students in an inclusive process. The article considers pedagogical possibilities of the use of dialogue in inclusive education. The authors demonstrate the ability of this form of joint activities to help students be implemented in inclusive learning to be successful within their individual capabilities. The authors discuss dialogue in interaction with other forms of cooperative activities (lesson assignment, lessonproblematization), describe an educational precedent for the use of dialogue in inclusive educational space. The authors present the content of the pilot training project, characterize the system of lessons on the study of the novel of F. M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and punishment” in the tenth grade. The project recorded the special role of the teacher in the dialogue. He is also a partner and an organizer of joint activities: that is, occupies an ambivalent position. This position is organized through pedagogical techniques such as card primary meanings, keywords, and algorithms activities. The dialogue is organized through various technologies: multimedia, games and problem-based learning. Their use allows the teacher to update the individual meanings of participants in inclusive education. The criterion of successful participation in the educational project is the development of subjectivity of students. A similar development is recorded in the framework of individual standards for each student involved in the educational project. Keywords: dialogue, collaborative activity, inclusive education, the subjectivity of students | 964 | |||||
4092 | The paper presents the results of involvement of future mathematics and physics teachers in independent scientific research activity in conditions of realization of competence approach. In the case of such approach the competence is a general capability which is checked and created in activities. It is based on knowledge and allows the person to establish connection between the system of actions for successful problem solution. During the educational process, the formation of elements of competencies at implementation of curriculum is carried out by means of maintenance of the studied subject. The course of the differential equations has great opportunities for forming of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics and physics, however the existing education guidance, according to the theory of differential equations, are obviously not oriented to form the competencies. Besides modern development of technology, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, economics and other sciences is impossible without the use of differential equations. The solutions of Clairaut-type equations with a special right-hand part found in the paper are a new result in the theory of partial differential equations. In turn the organization of independent scientific research in the framework of the course of differential equations promotes the main goal of professional competencies of future mathematics and physics teachers, namely forming the professional competencies being ready to use theoretical and practical knowledge in science and education. Keywords: differential equations, professional competencies | 964 | |||||
4093 | The need for developing emotional responsiveness in preschool age is dictated not only by modern normative documents in the field of education, the sensitivity of preschool age, but also by the need of society in humane responsive people. By now pedagogical literature has sufficient theoretical prerequisites for studying the phenomenon of emotional responsiveness in preschool age. Pedagogical studies turned to various means for the development of emotional responsiveness in children, such as: theatrical activity, fiction, musical activity. Music is a unique and multifaceted means of pedagogical influence. The use of music as a means of developing emotional responsiveness in preschool children rests on the essential characteristics of music itself. Responding to psycho-physiological indicators of experiencing emotions (expressive movements (facial expressions, pantomime), breathing, intonation), music by its own means can model any expressive symptoms of emotional reactions. The use of music as a means of developing emotional responsiveness of preschool children should take into account the insufficient subject experience of children’s emotional feelings. Therefore, for the organization of classes on development of emotional responsiveness of preschool children, a step-by-step mechanism is proposed that takes into account the essential characteristics of music as a means, peculiar features of the age of children, and their musical preferences. Keywords: emotional responsiveness, preschool age, preschool education, music, subject experience | 964 | |||||
4094 | The article deals with the semantic features of onomatopoeic words in German and Tatar languages in comparative terms. The aim of the research was to identify the similarities, differences and features in the words under analysis. In each language there are certain features in the perception of sounds. In both languages there are not only onomatopoeia but also the onomatopoeic nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which are an onomatopoetic vocabulary of each language. It is a universal vocabulary that has much in common even in unrelated languages. Separately is analyzed a group of onomatopoeic nouns, which represent the names of insects, birds and animals in both languages and the principles of their nomination in the Tatar language. In German, these words are non-productive while in Tatar it is the result of word-formation processes. The classification of verbs of sound according to their denotative content takes into account the peculiarities of both languages. Many onomatopoeic verbs are multivalued and can be assigned to several groups at once. Functional possibilities of onomatopoetic lexicon of both languages are considered as well – children’s language, proverbs and set phrases – characteristic of all languages and most vividly reflecting the national identity of the language. Knowledge of these functions is necessary to exclude communicative failures. Keywords: onomatopoeia, an imitative origin of the word, lexical expressive means, semantics, verbs of sound | 964 | |||||
4095 | Klochkov V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 71-73 . | 963 | |||||
4096 | The article «The anthropological model of culture and its searches on the boundary of the millenium» tells that the culture is the way of human existence, which changes historically. The culture of the modern time with its princi-pels of anthropocentrism, scientism, technicism has dis¬pelled the human ideal created in the Age of the Enlight¬enment. Nowadays the man tries to find the humane an¬thropological model on the ways of coevolutional culture and social technologies of «the open society». | 963 | |||||
4097 | . | 963 | |||||
4098 | The article deals with the conception of mass and individual consciousness correlation in L.Andreyev's creative work and analyzes the image of the crowd in short stones «it was so» and «The Curse of the Beast*. In his creative work L. Andreyev anticipated the latest discoveries of Western phsychoiogists and sociologists in mutual conditionality of mass and power. The author of the article concludes that the writer's interest in the phenomenon of the crowd indicates actualization of the problem of the normal life arrangement in Russian cultural consciousness at the beginning of the XX-th century. | 963 | |||||
4099 | The author of the article brings into a system and gives a detailed description of various types of regulative chains, based on repetition of identical lexical units widely used by K. Balmont to organize the cognitive activity of the reader on the level of an utterance. The presented type of lexical regulatives is considered as an important means of the cognition of the sense on the primary stage of the semantic development ofthe text as well as an ideostylistic peculiarity of the poet. | 963 | |||||
4100 | A problem of introduction of ecological knowledge in modern educational process of Pedagogic University is being researched in this article. The author has designed a principle of translation of ecological knowledge with a point of view of social and cultural aspects and submitted certain forms, technologies and educational projects directed to the model to be realized. | 963 |