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3801 | The work deals with pedagogical system development of cognitive activity of students and the arrangements for its implementation. It discusses the methodological position of scientists on the theory of teaching, training and learning activities of students. It defines types of learning activities of students. It also expands the structure of the self-government process of teaching students. Keywords: cognitive, cognitive activity of students, teaching, learning activities, pedagogical system | 1109 | |||||
3802 | This article discusses the features of the discourse generated by the students of the 5th year, studying “Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures”, generated in the implementation of the two types of speech acti vity: consecutive interpreting of a technical text, and introducing new grammar material in an English class. The research shows the existence of a connection between the discourse of one and the same respondent in both communicative situations, expressed in his/her use of a communication strategy – presentation, manipulation and convention, which is explained by the level of development of the secondary language identity of the respondent – a student of linguistics. Keywords: communication strategy, communicative situation, discourse, consecutive interpreting, secondary language identity, personal thesaurus | 1109 | |||||
3803 | The typology Komi story of the 20-ies of the 20th century is investigated. The basic types of the story of this period are the realistic, ironic, comic, lyrical story, miniature, and philosophical story. Keywords: The story of realistic, ironic-comic, lyrical story – miniature, philosophical story | 1109 | |||||
3804 | The problems of development of the system of certification of the teaching staff in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. During this period, at the legislative level degree system was developed, as well as the procedure for awarding them. The paper also attempts to understand the historical experience of the formation of the national system of training of the teaching staff. Keywords: certification, degree, graduation, PhD, Master and Doctor | 1109 | |||||
3805 | Effective forms of educational activity are design and research activity of students. In the article the general and distinctive characteristics of these concepts are allocated; the expediency of inclusion of such forms of activity into process of mathematics studying of teenagers is proved; the experience of the organization of the project “Creation of the training table on the subject “Divisibility Signs” with pupils of the sixth grade is described; the bilateral analysis of efficiency of each stage of design activity of students is provided: from the teacher and from students (on the basis of their questionnaires). Keywords: system and activity approach, design activity of students, research activity of students, competences | 1109 | |||||
3806 | The possibilities of humanitarian management of educational innovation as condition of teacher competence are considered. There was shown the administrative mechanisms in the organization of innovative educational activities at elementary school. Keywords: the liberal governance, the innovative educational program, the portable pedagogic action | 1109 | |||||
3807 | In the article denominations of body in the Selkup dialects are investigated. The somatic words under study are systematized, their possible historic denominations are offered. The somatic vocabulary developed from denomination of body is analysed. Keywords: Selkup, dialect, somatic vocabulary, denominations of body | 1109 | |||||
3808 | In the article the concept of the monoproduction region is specified, segmentation of regions on the contribution to formation of the gross regional product of different types of economic activity is carried out, classification of subjects depending on the number of prevailing managing subjects is offered, the need of creation of innovative clusters for monoproduction regions is proved and dominating forces of their creation in different economic structures are revealed. Keywords: innovative cluster, monoproduction region, corporation, types of economic activity | 1109 | |||||
3809 | The article considers the language categorization of the sun in Old English and Old Icelandic poetic texts. Figurative (metaphoric) components which show the relation of the analyzed denotatum to the category of the animateness/inanimateness are revealed. Keywords: Old English, Old Icelandic, category, categorization, cognitive metaphor, category of the animateness/inanimateness, sun | 1109 | |||||
3810 | Media language is a special code that helps to create the world view in the individual and mass consciousness. The usage in the language of mass communication has a strong influence on the “stylistics of the reader”, as well as other functional styles of a language and changes common linguistic skills and aesthetic ideals of speech. Telescopisms as a special kind of abbreviation, are one of the most productive ways of enriching the language of the media, since the use of telescopisms in media texts provides a combination of high expressiveness and information content of presentation. This article highlights the form and function of telescopisms in the modern English media text culture. Keywords: abbreviation, telescopism, media texts, partial and full telescopisms, haplologic telesсopisms | 1109 | |||||
3811 | The article reveals the specifics of the genesis of money and monetary relations in primitive culture from the perspective of facts stated in anthropology, which sufficiently suggested that money existed in primitive culture. Directly to economic exchange (barter), they were not required, but the money worked in non-functioning forms of exchange and initiated rational disposal of surplus. Money in the ritual exchange of “Kula” united the different parts of the primitive society, after that the economic exchange was possible. In the ritual of “potlatch” the money were fixed amount consumed for sacrificial benefits that had to return to the owners with increasing in future. Keywords: money, culture, money`s genesis, primitive culture, money relations | 1109 | |||||
3812 | There are the data of the study of rural students’ adaptation to studying at the university (in total – 252 people, of whom 144 – rural, 108 – urban students). The aim of the study was to determine the adaptive abilities to educational activity, motivation to learning and interpersonal interaction. It is revealed that the majority of rural students has less degree of adaptation to studying at universities. The article presents the description of pedagogical conditions for increasing the adaptation of rural students of the Far North to study at university. Realization of the program on the creation of pedagogical conditions for successful adaptation could reduce the number of rural students who faced difficulties in learning at 8 %. There was noticed a positive dynamics in the area of skills and abilities of learning activity (at 24 %). The intrinsic (positive) motivation of post-secondary studies also had positive dynamics (16 %), and communication skills increased by 16 %. Keywords: adaptation, rural student, adaptation program, pedagogical conditions | 1109 | |||||
3813 | The article presents a discussion analysis of the project of the Concept of school philological education and the Concepts of teaching the Russian language and literature. Analyzes accentual positions of scientists, methodologists, practitioners, teachers, highlights critical points. The documents are presented through the prism of goal-setting of the values of education in general and arts education in particular. Describes the declared approaches, the didactic unit and vectors of development. Discusses academic aspects of school literary education, questions of succession, cultural and interdisciplinary integration. Presentes and describes the structural components of documents in a comparative manner and characterizes in discussional form. There is strengthening of the actual science, not peculiar to the documents of this kind before (in particular the concept of «linguistic personality in the cultural-linguistic field of the nation», «the language of the aesthetic ideal», «intuitive assimilation of the laws of language», etc.). Considers the basic vectors of the сoncept of teaching the Russian language and literature, including the concept of the school philological education (among them: working with the linguistic deformations, the knowledge of language as a symbolic system and a social phenomenon, the regulatory formats and the variety of speech activity recorded by the correlates between the existing legal, regulatory and instructional materials, and conceptual directions of the development). Keywords: Concept of the school philological education, Concept of teaching Russian language and literature, teaching methodology, didactic units | 1109 | |||||
3814 | Mikhaylichenko Yu. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 11-13 . | 1108 | |||||
3815 | Knyazkov A. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 29-31 . | 1108 | |||||
3816 | This text is about the problem of reading. How can we read epitaph? Keep out seriously philosophical notice about that and keep sincerity at the same time. Besides this text tells us about the writing problem. How do we write when we are writing epitaph? I think, writing is much close to making-up (and creating image). I describe some figures and structures of this kind of writing and discuss the ethical problem relevant to philosophical aspects of this idea. | 1108 | |||||
3817 | The article considers the practice of modern testing, re¬veals positive and negative aspects of this form of evaluat¬ing. The authors suggest ways of making computer tests for the use under the conditions of distance learning to increase sfficiency of knowledge quality control. Keywords: - | 1108 | |||||
3818 | The article is devoted to the generalization of the main contradictions of the russian system of education/ These contradictions are viewed as discrepancy between the desire of the educational system to be static and the dynamic nature of the set goals/ This discrepancy is planned to be overcome within the framework of the synergetic paradigm which views self-organized systems as being able to change their goals and inner means of self-regulation. the prospects and difficulties of the realization of such an approach are stated. | 1108 | |||||
3819 | This article is dedicated to the comparison of the interpretations of the phenomenon of world by Husserl and Heidegger | 1108 | |||||
3820 | . Keywords: . | 1108 | |||||
3821 | On the analogy of ideal continent concepts, spatial distribution of high-mountainous landscapes of temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia depending on altitude and climate aridity is analyzed. Keywords: high-mountain, landscape, vegetation | 1108 | |||||
3822 | The article analyzes the stages of development of public schools in pre-revolutionary Russia, which were represented at that time by various models of different types, reflecting its national traits, experience and traditions of national education. Keywords: rural education setting, variety of models of rural education, rural community. | 1108 | |||||
3823 | The article discusses the definition of cognitive and communicative skills, states the importance of cognitive and communicative skills with regard to the competence approach, and reviews the didactic value of popular songs in English for developing students’ abilities of cognition and communication in the process of language learning. Keywords: cognitive and communication skills, competence, popular songs in English. | 1108 | |||||
3824 | The article deals with the theme of torn consciousness as integrative component of all Dmitry Prigov’s creativity. This feature of thinking is being built to representations about the duality of Russian culture as its fundamental properties. Keywords: conceptualism, torn consciousness, comic, pathetique, binary culture. | 1108 | |||||
3825 | In the paper we depict the process of forming the national myth about revival of sinful woman in the Russian literature of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. The three stages are examined in series. The first is the creation of the myth based on the “initial” motive about Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene and realized embodied in the traditional model “male redeemer/female victim” in the works by N. V. Gogol’, N. A. Nekrasov, N. G. Chernyshevsky (the 30–60s). The second is the myth’s destruction in the works by A. I. Levitov, A. P. Chekhov (the 60–80s of the nineteenth century). And finally, the third is creation of the neomyth about female redeemer in the works by F. M. Dostoevsky and L. Andreev. Keywords: Russian literature, myth, neomyth, women in literature | 1108 | |||||
3826 | This article reveals the essence of the development dimension of spatial imagination in higher technical education, presented to the revealed way of resolving this pedagogical issue for the implementation of the integrative function of modern pedagogy for the systematization of its theoretical foundations. Keywords: spatial, technical college students, perceptions, teacher modelling | 1108 | |||||
3827 | The article describes decay dynamics of dominant plant species in bog complexes of the south taiga subzone in West Siberia. On bog plant material decomposition has taken place during warm time of year when water table was low and oxygen passed easily in upper part of peat. Plant fractions are divided into two types in accordance of the character decay. Plant fractions are grouped in three groups relatively of rate decay. The maximum decay rate belongs to Menyanthes trifoliate L., the leaves and rhizomes losses are 80 % mass relatively initial value after two years of experiments. The roots and rhizomes of Eriophorum vaginatum L. decomposed slowly then other fractions; the losses were 20 % after two years of experiments. Sphagnum mosses were lost from 20 to 40 % of mass. Keywords: bog, West Siberia, decomposition, fractions of plant matter, sphagnum mosses | 1108 | |||||
3828 | The analysis is based upon the archive of the folklore data collected by a linguist A. I. Kuzmina in the 1960s. The database includes 17 texts, which present the folklore stories of Itya widespread among the Selkups. The majority of these narratives with participation of this hero recorded by A. I. Kuzmina are previously unpublished. Their publication will dramatically extend the empirical base for the folklore and ethnohistorical studies. The plot of the stories is common to all Selkup groups. The data of A. I. Kuzmina supplement the folklore plots of the Middle Ob dialectal area (Ivankino, Tibinak, Konerovo). Keywords: selkup, folklore data, stories of Itya, folklore plots and motifs | 1108 | |||||
3829 | The article deals with the analysis of the computer-based tests presented in on-line educational English for special purposes complex for senior non-linguistic students who study professional English. Based on the analysis carried out the following conclusion was made: computer based testing enables a systematic and objective monitoring of students’ results, the diagnostics of difficulties while mastering the specified discipline and is a measure of learning efficiency, as well as tremendous motivating stimulus. Keywords: computer-based tests, professional English, systematic and objective monitoring, diagnostics of difficulties, learning efficiency, motivating stimulus | 1108 | |||||
3830 | The article is devoted to the detecting of the influence of family life and political image of the Russian ruling dinasty in the XVI–XVII centuries on maintaining of autocracy and weakening of kinship ties within Russian family. Keywords: Russian state, ruling dinasty, patriarchal type of family, evolution of marriage and family relations | 1108 | |||||
3831 | 1108 | ||||||
3832 | The article presents the analysis of data of thunderstorms, heavy rains, hails for 12 weather stations in Eurasia during the summer period of 2000–2012. There were analyzed 4420 events of heavy rains, 1833 events of thunderstorms, 18 events of hail and 2 events of tornado. Investigates thermodynamic and kinematic parameters calculated from the radiosounding at 12:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) at 12 stations during 2000–2012. Identifies the limits of variability and features of the thermodynamic and kinematic parameters of the atmosphere in Western Siberia during thunderstorms and heavy rains. Thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere at the weather stations near the site, where two tornadoes were analyzed. Keywords: thunderstorm, heavy rain, hail, tornado, the thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere, radiosonde stations of the atmosphere, cumulonimbus clouds | 1108 | |||||
3833 | In the article the authors touched on one of the topical issues of defectological education: improving motivation to self-correction and self-control among children with severe speech disorders. For children with severe speech disorders the corrective-speech process at kindergarten speech therapy center lasts 2–3 years. During this time it is necessary to help children to correct the defects of the entire system of language: aspects of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical side, of coherent speech. The necessity of examination and formation of a stable motivation for corrective speech work is caused by the low level of interest of senior preschool children with severe speech disorders to speech therapy classes, because they require perseverance from the child, and this quality appears later. The authors identified three stages of diagnostics, necessary for a comprehensive examination of children with severe speech disorders. Stage 1 – speech diagnostics, stage 2 – study of children’s motivation, stage 3 – parents’ questioning to identify the child’s interests. The attention is focused on the stage of studying of motivation for speech therapy classes, with the aim of identifying conditions for the formation of stable motivation of children with severe speech disorders. The diagnostic parameters of the motivational component are demonstrated, their connection with speech therapy tasks is specified. Keywords: speech disorder, motivation, interest in speech therapy sessions, diagnostics of motivation | 1108 | |||||
3834 | Manankova R. P. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 33-35 | 1107 | |||||
3835 | The present article analyses motives of K. Vaginov's prose connected with «Mermaid» plots and images in Russian literature (in works by L. Mey, A. Maikcv, A. Blok, 1. Annensky. N. Gumilev, V. Khodassevich, V Khiebnikov, N. Zabofotsky, A. Grin etc.). Female characters of K. Vaginov try to realize themselves as sirens who destroy people. However, they, as a rule, do not succeed in doing that. On the opposite, they are suffering creatures whowa not only « collects» variants of different mermaids from works of literature, but aiso renovates plots about them. | 1107 | |||||
3836 | In the given work the method of calculation for equili-brum sub-transsonic flows is offered and the results of its application are given. It is based on the method of approached factorization for the solution of the complete speed potential equation, which has been written down in the conservative form on orthogonal grid, connected with a contour of a nozzle. This method allows calculating flows in nozzles, having the complex form of combustion chamber, particularly the flush-mounted nozzle. The method gives the best correlation with the experiment in comparison with a usual approached factorization method. Such results are explained by using of an orthogonal grid, which improves the approximation of the initial differential equation. | 1107 | |||||
3837 | New demonstrations on conical refraction in a monocrystal of rhombic sulfur are presented. Double ring 1 m diameter of internal conical refraction was shown on a screen of auditorium. Two rings of external conical refraction with specific distribution of polarization have been obtained and there was shown the ring of external refraction does not display any double structure. Focusing features of a parallel-plane slab of biaxial crystal have been sexperimentally evaluated. New definitions of birefringence in conditions of conical refraction are discussion | 1107 | |||||
3838 | In the article the author analyses approaches to an estimation of reliability of the subject of professional work. The urgency of development of model of an estimation of professional reliability of the teacher on the basis of the system organization of self-control proves. Criteria of an estimation of professional reliability are allocated: integrity and interrelation of structural components of self-control. The algorithm of a quantitative estimation of professional reliability of the teacher is described | 1107 | |||||
3839 | The development of the methodical system for physical education in technical university requires the effective use of PC and local corporative network along with Internet. The goal of paper is to designate the possible directions for to integrate both pedagogical and computer technologies in its applications in physics | 1107 | |||||
3840 | In this article the author analyzes the potential of the establishments of an additional education in professional guidance sphere. The historical-pedagogical analysis is spent on materials of «pedagogical classes» which work now within the limits of an additional education. The author traces changes of purpose and problems in the activities of pedagogical classes throughout the XX-th century, characterises their work during the different historical periods and shows pedagogical classes as the important means of professional counselling. Keywords: additional education, pedagogical class, vocational counselling, pedagogics | 1107 | |||||
3841 | The paper considers an integrative approach to organization of common activity of graduating psycho-pedagogical chair of the institute and Psychological Center. The approach provides with development of specific professional competence of educational psychologists. Peculiarities of professional communication of teachers on the integrative level are determined. The author outlines psychological aspects and development levels of united integrated professional space of the chair and Psychological Center. Keywords: : integrative approach, professional inter-chair space, psychological structure of chair and center, educational integrated content, psycho-pedagogical space | 1107 | |||||
3842 | Different translations of Chekhov's narrative «A Dreary Story» into the French language are considered in this work. Translator's choice of a narrative title is in the center of our attention. Difficulties of a translation process which are connected with unbiased language peculiarities, specific character of Chekhov's works, and difficulties of the story itself are analyzed. Keywords: Chekhov, «A Dreary Story», translation into the French language, translator's decision | 1107 | |||||
3843 | The article considers the peculiarities of working out of innovation subject esthetic music expressiveness for comprehensive schools. The subject was worked out on the foundation of competent approach. There are general characteristics of the main competences of music expressiveness. The peculiarities of the technology’s organization are described. Keywords: competent approach, esthetic education, emotional expressiveness, individual creative achievements, integration. | 1107 | |||||
3844 | Methods of laser ektacytometry and spectrophotometry revealed that the increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration causes a decrease in deformability and a reduction in human erythrocytes. Keywords: erythrocytes, Ca2+-dependent potassium permeability, deformability | 1107 | |||||
3845 | Modernization of the education system is defined in the concept of long-term social and economic development of the necessary condition for the formation of the innovation economy. The programme strategic development objectives in Siberia are identified in science, education and culture, in which Tomsk State Pedagogical University actively participates. The main focus of the university is in improving the quality of human capital for the implementation of key economic and social spheres in Siberia due to the integration of institutions of primary, secondary, higher vocational education and professional development. Keywords: modernization of the education system, program of social and economic development of Siberia, the integration of educational institutions, the system of continuous teacher education | 1107 | |||||
3846 | The article deals with the question of air pollution of benzo (a) pyrene, formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide. These substances are the main determining high levels of air pollution. There were analyzed the long-term annual and monthly mean concentrations of the ingredients, dynamics of concentration seasons of the year. The coefficients of the slope of the linear trend of changes in the concentration of ingredients. Keywords: monitoring, pollution, air, benzo (a) pyrene, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, coefficient the slope | 1107 | |||||
3847 | . | 1107 | |||||
3848 | The results of first graders spatial and verbal reasoning components research and the interconnection between this and the mastering of school skills among elementary school children are presented in the artcle. The most sensitive to different learning disabilities turned out to be spatial reasoning tests. The verbal tests can provide additional information for the further prognosis of reading skills difficulties. Keywords: spatial reasoning, verbal reasoning, writing skills, calculation skills, reading skills, learning disability, tests prognostic capability | 1107 | |||||
3849 | The author describes peculiarities of metal accumulation in spruce needles depending on the distance to the source of pollutant emissions. The author defines characteristic features of the accumulation of metals, mixed-age conifers, depending on the season. Keywords: needles, woody plants, pollution, accumulation of heavy metals | 1107 | |||||
3850 | The article explains the role of information competence of teachers to develop learning and cognitive activity of students by means of information technology training. Keywords: competence, information competence, information technology of training, activation of learning and cognitive activity | 1107 |