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3901 | The analysis of the problems concerning the scientific approaches to the typology of educational systems is presented in the article. In accordance with the obtained results the most important approaches are singled out. Special attention is paid to the approaches related to the typology of educational systems. The differences and similarities in the definitions and application of these approaches in pedagogy, economics, management, general systems theory, and in other fields of science are determined. Keywords: educational systems, typology of educational systems, scientific approaches to the typology | 972 | |||||
3902 | The article investigates the impact of non-traditional forms of teaching with the use of a psychological portrait of the student. The features of traditional and non-traditional forms of education are identified. The model of the business game as a non-traditional form of teaching that contributes to the development of creative abilities is suggested. The analysis of the division on the bases of the temperament type in the group is cariied out. The types of interaction in small groups, based on the types of temperament are considered. The analysis of the business game points that nontraditional classes can increase motivation to study and encourage the development of creative abilities. Keywords: form of classes, creative abilities, temperament | 972 | |||||
3903 | The article demonstrates the positive dynamics of mutual influence of Russian-Tajik bilateral relations. One of the main elements is multilateral interference in the sphere of education. Educational, scientific and human relations have their deep origin, they are based on our nations’ customs and experience. The historical preconditions for the development of partnerships in the sphere of education in Russia and Tajikistan are considered, as well as the main content of the reforms in the educational sphere throughout 1867-1917. As a result the partner relations between nations are formed. Taking into account as an objective of the education the preparation of the person to the social life, it can be assumed that it will give us a new impulse in further implementation of other aspects of cooperation (economic, political, military, etc. Considers the question of the transition of the education system from purely religious in the middle of the 19th century (which was mainly represented by such educational institutions as mektebas - primary schools, madrasahs - secondary and higher educational institutions, which were supported by public donations) to schools various in content, forms and methods of instruction (Russian, Russian native, new method’s, etc.), gymnasiums, various vocational schools and other educational institutions after the entry of Central Asia into the Russian Empire. Determines the role of the Russian language on the territory of Turkestan. The Ministry of national education suggested joining the nations as a result of spreading the Russian language. Demonstrates the interaction and interpenetration of the Russian and Tajik languages, as a result of joint work and residence. Keywords: education, religious and secular schools, Russian native schools, trade schools, new methodological schools | 972 | |||||
3904 | An issue of activity of Krasnoyarsk school of law during the Great Patriotic War is considered on the basis mainly of archive materials. The theme of legal education during the war period did not receive adequate coverage in the scientific literature. The works are basically of review nature and many aspects of the problem remain unexplored. It is shown that the war directly affected the school’s life. The school building was transferred to the military department for flats of military men and classes had to be given in the premises of the hostel. Military and military medical business played a large role in the learning process. As a result the majority of alumni after graduation from the school became prepared military specialists. At the beginning of the war the people’s commissariat of justice of the RSFSR assigned the task for the school to prepare as many graduated lawyers as possible. As a result if in 1942 19 people graduated from the school, then in 1943 – 54 people. Mass enrolment of cadets caused discipline problems. In 1942-43 academic year students missed 4339 hours, 2048 of them are for good reasons. There were 82 tardies for classes. 20 people were subjected to administrative penalties for absenteeism and tardiness. The fight against misconduct was conducted by party and Komsomol organizations of students. Graduates of the school worked both in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region and beyond, for example in the Primorye Territory, Urals, Ukraine. In 1944 with the revival of legal education in liberated territories capital funds were transferred exactly there. As a result Krasnoyarsk school of law among others was closed. Keywords: Krasnoyarsk Region, the Great Patriotic War, Krasnoyarsk Law School, legal education in the USSR, judicial authorities | 972 | |||||
3905 | The manifestation of the links between philosophy and linguistics in ancient China through the nominative aspect is considered - the first stage of the work of thinking on the formation of linguistic knowledge. The results of critical analysis of scientific literature, their coverage from the point of view of the stated problem, the results of introspective analysis, elements of the lexicographic analysis of dictionaries are presented. The dynamics of the interaction of epistemological, axiological and pragmatic components of nomination processes as linguistic realizations of the resulting directions of philosophical reflections of Ancient China is revealed. In this article we understand culture in accordance with the definition of V. Z. Demyankov as a set of nationally conditioned standards and patterns of behavior. In this case, a clear boundary is drawn between culture and civilization. Civilization in this article is characterized as a matrix of supranational standards and patterns of human behavior. According to the opinion of the prominent orientalist V. M. Alpatov, due to the factual nature of the lexical-semantic system, the names of objects, phenomena, processes, relations, etc. are the supporting framework of the system of relations of each national culture and reflect its related, imperious, structural and economic, etc. traditions. In this case, the direction and strength of the epistemological, axiological and pragmatic vectors of the nomination process determines the worldview factor, i.е. the sum of philosophical views on the world order. The pragmatic factor serves to fulfill the functions of criticality and veracity of the resulting artifact of linguistic knowledge - the name. Keywords: nomination, linguistic knowledge, worldview, pragmatics, hieroglyph, daojiao, fanze | 972 | |||||
3906 | Manankova R. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 3-3 . | 971 | |||||
3907 | . | 971 | |||||
3908 | The author of a given article considers various ideas of frontier which are established in the modern russianamerican methodology of the humanitarian research.The author explains ontology of frontier as a product of the national, individual and disciplinary self-consciousness and he determines the reflexion of theoretically-methodological activity as the movement from generalization of differences towards the difference of generalization. | 971 | |||||
3909 | The article is devoted to psychological aspects that form the foundation of the production one of the investigation actions envisioned with Criminal codex of the Russian Federation - verification testimonies at place. | 971 | |||||
3910 | The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the terminological preferences of the historians of the last Enlightenment. The author pays primary attention to the peculiarity of the usage of the terms «system» and «spirit» by the Anglo-Scottish and Russian historians from D. Hume to N. M. Karamzin. Keywords: system, spirit, last Enlightenment, historiographical tradition | 971 | |||||
3911 | In the present paper the connection of Pfaff’s equations with Lie transformations is considered. The averaging method in the restricted three-body problem based on Lie transformations in Pfaff’s space is proposed. The efficiency of such an algorithm for the problem of asymptotic integration in dynamics is discussed for the case where the solutions of the problem require a great number of approximations. Keywords: perturbation theory, averaging method, Lie transformations, Pfaff’s equations, restricted three-body problem, satellites dynamics. | 971 | |||||
3912 | The paragenetic structure of landscapes within physical-geographical (natural region) provinces of the plain part of Altay territory is described. The results of study of landscapes complexes view that it is characterized by paragenetic links between structures elements of landscapes causing by contrast of environments. Keywords: the principle of contrast, the type of terrain, paragenetic landscape | 971 | |||||
3913 | The article is the result of lichens researches at carrying out of ecological monitoring of specially protected territories of Kemerovo region. Keywords: monitoring, specially protected territories, lichenoindication | 971 | |||||
3914 | The article considers the problem of relation between language and culture on the basis of Turkic (Kazakh) oykonims. The study of oykonims structure and semantics indicates specifi city of national mentality refl ected in ethnocultural information content. Keywords: oykonim, antroponym, social structure, national and cultural component | 971 | |||||
3915 | In the article, on basis of the archive sources, the author studies different parts of the Tomsk Engineering and Building Institute (TEBI)’s Komsomol Organization within 1985–87 Anti-alcohol Campaign. A typical personal feature of Komsomol breakers is established by him. Social control measures by Komsomol in its youth work, and the external conditions that helped or disturb this is analyzed also. He justifies a social and scientific topicality of this problem study in the modern Russian terms. Keywords: students, Komsomol, Prohibition, punishment | 971 | |||||
3916 | The paper defends the thesis that phenomenological reconstruction of transformation in culture of philosophical images of science allows to reveal basic mechanisms of modification of science representations. Modifications of representations depend on 1) orientations to historical mutations of bases of understanding of the worldview orientations forming semantic structure of scientific knowledge; 2) necessity of correlation of actions of scientists with versions of periodically reproduced informative ideal (original wisdom). These are the results of the RFBR project № 14-06-00440 “Developent of the ways of applications of nonlinear dynamics research methods to detect the attractors of self-organization of social systems”; project № 155 “Methodology of the modeling the semiotic mechanisms of management of nonlinear dynamics of educational systems” of the State assignment for Tomsk state pedagogical university. Keywords: phenomenological reconstruction, transformation of philosophical images of science, culture, naturalism, historicism | 971 | |||||
3917 | The article points to a notion of “intellectual substyle” of language personality on the basis of linguistic approach with the use of different types of dictionaries which fix the image of this phenomena on the basis of usage and collective language consciousness information. Its peculiarities with a glance to psychologists’ opinion and works of specialists in linguopersonology are defined in the article. Intellectual substyle is examined in trend of communicative stylistics of text as a component of cognitive style of language personality along with mental-psychological substyle which includes sphere of its emotional and intellectual motivation and psychological peculiarities; it also goes along with thesaurus substyle which reflects specificity of informational thesaurus of personality, its simplicity/complexity, measure, intensity, width, variety and originality of associations; at last it goes along with epistemic substyle which reflects support of object and practical experience either theory and logic, or figurative sense of reality in cognitive activity of language personality. From the view point of linguistics and with support of dictionaries intellectual substyle is defined by the author as typical for language personality intellectual peculiarities which are reflected into discursive practices and are estimated in positive or negative way in society, and are presented as distinctive features from the birth or in the process of education. These intellectual peculiarities include possibility of effective intellectual and creative activity which are expressed into remake of different information (complicated, abstract and daily), its analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization, getting new information, possibility of providence, availability of knowledge, intellectual interest and achievements in intellectual sphere, quickness at situations comprehension and reactions on it, importance and measure of thoughts, subtext and mood feeling skill, possibility of its usage for certain aims. Keywords: idiostyle, communicative stylistics, intellectual substyle, cognitive style, language personality, lexicographic sources | 971 | |||||
3918 | The article is focused on ekphrasis serving as a term to designate verbal representation of a work of fine arts in literature. Ekphrasis is analysed as presented in the poem “Portraits” written by the famous English poet Ted Hughes. Specific features of ekphrasis and various linguistic means of its manifestation are subjected to analysis. A dialogic form of ekphrasis is employed in the poem. The main features embedded in the archetypal scheme of an ekphrastic dialogue are revealed in the poem under analysis. The mysterious message sent by the portrait of the heroine with the doppelganger in the background is deciphered not by the artist as the connoisseur and the interpreter, but by the poet whose role is that of a naпve listener. Keywords: English poetry, Ted Hughes, “Portraits”, fine arts, ekphrasis, ekphrastic dialogue, the archetypal scheme, an image coming to life, mysterious message of the picture, the motif of a doppelganger | 971 | |||||
3919 | Consideres the issues of the history of formation and the main directions of the activities of the provincial archives of the second half of XIX – beginning of XX centuries; the role of archives of the organs of provincial and district Zemstvo self-government in the preservation of the documentary heritage of the Russian Zemstvo and popularization of research historical study of local lore in the pre-revolutionary period; the analysis of the formation of documentary archives of Zemstvos, the established rules of reception, storage, disposal and use of archival documents of local selfmanagement, material and technical conditions of functioning of the provincial archives and the activities of the heads of departments. Presents the analysis of the archivists’ wage, the contents of the archives in the structure of the Zemstvo institutions. States the importance of the archival documentary Fund of district councils. Documents of the organs of local self-government in many respects are perfectly preserved due to the fact that already at the moment of its creation were intended for publication and dissemination. Furthermore, the Zemstvo-ists keep their participation in the work of the archival commissions of the state-level financing of their work, continuing the publication of collections of papers and methodological developments in archival business. Careful attitude to their archives (exceptions were rare) have done a lot for development of the archive work in Russia. The archives of the Zemstvo self-government, aware of the importance of their historical documents, became the basis for the development of the local Museum, the activity of local societies of the researchers of the region history. The theoretical significance of this work is that it is the first complex work, where on the basis of the sources a special concrete historical research of the activities of regional archival departments is organized. The practical significance of the work is determined by the ability to use the materials and conclusions in the preparation of the summarizing of scientific works, creation of special courses on Russian history, records keeping and archival studies, the history of local government. Keywords: local administration, archive, document, archive Fund, archivist | 971 | |||||
3920 | The article presents the results of studying and solving the problem of improving the training of specialists capable to read foreign literature on specialities to learn about the latest achievements of foreign science and technology with the aim to use it in their work. The article contains a methodical system which allows to improve the quality of training future specialists who are ready for professional growth and mobility in terms of development of new High Tech, and who are able to comprehend the information set out in relevant authentic and constantly updated textual sources in foreign languages. The system of formation of word-building strategies is based on a number of principles (communicative orientation, reliance on native language, integrated and differentiated multilevel training) and methods (demonstration method, partial- search and heuristic methods) implemented by means of special techniques (conversation, putting problems for students to solve, giving instructions, heuristic conversation, independent solution of tasks) aimed at implementation of derivative activity in reading with different target orientation. Keywords: teaching to read, word-building strategies, text on specialities, linguistic University, principles of training, methods of training | 971 | |||||
3921 | The article presents a discussion analysis of the project of the Concept of school philological education and the Concepts of teaching the Russian language and literature. Analyzes accentual positions of scientists, methodologists, practitioners, teachers, highlights critical points. The documents are presented through the prism of goal-setting of the values of education in general and arts education in particular. Describes the declared approaches, the didactic unit and vectors of development. Discusses academic aspects of school literary education, questions of succession, cultural and interdisciplinary integration. Presentes and describes the structural components of documents in a comparative manner and characterizes in discussional form. There is strengthening of the actual science, not peculiar to the documents of this kind before (in particular the concept of «linguistic personality in the cultural-linguistic field of the nation», «the language of the aesthetic ideal», «intuitive assimilation of the laws of language», etc.). Considers the basic vectors of the сoncept of teaching the Russian language and literature, including the concept of the school philological education (among them: working with the linguistic deformations, the knowledge of language as a symbolic system and a social phenomenon, the regulatory formats and the variety of speech activity recorded by the correlates between the existing legal, regulatory and instructional materials, and conceptual directions of the development). Keywords: Concept of the school philological education, Concept of teaching Russian language and literature, teaching methodology, didactic units | 971 | |||||
3922 | Modern society of most countries is not socially homogenous yet composed of a variety of social and ethnic groups. Education in such multicultural state as Russia must take into consideration all components of a society. One of a perspective strategy for successful communication is ethno-pedagogical element in education. The complex of ethno-pedagogic means of formation of cross-cultural competence is aimed to minimize the psychological barriers of communication. It develops communication skills during educational process of foreign students. The ethno-cultural technology in teaching Russian as a foreign language solves three important tasks: transmission of personal culture; synthesis of personal culture with the culture of other ethnic groups; integration into global culture. The elements of ethno-pedagogic methods of education were applied in different historical epochs in places where two different languages and cultures came into contact. One example was presented from the period of Russian colony in Alaska, 1732-1867. In Aleut philosophy, the teacher is more a facilitator of those activities that are known as learning. The learner was engaged in learning activity not in the classroom, as in western societies, but in the different locations of each activity. It was always seasonal; for instance, during sea lion hunting it was at the beach. Instead of teaching by lecturing and talking, the boys were taken out to observe the hunting process conducted by the adult male who was proficient in hunting. The education during Russian period in Alaska was bilingual and bicultural: Russian and Aleut were taught through content on alternative base. Folklore of the indigenous people of Siberia (Selkup, Khanty, Ket) demonstrates examples of ethno-pedagogic strategies. Semantics of folklore discourse reveals the rules of accurate behavior and principles of indigenous worldview. Keywords: foreign students, educational process, institution of higher education, ethno-pedagogy, facilitator, cross-cultural competence, semantics of folklore discourse of indigenous people of Siberia | 971 | |||||
3923 | Introduction. This article presents the results of a study on the functioning of the biblical symbolism of a stone in Russian linguistic culture expressed through figurative means of the Russian language. The relevance of the work is due to scientific interest in the study of the functioning of the figurative symbolism of a stone in biblical texts. The purpose of this work is to describe the specifics of the symbolization of the image of a stone in biblical texts expressed in the semantics of language units and figures of speech; to consider various aspects of the metaphorical interpretation of the image of a stone, based on the symbolism of the spiritual and religious traditions of the Christian culture. Material and methods. The research is carried out within the framework of cognitive and linguistic cultural approaches to the study of figurative means of language that metaphorically, symbolically, and allegorically express various phenomena of reality. The methods used are structural-semantic, conceptual and contextual analysis presented in the works on the cognitive theory of metaphor by G. Lakoff, M. Johnson, A. Baranov, Y. Karaulov, A. Chudinov, etc.), lexical and phraseological imagery (N. Alefirenko, N. Ilyukhina, G. Sklyarevskaya, E. Yurina, etc.), linguoculturology (M. Kovshova, V. Krasnykh, V. Telia, etc.). The source of the linguistic material is the text base of the National corpus of the Russian language. Results and discussion. This study analyzes the symbolic representation of a stone in biblical texts; describes the semantics of the allegorical character relevant in modern fiction and non-fiction, as well as the semantics and textual functioning of phraseological units that translate the symbolism of a stone. The original source of the described stable figurative expressions was the book of Holy Scripture of the old and New Testaments – the Bible. Conclusion. The results obtained demonstrate a cognitively and axiologically significant fragment of the Russian linguistic picture of the world. The data of the corpus research indicate the active functioning of the biblical symbolism of a stone in the modern Russian language. Keywords: biblical symbolism, symbol, stone, figurative means, Russian language, cultural linguistics | 971 | |||||
3924 | Kogol T. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 11-14 . | 970 | |||||
3925 | Sagalaev A. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 26-27 . | 970 | |||||
3926 | Milevskiy O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 55-57 . | 970 | |||||
3927 | There is conducted analysis of the theorist-cognitive situation of pedagogical interactions problem at the article. Pedagogical interaction is considered as interdisciplinary phenomenon. Shown that interaction is a base category of number of philosophical concepts and approaches. Open theoretical basis of studying a problem of pedagogical interactions in domestic and foreign science. Conducted history analysis of problem subject in philosophical, psy¬chological and pedagogical science. Thats shown that modern theoretical model of subject position forming of the teacher personality in the educational process may be efficiently created on the base of principles of.synergetic world outlook | 970 | |||||
3928 | In this work the author analyses the problems of education in the market economy society and the role of the state in developing educational politics. The authour pays spesial attention to the purposes and tasks of the education in modern society and their normative base of their realization. | 970 | |||||
3929 | The two-dimensional finite difference method is applied to model the metal cutting process where the contact interaction between the cutter and work piece is defined. Lagrange description of motion is used which includes the generation of new surfaces as the work piece fractures and chip separates. A cutting path is thus developed and simulated by splitting the nodes of the finite element grid. Special attention is given to the loading process of the cutting tool during the cut-in stage. Chip formation at different times are calculated and presented | 970 | |||||
3930 | The methodological bases of technologies for innovative designing (the system approach, a dialectic method of knowledge, the objective law of systems development, TSIT – the theory for solution of inventive tasks, VA – value engineering) are considered in the article. The author presumes that implementation of it within the educational process provides training of the future engineers for creative activity. | 970 | |||||
3931 | The paper covers various aspects of onomapoefics of the writers name, including first of all the motive generating function of the poetic autoetymology. The poetic etymology of the patri¬monial name of the poet Nikolay Gumilyov is analyzed in terms of aemeism, occultism, motive and axiologlcal systems of his poetic world. | 970 | |||||
3932 | The Voguls (Mansi) of the Vejakor group are settled on the rivers Gornaya or the Great Ob, they belong to the Ob territorial group which is part of northern ethnographic group. The representatives of the following families – the Kostiny, the Partrnovy and the Schadriny belong to the phratrie Por. The Kuleyabkiny, the Saviny and the Grishkiny are the representatives of the phratrie Mos. This group has one and the same spirit-patron Konsing oika “The Clawed Man”; the same cemetery, spirits-patrons of the families are in certain relationship among each other. | 970 | |||||
3933 | The problem stated in this article is highly critical in our opinion. It is determined by the fact that currently the society is facing the situation when our young generation due to the absence of events positively influencing on them is included in the “life of robbery, violence and alcoholic abuse”, how terrible it could sound. At-risk children represent a serious danger. That’s why the author of the paper suggests solving the problem of children with deviant behavior through attracting them to physical and sports activities | 970 | |||||
3934 | . | 970 | |||||
3935 | The features of teachers training in the institution of skills development are described. The approaches to the design of the educational process according to the psychological characteristic of adult learners are justified. Keywords: skills, adult learners, life and professional experience of adult learners, selection of skills’ content, organizational forms of teachers training, self-education | 970 | |||||
3936 | In this article as an alternative approach in the aspect of fundamentalization of mathematical education the author suggests a new methodological concept, tools and scheme of study functions on the decrease and increase, based on the classification of points in domain of a function. We give suggestions and guidelines of practical implementation of the new approach in the study of mathematics in universities and schools. Keywords: methods of teaching mathematics; increase, decrease and constant functions; fundamentalization mathematical education. | 970 | |||||
3937 | The article raises problems of young man planning a future family life. The theoretical approach to the study of family perspectives of personality in terms of values and meaning, emotional and cognitive components. The authors present the results of research of specifics of family prospects of young men. | 970 | |||||
3938 | The authors consider the issues of digital and learning to learn competences in IT-learning University environment. The competences development indicators have been determined, the possibility and effi ciency of Web 2.0 technologies integration into the learning process have been introduced. Keywords: IT-learning environment, digital competence, learning to learn competence, Web 2.0 technologies, blog-technologies | 970 | |||||
3939 | The article deals with the problems of modelling the process of the formation methodical system of future teacher in the university. The author presented the corresponding structural dynamic model which consists of the target, content, process and criteria-effi cient units. The article gives their characteristics. It is shown the ways of implementation of the presented model. Keywords: structural and dynamic model, future teacher, methodical system | 970 | |||||
3940 | On the basis of the pseudopotential method and the phenomenological model of coupling intervalley transitions in the conduction band of superlattices (GaAs)m(AlAs)n(001), caused by interface and trapped in the layers of the optical vibrations of the atoms were investigated. The analysis of quantum size effects in the electron and phonon states was done, dependence of the deformation potentials of the composition and thickness of the layer superlattices was defined. It is shown that the intervalley Г-M scattering is most intensive when the wave functions of electrons and the polarization vector of the phonons are localized in the same layers of superlattice. Interface oscillations occur in superlattices with a sufficiently thick layers and cause a relatively weak intensity of T-Ј transitions of electrons from the central valley to the upper conduction bands. Keywords: semiconducting superlattices, electron-phonon interaction, intervalley scattering, size quantization | 970 | |||||
3941 | The article deals with the indirect method of nomination of plants in the selkup language, which is based on the specifi c thinking of selkup people. The analysis of some words denoting plants, which formed with the help of metfor, is examined in this article. Keywords: Selkup language, nomination of plants, method of nomination, metaphor | 970 | |||||
3942 | This article discusses the features of the discourse generated by the students of the 5th year, studying “Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures”, generated in the implementation of the two types of speech acti vity: consecutive interpreting of a technical text, and introducing new grammar material in an English class. The research shows the existence of a connection between the discourse of one and the same respondent in both communicative situations, expressed in his/her use of a communication strategy – presentation, manipulation and convention, which is explained by the level of development of the secondary language identity of the respondent – a student of linguistics. Keywords: communication strategy, communicative situation, discourse, consecutive interpreting, secondary language identity, personal thesaurus | 970 | |||||
3943 | In the article the experience of the learning process organization in the International Higher Business school (IHBS) at SibSAU is presented. For the training of competitive specialists for the global labor market the IHBS aims, keeping traditions of the Russian education, to adapt and introduce modern elements of the foreign practice of management of the learning process. Keywords: innovative business, quality control, rating system, command-and-project training | 970 | |||||
3944 | In the article on the basis of the poetic discourse of the futurists, presented by the poetry collection “Gromokipyaschy Cup” (1913) by I. Severyanin, “Sailing to the I. Citer” (1912) by G. Ivanov as well as V. Mayakovsky’s and V. Khlebnikov’s poems, written by the poets until 1917, the peculiarities of lexical regulativity on the level of an utterance are regarded. The universal and the individual are revealed in organizing readers’ cognitive activity by different authors. Keywords: poetic discourse, futurism, utterance, regulativity, regulative chains, based on the repetition of identical lexical units | 970 | |||||
3945 | In the article on the basis of the analysis of the regional educational systems experience of the Russian Federation the concept of “certification of teachers” is revealed, the taxonomy of the teacher certification models is proposed. Keywords: certification, model, standard requirements for the professional pedagogical activity | 970 | |||||
3946 | The article is devoted to the one of the last plays by E. L. Shvarts “A Story of a Young Couple”). It is devoted to the problem of mutual understanding of loving people, their readiness to build relationship in a family and accept a compromise. The motive “learner-teacher” plays an essential role in the logic of the play. This motive is developing during the act of the play and is linking plotlines of different characters. This motive is shown on several levels: verbal, situational and on the level of the system of characters. The author of the article has tried to analyse the semantic spectrum of the motive. In the post-war time the loss of kin relations is filled up with family creation that is with clan creation. It distinguishes the work of E. L. Shvarts from the Soviet literature representing a family as the state. An important psychological, social and ontological role is played in this case by “teachers” who are keepers and propagators of life values. The followers are represented by people of young generation who have already created families or who are on the way toward it. The teachers are people of older generation (tutors, fellow workers, casual acquaintances and also come to life toys, the appearance of which attaches fabulousness to the play. Keywords: drama, motive, act, dramaturgy of Shvarts, literature of XX century | 970 | |||||
3947 | Three-dimensional acceleration in general relativity can be defined so that spinless particle in the process of evolution in an external gravitational field can not exceed the speed of light. We ask what happens if a spinless particle is replaced by test-particle with spin one-half. Inclusion of spin-gravitational interaction gives generalized Papapetrou equations with modified metric along the world-line. The modified metric should be used to calculate the acceleration of spinning particles. Inclusion of spin-electromagnetic interaction in flat space gives generalized Frenkel equations, where an effective metric along world-line arises for the particle with anomalous magnetic moment. This implies that intervals of time (and distance) probed by such particle in the presence of electromagnetic field slightly differ from those in empty space. Keywords: ultra-relativistic spinning particle, Frenkel equation, BMT equation, Papapetrou equation | 970 | |||||
3948 | The use of photoselective polyethylene films with thermic properties used as greenhouse cover materials at cultivation of Eruca sativa Mill., Korsika resulted in change of vegetative growth and plants development. The thermic films have IR-reflecting properties (700–1400 nm) due to low-emission coatings with copper compounds (film TF1) and compounds of silver and copper (film TF2) on the surface of polyethylene films. The use of thermic films was conducive to decrease in wide fluctuations in day and night temperatures in greenhouses, because of increase in night temperatures up to 2 °C compared to unmodified polyethylene film. The change of light and temperature growth conditions of E. sativa by thermic film (TF-2) resulted in increase the yield (leaf number, fresh weight, and dry weight). Increase in productivity up to 60 % was followed by the rise in ascorbic acid level in plant leaves. Thermic film TF-1 did not contribute to change of plant growth, development and productivity of Eruca sativa compared to unmodified polyethylene film. Keywords: Eruca sativa, unmodified polyethylene film, polyethylene thermic film, productivity, ascorbic acid, rucola | 970 | |||||
3949 | The article is dedicated to the relevance of promotion of information and communication technologies in the educational process, benefits of using them as well as the idea that blended learning is an innovative form of teaching methods. Also the article deals with the issue of compatibility of full-time division and e-learning education, advantages and disadvantages of both forms and the additional opportunities of blended learning for students of nonlinguistic specialties. The extension of the methods and techniques for teachers and the learners with the help of educational internet-resources (hotlist, multimedia scrapbook, treasure hunt, subject sampler and web quest), technologies Web 2.0 (blog, wiki, podcast) in combination with the full-time division in teaching foreign languages to students of non- linguistic specialties is offered to advance motivation of students. Forms of organization of the Internet communication (synchronous and asynchronous) and the purposes of their use for teaching foreign languages are described. Keywords: information technology, e-learning, blended learning, student motivation, learning foreign languages | 970 | |||||
3950 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the global changes of labor resources quality in conditions of economy transformation. A distinctive feature of the modern economy is increase of information, intellectual and innovation components of the basic factors of production. Human resources become the main capital of the new economy which is also called knowledge economy. The article states the increasing role of knowledge, an increased interest in education throughout the world, the growth of the educational level of employment in the economy. It shows the problems of the existing system of education in Russia and the necessity of creation of conditions for lifelong learning. Keywords: knowledge economy, human resources, intellectual potential, continuous education, self-education | 970 |