# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3801 | The article defines the reading type that lies in the foundation of teaching senior secondary school students to read original German texts containing linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistic information. The author analyses the views of researchers considering the reading process from the perspective of psychology, linguistics and methodology. Special attention is given to reviewing the types of reading. This issue is one of the most theoretically developed, but not yet terminologically stable. The characteristics of “mature” and “immature” reading in the native and foreign languages are identified and described. As a result, on the basis of the conducted research, the type of reading most suitable for teaching to read the original texts is proposed, its characterization is given. Keywords: reading, types of reading, original texts, “mature” reading, “immature” reading, reading with full understanding | 978 | |||||
3802 | The article investigates the concept of the word-name “Familie” in a diachronic perspective. On the basis of German etymological dictionaries the origin and the semantic development of the word is analysed. Keywords: German language, concept, key word etymology, semantic change | 978 | |||||
3803 | In the article on the basis of the first collection of G. Ivanov’s poems related to egofuturistic stage of his creative works we consider different types and species of lexical regulative structures based on the stylistic device of syntactical parallelism. These regulative structures not only provide text and its fragments connectivity, but also are vital for readers’ cognition and comprehension of the meaning at these levels. Keywords: poetic text, regulativity, lexical regulative structures based on the stylistic device – syntactical parallelism | 978 | |||||
3804 | In the present article nature of perception of Russian phraseological units foreign in a literal translation into Chinese is investigated by means of the psycholinguistic experiment. The results of the experiment carried out by the author allowed to reveal the whole complex of structural and semantic signs of phraseological units influencing perception and identification of the meaning of phraseological unit. Keywords: phraseological unit, psycholinguistic experiment, perception, internal form, intralinguistic and interlingual figurativeness, national-cultural specificity | 978 | |||||
3805 | The article presents research of individual media discourse of the author and presenter of the information and analytical program “News of the Week” Dmitry Kiselev. The specificity of the format of information and analytical program in general and the author’s program the “News of the Week” in particular is characterized. The complex communicative and pragmatic analysis of “News of the Week” 04.14.2013 from the standpoint of both the individual characteristics of journalist and presenter and objective extra linguistic characteristics of information and analytical program format was presented. Genre, stylistic and compositional features of the “News of the Week” as the official state program are characterized. Verbal behavior of D. Kiselev from the point of view of communicative strategies and tactics, the use of tropes, rhetorical figures, as well as various methods of communication impact was analysed. Paralinguistic characteristics of individual media discourse of the author and presenter of the program “News of the Week” (phonational and kinetic) were described. Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a journalist, communicative and pragmatic analysis, information and analytical program | 978 | |||||
3806 | The article deals with the development and different approaches to civic education in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. During all the human history every society aimed at development of civic competences, knowledge among young generations. Nowadays these intensions (more about democratic citizenship) changed into increasing problem, demanding more attention, tightly connected with democratic processes. In different schools of Great Britain there is a program of introduction to the subjects connected with the development of civic competences. The fact of formalizing the subject in England reflects the growing concern among British young people’s attitudes to the civil society, their participation in the political life of the country, and is perceived as an important event in the history of education in the UK. However, the understanding of citizenship, education and cultural identity changes in accordance with the region, and that becomes the reason for different aims and approaches to civic education in Britain. The article presents the peculiarities in understanding of the terms “civic education” and “citizenship” in different countries of the UK. It is concluded that the understanding of these concepts affects the contents, the denomination and methods of teaching the subject of civic orientation in the school system. Aspects of civic education are firmly entrenched in government programs of primary, secondary and higher education, which constantly transform with the changes at different levels of the society. The UK has also these peculiarities and inside the Commonwealth approaches, the names and methods of civic education vary. The differences are due only to the territorial factor and the factor of experience, but, in general, the concept of civic education is a complex and versatile. Keywords: civic education, school, Great Britain, democracy | 978 | |||||
3807 | The article examines the role of explication of the evaluating attitude in the „star” interview. The evaluation category is an integral part of the linguistic view of the world. A man’s relation to the world and other people is the relation of active interaction with the world around and purposeful transformation of the world according to his values. The intentional features of “star” interview aimed at maximum disclosure of the interlocutor’s personality, as well as at the identification of his value conceptions are described in the work. The evaluation of the agent’s life experience and his social status form the basis for choosing value orientations – ideological, aesthetic, moral grounds for evaluating the world around. Therefore, it could be argued that the evaluation expresses the objective and subjective relation of the agent of speech to the designated one. The characteristic of structure and components of evaluation is given. The emotionalevaluative state of the agent requires special linguistic forms of his objectification. Examples of language verbalization of the evaluation in the “star” interview are given. The choice of the means depends on speaker’s interpretation of this or that fact and his evaluation of this or that object’s act. The research has shown that the modern language has a variety of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, phraseological means for adequate expression of the emotionally-valued relations to the agent of the utterance. As a rule, there is a close interaction of linguistic means of various levels. Keywords: “star” interview, evaluation, structure of evaluation, components of evaluation, the emotionalevaluative replies, language verbalization of the evaluation | 978 | |||||
3808 | . | 977 | |||||
3809 | The questions of optimization of study process of different physics problems' decision, the questions of connecting traditional methods with using PC are investigated. The description of algorithm of the automatized decision of physics problems using the model language is given. | 977 | |||||
3810 | The article is devoted to the unsufficiently studied problem in German linguistics related to the choice of syntactic subordination in the quantitative word combinations with the second component expanded by an adjective (participle) Nquant+AdjN and eine Art +AdjN. The material analysed has shown that despite recommendations of classic grammar reference books to choose co-ordination as a type of subordination for the syntactic structure of these constructions, the genitive and prepositional subordination still exists and is the most widely used one. Moreover, the hypothesis that the syntactic organization of these constructions is determined by the grammatical characteristics of their components has been confirmed. | 977 | |||||
3811 | In the present work the morphologic-syntactical way of expressing possession category in the Khanty and the Tartar languages is studied on the examples when possessor is in the singular and plural forms and possessum is in the singular form | 977 | |||||
3812 | The psychological problems of training of future pedagogical specialists are regarded in the article. The correlation of such notions as «creative thinking», «creative abilities» and «creative activity» is analyzed. The creative work of future pedagogical specialists is considered on the base of empiric material. The notion «professional competence» is also regarded. The role of creative work is analyzed while the formation and development of professional competence of future pedagogical specialists at the theoretical and empiric levels. Keywords: creative abilities, creative thinking, creative activity, creative work, professional competence | 977 | |||||
3813 | The article dwells on the topic of patriotism as the issue of philosophy, philology and public sciences. The empirical sociological research, which was done in 2010 in Saratov region, regarding studying the patriotism level of the modern student youth, is represented in the article. Keywords: patriotism, extremism, student youth, sociological research, Saratov region. | 977 | |||||
3814 | Methods of laser ektacytometry and spectrophotometry revealed that the increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration causes a decrease in deformability and a reduction in human erythrocytes. Keywords: erythrocytes, Ca2+-dependent potassium permeability, deformability | 977 | |||||
3815 | The paper discusses Enets emphatic negative verbs. Besides the well-known Uralic “main” negative verb which is used for verbal negation, Enets also has other negative verbs which are combined with the connegative form of the lexical verb. These verbs have the meanings “after all, not”, “almost”, “of course”. The paper describes morphological and semantic properties of these verbs. Keywords: verbal negation, negative verb, emphatic negative verb, auxiliary, Samoyedic languages, Enets | 977 | |||||
3816 | Freedom is a value of universities over their history. But with modifi cation of functions and forms of universities, the elements of freedom also change. There is a danger of responsibility loss when freedom is reached as the absolute value. The author analyses historical forms of European and North American universities in whole and internationalisation of higher education in particular with a view to conception of positive and negative freedom and exposes necessity of moral or institutional restrictions. Keywords: university, negative freedom, positive freedom, internationalisation, responsibility | 977 | |||||
3817 | In the article some ways of semantic derivations due to which Selkup basic vocabulary formed and developed are presented. Abstract notions replace concrete symbols specific for mythological thinking. The period of grammaticalization of concrete meanings ended in change of content words into connective and substitutive ones. Keywords: Selkup, dialect, semantic derivation, regular sound correspondences | 977 | |||||
3818 | The article is devoted to the analysis of associative-semantic correlation oil – food significant in the Russian poetry of a revolutionary time. It is proved that concept oil inclusion in a discourse of the Russian poetry becomes one of the significant elements of updating of a lingvocultural code of an era towards technicism and a mechanicism peculiar to modernist and vanguard art consciousness in the 10ies – 20ies of the 20th century. Keywords: stylistic-discursive evolution, Russian poetic discourse | 977 | |||||
3819 | The article contains general concept and rationale for the importance of school linguistic-cultural Dictionary as an effective methodological tool for the development of language personality of a schoolchild, for the formation of his linguistic-cultural competence. Author proposes a set of guidelines to compose a glossary reflecting current understanding of cultural literacy in high school. Keywords: linguistic-cultural competence, concept, conceptocentrical approach, language world picture, linguistic personality, cultural literacy, words with cultural component of the meaning | 977 | |||||
3820 | The article deals with the analysis of the computer-based tests presented in on-line educational English for special purposes complex for senior non-linguistic students who study professional English. Based on the analysis carried out the following conclusion was made: computer based testing enables a systematic and objective monitoring of students’ results, the diagnostics of difficulties while mastering the specified discipline and is a measure of learning efficiency, as well as tremendous motivating stimulus. Keywords: computer-based tests, professional English, systematic and objective monitoring, diagnostics of difficulties, learning efficiency, motivating stimulus | 977 | |||||
3821 | The contradictions of the education system which have arisen in connection with transition to realization of new quality of education and competence-based model of the graduate are shown. Value of activity approach is for elimination of contradictions and a role of style of activity of the teacher as factor of formation of model of the graduate of school. The structure of style of teachers is characterized, two options of its manifestation and metaeffects which form various features of activity of pupils are shown. Keywords: new quality of education, style of pedagogical and educational activity, metaindividual effect of style of activity, metaeffects | 977 | |||||
3822 | The article is devoted to the problems of the educational process and the formation of ethnic identity of students. It emphasizes the important role of the school as an organic part of the social life of a multi-ethnic society, which aims to balance the educational interests of the individual, nation and society. The article identifies and justifies the leading pedagogical conditions of formation of ethnic identity: familiarizing students to the national culture, taking into account their age characteristics and need-motivational sphere, the integration of academic and extracurricular activities; creation of ethnic and cultural environment conducive to immersion students in their native culture; systematic and continuity of joint activity of the family, school and society. It is shown that the learning content to be as accurate as possible to reflect the life experience that students will need in their future activities in a multiethnic society. Keywords: ethnic identity, pedagogical conditions, multiethnic society, integration, need-motivational sphere | 977 | |||||
3823 | The paper is devoted to the issue of synonymy in terminology. Authors reveal the meaning of the notion “terminological synonymy”. They turn attention to the generalization of theories related to principles of synonymy in terminology. It’s known that there are different points of view on the existence of term-synonyms. In the paper such items as “synonym”, “doublet”, “variant” are analyzed by different linguists. Through the example of landscape study peculiarities of usage of synonyms in the Russian and German languages are shown to nominate different fragments of the linguistic world-image. Polylexical relations inside terminological systems are becoming more and more popular nowadays, and landscape study proves this fact. It should be emphasized that earlier such relations were considered as unacceptable. Keywords: synonymy, terminology, absolute synonym, doublet, variation, variants, terminology of landscape study | 977 | |||||
3824 | An issue of activity of Krasnoyarsk school of law during the Great Patriotic War is considered on the basis mainly of archive materials. The theme of legal education during the war period did not receive adequate coverage in the scientific literature. The works are basically of review nature and many aspects of the problem remain unexplored. It is shown that the war directly affected the school’s life. The school building was transferred to the military department for flats of military men and classes had to be given in the premises of the hostel. Military and military medical business played a large role in the learning process. As a result the majority of alumni after graduation from the school became prepared military specialists. At the beginning of the war the people’s commissariat of justice of the RSFSR assigned the task for the school to prepare as many graduated lawyers as possible. As a result if in 1942 19 people graduated from the school, then in 1943 – 54 people. Mass enrolment of cadets caused discipline problems. In 1942-43 academic year students missed 4339 hours, 2048 of them are for good reasons. There were 82 tardies for classes. 20 people were subjected to administrative penalties for absenteeism and tardiness. The fight against misconduct was conducted by party and Komsomol organizations of students. Graduates of the school worked both in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region and beyond, for example in the Primorye Territory, Urals, Ukraine. In 1944 with the revival of legal education in liberated territories capital funds were transferred exactly there. As a result Krasnoyarsk school of law among others was closed. Keywords: Krasnoyarsk Region, the Great Patriotic War, Krasnoyarsk Law School, legal education in the USSR, judicial authorities | 977 | |||||
3825 | Now there is a great emphasis on situating metaphor studies within broad, comprehensive models of human cognition, communication, and culture. As any language is anthropocentric, and in any language, there are metaphors that perceive objects, animate or inanimate, as persons. Metaphors ascribing human characteristics to non-human entities are defined anthropomorphic and can be viewed as a formula NATURE IS MAN, where we have NATURE for the target domain, and MAN for the source domain. In literary texts the anthropomorphic metaphor is considered as one of the most productive metaphor type due to the author’s subjective perception of the surrounding world. The ubiquity of the anthropomorphic metaphor demonstrates that the key metaphorical schema NATURE IS MAN can be broken down into lower–level, specific schemas bringing to the various aspects of the concept MAN (appearance, traits of character, feelings, aural perception, intellectual functions, physical activities, age, body etc.) and the concept NATURE (natural objects and phenomena, seasons, times of day etc.). The present paper is aimed at showing generating power of the basic metaphor «SPRING IS A WOMAN» in Shukshin’s writings. The corpus of original metaphorical expressions as the examples for the analysis illustrates the modeling potential of the anthropomorphic metaphor. Created by the culture and embedded in the literary texts by the author it is used to perform, and present new dimensions of the picture of the world. Keywords: anthropomorphic metaphor, basic metaphor, modeling of the world, literary text, spring, woman | 977 | |||||
3826 | The article examines the issue of Italian painting reception in the creativity of V.F. Odoevsky at the levels of images, motives, allusions. This issue is associated with pictorial art as a challenge for Odoevsky. Italian art in his prose is connected with a creator’s destiny: his …, insanity, unrealized … Art and creativity express chaotic and irrational part of the human nature, forming opposition with philosophy. The image of Italian Madonna is interpreted as an aesthetic and etic ideal of beauty. Odoevsky’s perception in this aspect corresponds with perception of the Lubomudry in general. This idea of perfection reflected in the images of wise and beautiful women playing the role of Muse. In aesthetic conception of Vackenroder the same image creates ties between art and religion. Madonna is identified in short stories “Vicenzio and Cecilia”, “The improvisator”, in stories “Silphide” and “Black glove”. Odoevsky uses ideas of German romanticists and Zhukovsky, but reconsiders them. For example, Cecilia embodies not only beauty, but also spiritual independence. The picture with Madonna in “The improvisator” expresses motive of beauty damaged by analysis and rationality. In the image of Siphide Odoevsky combines features of Venus, the divine of love and beauty painted by Botticelli, and Cristian Madonna. “Black glove” demonstrates absence of Madonna (line of Maria) in modern world. In conclusion, interpretation of Madonna’s image is included in Italian text system of the Lubomudry. However, Odoevsky adds to this text individual features typical of his philosophical prose. Keywords: the Lubomudry, Russian romanticism, Italian text, the image of Madonna | 977 | |||||
3827 | The play The Days of the Turbins is usually studied in view of author’s and his characters’ political standings in the situation of the extremely dramatic change of government in Russia. The article analyzes the poetical manner of the play and finds out that the author used a wide variety of the expressive means, not just comical, but even slapstick. These slapstick elements can be found on the different levels and stages of the action: the play starts with obviously comical Nikolka’s «cook song» and ends with exceedingly passionate and comical, yet somewhat lyrical speaches by Lariosik. There is a system in use of the slapstick expressive means in description of authorities running away: from the implicit ones (the discussion of tsar by the drunk friends, singing Pushkin’s poem The Song of the Wise Oleg, rumors from Shervinsky about tsar’s return) to the explicit climactic slapstick scene in hetman’s palace. In the system of characters with use of means of comic not only Lariosik and Shervinsky’s images, but also Talberg are allocated: this not comic character is presented in a farcical situation of delay, replacement with another, in dialogue with repetitions, in zoomorfny assessment. The comic travesty of serious things, slapstick and drama in different forms and scales are considered in this article on the poetic manner in the play The Days of the Turbins as coexisting, contrasting, outlining, rejecting each other. The authors of the article believe that system manifestation of the slapstick poetic manner by the author of The Days of the Turbins shows to M. Bulgakov’s participation in that direction of creative search of theatrical vanguard of the 1920th years which was expressed in Mayakovsky’s dramatic art, Erdman - authors by Vs. Meyerkhold. Keywords: M. Bulgakov, The Days of the Turbins (Dni Turbinykh), action, poetic manner, expressive means, comical, travesty, explicit and implicit slapstick comedy means | 977 | |||||
3828 | . | 976 | |||||
3829 | Kozlova A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 3-6 . | 976 | |||||
3830 | Rytova T. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 58-63 . | 976 | |||||
3831 | . | 976 | |||||
3832 | The incorporative effects of luminescent red radiation of low intensity, generated by correcting light polyethylene films and redundant ultraviolet-A radiation on morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Henh. of wild-type Ler and two light mutants hy3 and hy4 deficient in synthesis phytochrome B and cryptochrome 1 accordingly were investigated. Wild-type plants, cultivated under these correcting light films have no any changes in its development, while hy4 mutant exhibits increased development process and growth. Lethal effect of UV-A radiation was noted in the process of growing hy3 mutant, especially in the initial stage of true leaves development. Results from studies indicate regulatory interaction of low intensity red luminescent radiation and redundant ultraviolet-A radiation on stimulation and inhibition of plants growth and productivity | 976 | |||||
3833 | The article is devoted to the phenomenoiogical structure of the Russian prose of the second half of the 19,h century. After characterizing the essentials of the problem raised the article turns to defining the strategy of the systematic description of the phenomenology of the Russian prose concerning plot, genre and position of the author. | 976 | |||||
3834 | Lingo-cultural paradigm in the modern linguistics allows new insights into the language-culture relations. The paper deals with the youth culture analysis, concentrating on protest as one of the youth culture basic characteristics. Various manifestations of protest are studied on the basis of the names of contemporary British and American music bands. Thorough etymological, derivational, definitional, quantitative analyses of the group names as well as lingo-cultural commentary allowed investigating the forms youth protest takes. | 976 | |||||
3835 | The article investigates the questions of cluster contains and their usage as region industrial policy forming. The authors analyse cluster approach potentialities as effective decision of different branches and interregional investment and innovational projects | 976 | |||||
3836 | The article is devoted to philosophical and pedagogical problems of forming and developing the culture of a teacher. It proves the relationship of the notions “philosophical” and “pedagogical culture”, shows the author’s approach to the definition of pedagogical culture, analyses the components of the notion and the results of concrete empirical research in the field of raising the level of professional skill of a pedagogue on the basis of an educational establishment | 976 | |||||
3837 | For Western Siberia is studied For the first time specific structure and zooplankton distribution in various types of marsh reservoirs of pool of an average current of the river Chulym. It is established that each type of marsh reservoirs is characterised by a certain set of the general specific structure and characteristic kinds of a zooplankton. For reservoirs of moor of transitive type 13 characteristic kinds of a zooplankton, for back moor – 39 and for the river reservoirs connected with bogs – 22 kinds are established. For the first time for fauna of Russia 7 kinds, and for Western Siberia – 11 kinds are established. Keywords: zooplankton, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda, moor of transitive, back moor, evribiont | 976 | |||||
3838 | The present article is devoted to the problem of training a pedagogic university students to conduct research activity in their prospective professional sphere. The notion of «a student research activity» is defined. Organizing-methodic conditions making for forming and developing research activity of would-be-teachers are exposed. Keywords: research activity, professional-pedagogic competence, creative potential, educational technology, professional training | 976 | |||||
3839 | The paper considers an integrative approach to organization of common activity of graduating psycho-pedagogical chair of the institute and Psychological Center. The approach provides with development of specific professional competence of educational psychologists. Peculiarities of professional communication of teachers on the integrative level are determined. The author outlines psychological aspects and development levels of united integrated professional space of the chair and Psychological Center. Keywords: : integrative approach, professional inter-chair space, psychological structure of chair and center, educational integrated content, psycho-pedagogical space | 976 | |||||
3840 | The article is devoted to adaptations of the biblical Book of Jonah which is probably one of the first works of the world literature that proves the idea of infinity of God's mercy and omnipotence of penance. Adaptations of this Old Testament text in Russian literature is considered in the context of world literature. Among the authors who have used the plot and some motives of the Book are such as I. A. Bunin, Sasha Chorny, A. Kim, and many others Russian poets. Keywords: Bible, Old Testament, Christianity and literature, Russian prose, Russian poetry Scientific Library of TSU | 976 | |||||
3841 | This article is devoted to the problem of a social information field of the young schoolboys, the ways in formation of the information culture, influencing development of the child. A family is considered to be the main subject in formation of a social information field. Keywords: a social information field, the information environment, information culture, educational value of a cultural field of a family | 976 | |||||
3842 | In the article the role of educational setting in achievement of acme in modern welfare conditions is considered; results of research of the basic spheres of ability to live of students, their valuable orientations of university, and also feature of vital prospect of development of the person of the student are analyzed. Keywords: educational space, an image of the future, vital values, vital prospect | 976 | |||||
3843 | The author of the article tries to determine the place of the so-called verbal synlexes (morphologically composite, stable nominative units of language; functional-semantic analogues of the separate verbs) in the nominative structure of the Russian language. There are four types of correlations between the verbal synlexes and the verbs. The author is especially interested in the case when the verbal synlexes correlate with the verbs that have the same root and enumerates the ways permitting to avoid doubling of the synlex and the verb. Keywords: the verbs, the verbal synlexes, nominative structure, attribute of substantive element, stylistic marking, semantics | 976 | |||||
3844 | Theoretical substantiation of the development of educational technology of rehabilitation and prevention of cardiovascular diseases is paid in the article. Theoretical grounds are presented with key categorical apparatus, principles and model. The realization stages of the designed educational technology are showed. Keywords: educational technology, principles, model, rehabilitation, prevention, cardiovascular diseases | 976 | |||||
3845 | The article analyses the social contradictions as the causes and consequences of migration in the modern world, models of migration policy, features the policy of multiculturalism and political correctness in the EU and the U.S. that reduce the tolerance level in the society. The author concludes that the modern social contradictions of migration contributing to the formation extremism and terrorism based on fanaticism. Keywords: social contradictions, migration, fanaticism, economic crisis, multiculturalism, political correctness | 976 | |||||
3846 | The article considers the role and place of the visual text in religious rituals, its interaction with other elements of the religious ritual and the role of the broadcast of religion in the cultural environment. On the example of Orthodoxy we deal with the visual text in the structure of religious ritual, aspects of its interaction with the verbal text, the role of visual text in spreading the religion. The conclusion is made about the indissoluble unity of the visual text with other elements in the religious ritual, dynamic interaction with them, as well as the priority role of the visual text in the translation of religion in culture. Keywords: religious ritual, visual text, verbal text, sacred space, religious culture, Orthodoxy | 976 | |||||
3847 | The paper proposes a systematic analysis of the model of personalized and individualized training of educators; features of its design are revealed. Keywords: remote model of personalized and individualized training of educators; specifics of design and implementation of additional educational program | 976 | |||||
3848 | The articl contains theoretical analysis of the problems of physical education of net-generation students The existing system of physical education meets with some important setbacks of net-generation students. The issues of design and implementation of educational technology with the use of complex of recreational aerobics. The paper shows hierarchy of the content components of training; the most widely-spread types of aerobics, practiced in Russian colleges and universities and their place in the system of physical education; the teaching model for planning, organization and effecting the training process at higher education institutions. Keywords: physical education, generation Y, aerobics, teaching approach, planning | 976 | |||||
3849 | The paper defends the thesis that phenomenological reconstruction of transformation in culture of philosophical images of science allows to reveal basic mechanisms of modification of science representations. Modifications of representations depend on 1) orientations to historical mutations of bases of understanding of the worldview orientations forming semantic structure of scientific knowledge; 2) necessity of correlation of actions of scientists with versions of periodically reproduced informative ideal (original wisdom). These are the results of the RFBR project № 14-06-00440 “Developent of the ways of applications of nonlinear dynamics research methods to detect the attractors of self-organization of social systems”; project № 155 “Methodology of the modeling the semiotic mechanisms of management of nonlinear dynamics of educational systems” of the State assignment for Tomsk state pedagogical university. Keywords: phenomenological reconstruction, transformation of philosophical images of science, culture, naturalism, historicism | 976 | |||||
3850 | Universal commerce that appeared in Russia in XIX century reached its fullest flower in Soviet period both in cities and countries. In 1920’s GUM (State Department Store, from Russian Gosudarstvenniy Universalniy Magazin) became a symbol of NEP. After a bright period of activities in 1920’s Tyumen branch of GUM reappeared in 1930’s in the form of state and cooperative trading organizations. By the end of 1930’s state department stores that started their activity as one of the forms of trading organizations became the best form of Soviet trading. The article describes the main periods of this evolution, draws reader’s attention to the managerial decisions in trading sphere, the analysis of the activity of the Tyumen branch of GUM and the reasons of its liquidation. Much attention is given to the difficulties of the development of the state trading in the provincial Tyumen in 1930’s, the author defines forms and methods of state universal commerce and analyses the role of advertisement in this process. The results of the research show that by the end of 1930’s state commerce already had leading position in the city in context of command and administration system establishment. This period was essential in shaping the principles of Soviet universal commerce. Keywords: department store, retail trade, raw materials trade fair, bureau of rationalization and invention, charity, Moscow GUM affair | 976 |