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4001 | The article discusses the current concept of the assessment of pedagogical staff in Russian Federation. According to this approach the significant component of the assessment system is to provide information about possible areas of professional development of teachers’ professional activity and their competence. The proposed approach is a model of teacher professional competency that include core competencies, that were allocated on the basis of a research about teacher’s professional activity in accordance with the professional standard of teacher. Key competencies of a teacher are a set of personal qualities that are demonstrated in the behavior and ensure the effective implementation of his professional activities. The article presents approbation results of the “360 degrees” method of survey in assessing the professional activities of teachers. Method of survey “360 degrees” allows to assess the level of teacher’s competences representation on the basis of the attitudes of all participants of educational activities (students, parents of students, colleagues, representatives of administration and teachers) to the manifestations of professional competence in practice. The application of the assessment approach presented in the article is possible not only by the external experts, but also by educational organizations for the purpose of assessment of teacher’s professional activity. Keywords: assessment of professional activity of a teacher, model of professional competences of a teacher, method of survey “360 degrees”, profile of professional development, quality of education | 968 | |||||
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4004 | In the paper comparative analysis of forms of the state interfering into economy under the position of the basic economic theories of the 20" Century is presented. A special attention is given to the theory of institutional state regulation. | 967 | |||||
4005 | The article analyses volume, country, branch and regional structures of direct foreign investments into the economy of Russia. It suggests working out the strategy of attracting the investments into the produc¬tion sector of economy, which excludes discrimination of foreign companies. | 967 | |||||
4006 | The article deals with one of the most vexed problems in modern Germanic studies – the problem of the Konjunktiv of indirect speech. The attention is focused on the status of the Konjunktive of indirect speech and the peculiarities of its functioning in the system of the morphological and the syntactic category of speech type of Modern German. | 967 | |||||
4007 | Photosynthesising surface extension tendency is characteristic for the most of plants that determinates high rate of growth and space expansion. Such plants can be called «occupants», and their life forms considered as «open». At extreme environment conditions (deserts, high-mountains, polar biomes), not space occupation but homeostasis maintenance by the surface area restriction due to spherical, compact life forms development, became the priority strategy (cushion plants, cactuses, etc.). These plants are «limiters», and their life forms are «closed» | 967 | |||||
4008 | . Keywords: . | 967 | |||||
4009 | The article covers the problems of specialized education organization in the rural school as the main condition of availability and quality of education. Specialized education regards to be a means of differentiation and individuation of education that allows respecting the interests, tends and abilities of students Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, availability of education. Sannikova I. G. | 967 | |||||
4010 | The article discusses the definition of cognitive and communicative skills, states the importance of cognitive and communicative skills with regard to the competence approach, and reviews the didactic value of popular songs in English for developing students’ abilities of cognition and communication in the process of language learning. Keywords: cognitive and communication skills, competence, popular songs in English. | 967 | |||||
4011 | In this work we investigate the structure of the effective action for a simplest model of the higher spin fields, free massless spin-3 field theory in anti-de Sitter space. We calculate the divergence of the effective action in the one-loop approximation, which in 4-dimensional space can be reduced to finding De Witt’s coefficients. Keywords: quantization, effective action, one-loop approximation, higher spins, De Witt’s coefficients | 967 | |||||
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4013 | The article analyses the experience of teaching workshops as a form of implementation of the master’s education program. Keywords: online community, graduate, teacher training workshops | 967 | |||||
4014 | The paper presents characteristics of the network model of organization of additional vocational training, the network of community, whose main objective is to organize professional development of teachers to the educational activity. Keywords: educational activities, online community, organization of additional vocational education | 967 | |||||
4015 | In the article there are determined basic results of the independent research activity of a teacher. There are scientific, theoretical and practical results and the professional (personal) results of pedagogical researchers. The author refines the content of these categories and carried out their ranking in the context of praxeology. Keywords: research activity, scientific result, theoretical result, practical result, professional result | 967 | |||||
4016 | In the article there are analysed two allied cultures of the II millennium B. C. The attention is paid to the qualities of “the action” and “the statics” in the ornamental design of these cultures. These qualities determined the measure of the similarity and of the distinction between researching archaeological cultures. The basic method in this research is the method of symmetrometria. Keywords: Alakul culture, Fyodorovo culture, ornamental design, “the action”, “the statics”, symmetrometria, chronology, territory | 967 | |||||
4017 | The paper shows that the formation of bioethical culture, the emergence of bioethics, its evolution from practice to theory can be viewed as a mechanism for the implementation of the principle of humanistic paradigm of expertise in the practice-oriented humanism. Keywords: bioethics, bioethical culture, practice-oriented humanism, humanist examination | 967 | |||||
4018 | The work is devoted to the study of the concept “Leisure” which has an important value in the culture of any linguistic community. One of the leisure aspects which has become widely spread in many countries of the world in recent times including America and Russia is considered. Keywords: concept, leisure, free time, shop, shopping | 967 | |||||
4019 | The article presents the author's view of the goal as an important factor of the higher education quality, which reflects the tendencies of development of educational needs of the individual, society and state. The goal defines the development strategy of educational institutions in the future years, as well as it is directed on achievement of personal, meta-subject and object education results. Keywords: quality of education, goal, educational needs, professional activity, characteristics of the goal | 967 | |||||
4020 | The article examines the process of birth of Shakespeare's tradition in the Russian dramaturgy and its influence on the principles of plotcomposing and genreforming of the Russian tragedy. For the first time, A. P. Sumarokov, the founder of the Russian dramatic art system, appeals to Shakespear and lays the foundation of the tradition to orient the Russian historic drama art to the Shakesperian theatre. Historical substratum of his tragedy “The Pretender Dimitri”, the formation of artistic principles of historicism, structural interpenetration of the genre canons of tragedy and comedy turned out closer not to the traditions of the French classic theater and drama but to the English Shakespearian drama. Keywords: dramaturgy, tragedy, plot, “the epoch of the time of troubles”, Sumarokov, impostor | 967 | |||||
4021 | We consider two types of modifications of Born-Infeld gravity in the Palatini formulation and explore their dynamics in the early universe. One of these families considers f(R) corrections to the Born-Infeld Lagrangian, which can be seen as modifications of the dynamics produced by the quantum effects of matter, while the other consists on different powers of the elementary building block of the Born-Infeld Lagrangian, which we denote by |Ωˆ|. We find that the two types of nonsingular solutions that arise in the original Born-Infeld theory are also present in these extensions, being bouncing solutions a stable and robust branch. Singular solutions with a period of approximate de Sitter inflation are found even in universes dominated by radiation. Keywords: Cosmology, nonsingular universes, modified gravity, Palatini formalism | 967 | |||||
4022 | Despite the lack of qualified designer specialists in the garment industry, many design department graduates can’t find employment in their specialty. The article attempts to identify the causes of these contradictions and assesses the quality of modern design education through the analysis of subjects and professional level of the final qualifying projects of costume design bachelors. The author describes the main projected clothes collections types and peculiarities of the work on such projects. The article presents statistics in percentage of various collection types and identified strengths and weaknesses of the costume designer’s final projects for the last four years. In the end, the author concludes: 1) graduates are incompetent in designing of demanded industrial products due to lack of communication between design education and pilot production with advanced technology and high production organization; 2) it is necessary to develop extended and balanced training hours and study the subject’s educational program; 3) it is important to overcome the constant backlog of the education system from the advanced knowledge and technology, stylistic concepts, new methods and design tools; 4) the system of advanced training and periodic retraining of designer cadres should be created. Keywords: fashion collection, costume design, project, perspective fashion trends | 967 | |||||
4023 | The verbs denoting independent movement on a firm surface in the Taz, central and southern dialects of the Selkup language are considered. In the dialects of the Selkup language the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion is represented by a significant amount of the verbs describing various ways of the movement, its nature, general orientation against the speaker, conditions in which this movement occurs, etc. There is a relatively little number of polysemantic verbs among the verbs of movement in the dialects of the Selkup language and the number of meanings of verbs is insignificant as well. Most Selkup verbs of motion (60 %) are monosemantic, about 60 % of meanings do not repeat, i.e. they are peculiar to one verb of motion. In the Selkup lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion the synonymic relations are poorly developed in comparison with Russian in spite of the fact that among the verbs of motion in the Selkup language the synonymy is more developed than in other lexico-semantic groups of the studied language. The verb qənqo is the central element of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the Taz dialect of the Selkup language. The semantics of this verb does not include the description of conditions in which the movement occurs, its direction, way and mode. The verbs čāǯįgu and kwangu are the central elements of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language. Description of the general direction of the movement (making nearer or farther) and orientation in space is the most essential thing for the Selkup verbs of motion. There are several specifics of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the dialects of the Selkup language: existence of the space-oriented verbs; the verbs denoting movements in space made by means of certain devices / vehicles; almost full incompatibility of the verbs of motion with the abstract nouns and nouns denoting objects, incapable of the independent movement. The movement and the ability to the movement is a marker of animateness, on the basis of this marker representatives of the Selkup ethnos differentiate animated and inanimate, i.e. alive and dead. Everything that moves is animated. Keywords: verbs of motion, verbs of movement, movement direction, the Selkup language | 967 | |||||
4024 | The article is devoted to the description and opportunities of application of training technologies in the process of intercultural foreign-language education and mentoring of students – linguists. The article presents an analysis of the method of intercultural learning, describes the main components of training and specifics of their application in the field of intercultural foreign-language education and mentoring. The method of intercultural training is one of the most effective tools of development of the intercultural competence of students in the western countries, especially in Germany. In some Russian higher education institutes there is a discipline “The theory and practice of intercultural communication” in the plan of study of students-linguists. But in the most of these institutes a goal of this discipline is studying of the basic theoretical postulates of intercultural communication. In the West, particularly in Germany, studying of the intercultural communication’s theory is carried out on an equal basis with capture of practical components of intercultural education and mentoring, providing development of intercultural skills. The practical aspect of intercultural education and mentoring can also be widely adopted in Russia, mainly within educational process of future specialists in the field of linguistics and translation. The method of training is considered as the element of practical intercultural education and mentoring. It allows applying and fulfilling the studied theoretical bases of the discipline “Theory and practice of intercultural communication”. Thereby this method could provide an effective development of intercultural foreign-language skills of students of the linguistic fields of study. Keywords: intercultural training, intercultural education and mentoring, intercultural foreign-language skills, intercultural competence, students-linguists | 967 | |||||
4025 | The article describes a discursive Internet space, reveals communicative, structural, cognitive features of the sites of three sports schools for children and youth. The study draws attention to the leading strategies and tactics of information transmission, means of influence on the addressee, orientation to different age groups. The authors found the following: sites are polytext polycode spaces; their contents represent sport schools as stages in training, sports development of the child, gradual moving to sports teams; the communicative organization of sites is complex, combines the following strategies - information, self-presentation, maintaining contacts with parents, children, coaches, teamworkers; influence through conviction, creation of motivation for sports and training in a particular school, emotion; cognitive compositions of sites do not coincide; the level of institutionality is different. The axiological component of sites includes only the implementation of positive assessment. Cognitive composition of sites is not the same. The concepts of “success”, “sport”, “hockey”, “team”, “friendship”, “opportunities”, “man” are updated in the space of the first site. The cognitive composition of the second site includes the actualized concepts of “achievement”, “pride”, “chosenness”, “modernity”, “uniqueness”, “top”. The concept “team-family” is common for both sites. The type of content, the structure of the interface, the way of communication, the official-business nature of speech interaction, refer the third site to institutional discourse. The concepts of “efficiency”, “professional activity”, “leisure”, “development”, “age requirements” are updated in its content, informational strategies prevail over advertising and influencing. Texts of official-business speech genres are present only in its content. Keywords: discourse, discourse analysis, site, site content, polycode text, polymodal text, concept, communicative strategies | 967 | |||||
4026 | The article deals with the activities of the Imperial Mineralogical Society (IMO) since its inception in 1817 until the separation of the state structure – the Geological Committee in 1882; рeriodization of the stages of the company’s activity is given, experience of cooperation with the state is shown. The main sources of research are the materials of the St. Petersburg branch of the RAS archive, where the IMO foundation was postponed. The prerequisites for the interaction of the scientific society (IMO) and the state structure (Geological Committee) in the field of geological research are considered in the article. Mechanisms of interaction of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee in the field of mineralogy and geology in the last quarter of the 19th century were prepared by the already established model of IMO’s relationship with the state; in the article channels, forms and results of this interaction are analyzed. Financial support by the state of the Imperial Mineralogical Society was based on the personal connections of its leaders, the article points out specific merits in this direction. The article presents quantitative results of various areas of joint research (members of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee). The results of this study make it possible to identify the directions of the IMO and the Geological Committee, understand the prerequisites and mechanisms for productive cooperation, and make proposals for improving the interaction of the state and the scientific community. Keywords: Geology, Imperial Mineralogical Society, mineralogy, science, scientific societies, state, society, management, geological committee, civil society | 967 | |||||
4027 | Introduction. This paper investigates the features of intertextuality and intermediality in the artistic narrative for children. Material and research methods. The material of the study is the works of fiction intended for children, published in Russia from 2003 to 2018. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of realization of the most important cultural categories of intertextuality and intermediality in the texts of children’s artistic narrative. The leading method is the method of narrative analysis. Thematic, structural, definitional and discourse analysis methods were used as auxiliary ones. In the course of the study some conclusions of theoretical importance and practical significance were made. Results and discussion. Modern artistic narrative for children is an important element of artistic culture which is characterized by the phenomena of intertextuality and intermediality. The analysis of the works establishes close ties of the modern Russian narrative for children with Russian and foreign classical and modern fiction and culture in general. The enrichment of works with such relations allows their authors to achieve cultural and historical continuity, give a semantic dimension and educational meanings to the text, include modern linguocultural national and foreign knowledge in it. Intertextual and intermedia techniques allow authors of artistic narrative for children to most fully and accurately reveal the main ideas of their works, describe images of their characters, express the features of perception and understanding of modern children’s world, turn their works into a genuine artistic and pedagogical discourse. The categories of intertextuality and intermediality are expressed mainly through citations, allusions, reminiscences, proverbs and sayings. Conclusion. Thus, the narrative as the main strategy of creating a literary text for children allows to realize its most important linguistic and didactic potential, on the one hand, and its categories of intertextuality and intermediality permit to fully reveal the specifics of children’s consciousness, their perception of the world, value preferences and, ultimately, contribute to the implementation of the basic – educational – function, on the other. The results of the study can be used in the narrative analysis of literary texts. Keywords: modern children’s prose, artistic narrative, intertextuality, intermediality | 967 | |||||
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4029 | The article resumes the usage of ground rent in various payments using natural objects. One proposes to solve the problem of their division in the budget system by emphasizing in environment purely natural resources and assimilative potential of nature: the payment for natural resources must be given to regions, the payment for potential - into federal budget. | 966 | |||||
4030 | The problems of the humanistic component's in¬tensification at the general and professional levels are investigated in the article. The author shows belonging of the deep roots and the problems of the modern so¬ciety to the humanistic sphere. | 966 | |||||
4031 | The article investigates small business development and perspectives in increasing consumer goods market capacity in Tomsk region. The author proposes the mechanism of financially credit and fiscal support of small business in the region. | 966 | |||||
4032 | The method of rank of correlation for modeling the priority of the tasks in economy is considered. | 966 | |||||
4033 | The article touches upon the problem of the Russian litera¬ture individuality, and one of its essential parts - Russian phi¬losophical prose of the first half of the 19th century — in particular. It discloses the peculiarities of the Russian philosophical thinking. | 966 | |||||
4034 | In article given the problem of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of mathematical abilities of pupils in a context of its formation in conditions of in qualification improvement system of professional skills is considered, the tasks of course preparation within the limits of which the teacher creatively realizes the potential and solves problems of professional development are defined. The basic directions and the factors influencing on the condition of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of pupils abilities are analyzed and the structurization of system of readiness elements is offered | 966 | |||||
4035 | In the article «Ship of the Present» and Russian Postmodernism in the XXI century» Yu.V. Babicheva reveals in postmodernist prose by well-known Russian authors of the end of the last decade such as V. Makanin and A. Kabanov attempts to find for a new synthesis that bring them close to writers of the end of 19 and the beginning of 20 century. Keywords: Postmodernism, modernism, conceptual dominants, grotesque, anti-utopia, painful feeling of the end of the century. | 966 | |||||
4036 | Conceptual diagnostics version of socio-cultural systems in the spectrum of variations of the impacts of new technologies is presented. The models of information processes as methodological grounds of diagnosis are discussed. Keywords: the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, nonlinear dynamics, operator, occasion-in-actuality, occasion-in-reality | 966 | |||||
4037 | In article questions of the organization of independent work of the pupils receiving trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation are considered. Considering psycho-physiological features of the given pupils, are offered principles of selection of kinds and contents of independent work at their training to the physics. Keywords: trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation, independent work, kinds of independent work, motivation. | 966 | |||||
4038 | This article presents results of the author in research about elaboration and realization the program by forming competence to solution problems among schoolchildren in the organization process of joint activity of children, children and the teacher. Keywords: teacher’s program, competence to solve problems, forming competence, joint activity | 966 | |||||
4039 | This article is devoted to the study of the period of establishment of ecclesiastical historical science. The general laws and differences of historical compositions (for examples, works by metropolitan Platon (Levshin), metropolitan Eugene (Bolkhovitinov), archimandrite Innokentii (Smirnov), communication with secular historical science and public ideology are revealed. Keywords: ecclesiastical historical science, historiography, the Age of the Enlightenment. | 966 | |||||
4040 | New results referred to the fundamental theory of synchrotron radiation (SR) are to be presented. We thoroughly analyze the relation between the amount of radiation emitted by a scalar particle at the transitions to the rst excited state and to the ground state. Generalizing basic expressions we can follow the evolution of spectral maximum. It turns out there is a condition for radiation maximum to stay at highest harmonic. Keywords: synchrotron radiation; spectral maximum; quantum transitions | 966 | |||||
4041 | The analysis is based upon the archive of the folklore data collected by a linguist A. I. Kuzmina in the 1960s. The database includes 17 texts, which present the folklore stories of Itya widespread among the Selkups. The majority of these narratives with participation of this hero recorded by A. I. Kuzmina are previously unpublished. Their publication will dramatically extend the empirical base for the folklore and ethnohistorical studies. The plot of the stories is common to all Selkup groups. The data of A. I. Kuzmina supplement the folklore plots of the Middle Ob dialectal area (Ivankino, Tibinak, Konerovo). Keywords: selkup, folklore data, stories of Itya, folklore plots and motifs | 966 | |||||
4042 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of levels in adult education. The analysis is aimed at revealing key features, which determine models of adult education, peculiarities of English language courses for adult learners. The author suggests a classification for English language courses as an effective means for acquiring the maximum level in English language learning. Keywords: lifelong education, adult education, system of education, course structure | 966 | |||||
4043 | The abstract discusses the specifics of the design and assessed effectiveness of the competence-based educational program under andragogical practices. The differences between the appliance of competence-based approach in educational practices and human resource management are marked. Possibilities of application of models of competences for the assessment of productivity of the competence-based focused educational program are experimentally shown. Keywords: competence-based approach, competence, the competence-based educational program, andragogical practices, model of competencies | 966 | |||||
4044 | Article is dedicated to the problem of development of music education in Tauride province in late XIX – early XX century. Based on the analysis of archival documents, programs of private institutions the development of the content and form of musical education in private schools in the Tauride province is analyzed. Keywords: music education, private schools, Taurian province | 966 | |||||
4045 | The article considers religious-cult topolexemes of the Selkup language. Cult lexemes as componential parts of toponyms are analyzed. The paper reveals possible reason for making a place sacred. The author researches mythological concepts of the Selkups. The fragment of the linguistic worldview is reconstructed. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, Selkup ethnos, the Selkup language, topolexemes, hydronyms, religious-cult lexis, mythology, worldview | 966 | |||||
4046 | Information development covers all stages of education. There are various ways of using information technologies. Multimedia equipment, training videos, electronic books and notebooks are the primary tools used in distance education that make it interesting and effective. Web conferences, online seminars and webinars belong to the communicative direction of teaching, the relevance of which is confirmed by the growing number of distance education online. In this article the main approaches of online classes organization are considered, a model of the technological platform for webinars is created. As a result, the problem of creating a technological platform for webinars is solved and presented as a web service «Easy-Stream.ru», that makes it easy and affordable to conduct online meetings with any number of users. Keywords: distance education, webinars, macro webinar, open-source software, BigBlueButton, Moment Video Server | 966 | |||||
4047 | The main idea of the article is a statement that mastering the basics of conceptual analysis by high-school students enables them to acquire textual competence. Nowadays, there is no standard definition of the term ‘concept’; there are several methods of conceptual analysis. A concept is something versatile. In various fields of studies, researchers draw special attention to one or another aspect of the concept. The article presents a review of some methods of carrying-out a conceptual analysis of a text and of a word generally accepted both in cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics and in the Russian language teaching methods. The author proposes an improved version of conceptual analysis worked out in accordance with communicative stylistics of the text. This version is adapted to the practical issues of shaping text competences of students at school. This method is illustrated by the example of the concept ‘death’ verbalized in the poem of O. E. Mandelstam. Such kind of work should be given as part of an elective course taking into account that this kind of activity is not included in the curriculum. The course of work is controlled by the teacher because the students need a teacher to explain scientific terms to them, as well as to help them with step-by-step performance of the exercise. It is important to use diverse dictionaries (definition dictionaries, etymological dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, of antonyms and others). The goal at this stage is to find necessary dictionary entries and to analyze them to discover coincidences / distinctions in semantics and actual meaning of the key units that actualize the principal attributes of the concept and are reflected in the vocabulary and in the poem of the poet. Equally important is the final stage of the work which is to generalize and to formulate the author’s own opinion on the content of the concept. The article may be interesting for the students of pedagogical universities and the Russian language teachers. Keywords: concept, method of conceptual analysis, textual competence | 966 | |||||
4048 | The article represents the insufficiently studied up-to-date issue of Diversity Pedagogics, expanding its theoretical essence and its historical–cultural Russian origin. It deals with two main approaches to conception of Diversity Pedagogics in contemporary science. The first approach is considered in a context of a certain assignment for school, composed by society to solve up-to-date related problems. The second one represents a broader view on inclusive education that is beyond of creating essential conditions for teaching children with special needs. In terms of analysis of Diversity Pedagogics genesis in Russian history the two main directions of its evolutional development are emphasized: cultural diversity (differences according cultural, national, religious characteristics) and individual diversity (children in a difficult life situation and children with special needs). The cultural origin of diversity is properly researched, and it leads to conclusion that cultural diversity phenomenon contains its own Russian roots and distinctive characteristics that are traced back in Russian Pedagogics, in its applied and theoretical aspects, arrhythmic circulated in different types of world outlook, reflecting the culture-specific elements, cultural-historical processes and folk orthodox religious traditions in teaching. Keywords: Diversity Pedagogics, inclusive education, tolerance, cultural diversity, Russian education history | 966 | |||||
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4050 | Mikhaleva L. Z. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 28-30 . | 965 |