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3701 | The article considers an actual problem of formation among students of pedagogical specialities and tolerance as personality quality which stipulate efficiency not only socializations but also success of further professional activity of graduating students. The analysis of modern educational process in high school allows to speak about sufficiency of a substantial component and necessity of modernisation of a technological component, application of interactive innovative forms of preparation of students to pedagogical activity. Keywords: students, socializations, professional, school, tolerance, educational process in high school, component, technological component, innovative forms of preparation of students | 1114 | |||||
3702 | The article considers the peculiarities of the use of pedagogical definitions and terms in Russian Decrees of the first quarter of the 18th century. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of definitions are stated according to the content analysis. The systematization of the selective aggregate of definitions is done on thematic classification. As a result the author determines such important specific aspects of educational definitions and terms in this particular field as polysemy, synonymy, their insignificant dependence on the context and the author’s interpretation and presents the development of Russian educational practice in the given period. Keywords: definition, term, legislative acts and documents in the field of education, thematic classification, polysemy, synonymy | 1114 | |||||
3703 | An important aspect of the social policy of the war years is considered: the employment of the servicemen’s family members. The forms and methods of this work and its results are showed. Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, West Siberia, families of servicemen, social policy, employment | 1114 | |||||
3704 | In the frames of the article there is an attempt to clarify certain provisions of the concept of a viable identity, developed by M. P. Gurjanova, in relation to rural ungraded schools. Keywords: organization of educational process in rural ungraded schools, different-age children teams, teamwork, interpersonal communication | 1114 | |||||
3705 | In this article we can see the application of Marxian and Weberian conceptions of estrangement for the description of the conditions of work and education in the USA in the 19th century. If in the Marxian conception the estrangement in capitalistic society increases permanently, then in Weberian conception the estrangement weakens by the increase of qualification and by the reformation labour ethics of “beruf”. However in case of the USA we can see what the estrangement was not weakened owing to reformation labour ethics of “beruf”, but owing to diversification of possibilities. The problem of estrangement is a problem of development of capitalism but it needs its own methodology. Keywords: estrangement, education, diversification of possibilities, colonization of new lands, USA, K. Marx, M. Weber | 1114 | |||||
3706 | In the article by V.V. Nevolina and V.N. Kazancheev the research of the influence of shadow economy (black market) on the regional interest is presented. The existence of the regional peculiarities of the shadow (black market) processes, their complicated influence on the economic interest of the region is stressed. The authors come to the conclusion that in the light of the struggle against shadow economy (black market) one cannot use only the possibilities of the given region. Keywords: shadow economy/ black market, regional economic interest, industrial approach, economic isolation, victimless crime | 1114 | |||||
3707 | One of the forms of investing the risk projects – venture financing – is considered in the article. Its influence on the country-recipient’s economy and advantages of the others forms of financing are defined. The problems of attracting venture capital among developing countries and, in particularly, in Russia are analyzed. According to the successful experience of the developed countries the recommendations of effective stimulating and using venture capital are developed. The system of venture business developing for developing countries is presented. Keywords: venture capital, developing countries, innovative development, small entrepreneurship, government support | 1114 | |||||
3708 | The article deals with the investigation of the problem of precompetitive training of young athletes practicing Wushu as an element of the system of sport training. It gives the description of the program of the training process of the young athletes practicing Wushu in precompetitive monocycle, which is developed by the authors and based on computer technology. Keywords: system, system of sport training, precompetitive monocycle, young athletes, wushu | 1114 | |||||
3709 | Universal commerce that appeared in Russia in XIX century reached its fullest flower in Soviet period both in cities and countries. In 1920’s GUM (State Department Store, from Russian Gosudarstvenniy Universalniy Magazin) became a symbol of NEP. After a bright period of activities in 1920’s Tyumen branch of GUM reappeared in 1930’s in the form of state and cooperative trading organizations. By the end of 1930’s state department stores that started their activity as one of the forms of trading organizations became the best form of Soviet trading. The article describes the main periods of this evolution, draws reader’s attention to the managerial decisions in trading sphere, the analysis of the activity of the Tyumen branch of GUM and the reasons of its liquidation. Much attention is given to the difficulties of the development of the state trading in the provincial Tyumen in 1930’s, the author defines forms and methods of state universal commerce and analyses the role of advertisement in this process. The results of the research show that by the end of 1930’s state commerce already had leading position in the city in context of command and administration system establishment. This period was essential in shaping the principles of Soviet universal commerce. Keywords: department store, retail trade, raw materials trade fair, bureau of rationalization and invention, charity, Moscow GUM affair | 1114 | |||||
3710 | The article deals with the development and different approaches to civic education in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. During all the human history every society aimed at development of civic competences, knowledge among young generations. Nowadays these intensions (more about democratic citizenship) changed into increasing problem, demanding more attention, tightly connected with democratic processes. In different schools of Great Britain there is a program of introduction to the subjects connected with the development of civic competences. The fact of formalizing the subject in England reflects the growing concern among British young people’s attitudes to the civil society, their participation in the political life of the country, and is perceived as an important event in the history of education in the UK. However, the understanding of citizenship, education and cultural identity changes in accordance with the region, and that becomes the reason for different aims and approaches to civic education in Britain. The article presents the peculiarities in understanding of the terms “civic education” and “citizenship” in different countries of the UK. It is concluded that the understanding of these concepts affects the contents, the denomination and methods of teaching the subject of civic orientation in the school system. Aspects of civic education are firmly entrenched in government programs of primary, secondary and higher education, which constantly transform with the changes at different levels of the society. The UK has also these peculiarities and inside the Commonwealth approaches, the names and methods of civic education vary. The differences are due only to the territorial factor and the factor of experience, but, in general, the concept of civic education is a complex and versatile. Keywords: civic education, school, Great Britain, democracy | 1114 | |||||
3711 | The play The Days of the Turbins is usually studied in view of author’s and his characters’ political standings in the situation of the extremely dramatic change of government in Russia. The article analyzes the poetical manner of the play and finds out that the author used a wide variety of the expressive means, not just comical, but even slapstick. These slapstick elements can be found on the different levels and stages of the action: the play starts with obviously comical Nikolka’s «cook song» and ends with exceedingly passionate and comical, yet somewhat lyrical speaches by Lariosik. There is a system in use of the slapstick expressive means in description of authorities running away: from the implicit ones (the discussion of tsar by the drunk friends, singing Pushkin’s poem The Song of the Wise Oleg, rumors from Shervinsky about tsar’s return) to the explicit climactic slapstick scene in hetman’s palace. In the system of characters with use of means of comic not only Lariosik and Shervinsky’s images, but also Talberg are allocated: this not comic character is presented in a farcical situation of delay, replacement with another, in dialogue with repetitions, in zoomorfny assessment. The comic travesty of serious things, slapstick and drama in different forms and scales are considered in this article on the poetic manner in the play The Days of the Turbins as coexisting, contrasting, outlining, rejecting each other. The authors of the article believe that system manifestation of the slapstick poetic manner by the author of The Days of the Turbins shows to M. Bulgakov’s participation in that direction of creative search of theatrical vanguard of the 1920th years which was expressed in Mayakovsky’s dramatic art, Erdman - authors by Vs. Meyerkhold. Keywords: M. Bulgakov, The Days of the Turbins (Dni Turbinykh), action, poetic manner, expressive means, comical, travesty, explicit and implicit slapstick comedy means | 1114 | |||||
3712 | The article describes a discursive Internet space, reveals communicative, structural, cognitive features of the sites of three sports schools for children and youth. The study draws attention to the leading strategies and tactics of information transmission, means of influence on the addressee, orientation to different age groups. The authors found the following: sites are polytext polycode spaces; their contents represent sport schools as stages in training, sports development of the child, gradual moving to sports teams; the communicative organization of sites is complex, combines the following strategies - information, self-presentation, maintaining contacts with parents, children, coaches, teamworkers; influence through conviction, creation of motivation for sports and training in a particular school, emotion; cognitive compositions of sites do not coincide; the level of institutionality is different. The axiological component of sites includes only the implementation of positive assessment. Cognitive composition of sites is not the same. The concepts of “success”, “sport”, “hockey”, “team”, “friendship”, “opportunities”, “man” are updated in the space of the first site. The cognitive composition of the second site includes the actualized concepts of “achievement”, “pride”, “chosenness”, “modernity”, “uniqueness”, “top”. The concept “team-family” is common for both sites. The type of content, the structure of the interface, the way of communication, the official-business nature of speech interaction, refer the third site to institutional discourse. The concepts of “efficiency”, “professional activity”, “leisure”, “development”, “age requirements” are updated in its content, informational strategies prevail over advertising and influencing. Texts of official-business speech genres are present only in its content. Keywords: discourse, discourse analysis, site, site content, polycode text, polymodal text, concept, communicative strategies | 1114 | |||||
3713 | The article deals with approaches to the definition of the essence of foreign communicative competence and its structural components. The author pays special attention to the study of language competence in the structure of the foreign communicative competence. The paper presents two components of the language competence: readiness and ability to apply linguistic knowledge (orthographic, phonetic, grammatical and lexical ones) and skills of operating this knowledge in accordance with the spheres, situations and themes of communication intended for learning at the secondary school. The author of the article developed and implemented the «Sound-letter train» evaluative method in order to determine the level formation of above-mentioned knowledge and skills. The article presents the method passport: a detailed description of an application procedure, the necessary tools for implementation, and also the introduction (instruction) for students. It demonstrates one full-text version of the method, which had been implemented in the group of students. While describing the technique, the author points out the variability of time and contingent of people on whom the method may be implemented. The author proposes the topics and ways of modifying the method for students depending on the contingent and the training level. The author comes to the conclusion that the method is a way of assessing the formation of orthographic and phonetic knowledge and skills of operating them in the context of the system-activity approach. This method takes into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard for the growing role of the students’ independence while detecting themselves knowledge gaps, expression by them of self-regulation and self-esteem. Keywords: foreign communicative competence, language competence, orthographic and phonetic knowledge and skills of operating them, the «Sound-letter train» evaluative method | 1114 | |||||
3714 | This article is about the area of using in education the concept of public safety. The author opens and analyzes the characteristic of a condition of a society (state) ability, to protect the vital interests in social sphere from a various sort of internal and external threats. | 1113 | |||||
3715 | The article is devoted to psychological aspects that form the foundation of the production one of the investigation actions envisioned with Criminal codex of the Russian Federation - verification testimonies at place. | 1113 | |||||
3716 | The scholarly article deals with the problem of concealed meaning, one of the most important and complicated issues of the contemporary linguistic studies; the characteristic feature of the latter is reference of scholars to the hidden signifiers of connotative systems. The article treats a complicated problem of the concealed meanings typology. There are revealed means and ways of coding both rational and irrational subtexts. There is also described mechanism of the subtext actualization. | 1113 | |||||
3717 | The article deals with the directions of informational competence development of students – future teachers. Informational competence requires skills of working independently in getting necessary information by means of modern informational and library technologies. One of the basic factors influencing the development of future teachers informational competence is the informational and educational environment of the higher educational establishment with the university library as one of its indivisible parts. | 1113 | |||||
3718 | The article analyzes a number of works of the American researchers about transition of Russia to the market. These works are the attempts to give an objective estimation to changes in the economy of our state. Their estimations are various – from negative to moderated ones | 1113 | |||||
3719 | The paper represents mechanisms of transition the molecules of the solvent and ions under influence gradient of the pressure, the temperature, concentration of the dissolved salts and electroosmos in peat, as well as accompanying processes of the ion exchange and change the structure of the material Keywords: Peat deposit, water solution, high molecular substances, mass transit, ion exchange processes, temperature | 1113 | |||||
3720 | In the article the prospects of applying the project based education in the training process of technical universities are discussed. Examining training process on the basis of systems approach, in the article are formulated the basic stages of project based education. The materials of article will be useful for the developers of project based education Keywords: projects, competence, aggregate of methods | 1113 | |||||
3721 | Clinical and biochemical monitoring of degree from endotoksikose during chronicle cholecystitis – should include parameters of antioxidant and oxidant system, catabolism of protein. Exponents in the information of level endotoksikose are general antioxidant active and active of catalase in the erythrocytes, components of middle molecules mass. As biochemical estimation of heaviness for patients of cholecystitis important of calculated indexes, characterize of correlation analyzing parameters in blood’s plasma and erythrocytes. Keywords: endotoksikose, chronicle cholecystitis, biochemical parameters and estimation | 1113 | |||||
3722 | Relationship between changes of biodiversity with oxygen content in atmosphere and mass of carbon-hydrogen stratum in the Phanerozoic is studied. Dynamics of biodiversity is represented by the cyclical changes of species diversity of sea animals in the Phanerozoic. Information about changes of sea animal biodiversity in the Phanerozoic was taken from Sepkosky database. The relationship between cyclical changes of oxygen content in atmosphere, mass of carbon-hydrogen stratum and changes of sea animal biodiversity in the Phanerozoic is revealed on base of temporal sets analysis of the above mentioned quantities. The revealed relationships were proved by correlation calculations. Keywords: Phanerozoic, biodiversity, number of sea animals species, oxygen in atmosphere, carbon-hydrogen stratum of lithosphere | 1113 | |||||
3723 | The article deals with the question of the involvement of children and teenagers in children’s public associations, which offer conditions for social activities. One of the conditions is a social projecting in children’s public organizations. Keywords: children’s social organization, social planning | 1113 | |||||
3724 | The paper considers the analysis of the territory names that carry special status for performing the function of the world connection for Selkups. Sacred places are classifi ed in the article and a fragment of the worldview is consi dered on the basis of linguistic data. Keywords: the Selkup language, worldview, ethnolinguistics, sacred places | 1113 | |||||
3725 | The paper presents the analysis of correlation between such pedagogical categories as “competence” and “knowledge and skills”. The author shows the necessity of decomposing competences into knowledge and skills in a competence model of a specialist. It is defined that this decomposition reveals a clear logical link between the competences and the subjects of the curriculum. Keywords: the State Higher Educational Standards, competence, competence model of a specialist, decomposition of competences | 1113 | |||||
3726 | The examined material allows the authors of the article to believe that convention as a concept has arisen relatively recently and as the phenomenon it showed itself always in different ways and in historically varying creation principles of a work of literature as a whole. Actualisation of the discussion of the latter aspect designated differently occurs, as a rule, in situations of social commotion or during the time of renewal of art language. As regards to Russian history of trying to interpret convention, co-authors attach great importance to Pushkin's reflexion in his polemics with Aristotle's followers. In collected articles about new theatre of 1908 and 1914 years, convention means a category and later avant-gardist in their performances of 1920s developed the ideas of Aristotle's followers. Keywords: “Poetics” by Aristotle, article «About a national drama and the drama “Marfa-posadnitsa” (Martha the Mayoress)» by A. Pushkin, “The Montage of Attractions” by S. Eisenstein, V. Bryusov, V. Meyerhold, V. Mayakovsky, S. Tretyakov, imitation, realism, natura | 1113 | |||||
3727 | The article presents the results of research and scientific-methodical work of the professional-pedagogical community of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in designing the modular educational programs for training bachelors of pedagogical education on the basis of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ through coordination of the FSES and professional standards. The authors suggest approaches to designing the structure of modular educational programs for training teachers at the University at the undergraduate level and determine the grounds for the allocation of their modules with the designation of the invariant and variable component. The didactic features of modular educational programs – from goal-setting to the final evaluation of their effectiveness are substantiated. The results of designing the list of professional competencies of bachelor graduates for the modular educational program 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (bachelor level) and the description of the content and organizational characteristics of such a modular educational program are presented. The materials of the article can be used by the heads of the main educational programs and administrative and management teams of Russia’s pedagogical universities in the context of transferring students to BEP (basic educational program) mastering created in accordance with the requirements of FSES HE 3 ++ in conjunction with professional standards of pedagogical activity. The content of the article is based on the use of the method of theoretical analysis, expert method, focus group method, pedagogical design methods. Author’s scientific and methodological developments of TSPU specialists are a means of implementing innovative transformations of bachelor’s practices of training a teacher in a university. Keywords: pedagogical education, professional standard of the teacher, the main educational program for bachelor training, professional competences, professional educational module, demonstration exam | 1113 | |||||
3728 | Introduction. During the last years of the last century the conceptual sphere “the world of plants” got the attention of linguists. In many of their works, linguists analyse phytometaphor in comparison between two languages. The purpose of this article is to describe the semantic-pragmatical use of phytometaphor in Shalamov’s work The Kolyma Tales and the possibility if its translation in the Italian language. Material and methods. By examining the Italian word “piantone” (orderly) this article focuses on the particular case in which there is not a phytometaphor in the original text but it is present in the translated text. The study proceeds with the analysis of the main characteristics of the figurative sense of this word in both languages and the translators’ motivation in the use of it. Results and discussion. One important feature of Shalamov’s prose is the use of anthropomorphic details in the description of nature. After analyzing the first cycle of stories, we can divide the author’s used phytometaphors into four categories: 1) plant products used as a kind of currency; 2) the external characteristics of a person; 3) likening plants to animals; 4) the internal characteristics of a person. It is important to underline, that in other cases phytometaphor is not used in the original text but it is used in the translated text. After the linguistic analysis of the material (Russian, Italian and French dictionaries and corpora) it is possible to say that the word “piantone” with the meaning of soldier is not an Italian national and specific word but is a calc from French. Conclusion. According to the detailed analysis of the dictionaries and considering the peculiarities of V. Shalamov’s artistic style, the author concludes that the use of this phytometaphor is in line with the general trend of the use of metaphorical vocabulary by V. Shalamov in The Kolyma Tales. Keywords: phytometaphor, phytonym, Shalamov, the Italian language, the Russian language, translation | 1113 | |||||
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3731 | Blinova Olga Iosifovna . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 3-5 . | 1112 | |||||
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3734 | The questions of the universal computer aided simula¬tion system MAPC application for the digital devices simulation in time domain are considered. The exam¬ples of physical and physical-information simulation are given. | 1112 | |||||
3735 | In this paper consonantal stem-building marker in Indo-European languages which could perform many functions are considered. They were markers of animateness, ancient active case, possessiveness and definiteness. Consonantal stem-building markers could possess so many functions because of their pronominal origin, deictic elements. | 1112 | |||||
3736 | The article gives the experiment results of the usage of methodical approaches directed to equalize the motor skewness of legs with the purpose to improve the teaching quality of hurdling techniques among students of the sport faculty | 1112 | |||||
3737 | The article is devoted to the question of the composition teacher-specialist’s model taking into consideration modern requirements of higher education. The author presents the main positions of the problem researched by such well-known scientists as: V.A. Slastenin, E.I. Issaev, G.B. Skok | 1112 | |||||
3738 | The author of the article undertakes at attempt of empirical check of hypotheses about the presence of pronounced interhemispheric asymmetry and optico-vestibular deficits as the reasons underlying the occurrence of scoliosis deformation of a backbone. Keywords: scoliosis, spinal compression fracture, interhemispheric asymmetry, spatial imagination | 1112 | |||||
3739 | The article presents the basis for correspondence between the theories of management and directions of nonlinear dynamics. The role of collective dreams in the formation of the asymptotic dynamics of the organization goals is discussed. On the basis of the model of generating information the hierarchy of goals of the nonlinear dynamics of complex open systems is revealed and the option of ordering modern theories of management is offered. Keywords: attractive management, the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, communications processes, nonlinear dynamics, dynamic forms of sign, phase area, attractor, operator, collective dream, modern management theory | 1112 | |||||
3740 | The article discusses the state of human capital in Russia at the present stage, revealed the basic concepts and definitions, we investigate the influence of human factors on the Russian economy, and comparative analysis with other developed countries. Keywords: human capital, intellectual potential, investment, economic growth | 1112 | |||||
3741 | The article is the result of studies of the Kemerovo region Keywords: lichens, relict | 1112 | |||||
3742 | The paper discusses Enets emphatic negative verbs. Besides the well-known Uralic “main” negative verb which is used for verbal negation, Enets also has other negative verbs which are combined with the connegative form of the lexical verb. These verbs have the meanings “after all, not”, “almost”, “of course”. The paper describes morphological and semantic properties of these verbs. Keywords: verbal negation, negative verb, emphatic negative verb, auxiliary, Samoyedic languages, Enets | 1112 | |||||
3743 | The article demonstrates the current situation in education and some theoretical and methodical aspects of teaching foreign language personally-oriented communication that promotes the dialogue of cultures, the international integration of education in Russia and other countries and thus becoming professionals with great possibilities. Keywords: international integration, foreign language communication | 1112 | |||||
3744 | In this article the approaches of analysis changing structure in the globalization setting are considered. The priority meaning of sectoral structure of economy is explained. The importance of using cluster approach as main effective tools of structure economic development is underlined. Keywords: economic structure, sectoral structure, emergence, changing structure, structural crisis, transformation | 1112 | |||||
3745 | The article deals with the development of professional competence of young teachers in training courses through an innovative module for the rational use of time at lessons. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey of young teachers, participating for the first time in professional development courses, we offer the idea of completing training groups of students with the most homogeneous professional difficulties. Keywords: innovations in education, professional competence of the teacher, improvement of professional skill of teachers, lesson density, interactive methods of training | 1112 | |||||
3746 | The paper analyses the correlation between the career orientations and the structure of personality values of the students of Faculty of Economics and Management. Keywords: career orientations, sphere of personality values and motivational characteristics, disintegration of values | 1112 | |||||
3747 | The article is devoted to the different points of view on the phenomenon of deceived expectations. On the example of the M.I. Tsvetaeva’s poem the author reveals regulatory opportunities of deceived expectations. Besides, the author pays attention to its role in the semantic development of poetic text and in the formation of its emotional tone. Keywords: regulatory function of the text, regulatory opportunities, regulatory structure, the type of extension, deceived expectations | 1112 | |||||
3748 | The article contains a research of common features and differences in content and esthetic actualization of fiction concepts “spring” and “life” on the material of the Russian poets’ verses. Means of their usage and individual figurative representation with glance to associative connections are examined in the article. Some regularities in variety of content and structure of concepts, which are connected with their different sides reasonably and are conditioned subjectively by peculiarities of the author interpretation and creative conception of poets, theme and situation were determined in the article. Different variative potential of researched fiction concepts connected with their specificity, semantics of concept’s nominative, their collective associative field and different types of verbalized in poetic texts associations were established. The research is done in cognitive trend of communicative stylistics of text and regulative theory. Keywords: fiction concept, variative potential of concept, poetic text, regulativity, textual associates, textual associative field of concept | 1112 | |||||
3749 | The given article reviews the problem of training specialists for high-tech branches of industry including the branches of mining industry. One of the ways to make perfect preparing of specialists is to introduce the dual educa tional system. The authors present the specialists training technology in the environment of dual education, which involves equal participation of educational and industrial systems. The aim of the technology is to create the organizational pedagogical environments that provide the increase of effectiveness of training specialists for high-tech branches of industry. When describing the technology, the authors reveal the content of its stages (preparatory, organizational- executive, reflexive-generalizing). This technology combines pedagogical goals and integrated capabilities of the university and the industrial basic enterprise with the implementation of the targets at each stage of the specialists’ training. The presented technology has been introduced into the educational process of the branch of “Kuzbass State Technical University” in the city of Prokopyevsk (Kemerovo Region, Russia). Training of specialists in this university is carried out jointly with the mining enterprise “SUEK - Kuzbass” (Russia). The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the technology developed can be used in training specialists of other industries in dual education environment. Keywords: technology of specialists’ training, professional education, professional growth development, industrial enterprise, higher educational establishment, integration | 1112 | |||||
3750 | Miroshnikov S. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 61-62 . | 1111 |