# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3751 | Pashkova G. G. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 32-33 | 1111 | |||||
3752 | The results of cooperation of the Tomsk museum of regional studies with school Ni 12 are represented in the given paper. The program of long-term cooperation since 1998 includes museum lessons, methodical and information support of special courses, optional courses, circles for studying literary history and economy. | 1111 | |||||
3753 | The question about significance of correspondence between Elagina and Zhukovsky for understanding of development patterns of moral, philosophical and aesthetic thought of the first half of 19th century and peculiarities of Zhukovsky's romanticism is put on a new archival material. The problem of a spatial conception in letters by Elagina is viewed in philosophical and aesthetic aspects. | 1111 | |||||
3754 | In this article the intention of giving short characteristics of origin, establishment and development of Internal Troops of Russia’s Interior is undertaken; the author gave an assessment of carrying out of service and combat tasks by the Internal Troops in modern conditions of fighting with International terrorism. | 1111 | |||||
3755 | The article is devoted to the problems of Additional Pedagogical Department’s foundation and development. These departments were a social movement and a powerful resource in upbringing of students all over the country at the beginning of the 60–80-s | 1111 | |||||
3756 | This article reveals the approach to the problem solving of satisfaction of requirements of corporate clients to quality of educational services. The author suggests her variant of the professional development on the basis of corporate model «School - Teachers' training institution - PD-system», which provides continuity, individualization, practice-oriented character of additional professional education program of professional development. Keywords: corporate model, projective activity, professional developments, satisfaction of clients of educational services, additional professional education program ofprofessional development | 1111 | |||||
3757 | The demographic situation in Russia and Tomsk region, and also factors formations influencing processes and developments of a mental potential of the population is analyzed. The contribution of human potential to creation of public riches is considered. Keywords: demographic processes, a intellectual potential, human potential, dynamics of population of region, migration | 1111 | |||||
3758 | The article discusses the state of human capital in Russia at the present stage, revealed the basic concepts and definitions, we investigate the influence of human factors on the Russian economy, and comparative analysis with other developed countries. Keywords: human capital, intellectual potential, investment, economic growth | 1111 | |||||
3759 | This article presents the process of development of four variants of the problematic method of teaching in the structure of the method of professional recreative and preventive training of the students of the faculty of physical training. Keywords: problematic method of teaching, professional recreative and preventive training, characteristics of variants of problematic method | 1111 | |||||
3760 | Application of a conceptual model of information-synergetic approach to determine the reasons for the formation of anthropological bioethics reveals the new trend of philosophical studies – the memory-turn. Combining research positions – Identify memory-turn based on the interpretation of the information mechanisms of sociocultural dynamics (I. V. Melik-Gaykazyan), and an understanding of bioethics as a form of protection of identity in contemporary culture (T. V. Meshcheryakova) – allows you to discover a contradiction in continuing professional education between the inevitable standardization of the individual and the requirements of the personality meet the criteria of creative class. The paper presents some results of the project RFBR № 10–06–00313 “Attractive Management: Methodological Principles of Managing Complex Systems' Dynamics”. Keywords: memory-turn, knowledge society, creative class, educational systems, educational aims, bioethics, individuality, professional education, borders of education, education technologies, educational environment, borders, models and stages of information proce | 1111 | |||||
3761 | In this article an option of designing specialized competences of graduates specialized in IT directions developed by author is offered. Such competences are missing in the state educational standards of the 3rd generation and are developed by universities independently. Keywords: professional competence, specialized competences, specialization, information system and technologies, specialized competences, geology, oil and gas production | 1111 | |||||
3762 | The article offers a model of social support of gifted children in physics, ensuring academic mobility of students. We consider the structure, the elements of the model, the classification of forms of mobility, testing in the framework of the activities of the Center of additional education at the pedagogical university in Tomsk. Keywords: gifted children, social-pedagogical support, academic mobility, physical and mathematical education, pedagogical university, model | 1111 | |||||
3763 | The article presents the results of the empirical study of the spiritual and moral consciousness of the youth, addicted and not addicted to low-alcohol beverages. Keywords: dependent behavior, moral and spiritual consciousness, low-alcohol beverages, the youth | 1111 | |||||
3764 | The article presents and describes the experience of using different types of case-method (the opinion poll with elements of case-study; independent modeling and resolving the case-situations by students; case-test) in the competency building approach within “History of Pedagogics and Education” discipline for future Bachelor’s degree holders. The article also substantiates the opportunity of translation of most of the historical and pedagogical topics into the language of case-method. The article includes the examples of case-tests and cases described by Bachelor’s degree holders which contributed to the case bank of the discipline. The practice of different forms of the indicated interactive learning approach considering its own principles and teaching principles developed by pedagogics made it possible to solve the following problems that can be faced in the conditions of reduced classroom load: failure to make conclusions on the basis of existing knowledge, failure to establish the connection between the material that is studied at the moment and material studied previously and the interdisciplinary cause-and-effect relationships. Keywords: case-study, case-method, case-situations, opinion poll, competence, case-test | 1111 | |||||
3765 | Nam I. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 49-51 . | 1110 | |||||
3766 | Zholobova I. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 46-48 . | 1110 | |||||
3767 | A complex and actual problem of social adaptation of invalids is considered in the paper. In historical science the problem of adaptation of invalids of the Great Patriotic War is not fully studied till present. By the initiative of the party and the state, the efforts of solving problems were made but they could not be solved either during the war or the postwar period. After discharge from the hospital invalids remained alone by themselves. | 1110 | |||||
3768 | Eltsov Yu. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 83-87 . | 1110 | |||||
3769 | The article states the results of research of ski technics, used on pistes of 1,0-1,5 meters wide, without ski-track. There are at least 60 % of such tracks in ski-orienteering. The most effective variant of ski stroke cycle for such pistes on the slopes of different angles was elaborated and described. The new ski technics for ski-orienteering athletes was named “pendular” technics. It’s effectiveness was corroborated by experiment with participation of 20 masters of sports in ski-orienteering | 1110 | |||||
3770 | The features of the training process of computer science teachers are considered in this article. The drawback is a low level of informative and technological components of the teachers’ professional training content. It is suggested to improve the basic fundamental training by incorporating new subjects by means of the regional component of the university. Computational geometry is one of such disciplines. This work covers a new approach to teaching of computational geometry foundations on the basis of the specific character of pedagogical education. The problems of computational geometry training in the conditions of a pedagogical university and the ways of their solving are analysed | 1110 | |||||
3771 | The article presents the work experience of the department of improvement of professional skills and retraining teachers and lecturers on the basis of competent approach “education on order,” advance education and network cooperation | 1110 | |||||
3772 | The article is devoted to the creation of Conception of information technology of legal education in higher schools. The author considers the aims, purposes, content and principal directions of information technology of legal education. Keywords: conception of information technology of legal education, informative-communicative technology, electronic educational resources, packages of applied programmer | 1110 | |||||
3773 | In article the approach in estimate knowledge which is productive during the present period when there is a transition on competence methods of training is considered. The method combining a traditional mark estimation of knowledge of pupils and an estimation subject competence of pupils on an example of studying physics is offered. Keywords: n estimation of knowledge, the competence of subjects, methods of training, elements of the analysis. | 1110 | |||||
3774 | In the article results of pedagogical design depicting the insights of learning and teaching environment are demonstrated. The modeling of the educational process was implemented on the main principals of competence approach. The subject for modeling was considered the self-work of non linguistic students in teaching foreign languages. Self-work is seen as a tool that is able to facilitate competences’ development. Keywords: cultural and professional competences, pedagogical design, students’ self-work IDEF0 methodology. | 1110 | |||||
3775 | The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words with the root devia-. The semantics of the above-mentioned words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with lingual units representing the concepts which are included in the field of deviation. These concepts form the hierarchical structure of the category of deviation, hyper-hyponym relations underlying this structure. Keywords: deviation, category, semantics, concept, lexeme, word-combination, phrase | 1110 | |||||
3776 | The article contains description of the Russian sign language expression markers of possibility and necessity. The Russian sign language modal forms are compared with modality expression in the Russian language. Keywords: Russian sign language, RSL, possibility, necessity, modality | 1110 | |||||
3777 | Under current conditions of Russian multiparty great importance is to study the historical experience of partogenez at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries and also its understanding by policy makers and practitioners at the time. The article compared the views of liberals considered the problem of the formation and development of political parties in Russia in the revolutionary process. Keywords: the revolutionary process, partogenez, political party, the classification of parties, party struggle | 1110 | |||||
3778 | The article reveals the aim, special features, stages and results of creating portfolio in the process of development of the social-ethical competence of law students. Keywords: portfolio, social-ethical competence, legal education, refl ection | 1110 | |||||
3779 | The author presents some concrete examples of projects on the problem of the surface material of the electric charges in different ways. The basis is the heterogeneity of distribution of charges arising from the friction electrification of various polymeric materials. There are presented some schemes of practical projects. It can be used in specialized schools in the course of electrodynamics. Keywords: design tasks, electrification by friction, the creation of the charge distribution | 1110 | |||||
3780 | The paper deals with the rationale for the relevance of measuring the level of development of the ability to manipulate spatial objects by the students when studying geometric and graphic disciplines. It describes the path from the author’s final psychological test adapted to the test in three versions for use in research. Keywords: spatial thinking, discipline, geometric and graphic cycle, test, reliability test, the validity of the test | 1110 | |||||
3781 | The work is devoted to the study of the concept “Leisure” which has an important value in the culture of any linguistic community. One of the leisure aspects which has become widely spread in many countries of the world in recent times including America and Russia is considered. Keywords: concept, leisure, free time, shop, shopping | 1110 | |||||
3782 | Environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and violations of ecological linkages in ecosystems have become global problems. That is why the problem of the formation of ecological culture is particularly relevant now. Society should reconsider its attitude to nature, to abandon the principle meet all their needs, try to harmonize their relationship with nature. We believe that the approach to the solution of environmental problems is the basis of education. This article discusses methods of environmental education organization, shows the experimental data for different components of formation of ecological culture among schoolchildren in the framework of the environmental project “Ecology. First Steps”. Keywords: ecological culture, environmental knowledge, environmental values, environmental action, activitybased approach | 1110 | |||||
3783 | The article analyzes the methods of representation of gender awareness of the women authors based on the novel by L. Ulitskaya “demonstrates the methods of their detection and systematization. Based on the analysis of different types of imagery and formed in the text of the novel aesthetic integrity makes an attempt to reconstruct the gender-oriented ethical concept of the author. Identified during the analysis techniques are representative of the “feminine” type letters, because they have the appropriate symbolic content. For example, the machismo manifests itself in the motif of the “cast”, “objective”, feminine declares itself by the motive of the special life “order”. Acting in the process of writing as the translators of the consciousness of the authoress, engaged in the search for her own identity and in the expression of her own social preferences, the revealed motifs also represent various gender behaviors. Thus, specifically manifested in the character of correlation of the signifier and signified complexes, male and female elements manifest themselves primarily in different value orientations in relation to reality. Keywords: gender, discourse, female subjectivity, ironic way, renomination, structure, feminine letter | 1110 | |||||
3784 | Computer algebra systems are now ubiquitous in all areas of science and engineering. Mathcad is one of the most successeful and widely used mathematical package. The capabilities of the mathematical package Mathcad are used to compute approximate solutions of different kinds of equations from statistical physics and thermodynamics. Solved numerically the equations in which the unknown enters under the integral sign. The presented examples are of independent interest to the students and teachers that use numerical methods. The equation of heat balance is difficult to solve when the specific heat depends on temperature and this dependence is given in the form of a table. Spline interpolation is applied to solve the heat balance equation in such a case. Debay’s theory of heat capacity of crystals well describes the temperature dependence of specific heat capacities of some substances. The Debay’s theory is used to numerically solve the heat balance equation for aluminium and copper. Distribution Fermi–Dirac can be used for calculations if the chemical potential is known. The chemical potential implicitly depends on the concentration and temperature. It is shown how to numerically calculate the chemical potential. Shows how to solve numerically and graphically an equation arising in the derivation of the Wien’s shift law. With the help of Planck’s formula determines the temperature of the stars having a maximum proportion of radiation in the visible range. Provides the problems associated with the Maxwell distribution. Without the Boltzmann distribution the pressure of the isothermal atmosphere at a specified altitude is calculated. Keywords: computer mathematics systems, spline interpolation, numerical solution of equations, statistical distribution | 1110 | |||||
3785 | The article based on the material of the German language deals with the meaning of the lexeme “Arbeit”. Material for the study was provided by various monolingual dictionaries of German. The problem of studying of the basic lexemes of the concept “Arbeit” was studied by the author during the dissertation research on the material of proverbs of unrelated languages. In this research a comprehensive study of the basic lexeme “Arbeit” was carried out within the framework of the description of the linguocultural concept “work”. The study was conducted in accordance with the meanings of the word “Arbeit” which are represented in the dictionary entries in the form of synonymic series for each component of the words under analysis. Certain symbols verbalize the meaning “work as a profession, position” are grouped thematically and marked by territorial identity. The derivational structure of these lexemes was determined as well as frequency of their manufacturing bases of the derivatives. The semantics of the components of compound words was analyzed. The author identifies the usage labels reflecting the connotative coloring of the lexemes verbalizing the meaning of the word “Arbeit”. For more results the analysis involves data from synonymous and etymological dictionaries. The results of the study can be used in practical classes, in the seminars in lexicology of the German language. Keywords: lexeme, meaning, concept, synonymic row, component, nomination, lexical-semantic group | 1110 | |||||
3786 | The article presents the experience of implementing a level-by-level linguistic analysis of the publicistic text - a polemical article by Z. N. Gippius “On the Women’s Field” – for the purpose of considering textual language tools and ways of expressing evaluation. The choice of the text is determined by a complex of factors: its belonging to the publicistic style, and therefore, the presence in the language structure of a pronounced evaluation, both subjective and social; the implementation in this text of the principles and trends in the selection and features of the functioning of evaluation language tools that are characteristic of the entire creative discourse of Z. Gippius, including those relating to the idiomolexicon and the idiostyle of the author in general. As a theoretical basis for the study, the thesis is advanced that appraisal as a linguisticistic category mediating the logical category of evaluation in the text largely determines the features of the linguistic picture of the author’s world, his idiomolexicon and idiostyle. It is noted that the evaluation in the works of Z. N. Gippius is realized by means of lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic levels of language and in their interaction. In the analyzed text, the evaluation is implemented at all language levels. The basis for the linguistic expression of evaluation is lexical units with evaluation semantics. For the text of Z. Gippius as an artistic and journalistic work, the following artistic techniques are used: metaphors, epithets, comparisons, etc. Syntactic means of expressing evaluation are represented by exclamation and interrogative sentences, plug-in constructions. At all language levels, the negative evaluation of objects predominates, which is a characteristic feature of idiostyle of Z. N. Gippius, due to the nature of the author’s worldview. Keywords: evaluation, estimated language tools, comprehensive linguistic analysis, Z. Gippius, idiolexicon, idiostyle | 1110 | |||||
3787 | . | 1109 | |||||
3788 | Sukhotin A. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 21-28 . | 1109 | |||||
3789 | Redaktsiya . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 78-78 . | 1109 | |||||
3790 | Svistunov V. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 14-15 . | 1109 | |||||
3791 | . | 1109 | |||||
3792 | This text is about the problem of reading. How can we read epitaph? Keep out seriously philosophical notice about that and keep sincerity at the same time. Besides this text tells us about the writing problem. How do we write when we are writing epitaph? I think, writing is much close to making-up (and creating image). I describe some figures and structures of this kind of writing and discuss the ethical problem relevant to philosophical aspects of this idea. | 1109 | |||||
3793 | In the article the expediency of the alternative order of conducting classes (seminars preceding lectures) is sub¬stantiated. It contributes to establishing partnership be¬tween pedagogues and learners to the development of professional and creative abilities of students. | 1109 | |||||
3794 | The article reveals categorical opposition of logic and a language. The language and logic appear as two different Interacting moments which organize the text. Its imply principles of expression and understanding. The language is directly phenomenal and it is a source of expression as such. Logic lets us understand the sense of the language and return that naive expression to that inner sense. Mind is mainly logical order and it leads spontaneity of the language to the conceptual and categorical unity. Art is mainly lingual phenomenon and replaces clear and unity of logic by a play of expressive lingual relations. Speech is a sphere of logic dialectical synthesis of logic and the language principles. A settled language is energically melted by speech whereas speech is penetrated with logic so that logical connections of the language are created there. This living language creation in its logic points is a specific feature of art. Art is improvising thinking related directly to internal phenomenality of sense. | 1109 | |||||
3795 | The article considers the conditions of functioning of the Narym Selkups language in 1920–1930. The paper is based on the materials of State Archive of Tomsk Region. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the factors influencing the linguistic situation and its development. These factors are of social, economic, ideological and cultural character, they were formed during the process of settling the system of Soviet values. The complex of the factors changed the linguistic situation in the Narym region and caused the continuous degradation of the ethnical and cultural identity of the Narym Selkups. | 1109 | |||||
3796 | The article examines the problems of state industrial policy on the base of innovations. The author gives the analysis of such instruments of transferring industrial policy to innovational rails as state-private partnership, venture and investment capital, special economic areas | 1109 | |||||
3797 | In the article the research of EEG-correlaters is made on the basic of study connected with potentionals of brain. They show the process of taking out the subjective time model from the long time memory in appreciation of short visual signals lengthiness | 1109 | |||||
3798 | The article is dedicated to the problems of education. It is based on research of materials of Fund of education support project. The author considers the features of developing programs of cadet’s education, describes their goals and expecting results. The article shows the ways of describing modern cadet’s portrait, social and personal successes of graduating students, shows technologies of evaluating students in military schools. Keywords: cadet’s education, practice of pedagogical planning, graduate student’s portrait, ways of social examination of education results | 1109 | |||||
3799 | The article is devoted to release the expressive potential of adjectives in attributive regulative structures epithets type, which used in poetry of M.I. Tsvetaeva. Are revealed regulative features of the given structures of function of adjectives depending on type of epithets and their place within the limits of attributive regulative structures. Keywords: an adjective, an epithet, attributive regulative structure | 1109 | |||||
3800 | The article is devoted to the approaches to the integration of e-learning with traditional training tools for school Mathematics, based on example of e-educational complex in mathematics for primary school; it describes in detail the structure of electronic complex. Keywords: school textbook with a new type of computer support, e-education complex in mathematics. | 1109 |