# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3651 | The means of expressing the sacral component of religious-art constituent of perception category in the English language are described. The contextual analysis shows the peculiarities of the structure of the given category and the specific features of its components. Keywords: category, concept, perception, sacral component, religious-art constituent, semantics, sin, sacral space, icon | 985 | |||||
3652 | The authors distinguished management principles of innovative activity of the university in the context of conversion to post-industrial society, changes of the type of the scientific creativity. The principles, which define the essence of the interaction of entities of innovative activity of the modern university, are considered circumstantially. The requirements to the head of the university are distinguished on the basis of the analysis of ideas about modern educational reality. Herewith the university is regarded as a special social system. Keywords: innovative activity of the university, management principles, interaction of entities of innovative activity, competition based on innovations, head of the university | 985 | |||||
3653 | The article analyses the relation between metaphysics and ethics in the stoic philosophy. The author shows the dependence of the theory of suicide on fundamental ideas about the nature of the cosmos. The thesis of subordination of individual existence to principles of the global process leads eventually to the adoption of self-destructive programme in the individual life. The ethics of stoicism is not able to really oppose the person to circumstances. Therefore it inevitably reduces the individual activity to meet the requirements of the “state of affairs” – until the termination of their own lives in those cases, when it is the “state of affairs” will be read by sage as the terminal prescription of natural logos. Keywords: philosophical anthropology, stoicism, wisdom, nature, ethics, suicide | 985 | |||||
3654 | The article is devoted to the different points of view on the phenomenon of deceived expectations. On the example of the M.I. Tsvetaeva’s poem the author reveals regulatory opportunities of deceived expectations. Besides, the author pays attention to its role in the semantic development of poetic text and in the formation of its emotional tone. Keywords: regulatory function of the text, regulatory opportunities, regulatory structure, the type of extension, deceived expectations | 985 | |||||
3655 | The article is devoted to the professional pedagogical and scientific work of the Honored cultural worker, Doctor of Philology Professor Valentina Yegorovna Golovchiner. We present the main areas of her work (theory and history of drama, history of Russian literature of 20th century). We reviewed the most important papers in the sphere of study of epic drama in Russian literature of 20th century; cover the research of the works of Alexander Pushkin, Maxim Gorky, Vladimir MayakovskiY, Yevgeny Shvarts, Nikolay Erdman and others. Also we bring out the articles on topical theoretical problems of contemporary study of literature. We mention the merits in the area of theatre critics and also the merits during the many years of teaching at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The authors of the article express their thanks the Professor for fruitful collaboration, guidance and friendly attitude to the colleagues and students. Keywords: anniversary, Doctor of Philology Professor Valentina Yegorovna Golovchiner, theatre critic, scientific works | 985 | |||||
3656 | The author explanes organizational and substantive aspect of the design features of educational environment in the school that implements inclusive practices. The government recognition of the principle of equal opportunities for all children, including children with disabilities, has given the possibility of joint training of children with disabilities with their healthy peers. Creating an inclusive educational environment at school has identified the need to find effective ways of inclusion and equitable engagement of pupils with disabilities with their typically developing peers. The design of the school educational environment implies consideration of the special educational needs of various categories of children with disabilities. Keywords: inclusive education, barrier-free environment, integration, children with disabilities, tolerance | 985 | |||||
3657 | The article deals with the study of the background of a unique female character formation, based on Sofia Kovalevskaya’s autobiographical story and A.-Sh. Leffler and Sofia Kovalevskaya’s (the younger) memories. The gender approach reveals a consistent inversion of traditional female roles in the fate of Kovalevskaya: unloved daughter, fictitious wife and nontypical mother, female scientist. For the analysis were taken the following works: the literary autobiography of Sofia Kovalevskaya «The Childhood Memories», the book «Sofia Kovalevskaya» by Anne Charlotte Leffler and the work «The Memories of Mother» by S. Kovalevskaya (the younger). S.V. Kovalevskaya’s «The Childhood Memories» reflects the first thirteen years of her life. The article deals with the role of family atmosphere in little Sonya’s personality development: the attitude of her mother, father, sister, governess, male relatives to her. Through childhood events both awareness of herself as an «unloved» daughter and at the same time a desire to prove that she is worth being loved and respected can be traced. Analyzes the key moments of Kovalevskaya’s complex nature formation: on the one hand - very motivated and hard-working, on the other hand - emotionally immature, vulnerable and childish. Keywords: Sofia Kovalevskaya, memories, childhood, Anne Charlotte Leffler, education, gender studies | 985 | |||||
3658 | This article is devoted to investigating the images of grain and bread, which happen to be universally shared among agricultural-based cultures, as they are metaphorized by means of verbalized forms in Russian, English and Italian languages. We will present the common cross-cultural substantial context that lies at the basis of figurative reelaboration of source concepts and describe lexico-phraseological units embodying the images of grain and bread as part of motivational-figurative paradigms. An analysis of metaphoric models reflecting projections of these images in various conceptual spheres pertaining the material and non-material world is provided. The linguistic representation of cognitive metaphoric models is realized by means of figurative words and expressions. They include: metaphors (grain ‘very small and round shaped particle’), metaphoric derivatives (breadwinner ‘a person supporting a family with his or her earnings’), phraseological combinations (take the bread out of the mouths ‘deprive someone of his or her livelihood’), proverbs, sayings, and catchphrases (bread and circuses!). Our analysis will show a shared process of metaphorization in the languages under examination. On the one hand, the image of grain serves as a mean of metaphoric representation for 1) small and round shaped objects, 2) small parts of a whole (a structure or a surface), 3) a little or insignificant amount of something; 4) the source or the central part of something. On the other hand, the image of bread is used metaphorically to indicate 1) means of subsistence, 2) work or its results, 3) prosperity, 4) misery, 5) food in general, 6) positive moral characteristics of an individual. We can observe that in Russian, English, and Italian the figurative and symbolic semantics of grain and bread correspond. Such consistency is due, firstly, to similarities in food preferences among agricultural-based cultures, and, secondly, to the influence of pre-Christian and Christian traditions. Keywords: figurative lexis, phraseology, cognitive metaphor, metaphoric model, Cultural Linguistics | 985 | |||||
3659 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 9-13 . | 984 | |||||
3660 | «Myth and history» is represented in the given paper. The aim of this concept teems to be the division of such notions as historical consciousness and historical cognition. This special course is a step in overcoming the approach of objectivism in includes six special topics and references. | 984 | |||||
3661 | Ugdyzhekova O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 25-28 . | 984 | |||||
3662 | The authors of the article, basing on the expe¬rience of Polish educators (basic professional schools, lyceums, post-lyceum education) suggest the concrete recommendations to the solution of the problem of employment taking into consideration the modern de-mographical and socio-cuitural situation. | 984 | |||||
3663 | Two basic theoretical approaches concerning the Capita! Structure are opposite to their conclusions. This article considers the factors defining the optimal Ca¬pital Structure, | 984 | |||||
3664 | The article is devoted to the analysis of views of D. Hume, W. Robertson, E. Gibbon on the problems of war and peace. The author pays primary attention to the fundamental works of «historical triumvirate of Britain». The beginning and futher development of Peace Studies can not be understood adequately without considering the historiographical tradition. | 984 | |||||
3665 | The article considers an actual problem of formation among students of pedagogical specialities and tolerance as personality quality which stipulate efficiency not only socializations but also success of further professional activity of graduating students. The analysis of modern educational process in high school allows to speak about sufficiency of a substantial component and necessity of modernisation of a technological component, application of interactive innovative forms of preparation of students to pedagogical activity. Keywords: students, socializations, professional, school, tolerance, educational process in high school, component, technological component, innovative forms of preparation of students | 984 | |||||
3666 | In article the approach in estimate knowledge which is productive during the present period when there is a transition on competence methods of training is considered. The method combining a traditional mark estimation of knowledge of pupils and an estimation subject competence of pupils on an example of studying physics is offered. Keywords: n estimation of knowledge, the competence of subjects, methods of training, elements of the analysis. | 984 | |||||
3667 | The article is devoted to methodological problems of studying the religious consciousness in relation to the study of sacred text. It shows possibilities of application to the analysis of sacred text methods of structuralism and hermeneutics. Keywords: sacred text, religious consciousness, structuralism, hermeneutics | 984 | |||||
3668 | The demographic situation in Russia and Tomsk region, and also factors formations influencing processes and developments of a mental potential of the population is analyzed. The contribution of human potential to creation of public riches is considered. Keywords: demographic processes, a intellectual potential, human potential, dynamics of population of region, migration | 984 | |||||
3669 | The article discusses the idea of divine predestination in education of the individual in national pedagogy of the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. A special attention is paid to in the article to providentialist research ideas to educate a person in the works of Russian philosophers and educators of the second half of the19th and the first half of the 20th centuries: P. D. Yurkevich, V. A. Volklvich, V. S. Solovyev, V. V. Rozanov, I. A. Ilyina, V. V. Zenkovsky and others Keywords: providential idea of education of the person, divine educational ideal of the person, spiritual and moral education | 984 | |||||
3670 | Tendencies of development of political ideology, stereotypes electoral behavior of college students, found the ge neral attitude of students to the elections, the reasons for participation and nonparticipation in the elections, identifi es the main factors infl uencing the electoral process, goals and motives revealed students’ participation in elections; studied electoral preferences of students and determine the degree of infl uence of various sources of information about election campaigns, identify ways to improve the electoral activity of students, Ulan-Ude. Keywords: the student youth, legal culture, electoral behaviour, electoral activity, factors infl uencing the formation of the political views, the motives of electoral behaviour | 984 | |||||
3671 | The article deals with the peculiarities of implementing politeness as a pragmatic category in pre-sequenced advice, depending on the age of communicators, their social status and relationships between them. The results of investigating Russian and American socio-cultures show that in Russian socio-culture explicit performatives are the most polite if there are offi cial relationships between interlocutors; interrogatives and assertives are the most polite if there are unoffi cial relationships between interlocutors. In American socio-culture when there are null and offi cial relationships between interlocutors, assertives with the modal verbs could and might are the most polite, and when there are unoffi cial relationships between interlocutors assertives in the subjunctive mood are the most polite. Keywords: contrastive pragmatics, politeness, directive speech acts, pre-sequenced advice, socio-pragmatic factors | 984 | |||||
3672 | The lexico-semantic fi elds of anger, fear and grief in the Selkup language are studied within the semasiological approach and methods of fi eld, componental analysis and contextual analysis. Elements of the negative emotions' vocabulary are classifi ed according to the common semantic feature and root morphemes. The lexico-semantic fi elds under analysis express both the universal features of the negative emotions and the features specifi c for the Selkup ethnos. Keywords: semasiological approach, lexico-semantic fi elds, componental analysis, common semantic feature, negative emotions' vocabulary | 984 | |||||
3673 | In the article on the basis of concrete actual and theoretical material are systematized and analysed stylisticsemantic peculiarities of the numeral “bir” one that forms synonymous and antonymous rows of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The components of these rows are words formed from the numeral bir “one”. Keywords: bir “one”, numeral, synonymous, antonymous, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs | 984 | |||||
3674 | The article considers the problem of development of visual-tactile perception of the visually impaired younger schoolchildren in the process of learning sensory standards at mathematics lessons during the preparation period. Shows a series of tests aimed at identifying the level of tactile perception, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results. Consequently, the emphasis in relation to the standards must be made on mastering by students of the shape and size of the subject through the use of visual-tactile perceptions. Indicates the direction of the formation of sensory standards. Describes the best practices for working with sensory standards of shapes and sizes at mathematics lessons. Keywords: visual-haptic perception, sensory standards of shapes and sizes, visually impaired younger schoolchildren, cultureof tactile examination | 984 | |||||
3675 | . | 983 | |||||
3676 | The cultural - and educational direction seems to be one of the main trends in activities of museums. The forms of interactions of the Tomsk Museum of Regional Studies with higher educational institutions are given in the paper, namely: joint research, programs of lectures and excursions for students, or-ganization of museum practice, etc. | 983 | |||||
3677 | The thyroid gland diseases lead to stable reconstruction of erythrocytic population with disappearance of cells with high amount of lipoprotein complex.with increase of cells with decreased and increased level of SH-groups. | 983 | |||||
3678 | The importance and actuality of the problem is connected with the 70-th anniversary of the Tomsk State Teacher University, which is due to take place in 2002. Taking into consideration a limited volume of a magazine article, the author focuses his attention on the circumstances under which the History Department was founded and describes its structure, the chairs, the teaching staff, the body of the present students, as well as the teachers who the Department has trained during the decade of its development. | 983 | |||||
3679 | This research sets the task to analyze the «ontological» and «temporal» turn, which take place in the philosophy of 20th century. The central figure of this «turn» is M. Heidegger, who explicated in some fundamental works the relation between time and being. Destruction of the history of ontology from Aristotle to Heidegger shows that all traditional ontologica! terms are constituted with concept of time, which sets in motion the entire system of fundamental concepts of European metaphysics: arche. eidos, energia. kinesis ousia, parusia, Essenz, Existenz, Substanz, Subjekt. Our general strategy consists in clarification of the relationships between time and ontology and in explication of ontological status of time. | 983 | |||||
3680 | This article surveys contemporary Russian thoughts about probability of civic society evolution in Russia and presents two different ways of solving this prob¬lem. The first way presents «anti-cultural» theories thatsay - civic society have to be formed by western pat¬terns. The second way is based on «cultural» theo¬ries. It was divided by two concepts. The representa¬tives of the first way deny ability of civic society evolu¬tion in Russia, because civic society is based on wes¬tern traditions. Others try to combine different points and say - civic society have to be based on western countries' experience maintaining own historical-cul¬tural peculiarities | 983 | |||||
3681 | Issues of AND-OR trees, used to build enumeration algorithms and objects generation, are considered within the article. Properties and algorithms of AND-OR trees listed are described in detail. Analysis is conducted to view the possibilities to apply AND-OR trees for context-restricted grammar(s). A method is offered to refer to build the algorithms of context-restricted grammar(s) enumeration. An example is examined to build enumeration algorithm as applied to arithmetic expressions | 983 | |||||
3682 | There are different ways of the property repartition. Till 1995 the basic was privatization, subsequently on the foreground methods of buying up and shares buying up, bankruptcies, including custom-made, intracorporate conflicts and wars have left. Now the increasing value gets such quite civilized repartition method as merges and absorption. In development process property repartition methods changed from wild and force methods to market methods. | 983 | |||||
3683 | The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words with the root devia-. The semantics of the above-mentioned words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with lingual units representing the concepts which are included in the field of deviation. These concepts form the hierarchical structure of the category of deviation, hyper-hyponym relations underlying this structure. Keywords: deviation, category, semantics, concept, lexeme, word-combination, phrase | 983 | |||||
3684 | The article is devoted to the actual problem of developing of social and cultural competence in the process of foreign language teaching. The main goal of the research is to state the structure and the essence of social and cultural competence as the component of communicative competence. Keywords: social and cultural competence, communicative competence, intercultural communication, subcompetence, linguistic culture, interteaching of language and culture | 983 | |||||
3685 | This article presents the process of development of four variants of the problematic method of teaching in the structure of the method of professional recreative and preventive training of the students of the faculty of physical training. Keywords: problematic method of teaching, professional recreative and preventive training, characteristics of variants of problematic method | 983 | |||||
3686 | The use of IT and multimedia in education can fundamentally change the present system of the foreign language learning. Unique possibilities of the IT can let us faster and more intensely develop skills of much more proficient foreign l-ge level of communication, which includes the ability to reflection, comparison, synthesis and analyses, find connections between phenomenon and any possible ways of solving complex problems, including planning and intergroup interaction. The role of a tutor is gradually changing: this person is no more the only source of knowledge; he or she becomes an advisor or helper in the process of education. There appear to be a real possibility for the learners to get any necessary knowledge by themselves in self-study, in our rapidly changing world, the need of more individualized educational strategies which could let them be the active member of the educational process. Keywords: IT, multimedia, self-study, learners, foreign l-ge, education, data, WebCT | 983 | |||||
3687 | In this article, we consider the gauge invariant approach to Lagrangian construction for higher spin fields. The method is based on BRST-BFV construction, can be applied to construction of Lagrangians both for massive and massless bosonic and fermionic higher spin fields, in Minkowski or AdS spaces, for fields with mixed index symmetry and fields without any algebraic constraints. Keywords: BRST-approach, higher spin fields, anti-de Sitter (AdS) space, irreducible representations, gauge invariant Lagrangian | 983 | |||||
3688 | The article describes decay dynamics of dominant plant species in bog complexes of the south taiga subzone in West Siberia. On bog plant material decomposition has taken place during warm time of year when water table was low and oxygen passed easily in upper part of peat. Plant fractions are divided into two types in accordance of the character decay. Plant fractions are grouped in three groups relatively of rate decay. The maximum decay rate belongs to Menyanthes trifoliate L., the leaves and rhizomes losses are 80 % mass relatively initial value after two years of experiments. The roots and rhizomes of Eriophorum vaginatum L. decomposed slowly then other fractions; the losses were 20 % after two years of experiments. Sphagnum mosses were lost from 20 to 40 % of mass. Keywords: bog, West Siberia, decomposition, fractions of plant matter, sphagnum mosses | 983 | |||||
3689 | There were considered backgrounds of the establishment of Tomsk branch (Scientific Center) of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian Academy of Sciences). The emphasis was put on the preparatory stage of organization of the academic science in Tomsk city. The authors investigated the history of formation of the hard core of the scientific center during period under review. There was made a conclusion on functioning of the network of Tomsk academic institutions as unified complex for carrying out scientific research. Keywords: Tomsk scientific center, academic institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, scientist, directororganizer, scientific research | 983 | |||||
3690 | Contextual co-occurrence of morphemic repetition and syntactical parallelism in English fiction is by no means an exception. Interrelation of these syntagmatic phenomena reveals itself in the diversity of word combinations specifically correlated as to the following features: the number of constituents, the extent of syntactical parallelism, the linguistic status of the reiterated morpheme, the type of semantic ties between the morphemically related constituents. The interrelation considered is not a mere interplay of the twofold reiteration – on the morphemic and the syntactical level but primarily it is a most important means of carrying the meaning. Keywords: morphemic repetition, syntactical parallelism, dynamic character of the interrelation of morphemic and syntactical repetition, the number of constituents in a parallel structure, semantic relationships, antithetical structures | 983 | |||||
3691 | The paper deals with the rationale for the relevance of measuring the level of development of the ability to manipulate spatial objects by the students when studying geometric and graphic disciplines. It describes the path from the author’s final psychological test adapted to the test in three versions for use in research. Keywords: spatial thinking, discipline, geometric and graphic cycle, test, reliability test, the validity of the test | 983 | |||||
3692 | In this article we can see the application of Marxian and Weberian conceptions of estrangement for the description of the conditions of work and education in the USA in the 19th century. If in the Marxian conception the estrangement in capitalistic society increases permanently, then in Weberian conception the estrangement weakens by the increase of qualification and by the reformation labour ethics of “beruf”. However in case of the USA we can see what the estrangement was not weakened owing to reformation labour ethics of “beruf”, but owing to diversification of possibilities. The problem of estrangement is a problem of development of capitalism but it needs its own methodology. Keywords: estrangement, education, diversification of possibilities, colonization of new lands, USA, K. Marx, M. Weber | 983 | |||||
3693 | The article first describes the precedents of intermediate representation of the foreign-language author reception of translation on the example of the analysis of two German audio editions of S. Yesenin’s poetry of 2002 and 2003, in which selected poems are presented in the author’s reading, while their German equivalents are performed by translators and poets such as P. Celan (1920–1970) and A. Nitzberg (born in 1969). The first collection acquaints the listener with the image of S. Yesenin in direct adjunction to the individual style of P. Celan. In the second edition Yesenin acts as one of the representatives of Russian poetry, expressing the general literary tradition of the XX century. The authentic sound reproduction and the perception of originals and translations in audio collections allow us to speak about their high importance in a universal context of the reception of Yesenin’s heritage. Keywords: Intermediality, translation, reception, S. A. Yesenin, P. Celan, A. Nitzberg, audio collection | 983 | |||||
3694 | The article deals with the features of teaching of meteorology and hydrology to the students of geography at Tomsk state pedagogical university. It demonstrates the results of the study of major difficulties for the students during the study of meteorology and hydrology. The article presents the examples of realization of remote technologies MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Digital Learning Environment) for training of the subject “Modern problems of hydrometeorology” for masters. The article shows that the best development of spatial thinking of students occurs during the analysis of the climatic maps. If the student chooses a theme, then the project activity is more effective. Describes the test results of students-geographers in the assessment of current and residual knowledge in meteorology and hydrology. Educational field practice, including tours to the meteorological station, is considered as a necessary activity for the successful mastering of meteorology and hydrology. For effective studying of meteorology and hydrology students need to carry out measurements using various meteorological instruments. For investigation of water quality in small rivers of Tomsk region the field laboratories are used. The results of students’ research during the training practices are widely used for writing articles and bachelor’s final work. The article presents didactic recommendations for teachers starting to teach meteorology and hydrology at the pedagogical universities. Keywords: meteorology, climatology, hydrology, interdisciplinary communication, spatial thinking, professional competence, higher education | 983 | |||||
3695 | Soboleva A. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 32-34 . | 982 | |||||
3696 | The present article suggests the vision of the authors for the specific characteristics of the local market of valuables in Tomsk region. | 982 | |||||
3697 | Following the investigation of high frequency electromagnetic radiation (HFER) certain tendencies in such qualities as dexterity, sportiveness, fortitude, flexibility have been found, and heartbeat frequencies decreased after load reduction. HFER can be recommended to be used in process of training as the way of development and improvement of basketball-players’ calisthenics level. | 982 | |||||
3698 | The four-dimensional flat Friedman universe filled with ideal fluid with a nonlinear inhomogeneous equation of state depending on time is considered. The equations of motion are solved. It is shown that in some cases there appears a quasi-periodical universe. On the other hand, such dark fluid models may also describe quintessence-like cosmic acceleration. The appearance of future singularities resulting from various choices for the input parameters is discussed. Keywords: темная энергия, космологическая сингулярность, космическое ускорение | 982 | |||||
3699 | The article substantiates the phenomenon of exoglossy in the aspects of social, contact linguistics as well as structure and function; the linguistic specialization of exoglossic theory is indicated regarding the enlargement of interpreting the nature of borrowings; levels and the apparatus of the presented theory are described. Keywords: borrowings, language development, exoglossy, endoglossy, metaglossic parametrology. | 982 | |||||
3700 | In author’s opinion on the ancient history of the Northwestern and central Northern Caucasus was closely linked with Indo-European migrations from Central Europe in the second half of the 3rd – beginning of the 2nd centuries B.C. The first migrants to this region consisted of the mixed groups of Indo-Europeans and non-Indo-Europeans that can be corresponded to the Tocharians (Afanasievo culture) and formed pre-Maikop cultural horizon with the horse-head scepters. The second stream of the European population that reached the Caucasus included the “Ancient Europeans” (AE – ancestors of the Slavs, the Germans, the Balts, the Celts, the Italics), and the Anatolians as well. The dolmens under the barrows in the Northwestern Caucasus were left by them. The archaeological equivalents of AE groups settled in the central part of the Northern Caucasus are the kurgan burials of the Kuban-Terek culture that dated from 3rd -2nd centuries BC. Thus the history of the Ancient Caucasus in 3rd century B.C can be regarded as a part of the IndoEuropean history of Europe. Keywords: Northern Caucasus, Eneolithic, horse-head scepters, Bronze Age, Novosvobodnaya-Klady dolmens, kurgan burials, Kuban-Terek culture of 3-2nd centuries., Indo-European homelands and migrations | 982 |